#QDS zine
quantum-saga · 9 months
Quantum Devil Saga Full Spoilers Zine Goodies, the Tarot Cards
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I think it's time... to reveal the card designs that were part of the zine merch!
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These were drawn and inked traditionally by @undead-cypress
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roaldseth · 3 years
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Since we’ve been given the OK, this is a teaser for the fic I wrote, and its accompanying art, that will be soon featured in the QDS Spoiler’s Zine @quantum-saga! 
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marudyne · 2 years
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Crops + resizes of the drawings I've done for the QDS zine, @quantum-saga ! A fourth entry can be found in the link below- it contains spoilers. The password is the first name of the person that Serph speaks to in epilogue 5. https://privatter.net/i/6652172
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undead-cypress · 2 years
We can post our QDS zine pieces now. So, consider yourself warned. for Spoilers beyond QDS 2 under the Read More. More info about the zine @quantum-saga
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holland-fanart · 2 years
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Flagship entry for the spoiler filled Nisshoku: QDS Anthology Zine (@quantum-saga). This was a long standing idea that has finally been made real thanks to this zine.
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sunsetagain · 6 years
Let's build Byzantine Generals flowcharts?
I'm on a 1-month business trip now so I could barely do anything with my Byzantine Generals comic until April. But I suddenly got a fresh idea: 
how about I open permission for any artists and writers who want to build their own stories based on Byzantine Generals settings? 
Like DBH the game itself, we can choose our own paths, but all these paths were already built by QD, how about we create our own? I've read many friends' comments, replies, DMs, etc, telling their own fantastic paths, which made me feel myself so weak, because I could only put effort in a single story path, but as you can see, Zlatko's house has so much potential which I've never expected before, and I can't claim they belong to me so no one shall put their hands to it. So I decided to open to any recreation based on Byzantine Generals settings.
Before I list the rules I still have something to say. You may think I'm so conceited that I dare let others create fanarts/fanfics for my own fan comic. I'm not. I don't force anyone to do this, you're welcome to join, to quit in midway, to build anything you want based on this setting: 
Connor was captured by Zlatko. 
And I'm only one among you all.
1, We have no rules in building these paths. You can build your own right from the beginning, Connor was captured by Zlatko. What happened before the beginning is also your decision. He can be saved by anyone you want, meet anyone you want, do anything you want him to do, kill Zlatko, rejoin anyone you ship with him, or even die there (you monster! XD). You can also create a branch from any point of my plot, I'm fully open with this.
2, Once you join, your default setting is that you allow others to build their own paths based on yours, and vice versa. Partial resemblance is acceptable, it's just like similar small branches and outcomes in the game. But if you do this, please give credit to those authors whose paths your stories are based on.
3, Always mark your path content at the beginning, the more detailed the better. Like: ships, contains OC/FOC or not, sex/violence warning, character death, bad/happy ending...so readers could avoid those they dislike.
4, Any forms of creations, any languages are welcome. We have google translate to understand your masterpiece! But if you draw a non-English comic, please attach the lines text so readers could copy and paste them in the translator.
5, You can title your story as you wish, but please also tag your creation with "Byzantine Generals", or remove the space to be "byzantinegenerals" if necessary. DM me or @ me, or submit the link of your work to this tumblr site:
to let me know your work. I will try to build an interactive page or zine for all your works in future.
6, all these online actions are free to be viewed, we don't earn money from digital forms of work. But you can sell physical copies of your own part if you want. "Your own part" means completely created by your own from the default beginning: Connor was captured by Zlatko. If your story was branched from other's branch, please don't make profit from it without the other's permission.
7, Once again, it's a game open to anyone who wants to join, but no one should be anonymous! Always give credit to those artists who inspired your paths.
Please let me know if you have any idea about rules to add on.
Actually I'm not sure how many would join in the end, or none. But thanks to all your fantastic comments, I have no regret to open myself to this new world full of interactive probability.
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expectopatronumzine · 5 years
the most important thing is: what are you going to do about zsavasz and how are you moving forward for the contributors and the customers? in addition to the thousand+ customer dollars wasted, thousands of hours of work went down the drain due to mismanagement and lack of transparency. the public not hearing from mod qd is also unsettling. i'm not pointing fingers (yet), but i would be remiss to trust any of you in the organization of future projects. what are you doing to earn back that trust?
I’m in the process of contacting parents and real-life friends of savas. I hope they will be able to help or perhaps even resolve the situation. In the meantime, I’m putting together a PDF for the contributors and customers. Also, I’m considering placing the PDF onto Gumroad and using any profits gained to reimburse the customers. However, this is only a preliminary idea, and I would need to receive additional feedback.
QD does not have a Tumblr, but if you would like to contact her directly you can message @kyuu_don on Twitter or QuyenYeet#4324 on Discord. Furthermore, I can relay any messages to her, or ask her to create a Tumblr and add her as part of this Tumblr so she can post, if this is something people are interested in. In the beginning of the zine’s creation, QD was not very involved due to time constraints, but now she is actively trying to resolve this as well.
If I’m completely honest, I don’t mind if anyone distrusts me at this point; I’m aware of the mismanagement and major errors both the other mods and I have made through this entire process. AFAIK, Savas has modded at least three other zines aside from this one. However, I don’t see myself organizing future projects and I don’t think QD will either, if that makes you feel any better. This is my first experience as a mod, and judging from how disastrous and stressful it turned out to be, I really am not interested in being a mod ever again– so rest assured. Although, I do wish to see this project to its completion and create a final product to the best of my abilities.
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pobopolybius · 3 years
QDS zine is here it is beautiful it is gorgeous I am going to explode
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penthepoet · 3 years
👀 - there's a lot of OC stuff I don't really have the balls to post on main, like about the Geogaddi Syndicate and such. One specific thing that comes to mind is a bunch of Arkn crossover fics I was planning - too worried that putting them out might invite harassment, so I've decided to shelve them.
📥 - getting comments on any of my fics is a plus! i've been quietly hoping somebody comments on A Dinner to Remember and tam lin, rose eater for years now tho
🏅 - I'm really glad that nowadays people are beginning to support my original work! I've had problems with fans in the past, but just seeing some of the stuff people have done to support my original work in the past two years has been really gratifying and wonderful. I'm also working on fandom projects a bit more, like with the QDS Zine and the Darklina Server's Secret Santa!
🍰 - there's a few out there that really comfort me when I'm down but Harveste Addams is one of those fic series I keep coming back to over and over. is it edgy? yes. does it reclaim a problematic canon and transform it with wildly fun crossover elements? absolutely. does it make me feel weirdly giddy to read? 100%. it's so fuckin good
Kingsglaive is another really excellent crossover fic (seeing a pattern yet?) that I adore very much. Caspian/Alina isn't a ship that I would think about often, but this author brings it roaring to life in a lavishly, lushly detailed and poignant way. This fic is an unmitigated joy to read in so many ways.
Generally speaking there's a lot but I don't wanna ramble lmfao
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quantum-saga · 3 years
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Our store is now live! We've set up shop so now physical copies of Nisshoku as well as physical QDS tarot cards can be purchased. Check out the notes to this post for a link to find them! Order now for our stock is limited.
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quantum-saga · 3 years
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Introducing the zine’s contributors! 
These talented artists and writers are whose works you can look forward to seeing in the zine. They have been working hard and making astounding entries. Most contributors can be found on Twitter under the same pseudonym and even here on tumblr!
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quantum-saga · 3 years
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Here’s to highlighting @marudyne. The usage of soft, delicate color variation within the chalky shading leaves the eye more than pleased. They have contributed five iconic pieces to the zine, and everything comes together brilliantly.
Find them on these accounts!
Twitter: @marudyne
Tumblr: @marudyne
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quantum-saga · 3 years
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Lastly, we showcase Roald Seth ( @roaldseth ). The attention to detail is the peak of his style. Though the art draws from realism, it still knows it's a painting, giving it a unique quality. He has contributed three pieces total, two illustrations and a fic.
Find him on these accounts!
Twitter: @Roald_Seth
Tumblr: @roaldseth
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quantum-saga · 3 years
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Here’s to highlighting @tatsudeara. Their fine brush strokes and usage of technique creates the essence and elegance of a classically styled painting. Their piece for the zine is gentle and soothing.
Find them on these accounts!
Twitter: @tatsudeara
Tumblr: @tatsudeara
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quantum-saga · 3 years
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Kicking off our teasers is okeibai (@undead-cypress). Their usage of harsh shapes and vibrant colors makes elements pop, as well as showcasing thought provoking pieces. They are the founder and head mod, and have contributed two stunning pieces to the zine.
Find them on these accounts!
Twitter: @okeibai​
Tumblr: @undead-cypress
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quantum-saga · 3 years
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Today we celebrate with a teaser for Vendi. Their iconic style shines through with the usage of thin lines and fabric folds. It perfectly comes together with the simplistic shading. Their piece for the zine is wonderfully easy going.
Find them on Twitter @Vendi_MM
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