#Pyxis Medical Equipment
Pyxis MedStation ES | Medical Shipment & BD Partnership
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Hey guys it's that time of the month
That's right, the time of the month where I take my dad's credit card and buy you guys whatever you ask for. [ so long as its not illegal.]
As usual:
- The money isn't traceable by my father
- This won't have legal ramifications, it's money he gave to me
- He's an Anti-Mutant Billionare running for a political office or some shit. So every month everyone in the X-mansion, and anyone else who sees this, can place orders from me. I like wasting his money.
- For every dollar I spend, I match it and donate to a Mutant positive charity.
So far:
- Aranza: New paint supplies, an easel, and other tools [ she didn't ask but I'm doing it anyway] and Hedgehog care supplies
- Deanne: New jewellery, medical textbooks, sports equipment, and a new laptop
- Molly: New fairytale books, 150 Jellycats, Club room materials, a megaphone, winter clothes, Halloween decorations, a clipboard, Polaroid camera, and an inflatable hamster ball.
She also requested silly string but I have veto'ed that.
- Megan: new book bag, stationary, sanrio "stuff", wing warmers
- Sativa: Beads, wing warmers, new dresses, accessories
- Reaper- Skateboard and cat toys
- Nod - Office decor, $100 donation
- Pyxis - New mountain bike, New winter coat, $50 donation
- Scott- Wood carving supplies, 50 cases of waterbottles, and top of the line New kitchen utensils.
- Mihai - Ps5, and a new laptop
- Kurt - Repair the trapeze. While I'm at it I'm going to get new equipment for the gymnasium in general.
- Rogue - Cat toys [ according to Google that's the best thing for a gator] and new romance novels.
- Negasonic Teenage Warhead : 2x giant 12 ft tall skeletons, costumes for the skeletons , a giant kuromi plush
- Yukio: several pieces of limitied sanrio merch, giant hello kitty plush.
- Eel: Luxury Yacht + hoverboard wheelchair
- Logan - New motorcycle + a helmet. Get fucked logan.
- Forget-me-not - New baking supplies, and equipment.
Lina- New bass strings, and a donation of 100k [ she didn't ask for this but I decided I wanted to donate extra in her name]
Tagging relevant people [ let me know if you don't want to be tagged]
There's...so many people to tag so I'm going to stop here. If I missed you it wasn't intentional.. - J.🕯
[ no limit on price as long as its reasonable]
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luckyspike · 5 years
Eleventh Hour Admission - A Good Omens fanfiction
Hey guys remember when I talked about writing a hospital AU
i did it but no one is a doctor they’re all nurses
title refers to literally getting an admission during the eleventh hour of your shift, possibly a fate worse than death
CW: hospitals, medical procedures, automobile accidents, the joint commission
this will never be continued (probably) or posted to AO3, so enjoy it
Ari Fell liked it his job. That wasn’t sarcasm. He really, truly liked his job: he liked helping other people, he liked watching the sickest of the sick get well again and, when he couldn’t do that, he liked being there for them, trying to help them peacefully and painlessly move on. He liked meeting the families of his patients, he liked getting to know his patients when they could talk, and he liked that every day was a new day, something different and unknown and rife with opportunity to learn something new, or to help someone.
He liked his job, but he didn’t like 6am admissions.
Which, he had a feeling, was precisely why his ASCOM phone was going off at 5:55am. The caller ID informed him that it was Gabriel, the charge for tonight. He winced and the other nurse working the east pod with him tonight, Tracy, nodded sympathetically. He picked up the phone, and answered the call.
“Ari!” Yes. Yes, that was Gabriel. By the sound of it, he was in the cafeteria, likely having coffee with the other charges during their morning “bed meeting”. Ari had long since suspected that “bed meeting” was an excuse to get coffee and kvetch for the last hour of their shift, but he’d never really had the opportunity to find out, after he’d refused the offered charge position last year. 
“Gabe.” He stared gloomily at the empty room before him. It had been empty all night, after he’d packed the last patient off to IMC to make room for a possible admit. He had known it was too good to be true, known with a sort of icy certainty that a quiet night would never last, and soon enough there would be some kind of admit rolling up. He’d hoped it wouldn’t be an hour before shift change but, well … 
Maybe it would be an intubated pneumonia. Sedated, even. That would be nice.
“Got an ED trainwreck coming up. You heard them call that level 1 trauma, yeah?”
His heart dropped into his stomach, which dropped all the way to his Danskos. “Yes.”
“MVA, lady was flying and ran off the road into the orchard. Hit like three of the apple trees, Bee told me. Anyway, she’s a hot mess. I told them they could call report and bring her up any time.”
“I’ll need to stock the room -” 
Gabriel ignored him. “I’d love to help get her settled but we’re gonna be in bed meeting until 6:30 and then I have to do the board for day shift, but I’m sure you and Tracy’ll have it in hand. Holler if you need anything!” The line went dead.
“What do you need?” Tracy asked, already half out of the pod, aimed toward the supply room. The supply room, Ari knew, where the housekeeper usually hung around this time of the morning, surreptitiously drinking instant-brew coffee behind the Pyxis. 
Ari sighed. “A whole set-up. I don’t have report yet, but it’s a trauma. Probably need suction and the whole nine yards.” The ASCOM chirped again. “That’ll be report.”
“I’ll get some culture bottles and extra red tops as well.” He nodded to her as she vanished around the corner, and picked up the phone. “Ari Fell, ICU 4 East.”
“Ari!” He might have groaned. “It’s AJ!”
“Great. You’re calling report, I assume?”
“Well, yeah, but also I was just thinking I’m off for two days after this, and I don’t have any plans after my shift, was thinking about kegs and eggs at the place across the street. Care to join?”
“Somehow,” Ari said with rather more chill to his tone than usual, “I think I’ll be getting off my shift late.”
AJ laughed. “Oh, yeah. I’m bringing up the hot mess express.”
“Oh, boy.” He half-sighed, half-groaned. “I’m ready.”
“Right, patient’s still a Jane Doe but ID in her purse said Eve Smith, 22 years old, just waiting on family to confirm. Chaplain called her parents but no answer yet. Anyway, adult female, unrestrained driver in car-versus-tree MVA, GCS of 3 at the scene, flown here, went into SVT on the way but we’ve got her on amio now at 0.5mg/hr, pan-scan showed a left-sided pneumo -”
He rattled on, Ari jotting down notes as AJ moved through the systems. At least there was that: report from AJ was, usually, good, although he did like to linger on the gory details a little longer than necessary sometimes. If he was going to get a 6am admit, at least he’d have a good report to hand off to the next shift when he inevitably presented them with this hot disaster.
Tracy was back from the supply room, a suspicious damp spot on her scrub top. The navy blue shade hid the color of the spot, but if Ari had to guess, it would be the color of Svanka instant coffee. “Enough?” she asked, holding up two bags of supplies and a handful of lab tubes. He cupped a hand over the phone.
“Two straight poles and an IV pole,” he whispered. “And an EVD hookup for the monitor.”
“Anyway,” AJ was saying, “she’s got a Foley, so you don’t have to worry about that, and, ah … Hm. Multiple lacerations and abrasions spread out all over, but no pressure wounds or anything otherwise. Right. Anything else you need?”
“Ah …” He looked at the report sheet, the notes about infusions and lines and testing left un-done, and shrugged. “You’re coming up with her, right?”
“Oh, yeah. It’ll be a miracle if she doesn’t crump on the way up. I’ll probably be bagging her when we get there.”
He grimaced. “Wonderful. I’ll have RT ready. Otherwise, uh … no, I think I should be alright. Whenever you’re ready, we’ve got the room stocked.”
“Okay.” A little distantly, as if he’d moved away from the receiver somewhat, he heard AJ call, “Hey, you ready Erica? Time to move!” And then, back into the phone. “See you in ten.”
Ari ended the call, placed a quick SOS to respiratory for a vent delivery, and tossed the ASCOM onto the desk. One last chance to check his other patient - a post-op heart cath they’d sent for access site observation overnight before planned discharge in the morning - and then he headed into the empty room, fussing around with the lines and waiting. The vent was there, already pre-programmed with the settings, blue screen glowing in the dark room as it waited. Tracy returned with the required equipment, and rolled a pole across the room, around the end of the bed, toward Ari.
“Complete train wreck.”
She patted his shoulder. “My two are primped and propped and ready for seven. I can help all you like, dear.” She was always nice like that, calling him ‘dear’. He supposed it made sense, given that Tracy was old enough to be his mother, but he had noticed she never used the term for anybody else. He’d never asked her about it, though, mostly because he was sort of afraid that if he pointed it out, she would stop. 
“I think we just wait, now.”
“Fresh meat coming?” The gruff voice of the custodian drew their attention to the doorway. “I’m off duty at 6:30, so if you think I’ll be coming in here to clean up whatever mess you and those hideous interns make -”
“I’m sure your relief will have it well in-hand, Mr. S.” Tracy fluttered her eyelashes, and leaned across the bedside table, the front of her V-neck scrub top gaping open just enough to draw the housekeeper’s eyes. “You know, I was thinking of getting breakfast and coffee at The Pantry across the street after shift … been craving their waffles.” It was a statement, but it hung open like a question. Mr. S blushed a little.
“I … I’m a little hungry myself. Could go for a nice thick pat of scrapple.” He cleared his throat. At the far corner of the ICU, Ari heard the elevator - the direct-from-the-ED elevator - ding open, and the distant sound of alarms suffused through the early-morning bustle of the unit. 
“Think they might have two seats at the breakfast bar?”
“Maybe.” He smiled a little, and then remembered himself and glowered. “If an educated woman’ll deign to eat with me, that is.”
“Mm, I think I might be able to bring myself to slum it this morning.” She waved a hand. “Here she comes, move over, there’s a love.”
And come she did, in a wail of alarms and machines and, Ari was both relieved and exasperated to see, AJ, who had, as long as Ari had known him, struggled with the concept of ‘reserved’. “Heyo, told you so!” AJ was, as promised, bagging the patient, his arm snaked between various lines and tubes, the critically-ill human attached to them almost so covered as to be invisible. “Ari.”
Ari looked at the lines, horrified, and then to AJ. “What happened?”
“Huh? Oh. She came back from radiology like this. Didn’t have time to untangle everything.”
“Nothing’s even labeled!” He waved his hands at the mess. “You’ve got fluids and pressors and is that blood? What’s going where?”
“Ah. All in the subclavian, I’d imagine.” The redhead added, with scathing sarcasm, “Pretty sure I didn’t hook anything up to the EVD. Got a slide board?”
Tracy had, and she and Ari tucked it under the unconscious young woman as AJ and Erica rolled her to the side. “Hang on, let me check her back while she’s there.” There were abrasions, and lacerations, too many to count or list as part of a specific area, and then, between her shoulder blades, was an apple blossom. He plucked it off. “Really, you couldn’t clean that off?”
“Had bigger fish to fry. You done?” AJ raised an eyebrow at him, visible of the rims of his dark-tinted glasses, and Ari nodded. AJ and Erica let the woman down. “On three -” She was light enough, and with four of them they had her slid into the ICU bed in one smooth motion, still piled with a tangled mess of lines and tubes. 
“You really had to bring this mess up,” Ari griped, trying to decide where to start first. His eyes widened. “You left the EVD lying under her pillow!”
“It’s clamped!” AJ replied with an exasperated groan, gratefully flicking on the vent and plugging it into the ET tube.
Erica rolled her eyes. “You done here? I’ve got to get back to the department.”
“Be right behind you,” AJ said, waving the other nurse off. “I’m gonna help whiny here get organized.” He pulled the EVD from under the pillow, carefully threading the buritrol back through the other lines until the tubing lay neatly over the rest of the tangled mess. Carefully, he hung it on the straight pole, leveled it, and opened the clamp. Pink-tinged spinal fluid started to drip out. “Come on, hand me the cable, I’ll even hook it up for you.”
“How charitable,” Ari grumbled, tossing the cable behind the headboard and bouncing it off AJ’s shoulder. “Bastard.”
“Now, boys,” Tracy admonished from the foot of the bed, where she was busying herself with untangling the Foley and the SCDs*. “Let’s not argue.”
[* Are SCDs really that important in a fragile immediately post-trauma patient, you may ask. To which the answer is: only if the Joint Commission is there.]
“Oh, we’re just having a good time.” AJ was tracing the IV tubing containing the fluids down through the sheets. “Alright, so this is going to the peripheral, just untangle this -”
“You know,” Ari said, as he fiddled with the monitor and the arterial line, trying to check for level in spite of the level being, as always, conspicuously absent. “I’m sure you have patients back down in the department. You don’t have to help. I was just giving you a hard time.” He ended up seizing a length of blood pressure cuff tubing and eyeballing the line between the transducer and the phlebostatic axis.
“Well, what if I want to?” He snorted. “My only other patient down there is a kid with a head lac, and he’s on ice until the LET kicks in and we can do staples anyway. Which will be, fortunately, after shift change. He looks like a screamer.” He smirked at Ari, and passed the IV pump with all of the various central line tubing across the bed to him. “Never let it be said I’m not occasionally nice.”
“You’re not.” 
At the foot of the bed, Tracy shook her head, tapping in the vital signs as she did. “Did anyone page the fellow to let them know she’s arrived?”
“Not yet,” they replied, in unison. And then exchanged a look, very briefly, before Ari looked away to busy himself with setting the monitor alarm parameters and AJ became absorbed in scribbling labels for the IV tubing. 
“I’ll do it, then.”
It was quiet for a minute while they worked, but after a time, Ari realized the white sheet atop the woman was clear, the lines were meticulously untangled and laid properly, with messily-written but legible labels. It would have done the Joint Commission proud. 
“Think she still needed cultures,” AJ muttered, grabbing the bottles off of the counter. “Where do you keep the tourniquets up here?”
“Here.” He set to checking orders, with the black-clad invader from the ED pulled the first set of cultures on the first stick. Ari frowned, impressed. “Nice one.”
“Eh, you get good at ‘em when you have to get a line in anything.”
“Seriously,” Ari said, more quietly now, noting that for the most part, all of the ED orders had been cleaned up, taken care of, and signed off before the patient had arrived, “you can go. Really, I’m grateful, but I can handle it and you don’t have to -”
“I know. But this is really selfish for me.” He tore the tip of the index finger off the fresh pair of gloves he’d donned, the better to palpate a vein in the opposite arm, where the splint would allow. “Don’t wanna eat breakfast alone.”
Ari stared at him for a minute. Blinked. “Seriously?”
“Well, yeah,” AJ replied, tone flippant. “I think it counts as alcoholism if you drink alone too much. Have to keep up the facade of being a normal, healthy, functional adult.” He winked at Ari over the rim of his glasses. “You know how it goes, choir-boy.”
“I -” he glanced into the hallway, where Tracy and Mr. S were chatting. Mr. S had clocked out - was it past 6:30 already? And Tracy had her ASCOM in hand, although by the looks of it she hadn’t yet called. If she waited much longer, the fellow wouldn’t arrive with new orders until after shift change. He could have laughed. What an angel. “Yeah. Yeah, I do. You want to get a pitcher?”
Aj laughed, although he was watching intently as the second bottle filled. “You know, I have two days off coming up - what the hell? Let’s do it.”
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shweta2707 · 4 years
Epidural Anesthesia Disposable Devices Market Global Overview 2020 | Forecast till 2027
Epidural anesthesia offers analgesia or reduces pain rather than providing an anesthetic effect. It is offers relief from pain during childbirth by vaginal birth or a cesarean delivery, by injecting a numbing medicine into the spinal nerves to reduce the lower back pain. 
The global Epidural Anesthesia Disposable Devices Market was valued at US$ 1,056.5 million in 2018, and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 9.3% over the forecast period (2019-2027).
Figure 1. Global Epidural Anesthesia Disposable Devices Market Value (US$ Mn), by Region, 2018
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Market Drivers:
Rising adoption of epidural anesthesia in cesarean deliveries to ease pain is expected to propel the market growth over the forecast period. For instance, according to the National Health Service (NHS) Maternity Statistics, October 2018, nearly 100,000 emergency cesarean deliveries were carried out in England, U.K., among these 21% deliveries were undertaken with epidural anesthesia during 2017-2018.  
Increasing focus of key players to enhance their production facility and to expand their geographical footprint to cater to rising demand for safe and efficient pain management during labor and surgeries are expected to drive the market growth during the forecast period. For instance, in July 2019, Sarstedt Inc., started construction of a medical equipment manufacturing plant in the Maryino industrial park in St. Petersburg, Russia. Commercial production of the plant is scheduled to begin in May 2022.
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Increasing product launches by key players is expected to boost growth of the epidural anesthesia disposable devices market over the forecast period. For instance, in December 2017, Becton, Dickinson and Company launched BD Pyxis Anesthesia Station ES platform at American Society of Health-system Pharmacists (ASHP) mid-year meeting held at Orlando, U.S. BD Pyxis offers medication safety and anesthesia workflow efficiency in the operating room. This solution helps to control access to medication, standardizes medication management, and supports regulatory compliance.
Figure 2. Global Epidural Anesthesia Disposable Devices Market Share (%), by Age Group, 2019 and 2027
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Market - Regional Analysis
North America epidural anesthesia disposable devices market is expected to account for the largest market share over the forecast period, owing to rising adoption of epidural anesthesia during labor and product approvals in the region. For instance, according to the Government of Canada statistics, usage of epidural anesthesia increased from 53.2% in 2006 and 2007 to 57.8% in 2015 and 2016 in Canada.
Moreover, in May 2019, Flat Medical, a medical technology company specialized in clinical safety solutions, received the U.S. FDA clearance for EpiFaith syringe to deliver safe epidural anesthesia to patients. This syringe is designed to prevent accidental dural puncture.
Moreover, Europe is expected to account for significant market share in the global epidural anesthesia disposable devices market over the forecast period, owing to increasing demand for epidural anesthesia for pain management and rising product approvals in the region. For instance, in 2018, according to the World Health Organization, epidural anesthesia was recommended for healthy pregnant women requesting pain relief during labor in Europe.
Key Players
Major players operating in the global Epidural Anesthesia Disposable Devices Market include B. Braun Melsungen AG, Becton, Dickinson and Company, Teleflex Incorporated, Smiths Medical, Sarstedt, Inc., Epimed, Egemen International, SFM Medical Devices, VOGT Medical, Vygon, and Flat Medical.
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Coherent Market Insights is a global market intelligence and consulting organization focused on assisting our plethora of clients achieve transformational growth by helping them make critical business decisions.
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kirangaikwad-world · 5 years
Automated Dispensing Machines Market Outlooks 2019: Market Size, Shares, Growth rate, Price and Industry Analysis to 2026
Automated Dispensing Machine Market Overview:
The investigative study performed by Reports and Data on the global Automated Dispensing Machine market profiles and assesses companies on both regional and global levels, industry-wide product offerings, vendors, distributors, and major geographies for the forecast period. The report undertakes an in-depth inspection of the historical and contemporary market trends to predict which trends will be prevalent in the forecast period, along with the growth rate, drivers, restraints, market value, production capacity, rate of consumption, and the latest technological advancements. The report gives a comprehensive study to help vendors, stakeholders, and investors to give them a bird's-eye view of the entire Automated Dispensing Machine industry.
If you are a Automated Dispensing Machine vendor than this article will help you understand the Sales Volume with Impacting Trends. This report comes with amazing customization options, to buy now contact us here: https://www.reportsanddata.com/checkout-form/1684
The automotive industry extends to the operations associated with the manufacturing of vehicles, which includes parts such as engines and bodies, excluding fuel, tires, and batteries. The vendors in the industry include both Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers or companies operating in the aftermarket. The primary products in the automotive industry are passenger automobiles and light trucks, pick-up trucks, vans, and sport utility vehicles. Commercial vehicles such as delivery trucks and large transport trucks are secondary but account for a sizable market in the overall automotive sector.
Market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer; the top players including: Baxter, Pyxis Corporation, Omnicell, AcuDose, Capsa Solutions LLC, Accu-Chart Healthcare Systems Inc. and Pearson Medical Technologies
The global Automated Dispensing Machine market industry report underlines the substantial aspects and top participants controlling a majority of the global market share. The evaluation includes a value chain analysis, pricing analysis, business strategies, costing structure, production capacity, demand and supply dynamics, and shifting consumer preferences. It offers basic information pertaining to market members, revenue generation, business ventures, contact information, and strategic initiatives.
The automotive sector is ever-changing and undergone massive changes in the past decade alone. The advent of the digital era, shift in consumer preferences, and rising levels of disposable income have played a crucial role in the modernization of the industry. The OEMs and other leading market participants in the sector are trying to capitalize on this industry-wide evolution by investing in non-commercial business activities linked with manufacturing of vehicles.
On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into:
Drug Stores
On the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, including:
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The global automotive sector might face some hurdles in the following couple of years, with OEMs trying to keep with the rapid worldwide electrification of the industry. China witnessing its first decline in vehicle sales in two decades, the US automotive market growing considerably, and the probability of BREXIT and the USMCA deal might potentially disrupt the global market, although the market is expected to be re-established by the year 2026.
As observed in the past few years, trends like declining demand for sedans increasing alternative fuel powertrain, specifically in the form of battery-powered vehicles, and other value added services will continue to control the automotive industry. The following years will see companies gradually shifting towards manufacturing more hybrid and fully-electric vehicles. The emergence of electric vehicles will give rise to the need for easily accessible charging stations, and it might be challenging to build the required number of stations especially in regions due to lack of resources or insufficient infrastructure.
The automotive industry is classified on the basis of the following regions:
North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Critical queries addressed in the report are:
What is the estimated market growth rate for the global Automated Dispensing Machine market in the forecast duration?
What are the promising opportunities and drivers operating in the global Automated Dispensing Machine market?
Who are the key manufacturers/OEMs, both established and new, in the global Automated Dispensing Machine market?
What are the major risks, hurdles, and challenges that companies engaged in the global Automated Dispensing Machine industry might encounter in the forecast years?
Who are the leading vendors, distributors, and suppliers in the global Automated Dispensing Machine market, and what percentage of the global market do they control?
How much are the sales, revenue and volume of top manufacturers in the global Automated Dispensing Machine market expected to increase in the forecast duration?
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In conclusion, the Automated Dispensing Machine Market report is a reliable source for accessing the Market data that will exponentially accelerate your business. The report provides the principal locale, economic scenarios with the item value, benefit, supply, limit, generation, request, Market development rate, and figure and so on. Besides, the report presents a new task SWOT analysis, speculation attainability investigation, and venture return investigation.
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Reports and Data is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics and industries to help clients make smarter business decisions. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across multiple industries including Healthcare, Technology, Chemicals, Power, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure that our clients are aware of the latest trends existent in the market. Reports and Data has a strong base of experienced analysts from varied areas of expertise.
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mrzanko · 6 years
RN - Orthopedics/General Surgery - DH
Job Description: Orthopedics, General Surgery, GYN, Urology, and Neuro (Ortho focus and general surgery Equipment utilized in the unit/dept. (Is there computerized charting, medication systems, etc.) MediTech charting in OR, transitioning from McKesson to Pyxis for medications Required skills and minimum years of experience. 2 years’ experience Specific licensures and certifications/registrat...
Source: http://www.jobisite.com/sj/id/9032474-RN - Orthopedics/General Surgery - DH
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stateofcoloradojobs · 4 years
Registered Nurse – Critical Care Unit – Located in Aspen, CO
Job Summary: The Recovery Room RN (PACU RN) provides professional nursing care in accordance with known/accepted standards of practice and AVH policy. Utilizes the Nursing Process to assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. The PACU RN Works in support of the medical staff treatment plan and makes recommendations for changes to medical treatment plan as appropriate. The PACU RN educates patients and family around the plan of care and disease management. The PACU RN actively supports the nursing philosophy by striving for excellence in patient care, professional development, interpersonal relations, time management, and continuous quality improvement.
The PACU RN will be an active member of the entire department, with the ability to help in roles outside of surgically specific job duties if needed. The RN will work collaboratively with others within the department to ensure an efficient, professional and respectful environment. The RN will work with other departments as well, in regards to patient safety and communication.
RN ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS WEIGHT I NURSING PROCESS AND CLINICAL PRACTICE SKILLS 10% Fully competent in primary nurse role on unit; performs patient and family assessment & problem identification, plans care accordingly, implements and evaluates plan of care so that problems are resolved. Develops a problem based plan of care for every patient with appropriate nursing interventions Records pertinent clinical documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements, professional standards and hospital policy. Prioritizes patient situations and takes appropriate action in an efficient, effective manner Responds to clinical needs of patients in accord with experience, nursing standards, and hospital/nursing policies and procedures. Makes value-added resource decisions for patient care with respect to supplies, equipment, and acuity of care II PATIENT TEACHING 5% Provides individualized patient and family education consistent with patient’s learning style, readiness to learn and self care needs Evaluated the effectiveness of patient learning III CARE COORDINATION 5% Coordinates with all members of the hospital team in order to address patient care, resolve problems, and improve the delivery of multidisciplinary care on a daily basis Applies individual and group problem solving; shares knowledge with others freely, consults openly, and assists others to interpret data Uses verbal and written communication methods effectively Provides input into refinement of nursing care plans developed by others IV PATIENT SAFETY & CONFIDENTIALITY Adheres reliably to all accepted patient safety standards Identifies and promotes new learning around changing patient safety standards of practice Serves in advocacy role; encouraging active involvement of patient and family in their care Follows all security, confidentiality, and privacy policies V PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & INTEGRATION 5% Develops professional goals and diversity of responsibilities within nursing practice; consistent with hospital mission and goals Demonstrates role awareness and seeks individualized/department specific continuing education that improves patient care or professional practice: [insert department specific areas of focused learning] Able to express nursing values around patient/family centered care and assists others to achieve shared understanding Active participant in quality improvement processes Identifies need to seek out additional information when needed and apply relevant findings to nursing practice VI LEADERSHIP 5% Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for own professional decision making Participates and contributes to unit meetings and activities Acts as a relief charge nurse when assigned VII. UNIT SPECIFIC DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES 10% Maintains competency in Peri-operative procedures, equipment and standards of care according to AORN standards and unit specific Policies. Researches and coordinates new-case-specific equipment and procedures. Then communicates that information to the Director, materials staff and other team members as necessary. Learning the functionality and operation of new equipment is the responsibility of the individual nurse. The Nurse will maintain competency and take responsibility for medication administration in accordance with hospital policy. All narcotic discrepancies will be handled in accordance to hospital policy. All nursing documentation and assessment of the patient is to be carried out in accordance to unit specific and hospital policy using ORM electronic documentation. The Nurse will be responsible for working on Policies and Procedures, Preference Cards and other needed projects as assigned by the Director or Charge Nurse for the department when not engaged in cases. The Nurse will responsibly document Charges in both the EMR, as well as when Pulling /Taking supplies for cases through Pyxis. The Nurse will show competency with all equipment, systems or procedures that are performed within the Surgical Services Department. Assistance with any needed functions within the department. This includes, but is not limited to: Housekeeping Functions, Assisting in Sterile Processing/Instrument Cleaning, Materials Management and Room Stocking, and Floating to other Departments within Surgical Services or the Hospital if needed. These roles will be assigned by the Charge Nurse or Director as needed. The Nurse will be dressed in AVH Scrubs at the assigned start of the shift, ready to perform their job duties. The RN will communicate clearly with the Charge Nurse, Director and other staff in regards to plans for procedures, patient flow and personal needs. POPULATION SPECIFIC CRITERIA Pass/No Pass Ensures developmentally appropriate care for pediatric, adult and geriatric patient. VII CORE VALUES 50%
Patient Centered:is passionate about patient care, creating positive impressions on a consistent basis and exceeding our patients’ expectations. Exhibits courtesy and sensitivity to the needs of patients and their families, responds with a sense of urgency to patient problems, anticipates patient requirements, responds proactively and places the patient’s safety above all else.
Teamwork:works collaboratively with physicians and other staff and assists whenever possible. He/she openly shares information, provides feedback and participates in appropriate decision making as part of a team of healthcare professionals. Hospital and departmental objectives are placed ahead of individual agendas Respect for Others:actively listens to others, takes other opinions into account, and communicates openly and honestly. He/she demonstrates respect for others by being timely with communications, completion of tasks, and meeting attendance. The employee is respectful of all physicians, colleagues, patients, visitors, and other stakeholders Accountability:takes responsibility for his/her actions, abides by the hospital’s guiding philosophies and policies, and follows through on commitments and physician orders. He/she provides complete and accurate information to the Physician and/or other members of the work team. takes personal pride and ownership in the quality of care and services provided to all internal and external customers Integrity:is truthful, trustworthy, and principled. He/she demonstrates character, conviction, and honest and ethical behavior in all interactions with others. The employee’s word can be trusted. Behavior is consistent with these AVH Core Values
Associate Degree in Nursing
BSN graduate preferred
Experience 2yr preferred
Current Colorado nursing license or temporary permit
Current BLS certification
ACLS within six months of hire
PALS within six months of hire
Ability to concentrate and show attention to detail
Relatively high degree of analytical abilities
Strong interpersonal skills required
Ability to work independently
Ability to read and communicate effectively in English
Spanish preferred
Normal patient care environment with little exposure to excessive noise, dust and temperature
May be exposed to communicable diseases through normal or careless performance of responsibilities
May be exposed to mechanical dangers associated with mechanical devices
May be exposed to stressful situations
On-the-job time is spent in the following physical activities. – Percent of Time– Stand: 40% Walk: 30% Sit: 30% Talk or hear: 99% Use hands to finger, handle or feel: 100% Push or pull: 10% Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl: 10% Reach with hands and arms: 10% Taste or smell: 00%
This job requires that weight be lifted or force be exerted. – Yes/ No – Up to 10 pounds: yes Up to 25 pounds: yes Up to 50 pounds: yes Up to 100 pounds: no More than 100 pounds: no
This job has vision requirements as follows: – Yes/No– Clear close vision: yes Clear distance vision: yes Depth perception: yes Three-dimensional vision; ability to judge Distances and spatial relationships: yes Ability to adjust eye to bring an object into Sharp focus: yes
Specific demands not listed:
Job may have exposure to the following environmental conditions: -Yes/No – Wet, humid conditions (non-weather): no Work near moving mechanical parts: yes Fumes or airborne particles: yes Toxic or caustic chemicals: no Outdoor weather conditions: no Extreme cold (non-weather): no Extreme heat (non-weather): no Risk of electrical shock: yes Work with explosives: no Risk of radiation: yes Vibration: no
Hearing ability required for work environment is: – Yes/No – Ability to hear alarms on equipment: yes Ability to hear patient call: yes Ability to hear instructions clearly: yes
– Hi/Med/Lo – The typical noise level for the work environment is: med
Repetitive Motion Actions – Percent of Time – Repetitive use of foot control: 00% Repetitive use of hands: 50% Grasping – simple/light: 80% Grasping – firm/heavy: 15% Fine dexterity: 50%
The post Registered Nurse - Critical Care Unit - Located in Aspen, CO first appeared on Colorado Jobs Hub.
from Colorado Jobs Hub https://ift.tt/2ZbTUC0 via IFTTT
0 notes
stateofcoloradojobs · 4 years
RN – Post Anesthesia – Located in Aspen, CO
Job Summary: The Recovery Room RN (PACU RN) provides professional nursing care in accordance with known/accepted standards of practice and AVH policy. Utilizes the Nursing Process to assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. The PACU RN Works in support of the medical staff treatment plan and makes recommendations for changes to medical treatment plan as appropriate. The PACU RN educates patients and family around the plan of care and disease management. The PACU RN actively supports the nursing philosophy by striving for excellence in patient care, professional development, interpersonal relations, time management, and continuous quality improvement.
The PACU RN will be an active member of the entire department, with the ability to help in roles outside of surgically specific job duties if needed. The RN will work collaboratively with others within the department to ensure an efficient, professional and respectful environment. The RN will work with other departments as well, in regards to patient safety and communication.
RN ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS WEIGHT I NURSING PROCESS AND CLINICAL PRACTICE SKILLS 10% Fully competent in primary nurse role on unit; performs patient and family assessment & problem identification, plans care accordingly, implements and evaluates plan of care so that problems are resolved. Develops a problem based plan of care for every patient with appropriate nursing interventions Records pertinent clinical documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements, professional standards and hospital policy. Prioritizes patient situations and takes appropriate action in an efficient, effective manner Responds to clinical needs of patients in accord with experience, nursing standards, and hospital/nursing policies and procedures. Makes value-added resource decisions for patient care with respect to supplies, equipment, and acuity of care II PATIENT TEACHING 5% Provides individualized patient and family education consistent with patient’s learning style, readiness to learn and self care needs Evaluated the effectiveness of patient learning III CARE COORDINATION 5% Coordinates with all members of the hospital team in order to address patient care, resolve problems, and improve the delivery of multidisciplinary care on a daily basis Applies individual and group problem solving; shares knowledge with others freely, consults openly, and assists others to interpret data Uses verbal and written communication methods effectively Provides input into refinement of nursing care plans developed by others IV PATIENT SAFETY & CONFIDENTIALITY Adheres reliably to all accepted patient safety standards Identifies and promotes new learning around changing patient safety standards of practice Serves in advocacy role; encouraging active involvement of patient and family in their care Follows all security, confidentiality, and privacy policies V PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & INTEGRATION 5% Develops professional goals and diversity of responsibilities within nursing practice; consistent with hospital mission and goals Demonstrates role awareness and seeks individualized/department specific continuing education that improves patient care or professional practice: [insert department specific areas of focused learning] Able to express nursing values around patient/family centered care and assists others to achieve shared understanding Active participant in quality improvement processes Identifies need to seek out additional information when needed and apply relevant findings to nursing practice VI LEADERSHIP 5% Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for own professional decision making Participates and contributes to unit meetings and activities Acts as a relief charge nurse when assigned VII. UNIT SPECIFIC DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES 10% Maintains competency in Peri-operative procedures, equipment and standards of care according to AORN standards and unit specific Policies. Researches and coordinates new-case-specific equipment and procedures. Then communicates that information to the Director, materials staff and other team members as necessary. Learning the functionality and operation of new equipment is the responsibility of the individual nurse. The Nurse will maintain competency and take responsibility for medication administration in accordance with hospital policy. All narcotic discrepancies will be handled in accordance to hospital policy. All nursing documentation and assessment of the patient is to be carried out in accordance to unit specific and hospital policy using ORM electronic documentation. The Nurse will be responsible for working on Policies and Procedures, Preference Cards and other needed projects as assigned by the Director or Charge Nurse for the department when not engaged in cases. The Nurse will responsibly document Charges in both the EMR, as well as when Pulling /Taking supplies for cases through Pyxis. The Nurse will show competency with all equipment, systems or procedures that are performed within the Surgical Services Department. Assistance with any needed functions within the department. This includes, but is not limited to: Housekeeping Functions, Assisting in Sterile Processing/Instrument Cleaning, Materials Management and Room Stocking, and Floating to other Departments within Surgical Services or the Hospital if needed. These roles will be assigned by the Charge Nurse or Director as needed. The Nurse will be dressed in AVH Scrubs at the assigned start of the shift, ready to perform their job duties. The RN will communicate clearly with the Charge Nurse, Director and other staff in regards to plans for procedures, patient flow and personal needs. POPULATION SPECIFIC CRITERIA Pass/No Pass Ensures developmentally appropriate care for pediatric, adult and geriatric patient. VII CORE VALUES 50%
Patient Centered:is passionate about patient care, creating positive impressions on a consistent basis and exceeding our patients’ expectations. Exhibits courtesy and sensitivity to the needs of patients and their families, responds with a sense of urgency to patient problems, anticipates patient requirements, responds proactively and places the patient’s safety above all else.
Teamwork:works collaboratively with physicians and other staff and assists whenever possible. He/she openly shares information, provides feedback and participates in appropriate decision making as part of a team of healthcare professionals. Hospital and departmental objectives are placed ahead of individual agendas Respect for Others:actively listens to others, takes other opinions into account, and communicates openly and honestly. He/she demonstrates respect for others by being timely with communications, completion of tasks, and meeting attendance. The employee is respectful of all physicians, colleagues, patients, visitors, and other stakeholders Accountability:takes responsibility for his/her actions, abides by the hospital’s guiding philosophies and policies, and follows through on commitments and physician orders. He/she provides complete and accurate information to the Physician and/or other members of the work team. takes personal pride and ownership in the quality of care and services provided to all internal and external customers Integrity:is truthful, trustworthy, and principled. He/she demonstrates character, conviction, and honest and ethical behavior in all interactions with others. The employee’s word can be trusted. Behavior is consistent with these AVH Core Values
Associate Degree in Nursing
BSN graduate preferred
Experience 2yr preferred
Current Colorado nursing license or temporary permit
Current BLS certification
ACLS within six months of hire
PALS within six months of hire
Ability to concentrate and show attention to detail
Relatively high degree of analytical abilities
Strong interpersonal skills required
Ability to work independently
Ability to read and communicate effectively in English
Spanish preferred
Normal patient care environment with little exposure to excessive noise, dust and temperature
May be exposed to communicable diseases through normal or careless performance of responsibilities
May be exposed to mechanical dangers associated with mechanical devices
May be exposed to stressful situations
On-the-job time is spent in the following physical activities. – Percent of Time– Stand: 40% Walk: 30% Sit: 30% Talk or hear: 99% Use hands to finger, handle or feel: 100% Push or pull: 10% Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl: 10% Reach with hands and arms: 10% Taste or smell: 00%
This job requires that weight be lifted or force be exerted. – Yes/ No – Up to 10 pounds: yes Up to 25 pounds: yes Up to 50 pounds: yes Up to 100 pounds: no More than 100 pounds: no
This job has vision requirements as follows: – Yes/No– Clear close vision: yes Clear distance vision: yes Depth perception: yes Three-dimensional vision; ability to judge Distances and spatial relationships: yes Ability to adjust eye to bring an object into Sharp focus: yes
Specific demands not listed:
Job may have exposure to the following environmental conditions: -Yes/No – Wet, humid conditions (non-weather): no Work near moving mechanical parts: yes Fumes or airborne particles: yes Toxic or caustic chemicals: no Outdoor weather conditions: no Extreme cold (non-weather): no Extreme heat (non-weather): no Risk of electrical shock: yes Work with explosives: no Risk of radiation: yes Vibration: no
Hearing ability required for work environment is: – Yes/No – Ability to hear alarms on equipment: yes Ability to hear patient call: yes Ability to hear instructions clearly: yes
– Hi/Med/Lo – The typical noise level for the work environment is: med
Repetitive Motion Actions – Percent of Time – Repetitive use of foot control: 00% Repetitive use of hands: 50% Grasping – simple/light: 80% Grasping – firm/heavy: 15% Fine dexterity: 50%
The post RN - Post Anesthesia - Located in Aspen, CO first appeared on Colorado Jobs Hub.
from Colorado Jobs Hub https://ift.tt/3h1FzhO via IFTTT
0 notes
stateofcoloradojobs · 4 years
Registered Nurse – Located in Aspen, CO
Job Summary: The Recovery Room RN (PACU RN) provides professional nursing care in accordance with known/accepted standards of practice and AVH policy. Utilizes the Nursing Process to assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. The PACU RN Works in support of the medical staff treatment plan and makes recommendations for changes to medical treatment plan as appropriate. The PACU RN educates patients and family around the plan of care and disease management. The PACU RN actively supports the nursing philosophy by striving for excellence in patient care, professional development, interpersonal relations, time management, and continuous quality improvement.
The PACU RN will be an active member of the entire department, with the ability to help in roles outside of surgically specific job duties if needed. The RN will work collaboratively with others within the department to ensure an efficient, professional and respectful environment. The RN will work with other departments as well, in regards to patient safety and communication.
RN ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS WEIGHT I NURSING PROCESS AND CLINICAL PRACTICE SKILLS 10% Fully competent in primary nurse role on unit; performs patient and family assessment & problem identification, plans care accordingly, implements and evaluates plan of care so that problems are resolved. Develops a problem based plan of care for every patient with appropriate nursing interventions Records pertinent clinical documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements, professional standards and hospital policy. Prioritizes patient situations and takes appropriate action in an efficient, effective manner Responds to clinical needs of patients in accord with experience, nursing standards, and hospital/nursing policies and procedures. Makes value-added resource decisions for patient care with respect to supplies, equipment, and acuity of care II PATIENT TEACHING 5% Provides individualized patient and family education consistent with patient’s learning style, readiness to learn and self care needs Evaluated the effectiveness of patient learning III CARE COORDINATION 5% Coordinates with all members of the hospital team in order to address patient care, resolve problems, and improve the delivery of multidisciplinary care on a daily basis Applies individual and group problem solving; shares knowledge with others freely, consults openly, and assists others to interpret data Uses verbal and written communication methods effectively Provides input into refinement of nursing care plans developed by others IV PATIENT SAFETY & CONFIDENTIALITY Adheres reliably to all accepted patient safety standards Identifies and promotes new learning around changing patient safety standards of practice Serves in advocacy role; encouraging active involvement of patient and family in their care Follows all security, confidentiality, and privacy policies V PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & INTEGRATION 5% Develops professional goals and diversity of responsibilities within nursing practice; consistent with hospital mission and goals Demonstrates role awareness and seeks individualized/department specific continuing education that improves patient care or professional practice: [insert department specific areas of focused learning] Able to express nursing values around patient/family centered care and assists others to achieve shared understanding Active participant in quality improvement processes Identifies need to seek out additional information when needed and apply relevant findings to nursing practice VI LEADERSHIP 5% Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for own professional decision making Participates and contributes to unit meetings and activities Acts as a relief charge nurse when assigned VII. UNIT SPECIFIC DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES 10% Maintains competency in Peri-operative procedures, equipment and standards of care according to AORN standards and unit specific Policies. Researches and coordinates new-case-specific equipment and procedures. Then communicates that information to the Director, materials staff and other team members as necessary. Learning the functionality and operation of new equipment is the responsibility of the individual nurse. The Nurse will maintain competency and take responsibility for medication administration in accordance with hospital policy. All narcotic discrepancies will be handled in accordance to hospital policy. All nursing documentation and assessment of the patient is to be carried out in accordance to unit specific and hospital policy using ORM electronic documentation. The Nurse will be responsible for working on Policies and Procedures, Preference Cards and other needed projects as assigned by the Director or Charge Nurse for the department when not engaged in cases. The Nurse will responsibly document Charges in both the EMR, as well as when Pulling /Taking supplies for cases through Pyxis. The Nurse will show competency with all equipment, systems or procedures that are performed within the Surgical Services Department. Assistance with any needed functions within the department. This includes, but is not limited to: Housekeeping Functions, Assisting in Sterile Processing/Instrument Cleaning, Materials Management and Room Stocking, and Floating to other Departments within Surgical Services or the Hospital if needed. These roles will be assigned by the Charge Nurse or Director as needed. The Nurse will be dressed in AVH Scrubs at the assigned start of the shift, ready to perform their job duties. The RN will communicate clearly with the Charge Nurse, Director and other staff in regards to plans for procedures, patient flow and personal needs. POPULATION SPECIFIC CRITERIA Pass/No Pass Ensures developmentally appropriate care for pediatric, adult and geriatric patient. VII CORE VALUES 50%
Patient Centered:is passionate about patient care, creating positive impressions on a consistent basis and exceeding our patients’ expectations. Exhibits courtesy and sensitivity to the needs of patients and their families, responds with a sense of urgency to patient problems, anticipates patient requirements, responds proactively and places the patient’s safety above all else.
Teamwork:works collaboratively with physicians and other staff and assists whenever possible. He/she openly shares information, provides feedback and participates in appropriate decision making as part of a team of healthcare professionals. Hospital and departmental objectives are placed ahead of individual agendas Respect for Others:actively listens to others, takes other opinions into account, and communicates openly and honestly. He/she demonstrates respect for others by being timely with communications, completion of tasks, and meeting attendance. The employee is respectful of all physicians, colleagues, patients, visitors, and other stakeholders Accountability:takes responsibility for his/her actions, abides by the hospital’s guiding philosophies and policies, and follows through on commitments and physician orders. He/she provides complete and accurate information to the Physician and/or other members of the work team. takes personal pride and ownership in the quality of care and services provided to all internal and external customers Integrity:is truthful, trustworthy, and principled. He/she demonstrates character, conviction, and honest and ethical behavior in all interactions with others. The employee’s word can be trusted. Behavior is consistent with these AVH Core Values
Associate Degree in Nursing
BSN graduate preferred
Experience 2yr preferred
Current Colorado nursing license or temporary permit
Current BLS certification
ACLS within six months of hire
PALS within six months of hire
Ability to concentrate and show attention to detail
Relatively high degree of analytical abilities
Strong interpersonal skills required
Ability to work independently
Ability to read and communicate effectively in English
Spanish preferred
Normal patient care environment with little exposure to excessive noise, dust and temperature
May be exposed to communicable diseases through normal or careless performance of responsibilities
May be exposed to mechanical dangers associated with mechanical devices
May be exposed to stressful situations
On-the-job time is spent in the following physical activities. – Percent of Time– Stand: 40% Walk: 30% Sit: 30% Talk or hear: 99% Use hands to finger, handle or feel: 100% Push or pull: 10% Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl: 10% Reach with hands and arms: 10% Taste or smell: 00%
This job requires that weight be lifted or force be exerted. – Yes/ No – Up to 10 pounds: yes Up to 25 pounds: yes Up to 50 pounds: yes Up to 100 pounds: no More than 100 pounds: no
This job has vision requirements as follows: – Yes/No– Clear close vision: yes Clear distance vision: yes Depth perception: yes Three-dimensional vision; ability to judge Distances and spatial relationships: yes Ability to adjust eye to bring an object into Sharp focus: yes
Specific demands not listed:
Job may have exposure to the following environmental conditions: -Yes/No – Wet, humid conditions (non-weather): no Work near moving mechanical parts: yes Fumes or airborne particles: yes Toxic or caustic chemicals: no Outdoor weather conditions: no Extreme cold (non-weather): no Extreme heat (non-weather): no Risk of electrical shock: yes Work with explosives: no Risk of radiation: yes Vibration: no
Hearing ability required for work environment is: – Yes/No – Ability to hear alarms on equipment: yes Ability to hear patient call: yes Ability to hear instructions clearly: yes
– Hi/Med/Lo – The typical noise level for the work environment is: med
Repetitive Motion Actions – Percent of Time – Repetitive use of foot control: 00% Repetitive use of hands: 50% Grasping – simple/light: 80% Grasping – firm/heavy: 15% Fine dexterity: 50%
The post Registered Nurse - Located in Aspen, CO first appeared on Colorado Jobs Hub.
from Colorado Jobs Hub https://ift.tt/3lUsM4a via IFTTT
0 notes
stateofcoloradojobs · 4 years
RN – Post Anesthesia – Located in Aspen, CO
Job Summary: The Recovery Room RN (PACU RN) provides professional nursing care in accordance with known/accepted standards of practice and AVH policy. Utilizes the Nursing Process to assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. The PACU RN Works in support of the medical staff treatment plan and makes recommendations for changes to medical treatment plan as appropriate. The PACU RN educates patients and family around the plan of care and disease management. The PACU RN actively supports the nursing philosophy by striving for excellence in patient care, professional development, interpersonal relations, time management, and continuous quality improvement.
The PACU RN will be an active member of the entire department, with the ability to help in roles outside of surgically specific job duties if needed. The RN will work collaboratively with others within the department to ensure an efficient, professional and respectful environment. The RN will work with other departments as well, in regards to patient safety and communication.
RN ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS WEIGHT I NURSING PROCESS AND CLINICAL PRACTICE SKILLS 10% Fully competent in primary nurse role on unit; performs patient and family assessment & problem identification, plans care accordingly, implements and evaluates plan of care so that problems are resolved. Develops a problem based plan of care for every patient with appropriate nursing interventions Records pertinent clinical documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements, professional standards and hospital policy. Prioritizes patient situations and takes appropriate action in an efficient, effective manner Responds to clinical needs of patients in accord with experience, nursing standards, and hospital/nursing policies and procedures. Makes value-added resource decisions for patient care with respect to supplies, equipment, and acuity of care II PATIENT TEACHING 5% Provides individualized patient and family education consistent with patient’s learning style, readiness to learn and self care needs Evaluated the effectiveness of patient learning III CARE COORDINATION 5% Coordinates with all members of the hospital team in order to address patient care, resolve problems, and improve the delivery of multidisciplinary care on a daily basis Applies individual and group problem solving; shares knowledge with others freely, consults openly, and assists others to interpret data Uses verbal and written communication methods effectively Provides input into refinement of nursing care plans developed by others IV PATIENT SAFETY & CONFIDENTIALITY Adheres reliably to all accepted patient safety standards Identifies and promotes new learning around changing patient safety standards of practice Serves in advocacy role; encouraging active involvement of patient and family in their care Follows all security, confidentiality, and privacy policies V PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & INTEGRATION 5% Develops professional goals and diversity of responsibilities within nursing practice; consistent with hospital mission and goals Demonstrates role awareness and seeks individualized/department specific continuing education that improves patient care or professional practice: [insert department specific areas of focused learning] Able to express nursing values around patient/family centered care and assists others to achieve shared understanding Active participant in quality improvement processes Identifies need to seek out additional information when needed and apply relevant findings to nursing practice VI LEADERSHIP 5% Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for own professional decision making Participates and contributes to unit meetings and activities Acts as a relief charge nurse when assigned VII. UNIT SPECIFIC DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES 10% Maintains competency in Peri-operative procedures, equipment and standards of care according to AORN standards and unit specific Policies. Researches and coordinates new-case-specific equipment and procedures. Then communicates that information to the Director, materials staff and other team members as necessary. Learning the functionality and operation of new equipment is the responsibility of the individual nurse. The Nurse will maintain competency and take responsibility for medication administration in accordance with hospital policy. All narcotic discrepancies will be handled in accordance to hospital policy. All nursing documentation and assessment of the patient is to be carried out in accordance to unit specific and hospital policy using ORM electronic documentation. The Nurse will be responsible for working on Policies and Procedures, Preference Cards and other needed projects as assigned by the Director or Charge Nurse for the department when not engaged in cases. The Nurse will responsibly document Charges in both the EMR, as well as when Pulling /Taking supplies for cases through Pyxis. The Nurse will show competency with all equipment, systems or procedures that are performed within the Surgical Services Department. Assistance with any needed functions within the department. This includes, but is not limited to: Housekeeping Functions, Assisting in Sterile Processing/Instrument Cleaning, Materials Management and Room Stocking, and Floating to other Departments within Surgical Services or the Hospital if needed. These roles will be assigned by the Charge Nurse or Director as needed. The Nurse will be dressed in AVH Scrubs at the assigned start of the shift, ready to perform their job duties. The RN will communicate clearly with the Charge Nurse, Director and other staff in regards to plans for procedures, patient flow and personal needs. POPULATION SPECIFIC CRITERIA Pass/No Pass Ensures developmentally appropriate care for pediatric, adult and geriatric patient. VII CORE VALUES 50%
Patient Centered:is passionate about patient care, creating positive impressions on a consistent basis and exceeding our patients’ expectations. Exhibits courtesy and sensitivity to the needs of patients and their families, responds with a sense of urgency to patient problems, anticipates patient requirements, responds proactively and places the patient’s safety above all else.
Teamwork:works collaboratively with physicians and other staff and assists whenever possible. He/she openly shares information, provides feedback and participates in appropriate decision making as part of a team of healthcare professionals. Hospital and departmental objectives are placed ahead of individual agendas Respect for Others:actively listens to others, takes other opinions into account, and communicates openly and honestly. He/she demonstrates respect for others by being timely with communications, completion of tasks, and meeting attendance. The employee is respectful of all physicians, colleagues, patients, visitors, and other stakeholders Accountability:takes responsibility for his/her actions, abides by the hospital’s guiding philosophies and policies, and follows through on commitments and physician orders. He/she provides complete and accurate information to the Physician and/or other members of the work team. takes personal pride and ownership in the quality of care and services provided to all internal and external customers Integrity:is truthful, trustworthy, and principled. He/she demonstrates character, conviction, and honest and ethical behavior in all interactions with others. The employee’s word can be trusted. Behavior is consistent with these AVH Core Values
Associate Degree in Nursing
BSN graduate preferred
Experience 2yr preferred
Current Colorado nursing license or temporary permit
Current BLS certification
ACLS within six months of hire
PALS within six months of hire
Ability to concentrate and show attention to detail
Relatively high degree of analytical abilities
Strong interpersonal skills required
Ability to work independently
Ability to read and communicate effectively in English
Spanish preferred
Normal patient care environment with little exposure to excessive noise, dust and temperature
May be exposed to communicable diseases through normal or careless performance of responsibilities
May be exposed to mechanical dangers associated with mechanical devices
May be exposed to stressful situations
On-the-job time is spent in the following physical activities. – Percent of Time– Stand: 40% Walk: 30% Sit: 30% Talk or hear: 99% Use hands to finger, handle or feel: 100% Push or pull: 10% Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl: 10% Reach with hands and arms: 10% Taste or smell: 00%
This job requires that weight be lifted or force be exerted. – Yes/ No – Up to 10 pounds: yes Up to 25 pounds: yes Up to 50 pounds: yes Up to 100 pounds: no More than 100 pounds: no
This job has vision requirements as follows: – Yes/No– Clear close vision: yes Clear distance vision: yes Depth perception: yes Three-dimensional vision; ability to judge Distances and spatial relationships: yes Ability to adjust eye to bring an object into Sharp focus: yes
Specific demands not listed:
Job may have exposure to the following environmental conditions: -Yes/No – Wet, humid conditions (non-weather): no Work near moving mechanical parts: yes Fumes or airborne particles: yes Toxic or caustic chemicals: no Outdoor weather conditions: no Extreme cold (non-weather): no Extreme heat (non-weather): no Risk of electrical shock: yes Work with explosives: no Risk of radiation: yes Vibration: no
Hearing ability required for work environment is: – Yes/No – Ability to hear alarms on equipment: yes Ability to hear patient call: yes Ability to hear instructions clearly: yes
– Hi/Med/Lo – The typical noise level for the work environment is: med
Repetitive Motion Actions – Percent of Time – Repetitive use of foot control: 00% Repetitive use of hands: 50% Grasping – simple/light: 80% Grasping – firm/heavy: 15% Fine dexterity: 50%
The post RN - Post Anesthesia - Located in Aspen, CO first appeared on Colorado Jobs Hub.
from Colorado Jobs Hub https://ift.tt/320kY9h via IFTTT
0 notes
stateofcoloradojobs · 4 years
RN – Critical Care Unit – Located in Aspen, CO
Job Summary: The Recovery Room RN (PACU RN) provides professional nursing care in accordance with known/accepted standards of practice and AVH policy. Utilizes the Nursing Process to assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. The PACU RN Works in support of the medical staff treatment plan and makes recommendations for changes to medical treatment plan as appropriate. The PACU RN educates patients and family around the plan of care and disease management. The PACU RN actively supports the nursing philosophy by striving for excellence in patient care, professional development, interpersonal relations, time management, and continuous quality improvement.
The PACU RN will be an active member of the entire department, with the ability to help in roles outside of surgically specific job duties if needed. The RN will work collaboratively with others within the department to ensure an efficient, professional and respectful environment. The RN will work with other departments as well, in regards to patient safety and communication.
RN ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS WEIGHT I NURSING PROCESS AND CLINICAL PRACTICE SKILLS 10% Fully competent in primary nurse role on unit; performs patient and family assessment & problem identification, plans care accordingly, implements and evaluates plan of care so that problems are resolved. Develops a problem based plan of care for every patient with appropriate nursing interventions Records pertinent clinical documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements, professional standards and hospital policy. Prioritizes patient situations and takes appropriate action in an efficient, effective manner Responds to clinical needs of patients in accord with experience, nursing standards, and hospital/nursing policies and procedures. Makes value-added resource decisions for patient care with respect to supplies, equipment, and acuity of care II PATIENT TEACHING 5% Provides individualized patient and family education consistent with patient’s learning style, readiness to learn and self care needs Evaluated the effectiveness of patient learning III CARE COORDINATION 5% Coordinates with all members of the hospital team in order to address patient care, resolve problems, and improve the delivery of multidisciplinary care on a daily basis Applies individual and group problem solving; shares knowledge with others freely, consults openly, and assists others to interpret data Uses verbal and written communication methods effectively Provides input into refinement of nursing care plans developed by others IV PATIENT SAFETY & CONFIDENTIALITY Adheres reliably to all accepted patient safety standards Identifies and promotes new learning around changing patient safety standards of practice Serves in advocacy role; encouraging active involvement of patient and family in their care Follows all security, confidentiality, and privacy policies V PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & INTEGRATION 5% Develops professional goals and diversity of responsibilities within nursing practice; consistent with hospital mission and goals Demonstrates role awareness and seeks individualized/department specific continuing education that improves patient care or professional practice: [insert department specific areas of focused learning] Able to express nursing values around patient/family centered care and assists others to achieve shared understanding Active participant in quality improvement processes Identifies need to seek out additional information when needed and apply relevant findings to nursing practice VI LEADERSHIP 5% Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for own professional decision making Participates and contributes to unit meetings and activities Acts as a relief charge nurse when assigned VII. UNIT SPECIFIC DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES 10% Maintains competency in Peri-operative procedures, equipment and standards of care according to AORN standards and unit specific Policies. Researches and coordinates new-case-specific equipment and procedures. Then communicates that information to the Director, materials staff and other team members as necessary. Learning the functionality and operation of new equipment is the responsibility of the individual nurse. The Nurse will maintain competency and take responsibility for medication administration in accordance with hospital policy. All narcotic discrepancies will be handled in accordance to hospital policy. All nursing documentation and assessment of the patient is to be carried out in accordance to unit specific and hospital policy using ORM electronic documentation. The Nurse will be responsible for working on Policies and Procedures, Preference Cards and other needed projects as assigned by the Director or Charge Nurse for the department when not engaged in cases. The Nurse will responsibly document Charges in both the EMR, as well as when Pulling /Taking supplies for cases through Pyxis. The Nurse will show competency with all equipment, systems or procedures that are performed within the Surgical Services Department. Assistance with any needed functions within the department. This includes, but is not limited to: Housekeeping Functions, Assisting in Sterile Processing/Instrument Cleaning, Materials Management and Room Stocking, and Floating to other Departments within Surgical Services or the Hospital if needed. These roles will be assigned by the Charge Nurse or Director as needed. The Nurse will be dressed in AVH Scrubs at the assigned start of the shift, ready to perform their job duties. The RN will communicate clearly with the Charge Nurse, Director and other staff in regards to plans for procedures, patient flow and personal needs. POPULATION SPECIFIC CRITERIA Pass/No Pass Ensures developmentally appropriate care for pediatric, adult and geriatric patient. VII CORE VALUES 50%
Patient Centered:is passionate about patient care, creating positive impressions on a consistent basis and exceeding our patients’ expectations. Exhibits courtesy and sensitivity to the needs of patients and their families, responds with a sense of urgency to patient problems, anticipates patient requirements, responds proactively and places the patient’s safety above all else.
Teamwork:works collaboratively with physicians and other staff and assists whenever possible. He/she openly shares information, provides feedback and participates in appropriate decision making as part of a team of healthcare professionals. Hospital and departmental objectives are placed ahead of individual agendas Respect for Others:actively listens to others, takes other opinions into account, and communicates openly and honestly. He/she demonstrates respect for others by being timely with communications, completion of tasks, and meeting attendance. The employee is respectful of all physicians, colleagues, patients, visitors, and other stakeholders Accountability:takes responsibility for his/her actions, abides by the hospital’s guiding philosophies and policies, and follows through on commitments and physician orders. He/she provides complete and accurate information to the Physician and/or other members of the work team. takes personal pride and ownership in the quality of care and services provided to all internal and external customers Integrity:is truthful, trustworthy, and principled. He/she demonstrates character, conviction, and honest and ethical behavior in all interactions with others. The employee’s word can be trusted. Behavior is consistent with these AVH Core Values
Associate Degree in Nursing
BSN graduate preferred
Experience 2yr preferred
Current Colorado nursing license or temporary permit
Current BLS certification
ACLS within six months of hire
PALS within six months of hire
Ability to concentrate and show attention to detail
Relatively high degree of analytical abilities
Strong interpersonal skills required
Ability to work independently
Ability to read and communicate effectively in English
Spanish preferred
Normal patient care environment with little exposure to excessive noise, dust and temperature
May be exposed to communicable diseases through normal or careless performance of responsibilities
May be exposed to mechanical dangers associated with mechanical devices
May be exposed to stressful situations
On-the-job time is spent in the following physical activities. – Percent of Time– Stand: 40% Walk: 30% Sit: 30% Talk or hear: 99% Use hands to finger, handle or feel: 100% Push or pull: 10% Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl: 10% Reach with hands and arms: 10% Taste or smell: 00%
This job requires that weight be lifted or force be exerted. – Yes/ No – Up to 10 pounds: yes Up to 25 pounds: yes Up to 50 pounds: yes Up to 100 pounds: no More than 100 pounds: no
This job has vision requirements as follows: – Yes/No– Clear close vision: yes Clear distance vision: yes Depth perception: yes Three-dimensional vision; ability to judge Distances and spatial relationships: yes Ability to adjust eye to bring an object into Sharp focus: yes
Specific demands not listed:
Job may have exposure to the following environmental conditions: -Yes/No – Wet, humid conditions (non-weather): no Work near moving mechanical parts: yes Fumes or airborne particles: yes Toxic or caustic chemicals: no Outdoor weather conditions: no Extreme cold (non-weather): no Extreme heat (non-weather): no Risk of electrical shock: yes Work with explosives: no Risk of radiation: yes Vibration: no
Hearing ability required for work environment is: – Yes/No – Ability to hear alarms on equipment: yes Ability to hear patient call: yes Ability to hear instructions clearly: yes
– Hi/Med/Lo – The typical noise level for the work environment is: med
Repetitive Motion Actions – Percent of Time – Repetitive use of foot control: 00% Repetitive use of hands: 50% Grasping – simple/light: 80% Grasping – firm/heavy: 15% Fine dexterity: 50%
from Colorado Jobs Hub https://ift.tt/2YF8MIS via IFTTT
0 notes
stateofcoloradojobs · 4 years
RN – Post Anesthesia – Located in Aspen, CO
Job Summary: The Recovery Room RN (PACU RN) provides professional nursing care in accordance with known/accepted standards of practice and AVH policy. Utilizes the Nursing Process to assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. The PACU RN Works in support of the medical staff treatment plan and makes recommendations for changes to medical treatment plan as appropriate. The PACU RN educates patients and family around the plan of care and disease management. The PACU RN actively supports the nursing philosophy by striving for excellence in patient care, professional development, interpersonal relations, time management, and continuous quality improvement.
The PACU RN will be an active member of the entire department, with the ability to help in roles outside of surgically specific job duties if needed. The RN will work collaboratively with others within the department to ensure an efficient, professional and respectful environment. The RN will work with other departments as well, in regards to patient safety and communication.
RN ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS WEIGHT I NURSING PROCESS AND CLINICAL PRACTICE SKILLS 10% Fully competent in primary nurse role on unit; performs patient and family assessment & problem identification, plans care accordingly, implements and evaluates plan of care so that problems are resolved. Develops a problem based plan of care for every patient with appropriate nursing interventions Records pertinent clinical documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements, professional standards and hospital policy. Prioritizes patient situations and takes appropriate action in an efficient, effective manner Responds to clinical needs of patients in accord with experience, nursing standards, and hospital/nursing policies and procedures. Makes value-added resource decisions for patient care with respect to supplies, equipment, and acuity of care II PATIENT TEACHING 5% Provides individualized patient and family education consistent with patient’s learning style, readiness to learn and self care needs Evaluated the effectiveness of patient learning III CARE COORDINATION 5% Coordinates with all members of the hospital team in order to address patient care, resolve problems, and improve the delivery of multidisciplinary care on a daily basis Applies individual and group problem solving; shares knowledge with others freely, consults openly, and assists others to interpret data Uses verbal and written communication methods effectively Provides input into refinement of nursing care plans developed by others IV PATIENT SAFETY & CONFIDENTIALITY Adheres reliably to all accepted patient safety standards Identifies and promotes new learning around changing patient safety standards of practice Serves in advocacy role; encouraging active involvement of patient and family in their care Follows all security, confidentiality, and privacy policies V PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & INTEGRATION 5% Develops professional goals and diversity of responsibilities within nursing practice; consistent with hospital mission and goals Demonstrates role awareness and seeks individualized/department specific continuing education that improves patient care or professional practice: [insert department specific areas of focused learning] Able to express nursing values around patient/family centered care and assists others to achieve shared understanding Active participant in quality improvement processes Identifies need to seek out additional information when needed and apply relevant findings to nursing practice VI LEADERSHIP 5% Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for own professional decision making Participates and contributes to unit meetings and activities Acts as a relief charge nurse when assigned VII. UNIT SPECIFIC DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES 10% Maintains competency in Peri-operative procedures, equipment and standards of care according to AORN standards and unit specific Policies. Researches and coordinates new-case-specific equipment and procedures. Then communicates that information to the Director, materials staff and other team members as necessary. Learning the functionality and operation of new equipment is the responsibility of the individual nurse. The Nurse will maintain competency and take responsibility for medication administration in accordance with hospital policy. All narcotic discrepancies will be handled in accordance to hospital policy. All nursing documentation and assessment of the patient is to be carried out in accordance to unit specific and hospital policy using ORM electronic documentation. The Nurse will be responsible for working on Policies and Procedures, Preference Cards and other needed projects as assigned by the Director or Charge Nurse for the department when not engaged in cases. The Nurse will responsibly document Charges in both the EMR, as well as when Pulling /Taking supplies for cases through Pyxis. The Nurse will show competency with all equipment, systems or procedures that are performed within the Surgical Services Department. Assistance with any needed functions within the department. This includes, but is not limited to: Housekeeping Functions, Assisting in Sterile Processing/Instrument Cleaning, Materials Management and Room Stocking, and Floating to other Departments within Surgical Services or the Hospital if needed. These roles will be assigned by the Charge Nurse or Director as needed. The Nurse will be dressed in AVH Scrubs at the assigned start of the shift, ready to perform their job duties. The RN will communicate clearly with the Charge Nurse, Director and other staff in regards to plans for procedures, patient flow and personal needs. POPULATION SPECIFIC CRITERIA Pass/No Pass Ensures developmentally appropriate care for pediatric, adult and geriatric patient. VII CORE VALUES 50%
Patient Centered:is passionate about patient care, creating positive impressions on a consistent basis and exceeding our patients’ expectations. Exhibits courtesy and sensitivity to the needs of patients and their families, responds with a sense of urgency to patient problems, anticipates patient requirements, responds proactively and places the patient’s safety above all else.
Teamwork:works collaboratively with physicians and other staff and assists whenever possible. He/she openly shares information, provides feedback and participates in appropriate decision making as part of a team of healthcare professionals. Hospital and departmental objectives are placed ahead of individual agendas Respect for Others:actively listens to others, takes other opinions into account, and communicates openly and honestly. He/she demonstrates respect for others by being timely with communications, completion of tasks, and meeting attendance. The employee is respectful of all physicians, colleagues, patients, visitors, and other stakeholders Accountability:takes responsibility for his/her actions, abides by the hospital’s guiding philosophies and policies, and follows through on commitments and physician orders. He/she provides complete and accurate information to the Physician and/or other members of the work team. takes personal pride and ownership in the quality of care and services provided to all internal and external customers Integrity:is truthful, trustworthy, and principled. He/she demonstrates character, conviction, and honest and ethical behavior in all interactions with others. The employee’s word can be trusted. Behavior is consistent with these AVH Core Values
Associate Degree in Nursing
BSN graduate preferred
Experience 2yr preferred
Current Colorado nursing license or temporary permit
Current BLS certification
ACLS within six months of hire
PALS within six months of hire
Ability to concentrate and show attention to detail
Relatively high degree of analytical abilities
Strong interpersonal skills required
Ability to work independently
Ability to read and communicate effectively in English
Spanish preferred
Normal patient care environment with little exposure to excessive noise, dust and temperature
May be exposed to communicable diseases through normal or careless performance of responsibilities
May be exposed to mechanical dangers associated with mechanical devices
May be exposed to stressful situations
On-the-job time is spent in the following physical activities. – Percent of Time– Stand: 40% Walk: 30% Sit: 30% Talk or hear: 99% Use hands to finger, handle or feel: 100% Push or pull: 10% Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl: 10% Reach with hands and arms: 10% Taste or smell: 00%
This job requires that weight be lifted or force be exerted. – Yes/ No – Up to 10 pounds: yes Up to 25 pounds: yes Up to 50 pounds: yes Up to 100 pounds: no More than 100 pounds: no
This job has vision requirements as follows: – Yes/No– Clear close vision: yes Clear distance vision: yes Depth perception: yes Three-dimensional vision; ability to judge Distances and spatial relationships: yes Ability to adjust eye to bring an object into Sharp focus: yes
Specific demands not listed:
Job may have exposure to the following environmental conditions: -Yes/No – Wet, humid conditions (non-weather): no Work near moving mechanical parts: yes Fumes or airborne particles: yes Toxic or caustic chemicals: no Outdoor weather conditions: no Extreme cold (non-weather): no Extreme heat (non-weather): no Risk of electrical shock: yes Work with explosives: no Risk of radiation: yes Vibration: no
Hearing ability required for work environment is: – Yes/No – Ability to hear alarms on equipment: yes Ability to hear patient call: yes Ability to hear instructions clearly: yes
– Hi/Med/Lo – The typical noise level for the work environment is: med
Repetitive Motion Actions – Percent of Time – Repetitive use of foot control: 00% Repetitive use of hands: 50% Grasping – simple/light: 80% Grasping – firm/heavy: 15% Fine dexterity: 50%
from Colorado Jobs Hub https://ift.tt/3b4WvlZ via IFTTT
0 notes
stateofcoloradojobs · 4 years
Registered Nurse – Critical Care Unit – Located in Aspen, CO
Job Summary: The Recovery Room RN (PACU RN) provides professional nursing care in accordance with known/accepted standards of practice and AVH policy. Utilizes the Nursing Process to assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. The PACU RN Works in support of the medical staff treatment plan and makes recommendations for changes to medical treatment plan as appropriate. The PACU RN educates patients and family around the plan of care and disease management. The PACU RN actively supports the nursing philosophy by striving for excellence in patient care, professional development, interpersonal relations, time management, and continuous quality improvement.
The PACU RN will be an active member of the entire department, with the ability to help in roles outside of surgically specific job duties if needed. The RN will work collaboratively with others within the department to ensure an efficient, professional and respectful environment. The RN will work with other departments as well, in regards to patient safety and communication.
RN ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS WEIGHT I NURSING PROCESS AND CLINICAL PRACTICE SKILLS 10% Fully competent in primary nurse role on unit; performs patient and family assessment & problem identification, plans care accordingly, implements and evaluates plan of care so that problems are resolved. Develops a problem based plan of care for every patient with appropriate nursing interventions Records pertinent clinical documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements, professional standards and hospital policy. Prioritizes patient situations and takes appropriate action in an efficient, effective manner Responds to clinical needs of patients in accord with experience, nursing standards, and hospital/nursing policies and procedures. Makes value-added resource decisions for patient care with respect to supplies, equipment, and acuity of care II PATIENT TEACHING 5% Provides individualized patient and family education consistent with patient’s learning style, readiness to learn and self care needs Evaluated the effectiveness of patient learning III CARE COORDINATION 5% Coordinates with all members of the hospital team in order to address patient care, resolve problems, and improve the delivery of multidisciplinary care on a daily basis Applies individual and group problem solving; shares knowledge with others freely, consults openly, and assists others to interpret data Uses verbal and written communication methods effectively Provides input into refinement of nursing care plans developed by others IV PATIENT SAFETY & CONFIDENTIALITY Adheres reliably to all accepted patient safety standards Identifies and promotes new learning around changing patient safety standards of practice Serves in advocacy role; encouraging active involvement of patient and family in their care Follows all security, confidentiality, and privacy policies V PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & INTEGRATION 5% Develops professional goals and diversity of responsibilities within nursing practice; consistent with hospital mission and goals Demonstrates role awareness and seeks individualized/department specific continuing education that improves patient care or professional practice: [insert department specific areas of focused learning] Able to express nursing values around patient/family centered care and assists others to achieve shared understanding Active participant in quality improvement processes Identifies need to seek out additional information when needed and apply relevant findings to nursing practice VI LEADERSHIP 5% Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for own professional decision making Participates and contributes to unit meetings and activities Acts as a relief charge nurse when assigned VII. UNIT SPECIFIC DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES 10% Maintains competency in Peri-operative procedures, equipment and standards of care according to AORN standards and unit specific Policies. Researches and coordinates new-case-specific equipment and procedures. Then communicates that information to the Director, materials staff and other team members as necessary. Learning the functionality and operation of new equipment is the responsibility of the individual nurse. The Nurse will maintain competency and take responsibility for medication administration in accordance with hospital policy. All narcotic discrepancies will be handled in accordance to hospital policy. All nursing documentation and assessment of the patient is to be carried out in accordance to unit specific and hospital policy using ORM electronic documentation. The Nurse will be responsible for working on Policies and Procedures, Preference Cards and other needed projects as assigned by the Director or Charge Nurse for the department when not engaged in cases. The Nurse will responsibly document Charges in both the EMR, as well as when Pulling /Taking supplies for cases through Pyxis. The Nurse will show competency with all equipment, systems or procedures that are performed within the Surgical Services Department. Assistance with any needed functions within the department. This includes, but is not limited to: Housekeeping Functions, Assisting in Sterile Processing/Instrument Cleaning, Materials Management and Room Stocking, and Floating to other Departments within Surgical Services or the Hospital if needed. These roles will be assigned by the Charge Nurse or Director as needed. The Nurse will be dressed in AVH Scrubs at the assigned start of the shift, ready to perform their job duties. The RN will communicate clearly with the Charge Nurse, Director and other staff in regards to plans for procedures, patient flow and personal needs. POPULATION SPECIFIC CRITERIA Pass/No Pass Ensures developmentally appropriate care for pediatric, adult and geriatric patient. VII CORE VALUES 50%
Patient Centered:is passionate about patient care, creating positive impressions on a consistent basis and exceeding our patients’ expectations. Exhibits courtesy and sensitivity to the needs of patients and their families, responds with a sense of urgency to patient problems, anticipates patient requirements, responds proactively and places the patient’s safety above all else.
Teamwork:works collaboratively with physicians and other staff and assists whenever possible. He/she openly shares information, provides feedback and participates in appropriate decision making as part of a team of healthcare professionals. Hospital and departmental objectives are placed ahead of individual agendas Respect for Others:actively listens to others, takes other opinions into account, and communicates openly and honestly. He/she demonstrates respect for others by being timely with communications, completion of tasks, and meeting attendance. The employee is respectful of all physicians, colleagues, patients, visitors, and other stakeholders Accountability:takes responsibility for his/her actions, abides by the hospital’s guiding philosophies and policies, and follows through on commitments and physician orders. He/she provides complete and accurate information to the Physician and/or other members of the work team. takes personal pride and ownership in the quality of care and services provided to all internal and external customers Integrity:is truthful, trustworthy, and principled. He/she demonstrates character, conviction, and honest and ethical behavior in all interactions with others. The employee’s word can be trusted. Behavior is consistent with these AVH Core Values
Associate Degree in Nursing
BSN graduate preferred
Experience 2yr preferred
Current Colorado nursing license or temporary permit
Current BLS certification
ACLS within six months of hire
PALS within six months of hire
Ability to concentrate and show attention to detail
Relatively high degree of analytical abilities
Strong interpersonal skills required
Ability to work independently
Ability to read and communicate effectively in English
Spanish preferred
Normal patient care environment with little exposure to excessive noise, dust and temperature
May be exposed to communicable diseases through normal or careless performance of responsibilities
May be exposed to mechanical dangers associated with mechanical devices
May be exposed to stressful situations
On-the-job time is spent in the following physical activities. – Percent of Time– Stand: 40% Walk: 30% Sit: 30% Talk or hear: 99% Use hands to finger, handle or feel: 100% Push or pull: 10% Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl: 10% Reach with hands and arms: 10% Taste or smell: 00%
This job requires that weight be lifted or force be exerted. – Yes/ No – Up to 10 pounds: yes Up to 25 pounds: yes Up to 50 pounds: yes Up to 100 pounds: no More than 100 pounds: no
This job has vision requirements as follows: – Yes/No– Clear close vision: yes Clear distance vision: yes Depth perception: yes Three-dimensional vision; ability to judge Distances and spatial relationships: yes Ability to adjust eye to bring an object into Sharp focus: yes
Specific demands not listed:
Job may have exposure to the following environmental conditions: -Yes/No – Wet, humid conditions (non-weather): no Work near moving mechanical parts: yes Fumes or airborne particles: yes Toxic or caustic chemicals: no Outdoor weather conditions: no Extreme cold (non-weather): no Extreme heat (non-weather): no Risk of electrical shock: yes Work with explosives: no Risk of radiation: yes Vibration: no
Hearing ability required for work environment is: – Yes/No – Ability to hear alarms on equipment: yes Ability to hear patient call: yes Ability to hear instructions clearly: yes
– Hi/Med/Lo – The typical noise level for the work environment is: med
Repetitive Motion Actions – Percent of Time – Repetitive use of foot control: 00% Repetitive use of hands: 50% Grasping – simple/light: 80% Grasping – firm/heavy: 15% Fine dexterity: 50%
from Colorado Jobs Hub https://ift.tt/3gytccT via IFTTT
0 notes
stateofcoloradojobs · 4 years
Registered Nurse – PACU – Located in Aspen, CO
Job Summary: The Recovery Room RN (PACU RN) provides professional nursing care in accordance with known/accepted standards of practice and AVH policy. Utilizes the Nursing Process to assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. The PACU RN Works in support of the medical staff treatment plan and makes recommendations for changes to medical treatment plan as appropriate. The PACU RN educates patients and family around the plan of care and disease management. The PACU RN actively supports the nursing philosophy by striving for excellence in patient care, professional development, interpersonal relations, time management, and continuous quality improvement.
The PACU RN will be an active member of the entire department, with the ability to help in roles outside of surgically specific job duties if needed. The RN will work collaboratively with others within the department to ensure an efficient, professional and respectful environment. The RN will work with other departments as well, in regards to patient safety and communication.
RN ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS WEIGHT I NURSING PROCESS AND CLINICAL PRACTICE SKILLS 10% Fully competent in primary nurse role on unit; performs patient and family assessment & problem identification, plans care accordingly, implements and evaluates plan of care so that problems are resolved. Develops a problem based plan of care for every patient with appropriate nursing interventions Records pertinent clinical documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements, professional standards and hospital policy. Prioritizes patient situations and takes appropriate action in an efficient, effective manner Responds to clinical needs of patients in accord with experience, nursing standards, and hospital/nursing policies and procedures. Makes value-added resource decisions for patient care with respect to supplies, equipment, and acuity of care II PATIENT TEACHING 5% Provides individualized patient and family education consistent with patient’s learning style, readiness to learn and self care needs Evaluated the effectiveness of patient learning III CARE COORDINATION 5% Coordinates with all members of the hospital team in order to address patient care, resolve problems, and improve the delivery of multidisciplinary care on a daily basis Applies individual and group problem solving; shares knowledge with others freely, consults openly, and assists others to interpret data Uses verbal and written communication methods effectively Provides input into refinement of nursing care plans developed by others IV PATIENT SAFETY & CONFIDENTIALITY Adheres reliably to all accepted patient safety standards Identifies and promotes new learning around changing patient safety standards of practice Serves in advocacy role; encouraging active involvement of patient and family in their care Follows all security, confidentiality, and privacy policies V PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & INTEGRATION 5% Develops professional goals and diversity of responsibilities within nursing practice; consistent with hospital mission and goals Demonstrates role awareness and seeks individualized/department specific continuing education that improves patient care or professional practice: [insert department specific areas of focused learning] Able to express nursing values around patient/family centered care and assists others to achieve shared understanding Active participant in quality improvement processes Identifies need to seek out additional information when needed and apply relevant findings to nursing practice VI LEADERSHIP 5% Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for own professional decision making Participates and contributes to unit meetings and activities Acts as a relief charge nurse when assigned VII. UNIT SPECIFIC DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES 10% Maintains competency in Peri-operative procedures, equipment and standards of care according to AORN standards and unit specific Policies. Researches and coordinates new-case-specific equipment and procedures. Then communicates that information to the Director, materials staff and other team members as necessary. Learning the functionality and operation of new equipment is the responsibility of the individual nurse. The Nurse will maintain competency and take responsibility for medication administration in accordance with hospital policy. All narcotic discrepancies will be handled in accordance to hospital policy. All nursing documentation and assessment of the patient is to be carried out in accordance to unit specific and hospital policy using ORM electronic documentation. The Nurse will be responsible for working on Policies and Procedures, Preference Cards and other needed projects as assigned by the Director or Charge Nurse for the department when not engaged in cases. The Nurse will responsibly document Charges in both the EMR, as well as when Pulling /Taking supplies for cases through Pyxis. The Nurse will show competency with all equipment, systems or procedures that are performed within the Surgical Services Department. Assistance with any needed functions within the department. This includes, but is not limited to: Housekeeping Functions, Assisting in Sterile Processing/Instrument Cleaning, Materials Management and Room Stocking, and Floating to other Departments within Surgical Services or the Hospital if needed. These roles will be assigned by the Charge Nurse or Director as needed. The Nurse will be dressed in AVH Scrubs at the assigned start of the shift, ready to perform their job duties. The RN will communicate clearly with the Charge Nurse, Director and other staff in regards to plans for procedures, patient flow and personal needs. POPULATION SPECIFIC CRITERIA Pass/No Pass Ensures developmentally appropriate care for pediatric, adult and geriatric patient. VII CORE VALUES 50%
Patient Centered:is passionate about patient care, creating positive impressions on a consistent basis and exceeding our patients’ expectations. Exhibits courtesy and sensitivity to the needs of patients and their families, responds with a sense of urgency to patient problems, anticipates patient requirements, responds proactively and places the patient’s safety above all else.
Teamwork:works collaboratively with physicians and other staff and assists whenever possible. He/she openly shares information, provides feedback and participates in appropriate decision making as part of a team of healthcare professionals. Hospital and departmental objectives are placed ahead of individual agendas Respect for Others:actively listens to others, takes other opinions into account, and communicates openly and honestly. He/she demonstrates respect for others by being timely with communications, completion of tasks, and meeting attendance. The employee is respectful of all physicians, colleagues, patients, visitors, and other stakeholders Accountability:takes responsibility for his/her actions, abides by the hospital’s guiding philosophies and policies, and follows through on commitments and physician orders. He/she provides complete and accurate information to the Physician and/or other members of the work team. takes personal pride and ownership in the quality of care and services provided to all internal and external customers Integrity:is truthful, trustworthy, and principled. He/she demonstrates character, conviction, and honest and ethical behavior in all interactions with others. The employee’s word can be trusted. Behavior is consistent with these AVH Core Values
Associate Degree in Nursing
BSN graduate preferred
Experience 2yr preferred
Current Colorado nursing license or temporary permit
Current BLS certification
ACLS within six months of hire
PALS within six months of hire
Ability to concentrate and show attention to detail
Relatively high degree of analytical abilities
Strong interpersonal skills required
Ability to work independently
Ability to read and communicate effectively in English
Spanish preferred
Normal patient care environment with little exposure to excessive noise, dust and temperature
May be exposed to communicable diseases through normal or careless performance of responsibilities
May be exposed to mechanical dangers associated with mechanical devices
May be exposed to stressful situations
On-the-job time is spent in the following physical activities. – Percent of Time– Stand: 40% Walk: 30% Sit: 30% Talk or hear: 99% Use hands to finger, handle or feel: 100% Push or pull: 10% Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl: 10% Reach with hands and arms: 10% Taste or smell: 00%
This job requires that weight be lifted or force be exerted. – Yes/ No – Up to 10 pounds: yes Up to 25 pounds: yes Up to 50 pounds: yes Up to 100 pounds: no More than 100 pounds: no
This job has vision requirements as follows: – Yes/No– Clear close vision: yes Clear distance vision: yes Depth perception: yes Three-dimensional vision; ability to judge Distances and spatial relationships: yes Ability to adjust eye to bring an object into Sharp focus: yes
Specific demands not listed:
Job may have exposure to the following environmental conditions: -Yes/No – Wet, humid conditions (non-weather): no Work near moving mechanical parts: yes Fumes or airborne particles: yes Toxic or caustic chemicals: no Outdoor weather conditions: no Extreme cold (non-weather): no Extreme heat (non-weather): no Risk of electrical shock: yes Work with explosives: no Risk of radiation: yes Vibration: no
Hearing ability required for work environment is: – Yes/No – Ability to hear alarms on equipment: yes Ability to hear patient call: yes Ability to hear instructions clearly: yes
– Hi/Med/Lo – The typical noise level for the work environment is: med
Repetitive Motion Actions – Percent of Time – Repetitive use of foot control: 00% Repetitive use of hands: 50% Grasping – simple/light: 80% Grasping – firm/heavy: 15% Fine dexterity: 50%
from Colorado Jobs Hub https://ift.tt/2D3qazr via IFTTT
0 notes
stateofcoloradojobs · 4 years
RN – Post Anesthesia – Located in Aspen, CO
Job Summary: The Recovery Room RN (PACU RN) provides professional nursing care in accordance with known/accepted standards of practice and AVH policy. Utilizes the Nursing Process to assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. The PACU RN Works in support of the medical staff treatment plan and makes recommendations for changes to medical treatment plan as appropriate. The PACU RN educates patients and family around the plan of care and disease management. The PACU RN actively supports the nursing philosophy by striving for excellence in patient care, professional development, interpersonal relations, time management, and continuous quality improvement.
The PACU RN will be an active member of the entire department, with the ability to help in roles outside of surgically specific job duties if needed. The RN will work collaboratively with others within the department to ensure an efficient, professional and respectful environment. The RN will work with other departments as well, in regards to patient safety and communication.
RN ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS WEIGHT I NURSING PROCESS AND CLINICAL PRACTICE SKILLS 10% Fully competent in primary nurse role on unit; performs patient and family assessment & problem identification, plans care accordingly, implements and evaluates plan of care so that problems are resolved. Develops a problem based plan of care for every patient with appropriate nursing interventions Records pertinent clinical documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements, professional standards and hospital policy. Prioritizes patient situations and takes appropriate action in an efficient, effective manner Responds to clinical needs of patients in accord with experience, nursing standards, and hospital/nursing policies and procedures. Makes value-added resource decisions for patient care with respect to supplies, equipment, and acuity of care II PATIENT TEACHING 5% Provides individualized patient and family education consistent with patient’s learning style, readiness to learn and self care needs Evaluated the effectiveness of patient learning III CARE COORDINATION 5% Coordinates with all members of the hospital team in order to address patient care, resolve problems, and improve the delivery of multidisciplinary care on a daily basis Applies individual and group problem solving; shares knowledge with others freely, consults openly, and assists others to interpret data Uses verbal and written communication methods effectively Provides input into refinement of nursing care plans developed by others IV PATIENT SAFETY & CONFIDENTIALITY Adheres reliably to all accepted patient safety standards Identifies and promotes new learning around changing patient safety standards of practice Serves in advocacy role; encouraging active involvement of patient and family in their care Follows all security, confidentiality, and privacy policies V PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & INTEGRATION 5% Develops professional goals and diversity of responsibilities within nursing practice; consistent with hospital mission and goals Demonstrates role awareness and seeks individualized/department specific continuing education that improves patient care or professional practice: [insert department specific areas of focused learning] Able to express nursing values around patient/family centered care and assists others to achieve shared understanding Active participant in quality improvement processes Identifies need to seek out additional information when needed and apply relevant findings to nursing practice VI LEADERSHIP 5% Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for own professional decision making Participates and contributes to unit meetings and activities Acts as a relief charge nurse when assigned VII. UNIT SPECIFIC DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES 10% Maintains competency in Peri-operative procedures, equipment and standards of care according to AORN standards and unit specific Policies. Researches and coordinates new-case-specific equipment and procedures. Then communicates that information to the Director, materials staff and other team members as necessary. Learning the functionality and operation of new equipment is the responsibility of the individual nurse. The Nurse will maintain competency and take responsibility for medication administration in accordance with hospital policy. All narcotic discrepancies will be handled in accordance to hospital policy. All nursing documentation and assessment of the patient is to be carried out in accordance to unit specific and hospital policy using ORM electronic documentation. The Nurse will be responsible for working on Policies and Procedures, Preference Cards and other needed projects as assigned by the Director or Charge Nurse for the department when not engaged in cases. The Nurse will responsibly document Charges in both the EMR, as well as when Pulling /Taking supplies for cases through Pyxis. The Nurse will show competency with all equipment, systems or procedures that are performed within the Surgical Services Department. Assistance with any needed functions within the department. This includes, but is not limited to: Housekeeping Functions, Assisting in Sterile Processing/Instrument Cleaning, Materials Management and Room Stocking, and Floating to other Departments within Surgical Services or the Hospital if needed. These roles will be assigned by the Charge Nurse or Director as needed. The Nurse will be dressed in AVH Scrubs at the assigned start of the shift, ready to perform their job duties. The RN will communicate clearly with the Charge Nurse, Director and other staff in regards to plans for procedures, patient flow and personal needs. POPULATION SPECIFIC CRITERIA Pass/No Pass Ensures developmentally appropriate care for pediatric, adult and geriatric patient. VII CORE VALUES 50%
Patient Centered:is passionate about patient care, creating positive impressions on a consistent basis and exceeding our patients’ expectations. Exhibits courtesy and sensitivity to the needs of patients and their families, responds with a sense of urgency to patient problems, anticipates patient requirements, responds proactively and places the patient’s safety above all else.
Teamwork:works collaboratively with physicians and other staff and assists whenever possible. He/she openly shares information, provides feedback and participates in appropriate decision making as part of a team of healthcare professionals. Hospital and departmental objectives are placed ahead of individual agendas Respect for Others:actively listens to others, takes other opinions into account, and communicates openly and honestly. He/she demonstrates respect for others by being timely with communications, completion of tasks, and meeting attendance. The employee is respectful of all physicians, colleagues, patients, visitors, and other stakeholders Accountability:takes responsibility for his/her actions, abides by the hospital’s guiding philosophies and policies, and follows through on commitments and physician orders. He/she provides complete and accurate information to the Physician and/or other members of the work team. takes personal pride and ownership in the quality of care and services provided to all internal and external customers Integrity:is truthful, trustworthy, and principled. He/she demonstrates character, conviction, and honest and ethical behavior in all interactions with others. The employee’s word can be trusted. Behavior is consistent with these AVH Core Values
Associate Degree in Nursing
BSN graduate preferred
Experience 2yr preferred
Current Colorado nursing license or temporary permit
Current BLS certification
ACLS within six months of hire
PALS within six months of hire
Ability to concentrate and show attention to detail
Relatively high degree of analytical abilities
Strong interpersonal skills required
Ability to work independently
Ability to read and communicate effectively in English
Spanish preferred
Normal patient care environment with little exposure to excessive noise, dust and temperature
May be exposed to communicable diseases through normal or careless performance of responsibilities
May be exposed to mechanical dangers associated with mechanical devices
May be exposed to stressful situations
On-the-job time is spent in the following physical activities. – Percent of Time– Stand: 40% Walk: 30% Sit: 30% Talk or hear: 99% Use hands to finger, handle or feel: 100% Push or pull: 10% Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl: 10% Reach with hands and arms: 10% Taste or smell: 00%
This job requires that weight be lifted or force be exerted. – Yes/ No – Up to 10 pounds: yes Up to 25 pounds: yes Up to 50 pounds: yes Up to 100 pounds: no More than 100 pounds: no
This job has vision requirements as follows: – Yes/No– Clear close vision: yes Clear distance vision: yes Depth perception: yes Three-dimensional vision; ability to judge Distances and spatial relationships: yes Ability to adjust eye to bring an object into Sharp focus: yes
Specific demands not listed:
Job may have exposure to the following environmental conditions: -Yes/No – Wet, humid conditions (non-weather): no Work near moving mechanical parts: yes Fumes or airborne particles: yes Toxic or caustic chemicals: no Outdoor weather conditions: no Extreme cold (non-weather): no Extreme heat (non-weather): no Risk of electrical shock: yes Work with explosives: no Risk of radiation: yes Vibration: no
Hearing ability required for work environment is: – Yes/No – Ability to hear alarms on equipment: yes Ability to hear patient call: yes Ability to hear instructions clearly: yes
– Hi/Med/Lo – The typical noise level for the work environment is: med
Repetitive Motion Actions – Percent of Time – Repetitive use of foot control: 00% Repetitive use of hands: 50% Grasping – simple/light: 80% Grasping – firm/heavy: 15% Fine dexterity: 50%
from Colorado Jobs Hub https://ift.tt/31ypfjY via IFTTT
0 notes
stateofcoloradojobs · 4 years
Registered Nurse – Located in Aspen, CO
Job Summary: The Recovery Room RN (PACU RN) provides professional nursing care in accordance with known/accepted standards of practice and AVH policy. Utilizes the Nursing Process to assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care. The PACU RN Works in support of the medical staff treatment plan and makes recommendations for changes to medical treatment plan as appropriate. The PACU RN educates patients and family around the plan of care and disease management. The PACU RN actively supports the nursing philosophy by striving for excellence in patient care, professional development, interpersonal relations, time management, and continuous quality improvement.
The PACU RN will be an active member of the entire department, with the ability to help in roles outside of surgically specific job duties if needed. The RN will work collaboratively with others within the department to ensure an efficient, professional and respectful environment. The RN will work with other departments as well, in regards to patient safety and communication.
RN ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS WEIGHT I NURSING PROCESS AND CLINICAL PRACTICE SKILLS 10% Fully competent in primary nurse role on unit; performs patient and family assessment & problem identification, plans care accordingly, implements and evaluates plan of care so that problems are resolved. Develops a problem based plan of care for every patient with appropriate nursing interventions Records pertinent clinical documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements, professional standards and hospital policy. Prioritizes patient situations and takes appropriate action in an efficient, effective manner Responds to clinical needs of patients in accord with experience, nursing standards, and hospital/nursing policies and procedures. Makes value-added resource decisions for patient care with respect to supplies, equipment, and acuity of care II PATIENT TEACHING 5% Provides individualized patient and family education consistent with patient’s learning style, readiness to learn and self care needs Evaluated the effectiveness of patient learning III CARE COORDINATION 5% Coordinates with all members of the hospital team in order to address patient care, resolve problems, and improve the delivery of multidisciplinary care on a daily basis Applies individual and group problem solving; shares knowledge with others freely, consults openly, and assists others to interpret data Uses verbal and written communication methods effectively Provides input into refinement of nursing care plans developed by others IV PATIENT SAFETY & CONFIDENTIALITY Adheres reliably to all accepted patient safety standards Identifies and promotes new learning around changing patient safety standards of practice Serves in advocacy role; encouraging active involvement of patient and family in their care Follows all security, confidentiality, and privacy policies V PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & INTEGRATION 5% Develops professional goals and diversity of responsibilities within nursing practice; consistent with hospital mission and goals Demonstrates role awareness and seeks individualized/department specific continuing education that improves patient care or professional practice: [insert department specific areas of focused learning] Able to express nursing values around patient/family centered care and assists others to achieve shared understanding Active participant in quality improvement processes Identifies need to seek out additional information when needed and apply relevant findings to nursing practice VI LEADERSHIP 5% Demonstrates responsibility and accountability for own professional decision making Participates and contributes to unit meetings and activities Acts as a relief charge nurse when assigned VII. UNIT SPECIFIC DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES 10% Maintains competency in Peri-operative procedures, equipment and standards of care according to AORN standards and unit specific Policies. Researches and coordinates new-case-specific equipment and procedures. Then communicates that information to the Director, materials staff and other team members as necessary. Learning the functionality and operation of new equipment is the responsibility of the individual nurse. The Nurse will maintain competency and take responsibility for medication administration in accordance with hospital policy. All narcotic discrepancies will be handled in accordance to hospital policy. All nursing documentation and assessment of the patient is to be carried out in accordance to unit specific and hospital policy using ORM electronic documentation. The Nurse will be responsible for working on Policies and Procedures, Preference Cards and other needed projects as assigned by the Director or Charge Nurse for the department when not engaged in cases. The Nurse will responsibly document Charges in both the EMR, as well as when Pulling /Taking supplies for cases through Pyxis. The Nurse will show competency with all equipment, systems or procedures that are performed within the Surgical Services Department. Assistance with any needed functions within the department. This includes, but is not limited to: Housekeeping Functions, Assisting in Sterile Processing/Instrument Cleaning, Materials Management and Room Stocking, and Floating to other Departments within Surgical Services or the Hospital if needed. These roles will be assigned by the Charge Nurse or Director as needed. The Nurse will be dressed in AVH Scrubs at the assigned start of the shift, ready to perform their job duties. The RN will communicate clearly with the Charge Nurse, Director and other staff in regards to plans for procedures, patient flow and personal needs. POPULATION SPECIFIC CRITERIA Pass/No Pass Ensures developmentally appropriate care for pediatric, adult and geriatric patient. VII CORE VALUES 50%
Patient Centered:is passionate about patient care, creating positive impressions on a consistent basis and exceeding our patients’ expectations. Exhibits courtesy and sensitivity to the needs of patients and their families, responds with a sense of urgency to patient problems, anticipates patient requirements, responds proactively and places the patient’s safety above all else.
Teamwork:works collaboratively with physicians and other staff and assists whenever possible. He/she openly shares information, provides feedback and participates in appropriate decision making as part of a team of healthcare professionals. Hospital and departmental objectives are placed ahead of individual agendas Respect for Others:actively listens to others, takes other opinions into account, and communicates openly and honestly. He/she demonstrates respect for others by being timely with communications, completion of tasks, and meeting attendance. The employee is respectful of all physicians, colleagues, patients, visitors, and other stakeholders Accountability:takes responsibility for his/her actions, abides by the hospital’s guiding philosophies and policies, and follows through on commitments and physician orders. He/she provides complete and accurate information to the Physician and/or other members of the work team. takes personal pride and ownership in the quality of care and services provided to all internal and external customers Integrity:is truthful, trustworthy, and principled. He/she demonstrates character, conviction, and honest and ethical behavior in all interactions with others. The employee’s word can be trusted. Behavior is consistent with these AVH Core Values
Associate Degree in Nursing
BSN graduate preferred
Experience 2yr preferred
Current Colorado nursing license or temporary permit
Current BLS certification
ACLS within six months of hire
PALS within six months of hire
Ability to concentrate and show attention to detail
Relatively high degree of analytical abilities
Strong interpersonal skills required
Ability to work independently
Ability to read and communicate effectively in English
Spanish preferred
Normal patient care environment with little exposure to excessive noise, dust and temperature
May be exposed to communicable diseases through normal or careless performance of responsibilities
May be exposed to mechanical dangers associated with mechanical devices
May be exposed to stressful situations
On-the-job time is spent in the following physical activities. – Percent of Time– Stand: 40% Walk: 30% Sit: 30% Talk or hear: 99% Use hands to finger, handle or feel: 100% Push or pull: 10% Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl: 10% Reach with hands and arms: 10% Taste or smell: 00%
This job requires that weight be lifted or force be exerted. – Yes/ No – Up to 10 pounds: yes Up to 25 pounds: yes Up to 50 pounds: yes Up to 100 pounds: no More than 100 pounds: no
This job has vision requirements as follows: – Yes/No– Clear close vision: yes Clear distance vision: yes Depth perception: yes Three-dimensional vision; ability to judge Distances and spatial relationships: yes Ability to adjust eye to bring an object into Sharp focus: yes
Specific demands not listed:
Job may have exposure to the following environmental conditions: -Yes/No – Wet, humid conditions (non-weather): no Work near moving mechanical parts: yes Fumes or airborne particles: yes Toxic or caustic chemicals: no Outdoor weather conditions: no Extreme cold (non-weather): no Extreme heat (non-weather): no Risk of electrical shock: yes Work with explosives: no Risk of radiation: yes Vibration: no
Hearing ability required for work environment is: – Yes/No – Ability to hear alarms on equipment: yes Ability to hear patient call: yes Ability to hear instructions clearly: yes
– Hi/Med/Lo – The typical noise level for the work environment is: med
Repetitive Motion Actions – Percent of Time – Repetitive use of foot control: 00% Repetitive use of hands: 50% Grasping – simple/light: 80% Grasping – firm/heavy: 15% Fine dexterity: 50%
from Colorado Jobs Hub https://ift.tt/2Ymg0RO via IFTTT
0 notes