dhyanposts · 3 years
What is Python? | What is Python used for | How to learn Python
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What is Python?
Today we know What is Python: Do you want to do Programming and become a good programmer? For this, you must have knowledge of programming languages. Today in this post we will talk about a high-level Programming Language called "Python". If you want to become a programmer, then you should know what Python is and why it is important to know?  Visit Python.org All applications or software that run on computers and mobile phones are created by coding using some Programming Language. In today's time, you will get to see a lot of programming languages ​​like C ++, Java, PHP, etc. Millions of people around the world use many different Programming Languages.  
Why Python Programming Language?
When working with a computer, he has to give instructions in a language that the computer can understand. Therefore, to instruct the computer in its own language, Programming Language is made by mixing together words, letters, signs and specific rules of their format according to specific rules. Every Programming Language has different features which can be used according to its need. As the technology changes, so too are many changes happening in these Programming Languages, which are providing great features to the users. One such programming language named Pythons has been ranked the top among the 10 Programming languages ​​of the world by the programming community. So let's start this Pythons tutorial and firstly know what Python is and what its features are. What is Python:- Python is a high-level programming language. Structured Programming and Object-Oriented Programming can be done in Python. In addition, functional programming can be done with Pythons. It is an open-source, high-level encrypted, and general-purpose Programming Language which is very easy to use. Python is a very good programming language using which better software can be created in a very short time. It is used to create desktop application websites and web applications. Python Language is a Programming Language just like C ++ but it is a very easy language compared to the rest whose syntax is quite unique which makes this language readable for the users. Different developers can also read and translate the code of Pythons language which is much easier than other Programming Language. Another great thing about Pythons is the convenience of dynamic tap systems and automatic memory management that greatly reduces maintenance and development costs for creating programs. Similarly, teams working on Pythons Programming Language work in collaboration with each other. Python is being used by many big companies due to its high level of Programming Language. Such as YouTube, Quora, Instagram, Pinterest, Google, etc. are supporting the use of Python Language models and packages. It means that the programs which are written in this language. They are written in a modular style designed to provide a variety of important tasks. These modules can also be used in other projects and it is very easy to import and export.
History of Python
The Discovery of Python was done in the Netherlands by Guido van Rossum. It started in 1980 and Python was launched in 1991, almost ten years later. In January 1994, the first version of Pythons was released Python 1.0. Its second version Pythons 2.0 was released in October 2000 and its third version Python 3.0 was released in December 2008 after a long period. Pythons 3.6.1, a new version of Pythons, was released in March 2017. Now you may be wondering why this programming language was named Python, whereas it is the name of a snake species dragon. In fact, Python's name originated from a comedy show launched by the BBC comedy series Monty Python's Flight Circus in the 1970s, which led Guido Rossum to rename the language to its end. Currently, Pythons Language is currently maintained by the core development team who are always adding new updates and features to Pythons Programming Language.
What is Python used for?
Python is an object-oriented Programming Language that we use to build software. Here are some specific reasons why Python Language is used. Python is also an Interpreter Language which means that the code of the program written in it does not have to be compiled by converting to computer view format while the object code conversion of the source code has to be done before coding in another Programming Language. Python Programming Language has been made user-friendly so that it is not difficult to understand and the codes written in this language can be understood easily. Also, if you want to learn it, then you do not have to spend money on the license. For this, free software is available in the general public license. Which allows users to run and learn. Python One Platform is an independent Programming Language that works on different operating systems like Windows, Mac, Linux. The language used by most programmers in today's time is Language Pythons. It is used in making system software, web applications, game development, app development, website creation, computer graphics, server-side programs, etc. Python is also used at NASA, where Pythons Programming Language is used to make instruments and space machines.] This Programming Language is also used in new technology such as Artificial Intelligence and Data Science etc. Python's standard library supports many Internet protocols such as HTML, XML, etc. Its source code is available to everyone and anyone can easily edit its code. Because its source code is always kept open to all users so that users can freely download and use it.
Python Features
Python Programming Language has many features. Here are some important features of Python Language:
Easy to understand Programming Language
Python's syntax style is very simple and clean. It is easier to read and write than other Programming languages ​​such as C ++, Java and C #. It is easier than all the Programming Language used in the world. This can be learned easily. Although it is called High Level Programming Language, but still its code is written in easy English Language, which is quite easy to understand and learn. It can only be found out by looking at the code what it means.
Interpreted Programming Language
As I mentioned above, Pythons is an interpreter language. This means that it does not have to be compiled by converting it to a computer view format to run its code. Other than Pythons, there are other Programming Languages ​​whose source code needs to be converted to object code before coding. These features make Pythons different.
Portable Programming Language
Python is a portable language. Programs designed by Pythons can be moved from one platform to another and can run without any changes. Assuming you build software with the help of Pythons, you are not making any changes to run it on different operating systems.) It runs the same on most platforms (eg Windows, Linux, and MacO).
Free and Open Source
Pythons is a programming language that can be used in every corner of the world. You can freely use and distribute Pythons in your personal and even business activities. You can not only use and distribute Pythons software, but can also change the source code of Pythons. Python Language also has a large community to help users clear queries related to Pythons Programming Language. This community is growing at a complex rate.
Extensible and Embeddable
In the Python language code, codes of other Programming languages ​​can be added. Assume you need a software with high quality. If you wish, you can combine C / C ++ or any other Programming Language code with Python code. This makes your software extremely powerful. But this feature is not provided in other Programming Language.  
Why is Python so popular?
First of all, let us know why it is so popular because anything is famous only when it has some special features, then let us know what are the special features in Python due to which Python programming is becoming so popular.
Simplifying Python programming is one of the biggest features of Python, which has made Python programming very easy due to which people can learn Pythons programming easily.
Open-source language
Python programming is an open source programming language so that anyone can use Python programming, they can also use it absolutely free, for this you will not face any problem and will not need any license.
Python programming being portable makes Python programming very special because it can be used to combine Python code with any other programming language and you can share the court of Python programming with anyone so that your projector system becomes even easier to use.
In Python, you can interpolate code line by line. This makes it very easy to read Python code by memory and CPU.
Huge library
Python has huge library support available with the help of which you can easily find the solution of your problem by importing the library according to your problem.
Where can you learn python?
By now we have found out why Python programming is becoming so popular now that we will know where you can learn Python programming? As you now know that Python has an open-source language which does not require any type of license. There are many online platforms available for learning Python programming from which Python programming can be learned very easily. With the help of Python's online platform, you can also become an expert of Python.
1. Codeacademy
Codecademy Platform is a very large online platform from which you can learn Python Programming. At Code Academy, you can learn Python Programming both paid and free.
2. Udemy
On this platform, you will find a lot of courses related to Python programming. Apart from Python, you will get a lot of online courses on it. Here too, you get courses in both paid and freeways. The special thing about this platform is that on this you will get a lot of variations to do any course. You can learn Python programming from whichever professor you want.
3. Google Python Classes
Google has its own Python website from which you can learn Python programming easily. If you are a beginner or you have little knowledge of Python programming, then you can learn Python programming on Google for free, easily.
4. Microsoft's Free Python Course
Microsoft also offers free classes of Python programming like Google where you can learn Python programming easily in about 5 weeks. After doing a 5-week course on this platform of Microsoft, you will easily learn the basics of Python programming. If you want to learn advanced Python, then you can learn on this platform.
5. Coursera
Coursera has a very popular online learning platform. Here you can read any kind of programming language or other courses for free, apart from this, you also get to see pad courses on this platform. If you are Bijnor, then you can start studying by joining free courses and when you feel that you can do advanced level courses now, then you can enroll in these keypad courses. If you enroll in a course from here, after the course is completed, you also get a certificate from here.
Learn Python Programming
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Now you can learn advanced from basic by doing Pythons course from any of these places and with the good practice of Pythons, you can also find jobs in big companies. Today, the demand for Pythons Expert is increasing in big companies like Microsoft Google Netflix. You will be surprised to know that better work is being done in different fields by using Pythons. Even Google uses Pythons programming for its best search features recommender system. As you know Dropbox Cloud is a platform in which you can save and keep your data. It uses Pythons programming language in its applications. Netflix uses Pythons programming and machine learning to understand a user's preference and to divide it into different categories and show recommendations. Pythons is used for cybersecurity and also by the National Security Agency. Pythons programming language is used by NASA Scientists for quick calculations.
Many big libraries to solve common problems
Python has a few standard libraries of its own, which make programming easy. Because if you use the library, you will not have to rewrite all the code of the software. For example, if you need to connect your webserver to the MySQL database? In this case, you can use the MySQLdb library by using MySQLdb in your code. Python's Standard Library is constantly being tested and used by thousands of people. So you can make sure that there are no errors in it and that it is safe.
How to learn Python
You have even learned what Python is and what its features are. After this, you definitely wished that Python should try to learn. Here are some essential tips that will let you know how to learn Python?:
Practice regularly
If you want to learn any programming language then you must practice daily. If you spend even 25 minutes per day learning Python, you can become a good programmer.
Start noting
Sometimes we use something, but later we forget it. You also learned something in a day, make notes of it and make it a habit to read it once. Your notes should be exactly in your language, which you can easily understand once you see them.
Watch online tutorial
To learn anything it is necessary to have curiosity. Always think of doing something new and do research for it. This will increase your knowledge as well as increase interest in your programming. Also you can join any tutorial or follow any website. Here are some important websites and YouTube channels that make Python Tutorials course on their site. You can watch and learn the tutorials published by it.
Use android phone App
You can download some special Android apps on your mobile to learn computer programming. Books are always the best way to learn for programming. There are many PDFs available for learning Programming on the Internet from which you can learn. Type in the language in which you want to learn Programming Language, and you will get many results. Those who have little difficulty in understanding English, do not even have to worry. Many good ebooks are also available on the Internet for learning programming.
Read the code and try to understand it
Just as word learning is required to learn English, so does the meaning of code for learning Programming. If you start to understand small code then you can easily learn Python. You can do research on the Internet about the code that you did not understand.
Start your project
Experimentation is necessary to learn anything better. Make the value how good it would be if you thought of making software. Where you can get into trouble, you can also do research for this, you will get to learn a lot of new things and you can become a good programmer.
Some important websites and YouTube channels to learn Python Language
Python for Hindi Tutorials
BestHindiTutorials.com Hindilearn.in
Python for English tutorial
Codecademy.com w3schools.com Sololearn.com Learnpython.org Realpython.com
Python for video tutorial channel
CodeWithHarry CS Geeks Harshit vashisth Tech-Gram Academy
What do you need to learn in Python?
We will know what you have to learn to become an export of Titan. Although there is a lot to learn in Python, but here we will tell you some important topics that you must learn in Python.
1. Basics
If you want to become an expert of Pythons programming language, then you must first learn the basics of Python programming in which you will have to learn about variable data types and operators so that your base can be strengthened and you can increase the understanding of Pythons programming.
2. Arrays
After learning the basics of Pythons programming, you have to learn Arrays in Pythons programming in which you learn to store data.
3. Flow Control
After learning arrays, you should learn Flow Control Working and learn to solve conditioner problem using Loops.
4. Methods
After having a good understanding of flow control, you should learn methods in which you are taught to add numbers easily. Which can easily be done to system performance.
5. File Handling
After learning some methods, file handling is taught so that you can read and write the data.
6. Oops
After this Oops Concepts should learn something in which you get to know about the important concepts of classes and objects.
7. Programming Practice
And now you should practice Pythons programming as much as possible to master Pythons programming. The more you practice, you will become an expert in Pythons programming language. After learning Pythons, you can choose many career options like Game Development, Smart Devices Development, Web App Testing, Data Scientist, Artificial Intelligence, Web App Development. You should have a good grasp of Pythons programming language. The biggest mistake of learners is that they do not make a plan before learning something, one must always prepare the match before learning something and must know that it is to be completed while sleeping. Pythons is starting to learn programming, so firstly make a time table for it. What will happen with this? With this, you will be fully aware that with which speed you have to learn things so that you will be able to achieve your target as soon as possible. If you practice Pythons programming properly for 2 months once in mind, then believe me you will learn the Pythons language well.
Some tips that you should remember before learning Python
1. There is no restriction of age
There is no age limit for learning Pythons. If you want, you can teach Pythons programming at the age of 20 to 25 and also at the age of 50. To learn Pythons programming has nothing to do with age, no matter what age you are, if you want to learn Pythons programming, then you can teach Pythons programming without any hindrance. Read the full article
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