#Python Gel
sunnylighter · 2 years
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“"I was busy feeding this spoiled noodle," said Skylor fondly walking past also in her armor with a python draped around her shoulders. "Chelsea knows I'm a sucker for her baby-doll eyes."
Chelsea the python just flicked her tongue and looked both pleased and full of mice as Skylor placed her back down into her tank. After Chen's imprisonment, Skylor had taken over caring for his pet snake, and she seemed much happier under the girl's care as opposed to her father's.”
There’s plenty of jokes in my fics talking about how Luh-Loyd gets so many pets, but let’s not forget I gave Princess Skylor a pet too. This is Chelsea, the ball python. Mob Boss Chen used to own her, but she didn’t like him much. He never took proper care of her.
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Once he got arrested, Skylor adopted Chelsea. Chelsea’s much happier now.
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mychlapci · 1 month
Nocturnal emissions ft ageswap Prowl As mechlings of his age tend to still get nightmares and wet dreams, imagine one night, after being thoroughly exhausted from datawork, Prowl goes to recharge with a frazzled processor.
He decided that he'd defrag it in the morning, since his specs takes about four times as long as a normal mech's processor to clean, so doing it that late at night would just result in more sleep lost. Ratchet spotted the early signs of a workaholic, and took it upon himself to drill the importance of a good night's rest into Prowl. After all, sleep is a very integral part of a young mech's development!
But as he recharges, his glitchy processor, with no conscious mind awake to make sense of the running sims, which cannot be turned off, start dumping the jumbled results into his subconscious brain. And before he knew it, Prowl is caught in the throes of his first wet dream.
In his dream, he comes to in his little bunk, confused as to why it was still dark all around him. When he tries to stand up, something pounces on his face, causing him to fall back onto the pillow with a startled squeak. He couldn't see what it was, but the shape and texture was so very familiar.
Prowl's collection of stuffies are rather diverse, you see. Some of them are just big enough to fill his palms when lined together, usually in the shape of a ball, like a plush DragonQuest slime or fuzzy mechanoid urchin soft toy. Some are about as long as his forearms, just the right size for him to cuddle to his chest and bury his faceplates into. These are things like his teddy ironbear, his stuffed turbofox, his floppy gel octopus, and his tuxedo cybercat. Then lastly, we have the jumbo plushies, which are almost the size of a bolster. He has maybe two of these, one being a large pink rabbit and another is a cybertronian sized IKEA python.
His optics covered and his doorwings trapped under the blanket, he struggles in the dark, trying to get whatever fuzzy stuffie off his face. But the moment he gets a good grip on the toy, the rest of them decide to join the fray, the jumbo plushies doing most of the work to restrain and pin him.
Panicking, Prowl tries his best to thrash under the blanket, but only succeeds in turning himself over, arms and legs still pinned together by soft but firm appendages. Whatever that was on his face lets go, but a tail quickly wraps around his eyes, blindfolding him. When he tries to engage his doorwing sensors, fuzzy little paws start molesting his very sensitive hinges and rubbing all over the smooth plating, effectively rendering them useless as his senses are distracted by the soothing pets and arousing stimulation.
Helpless and caught, Prowl tries to call for help, only for a blob of fur to stuff itself into his mouth, muffling his cries. There are more plush limbs teasing him and rutting their various textured coverings all over his body now, filling his senses with delicious friction in all of his erogenous zones. After a few breems of whimpering, his instincts finally give and his plating opens up against his volition, exposing his soaked array to the dark of the room.
Immediately, small little cottonmesh paws zero in on his pulsing node and leaky spike, driving him wild with pleasure. He can only moan when he feels one of the ball plushes pressing up against the entrance to his valve, becoming sopping wet as it soaks up all of his gushing juices.
It rubs against his valvelips for a bit, rotating and pressing onto the squishy protoform, spreading and massaging the entrance. Then it starts pushing in, the soft body providing no resistance as it stuffa itself up his valve, the involuntary squeezing only helping to guide it upwards deeper and deeper into him. Prowl squeals behind his gag when he feels it press up against the aperture of his gestation chamber. Before he could get used to the pressure, another ball of fluff presses against his pussy.
The stimulation on his anterior node and little cocklet continues as the stuffies travel up his valve one by one. It's so humiliating to be taken like this, but at the same time, a traitorous part of him doesn't want to stop.
With each successive deposit, the plushies gett larger and larger, and eventually, the non-blob shaped toys are stuffing themselves into his pussy, their much larger size pressing against all of the others in the back of his valve. It's becoming such a tight squeeze in there, his ceiling node feels like it's basically being tortured with pleasure. He'a getting close to an overload.
Teary and drooling, Prowl is no longer struggling, and is instead trying to rut against the bedding and the plush toys plastered all over his needy and charged frame now, mindlessly chasing his orgasm. His pussy is so full now, it wouldn't take much more before a hard shove into the contents of his valve forces his cervical entrance open.
And whem it finally does, he cums himself awake in his real bunk, groggy but horny, clutching his favourite cybercat to his panting chest. He sits up to find that the bedding around his hips have been soaked from his sonambulistic squirting.
Extremely embarrassed, he sees to changing his bedsheets immediately, praying that no one finds out about his mishap. The twins, being early risers themselves, catch him in the act of accessing the laundry room so early in the cycle, of course.
Once they've trapped their little cadet between them and teased a confession out of him, they scoop him up and pepper him with reassuring kisses, telling him that it's normal for mechlings like him to experience such things as he weeps from his stressful recharge flux. Once all washed up, Prowl gets taken back to the twins' quarters, where he finally gets to defrag properly and go back to sleep in between his mentors, burying his face into the soft fur of an innocent, inanimate plush toy in their embrace-🔌
ouhh Prowl having silly sex dreams about plushies is so fun. Fuzzy little bodies rubbing up against his needy valve and spike, making him twitch and convulse in his bed… He wakes up in soaked sheets, his spike and valve have squirted quite the mess all over his legs, and he’s so embarrassed…
I bet that next time this happens, Sunny and Sides would love to be there to watch their trainee squirm…
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fearlessinger · 2 years
Time to address the Halcyon Green-shaped elephant in the room aka let me explain to you why I think it’s canon even though it seems like it should not be aka another installment of Tinfoilhatting With Fsinger
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I’m really sorry I could not think of a better title. Hope you’re intrigued enough to follow me in this journey anyway. 
So. The thing is. 
The Halcyon story, taken as it is, does not gel with TOA at all. 
And not because it’s OOC for Apollo to have done what Halcyon says he’s done to him… Although I think it is. I think an argument can and should be made – and has been made by @flightfoot before – that this story, taken as it is, is essentially… incompatible with Apollo’s characterization in every other scrap of the RRverse he appears in. (This story, and also the Harpocrates story, which I won’t examine here because it deserves its own post. For now I’ll just say it’s interesting to note that it’s the two additions to Apollo’s background that Rick invented out of whole cloth that share this peculiarity, and I don’t think it’s by mistake). 
But whether the Halcyon story breaks the internal consistency of Apollo’s characterization or not is a matter of secondary importance in the face of the fact that the Halcyon story breaks the internal consistency of the TOA narrative as a whole. 
Take this excerpt from The Diary Of Luke Castellan:
“How long have you been here?” I asked.
Halcyon shrugged listlessly. The monster spoke for him: “I have lost count. Decades? Because my father is the god of oracles, I was born with the curse of seeing the future. Apollo warned me to keep quiet. He told me I should never share what I saw because it would anger the gods. But many years ago…I simply had to speak. I met a young girl who was destined to die in an accident. I saved her life by telling her the future.”
I tried to focus on the old man, but it was hard not to look at the monster’s mouth—those black lips, the slavering bone-plated jaws.
“I don’t get it…” I forced myself to meet Halcyon’s eyes. “You did something good. Why would that anger the gods?”
“They don’t like mortals meddling with fate,” the leucrota said. “My father cursed me. He forced me to wear these clothes, the skin of Python, who once guarded the Oracle of Delphi, as a reminder that I was not an oracle. He took away my voice and locked me in this mansion, my boyhood home. Then the gods set the leucrotae to guard me. Normally, leucrotae only mimic human speech, but these are linked to my thoughts. They speak for me. They keep me alive as bait, to lure other demigods. It was Apollo’s way of reminding me, forever, that my voice would only lead others to their doom.”
An angry coppery taste filled my mouth. I already knew the gods could be cruel. My deadbeat dad had ignored me for fourteen years. But Halcyon Green’s curse was just plain wrong. It was evil.
Now think back on all the times Apollo compares Nero to Zeus or even Kronos, and all the times he does not include himself too as a term of comparison.
Remember how Apollo equated Nero warning Meg her disobedience would “make him unleash the Beast” to Zeus warning his children to not “get on the wrong side of my lightning bolts”, rightfully recognizing that they are the exact same kind of manipulative abdication to personal responsibility + shifting of the blame onto the injured party that’s a staple of the classic abuser’s playbook? Well, at the same time as he noted that, he was omitting to add that he himself had threatened Halcyon in an almost identical manner, telling his son that to disobey him would “anger the gods”. 
And not only was Apollo omitting that, he was explicitly equating himself to Lu instead. Lu, who, yes, was a cog in the abusive machine that kept Meg trapped, but was so against her own wishes, because she really had no other choice, no better options. Lu, who only ever tried to help Meg survive. Who jumped at the chance to help set Meg free as soon as it was offered to her, even knowing that Meg’s freedom would likely come at the cost of her own life. 
Remember how Apollo mentally tuned out Nero’s villain monologue right in the middle of the ‘Top 100 Times Apollo Has Failed As A Parent’ section, ensuring that we, the readers, would not risk learning about Halcyon even in this manner?
Because Apollo is the narrator of TOA. He’s the one who chooses what to let us know, and what information he wants to withhold from us. 
Bearing this in mind, doesn’t the thought that he’d purposely choose to bury the Halcyon story fill you with rage? It sure has that effect on me! :))) (Yes, those are angry smiles in case you couldn’t tell.)
It’s painfully clear, right from the very beginning of THO, that Apollo’s not oblivious to the nature and mechanics of abuse. Especially abuse perpetrated by parents on their children. He knows exactly what that is and how it works. He calls it by name. He explains it to us and to Meg, repeatedly. He points fingers. At several people. 
Never at himself.
Oh, he easily admits to being a “terrible father”. He expresses regret and apologizes for it multiple times. But the implication, all through the 5 books that make up the TOA series, is that he’s guilty of neglect, not of active abuse. 
And we know, even though Apollo never even tries to defend himself, that the neglect is not really a free choice on his part. He DOES want to be there for his children. But he can’t. He’s not allowed to. The laws of non interference forbid it, and the consequences of disobeying Olympus’s laws… well the whole series is an example of how dire they can be. 
‘Hey, if we don’t get out of this –’
‘None of that talk,’ I chided.
‘Yeah, but I wanted to tell you, I’m glad we had some time together. Like … time time.’
His words warmed me even more than Paul Blofis’s lasagne.
I knew what he meant. While I’d been Lester Papadopoulos, I hadn’t spent much time with Austin, or any of the people I’d stayed with, really, but it had been more than we’d ever spent together when I was a god. [...]
I was tempted to promise we’d do this more often if we survived, but I’d learned that promises are precious. If you’re not absolutely sure you can keep them, you should never make them [...].
So despite how much he wants to – and we know how much he wants to because he tells us, because by the end of the series he’s not hiding it anymore – Apollo can’t promise Austin that they’ll spend more time together, even if they both survive. The uncertainty has nothing to do with the fact that they are currently facing death. Apollo makes it crystal clear.
Right after his triumphant return on Olympus, where he’s welcomed with full honors, he still doesn’t dare state plainly his desire to go back to visit his children and all the mortals who have helped him along the way. “I’ll visit some old friends,” he says, fully knowing how that will be interpreted, and silently accepts Dionysus’ contribution in muddying the waters even further.
I don’t say this to absolve him. It’s right of Apollo to acknowledge that he’s failed his children. That he should have tried more, and harder, to be there for them anyway. That he must try more and harder NOW. And he does. 
But none of the above addresses the Halcyon situation at all. The Halcyon situation is simply not the same. 
The closest the TOA narrative ever gets to forcing Apollo to tackle a comparable sort of issue is when it introduces Trophonius, the only other son of Apollo whom we see harbor any kind of resentment toward his father… but even in Trophonius’ case, Apollo is guilty of inaction, not of taking active, violent action against his son. 
Granted, there’s good reason to suspect that in Trophonius’s time the rules against divine intervention weren’t yet as strict as they are in the modern age, so Apollo does not have that excuse for his inaction there. And Apollo himself admits there was some sort of punitive intent on his part: he felt Trophonius “deserved to face the consequences” of his bad choices. But even considering all this… the Trophonius situation and the Halcyon situation are still light years apart in their substance.
Trophonius used the talent and the opportunities to make it shine that he’d gotten from his father (we can certainly add nepotism to the list of Apollo’s crimes) to fraud and rob his clients, and was left to deal on his own with the fallout of being discovered.
Halcyon was admonished by Apollo to never use the talent he’d inherited, and chose to disregard that admonition to save the life of a little girl. Something which by the way had zero negative consequences that we know of. For this, Apollo personally took it upon himself to actively punish him, by walling him up in his own house and cursing him to become the twisted instrument of death of countless innocent children for the rest of his days. 
The two above things… are not the same. 
One might even say the two above things stand in contradiction one with the other, but again that’s not the argument I’m making right now. My point is Apollo’s regret for refusing to help Trophonius and Agamethus can’t even begin to cover what Apollo did to Halcyon.
There is nothing in the whole of TOA that can be construed as even just… a viable proxy to at the very least obliquely address the Halcyon story, and what it implies about Apollo as a god, as a person, and as a parent.
And no, Apollo’s memory problems aren’t a good enough excuse for sidestepping this reckoning, because
that only works if we assume the Halcyon story is a single isolated incident and not representative of a pattern of behavior on Apollo’s part… which brings us right back to the idea that it’s actually OOC for Apollo to have done what Halcyon says he’s done to him. And
at the end of the series Apollo gets all of his godly brain power back. And what happens then? He condemns one final, definitive time Zeus’s and Nero’s treatment of their children without even so much as hinting that he himself has been guilty of exactly the same behavior in the past. Not even the distant past, but a few decades ago at most! 
Again I ask: doesn’t that fill you with rage? :))
And yet the narrative contract here explicitly requires us to buy into Apollo’s honesty of intentions. No, there is no guarantee that he will manage to keep his promises. There is no guarantee that from now on he will do everything right either. But we are supposed to at least believe that he WANTS to. At the end of the series, Apollo literally asks us to put our faith and trust in him. 
But how can we do that in the face of him choosing to never come clean about the Halcyon thing? 
We can’t.
So. Where am I going with this? Am I arguing that the novella should be expunged from canon after all? 
No, as stated in the title, I am not. There is a very simple way to reconcile the Halcyon novella with the story that is told in TOA, the Apollo that we hear about in the Halcyon novella with the Apollo we got to know in the 5 books that star him as both protagonist and narrator. All we need to do is let ourselves consider the possibility that Halcyon's punishment… was not Apollo's choice. 
Yes, Apollo was the one to enact it, there’s no doubt about that. But he wasn’t the one who came up with it. He wasn’t the one who wanted it.
And the clues are there.
All throughout the series, there is one character who is particularly fearful of prophecies. Who condemned Apollo to his own punishment at the end of HOO by citing as a reason that he'd been too quick to name a new Pythia who could speak the future into existence. Who could plausibly have taken issue with Halcyon’s one single act of interference specifically, because it might not look like it but Halcyon saving that little girl's life is the first domino falling in the long chain that will lead to Luke allying with Kronos, the second Titanomachy, and Olympus' stability being threatened thrice in less than a decade. The character whose personal symbols pop up in key moments of the story: the goat Amalthea, the aegis replica destined to Thalia, his own daughter. 
“Prophecies,” Apollo tells Meg in THO, rather vehemently, “are the catalysts for every important event—every quest or battle, disaster or miracle, birth or death. Prophecies don’t simply foretell the future. They shape it! They allow the future to happen.” 
Zeus takes this to mean that if he can just stop prophecies from being uttered he can prevent any problem from materializing. 
Frank looked at Zeus. ‘Um, sir, Your Majesty, can’t you gods just pop over there with us? You’ve got the chariots and the magic powers and whatnot.’
‘Yes!’ Hazel said. ‘We defeated the giants together in two seconds. Let’s all go –’
‘No,’ Zeus said flatly.
‘No?’ Jason asked. ‘But, Father –’
Zeus’s eyes sparked with power, and Jason realized he’d pushed his dad as far as he could for today … and maybe for the next few centuries.
‘That’s the problem with prophecies,’ Zeus growled. ‘When Apollo allowed the Prophecy of Seven to be spoken, and when Hera took it upon herself to interpret the words, the Fates wove the future in such a way that it had only so many possible outcomes, so many solutions. You seven, the demigods, are destined to defeat Gaia. We, the gods, cannot.’
According to Zeus, prophecies constrain the future. They lock people into a predetermined course of action, a predetermined outcome. They take away people’s ability to choose.
There’s a whole debate to be had on whether Zeus is right or not to think so – and a whole other debate to be had on top of that one on whether Zeus truly believes this is the case or just chooses to delude himself that it is because doing so absolves him of responsibility – but for the moment what matters is that Apollo disagrees with him. 
‘Zeus was already angry with me for appointing that new girl, Rachel Dare, as my Oracle. Zeus seems to think I hastened the war with Gaia by doing so, since Rachel issued the Prophecy of Seven as soon as I blessed her. But prophecy doesn’t work that way! [...]’
Apollo thinks of prophecy as a guide, not a prison. Ultimately, it’s still up to each individual to make their own choices:
“The only other person I’ve ever known to have this, er, firewood problem, back in the old days, was this prince named Meleager. His mom got the same kind of prophecy when he was a baby. But she never even told Meleager about the firewood. She just hid it and let him live his life. He grew up to be kind of a privileged, arrogant brat.”
Hazel held Frank’s hand with both of hers. “Frank could never be like that.”
“I know,” I said. “Anyway, Meleager ended up killing a bunch of his relatives. His mom was horrified. She went and found the piece of firewood and threw it in the fire. Boom. End of story.”
Hazel shuddered. “That’s horrible.”
“The point is, Frank’s family was honest with him. His grandmother told him the story of Juno’s visit. She let him carry his own lifeline. She didn’t try to protect him from the hard truth. That shaped who he is. [...] By burning his own tinder, he kind of…I don’t know, started a new fire with it. He’s in charge of his own destiny now. Well, as much as any of us are.
Apollo really believes in people’s right to make their own choices. He believes in people’s right to take responsibility for those choices too. But to be able to do that, people need to be informed. 
“Die,” I repeated.
“Not disappear, not wouldn’t come back, not suffer defeat.”
“Nope. Die. Or more accurately, three letters, starts with D.”
“Not dad, then,” I suggested. “Or dog.”
One fine blond eyebrow crept above the rim of his glasses. “If you seek out the emperor, one of you will dog? No, Apollo, the word was die.”
“Still, that could mean many things. It could mean a trip to the Underworld. It could mean a death such as Leo suffered, where you pop right back to life. It could mean—” 
“Now you’re being evasive,” [...] Jason’s stare was unrelenting. I suspected that in the weeks since his talk with Herophile, he had run every scenario. He was well past the bargaining stage in dealing with this prophecy. He had accepted that death meant death, the way Piper McLean had accepted that Oklahoma meant Oklahoma. I didn’t like that.
“Let’s assume you’re correct,” I said. “You didn’t tell Piper the truth because—?”
“You know what happened to her dad.” [...]
“Yes, but you can’t know how the prophecy will unfold.” [...]
Jason shrugged. “[...] I knew you’d be coming to find me. Herophile said so. If you’d just waited another week—”
“Then what?” I demanded. “You would’ve let us lead you cheerily off to your death? How would that have affected Piper’s peace of mind, once she found out?”
Jason’s ears reddened. It struck me just how young he was—no more than seventeen. [...] Despite all his experiences, was it fair of me to expect him to think logically, and consider everyone else’s feelings with perfect clarity, while pondering his own death? 
I tried to soften my tone. “You don’t want Piper to die. I understand that. She wouldn’t want you to die. But avoiding prophecies never works. And keeping secrets from friends, especially deadly secrets…that really never works. It’ll be our job to face Caligula together, steal that homicidal maniac’s shoes, and get away without any five-letter words that start with D.”
The scar ticked at the corner of Jason’s mouth. “Donut?”
It’s hard to say for sure how big a part did Jason’s resignation play in sealing his fate. This is not the time for that discussion anyway, but I think it’s important to make note of the fact that Apollo really, really did not like it. That Jason’s resignation is in fact what scared Apollo the most. 
I quoted the above passage almost in full because I think it exemplifies and summarizes better than almost anything Apollo’s views on prophecy.
Apollo thinks of prophecy as a beacon in the darkness. It spurs people into action. It lights up their way and pushes them forward, far from the safe stagnancy whose ultimate and truer expression is death (or immortality. But that too is a digression for another time). It doesn’t take away people’s choices: it gives them new ones.
It’s easy to forget, but Apollo is not just the god of prophecy; he is the god of knowledge and truth too. As much as he’s guilty of doing it himself, he does not actually believe in sticking your head in the sand. 
"I warned you," a new voice said. [...]
"You dare come here?" Hades growled. "I should blast you to dust!"
"You cannot," the girl said. "The power of Delphi protects me." [...]
"You've killed the woman I loved!" Hades roared. "Your prophecy brought us to this.'" He loomed over the girl, but she didn't flinch. 
"Zeus ordained the explosion to destroy the children," she said, "because you defied his will. I had nothing to do with it. And I did warn you to hide them sooner." [...]
"Perhaps I cannot bring back Maria. Nor can I bring you to an early death. But your soul is still mortal, and I can curse you."
All through the course of PJO, HOO and TOA we see Apollo’s oracle – his oracles plural, in fact: the Sibyl of Cumae and the Sibyl of Erythrae too in addition to the Pythia – share everything they know punctually and without fail. It’s their job to warn people about the future on Apollo’s behalf, despite the unwarranted backlash they get for it. Apollo himself is heavily implied to be the one who’s sending demigods their convenient prophetic dreams. And who else but Apollo could be the source of Octavian’s confidence that the Sibylline books had survived the fall of Rome, well before Percy, Hazel and Frank met Ella the harpy? 
In TOA, we see Apollo share all that he learns as soon as he learns it, with each and every one of the people he can count on his side. Even when he thinks it will be detrimental, even when he fears their reaction. He still tells them.
The only times we see Apollo be anything less than forthcoming, it’s to cover up the fact that he legitimately does not have the answer. This became extremely clear in TOA, but Percy, who’s much more intuitive than a lot of people give him credit for, had figured it out already in TTC:
"But it's your Oracle," I protested. "Can't you tell us what the prophecy means?" 
Apollo sighed. "You might as well ask an artist to explain his art, or ask a poet to explain his poem. It defeats the purpose. The meaning is only clear through the search." 
"In other words, you don't know."
Apollo checked his watch. "Ah, look at the time! I have to run. [...]"
So, here’s the million dollar question: why would Apollo be opposed to Hal doing the same thing he himself always does? Sharing Knowledge? Giving a little girl a choice, a chance to save herself? 
He wouldn’t. He is not the one who was against it. He is certainly not the one who wanted to see Hal punished for it.
This recontextualizes Halcyon’s words that “Apollo warned me to keep quiet,” because to speak about the future “would anger the gods.” This phrasing is not an indication of Apollo trying to shirk responsibility for the punishment he was threatening his son with. It’s the literal truth. Halcyon putting his powers to good use would anger the gods – not Apollo himself. Gods like Hades who cursed Apollo’s oracle for trying to warn him of imminent danger, or Zeus who stripped Apollo of his immortality for revealing a prophecy “prematurely”. Gods who should very much not be named lest they turn their attention to Apollo and his son.
In this light, I feel it’s pretty illuminating to look back on this line from THO, right out of Apollo’s own mouth:
How could I have been so foolish? Whenever I angered the other gods, those closest to me were struck down.
Of course, Zeus would have been perfectly capable of enacting the punishment himself, much like he'd done with Asclepius, but… with everything we know about Zeus’ parenting and ruling style after TOA… it’s not that hard to imagine he might have wanted to make a point here. It’s not hard to imagine that having to personally deliver the punishment to his own son might have been Apollo’s own punishment for his son’s transgression. 
Remember how many times Apollo likens Zeus to Nero? Wouldn’t it make a scary amount of sense for this to be a “Cassius, I’m rewarding you by letting you cut Luguselwa's hands” move on Zeus’ part?
Apollo, in my generosity, I allow you to give your son the horrible news yourself. 
And of course Apollo would have taken the offer. Of course he’d have accepted to take part in this sick game. What other choice did he have? Defying his father? Declaring war on the king of the gods? Should he have murdered some of Zeus’ favorite servants again? He’d done it for Asclepius, and still had not been able to win him a better deal than forever jail. Which, granted, would still have been a better deal than the one Halcyon got… provided that Apollo could achieve that kind of victory again. 
Something else to consider: Halcyon almost certainly wasn’t Apollo’s only child at the time. And if Apollo had more children, then those children undoubtedly would have become more targets for Zeus’ anger, had their father dared provoke it any further. 
Perhaps Apollo should have taken the risk. Perhaps Apollo chose wrong. But there was no path for him to choose that would not lead to the slaughter of innocents. 
At least, this way, Apollo could see and speak to Hal one last time. This way, he could leave his son with a promise that his punishment would come to an end. 
Because it’s obvious, from Halcyon’s account of his father’s words and actions, that Apollo had foreseen that Luke and Thalia would be the ones to break the curse, and that Hal would be able to escape his misery by dying to save the life of Zeus’ daughter, and therefore had taken care to set up the means for that potential future to be realized. 
The book containing the recipe for greek fire, that Hal was strangely confident they would find on his bookshelves. 
The safe containing the aegis replica, an item befitting Zeus’ progeny, that only a son of Hermes could successfully open, and that Hal remembers Apollo telling him “was sealed since before [Hal] was born”. Who could have done that, and why, if not Apollo so that Thalia could eventually take rightful ownership of it? 
I’d dare suggest, even, that Apollo might have been the one who sent the goat, with the precise intention of luring Thalia and Luke into the trap, knowing that they would make it out thanks to Hal’s sacrifice, with a gift such to ensure that Thalia’s divine father would have no reason to object to the final outcome of Apollo's gamble, and every incentive to overlook how it had been orchestrated. 
But of course Apollo would never tell his son “I had no choice” because WHEN DOES HE EVER. Five books and WE are the only souls he’s actually confessed being an abuse victim to, and even to us he’s given zero details. He never makes excuses for himself. He doesn’t think it matters that he could. He holds himself responsible anyway. 
He believes that he must, because his father never does.
‘I know you think your punishment was harsh, Apollo.’
I did not answer. I tried my best to keep my expression polite and neutral.
‘But you must understand,’ Zeus continued, ‘only you could have overthrown Python. Only you could have freed the Oracles. And you did it, as I expected. The suffering, the pain along the way… regrettable, but necessary [...].’
I had no choice, is Zeus’ constant refrain. I can’t help you, he tells the demigods. “You did not ask for this,” he tells Jason. “I did not want it.” And yet who could have forced the hand of the king of the gods?
He tells his son “I can’t praise you.” He tells him “I can’t give you credit.” He says “someone must take the blame.” He says “it’s the lightning bolt that hurt you.” He says “you must understand. It was necessary. I had no choice.” 
So Apollo refuses to claim the words for himself, even if they are true.
It’s very noble, but also incredibly misguided. It’s the root of all the communication problems he has with his children. The reason why he can’t bring himself to answer Will, and Kayla, and Austin, when they try to tell him that they want him in their lives, not just once or twice, but always, every day. Even they, who know they are loved, have absolutely no idea how much. 
“Maybe Apollo meant we’re going to rescue you,” Thalia said.
Hal typed a new sentence: Or maybe I die today.
“Thank you, Mr. Cheerful,” I said. “I thought you could tell the future. You don’t know what will happen?”
Hal typed: I can’t look. It’s too dangerous. You can see what happened to me last time I tried to use my powers.
“Sure,” I grumbled. “Don’t take the risk. You might mess up this nice life you’ve got here.”
I knew that was mean. But the old man’s cowardice annoyed me. He’d let the gods use him as a punching bag for too long. It was time he fought back, preferably before Thalia and I became the leucrotae’s next meal.
Hal lowered his head. His chest was shaking, and I realized he was crying silently.
When Luke and Thalia meet him at the beginning of the tale, Halcyon is resigned to his fate, and terrified that if he tries to fight it he'll be punished even worse, somehow. He's lost all faith in his father's judgment, and, if he ever had any, in his father's promise of freedom too. He's surrendered to utter despair. He resists Luke's demands that he do something, anything, to help both them and himself. 
Then Luke manages to open the safe, and Hal begins to realize that… maybe… just maybe... there’s a possibility that his father had not lied to him. 
Hal showed us the short novel he’d written: You’re the ones!! You actually got the treasure!! I can’t believe it!! That safe has been sealed since before I was born!! Apollo told me my curse would end when the owner of the treasure claimed it!! If you’re the owner—
He's still terrified. He struggles to let himself dare hope. But eventually he finds the courage to do the right thing once again: use his talent to save the life of these kids who don't deserve to die. 
He reads Thalia's future. 
And then he reads Luke's.
I could feel Hal’s pulse in my fingers—one, two, three.
His eyes flew open. He yanked his hands away and stared at me in terror.
“Okay,” I said. My tongue felt like sandpaper. “I’m guessing you didn’t see anything good.”
It’s in that moment, as he finds himself in the exact same position his father Apollo had once been, seeing the terrible tragedy in this child’s future that he knows, in spite of his best efforts, he won’t be able to avert… It’s in that moment that Hal finally understands. 
Hal picked up his green leather diary. He gestured for me to follow him. We walked to the closet doorway, where Hal took a pen from his jacket and flipped through the book. I saw pages and pages of neat, cramped handwriting. Finally Hal found an empty page and scribbled something.
He handed the book to me.
The note read, Luke, I want you to take this diary. It has my predictions, my notes about the future, my thoughts about where I went wrong. I think it might help you.
I shook my head. “Hal, this is yours. Keep it.”
He took back the book and wrote, You have an important future. Your choices will change the world. You can learn from my mistakes, continue the diary. It might help you with your decisions.
“What decisions?” I asked. “What did you see that scared you so badly?”
His pen hovered over the page for a long time. I think I finally understand why I was cursed, he wrote. Apollo was right. Sometimes the future really is better left a mystery.
“Hal, your father was a jerk. You didn’t deserve—”
Hal tapped the page insistently. 
We are not made privy to Hal’s thought processes in detail. Apollo was right, he writes, and he bristles when Luke tries to protest that notion. He taps the page insistently. What is he trying to communicate? Surely he can’t think that Apollo was right to warn him off of trying to use his gift to save people? 
Especially because… Halcyon is at this very moment once again defying fate to try and save someone. He is at this very moment trying to save Luke from the terrible future he’s seen. 
He knows he doesn’t know enough. He knows he can’t tell Luke what to do. Luke will have to make his own choices. But Hal can make sure those choices will be as informed as possible. Hal wants to give him a chance. He wants to give him hope, something to hang onto when he will be tried. He wants to give Luke what his father had given him. 
Because Hal understands now. Not everything, of course, no. He, and Luke and Thalia too, are still missing the most important pieces of the puzzle. But, clearly, Hal understands enough. Enough to make peace in his heart with his father. Enough to trust that he will get the release his father had promised him in death. Enough to die with a prayer in honor of his father on his lips, quite literally dedicating his heroic sacrifice to him. 
I heard Halcyon Green, shouting a battle cry: “For Apollo!” 
We have no idea what kind of relationship Hal and Apollo had once upon a time. We don’t know what the tone of Hal and Apollo’s last conversation was. Did Apollo allow his heartbreak to show on his face? Did he tell Hal how sorry he was? 
Certainly, he would not have blamed Zeus, and he would not have tried to exculpate himself. Which is why Halcyon still ultimately thinks this was Apollo's decision. 
And yet, something peculiar happens when Hal narrates his conversations with Apollo. "My father warned me," he says, "my father cursed me". But in between those we get "then the gods set the leucrotae to guard me". The gods. There’s that phrasing again. And it does make me wonder... is this how Apollo presented the whole thing to Hal? Are these Apollo’s own words? 
I have to say, I really can see it. This is the will of the gods, Apollo would have said, and just... never specified but NOT MINE. Because he felt that he had no right to Hal’s understanding, let alone Hal’s forgiveness. 
Did Hal pick up on that subconsciously anyway?
We don’t know what kind of relationship Hal and Apollo had once upon a time. We know, because Hal tells us, that Hal had faithfully heeded his father’s warning, until the day he met that little girl, and found that his conscience would not allow him to let her die. We know that in the end Hal forgave his father. That Hal, in his last seconds of life, took comfort in his father’s name.
Why would Hal do such a 180 on Apollo in such a short amount of time? Just based on the realization that Apollo had indeed foreseen all this, and prepared accordingly? Because of what he’d seen when he looked into Luke’s future? It’s a hell of a leap from “Apollo can’t punish me any worse than he already has” to “Apollo was right”, and one that really there’s no way to make logical sense of… unless Hal had just been waiting for an excuse, any excuse, to reconcile himself with the memory of his father. Unless, all this time, Hal had wished nothing more than to be able to believe in his father again.
We don’t know what kind of relationship Hal and Apollo had once upon a time. But Hal’s change of heart, and his behavior leading up to his end, would seem to suggest rather a good one. Not too dissimilar, perhaps, from the one Apollo shares with his kids in the present.
Or perhaps Hal was just scared and desperate as he readied himself to die, and grasping for straws because straws were all he got. For all we know, that’s possible too.
But that is not how Hal appears to Luke in his last moments. 
He met my eyes, and I finally understood what he was planning. “Don’t,” I said. “We can all make it out.” Hal pursed his lips. He wrote, We both know that’s impossible. I can communicate with the leucrotae. I am the logical choice for bait. You and Thalia wait in the closet. I’ll lure the monsters into the bathroom. I’ll buy you a few seconds to reach the exit panel before I set off the explosion. It’s the only way you’ll have time.
“No,” I said.
But his expression was grim and determined. He didn’t look like a cowardly old man anymore. He looked like a demigod, ready to go out fighting.
I couldn’t believe he was offering to sacrifice his life for two kids he’d just met, especially after he’d suffered for so many years. And yet, I didn’t need pen and paper to see what he was thinking. This was his chance at redemption. He would do one last heroic thing, and his curse would end today, just as Apollo had foreseen.
He scribbled something and handed me the diary. The last word read: Promise.
I took a deep breath, and closed the book. “Yeah. I promise.”
In his last moments, Hal is full of dignity and hope. He finally finds the courage to stand up tall and proud of himself again. I feel it would be doing Hal a disservice to assume that, in those last moments, his renewed faith in his father was grounded in delusion rather than truth.
What was he trying to communicate to Luke in their last exchange? What did he think Luke could learn from his diary? What is the promise that he asked Luke to make? We’ll never know. Luke chooses to not tell us. 
Luke chooses to erase Hal’s last words to him from the narrative, and substitute his own. 
I couldn’t shake my grief.
Promise, Halcyon Green had written.
I promise, Hal, I thought. I will learn from your mistakes. If the gods ever treat me that badly, I will fight back.
There’s a lot to be said about the way Halcyon and Luke influence each other in opposite directions. About the way Halcyon’s death and Luke’s death mirror each other. About the way Halcyon’s relationship with Apollo mirrors Luke’s relationship with Hermes. I know @tsarinatorment has excellent thoughts re: this, and not only this, that I hope she will share.
But for now this is already long enough, and so to bring us back to my original point… No, the Halcyon story, taken as it is, does not gel with TOA at all. But once you dig just a little deeper under the surface of it… I’d dare say it becomes impossible to rule it out of canon, because it fits too well within canon. It fills in the narrative blanks left by Apollo, who never tells us the details of Zeus’ abuse, and therefore… never tells us about Hal. 
To tell us about Hal would require Apollo to admit that he had no choice. No good ones at least. It would require Apollo to admit that he’s not at fault. 
But how can he not be at fault? He literally did do this. It was his words that cursed his son. His hands that delivered the instruments of torture.
So Apollo doesn’t talk about Halcyon. But when he calls himself a terrible father, when he berates himself for his failures as a parent, as a person, as a god, you bet he’s holding himself responsible for Halcyon too.
And in this light it’s interesting, I think, to note that despite how Apollo feels re: prophecy there are no known present day children of Apollo who possess the power to look into the future. There’s only Octavian, who is a legacy, and whose gift is implied to have been passed down his family line, and perhaps Georgina, who is in all likelihood a legacy too, possibly even descended from a different branch of Octavian’s family.
We know from Hephaestus that sometimes gods can choose to suppress the transmission of a specific ability to their children. Hephaestus did it with fire, and I don’t think it’s farfetched to imagine Apollo would have chosen to do it with prophecy after Halcyon. Again I know Tsari has given this far more thought than I have, so I pass the metaphorical mic to her.
Finally, I want to talk about how this whole novella is basically a concentrated allegory of TOA, featuring Halcyon as a stand-in for Apollo himself. Forever trapped in his childhood home full of monsters who have stolen and perverted his voice, and that he can never escape because they are inextricably tied to him, and him to them. Punished for the crime of having a functioning moral compass and having chosen to follow it, and after years of death & tragedy that are framed as a direct result of that choice... he has almost completely internalized the idea that he might actually have been in the wrong. He's surrendered. He’s not only accepted the slaughter but has even become complicit in it. He’s become a monster himself.
And then we get Thalia & Luke who are a stand in for all the people Apollo bonds with on his journey, who give him hope again, who reaffirm his conviction that there IS, there HAS TO BE a better way, and reignite his will to fight. After all, he realizes, what does he have left to lose?
I turned my face to the sky. “If you want to punish me, Father, be my guest, but have the courage to hurt me directly, not my mortal companion. BE A MAN!”
To me this novella absolutely reads like a first outline of the TOA series that Rick might have later decided to flesh out and expand upon. The core themes, the central ideas are all in there.
But Halcyon can only find redemption through death. The narrative denies him the chance to survive and do better. He’s only a man, and for him the odds are impossible. He dies thinking that on some level he deserves it – he brought this on himself. He dies still thinking that maybe he was wrong to save that little girl's life.
I wonder if in the first draft of TOA Apollo was meant to die at the end like Halcyon did. In a way he did die, in fact. But he’s a god, and for a god no odds are impossible. So Apollo is reborn through the power that he finally allowed himself to reclaim, because he finally has learned to believe that he was right to want to use it. He was right to want to help people. He was right. He learns the lesson that Halcyon never could. He is afforded the opportunity to keep trying. 
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annes-room · 13 days
fall 2024 first impressions
I'm now 2 weeks into my new semester at school and I definitely have some thoughts about my classes 🧠
📊 stats courses:
Introduction to Design and Analysis of Experiments the material itself should be okay. we have to come up with a small experiment to carry out during the semester worth 20% of our grade which should also be doable, our prof emphasized that it should be something cheap and easy to do. but it's a group project so I hope I can get some good people. the prof for this course is the same as one of my summer courses and unfortunately I didn't really gel with him so I'm not terribly excited about that part.
Applied Regression Analysis definitely my least favourite so far. it's a required course for my program, and I was excited for the material, but my prof is abysmal so far! he's rude to students asking questions and he's giving us a bunch of stuff that seems to be outside the scope of the course. if it's not, he's not doing a great job teaching it. I'm already looking into getting a tutor for this course because I know I'll need it.
⌨️ compsci courses:
Practical Programming Methodology this will be the heaviest course in terms of assignments, and I was initially worried about it because we'll be learning in C, coming out of using only Python at this point. but the prof seems really nice and there's a lot of help sessions so I'll be taking advantage of those.
Formal Systems and Logic in Computing Science technically this is a discrete math course, but very necessary for compsci. we've just started the section on logic so far, and I really like it! it's a bit to take in, but once I get it, I'll be good.
I was definitely more stressed last week, but now that I've started working on assignments I feel like my feet are a bit more underneath me. class difficulty is definitely higher, but my capacity for challenges has grown over the last 3 years so I think I can handle it. the biggest thing will be keeping burnout at bay, but I always no I can turn down certain things and respect my own limits.
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Python 357 Revolver Gel Blaster!
Xavier Mitchell
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evoldir · 1 month
Fwd: Postdoc: UMaryland.EvolutionaryQuantitativeGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: UMaryland.EvolutionaryQuantitativeGenomics > Date: 15 August 2024 at 06:13:36 BST > To: [email protected] > > > The Fritz Lab is seeking a postdoctoral scholar who will develop and > execute research to determine the evolutionary history of structural > variants involved in rapid insect adaptation. > > Location: University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, > College Park, MD > > Supervisor: Principal Investigator (PI) Megan Fritz > > Salary: $52,000 - $58,000 plus University benefits ( > https://ift.tt/lUTqg7E) > > Category Type: Non-tenured, continuing contract (12 mo.) > > Duration: 24 months, contingent upon performance > > Project Topic: Structural variants and their role in rapid adaptation to > human-imposed selection. > > Position Description: The postdoctoral project leader will conduct > experiments to quantify nucleotide sequence and structural changes across > the genome over time, as well as characterize haplotypic variation in > adaptive genomic regions from long-read data. The postdoc will be > responsible for collection and analysis of data, reporting, communication > of results at conferences and through peer-reviewed manuscripts, as well as > mentorship of graduate and undergraduate researchers. > > Minimum Requirements: Ph.D. in Biology, Genetics, Entomology, or related > fields. Candidates must have experience using standard molecular techniques > (e.g. DNA isolation, PCR, gel electrophoresis) and substantial experience > conducting population and evolutionary genomic analyses. > > Preferred Qualifications: Analysis of large genomic datasets (Illumina > short reads, Oxford nanopore long reads), familiarity with Linux command > line, and use of R and/or Python. > > For best consideration apply by September 15, 2024.  Interested applicants > should send a cover letter, CV/resume, and a list of 3 references to Megan > Fritz ([email protected]). > > The University of Maryland, College Park, actively subscribes to a policy > of equal employment opportunity, and will not discriminate against any > employee or applicant because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, > physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry or national origin, > marital status, genetic information, political affiliation, and gender > identity or expression. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. > > Megan Fritz > > Associate Professor > Department of Entomology > Institute for Advanced Computer Studies > University of Maryland > > 4291 Field House Dr. > Plant Sciences Bldg. Rm. 3126 > College Park, MD 20742 > Office Phone: 301-405-3945 > Website: www.meganfritzlab.com > Twitter Handle: @MosquitoDoc > she/her > > Megan Lindsay Fritz
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01156626321 · 2 months
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شركة أديكو للتوظيف بدون خبرة في الامارات 2024
الراتب : 3,529 الي 27,737 درهم
جميع الجنسيات
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التفاصيل والتقديم : https://wp.me/pcz2Eb-gEL
#recruitment #وظائف #jobs #recruiting #توظيف #careers #hr #السعودية #job #search #وظائف_الشرقية #وظيفة_شاغرة #التوظيف #وظيفه #وظائف_اليوم #وظائف_الرياض #hunting #توطين #وظائف_إدارية #الرياض #طاقات #saudi #ساعد_تتساعد #riyadh #الموارد_البشرية #بنك_الرياض #جدة #عاجل #الامارات #عمان #هام #humanresources #قطر #خبر #وظائف_السعودية #الدمام #وظائف_عمان #كلمني_عربي #السلطنة #humanresources #وظيفة #اللغة #qatar #oil #work #banque #petroleum #people #الطب #energy #الطيران #amazon #development #الصحة #markets #hotels #accorhotels #hospital #الأبحاث #egypt #airlines #oilandgas #insurance #microsoft #oilgas #university #power #pwc #middleeast #bank #canada #deloitte #medicine #aviation #الطاقة #health #education #التسويق #إدارة #الهندسة #team #investment #engineer #projects #devops #remotework #engineers #azure #design #india #management #digital #opportunities #engineering #culture #china #microservices #infrastructure #agile #java #kubernetes #software #cloud #python #network #experience #linux #docker #bigdata #softwaredevelopment #programming #sql #reference #finance
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uaejobs2030 · 9 months
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شركة أديكو تفتح باب التوظيف بالامارات للجنسيين 2024
رواتب مغرية
جميع الجنسيات
التفاصيل والتقديم : https://wp.me/pcz2Eb-gEL
#recruitment #وظائف #jobs #recruiting #توظيف #careers #hr #السعودية #job #search #وظائف_الشرقية #وظيفة_شاغرة #التوظيف #وظيفه #وظائف_اليوم #وظائف_الرياض #hunting #توطين #وظائف_إدارية #الرياض #طاقات #saudi #ساعد_تتساعد #riyadh #الموارد_البشرية #بنك_الرياض #جدة #عاجل #الامارات #عمان #هام #humanresources #قطر #خبر #وظائف_السعودية #الدمام #وظائف_عمان #كلمني_عربي #السلطنة #humanresources #وظيفة #اللغة #qatar #oil #work #banque #petroleum #people #الطب #energy #الطيران #amazon #development #الصحة #markets #hotels #accorhotels #hospital #الأبحاث #egypt #airlines #oilandgas #insurance #microsoft #oilgas #university #power #pwc #middleeast #bank #canada #deloitte #medicine #aviation #الطاقة #health #education #التسويق #إدارة #الهندسة #team #investment #engineer #projects #devops #remotework #engineers #azure #design #india #management #digital #opportunities #engineering #culture #china #microservices #infrastructure #agile #java #kubernetes #software #cloud #python #network #experience #linux #docker #bigdata #softwaredevelopment #programming #sql #reference #finance
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stumblingoverchaos · 1 year
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From my Good Omens art journal. Collage, acrylic paint, gel plate printing, stickers.
"...The worried talk to God goes on I sincerely tried to love it Wish that I could rise above it But I stay down With my demons I stay down With my demons I stay down With my demons I stay down With my demons ...Oh, everyday I start so great Then the sunlight dims Less I look the more I see the pythons and the limbs Do not know what's wrong with me Sours in the cut When I walk into a room I do not light it up Fuck So I stay down With my demons I stay down With my demons I stay down With my demons I stay down With my demons" -The National, "Demons"
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Python Gel: Apa yang harus Anda lakukan tentang jerawat pada penis?
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Jerawat dapat mengembangkan pada penis, meskipun mereka lebih umum di tempat lain pada tubuh. Jerawat biasanya tidak berbahaya, dan mungkin tidak menjadi penyebab perhatian jika seseorang berkembang pada penis.
Namun, jerawat terkadang dapat menyerupai gejala kondisi lain, Python Gel , seperti penyakit menular seksual atau STD, sehingga penting untuk mengetahui apakah pertumbuhan pada atau di sekitar penis membutuhkan perhatian medis.
Artikel ini akan membahas tanda lain untuk melihat keluar untuk yang dapat menunjukkan STD, metode untuk mengobati jerawat pada penis, Python Gel, dan kapan harus menemui dokter.
Apakah jerawat itu?
Jerawat berkembang ketika kelenjar minyak pada permukaan kulit yang diblokir oleh minyak, sel kulit mati, atau puing lainnya.
Penyumbatan ini dapat memicu respon imun, menyebabkan daerah menjadi meradang dan bengkak.
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Benjolan kecil yang dihasilkan dikenal sebagai jerawat, Python Gel, dan jerawat dapat terjadi di mana saja pada tubuh.
Tanda dari STD:
pria membuka celana pendek untuk memeriksa apakah ia memiliki jerawat pada penis
Mencukur, kebersihan yang buruk, dan pakaian ketat dapat meningkatkan kemungkinan jerawat muncul.
Jerawat muncul sebagai kecil, benjolan bulat pada permukaan kulit. Dasar biasanya merah atau daging berwarna.
=Ujung jerawat bisa menjadi putih (Whiteheads), hitam (komedo) atau warna yang sama dengan dasar, tergantung pada jenis puing yang telah menyebabkan Build up. Beberapa jerawat juga mengandung nanah.
Faktor yang meningkatkan kemungkinan jerawat termasuk:
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pakaian ketat
keringat berlebihan
kebersihan yang buruk
kulit berminyak
Menyadari faktor ini dapat membantu untuk menentukan kemungkinan itu menjadi jerawat langsung yang telah dikembangkan atau sesuatu yang lain.
Jerawat dapat terjadi terlepas dari aktivitas seksual, Python Gel, yang juga membantu untuk mempersempit penyebab benjolan.
Ada kemungkinan bahwa STD menyebabkan mereka jika seseorang secara seksual aktif dan gejala lainnya juga terjadi.
Ada tiga STDs, yang kami berikan rincian di sini, dengan gejala yang dapat disalahartikan sebagai jerawat.
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Gejala utama dari kutil genital adalah pertumbuhan kecil, benjolan berwarna putih daging pada poros, atau kepala penis.
Ujung dapat berbentuk seperti kembang kol dan dapat sangat bervariasi dalam ukuran. Hal ini juga memungkinkan untuk kutil genital muncul di daerah sekitar penis, Python Gel, seperti skrotum atau paha bagian dalam.
Genital sering hilang pada mereka sendiri, tetapi dapat dengan mudah diobati dengan krim atau beku dan terapi panas.
Herpes genital:
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Herpes genital menyebabkan lepuh kelabu-putih dengan dasar merah untuk mengembangkan pada penis atau daerah sekitarnya. Mereka sering tidak nyaman, Python Gel, gatal, dan dapat menyebar ke anus.
Blister dapat menjadi luka terbuka dan cairan cairan dan akan kerak atas. Blister juga dapat muncul di sekitar mulut atau bibir.
Herpes genital biasanya diobati dengan menggunakan obat antivirus.
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Putih atau merah sakit maag pada atau sekitar penis dapat berkembang sebagai gejala sifilis.
Sebuah infeksi bakteri menyebabkan kondisi dan dapat menimbulkan risiko kesehatan yang serius jika dibiarkan tidak diobati.
Sifilis biasanya diobati dengan menggunakan antibiotik.
Perawatan medis jarang diperlukan untuk jerawat. Jerawat akan hilang pada mereka sendiri setelah beberapa hari, dalam banyak kasus.
Hal ini penting untuk menghindari gatal atau bermunculan jerawat. Hal ini dapat memperburuk kondisi dan dapat menyebabkan jaringan parut permanen dan infeksi ditumpangkan.
Mengatasi kemungkinan penyebab jerawat adalah metode terbaik untuk mencegah mereka dari berkembang lagi.
Metode untuk mengurangi risiko jerawat termasuk:
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menghindari lingkungan yang lembab
meminimalkan aktivitas yang menyebabkan berkeringat
mengenakan pakaian longgar dan menghindari pakaian yang menggosok dan menyebabkan gesekan
mandi secara teratur
menghindari menggosok atau menyentuh daerah yang terkena
mengubah tempat tidur dan pakaian secara teratur
Obat yang tersedia untuk membeli atas meja atau online, Python Gel, seperti benzoil peroksida, asam salisilat, atau exfoliants, dapat membantu untuk mengurangi munculnya jerawat.
Daerah di sekitar penis sangat sensitif, sehingga obat ini harus digunakan dengan cermat.
Kapan menemui dokter:
Seorang dokter harus dilihat jika jerawat terjadi dengan gejala lain yang mungkin termasuk:
Sakit kepala
pembengkakan di daerah lain, seperti kelenjar di pangkal paha
ruam kulit atau iritasi
berkembang di daerah lain, termasuk wajah
nyeri otot
Jika tindakan telah diambil untuk mengurangi risiko jerawat berkembang, atau mereka tidak menghilang setelah satu minggu, mungkin layak berkonsultasi dengan dokter.
Jika ada ketidakpastian tentang apakah pertumbuhan adalah jerawat atau tidak, penting untuk mencari saran medis, untuk memastikan mereka bukan merupakan gejala dari kondisi yang lebih serius.
Obat yang tersedia untuk membeli atas meja atau online, Python Gel, seperti benzoil peroksida, asam salisilat, atau exfoliants, dapat membantu untuk mengurangi munculnya jerawat.
Daerah di sekitar penis sangat sensitif, sehingga obat ini harus digunakan dengan cermat.
Kapan menemui dokter:
Seorang dokter harus dilihat jika jerawat terjadi dengan gejala lain yang mungkin termasuk:
Sakit kepala
pembengkakan di daerah lain, seperti kelenjar di pangkal paha
ruam kulit atau iritasi
berkembang di daerah lain, termasuk wajah
nyeri otot
Jika tindakan telah diambil untuk mengurangi risiko jerawat berkembang, atau mereka tidak menghilang setelah satu minggu, mungkin layak berkonsultasi dengan dokter.
Jika ada ketidakpastian tentang apakah pertumbuhan adalah jerawat atau tidak, penting untuk mencari saran medis, Python Gel, untuk memastikan mereka bukan merupakan gejala dari kondisi yang lebih serius.
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pythongel-blog · 5 years
Harga Python Gel
The number of males showing their Python Gel curiosity concerning male enhancement product is growing daily.
Many males are Harga Python Gel even coming forward and test out the various penile enhancement things and ways. Every one in every of them has his own reasons behind opting for penile enhancement methods.
Among the numerous reasons, truly, among Python Gel the primary reason for that males opt for penile enhancement products is the Harga Python Gel fact that they would love to boost their sexual existence by enhancing their sexual drive and satisfy their partners You may realize varied male enhancement items obtainable for sale.
The makers of these items create ample offers Python Gel to men like growing your penis as massive as you would like, enhancing the sexual drive and a lot of a lot of. The guarantees of the makers creating these types of solutions, whether we Harga Python Gel tend to are talking regarding penile enhancement pills, creams, patches or other things, are often true and often false.
Whether or not they're true or false, the guarantees Python Gel created by several makers also are typically exaggerated As a result of the exaggerated claims, many men feel inferior and opt for male enhancement and they go on to test Harga Python Gel out too several male enhancement things and methods.
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Among all of the males who choose penile Python Gel enhancement methods, most of them might extremely not need it.
They are going for penile enhancement just to satisfy their curiosity However, most males select penile enhancement Harga Python Gel to resolve several genuine problems that they face. Some guys could need to settle on penile enhancement ways to obtain better hardons.
Male enhancement things help males to get Python Gel better erections by enhancing the blood circulation towards the penis.
An item of male enhancement is also proven to be helpful for males who utilize them for enhancing their sexual drive Harga Python Gel and ejaculation Totally different male enhancement items are created to fulfill completely different wants.
thus the various male enhancement things Python Gel work in an exceedingly completely different method. If you decide for penile enhancement, initial persist gathering details about the merchandise that you would like to use and make Harga Python Gel certain it's for fulfilling the needs you have. It will probably be sensible from you to debate with your physician concerning the merchandise which you wish to use before starting its actual use.
You will notice varied sorts of penile enhancement Python Gel things available for sale. Natural penile male enhancement product are so much higher to use as compared with the others obtainable. Furthermore, they do not have any Harga Python Gel unwanted effects too. While beginning to utilize a penile enhancement product, create certain the method is medically licensed.
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A male enhancement product works in many Python Gel completely different ways that for varied folks. So, don't simply employ a penile enhancement product because it worked so effectively for one among your friends. The same product simply Harga Python Gel would possibly not work for your desires, in the same way.
Additionally, some penile enhancement items, like Python Gel the pills, do not suit all the boys who purchase them. Therefore, gather additional complete information regarding the product you need to use before actually using it, to make sure that it's not necessary to face any type of health issues afterward While going for a treatment Harga Python Gel it is quite vital to choose the appropriate enhancer as some of them have harmful aspect effects if not chosen rightly.
It is forever counseled by the experts to Python Gel use the natural enhancements. There are always some obvious advantages of using natural enhancer, that alternative enhancer doesn't give Maintaining an extended erectile session is one among Harga Python Gel the foremost common problems for males.
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There are numerous reasons behind this. This Python Gel mainly happens due handling of regular work stress, mental strain or low sexual desire.
Natural male enhancers increase libido level, which provides additional enthusiasm for obtaining a sturdy Harga Python Gel erection for a very long time Within the meantime, male enhancers using natural ingredients will treat premature ejaculation by using powerful sexual nutrients that enable men to last longer than ever before when engaging in sexual issues.
No longer do you have to worry over whether Python Gel or not or not you'll be able to last longer in the bedroom. With natural male enhancers, you're provided with the sexual tools that you would like for success Do you wish enhanced pleasure and Harga Python Gel way additional intensified sexual encounters That's one in all the high reasons why more couples are swearing by a natural male enhancer product or pill within the bedroom.
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What if one little pill might create sex so Python Gel wonderful that you simply'd swear it was nearly like the first time again for you both That's why some men use natural male enhancers that enable them to get pleasure from better sex every single Harga Python Gel time they hit the sack with their woman Fear of any facet effects arising there of are also a explanation for concern for many men.
Natural male enhancer pills present a lot Python Gel of viable and affordable alternative. They use natural herbs and extracts to boost testosterone levels in men with fantastic results. Natural ingredients that are utilized in these natural enhancer Harga Python Gel pills have been in use by natives for many years to extend male libido. Roots like the tongat ali are known to be used for several centuries to increase sexual stamina.
Most men report enhanced climaxes, longer Python Gel orgasms and more intense sexual pleasure overall when simply some times of using some of the best natural male enhancers that improves sex. A number of the enhancements obtainable Harga Python Gel within the market have the power to act fast and fast. Most men are impatient to attend for long hours, hence these quick acting natural supplements will save them the time. Read more: http://www.healthysupplementstalk.com/harga-python-gel/
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fettleride · 5 years
Python Gel Ulasan - Jual Male Gel Enhancer kinerja Terbaik! Harga
Pria peningkatan produk laki-laki menawarkan ereksi berkelanjutan ditambah ukuran penis meningkat dan hasrat seksual. Saat ini, melalui penggunaan produk peningkatan pria, banyak pria, Python Gel dan pasangan mereka, telah bernapas kehidupan baru ke dalam kehidupan seksual mereka. Banyak produk peningkatan pria, yang mengandung asam amino, tidak hanya memecahkan masalah kejantanan pria, seperti kualitas ereksi, stamina dan keinginan, tetapi juga membantu dalam meningkatkan jumlah sperma. Intensif studi telah menemukan bahwa untuk mengembangkan lebih banyak ejakulasi cairan, pria harus mengkonsumsi produk yang memiliki tingkat tinggi asam amino.
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Di antara banyak male enhancement resep, viagra, zenegra, cialis, dan levitra telah menjadi nama rumah tangga diam. Selain menawarkan solusi untuk masalah peningkatan pria, banyak produk mengurangi stres yang terlibat dalam mencapai ereksi. Regular penggunaan beberapa produk hasil dalam efek samping ringan, seperti sakit kepala, pembilasan, stomachache, dan perubahan dalam visi. Secara umum, produk peningkatan pria terbaik meningkatkan sirkulasi di ruang penis dan juga meningkatkan jaringan massa. Peningkatan massa jaringan membantu ruang penis dalam memperluas ukurannya untuk menampung jaringan ditambahkan, sehingga membuat penis tumbuh di kedua panjang dan ketebalan. Python Gel Ulasan peningkatan alami Male (misalnya, pil pembesaran penis) adalah herbal di alam dan tidak saat ini diatur oleh resep. Sangat mudah untuk mendapatkan jenis produk secara online diam-diam dan dikirim langsung kepada Anda. Saw Palmetto, muira pauma, akar licorice, dan Epimedium sagittatum adalah beberapa bahan (male enhancement herbal) yang ditemukan dalam produk peningkatan alami Male.
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Hari ini, ada banyak produk peningkatan Male, yang sangat membantu untuk pria yang menderita berkurangnya dorongan seks, ejakulasi dini, dan ereksi jangka pendek atau lemah. Pelajari semua pilihan produk yang tersedia untuk perangkat tambahan pria dan pilih salah satu yang tepat untuk Anda dan pasangan Anda.
Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut dan beli Python Gel di Indonesia kunjungi here:
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nola-swifties · 5 years
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Doing some journaling with my big helper Smol Karyn ❤️
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pentanguine · 4 years
I got carried away watching period dramas and decided to try combing my hair back like this
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and...uh...it did not work!
My hair is more powerful than gravity and a fistful of hair gel, and it just sprang right back up and did its thing. You can’t even tell I combed it differently
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evoldir · 1 year
Fwd: Graduate position: UMemphis.EvolutionaryGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: UMemphis.EvolutionaryGenomics > Date: 7 October 2023 at 08:50:28 BST > To: [email protected] > > > The Puckett Lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University > of Memphis is recruiting a highly motivated student for a PhD position > in Evolutionary Genomics.  Available dissertation topics include: > adaptive introgression, or landscape genetics of deleterious traits. > Projects would use North American populations of American black or brown > bears as the system of inquiry. > > Required Qualifications: Academic interests in evolution, > genetics/genomics, and/or bioinformatics.  Candidates should be organized, > persistent, a team-player, and have strong writing skills. > > Preferred Qualifications: A Master's degree, 2 years work experience, > or a post-bac.  Experience working within Unix/Linux or a programming > language (R, perl, python, etc).  Wet lab skills including DNA extraction, > gel electrophoresis, and next-generation sequencing library preparation. > Students interested in the link between evolutionary genomics and the > conservation and management of species are encouraged to apply. > > Students will receive five years of stipend support via TA-ships > and tuition waivers.  To learn more about the graduate program > and intellectual community within the department, visit: > https://ift.tt/qdWlshD > > Please email Emily Puckett ([email protected]) with an informal > inquiry or pre-application (CV and a cover letter highlighting relevant > experience and motivation for the position) as a single pdf.  I screen > applications ahead of the formal application to the department to save > students application costs.  Informal reviews welcomed from Oct to Dec > 2022; formal applications are due Feb 1, 2024 for entrance to the program > in Fall 2024. > > Emily E. Puckett, PhD > 333 Ellington Hall- University of Memphis > Memphis, TN 38152 > https://ift.tt/dEOcXW0 > > > "Emily Elizabeth Puckett (puckett3)"
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
SFW Alphabet|| Megumi Fushiguro
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A/N: Uhhhh I’m back on my bullshit >:) it’s missing Fushiguro hours folks.
Word Count: 2050
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
(If you want some more in depth affection headcanons click here)
Fushiguro is someone who isn’t big on pda but makes up for it in private. In public, he’ll hold your hand but in private he’s laying i your lap while you massage his scalp. Basically, he’s a big softie that just represses his urge to cuddle until he’s alone with you.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Best friend Megumi is literally the president of the Y/N defense squad. If anyone has a problem with you, they have a problem with him. Of course, you have to rein him in sometimes and remind him you can fight your own battles, but just know he’s lookin out for you.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Fushiguro loves to cuddle, but he will repress the urge to do so for as long as possible. Because of that, he doesn’t let you go, preferring to cling to you throughout the night. His cuddles are always deceptively loose too. His arms give you just enough wiggle room but the second you try to get up, it’s like fighting two pythons.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I don’t think he ever really planned on settling down, Megumi figured that he’d die long before he ever got the chance to settle down. Everyday is pretty much a new experience in terms of domesticity for him, he doesn’t have plans for the future, but as long as you’re with him, he’ll be happy.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he ever had to break up with someone, he’d probably ask for help on how to do so. The first person he’d ask (regrettably) would be Gojo who’d tell Megumi to just ghost the person. After asking around some more, he figured Kugisaki’s approach of getting it over with as bluntly as possible (although less mean) was the best option.
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Megumi isn’t really the type for wedding ceremonies. He’s all about commitment (even though working up to marriage for him is longer than most) but he’s not a fan of being the center of attention, so a wedding ceremony/reception wouldn’t be his thing. If you wanted a ceremony, he’d be willing to compromise somewhat but otherwise, he’s perfectly fine with just going to the courthouse.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s kind of rough around the edges. In private, he can be the sweetest, most tender soul, but in public he’ll put 7 yards of distance between you both if you try to hug him. Basically, he’s very shy, so anything that’ll draw too much attention is a no go (he isn’t opposed to linking pinkies though).
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
At first Megumi really only hugged you when he was missing you, sad, or tired. Over time though, he got better at becoming more open with his affection and he’ll hug you whenever he feels the urge to. Despite that though, his hugs still have an undercurrent of desperation in them. He holds on just as tight each time like he’s afraid you’ll disappear.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
He’s operating on a very strict ‘If you don’t say it, I won’t’ policy and as such this man will not say a single thing to you unless prompted. He knows deep down that he loves you and that you set off butterflies in his stomach every time you smile, but he never really thought to verbalize that until you say ‘I love you’ first.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Megumi doesn’t get jealous, he’s fought side by side with you and he knows you’re more than capable of fending off any unwanted suitors. Megumi put a lot of trust into you by already being in a relationship so to him, it makes no sense to be jealous over you. That all being said, he’s not above the occasional side eye if someone’s getting a little too buddy buddy.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
On a normal day, his kisses are so natural, he’s so slow and the pressure is just enough to have you thinking you’ve got all the time in the world. In near death/ post-near death circumstances, he’s a little more feral. When he kisses you like that, it feels like it’s the end of the world and he’s trying to make the most of it.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Fushiguro isn’t good with kids that aren’t old enough to communicate. Older kids are fine with him, but guessing what a baby needs based on how loud it’s crying? Hard pass for him and he doesn’t even feel bad about it. The last time he had to watch a baby, he tried to leave one of his shikigami to watch it; long  story short, he had to explain to a cackling Gojo why his demon dogs wouldn’t let him leave to go to the bathroom.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Fushiguro are pretty rare. Most of the time you guys don’t really get to sleep in or even spend mornings together since most of the time there’s missions or trainings you’ll have to go to. When you do get the rare morning off, Fushiguro makes the most of it. He sleeps in and doesn’t wake up before 10 no matter what you try. When he does finally wake up, he loves cooking breakfast with you, he’s not the best cook, but he treasures the experience over anything.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Megumi are also rare as most curses come out at night and that’s kinda your guys’ job. If all goes well though, you’ll both come back a little earlier and just go straight to sleep. If it’s a late night where the curse took more out of either of you than expected, yall usually stay up and talk and snack until one of you falls asleep or the sun comes up.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It takes him an extremely long time to open up to you about his past. Not because he doesn’t trust you, but because he’s embarrassed and doesn’t want you to think less of him for it (especially during his problem child era). To be honest, you probably find out about certain things from other people. Once he’s cornered confronted, he’ll be completely (albeit a bit grudgingly) honest about it.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
His anger is kind of weird, whereas before, he was a lot quicker to explode, bluntly telling off or even fighting whoever pissed him off, he’s changed. He tries his best to repress his emotions and as such, he comes off as patient, never expressing his true feelings/desires until pushed to the brink. 
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s the king of remembering details you mention in passing. His love language is partially acts of service so for him, remembering details about you helps him later. Oh remember that one time you needed a pen/pencil but didn’t have one? Never again, this man has a section of his shadows dedicated solely to pencils because of you. Oh what’s that, you like this random song? Guess what just got added to the playlist he made for you. Basically, while he may not look like it, he’s actually a simp and so if he can make your life easier/ make you happy, it’s worth it.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
So Megumi is someone who doesn’t play video games but is really good at them for no reason. One day, you’re playing a game of smash bros. and he’s just kicking your ass, like it was sad. Needless to say, after his 4th win, he “accidently” pressed the wrong button and let you win. He thinks you don’t know he did this but when you won, you kissed him and completely flustered him, to the point that he couldn’t play for a solid 5 minutes. 
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Despite knowing and trusting that you can defend yourself, he’s still super protective of you. You’re one of the few people that he cares about in the world and he’d give everything to see you safe and protected. As for how he’d like to be protected, knock some sense into him every once in a while. He has a habit of self sacrificing so if you want to protect him, remind him that you want to keep him alive as much as he wants to keep you alive.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
On the outside, his dates are very simple. They usually consist of you and him either staying in or just hanging out at stores and the like. Every once in a while, he’ll try to take you somewhere special, like a cove he found or a festival. For most people, these may be simple dates, but Fushiguro puts so much effort into so may aspects of your dates that honestly, anything bigger would lose the personal touch your dates have.
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
One of his worst habits is his self-sacrificing tendencies. Even during a baseball game, he can’t help but sacrifice himself (especially if it means his friends/ you get to get the glory). With time though, he grows out of this and realizes it’s not selfish to want the best for yourself.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s giving “I woke up like this” and it’s... it’s something. One might think the style is intentional since obviously, the look could only be achieved with gel, and to an extent, it is intentional. He might use gel to spike it a little more but the man legit rolls out of bed and chooses to leave his hair up like that.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No, as much as he loves you, Fushiguro is an introvert. He needs time to just be by himself and unwind every once in a while, so he’s got no complaints if you leave him to his own devices or have to be gone for a long time.
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
Megumi has negative zero relationship experience. He’s never found someone that was worth the risk/ worth opening up to, hell, he just barely got friends when he entered high school. Because of this, every part of your relationship is like navigating uncharted waters.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
He’s less someone to dislike a specific thing/ personality trait, and more someone who doesn’t like different people for different reasons, ex. Todo and Mai. If he had to pick a single trait, it’d probably have to be hypocriticism.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He is someone who will fall asleep spread eagle one night and the next be huddled into a tiny little section of the bed. Mercy on you if you try to cuddle because now you’re wrapped up into his unconscious acrobatic routine.
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