#Putting Greens in Perth
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australianartificialgrass · 6 months ago
Putting Greens Perth
Transform your outdoor space with Perth putting green installation services from Australian Artificial Grass. Whether you’re an avid golfer or just looking to enhance your backyard, we offer professional installation of high-quality artificial putting greens tailored to your needs. Our team specializes in artificial putting greens in Perth, providing a low-maintenance, realistic alternative to…
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fourmula1 · 3 months ago
winter warmers day 8: holiday decorating
follow-up to day 6. max/daniel. 587 words.
The kitchen table is spread with sugar cookies – baked and cooled, and bowls of coloured icing sugar, and little paint brushes and popsicle sticks and spoons to decorate their cookies.
Daniel’s sat on the end with Sophie next to him, helping Luka next to her. He’s got Max to his left at the head of the table, and Joey across from himself as they all work on their cookies together. Victoria and Lio and Haley are on the other end. Victoria's husband doing dishes in the kitchen.
Daniel delights in the fact that Sophie found kangaroo-shaped cookie cutters and baked a few ‘roo cookies “so that you will feel like it’s really Christmas”, she’d said.
Next to him, Max is using a tiny paint brush to precisely ice a marching toy soldier cookie, getting the yellow stripe on the pants just right. Across from him, Joey’s Christmas tree is mostly green and with blobs of pink and blue and yellow icing dropped on – the baubles – though the gooeyness of the icing sugar has most of it blending together. It’s the prettiest cookie Daniel’s ever seen.
He's always loved Christmases at home with his parents and his sister’s family – so different to this. Christmas at home is full of sunshine and pool floaties in stockings, watermelon and finger sandwiches, and tossing his niece and nephew over his shoulders into the pool.
Here in Belgium it’s cold and snowy – but cozy. The fireplace is constantly stoked, Sophie keeps dropping mugs of cider and hot chocolate (and Bailey’s) in front of him, and everyone is dressed in matching red pajamas with little white snowflakes on them – Christmas Eve gifts from Sophie to everyone.
It’s nice, a cold wintry Christmas, Daniel thinks.
When the table is filled with iced snow flakes and Christmas trees and marching toy soldiers and Santa Clauses and kangaroos, when kids’ sticky hands and faces are washed and little ones tucked up to bed – though Daniel’s sure no sleep will be had, the cousins all far too excited for Santa to come – Daniel’s snapping a photo of the cookies on the table when Sophie comes up, bumping her hip against his.
“This one’s for you,” she says, holding out a cookie she’d decorated unbeknownst to Daniel.
It’s round – a shape he hadn’t seen on the table anywhere – and painted with colourful sugar icing – red, yellow, and blue. A perfect beach ball, with little white stripes between each coloured section. Daniel wants to keep this cookie forever. Preserve it in a glass box and put it on the mantle at home in Perth.
He can’t help but swallow the lump in his throat.
Bringing Joey clear across the world for their first Christmas in Europe had been so incredibly special. Getting to watch their son with his cousins and grandmother and aunt and uncle… getting to see Joey experience his first snow, and snow man, and snow suit…
And having his mother-in-law so effortless include his own feelings about Christmas into their celebrations. The kangaroo cookie cutters. The beach ball pool toy cookie she’d made sneakily just for him.
It was a lot.
“Soph’,” Daniel nearly chokes, taking the precious little cookie from her and looking at it.
Her arm curls around his shoulders and gives him a squeeze, and Daniel leans into her mum embrace, thinks fondly of his own mum at home while he does it.
“Thank you for bringing my boys here for the holidays,” she says, rubbing his arm gently. “All three of you.”
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onboardsorasora · 4 months ago
Wanted some soft boys today. Also totally misread an anon ask from months ago lmao, this isn't what our bestie asked for but hopefully this is ok as well. Also, I haven't reread this so hopefully it reads well and there's no mistakes
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Part 1 | Part 18
Max woke slowly, overwarm with hot breath puffing onto the crook of his neck. For a microsecond, in what felt like the time between all five red lights going out and the green lights illuminating, Max thought Adult Daniel had returned.
Because Daniel always ran warm, especially since he liked to bundle himself as a burrito in his sheets. But the face pressed into his skin was still small, delicate. It was still Little Daniel.
Max smiled fondly and reached a hand to stroke through wild curls. He frowned however, when he found them to be flattened, soaked with sweat. Max bolted awake, taking in the flush on Little Daniel’s skin and how uncomfortable he looked even while asleep. He pressed his palm to Little Daniel’s forehead and recoiled when his skin felt almost searing. Little Daniel whimpered a little.
Max realized instantly that he was running a fever and he felt the fright bubble up within him. 
Grabbing his phone, he did the first thing that came to his mind, call Grace.
She picked up after 3 rings, Max didn’t know what time it was in Perth. To be honest, he didn’t know what time it was right now in Monaco. But he knew that Grace had his number saved as important, so she would always answer his call. Especially now.
Her fond, soft smile melted into worry when she saw his scared face.
“Max what’s wrong?” She asked immediately.
“Daniel has a fever, I think.” Max rushed out, immediately turning his camera to show the miserable ball of child on the bed. Grace cooed.
“Have you taken his temperature? How high is it?” She asked and Max scratched his head sheepishly, he honestly hadn’t thought of that.
“My first thought was to call you, to be honest.”
“You made the right decision Max.” Grace smiled softly at the phone, even though the camera was still pointed towards Little Daniel. Max could see her in the little screen. “Now, do you have a thermometer? They normally put one in those first aid kits you buy in the grocery store.”
Max got to work, following her instruction on how to take Little Daniel’s temperature and what the numbers meant. He was running a fever, but it wasn’t high. Not enough to warrant a hospital visit. Max never felt more relieved.
With Grace’s help, got Little Daniel in more comfortable clothing, and helped him drink some juice while he waited for his rush grocery delivery order to arrive. He might have ordered all of the children’s electrolyte drinks the store had in stock, but that was no one's business.
“Maxshy, I’m tired.” Little Daniel mumbled. He’d been miserable all day but Max counted it as a win that he was alert and seeking comfort. He’d spent some time talking to Grace, letting her know that he didn’t feel nice. Max’s heart clenched the whole time.
Grace let them go when Little Daniel promised to try and take a nap. He had put the phone down and immediately climbed his little body onto the couch and sprawled himself over Max who was definitely not proud of the cooing noise he’d involuntarily let out. 
“I know Bub, do you want to watch a race and then take a nap?” Max pressed some hair back from Little Daniel’s forehead and watched as the curls sprung back into place. Little Daniel shook his head and Max raised a brow in surprised confusion. Little Daniel was always asking to watch races, he never declined an opportunity.
“Want to watch da show. Maxshy Show.” Little Daniel clarified and Max’s heart clenched. Recently Max had shown Little Daniel one of the Dutch cartoons he’d grown up with and he’d watched it intently even though Max knew for a fact he didn’t know what they were saying. It was probably clear enough by their actions.
“Ok Bub, we can watch it. Do you want to watch any specific episode?” He reached for the tv remote. Little Daniel shook his head into Max’s chest and watched as Max found the show in question.
They watched two episodes before Max felt Little Daniel go completely lax against him. His soft snores a welcome sound. Max slouched further onto the couch, careful not to jostle his precious cargo and let the background sounds of his childhood lull him to sleep as well.
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bitethedevil · 5 months ago
Strange Bedfellows (Lae’zel X Raphael): Chapter 1
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Link to this fic on AO3
Summary: Lae'zel stayed on the Material Plane after the defeat of the Netherbrain. She vowed to rid Faerûn from Vlaakith's filth. She found plenty of allies to aid her cause, but not many people stand a chance against the ruthlessness and efficiency of the Gith, and she soon finds herself struggling.
Though she is not the only one who is struggling: Raphael has been left crownless, and he has angered the Lich Queen herself with his actions. He is in desperate need of assistance from someone who knows how Gith work and think.
Author’s note: I give to you: the cursed ship of Raph'zel (or Hell Frog, if you will). You're welcome and I'm very sorry. It makes sense to me. Both Gith and devils are lawful creatures, though still in very different ways...and I like to put characters who would hate each other's guts in a box and shake it violently <3 Also: the part about Raphael and Vlaakith and a certain object isn’t something I made up. You can find the slate in the Astral Plane.
I would strongly suggest that you read this on AO3 because there I have included a little Gith dictionary at the end.
After the defeat of the Netherbrain, Lae’zel had ventured out to wipe out every Vlaakith stronghold on the Sword Coast. She had vowed that she would not stop until every sarth and kith’rak had been defeated. She had found plenty of new allies to join her cause. People who she grew to trust and who she could call ‘friends’.
They were, however, not as efficient as her former group of allies. Her new friends were capable fighters, but no one else but her was Gith, and they stood little chance against the warriors who had trained all of their life. In the beginning they had been lucky and wiped stronghold after stronghold, but now, she was beginning to lose more people than they managed to kill. Morale was dwindling fast.
This time she had lost two dear friends when they had tried to storm what they thought would be a small camp. They were caught off guard and they only barely made it out alive. They had regrouped in a nearby tavern after.
“Lae’zel…” Tasar said in a gentle voice from beside her. “We couldn’t have known, so stop blaming yourself. Olyssa and Perth knew the risks and they still insisted to go in first. They wouldn’t want you to beat yourself up for it like this.”
She lifted her head to look at the elf. Tasar was a capable ranger and the one out of the group that always managed to stay positive no matter what. Even he looked like hell with the blood in his blonde hair and the tinge of sadness in his green eyes, even though he tried to hide it.
He was being strong for her and despite her appreciating the thought, she did not appreciate the gesture. She was not to be coddled. Though there was no reason to snap at him. No reason to make a bad mood worse. She only made a grumbling noise and turned her focus back to eating again.
She looked around the room. Her companions were dealing very differently with what had just happened. Murnum and Gulmin, the two twin dwarven paladins were drinking in silence. Grace, their tiefling bard, was drunkenly talking to strangers at the bar. Vincent, their human wizard, had been staring at a map and picking at his food for a good half hour by now. Tasar was still just staring at her in worry. It annoyed her to no end.
“We will set up camp soon,” Lae’zel said to those around the table. “Whoever is sober will keep watch. We will leave tomorrow at first light.”
Murnum and Gulmin took a gulp of their ale at the same time at her words, wanting to avoid being the ones to take the night watch. Vincent nodded a bit without ever taking his eyes off the map.
“I’ll take the first watch,” Tasar piped up. “You get some sleep tonight, Lae’zel.”
She gave him a short nod before going back to tearing apart the piece of chicken in her hands. Her eye twitched when she heard Grace’s high-pitched drunken laughter from somewhere in the tavern.
“Someone is talking with your girl, Vince,” Tasar said and looked at Vincent.
Vincent briefly looked up from the map to look behind him at the highly intoxicated tiefling woman. He sighed and looked back at the map.
“She is not ‘my girl’,” Vincent mumbled. “Let her drown her sorrows…We all mourn differently.”
“Mhm,” Tasar hummed and leaned over the table. “It looks like she’ll drown in that fancy lad’s brown eyes if you don’t do something. Come on, Vince…you like her. You should say something.”
“You should mind your own business, Tas,” Vincent retorted with a tightlipped smile.
They kept talking. It was irking Lae’zel how they could talk about such trivial matters when two of their friends were dead. They had lost many people, but it was angering her how desensitized they were all becoming.
There was one more high-pitched laughter from Grace behind her over the bickering of the two men, and that made her snap. She hammered her fist down into the table. The sound of it and her fiery gaze was enough to silence the whole table.
“Tasar, go out and scout for a place to camp,” she ordered cooly and then turned around. “Grace!”
Grace turned around two tables away from them with a lazy smile on her lips. Lae’zel froze for a moment when she saw who she had been talking to before her eyes narrowed at the man. A wide smile spread over Raphael’s face and his eyes lit up in recognition when he spotted her.
Lae’zel stormed over to them. She made a sharp gesture towards their table to Grace.
“Now,” Lae’zel hissed at her.
Grace’s face was like that of a child that had just been told ‘no’, but she complied. She smiled politely at Raphael before moving to their table as she had been asked to. Lae’zel stared down Raphael.
“Lae’zel of K’liir…” he said with a charming smile. “Fancy seeing you here. One would expect that you—”
“No,” Lae’zel interrupted him with a sharp gesture. “No talking. Leave.”
Raphael’s smile got slightly tighter at getting interrupted.
“Now, now…” he said in a low tone. “There is no reason to get so defensive, my dear. My grievances are with your former leader, not you. Whyever, would I harm you for the sins of someone else? Perhaps—”
“I will harm you if you ever speak to one of mine again, chraith,” she warned coolly.
Raphael chuckled at that, though it was a cold sound. He did not like how little he was in control of the current situation. Lae’zel was not Tav, and she would not give him the time of day.
“You have grown quite sentimental, it seems,” he said. “How unlike you. Though I suppose it is only natural with how your little crusade is progressing…I hear that your allies are dropping like flies…”
Lae’zel walked away from him. She went outside to retrieve something from their packs. When she came inside again carrying the Orphic Hammer, a few of her allies got up from their seats. They only saw her carrying a big hammer and walking towards a man in a very determined manner, so they looked prepared to fight.
She dropped it at his feet. Raphael did not look particularly impressed. He glanced down at it with a bored expression and then smiled lazily at her.
“I was wondering what became of it,” he purred. “Is this supposed to bribe me to stay away?”
“Yes,” she said in a cold tone with a small smile and narrowed eyes. “If that is insufficient, perhaps a sword through that horned skull of yours might persuade you. I don’t deal with devils.”
“Ah, I see,” he said with a smirk. “You merely get others to do so for you, isn’t that so?”
Her hand moved to the hilt of her sword in warning. This was not the day to test her.
“Don’t forget who is responsible for you ever getting your hands on that silver sword of yours and who assisted you in freeing your people,” he said and then made an expression as if just remembering something. “Or, of course, who now owns your dear Tav’s soul because of it. In a fair world, would it not be yours instead, Lae’zel?”
Lae’zel drew her sword and the whole tavern fell quiet. Raphael looked at her with that grin of his and then at the patrons around them. He glanced down at the sword and then took one last look at her face.
“See you soon,” he purred and snapped his fingers.
The patrons gasped when flames danced around him, and he disappeared. He left the Orphic Hammer behind.
A few days passed. Lae’zel was seated on a bench a bit outside camp while she watched her companions train. She was eating her second lunch while looking at the map beside her, planning their next move.
“Does it get tiring?” she heard Raphael’s voice behind her, making her pause her chewing. “Eating enough for two simply to stay alive in a realm that you were not made for? Your body disagreeing with you constantly as it is dealing with a world it has not adapted to? And, worst of all, aging…”
Lae’zel finished chewing, placed the bowl of food beside her on the bench and reached behind her for her sword. She grabbed the hilt and pulled, but felt Raphael’s hand on hers, stopping the movement.
“Tsk tsk,” he tutted. “I only wish to speak with you. Just a little talk between former unlikely allies, and then I will leave you alone for now. I promise.”
“G’lyck,” she groaned in annoyance. “Speak if you must, devil, but do not expect me to listen to your mindless chatter.”
Raphael moved the map that was sprawled over the bench to sit down beside her. He crossed one leg over the other and leaned his arm on the backrest as he looked at her.
“I have always admired the Gith,” he said. “They are without a doubt one of the worst mortal races to make deals with, but I admire them all the same. In truth, your societies are not much different from those of the Hells.”
She stared at him with a blank expression.
“It is clear that you have failed in all of your dealings with Gith if you begin by insulting them,” she grumbled. “We’re not the same.”
“No?” Raphael asked. “We both believe that strict adherence to order, laws, and hierarchy will uphold our societies and cultures, do we not?”
“A devil might be orderly compared to a demon, but a devil’s order is nothing short of chaos.”
“For an outsider with no real understanding, perhaps,” he mused. “We wield order like a sword, and like a sword, it does not need to have pretty adornments or modifications to serve its purpose. As long as it works. I am sure a pragmatic woman like you would agree.”
“A sword, yes…A curious metaphor for someone who does not know how to wield one.”
“Pardon?” Raphael said, sounding slightly offended. “I am perfectly capable with a sword. I have fought in the Blood War, same as any devil.”
Lae’zel gave him a dismissive gesture and took a bite of her food.
“You are a bard,” she said once she was finished chewing.
“Of some, as I am sure you are aware, use swords,” he said in a slightly annoyed tone. “I am still quite proficient with a rapier even though it has been centuries since I was last on the battlefield, I can assure you.”
“You would call a rapier a sword?” she asked.
“It is,” he said. “I have never seen much sense in hacking and slashing away at a target, when one well-placed thrust could do the trick. I do, of course, know how to handle a longsword as well.”
She shook her head and finished her bowl of stew. She folded the map and put it in her pack.
“I am returning to camp,” she said. “I do not have time for chatter about your lack of martial prowess, istik.”
His eyes narrowed at her and his nose was wrinkled in annoyance when she started to walk away from him. Lae’zel discarded the bowl into a bucket and drew her sword as she walked towards her tent. Raphael appeared in front of her in a flash of fire.
“I will talk, and you will listen,” Raphael grumbled. “We have a common goal, you and I. You want to rid Toril of Vlaakith’s influence, do you not?”
Lae’zel sat down with her sword in her lap and looked up at him with a bored expression.
“You do not care about the liberation of the Gith,” she said. “You cared about the Crown of Karsus. I do not have it. Leave.”
His jaw clenched and he looked around as he noticed the stares he was getting from her companions who recognized him from the tavern. Lae’zel raised a hand as to dismiss them from taking action and kept cleaning her sword.
“I would not waste my time here if our interests did not align,” Raphael said in a low voice to her. “Your little merry band here are not suited for the task they have been given. I could lend you assistance. Soldiers whose sole life purpose is to fight.”
Lae’zel looked up at him again. She studied his face. His tone was off.
“You are afraid,” she said as if it was simply fact. “Why?”
His already sour expression soured further at the accusation.
“Careful, Lae’zel,” he warned in a dangerous tone. “You do not want to make an enemy out of me. Especially when I might prove to be your best ally in this little endeavor yet.”
She got to her feet, sword still in hand.
“Do you think me so naïve, devil?” she asked. “Do you think that I would give my soul for an incompetent group of devil soldiers? We have nothing more to discuss.”
“I am not asking for your soul, you stubborn child,” he hissed. “I am asking you to do what you set out to do and kill every last trace of Vlaakith’s vermin on this plane. I am asking you to—”
He was interrupted by the loud sound of Lae’zel’s silver sword getting sharpened on the grindstone. He saw red. He grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and snapped his fingers.
Lae’zel’s eyes were furious when she saw that she was in the House of Hope. She grasped for her sword, but it had not been transported there with her. A flash of fire danced around Raphael as he took his devil form. His wings spread out behind him and his eyes bored into hers as he adjusted his clothes and schooled a smile onto his features.
“Please, take a seat,” he said in a dark but calm tone and gestured to a chair at the table.
Lae’zel did not budge. She stared him down from where she was standing.
“You will send me back,” she hissed. “Now.”
“No,” he said in a warning tone. “You will sit down. You will behave and you will not leave the Hells before you have listened to every word I have to say. That can take minutes, hours, days, and it is entirely dependent on your behavior, my dear.”
She gave him a low growl of discontent before dragging out a chair and sitting down.
“Speak,” she ordered sharply.
Raphael sat down in front of her and crossed one leg over the other as he studied her for a moment. He would not be rushed in his own home.
“Did you ever wonder why I had the Orphic Hammer in my possession?” he asked.
She just kept staring at him with narrowed eyes, waiting for him to get to the point.
“I suppose not,” he said. “You and your dear friends were no doubt too busy at the time to ask the right questions. Had you done a little digging, you would have learned that you, in a sense, owe your miserable lives to me.”
She raised an eyebrow. There was a glimmer of something in her mind. An inscribed Githyanki slate that they had found in the Astral Plane. It depicted Vlaakith and a devil making a deal for the Astral Prism.
“Continue…” she hissed.
Raphael smiled at her.
“Come now, Laezel,” he said. “One must know a lock intrinsically in order to make a key to said lock, do they not?”
Her suspicions were proved correct, and she felt her blood boil at the revelation. Her nails dug into the armrests of the chair. She wanted to kill him.
“You made the Astral Prism…” she said in a fiery tone. “You helped Vlaakith enslave Orpheus, and you ask for my help! I should drive a sword through your skull for what you have done!”
Raphael held out a hand in a gesture to calm her.
“And I helped free him as well, did I not?” he countered. “It was business. I made most of my fortune from that deal, but I did not enslave your prince myself. Your former queen did. I did however make the Hammer as an insurance policy after I saw the mess she made. It was merely a question of time before her little scheme would be discovered.”
“And now she wants your head for defying her,” Lae’zel replied. “Should I return to the Astral Plane, then I will make sure that every living Child of Gith will want the same thing for what you have done in the first place.”
“I have done what you say,” he said. “But as I have told you, our interests align. You need allies to your cause, not enemies. I am motivated to help you.”
“Chk,” she scoffed. “You are motivated to help yourself, devil.”
“You need all the help you can get, Lae’zel…”
“You need my help,” she said. “Or else you would not be here filling my ears with your drivel.”
Raphael’s fist hit the table so hard that she thought it might split in two. She looked at him with an unimpressed glare. He leaned closer to her with fire in his eyes.
“I am being hunted for sport by Gith on the Material Plane,” he said in a low, angry voice. “I have Tiamat’s dragons circling my home here. I would never have given you or your friends the Orphic Hammer to break your precious prince’s chains, had I known you would not keep your word. The Crown of Karsus was my insurance that this would never happen. Had Tav kept her word, Vlaakith would have been snuffed out long ago.”
Lae’zel sneered at him but that did seem to calm her down for some reason.
“It was not my idea to snub you of it,” she said.
“I know,” he grumbled. “I admit, I should have made the deal with you instead of her. A mistake that will haunt me for millennia.”
She huffed in response.
“I am offering you soldiers,” he began in a softer tone. “Some who will be from the Material Plane and others from here in the Hells. In return I am only asking for you to lead them. I will guide you, of course, but you will lead them. Laws prohibit me from directly interacting in such a manner on the Material Plane.”
“I will not do it,” she said and shook her head. “Find someone else.”
Raphael looked at her with the disbelief of someone who was absolutely certain they already had the deal in the bag.
“What do you mean you will not do it?” he asked.
“What I said.”
“I can’t ‘find someone else’,” he said in an annoyed tone. “You know how Gith fight, where they hide, how they think. You will fight them regardless and I am offering you help to do so. Why would you not accept?”
“Would I sign a contract?”
“Obviously,” he said impatiently. “Though it would only be a necessary formality. I have to abide by Infernal laws.”
“Then your offer does not interest me. I will kill every last one of them, and I do not need your help, devil.”
Raphael’s claws dug into the arm of the chair to the point that she could hear the wood creak, and his jaw clenched. He raised his fingers to snap.
“Perhaps you will reconsider once more of your new friends die to your incessant stubbornness,” he grumbled. “Insolent child…”
He snapped his fingers and sent her back.
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harley-sunday · 2 years ago
Feels Like Home [01]
Summary: When an unexpected three-week break between Monza and Singapore finds Daniel back on his farm in Perth he’s desperate to use this time to clear his mind, figure out his future in Formula One, and find his way back. He didn’t expect a new neighbour, a sassy two-year old, and three alpacas would make him realise that sometimes, what you’re looking for is right in front of you.
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x reader (unnamed OFC)
Warnings: Language
Word count: 2.7k
AN: Yes. Hi. Hello. Believe it or not but I started writing this fic because I desperately needed some good guy!Daniel being cute with kids in my life. The idea was just a short one shot. Ha. Who was I kidding? Because here we are, six months and nine chapters later... I really hope you like it, please come yell at me in the comments, on anon, or in my DMs about any and all things about this story you want to yell at me about. I probably deserve it. ♥
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There’s something about being here, on his farm outside of Perth, that he doesn’t experience anywhere else in the world. Not in Monaco, not in Los Angeles, not even in Austin, or Montana. 
Because here- Here, he doesn’t have to be Daniel Ricciardo, Danny Ric, DR, or the Honey Badger. He doesn’t have to be a Formula One driver, an eight-time race winner, the most beloved driver on the grid, and the fan favourite. He doesn’t have to be Red Bull’s wild card, Renault’s saviour, or, most recently, McLaren’s scapegoat. Here, he is Daniel. And it’s enough. 
Or, at least, it used to be.
Lately, there's been a yearning in his heart that he's unfamiliar with. Or he pretends to be anyway because he’s not ready to put it into words yet, not ready to speak into existence what he really wants from life. Afraid he'll jinx it if he does. 
And so he keeps it to himself and lets his heart ache for something more in silence while the life he does know slowly keeps on falling apart around him.
Daniel rests his wrists on the handlebar of his dirt bike and lets out a breath he seems to have been holding in ever since he retired on lap forty-five of the Monza Grand Prix four days ago. Looking out over the valley below, he feels more grounded than he has in a long time and he hopes that the next two weeks will give him the peace he so desperately needs after the shitshow that has been his season so far. 
The sun’s already low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the somewhat still barren trees and shrubs even though he can tell winter is slowly coming to an end from the sprouts of green that have started to grace the landscape with their presence. There’s a kookaburra laughing somewhere in the distance and he takes it as his cue to fire up his engine again for one last run around his dirt track before it gets too dark. 
He knows technically he isn’t supposed to ride his bike during the season, knows technically McLaren could issue him a hefty fine for breaching his contract, but if they ever were to find out he figures they can just take it out of the settlement they’re due to pay him at the end of the year. He’s promised Zak he’ll do whatever it takes to score as many points as possible in the last six races but he also decided early on that he’s no longer going to let the team dictate what he can or cannot do in his time away from the track. 
There’s a meeting tomorrow, with Blake and Michael, where they’ll try to figure out his future in Formula One. There have been a few offers, both from teams who want him as their second driver and from teams who want him to become their reserve driver, but he’s still undecided, not sure if he wants to settle for another midfield team or stay in Formula One without really being in Formula One. 
By the time he completes his lap his head is somewhat empty, too busy instead to focus on keeping his bike under control and not ending up in the dirt. It’s almost dark now and so he opens the throttle wide and guns it home, a race against an invisible clock that, unlike this past season in Formula One, he wins every single time.
Once his bike is safely back in the shed he makes his way over to the house, hosing his boots down before he takes them off at the back door and leaves them to dry on the shoe rack his Dad made for him when he bought the farm. He changes out of his gear in the mud room, making a face when he takes his socks off and catches a whiff of the smell but laughing then because he remembers them smelling so much worse after a race in, oh let’s say, Singapore. With nothing but his boxer shorts on he steps into the kitchen and heads straight for the fridge, taking out an ice cold bottle of water. The sigh of relief when he rolls it against the back of his neck almost obscene. It might be winter but temperatures in western Australia are still as high as a beautiful spring day in Monaco.
It’s then the intercom rings and for a moment he debates ignoring it, not sure if he’s up for telling yet another local journo looking to make it big by trying to get an interview with ‘shunned McLaren driver Daniel Ricciardo’ that now really isn’t a good time  and that any requests for interviews should be made through Blake anyway.  
Plus, he gave his family and friends the access code to the gate when it was first installed, so he doubts any of them are waiting for him to open it, not in the least because they know better than to just show up without a text or call in advance.  
In the end, his curiosity gets the better of him and so he walks over to where the control panel of his alarm system hangs in the living room and pushes the button needed to connect to whoever’s at the gate, “Hello?”
“Hi,” the screen comes on then, the black and white image showing a woman wearing a Stetson hat. She’s staring somewhere into the distance, her face obscured by the shadows the brim of her hat casts under the streetlight, but her voice comes through loud and clear, “Sorry to bother you this late-”
“It’s seven thirty,” he shoots back almost effortlessly.
“-but I wondered if I could maybe ask you to keep it down with the dirt biking a little?” 
“I’m sorry, what?”
She looks up and into the camera then, pushing her hat a little higher so he can finally see her eyes, “It’s just- We’ve got a flock of alpacas over in Eagle's Nest and they tend to get a little jittery from all the noise. Especially when they try to settle in for the night and-”
“I’m sorry,“ he can’t help but grin, running a hand through his hair, “but I’m going to need a little more context here.”
She laughs and he thinks it’s the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard and so he’s a little distracted but then he sees her taking her hat off, revealing her face and- Fuck. She’s gorgeous. He watches her as she shakes her head, a smile tugging on the corners of her lips, “Shit, sorry. I probably should have given you a bit more to go on.” Putting her hat back on she straightens up and points to somewhere over her shoulder, “Your neighbour on that side, Oscar Linton? He’s my granddad. I think you know him, right?”
“Old man Linton!” He smiles and nods, “Of course I do.” When he first bought the farm he made sure to introduce himself to his neighbours and while he likes to think he has a good relationship with all three of them he’s always had a soft spot for the elderly man further up the road. So much so that he always makes sure to drop by for a chat whenever he finds himself back in Perth. It’s then he connects the dots and recognises her from some of the pictures Oscar has up in his living room. All of a sudden he feels guilty for not going to see his neighbour yet even though he has been home for two days already but maybe he can do that tomorrow or-
“He fell a few days ago-” her voice pulls him out of his thoughts unintentionally and his guilt triples in a matter of seconds. There’s a sad smile tugging on her lips which makes him prepare for the worst. 
Surely they would have let him know if- He remembers the pile of unopened letters waiting for him on the kitchen counter then and curses quietly, “Shit.”
“He’s ok,” she’s quick to reassure him, as if she knows what he was thinking. “He spent a couple of nights in hospital and still has a long way to go but at least he’s home again.” She takes a deep breath, “They had to replace his hip and he’s got a broken wrist but,” she shrugs, “it could have been worse.” 
It’s then the absurdity of the situation hits him, with him in his boxers in his living room and her on the other end of his kilometre-long driveway, talking into a metallic box. He shakes his head and pushes the button that opens the gate automatically, “I think maybe we shouldn’t have this conversation over an intercom. I could make you a cup of coffee if you want? Or something stronger? I make a mean-”
She bites her lip and seems to hesitate.
“Just a quick cuppa. It’s the neighbourly thing to do, right?”
He sees her nod, “Yeah, ok.”
He can’t help the grin that spreads across his face, “Happy days.” 
The house is not at all how you expect it to be, much more modern and open-planned than any of the other farm houses in the area. The west-facing wall has been completely redone in glass panels, offering a stunning view of the valley and surrounding paddocks and you can’t help but admire the interior design of both the kitchen and the living room, which is masculine but still inviting. You wonder if he decorated the place himself or if he hired some interior designer to do it for him.
“Here you go,” Daniel, who told you ‘You can call me Dan’ when he greeted you at the door with a bright smile and an outstretched hand- offers you a cup of steaming hot coffee and motions for you to join him at the kitchen table. He’s wearing white sweatpants and a matching white sweater that look incredibly comfy and that make you want to wrap yourself around him and hang onto him like a koala bear. Wait. What? 
You take your hat off to try and keep from ogling him, placing  it on the chair next to you before you sit down and smile at him, “You know, all these years I thought you were called Danny Ric because that’s what Granddad keeps calling you. I’m not sure I can get used to Daniel.” 
Daniel laughs, the laughter lines in the corners of his eyes even more prominent now, “Trust the old man to keep that gag going.” He shakes his head then, “I can’t believe he fell though.”
“Yeah,” you agree quietly, blowing into your coffee. “We’re lucky Mrs Mackenzie found him when she did or-” You let out a ragged breath and see him nod, his eyes kind, and it makes you continue, “His hip was completely shattered and his wrist is broken in three places so it’s going to take a while before he’s up and running again- I mean, if his new hip ever heals completely- He’s already seventy-eight so-” You hear yourself starting to ramble and so you fold your hands around your cup and try to calm down a little. You’re not even sure why you’re even telling him all of this, but he’s a friend of your granddad and so you figure he’s good people. “Mum and Dad wanted to come back from New Zealand to help out but-” you look up at Daniel and shrug, “I spent a lot of time on the farm as a kid, right until I left for uni, so it made much more sense for me to move in with him for the time being.” 
“That’s a pretty big thing to do,” Daniel says with a kind smile, a warmth to his brown eyes that you can feel yourself get lost in. “You sure your family can miss you that long?”
You don’t really know what he’s getting at, whether he’s talking about your Mum and Dad or the husband and kids he thinks you might have left behind to come back to Mundaring, and you don’t really know you want to tell him your truth either, after all you’ve just met him, so in the end you shake your head and settle on an honest, “I’ve got everything I need right here.” 
He eyes you suspiciously but doesn’t push it and instead he says, “If you’d have me I’d love to come over to see him some time. I’m still here for almost another two weeks  and-” 
“I’m sure he’d like that,” you offer with a smile. “He always tells me what a nice bloke you are.”
Daniel leans back in his chair and grins, spreading his arms, “Can’t say I blame him. I’m the best.” 
“He says the same thing about the postie,” you tease with a casual shrug, “so don’t get too excited.” 
“Ouch,” Daniel brings a hand to his chest, “that hurts.” 
You pout, “So sad.” 
“Very,” Daniel agrees quietly, trying his best to keep a straight face. He puts his arms on the table then and leans forward, “Before you stomp on my ego some more, why don’t you tell me the real reason you’re here. What’s up with that eagle’s nest over in some paddock?”
“Oof,” you pull a face and shake your head, “you were so close.” You can’t help but laugh when you see him pretend to be hurt at your comment. You take a sip of coffee before you explain, pointing in the general direction of your paddock, “Your dirt track borders Eagle's Nest, the paddock Granddad uses for the alpacas in September and October, and I guess normally it isn’t a problem because you usually aren’t home during this time of year but I heard you yesterday and today and-”
“Yeah, we had an unexpected three-week break this year so I figured-” Daniel waves his hand around for you to continue then.
“It’s just, we have three pregnant females this year and- I don’t know if you’re at all familiar with alpacas?”
He shakes his head, “I didn’t even know you guys had alpacas. Your granddad and I just tend to talk shit about Mrs Mackenzie and them over a cuppa but I've never really asked him about the farm to be honest."
You throw him a look, knowing all too well your granddad doesn’t drink coffee.
He quickly backs down, “Fine, I drink coffee, he drinks tea.” 
“There you go,” you mouth with a wink. “Anyway, alpacas are basically scared of everything, even their own shadow, so you know, someone riding a dirt bike close by doesn’t really help with keeping them nice and calm during these last few weeks of their pregnancy.” 
“They’re usually out on the other side of the paddock during the day, so anything until five in the afternoon is fine” you offer, not wanting to deprive him of his hobby completely, “but we have their feeders and the shed they can hide in during the night out over in your corner, so-”
“You’re giving me a five pm curfew, basically,” he says with a raise of his eyebrows.
“Just until the end of October.” You bite your lip, “I’m sorry, it’s just-”
“Nah, no worries,” Daniel puts his hand on your forearm and gives it a squeeze to let you know he means it. “I’d do anything for old Oscar.” Then, with a grin he adds, “And his girls.” 
You can’t help the heat that rises to your cheeks and try to hide it with a smile, “Thank you.”
He squeezes your arm again, “He’s gonna be fine by the way. He’s tough, that one.”
“Speaking of Granddad,” you risk a quick glance at your watch, letting you know it’s almost eight fifteen, “I should probably head back.” You push your chair back and grab your hat, putting it on as you tell Daniel, “Thank you for the coffee.”
“Anytime,” he says with a grin as he stands up as well, following you to the front door. “Tell him I’ll come by soon, ok?”
“Will do.” You turn around then and smile again, something about not getting your hopes up but doing so anyway when you ask, “I’ll see you around then?”
Daniel tips his imaginary hat, “Yes ma’am.” 
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 4 months ago
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New SpaceTime out Friday
SpaceTime 20241108 Series 27 Episode 135
Could Uranus' moon Miranda have a sub-surface ocean
A new study suggests that the Uranus' moon Miranda may harbour a liquid water ocean beneath its strange jigsaw like surface.
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Red rocks with green spots found on Mars
NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover has discovered strange red rocks with green spots as it continues its journey up towards the rim of the red planet’s Jezero Crater.
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The first humans could be walking on Mars in 2035
NASA says it could send humans to Mars potentially as early as 2035. The 402 million kilometre round trip could take up to 14 months of travel time with the crew staying on the red planet for up to 500 days before returning to Earth.
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The Science Report
Children exposed to cannabis in the womb more likely to have behavioural issues.
A new study of ancient human DNA shows two genetically distinct populations divided by Caucasus.
Airbnbs are associated with more crime.
Skeptics guide to using AI to combat conspiracy theories
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
SpaceTime facebook: www.facebook.com/spacetimewithstuartgary
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SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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thefrontofmymind · 2 years ago
Special (matty healy x reader blurb)
a/n: hello hello! this is a little fic-let to go with this ig blurb. hope you enjoy :)
australian!reader take matty and his band to their favourite spot in Perth (450 words)
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The wind was chilling you to the bone, even with your denim jacket wrapped as tightly around you and you could manage. Though you hardly cared, the excitement coursing through your veins was enough to keep you mind off it. After a lengthy dinner last night with your entire extended family, your boyfriend and his bandmates, the pièce de résistance of your trip home with your boyfriend was not the fact that he was meeting your family for the first time, not the fact he and his band were playing one of their biggest tours in the continent over the next couple weeks, but the trip to Rottnest you’d planned. The place you spent every Summer on your grandparents’ humble mini yacht, the place you visited for a week of celebration after your final exams, a personal favourite of yours for New Years in your youth–and you felt so privileged to let the man you were very close to loving into the place that meant so much to you. 
You looked over at Matty, sitting across from you on the small ferry, looking worse for wear–though you could hardly blame him, you were used to the rough waves on the 30 minute trip to the island, but that had come with years of experience. You smiled to yourself when you noticed almost the entire group breathing heavily with faces tinged with green leaning over the edge of the boat. Even though it had been years, the island was just as beautiful as you remembered. The white sands, the lush bushes–exactly as you pictured it.
After a classic bakery lunch and selfies with only the friendliest quokkas, you all settled for a relaxing afternoon on the beach. Even in the chilly, mid-Autumn air, the sun shined enough to keep you warm. It was a perfect, perfect day.
You laid, relaxing on a towel on the sands of the small beach–a picturesque scene. You could just about fall asleep, with comfort from being in the arms of your love.
“Thank you for this,” he said after a couple moments of silence between the two of you–just watching the rest of your group mess around in the inflatable dinghy that was floating a few feet from the shore. He put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. “Like, really.”
You looked at his face–as sincere as you’ve ever seen him–and felt no battle in the smile that grew on your face. “No problem, babe. Just wanted to show you something special.”
He kissed the top of your head in your embrace, and buried his face in your hair, taking in your scent he’s grown to love so quickly. “You’re special enough.”
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scotianostra · 5 months ago
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September 28th 1396 saw the Battle of the Clans between clans Chattan and Kay on the North Inch, Perth, in front of King Robert III.
Also called the Battle of the North Inch, this is one of my favourite stories, this was more of a “gladiatorial” contest than a battle. They even built some sort of makeshift grandstand for the King to witness it from!
The clans in the highlands of Scotland were an unruly lot. They were constantly feuding with their neighbours and regularly raiding into the low fertile lands of Moray, Perthshire, Angus,
Aberdeenshire, and Stirlingshire. The king’s laws meant very little to this warlike, tribal society. In 1396, things were so bad between Clan Chattan and Clan Kay, who were forever raiding each other’s lands, stealing livestock, and burning down houses, that King Robert III sent an army north to deal with the problem. The commander of this army knew it was likely that when he marched into the mountains, his forces were in danger of being ambushed by the men of Chattan or Kay – or perhaps both clans would unite. The outcome could be the massacre of the royal army.
So, he came up with a plan and sent messengers to speak to the two warring clans with a proposal. This was a chance to sort out the problem in one day, sparing countless lives. The commander of the king’s army suggested that the two clans each send thirty men to Perth for a fight to the death on the city’s North Inch. The clan chiefs agreed and when the king heard of this plan, he was so delighted, he decided he and his court would come to Perth to watch the spectacle.
A large brightly coloured pavilion was put up for the royal party and benches were laid out for the people of Perth to sit on. The crowd waited expectedly in the warm summer sun as the skirl of the bagpipes drew closer and closer. Then dozens of warriors took up position on the inch in front of the king’s pavilion.
As the two clans lined up, a referee counted the men on both sides, but a problem was found. Although Clan Kay had thirty men, Clan Chattan had only twenty-nine. They must have miscounted before they left or lost a man on the way to Perth. Royal heralds walked amongst the crowd holding up a gold coin for anyone who would take up arms and fight for Clan Chattan. The city population murmured amongst themselves and fidgeted as the king, looking on like a Roman Caesar in the Colosseum, waited patiently. Just as it seemed no one would take up the offer of gold and Clan Chattan would have to forfeit the contest, a voice boomed from the benches: “I Sir Herald will take that coin and fight for Clan Chattan!”
The voice belonged to the city blacksmith, a giant of a man, strong and powerful. His name was Henry, better known as Hal o’ the Wynd. Hal was given a sword and took up his place amongst the Chattan clansmen.
The king gave the signal to start and arrows were fired between the two sides. Then the men, screaming their clan slogans in Gaelic, charged into the affray. The sunlight danced on sword and axe blades as they cut through the air, slicing into flesh and bone. The green grass became crimson red and sticky from the flow of blood as the screams of the wounded echoed around the inch. The referee called a halt to the battle and the two sides parted. Sweating, panting men, soaked in blood, gulped at the water given to them and used it to wash blood from slippery hands. They likely used their few minutes of rest to glance around, looking for friends or kinsmen, counting how many were still alive compared to the enemy. Wounds were quickly patched up with strips of torn cloth before the signal to fight came again.
The Chattan’s and Kay’s got stuck into each other once more. As the two sides slogged it out, it became clear that Clan Chattan were gaining the upper hand and in the end, all but one of Clan Kay perished. The sole surviving Kay jumped into the River Tay and swam to safety. Hal o’ the Wynd was said to have fought bravely. He was permitted to keep the gold coin and earned his place in Scottish history.
Please note some accounts say the Battle of the Clans was fought between Clan Chattan and Clan Cameron, but most say Chattan and Clan Davidson the pics show the three clan crests respectively.
The most interesting, to me anyway, is Chattan, it is distinctive in highland clan history in that it was acknowledged to be a community or confederation,of twelve separate Scottish clans. who each had their own clan chief recognized under Scottish law, but who were united under and bound to a superior chief of the confederation for mutual solidarity, sustenance and protection in the Middle Ages and early modern period in the Scottish Highlands.
Prior to the 14th century, the Clan Chattan was a conventional Scottish clan. However it evolved into an alliance or confederation of clans which was made up of several clans including firstly of the descendants of the "blood" or the original clan (Clan Cattanach, Clan MacPherson, Clan MacPhail and Clan MacBean (or McBain), secondly of the Clan Mackintosh and their cadet branches (Clan Shaw, Clan Farquharson, the Ritchies, and Clan MacThomas) and thirdly of families who were not originally related by blood (Clan MacGillivray, Clan Davidson, the Macleans of Dochgarroch ('Clan Tearlach'), the MacQueens of Strathdearn, the MacIntyres of Badenoch ('Clan an t-Saoir') and the MacAndrews ('Clan Gillandrish').
18Susan Lever, Georgia Drummond and 16 others
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janujaja · 2 years ago
Thai BL Favourites Tag List Game
Of COURSE @lost-my-sanity1 want me to partake in this and I am doing it for that wee little child only.
Favourite BL
I mean, it was a tight competition between THE 2 - MSP and BB. But as I have screamed out into the void before, BB just takes the cake, man. That show viscerally changed me as a person. I am a NEW BEING after BB. It's the way in which it came during the pandemic with its amazing acting and directing and music and STORY and chemistry and all that and more. MSP is a close second but my uni bois have a special place in my heart.
[p.s I love nanon and his entire face in this scene so much I cannot even descRIBE]
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Favourite Pairing
The pretentious me hates how I am following the mainstream and not thinking of some obscure pairings but yeah TinnGun genuinely deserve it. I am sorry but I still get butterflies whenever I watch the last scene of ep 4. That kind of chemistry is super hard to come by and GemFourth did such a good job, I love them. 🥺 I wanna forget ever having watched MSP and watch them all over again.
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Some noteworthy mentions are obviously patpran, everything maxtul plays, akkayan, biblebuild, etc.
OH I do infact have a not THAT mainstream pair! It's whatever couple name mark and perth acted as in the [admittedly not a BL] show, The Stranded, on Netflix.
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Favourite Character
Tinn. I relate so much to that boy, especially his awkwardness. Also he is super cute and I am super cute. He is also super simpy and I love that in a man. I truly don't know if I want him or want to be him.
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[ANOTHER noteworthy mention is Pleum in Ghost Host, Ghost House cuz again, mans is a walking green flag and a simp. ALSO hella awkward. *gasps* I have a type].
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Favourite side character
This position is shared by 2 of my fav comic reliefs who are also very pure hearted I love them to bits - Tiwson from MSP and Tankhun from Kinnporsche. The series truly wouldn't have been anything without them and I stand by it.
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Favourite Scene
If I could say the entirety of ep 5 of BB, I would have. But if I had to choose. This.
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Nothing surpasses this. Paof told them to make it award fucking worthy with the angst and they fucking did it. Ohm in this scene does so many things to me I cannot even I shall be kicked out from society if I ever open my mouth. I can't even stand seeing that gif cuz my knees will buckle down that very second. It also paved the way for the rooftop kiss TM so.
Favourite Line
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I mean. I warned you about this in the previous question so. It's more to do with the way he says it but it's still my fav cuz it was done right.
Underrated Actor:
SING who plays the role of the villain in Not Me. It is time that he got some main character roles, gmm.
Most anticipated BL and why:
1. Dangerous Romance cuz I have missed seeing Perth and Chimon, another 2 actors that can ACT, in a main role.
2. Only Friends cuz
3. I feel you linger in the air cuz plot looks interesting and they r both hunks.
Healthiest relationship in a bl:
Tinngun. Aint even have to put up a fight.
Most toxic relationship in a bl:
I mean, there are lots, girlie. If you immediately thought of that one pairing after seeing this question, then yeap I am going with that pairing too wink wink.
Guilty Pleasure Series:
Tonhon Chonlatee and that too only the first few eps. I love khaotung man what do I do.
Bonus! Most underrated series:
I think khun chai is pretty underrated in the sense that it's very telenovelaesque and mayhaps not fully bl so people r put off by it but I LOVED that show to bits.
YYY was a comparatively underrated series too even though I loved the romantic moments as much as the weird and comedic ones. It truly sits in a league of its own.
OOOKIE thassit for now. I have exhausted my typing abilities and I am pretty sure I left a lot of good series and scenes off cuz my brain couldn't conjure them up while I was typing.
I welcome anyone else who wants to try this out honestly, but if @ashedddaisy and @gaylittlepieceofsh1t could contribute their think pieces, I would LOVE to read em.
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bl-inded · 2 years ago
Our skyy 2- Wrap Up
Since this is an anthology and I, being the simp that I am, have watched all of the original shows, I thought it'd be fun to rank all the episodes.
The thing is, even though I have watched all of the shows, my opinion on these episodes are very reliant on my opinions of the original show as well. Meaning if I loved the original show and the our skyy episode was meh, it might be ranked lower than shows I didn't feel so highly about, but the our skyy episode delivered. Anywho-
7. Sky in your heart (ep 3-4)
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Tbh I wasn't the biggest fan of the original show, but this episode was very in tone with said show. It was overall, cute. The greenflags were greening with the communication and lack of jealousy. You go boys! Live your happiest life.
But I did miss the other pair of the show (idk if you can technically count it as this show since they were two 7 episode series, but I would have liked to see even a cameo from them). Good vibes. I liked it.
(what i didn't like in a side note is the chunky ring design)
6. My school president (ep 9-10)
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To anyone who hasn't already, you havvvveee to go watch the original show. It is so sweet it will give you diabetes. And I loved the concept of this episode.
As a fanfic author I was mostly here for the validation that all our headcanons are canon. But, it felt like a highlight reel with roles reversed. Which is interesting but 2 episodes wasn't enough time to develop that story.
For what they attempted they did aight! I kinda wish we got something more post canon in their universe, happy cute boyfriends™, but yk. It's okay. More Fourth and Gemini always makes me happy. Plus the cast seemed to have fun filming it if the behind the scenes are any indication.
5. A boss and a babe (ep 11-12)
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Listen, half the excitement of our skyy is missing these characters. So it was surely a choice by gmm to time this episode riiiighhhttt after the finale of the show.
That being said, this episode was pretty dang fun. Am I still mourning the loss of multiple unresolved storylines from the show they set up and literally forgot about- yes (Drake, you deserved better🤧). But considering our skyy 2 is the biggest "who took my FANFIC out of ao3 and into YouTube" plot ever, I'll overlook it.
This episode managed to do what neither enchanté nor abaab did- show me the appeal of forcebook. They are very cute in light-hearted settings. I'm yet to see them thrive in the drama, but only friends is happening soon... Soooooo
4. Never Let Me Go (ep 1-2)
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Now thiss was a perfect soulmates AU for TV (or YouTube in this case) if I've ever seen one. We got the time travel, the drama, the classism all wrapped in a ball of all fluff and no angst. They understood the assignment.
Again. I missed my second couple (I am Perth Stan, I can't help myself. The 6 of us who demanded justice for Chopper, I see you!) But I didn't miss them too much, coz the premise was fun.
(I also loved the house set that they had!! I wanna go visit it if it's real!)
3. The Eclipse (ep 5-6)
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These two episodes are single-handedly responsible for increasing the average number of kisses in Our Skyy. I wasn't even expecting this many? Even if it was basically just prep for Khao and First in Only friends, I'm still here for it.
It was also surprisingly an episode that caused a lot of debate about Akk and/or Ayan being out of character, which I didn't expect, but have my opinions on.
But overall, it was an extremely sweet episode with political and social commentary that the show had, but commentary lite. The locations were fantastic! I honestly just want more First and Khao in everything, please and thank you.
2. Bad Buddy x A Tale of a Thousand Stars (ep 13-16)
(please don't kill me)
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Speaking of who took my fanfic out of ao3, OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. I knewwww we can trust in P'Aof for delivering a story. BUT DID I EXPECT HIM TO PUT ALL MY FAVS IN THE SAME SCREEN AT THE SAME TIME???? What great times we're living in *sighs in bl*.
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Watching EarthMix slip back into phuphatian was a pleasure. Ohm and Nanon are sooo awesome! I missed Pat and Pran so much. The crossover could have easily gone into the forced-for-fanservice territory, but they had a plot for it!🤌🏼
They brought back characters that felt like home. Even the conflicts were so lived in. It is self aware in what small things can blow out of proportion.
Watching Pat and Pran in their college years hiding their relationship after reading countless fanfics about it- just, tears. Thanks! I love them. I missed them. I'm living for this. I see why this was at the end. Worth all the hype and more.
Still screaming about this, and have been for two weeks. Will keep you updated on when or if I stop.
Buuuut the reason I didn't rank this at the top is because we didn't get enough bad buddy in the crossover. I loved both the shows, but i feel like pat pran were slightly overshadowed. I was lowkey cringing by the end too with the second atots recreation of the series!? Oh god. But we got a proposal! And the confirmation it's an open secret?!? And whatever tf it was that korn and wai were doing backstage🤡. So it was almost in the number one spot, it's just that I preferred my actual number one spot episode more.
1. Vice Versa (ep 7-8)
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Did I expect vice versa to be this high on my list, nope. Did I fall and virtually adopt this kid as soon as he came on screen... Maybe👀. Are Jimmy and Sea climbing up on my couples i can't wait to see more of this yes- also maybe.
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But even otherwise, I think this episode had the most solid and cohesive storyline. Everyone felt familiar and acted in character. They even wrapped up the whole random-kid-showed-up-at-our-front-door plot surprisingly well. Like if you watched the episode, they left very clear hints.
They even kept the colour theme (even though multi colour isn't technically a colour, would have gone with white or black maybe, but that's just me).
I did not expect this to be my number 1. Actually, i was barely even looking forward to this episode. But it was a pleasant surprise.
And I was shooketh, considering my biggest complaint about the original show was that they left too many threads loose.
Jimmy and Sea were so good! Got me even more excited to see them in Last Twilight (in P'Aof we trust).
Now that that is over (and if you're reading this far) can we talk about how many birthday plots there were??? I feel like every other week there was a birthday. Just confused about it, that's all.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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"YOUNG NEWTON BOYS MISSING ONCE AGAIN," Toronto Star. June 1, 1943. Page 11. ---- Intrepid Wanderers Last Seen on North Yonge Street Saturday ---- The Newton boys are on the loose again …
On Thursday Kenneth, nine, and Lorne, six, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newton, Perth Ave., started out on "a walk" after school. They were found at noon Friday in Sunnyside after wandering through High park all night and subsisting on a free bun and a ride on the roller coaster. Earlier in the day they had been rescued from a tree in the flooded Humber river and sent home, but went to Sunnyside instead.
Taken home, the brothers were put in bed for punishment, but at 10 a.m. Saturday they pulled on their shirts and trousers - no underwear or sox - and started their wanderings again.
Last reports received at noon Saturday placed the boys on Yonge St. near St. Clair Ave., headed north. The brothers are both fair-haired. They are wearing green shirts.
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railwaysofbritannia · 2 years ago
ROB: The Star & The Atlantic
The young Railinite looked down the road towards the small railyard. On the track closest to the yard entrance, she could see a large green tender engine sitting on the line. Its smokebox was swung open & blank, indicating that the “Host” was in their Railinite form.
She didn’t need to look far to find them however, for she could see the back half of them behind the smokebox door. As the yard seemed quiet, and the fact that the gates were wide open meaning anyone, Human or Railinite could just wander in! She decided to go down to see what the Railinite could be like.
“After all”, she thought. “LNER engines can’t be as bad as my siblings say.”
As she walked down the stone covered path, the bottom of her dress rubbing slightly against the larger stones. She could hear the voice of the Railinite who currently had his head inside the smokebox of his engine. He appeared to be singing a song to himself. 
“Roamin' in the gloamin' on the bonnie banks o' Clyde,
Roamin' in the gloamin' wi' ma lassie by ma side,
When the sun has gone to rest,That's the time that we love best,
Oh, it's lovely roamin' in the gloamin.” 
To the 15 year old female Railinite [1], the voice was one of the most beautiful things she had ever heard. The mere sound of his voice made her heart beat faster, although she wasn’t sure why.
Finally, she came up to the engine. She stared in awe at its great looming boiler. The sheer size of it could put the King Class to shame! The apple green paint work, although dirty on the top of the boiler, the paint still seemed to shine. The letters L.N.E.R stood proudly on the tender, as did the number 9901 painted on the cabside.
Then she noticed the name, “St. Johnstoun” also proudly painted on the front splasher.
“What a handsome name.” She whispered to herself.
“Thanks miss!” A male voice called that made her nearly jump out of her body. She looked to her left and saw him, the Railinite of which the singing voice belonged to.
For one, he was tall. About 6ft in height. His bright green humanoid form suit was covered in black soot from the smokebox. However, his golden L.N.E.R badge still shone brightly. But the most striking thing about him was his eyes.
While other green engines would have some type of green eyes. His eyes were a bright sky blue.
He looked over at her, and smiled. “Sorry lass, did i give you a fright?”
“N-no, I’m fine.” She said, regaining herself. “Well, a little bit, um, John is it?” She asked, her heart racing still.
He chuckled. “Nope, name’s Sam.” He extended his arm out. “Nice tae meet you, um?”
“Oh! Sorry,” She chuckled nervously. “I’m Alexandra, a GWR Star class Railinite”, “Nice to meet you Sam.” She shook his hand, some ash going onto her fingers.
Sam raised an eyebrow, but smiled still. “And what’s a pretty Ten Wheeler like yerself daein all the way up here?” He added very quickly, “Forgive my forwardness lass, Its just, i haven’t seen a Western Railinite up here before.”
Alexandra’s cheeks went bright red, she giggled at the Atlantic’s accidental flirting.
“It’s fine.” She said, trying not to blush harder. “Me & some of my siblings are using some of our holiday days to travel to different areas of the country!”
“And where are the rest of them?” Sam asked curiously.
“Down by the LMS Shed.” Alexandra said, gesturing her arm down the line. “Trust me, my brother, Malvern Abbey will have probably stabbed one of them by now.”
She then realised how bad that sounded. Which made her blush even harder still.
“I-I like your locomotive!” Alexandra stuttered, trying to change the subject. “W-what type is it?”
“NBR H Class.” Sam replied, “Pride Of Perth we call her.”  “What shed you from then?”
“Laira," she said, smiling. “It’s in Plymouth”, “You know it?”
“Aye, I do.”  The Atlantic replied.
“Say, how would you & your siblings like to come round to our place for dinner?”  Sam asked, looking away from Alexandra gaze.
“S-sure!” Alexandra all but shouted out. “Sounds lovely”, “I’ll tell the others when I meet back up with them. 
She turned to leave, but smiled back at Sam. “See you later ," she said.
“Aye!”, “See you about 5:30,” he waved back, before climbing back onto the running plate. 
Alexandra waved back as she walked up the path from the yard. She turned around the corner, and was soon out of sight.
The pair were both looking forward to that night.
First ROB story, Woooooo! Any questions, head to the ask box.
Constructive criticism is welcomed.
NOTE: [1] Although she was built/born 15 years prior, becaue how Railinites work, Alexandra has the body of a 24 year old. 
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jcheezyinzecity · 22 days ago
White girl shit
Bird net
Spoken verse
Gotta turn the music down to see
White girl shit
A little less depresso, a lil more espresso
Trendsetter you better follow me
I write the future no apologies
I love technology
Mitochondria, biology
Bitch I got the key
White girl shit
Told me put my dick away
But I can’t look away
This is just some wordplay
Cuz I would never betray
Those pretty green eyes
White girl shit
Call this the rebirth
I only eat from the earth
I like the boys from Perth
I like ‘em when they got gerth
White girl shit
I’m Clinically lackin
Lyrically slappin
Chemically dabblin
I’m Always clappin
White girl shit
Thin black lines I got some
Drugs don’t just make you look dumb
I like the way they make me numb
Can you hear the hum
White girl shit
A Virgin no more, But I’m not a whore
Get me the aquaphor
When I dance I hit the floor
If you don’t like it, there’s the door
White girl shit
He told me San Diego we gotta go
And I got the flow,
I’m done
White girl shit
0 notes
hqblogs · 1 month ago
Expert Water Damage Restoration in Perth – Fast & Reliable Solutions
Water harm may be a owner of a house’s worst nightmare, causing structural issues, mold boom, and lengthy-term assets damage if no longer addressed right away. At GSB Flood Master, we specialize in water damage restoration in Perth, imparting fast, reliable, and professional services to repair your home correctly. Whether it’s due to a burst pipe, flooding, or an sudden leak, our professional group is ready to handle all ranges of water harm with advanced strategies and modern device.
Water harm can strengthen quick, affecting flooring, walls, furnishings, and electric systems. Immediate motion is essential to save you in addition deterioration. Our water damage recuperation offerings in Perth consist of water extraction, drying, dehumidification, and deep cleaning to make sure your home or enterprise is fully restored to its pre-damage condition. We follow enterprise high-quality practices to decrease secondary harm, consisting of mildew growth and structural weakening. 
Our manner starts with an in depth evaluation of the affected location. We use moisture detection gear to become aware of hidden water pockets that won't be visible to the bare eye. Once we decide the volume of the harm, we appoint excessive-powered water extraction device to put off status water, accompanied with the aid of business-grade air movers and dehumidifiers to dry the space thoroughly. This prevents long-term issues like wooden warping, carpet deterioration, and microbial contamination. Mold increase is a good sized subject after water harm.
Moisture creates the proper breeding ground for mold spores, that can unfold unexpectedly if no longer treated. Our crew specializes in mold remediation, making sure that all affected areas are wiped clean and sanitized to prevent health dangers. We use green disinfectants and air filtration systems to improve indoor air quality and remove any lingering odors caused by dampness.
Beyond residential properties, we also provide commercial Water Damage Restoration Perth. Businesses cannot afford prolonged downtime due to water damage, which is why we offer rapid response services to get operations back on track as quickly as possible. Our team works around the clock to mitigate damage, restore critical infrastructure, and ensure a safe working environment.
Insurance claims can be overwhelming in the wake of water damage. Our experienced team assists with the documentation process, helping you navigate insurance claims efficiently. We provide detailed reports, photographs, and expert assessments to support your claim, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.
Choosing the right water damage restoration company in Perth is essential for effective recovery. At GSB Flood Master, we stand out due to our commitment to excellence, rapid response times, and customer-focused approach. Our technicians are fully trained and certified, ensuring that every restoration project is handled professionally. We use industry-leading equipment and advanced drying methods to achieve the best results, minimizing disruption to your daily life.
Prevention is always better than cure. While water damage is sometimes unavoidable, taking proactive measures can reduce the risk. Regular maintenance of plumbing systems, roof inspections, and prompt repair of leaks can help prevent water-related disasters. In case of an emergency, having a trusted restoration service on call can make all the difference in minimizing losses.
If you’re facing water damage in Perth, don’t wait until the problem worsens. Contact GSB Flood Master today for prompt, reliable, and effective restoration services. Our team is available 24/7 to assist with all types of water and flood damage emergencies. Let us help you restore your property and peace of mind with professional solutions tailored to your needs.
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news365timesindia · 2 months ago
[ad_1] Virat Kohli after getting out in the second innings at the MCG (PC: Debasis Sen) RevSportz Comment With Australia having battled back into the ascendancy in the tussle for the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, some of those who once wore the baggy green have wasted no time in putting the boot in. The 295-run thrashing in Perth seems many moons ago now, and the likes of Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma are squarely in the crosshairs after three dismal outings in Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne. Michael Slater, cavalier opener in the team that took over West Indies’ mantle as the world’s greatest side, suggested after Australia’s 184-run win at the MCG that Kohli had become something of a protected species. While pointing out that the much-trolled Rohit Sharma had scored more runs and centuries in the past five years, Slater said: “Kohli is genuinely the safest guy ever.” He isn’t factually wrong. Over the past half-decade, Rohit has more runs (2,160 to 2,005), a better average (36 to 31.32) and more hundreds (6 to 3) than Kohli. But that’s where the comparison stops making sense. A career isn’t just a five-year stretch, and Kohli had all-time-great numbers until his post-Covid slump. Rohit, despite his heroics in white-ball cricket, has never been in the ‘great’ conversation when it comes to Test cricket. Kohli’s nose-diving numbers do, however, make you question just how much selectors and fans alike live in the past, and how much perceptions are coloured by nostalgia. Let’s face it, five years is no blink of an eye either. Kohli has played 38 Tests in that time. His numbers are comparable to those of Pankaj Roy (2442 runs at 32.56), Ajit Wadekar (2213 runs at 31.07) and Chetan Chauhan (2084 at 31.57) – each of whom was a solid Test batsman without ever threatening to break into the highest echelon. For the Latest Sports News: Click Here Virat Kohli after the loss at the MCG (PC: Debasis Sen) Why, then, such a long rope? Or is it just the monstrous wheels of commerce in action? Our guess is that India’s cricket fans, like Marcel Proust, are In Search of Lost Time. You see, the half-decade when Kohli was king, he really was majestic, as gifted and dominant as any player the sport has seen. He had a modest beginning. By the time he came home from England in 2014 – a dismal aggregate of 134 runs from 10 innings prompted a visit to Sachin Tendulkar in Mumbai, and some technical tweaks – Kohli averaged 39.46 from 29 Tests, with six centuries. A few months later, he went to Australia and was a player transformed. Over the next five years and 55 Tests, he smashed 21 centuries while averaging 63.65. He proved a point against Jimmy Anderson and ‘friends’ in England in 2018, and there were sublime centuries in South Africa and Australia as well. On home soil, his batting against England in the 4-0 rout in 2016 was straight out of some video game. With the possible exception of the great Viv Richards, few made run-scoring look so easy. It is that Kohli avatar that his admirers still cling to. We saw glimpses of it in the second innings in Perth and even during the first dig in Melbourne when a couple of drives pinged off the bat with pristine timing. But increasingly, such moments have become just that – moments. Innings of substance have been few and far between. The great Tendulkar didn’t score a hundred in his last 23 Tests. Richards managed just one in his last 19. Once you lose it at a certain age – Kohli turned 36 in November – getting it back is near-impossible. As he heads to the Sydney Cricket Ground – where his hero made three centuries and an 80 in five Tests – Kohli will know better than anyone that time, that thief who steals from us all, is running out. Also Read: Self-restraint the key to a Kohli revival in Sydney  The post Clock ticks for Kohli as memories of the King avatar fade appeared first on Sports News Portal | Latest Sports Articles | Revsports. [ad_2] Source link
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 4 months ago
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New SpaceTime out Monday
SpaceTime 20241118 Series 27 Episode 139
Gilmour space given the green light to launch
The Australian Space Agency have given final approval for Gilmour Space to undertake the first orbital test flight of their new Eris rocket from the Bowen Spaceport in north Queensland.
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Mysterious Red Monster galaxies discovered in the early Universe
Astronomers have discovered three ultra-massive galaxies – each nearly as big as the Milky Way – which had already reached that size within the first billion years of the universe’s existence.
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Has China’s Mars rover found signs of an ancient Martian ocean
Beijing claims its Mars Zhurong rover has found new evidence to support the idea that the red planet’s northern hemisphere was once the floor of a vast Martian Ocean.
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Chinese Taikonauts have returned safely to Earth
Three Chinese Taikonauts have returned safely to Earth following their six month stay aboard Beijing’s Tiangong space station.
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The Science Report
Archaeologists in Israel uncover the precursor of the wheel.
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COP29 warned that fossil fuel emissions are continuing to rise.
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Tweens who frequently snore are more likely to have behavioural problems.
Skeptics guide to how errors in thinking could be linked to seeing ghosts.
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
SpaceTime facebook: www.facebook.com/spacetimewithstuartgary
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SpaceTime YouTube: @SpaceTimewithStuartGary
SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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