#Purple Lamborghini by Skrillix
superhusbands4ever · 2 years
Are you a “loud music and deep bass make me anxious” neurodivergent or a “if my brain is not vibrating in my skull it’s not loud enough” neurodivergent
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lucille-grim · 3 years
Joker and Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad:
Skip to 2:55 in the time-line.
Kehlani - "Gangsta"...
Skrillix & Rick Ross - "Purple Lamborghini"...
Yukina will be back in Kuwabara's life, they WILL reunite!
Yukina will notice the immediate difference in her "Twin Flame", right off the bat (no pun intended).
How will she react?
Not horrified. Not legitimately concerned. But she'd more than likely accept him for who he became.
Yukina's life ever since she ran off, out of the Kuwabara residence, is a mystery for now. But it is unlikely she returned to demon world, meaning she had to learn to survive in the human world on her own somehow. She may have resorted in doing things most would find shameful. Having lived with the Ice Koorime, she was more than likely emotionally abused herself by them. Those of her tribe are control freaks and their teachings are highly prejudice.
Twin Flames (and victims of spells) are drawn to each other (or to the caster) like magnets. Twin Flames NEVER stay apart. The RED CORD OF DESTINY (legit or not) that connects them together is a TWIN FLAME CORD (or a lust/love spell that is used to bind a victim to the perpetrator)....
Japanese culture says so...
Fate is ultimately govern by the gods, however, but the connection between Twin Flames is inseparable.
But Kuwabara's and Yukina's soul connection does not show an inkling of the two being TWIN FLAMES.
Interestingly, instead of Kuwabara doing the chasing this time, it will be Yukina chasing after him. Why? Because Kuwabara obviously is well aware of who she is deep down, what she is really like.
The roles will be REVERSED due to Kuwabara having severe trust issues. I mean VERY SEVERE trust issues.
Well, Twin Flames generally chase each other, but usually one is generally the runner and the other the chaser. So do victims who try to run from their abusers/enslavers.
Yukina herself is a KILLER waiting to come out!
Her desire to KILL an entire clan of Ice Apparitions rather than just kill the ones really and truly responsible for mother's death is PROOF IN THE PUDDING (again, no pun intended). Punishment is good enough, but Yukina wants them ALL DEAD.
The Life Style of a Gangster/Mobster is nothing new to Yukina. She was held against her will by one, then lived with Kuwabara's family who she saw were no different...Mr. Kuwabara and Shizuru shitting through the same quill as the other Crime Lords she met.
It was FATE declared by King Enma that Yukina was apprehended and held captive by the criminals that had her and tortured her. She was supposed to prepare for what is going to happen to Kuwabara and herself included, but mostly to play an even bigger role than previously imagined or believed possible.
Twin Flames's lives mirror each other's, meaning that Yukina's life will have similarity with Kuwabara's life, which it really does not at much seem to be that case despite some similarities or coincidences. Twin Flames's pasts are and will be similar to one another's. The Universe prepares you both for one another and you both have the same purpose, the same mission in life.
Does Yukina share his purpose? No.
Twin Flames also mirror each other in expressions, gestures, mannerisms, and desires, yet will be opposites of one another. Yin and Yang, which are two opposing halves of the same whole. Judging by Kuwabara being the most active and most productive and the leader who makes the decisions, while Yukina is supposed more passive and being more of a follower, Kuwabara is Yang and Yukina is Yin in their relationship. THAT IS WHAT IT APPEARS ON THE OUTSIDE TO THE NAKED EYE.
Kuwabara is chaotic and Yukina will have more structure or desire more stability, or more like WANTING MORE CONTROL. Kuwabara is already very pessimistic while Yukina is more sadistic. Yukina will come off being more affectionate this time around with Kuwabara, Kuwabara a lot less. Kuwabara has a terrible temper and is more judgmental, Yukina appears to be more sympathetic and plays the role of victimhood in her own way. Kuwabara is bias, Yukina is bias. Kuwabara has a twisted, dark sense of humor, Yukina will be more serious than like she is in the series, only receiving true joy off those whom she causes great pain and suffering. Kuwabara has incredible trust issues, Yukina will be more trusting of others, including strangers. Kuwabara will push people including Yukina away, not allowing others to get close to him, Yukina being the opposite. Negatively, Kuwabara will fear love, ironically, and Yukina will appear to crave the affection he will starve her from.
Both will be risk takers, but Yukina will make the most risks out of the pair. She will lean toward appearing to be more codependent on Kuwabara, whereas Kuwabara will appear to won't be as codependent on her as much...which is far from the truth. Kuwabara will appear to be "the champion" in the relationship. Both will be manipulative, and both will take the cake in that department...A CONSTANT RANGE WAR...
...Blame his upbringing. His father succeeded in warping (and breaking) his mind, although others who targeted Kuwabara played a role in this as well. Mr. Kuwabara (Kazuma's father) and Shizuru are PSYCHOPATHS and are TERRIBLY ABUSIVE.
Hiei won't like any of this, especially the abuse his sister will endure. It will be Hiei who will have to save her a lot of times from Kuwabara. He also won't like the fact that it appears as though Kuwabara was the one who "warped" Yukina's mind. Yukina was warped already, unbeknownst to Hiei.
Kuwabara will understand psychology very well, being an Empath will aid in that department as well. In the series, he already shows he has an understanding of behavioral patterns.
Nevertheless, Kuwabara does "love" Yukina despite his actions are and will be, that is the nature of Love/Sex Spells. Yukina has that going for her, but everyone else will believe Kuwabara to be a complete NARCISSIST and incapable of loving anyone but himself.
Albeit Yukina seems to be his Yin, Kuwabara is far more dual in nature. He is a CLOWN GOD after all.
Yukina WILL kill the Ice Koorime and it will be Kuwabara who will help her.
NOTE: Yin can be terrifying.
Samael is known as the Slanted Serpent while Lilith is known as the Torturous Serpent and as well as The Leviathan. Slanted means "tilted" and "crooked", the latter meaning "bent or twisted out of shape or out of place", which is perfect because that fits his mentality. Torturous is "characterized by, involving, or causing excruciating pain or suffering."
REMEMBER: Kuwabara is Lucifer and NOT Samael, whose actually King Enma. Yukina is Lilith. Lilith is "The Torturous Serpent" and that title has very little to do with the Kundalini Force... At least NOT the good and more positive version of it, more of an anti-spiral parasitic version instead.
Read these for PROOF:
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