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suprememastertv · 4 months ago
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We should do things without any low-motive in mind. It applies to any job. Unconditional devotion is the best. ✨💖
Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan)
💗 Please join Supreme Master Ching Hai to sincerely thank God Almighty for World Vegan, World Peace and souls’ Liberation 💗 Every day at 9:00 PM Hong Kong time 🙏
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theloulouge · 4 months ago
Reminder Reflections 247
When you have nothing but pure intentions, and move with love. You don’t lose anyone… they lose you.
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steveezekiel · 5 months ago
The Heart with Which an Offering is Brought
“The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination; how much more when he brings it with wicked intent!” Proverbs 21:27 (NKJV)
The heart and intent behind your offering to God matter as much as the offering itself. The Bible refers to the wicked as those who live in sin—whether it's lying, cheating, or other sinful acts (James 2:10-11). Simply offering a sacrifice does not please God if your heart and motives are not right.
Take the story of Ananias and Sapphira from Acts 5:1-10: They sold their land and brought some of the proceeds to the apostles, claiming it was the full amount. Their intent was to deceive and impress others. However, the Holy Spirit revealed their wicked hearts, and they both died as a result.
This story serves as a reminder to be sincere in our walk with God. We cannot deceive Him. When we bring a sacrifice or serve in God's vineyard, we must do so with a pure heart. If we try to impress men or act with deceitful intent, we risk rebuke or condemnation (Malachi 1:14).
As Galatians 1:10 says, we should not strive to please men but to please God. When our ways please the Lord, even our enemies will be at peace with us (Proverbs 16:7). Whatever you do for God, do it wholeheartedly and with sincerity. It is a privilege to serve in His kingdom.
Remember, God does not forget your labor of love. There is a reward for everything you do for His kingdom when done with the right heart (Hebrews 6:10).
You will not fail in Jesus' name. Peace! 🙏
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thebikerbookforcharity · 6 months ago
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Soulful Sunday….
#soul #soulful #sunday #karma #pureintentions
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projectourworld · 1 year ago
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London, UK
A climate activist protests against the government’s revised carbon budget delivery plan outside the Royal Courts of Justice
Photograph: Isabel Infantes/Reuters/Guardian #goodpeople #cleargoals #pureintentions #positiveenergy
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a-jane-atx · 1 year ago
▶️ Watch this reel
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nimixo · 1 year ago
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When your intentions are pure, you don't lose anyone. People lose you.
By wholeheartedly embracing our vulnerabilities, alchemizing pain into purpose, and uncovering the inner radiance, we can profoundly metamorphose our own lives and, in doing so, ignite the spirits of millions worldwide.
#Nimixo #Motivation #MotivationBlowByBlow #HealingJourney #ResilienceUnveiled #JohnCMaxwell #pureintentions
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forbiddenfruit08 · 2 years ago
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pbcnita · 2 years ago
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If I'm not learning or laughing, growing, or making $...im not there. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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theloulouge · 7 months ago
Reminder Reflections 161
It doesn’t matter how dirty others play you. Karma has a big appetite these days. Move with pure intentions.
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michellerisi · 8 years ago
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...and that's how you make change in the world. #purethought #pureintention #quote #universe #life #soul #awakening #enlightenment #joy #peace #strength #courage #reiki #meditation #chakra #trust #inspiration #motivation #heartcentered #selflove #thefabricofoursoul #happiness #yoga #lawofattraction #positivethinking #love #gratitude
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therightlyguidedaid · 5 years ago
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It’s not about honour or recognition. In fact, it’s not even about lending assistance to the Ummah and the oppressed. These are noble objectives along the path, but they’re just means to an end. The ultimate goal is purely to please Allah the Most High; to show Him just how much we love Him. Soon we’ll meet Him, and we hope that day He will tell us He is pleased with us, and will comfort us with: “O reassured soul, return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him], and enter among My [righteous] servants, and enter My Paradise.” [89: 27-30] Never forget this. #ikhlas #Allah #islamicreminders #ummah #africanrevival #SierraLeone #humanitarian #aidwork #purposeoflife #jannah #quran #sunnah #sincerity #pureintentions
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projectourworld · 1 year ago
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Absolutely delighted to be able to catch up with Sangeeta Laudus in Dubai yesterday and talk about all things sustainable. Sangeeta is a wonderful individual, a great communicator and one of those rare people who brings 100% of herself to everything she works on
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luxrosaporvida · 5 years ago
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Only a few real ones left💯✨🌹 #oldschoolhyna #bigheart #oldsoul #pureintentions #oldschooltypeoflove #luxrosaporvida https://www.instagram.com/p/B4-7tEOHsok/?igshid=10xpws1piehso
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dazzlingrita · 2 years ago
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Powerful thoughts and quotes to ponder❤️ So many people suffering all over the world. Humanity appears to be at a breaking point. Those aware know how powerful they truly are and those that are unaware don’t even think they have any power. If you are struggling or feeling overwhelmed, take time to slow down. Be intentional with your time, thoughts, words and energy. Limit interactions if necessary for your own peace of mind. It’s ok to do so and no explanation should be needed. Pray, meditate, intentional breathing, go out in nature ….go within. It might take awhile before you start experiencing the powerful shifts and benefits of solicitude. but if you’re consistent, you will reap the rewards from this practice. So many people have no idea what true peace and joy are because they have yet to truly experience it in the most profound ways. I know this is a difficult time and I’m sure many have heavy battles they are fighting. Don’t give up. Keep going. Rest if you must. Keep your head up, keep your mind open, keep your intentions good and keep your heart pure for best results. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Let no other bring you down and most importantly, do not give away your power. Sending love and powerful vibrations/thoughts to all❤️🙏🏼 #wordsofwisdom #healingjourneys #energyistherealcurrency #mindfulliving #powerfulsouls #humanityfirst #compassionforall #universaloneness #divinebeings #onelovepeace #peaceandjoy #highvibrational #chosenones #worldhealers #shadowworkers #pureintentions #purehearted https://www.instagram.com/p/CmFG1gPvUHe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soulreflectiontarot · 3 years ago
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Cards of the day is about manifestating heart-centered wishes. The cards are from Divine Circus Oracle Cards by Anna Fairchild and The Soul Reflection’s Twin Flame Messenger 3 by Nadine Swiger. Please take what resonates and leave what does not. . The Velvet Queen appears when an universal gift is about to be bestowed upon you. The universe would like to help you manifest something big, that have been sitting in your heart space. But in order for it to go smoothly, you must place unconditional trust that the universe will manifest those things her way for your highest good! . You still need to put in the work and effort behind your manifestation. But hand the control over to the universe, allow her the freedom to figure out how and when things will play out in the divine time. You need not see the fine details, the universe can see it all. Instead focus on what is in your control (you want to be a famous author, write that book, and shop around for a publisher…) Don’t forget to build up your self-worth and self-love. Keep your vibrations high and keep your thoughts positive. Know that because you have put in the effort and the hard work, you will deserve your wishes coming true. Know that you are a beautiful soul that is getting ready to shine!! . . . #cardsoftheday🔮 #orackereadingoftheday #dailydivination #manifestingfromtheheart #heartcenteredrebalancing #manifestion #universalmanifestation #divinetime #universehasyourback #wishbigandbelieve #wishescancometrue⭐️ #pureintentions #divinecircusoracle #velvetqueen #annafairchild #soulreflectionoracle #twinflamemessenger3 #twinflameoracle #soulreflectionoraclecards #nadineswiger https://www.instagram.com/p/CdLBT65O_Ue/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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