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Cards of the day is about manifestating heart-centered wishes. The cards are from Divine Circus Oracle Cards by Anna Fairchild and The Soul Reflection’s Twin Flame Messenger 3 by Nadine Swiger. Please take what resonates and leave what does not. . The Velvet Queen appears when an universal gift is about to be bestowed upon you. The universe would like to help you manifest something big, that have been sitting in your heart space. But in order for it to go smoothly, you must place unconditional trust that the universe will manifest those things her way for your highest good! . You still need to put in the work and effort behind your manifestation. But hand the control over to the universe, allow her the freedom to figure out how and when things will play out in the divine time. You need not see the fine details, the universe can see it all. Instead focus on what is in your control (you want to be a famous author, write that book, and shop around for a publisher…) Don’t forget to build up your self-worth and self-love. Keep your vibrations high and keep your thoughts positive. Know that because you have put in the effort and the hard work, you will deserve your wishes coming true. Know that you are a beautiful soul that is getting ready to shine!! . . . #cardsoftheday🔮 #orackereadingoftheday #dailydivination #manifestingfromtheheart #heartcenteredrebalancing #manifestion #universalmanifestation #divinetime #universehasyourback #wishbigandbelieve #wishescancometrue⭐️ #pureintentions #divinecircusoracle #velvetqueen #annafairchild #soulreflectionoracle #twinflamemessenger3 #twinflameoracle #soulreflectionoraclecards #nadineswiger https://www.instagram.com/p/CdLBT65O_Ue/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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