#Pure Concepts Hair and Boutique
theficplug · 4 years
l Sunflower Vol. 6 l Harry Styles l
Harry Styles x Black Reader
Warnings: none , pure fluff
[harry and reader feels like it’s just time to let the world know.]
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As Harry was coming to an end of an era with the Fine Line album. Sunflower Vol. 6 was the last of the bunch to receive a visual to the groovy almost psychedelic track. 
You remember when the idea of the song came up. You had explained where your nickname Sunflower came from. 
He was sitting on the couch in your shared home with his guitar resting gently across his chest playing the same melody and humming sunflower to himself while watching the rain fall down heavily through the cracked window.
The slight breeze coming through blew his disheveled hair around. Harry had been up all night saying that he didn’t wanna forget the cords and the rhythm of the song that was still coming to him.
You quietly walked down the stairs to find him still up humming and tapping along to the beat as he tried to get into the groove. 
“I didn’t wake you, did I?” he asks quietly as he sits the guitar aside and opens his arms for you.
“No, but the cold giant you shaped empty spot in the bed did. Tea?” you ask chuckling softly before handing him the mug in your other hand and kissing the top of his head. 
You had also brought blankets with you and draped it over the both of you while settling onto his lap and resting your head on his shoulder. You watched as he instantly relaxed and settled back against it at the sound of your voice. Placing a gentle kiss to your forehead he accepts the pink mug.
“Thank you love.” he says quietly to you before trailing his hands up and down your leg gently as he takes small sips of the earl grey. 
“I love nights like this. It reminds me of growing up back home. My mama would yell at my dad and me for dancing around in the rain.”Don’t come in here asking me for vapor rub and soup when y’all are coughing up a storm”. She would say with her face all scrunched up. But we knew it was from a place of love because every time she’d end up running out to joining even if only for a few minutes and she had an umbrella. But the deal was that I couldn’t complain about being woken up at 5am to get the hot comb before school. She knew she couldn’t resist dancing to My Girl with us. To our neighbours who were always in our business we probably looked like a bunch of maniacs just laughing and being happy to love and be loved. ” you explained to him and he would chuckle softly and tell you about how he wished he knew you when you were kids.
 He swears that he would’ve known then that you were it for him.
“I was 6 years old when I got the name Sunflower. As usual it was my mother, father , and I sitting on the porch. I was just sitting eating sunflower seeds and staring out at the rain. Waiting for my father to set up the radio and put our favourite songs on. We ran out onto the grass and as he twirled me around. My father said to me “you’re my sunflower because you always grow towards the sun and bring such a light to our lives. Becoming your parents was the best day of our lives. Getting to see you grow is the small moments of magic in this life. That’s how I knew you were the one for me. Because he didn’t think anyone was good enough for me, but when he met you and you actually got him to laugh with you and say yes to proposing to me. I knew this was it.” you explain and laugh at his expression. 
“Bae, are you tearing up?” you ask as he leaned over to kiss all over his face then peck his lips. 
“I’ve just got something in my eye. That’s all. I just can’t wait to share how much I love you with the world. I want them to feel that when they listen to this album.” 
“And they will” you reassure him 
After over a year and a half of dating and being engaged you knew that it was time to share it with the world. There was only so much can take after 10 years of speculations. He was more than ready to tell everyone that there was only one woman he wanted to spend his life with. 
He’d like to have a meal with a childhood friend without him being painted as a cheater on someone he wasn’t even dating in the first place. 
A sigh of relief washed over you both when the video finally wrapped. You remember telling Harry that if you were going to be a part of this video you wanted the entire crew to be black or at least of colour. 
“Those are my rules , Harold. I wanna put my people on, and no offense baby  but can’t nobody white touch this fro. I haven’t let anyone besides my mother do my hair since I was a little girl. You got me? ” you expressed to him and he nodded because he had already had the idea in mind knowing he wanted to put his money where his mouth is with supporting black creatives.
He began searching social media for black hair stylists, videographers, directors , and everyone else that would be needed to get the project done. 
Now it’s less than 24 hours before the world would know about what has been sweetly yours for a little over a year. 
From what you could tell a lot of people assumed that his album was about exes or previous relationships but on the contrary he had actually written one song for closure about a past situation. The rest of the entire album was essentially about you,and how he fell in love with your kindness and how much he adored you. Some of the fans who listened closely picked up on the line in Adore You. ‘Your wonder under summer skies. Brown skin and lemon over ice’ . It was about the vacation you two took a few months before the pandemic right after he wrapped on his newest film. He swore that your mahogany skin glowed under the warm July sun and against the cerulean coverup. That man looked at you like someone told him that you were made out of pure gold. Thus sparking his first track on the album, Golden. You two were even papped together while on the beach with your families but of course most just assumed that you were a family friend. It seemed to be a trend when he’s photographed with a woman of colour before but he reassured you that he was single when he asked you on a date the day he met you at the farmers market. 
He tumbled over his words while trying to ask you about what kind of jam you would recommend for him to bring home to his mother.
“I’m gonna be at her home for the weekend and just thought that I’d bring a few things for breakfast while I’m there. Yours caught my eye. Are these little sunflowers all over the jars?” he asks as he bends down to inspect them. 
“Yeah , you like it? It’s kind of my brand. It’s been a bit of a slow day. I think it’s because it’s gonna rain. Never one to be scared of a little rain. I can tell that this is gonna taste far better than bringing home a jar of Nutella.” you say to him with a small smile on your face. 
After grabbing a plastic spoon for him to try out peach, strawberry, and cherry. He ended up purchasing several jars of all 3, but the cherry jam was his favourite and blushed the entire time you scooped the spoon in his mouth. 
“What’s it like to be so lonely like this? I feel like it would be difficult to not be able to be out with others because you don’t want them to have to go through all of this.I feel like even though someone’s “famous” you’ve got to at least treat people with kindness and some level of respect. ” you say to him as the people pushed their way over to your boutique once they realized who was standing there.
You didn’t even really know who he was because you hadn’t been into One Direction in their prime. So, you knew he was a big deal from the whispers and people walking up to him and asking him for pictures and practically offering him their entire supply. But you just knew him as the dorky slightly awkward and weird cutie standing in front of you in the giant sunhat and pearls that stuttered while trying to tell you about his time working in a bakery before they came over. 
“It’s alright. You kind of just learn to adapt to all of it after 10 years. . I worked there for like a year but we never had anything that tasted this good!” he admitted and you would giggle softly at the complement and give him your number on the receipt. You could see him doing a little shimmy while waving the number in the air. 
You think back to the conversation fondly before Harry’s low and soothing voice snapped you out of your thoughts as he peeks his head into the room to ask if you want to see the finished video.
You followed him to his little makeshift studio in your home and take a seat on his lap so that you both could see it.
Harry had come up with the concept of you being a sunflower and him being like a bee because he swore he was drawn to you from the first conversation you two had ever said.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your side. He was already trying to hide his smile as the video started with you in a canary yellow dress that flowed over your body making you look like a sun goddess as you twirled with the sunflowers in your afro.
You soaked in the sun and swayed to the music before Harry came into focus. 
You remember that day his mother and your parents were on set because they were going to make a cameo at the end and both of your mothers had been behind the camera giving you both thumbs up and standing with their hands over their hearts the entire time. 
Harry dances across the screen dressed in bumblebee-esque colours with the black and yellow as he danced around you and you looked over at him wide eyed before moving away from him. You followed the script and continued to dance around to the music doing your own thing as he danced around you to get your attention. 
“You look so beautiful babe. Look at you! God damn I am a lucky bastard, aren’t I?” he says giddily laughing and smiling like a boy on the schoolyard with a crush. 
“Oh stop, but keep going.” you say jokingly as you pat his thigh softly. 
“I mean it. You could’ve gone on set just like this with no makeup and wearing this old shirt and looked like perfection itself.” he complements and it was your turn to break into a smile cause this man really was the sweetest little thing.
“Right back at you, sweet thing. I love how they cut your hair for the video. That was probably the best line up you’ve ever had. It was a game changer wasn’t it? You didn’t know black barbers are magicians.” you say giggling as you watch him prance around in the video in the yellow and black suit. 
It comes to the part of the video where your parents and his mother both walk into the shot and your father takes your hand and dance with you as the mothers dance together. 
Harry glides over to you and asks for your hand and your father puts yours in his. 
He twirls you around as the parents look on and you both show your engagement rings to the camera and smile up at each other. 
By the end of the video you and Harry blow a kiss at the camera before sharing a moment of pressing your forehead against his and the video ends.
You sniffle and dab at your eyes with a napkin from his desk and he turns to you before leaning into press kisses to your cheeks and lips.
“I love you and you know that there isn’t anyone else I would wanna tell the world about. It’s going to be just fine because I plan on making you happy for the rest of your life.” he reassures you and you nod before kissing his nose.
“What else can I say Harold? You went from being the awkward sweetheart that wrote me love letters and sung me to sleep when we couldn’t be together to someone I could not imagine life without. If people can’t see that there’s nothing but love and happiness here that’s their business. But this is ours.” you say to him knowing that it’s out of your element to feel so sappy but with him you just can’t help it.
The next day the video dropped along with the caption ‘it’s also our anniversary. So be kind or leave. All the love, H.’ 
The outpour of love and support from his fans and other celebrities was ridiculously overwhelming but well received as you made sure to make a small short follow up video thanking them for all of the love, well wishes, and compliments.
[ a little different for me but i hope you still enjoyed it to the lovely person who requested it !]
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mollymauk-teafleak · 4 years
be as you’ve always been
Alternate Title: everyone’s nb bitch, let’s get you some gender affirming underwear
This is based on a request by the lovely @minky-for-short and some truly beautiful art of Caduceus which you can see and bask in here. Huge thanks to @tendermosses for letting me base a ficlet on their work and for always doing such amazing art for fjord and caduceus! 
Please consider leaving a comment on Ao3 or reblogging to let me know what you think!
Caduceus had known, since moving out of the grove and into the city, that his life went at a very different pace to most people’s. He didn’t know if it was because he was a firbolg, because he talked more to trees with lifespans of centuries than to people or because of brain chemistry reasons. But why's had never particularly concerned Caduceus, he tried to take people as they were, as long as they did the same for him.
And these people made decisions almost without thinking, they moved from one task to the next without pause, one word could send them careening onto a completely new train of thought while Caduceus was stuck on one three stations back.
And some did it so quickly, so without any kind of traceable logic, that all Caduceus could do was cling on as tight as he could and follow along in complete ignorance to see where he ended up.
But then he spoke to some of his friends and realised, to his mild relief, that no. That was just what Mollymauk and Jester were like.
He also realised that sometimes it led to very good things.
Molly and Jester were two of his closest friends and two of his most regular customers, given that the theatre where Mollymauk worked was just down the block and that Jester had an addiction to sweet things. They were usually there, talking together or with their partners, and Caduceus had grown to love the sound of their voices mixing pleasantly with the noise of the cafe.
That evening, a half hour shy of closing, they had both been sitting on the tall chairs against the counter, Jester’s short legs swinging happily halfway up, Molly’s lanky ones folded underneath him but they would have touched the floor if he’d let them. The discussion had turned to sewing, how best to work with the sequined and beaded fabric Molly needed to wrestle for the theatre’s next show without breaking his sewing machine.
Caduceus had been scoring tomorrow’s loaves with the elaborate leaf and vine patterns he liked to do, bringing his work out onto the counter because there were no other customers in and so he could listen to his friend’s chatter. Jester had been recounting a memorable night with some sequinned lingerie she’d bought the other week, how so many had come loose and turned up in places they weren’t meant to be that she’d had to buy new sheets, Molly cackling and snorting at all the appropriate places. Or, rather, inappropriate places.
Caduceus had murmured, not particularly minding whether they heard him or not, that lingerie mystified him a little but he’d always wanted to give it a try.
The immediate silence told him his friends had definitely heard. And the look they gave each other, barely concealed glee and eagerness, told him they intended to do something about it.
Which brought Cad to where he was now, legs folded almost up to his chest, in the cramped passenger seat of Mollymauk’s car. Caduceus didn’t know a lot about cars but it didn’t take much to see that Molly’s had gone beyond being on its last legs and was now running on pure willpower and prayers to the Moonweaver. It felt like the bass of the music pouring out of the speakers was going to be enough to shake it apart and Jester piped up from the back seat that the door handle had come off.
“There’s duct tape under the seat, babe,” Molly called back, unconcerned, learning forward to turn down the volume when he saw how Cad was wincing but being too awkward to say anything.
“You really don’t need to do this,” Cad insisted gently, “You’ve both been working all day, it’s getting late...”
“So have you,” Jester pointed out, voice a little indistinct through the strip of tape she was holding in her teeth, “And we don’t mind, it’ll be fun! We can help you pick out something nice! Anyhow, Beau and Yasha are at the gym until eight, Fjord too.”
“And Caleb has the kids,” Molly hummed, spinning the wheel lazily, far further than he should really have to just to take an easy corner, “This is a bonding exercise, Deucey. You need back up on something like this. You need your GNC club.”
“GNC?” Caduceus tilted his head.
“Gender non conforming,” Molly supplied, “You know, people who get it. Gender’s dead but friendship is not.”
“Your NB buddies!” Jester grinned, her head pushing in between the two of them, duct tape stuck to her horns, catching her homemade earrings with the plastic gummy bears, “Wait...your NBuddies!”
Caduceus considered that, his ears flapping a little as he took the tape off for Jester. He liked the idea of being part of a club. Even more, he liked the idea of being understood. He’d been worried about that when he’d first moved, breaking away from the grove where things were fluid and constantly changing as nature itself and entering a place where there might be rules and expectations in place that made sense to everyone but him. Where he would have to explain himself and define himself with terms that weren’t his own.
But here he was, feeling safe in a very unsafe vehicle, with friends to gladly cheer him on as he threw open the windows of the self he’d made a home in and tried new things.
Caduceus folded the piece of tape over and over in his long fingers and smiled.
“So what is it that mystifies you, exactly?” Mollymauk twitched some scandalous lace as they moved deeper into the boutique. Apparently this is where he and Jester had been coming for ages, enough that the drow behind the counter had known their names and greeted them with high fives.
“I guess...the concept?” Caduceus held his tail so it wouldn’t knock anything over, some of the displays were elaborate and delicate looking and full of things that would probably vibrate loudly if they hit the floor and that would be embarrassing, “I thought the idea of sex was to wear nothing rather than something. Where in the whole...process does this stuff come in?”
Molly nodded, managing to listen intently while dragging Jester by the tail so she wouldn’t dive headfirst into the costumes part of the shop, “Anywhere really. They make stuff you can still fuck in, if efficiency is what you’re worried about. But I think the function of this kind of outfit is to make you feel pretty, y’know? Get you in the right headspace, get you feeling yourself, yeah? It doesn’t always need to be about sex.”
“Sometimes I just wear pretty lingerie under my clothes cos it puts me in a good mood!” Jester bounced on the balls of her feet, ducking behind racks to sneak sips of the milkshake she’d smuggled past the cashier, “Helps me feel more like me.”
“Oh,” Cad said softly, tilting his head to consider the silk and satin and lace around them in a different way, “That sounds nice, actually.”
“Which is why it’s important to choose things you really like,” Molly nodded encouragingly, taking a sip of Jester’s shake and dodging the punch she aimed at his shoulder, “It’s a treat for yourself, this kind of stuff. And, when it inevitably shortens Fjord’s shorts by a good few inches because you’re going to look utterly stunning, that’s a bonus.”
Caduceus turned pink under his fur, a smile playing on his lips, “You think he’d like me wearing this kind of thing?”
“If you love yourself in it, Caddy, he will,” Jester beamed confidently.
“So...what’s catching your eye?” Molly prompted, seeing the excitement in his bright purple eyes, “They’ve got a good size range here, gaps for tails. Anything you like, they’ll have it to fit you.”
Caduceus looked around, ears lifting and whiskers twitching with interest. Anything he liked. No need to wonder if they would have things made to fit his tall, awkward body, no need to feel the pinching anxiety he’d grown too familiar with in clothing shops. A place where he could fit. And the only purpose was to make him feel beautiful.
“I like...green. And I like flowers.”
Molly and Jester shared that look again, the look of remembering when they’d had that moment of realisation too, when they’d discovered the world had space for them as they were. A look of delight at seeing it happen for their friend too and knowing they’d had a hand in it.
“Let’s get to work then,” Molly grinned.
Caduceus still had a little more time before Fjord came back from the gym. They’d checked and double checked the sizes on everything but Mollymauk still advised trying them on to make sure he was happy with them. And honestly, Cad’s excitement meant he didn’t want to wait.
So he stood in front of the full length mirror, after clearing away the clothes that were draped over it, with his hair gathered up in a thick bun at the nape of his neck, wearing little beyond the dull gold light of the sunset coming in through the windows. He’d bought three sets at the store and a few bits of jewellery to go through his piercings, actually a rather modest haul compared to what Molly and Jester bought for themselves but he was just starting out, after all.
There was one in green silk with garters and lace panels. There was a bodysuit made of mostly straps in a mossy blue colour that reminded him of water and looked pretty against his fur. But he quickly decided his favourite. The main material was sheer, meant to look like it wasn’t there at all, so the effect was that he’d laid a number of beautiful, intricately embroidered flowers across his body, teasingly concealing the barest amount.
That one he couldn’t quite bear to take off, even after he saw it fit him perfectly. Caduceus kept turning this way and that, grinning widely, seeing how it looked from different angles, touching the fabric, feeling how the stitches rose and fell under his fingertips. He looked like a dryad, wearing only sunlight and flowers, glowing from the inside out with an ethereal, untouchable kind of beauty.
And he liked it. He liked it a lot.
Caduceus had always felt mostly at home with how he expressed himself. He’d had eighty years to decide who he was and to know it was okay, that the Wildmother would always accept him and some individuals would not and that was outside of his control. Dysphoria was a word he’d learned the meaning of only after he’d moved to the city.
But this was the first time he’d been able to understand why Fjord looked at him the way he did, why he wanted him. Those dark nights when he’d lain awake with his head on his boyfriend’s chest and listened to the heart that was promised to him and wondered why, of all the people in the world, Fjord’s body stirred for him, those nights felt far away right now. Because he could see it for himself now. There was a connection in his mind, clear as day, that had been dark before.
He was beautiful. He was desirable. And this was good to know.
Caduceus mustn’t have heard the front door open, more in his head and in the mirror than in their bedroom. He mustn’t have heard Fjord throwing his bag down in the hall, his heavy footfalls across the old, creaking wood.
All Cad heard was the bedroom door starting to swing and his boyfriend’s call of, “I’m home, love, just going to showe-oh.”
Cad turned quickly, the magic broken, suddenly only able to think about the fact that he was wearing ridiculous lingerie with absolutely no warning, no rose petals or candles or glasses of champagne to try and pretend this was a deliberate surprise, “Fjord! Sorry, I...I was just…”
He faltered for words but couldn’t find any. Though it seemed Fjord was having the same difficulty. He was in his gym clothes, shirt still sticking to his chest and hair pushed back from his damp forehead with a simple band. And his jaw was on the floor. And his eyes...
“Um...Molly and Jester took me shopping today?” Cad explained, feeling heat rise to the surface of his skin for a different reason, “I thought I’d try something new.”
Fjord swallowed hard, his eyes wide and darting, unable to decide which part of Caduceus they wanted to stare at most, “Yeah? You...you look...I mean, god, Cad…”
Cad’s smile was back, flickering into life, “I look pretty, don’t I?”
Fjord gave a soft laugh, his eyes practically flooding over, “Pretty? Cad, there aren’t even words, love.”
Caduceus’ ears flapped and his tail curled in the air. He liked that. He liked the idea of things that could be said without words.
“Can I?” Fjord stepped forward, muscles coiled and ready, body telegraphing his need as clearly as a hunting animal.
“Oh please,” Cad breathed, “Fjord, please.”
It was well and truly night by the time they were done and Caduceus was pleased to learn he could feel just as beautiful once the lingerie had been eagerly pulled away. It was like a light had been switched on somewhere inside him and on it would stay.
He slept contentedly, easily, head resting on Fjord’s chest. His braid was undone, hair settling over his shoulders in waves made wild by his boyfriend’s fingers passing through it again and again. His lips were swollen pleasantly and flushed, his body would be full of well earned aches in the morning.
He was the most beautiful thing Fjord had ever seen.
He was ready for sleep himself, more than ready, but before he settled down to let himself drift away in his boyfriend’s arms, the only way he could ever really sleep completely peacefully, he had something to do. He pulled his phone out, fortunately within reach because his shorts had ended up hanging off the bedside lamp. Just a quick text, sent to two of his friends- Little Blue and Peacock according to his contact list.
thank you. seriously guys THANK. YOU.
And if Molly and Jester hadn’t been busy with their own partners, their own purchases, their own bliss, they would have seen it and grinned that grin again.
But there would be time in the morning.
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prettyinpymtech · 4 years
Did I Mention
Part 4
Series Masterlist
Poe Dameron x Princess!Reader
Summary: Poe refuses to agree with General Organa’s decision when she invites royalty to advise the Resistance. Despite his protests, Leia trusts him with her safety during an undercover mission. Maybe there’s a chance to change his misgivings of their new guest.
A/N: I cannot begin to express how much I appreciate all of the wonderful comments I’ve received so far! I’ve read each and every one and they always make me smile! I really do hope you like this chapter. As always, any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!
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You normally never indulged in distractions.
The title of princess discouraged such impulses and you were disheartened to learn Poe was quite decided in entertaining any and all interruptions.
It wasn’t entirely bothersome, but it certainly was trying when you were prompted to return his focus on your task.
Arguments had, surprisingly, been less recurrent since your visit to Mila’s boutique and the sudden change did not go unnoticed. It was certainly strange to find him so agreeable, but you were far too busy to consider your newfound affections for the pilot.
You had devoted several minutes to arranging your hair in the refresher and another several applying your makeup. The preparations reminded you of your days in the palace and the exaggerated arrangements for your kingdom’s festivities, inspiring a familiar attachment to past memories. Your time as princess wasn’t particularly awful; there were plenty of memories you wished to revisit. 
Such fondness was quickly forgotten, however, when your datapad revealed a message from Leif.
Maybe he’s cancelled the visit altogether, you thought bitterly. It was a selfish notion, but there was no harm in allowing a glimmer of hope to reside.  
The alert was quickly followed by Poe’s voice from the other side of the door.
“Did he cancel?” he asked hopefully.
A small chuckle escaped your lips at his optimism. At least you weren’t alone in your dread.
“No, he just wanted to let me know how excited he is about tonight.” Then, revealing your outfit, you asked, “How do I look?”
Poe found it difficult to answer your question. How could he possibly describe your image, immersed in an emerald green gown?
You were met with silence.  
“That bad, huh?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Then what’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing. I just-” There was a pause as Poe recollected his thoughts. It wasn’t simply your outfit that had caught him off guard. There was something very distracting about your appearance, though he realized that particular word now affected him differently than it had before.  “You look good.”
Good? Poe silently cursed himself. He had more than a dozen words prepared-stunning, divine, beautiful-and he had chosen the least remarkable of his choices.
Your laughter soon interrupted his hushed reprimand. Why was he suddenly so captivated by such a beautiful sound?
“You look good too,” you replied.
A faint blush crept along his face at your words, but he had no time to ponder its significance when you returned to your professional front. There was no time to waste and the meeting with Leif was soon approaching.
After ensuring all necessary weapons were concealed and all signals were considered in the event of suspicion, you found a taxi speeder operated by a kind Ithorian. He steered the hovercraft through traffic with relative ease, leaving Poe completely mesmerized with his skill.
An image of his wife rested on the craft’s console and, after realizing your destination, he confessed he was saving his credits to indulge her wish of visiting the Golden Crescent.
The trip was short and you both disembarked with gracious regard for the Ithorian’s ability. Poe could not hide his smile as he watched you give a far too generous amount of credits to the driver. He bowed his head in appreciation, grateful for the kind gesture.
Poe extended his arm once you returned to his side. “Shall we, princess?”
You nodded and followed him inside. Poe was not entirely fond of the planet’s commotion, but he was certainly captivated by the building in front of him.
The Golden Crescent towered above the city, with a golden ring encircling the top. The ring housed a lavish dining room with windows revealing a beautiful view of the city below. The space was only accessible by a lift and a man dressed in gold carefully guided you inside the transparent capsule.
It certainly offered a striking view, but it was not enough to calm your breathing as the lift ascended.
Poe, noting your troubled state, gently grabbed your hand. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
He arched his eyebrow in response. “I have a few friends that could scare off the senator if he starts giving you trouble.”
A faint smile played on your lips with the image of BB-8 chasing Leif. It was a fairly reassuring concept.
“It’s not just Leif I’m worried about.” You sighed, finally voicing your apprehension. “What if I can’t get the information Leia needs? She’s done so much for me and I’m afraid I’m only going to disappoint her.”
It certainly wasn’t a concern Poe found unreasonable. He had dedicated an entire lifetime to serving the people he admired most, and Leia was more than commendable for such a commitment.
“Leia trusts you,” he offered. “Not many people can say that.”
There was such genuine warmth in his voice that, for a moment, you couldn’t help but smile at his attempts to cheer you up. It quickly disappeared, however, when you focused your attention on your joined hands. You widened your eyes in concern and Poe feared he had made you uncomfortable when you pulled your hand out of his grasp.
“The ring!”
“We’re engaged!” you cried. “I’m supposed to have a ring!”
It wasn’t a major concern and it could’ve easily been overlooked, but the predicament was enough to intensify your panic. Without a single word, Poe began to remove the necklace he wore underneath his blouse.  There was a sad smile when he presented the metal band that rested on the chain.
“What’s this?” you asked cautiously.
“My mom’s wedding ring.”
Stunned by the admission, you quickly realized the significance of the object. It was a simple piece, but it was entirely too precious to be placed in your care.  “No. I can’t.”
Your protests were silenced as Poe brought his hand to embrace your own. He was standing much closer than he had been moments before.
“I trust you,” he whispered.
You still remained unconvinced, but you couldn’t argue with Poe. Not when his voice held such genuine warmth and his smile illustrated pure kindness.
An idea suddenly occurred to Poe, however, when you reached forward and you were surprised to find his brown eyes filled with mischief.  
“Poe, what are­-” 
He dropped to his knee and, in a rather dramatic tone, asked, “Y/N L/N, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
You rolled your eyes at his antics, smiling.
“I don’t know.” When you saw his exaggerated pout, you conceded. “Fine. I suppose you’ll have to do, Commander.”
“Good enough for me.”
All of the stress that had clouded your mind simply vanished when Poe pulled you closer, the corners of his eyes crinkled in utter delight. Such pure joy was a welcome respite for two Resistance spies and it would have been nothing short of pleasant for the instant to last for another minute or two.
The moment was cut short, however, when the doors opened. A familiar figure waited outside and it took every amount of strength to hide the bitterness in your voice.
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caffeineivore · 5 years
Commission #1
For @ellorgast
Prompt: A Very Spirited Wedding
Ships: Usagi/Mamoru, Senshi/Shitennou
Rating: PG
Get your own commissions from me here or check out other people offering commissions here!
Something Old…
Her dress is spotless white satin glimmering with seed pearls and a flowing overlay of chiffon embroidered with rosebuds. Angela has just finished dressing, and makeup, and had kicked out the well-meaning army of her mother and future mother-in-law and bridesmaids and photographer after the requisite pictures and champagne, just to take a moment for herself. The woman in the mirror glows with excitement and the flush of love, but there’s always a hint of nerves, of the finality of tying oneself to another person for the rest of one’s life. She knows, more than most, anything can happen. Countless tragedies spring from a single blink-of-the-eye catastrophe, or one bad decision. 
A knock, a harmonious, familiar voice at the other side of the door. “It’s Jay. Are you decent?”
He looks exceedingly handsome and somehow a bit stately, dressed in pale grey linen with a sprig of sage and ivy— silvery and lush green— pinned to his lapel. It’s not a typical choice for a suit or boutonniere, but it suits more than black-tie would, and he’s holding something in his hands— gleaming silver. 
It’s a delicate tiara, wrought branches of metal so intricately worked as to look like the slender stems of living flowers and vines twisted together. Drops of clear crystal like dew glitter against the silver, along with fantastical flowers carved out of jewels— blue irises, pink rosebuds, yellow daisies and red poppies— an effect which should’ve been crass, but when he places it on her head, over the filmy lace veil, she looks like a fairy princess. The metal feels slightly warm and almost alive against her hair, and she smiles up at this surrogate brother, this forever friend. “How did you know I’d looked in every single boutique in this city and couldn’t find anything?”
He grins, and the stately, somewhat remote look vanishes. “Well. For one thing, this is super old. But I am firmly of the belief that it will bring you good luck, you little ball of sunshine. I brought it out of storage.”
She thinks art nouveau, circa 1920’s, perhaps out of a safety deposit box somewhere in a bank. He knows, but doesn’t say, that it had been wrought by the masterful hands of his clan’s greatest artisans, in moonlit smithies high up in mist-shrouded mountains back before the first ships had ever even crossed the ocean, blessed by starshine and magic and centuries’ worth of romantic hopes and dreams. She just knows that it fits perfectly, and her eyes shine a bit brighter in the reflection, and she reaches up, impulsively, to give him a hug. “Something old, right? Thank you.”
“I wish you all the best and brightest of this world’s blessings, my friend.” He presses a brief, grave kiss to her forehead, right under where the metal meets skin, and it feels like the strangest of benedictions, almost solemn and formal. But then he steps back, and he’s Jay again, and he makes a cheeky comment about how beautiful she looks and how Adam is going to swallow his tongue when he sees her, and he leaves as quickly as he’d come on quick and silent feet.
Something New…
The blind date with Jareth’s friend had gone surprisingly well. Zhen, with his indolent green eyes and roguish smile, is well-spoken and courteous, with an almost-dangerous way of looking and listening to a woman as though he’d been waiting all his life for what she had to say at any given moment. Raina considers herself immune to such foolishness for the most part, but that Jareth considers him a friend is a point in his favour. It’s unspoken, but not unknown, that she and Jareth are both a bit out of the realm of the ordinary mortals who surround them.
When she’d mentioned the wedding, he’d cheerfully agreed to go as her date. “I love weddings. Such an optimistic sort of atmosphere, no? Whatever storms the happy couple may face in the future, for today they are deeply in love, heads and hearts full of rose-coloured dreams and hopes. And then they almost always have fabulous food and delicious cake. That cannot be overstated.”
She’s not as optimistic, perhaps, about the concept of marriage. But she rather likes Adam King, out of her colleagues at the hospital. He’s intelligent and capable, as is expected for his profession and academic record, but furthermore, there’s a soul-deep, untarnished light of compassion and empathy in the blue of his eyes. He had not become a healer because it was his birthright, like her, but because he genuinely, in his quiet, mortal way, felt and wanted to heal the pain of his fellow humans. It stirs a long-dormant feeling of fond protectiveness in her, and when she and her date go to wish the happy couple well at the start of the reception, she means it genuinely.
Zhen looks keenly interested in the proceedings, and though she’s quite sure that neither the bride nor groom had ever met him before, he greets them both with the cordiality of a socially-adroit man intent on befriending them both. He had not brought a gift-- (she had picked a popular programmable coffee and espresso machine out of the online registry, knowing Adam’s fondness for mochas)-- but he’d brought a card, and tucked in a scratch-off lottery ticket. He hands it to Adam, in person, rather than adding it to a pile left somewhere, and the groom opens it, reads the message aloud.
“Best of luck with your love and your lives together. Blessings upon you both.” It’s a nice enough message, and written in exuberant flourishes of looping script. Good-humouredly, Adam claps Zhen on the shoulder, and scratches off the silver wax on the lottery ticket, then his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline as he scans the ticket again.
“Did you win something?” Zhen inquires pleasantly, his lazy smile playing across his lips.
“Three matched sevens across, and then these two numbers mean…” Adam furrows his brow, and glances around before lowering his voice. “I’m not much for playing the lottery. But if I’m reading this correctly, did I just win $5000?!”
“Well, well.” Zhen’s voice is low and pleased as an animal’s purr. “How lucky for you, my friend. I do think that is a fantastic beginning to your new life together, wouldn’t you say?”
Raina hears pleasure and something close to triumph in her companion’s voice, but not even a little bit of surprise. This man, with his scintillating gaze and effortless charm, is much more than he seemed. She’d have to keep an eye on him.
Something Borrowed…
Linden Thorne does not often work in the role of caterer, but on impulse, she had accepted to provide both the cake and food for this wedding, and she had found herself pleasantly surprised at how much she’d enjoyed it. 
The bride and groom were perhaps two of the most pure-hearted, genuinely good mortals that she had ever come across. A doctor and a social worker, both working tirelessly to help and heal the physical and emotional damage of any of their fellows that crossed their paths-- and humans are a fragile lot, indeed. They had been pleasant, easygoing, not at all demanding, and so deeply in love that both of them all but glowed with it. The bride especially, with her boundless energy and equally irrepressible sweet tooth, took particularly well to any and every thing that Linden had her sample.
So, she’s not entirely surprised when Angela-- who had been Angela King for all of perhaps an hour-- peeks into the kitchen area where the wedding reception is taking place. Linden has a half-dozen sous chefs and assistants putting together delicate canapés with the efficiency of a battalion following the directives of their commanding officer: a lanky young man is on top of a step-stool putting the finishing touches on the top tier of the wedding cake-- translucently thin slivers of gold leaf, velvety rosebuds in shell pink and scarlet, a woman with a severely pinned bun is garnishing exquisite smoked salmon toast rounds with glossy black caviar and eyelash-thin fronds of fresh dill. The bride, still in her gown though sans veil, grins at her with a good-humoured yet half-embarrassed look that Linden interprets in an instant.
“You’re starving, aren’t you?”
“A bit, yeah. I had a salad last night for dinner. Then it was my fault this morning because I was too excited to eat. But now I’m shamelessly begging in here like I have no sense. You can totally tell me to buzz off.”
Linden finds herself laughing, unoffended. “It’s your wedding, so it would not make much sense for me to tell you to buzz off, wouldn’t you agree?”
“But you’re busy, and this is probably rude of me, so…”
“I will forgive it this time.” Linden steps away from the buzz of activity, digs through the pantry and fridge. The bride is a silly, bright-eyed slip of a girl, sweet and pure as vanilla buttercream, and if the world has yet to break her spirit, who was Linden to take that onerous task into her hands. She cuts two slices of rye bread, then adds Dijon mustard, peppery arugula leaves, generous slices of red tomatoes and sharp cheddar and cold chicken breast. A sandwich is probably the least glamorous meal that she could have put together in that moment, but the girl’s eyes light up like stars nonetheless. 
Linden, with an indulgent smile, slips her own chef’s apron off of her neck, and carefully ties it over the bride’s flowing white gown. “Okay. Eat up.”
“Oh, God, this is the best thing I’ve ever had, and I know I’ll be saying that again like twenty times tonight after everything else you’ve made, too,” Angela says in between bites, looking like a mischievous fairy princess who’d snuck down to the palace kitchens in that borrowed apron. She finishes the sandwich with rather unladylike haste, but then gets up, with her usual endless energy, and reaches up to give Linden a hug. It’s such a human gesture-- warm and impulsive and sweet and unexpected, and Linden pauses awkwardly before returning it.
“Feel better now?”
“Oh yes. Thanks for the apron. And the sandwich. And everything.” Angela slips the apron off, mussing her hair just the faintest bit, then beams up at Linden again. “I really hope that you’re as happy as I am today. Forever. Does that sound silly?”
Forever is a long time, far beyond the scope of what this silly mortal bride could fathom, but Linden knows that the bright-eyed, perhaps foolish girl means it with every beat of her kind and affectionate heart. And so she lets the genuine goodwill of the wish warm her spirit, like a borrowed candle shining valiantly on a dark night, far after the party is over and the bride is well on her way to her honeymoon. 
Something Blue…
The late September breeze filters through the tall, slim boles of a tall aspen decked in autumnal gold outside on the grounds of a Manhattan church, the sound soft and gentle as whispered prayers. Inside, a wedding ceremony is taking place, a young man and woman exchanging their vows to their God and each other to live the rest of their lives together in love and unity and devotion. 
Contrary to popular belief, Kafziel does not spend the majority of his time on the premises of churches in the city. But this morning finds him on the rooftop of this particular building, a stalwart sentinel visible only in the fleeting, ever-changing reflections of the panes of the intricate rose window in the facade of the building. Of course, there is no one around to see him-- all the visitors to the church are well enough inside to watch the happy couple getting married. 
Kafziel knows, of course, the history of the bride and groom, as he knows the history of every other man, woman and child currently living in that great city, and even by his exacting standards, both of them live decent, upstanding lives above reproach. Neither of them were born here; indeed, the young man in particular had been the product of a most unpromising beginning. And yet, they had found their way here, and to each other, and flourished in love and light and goodness despite everything which might conspire to tarnish the kindness of two such spotless souls.
The pane of leaded glass reflects, at that moment, a face of stark, stern beauty and foreboding. “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” The words are familiar and easy, but Kafziel knows, more than any, of the way great darkness follows great light with dogged, demoniacal tenacity. There is a chill in the air; winter is coming, and with the frost portents sharp strife, perhaps even great trouble. Those who would engender all which he abhors would feed, frenzied, upon the darkest, basest impulses and sins and actions. The happy couple who are even now enjoying their first kiss as man and wife have no idea that their union portends any number of potential catastrophes of a dark and sinful world rebelling against their very radiance. Kafziel’s reflection squares its shoulders, firms its grip on the mighty, fire-tipped sword that throws jewel-like beams of light through the stained glass into the building. 
But even as he braces himself for what must inevitably come-- perhaps a day, or a month, or a decade from now-- he feels the presence of others crowding in, like a ragtag bunch of plucky soldiers summoned to a war they might have no call to fight and yet taken on with every bit of courage as such a troop might muster. The chaotic whimsy of a shifter. The primeval fire-and-wildwoods magic of a nature goddess. The calm, steadfast wisdom of a healer and the tireless, graceful agility of a brace of wandering Ælf-kine. Others, too, all gathered here, converging by luck or fate. Kafziel pauses, and allows himself a faint, almost-hopeful smile, and overhead, the sunlight breaks through the clouds as the sky turns a brilliant blue. 
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Rustic Barn Wedding at Pedretti's Party Barn in Viroqua WI
Rustic Barn Wedding at Pedretti’s Party Barn in Viroqua WI
Heidi + Kelly | Pedretti’s Party Barn Wedding December Wedding in Viroqua, WI
Heidi and Kelly met while playing collegiate basketball and their relationship was a slam dunk.  Their mutual love for craft beer, wineries, and adventures is what prompted them to choose a rustic and fun location such as Pedretti’s Party Barn located at Vernon Vineyardsin Viroqua, Wisconsin.  They also have very…
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owenna6 · 6 years
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Sport Dance AU. The First Competition Preparations.
The design of the dress and Ryner’s human concept were offered by @adreamneverends.
When Katie agrees to take part in the competition as Takashi’s partner the new problem comes: she does not have a dress. Shiro offers to go to the Olkarion Boutique run by Miss Ryner. Garrison dancers are her regular customers so they have good discounts. Moreover, she rents dresses and these ones are not worse than the ones she makes and sells. 
“You didn’t have to waste your time accompanying me to the shop”, Katie says, a bit confused. “It’s a weekend and you must have more important things to do than looking at dresses. I can handle this myself, really”. 
Takashi smiles, tilting his head to the right. Katie follows his nod and sees a rather small shop with a sign “Olkarion Boutique”. It should be the place they are looking for. 
“Well, at first, it would be awful of me to send you somewhere which location you don’t know. Secondly, I have nothing special to do and thirdly... Oh, here it is! I think two reasons are more than enough”. 
“Gentleman as usual...” She can’t keep her smile back. It’s hard to be serious or moody beside such a bright and caring man and Katie lets herself relax. In addition, Shiro’s company is always pleasant as he truly knows a lot. “Is this the one?”
“Indeed. Don’t jump into conclusions: she shop might look tiny but it’s huge inside. Ryner says it’s a kind of symbolism: the real treasure has to be hidden”.
“Sounds like philosopher's words...”
“Ryner is a philosopher. And a thousand of other persons too, I suppose”. 
And Katie believes him after a few moments spent in the Boutique. Ryner notices them almost immediately and her official smile is replaced by a warm, friendly one. 
“Mister Takashi Shirogane, if my old eyes are not playing tricks with me?”
“Hello, Ryner”. Shiro’s voice is also full of sincere delight. “How are you doing?”
“Long time no see. Hm, the dresses are still in demand so everything is great. Have you finally come to have a cup of good tea or is it something special? And would you be so kind to introduce me to your companion?”
“Of course.This is Katherine Holt, one of my students. And a partner, to be exact”. 
“You’ve finally decided to move on and go back to dancing world? That’s what I hoped for, you are still too young to retire”. 
“No, no, not at all!” Shiro notices Katie bite her lower lip and hurries to make things clear. He does not want to embarrass his partner, he has already spent too much time and willpower to persuade her to at least dance. “We are just attending. It’s a kind of practise”. 
“Oh...” She looks at him, then at Katie and nods. Something in her gaze makes Shiro come up with the idea she does not believe his defensive speech. He himself wouldn’t mind this event being not just the event, that is right. But the tactful old lady prefers not to insist or interfere. “I see. But a dress is still needed. Please, miss Katherine, follow me, and you stay here until we’re ready!” She points at Shiro with her slender wrinkled finger in a threatening gesture. “Keep yourself busy with something. And no peeking, young man! A man shouldn’t see his partner’s first dress until the event, that’s a rule. It’s a bad luck, you know! Remember what happened to you then, huh?” 
“Oh please, how much time has passed and you still remember it? I just got nervous and tripped over Maggie’s dress”.
“And almost fell on her, she told me. So be wise this time and obey the rule”. 
“I haven’t heard about this custom before”. Katie says glancing at Ryner when they are alone. “Although it’s not my first event at all”. 
“It’s not well-known, miss, and sometimes everything goes great but it’s similar to weddings: might happen or not. I prefer avoiding troubles. So, this is your first event with this young man as a partner?”
“Good choice. I watched some championships he attended and he really is skillful. And handsome”. She winks at Katie and the girl feels a blush heating on her cheeks. “What size do you have, miss Katherine?”
“Oh... well... It depends. And, to be honest, I’m afraid almost all the dresses may be too big for me...” 
“This is not a problem at all! We can look through junior ones. Don’t worry, many of them may be considered as adult models so you won’t tell the difference, neither will others”.  
She has never seen so many dresses before. Neither has she ever tried so many dresses on before. Blue, pink, grey, violet ones... With plain colours and prints... But every time Katie goes out of the fitting room Ryner shakes her grey-haired head and says “Not yours” and something about the reason why. She already begins to hate her short figure because of all these wrong backs, shoulder lines and waist lines, but Ryner keeps bringing her a dress by dress every one of which looks perfect, to be honest. And when Katie is finally ready to give up and stop torturing the old lady Ryner suddenly hands another light-green poufy dress to her.
She sighs but takes it, returns to the fitting room and puts it on. 
And freezes when the mirror shows her the vision. 
The dress is shining and it seems to be made from clouds. The fabrics are light and soft, all the darts are in places and even the skirt needn’t being shortened. Katie remains silent, staring at her reflection and guessing is this really the same girl. She remembers Tiana from The Princess And the Frog movie. Her outfit reminds the froggy’s green wedding dress and she can bet the designer used it as a basis. Actually, this makes Katie feel pleasantly strange: she looks like a Disney princess and does not every girl in the world want to be a princess for at least one day? And it does not matter how old the girl is...
“Miss Katherine, do you need any help? Is it your size or should I look for something else?” She jumps and swallows, the spells run out. But the dress is still on her and she cannot deny it fits perfectly. 
“No, no. Everything is okay. I’m just... It’s so beautiful”. 
“Could you, please, go out so I would be able to have a look?”
Katie pulls the curtain away and appears in front of Ryner, her arms are kept tight to the body, the fingers are crumpling the soft green fabric. 
“This truly is the one”. Ryner smiles at her customer watching her turning her confused and purely happy gaze away. “This dress was designed to look similar to...”
“Tiana’s dress”, Katie mumbles and locks her eyes with Ryner’s. She feels like a child but the sense is more than warm and exciting. It is like she is 13 and has come for the first sport dance dress. She still remembers it. Blue satin one with a lovely red belt. “This is the girl from a Disney movie. Her wedding dress looked extremely similar to this one”. 
“Oh... I was about to say it represents a she-elf of nature but your association is right too. I once saw this cartoon but no one has pointed out the similarity yet”. Ryner glances at Katie again and comes closer to see whether the darts are okay. 
“The size is right. Can you move in it freely? Try to spin and do something. The dress shouldn’t bother you or press anywhere. If there is any lack of comfort, tell me and we’ll try to fix it or look for another option”. 
“No, no, I choose this one. It’s just perfect”. Katie shakes her head and looks at the huge floor mirror. She fails to notice Ryner lifting a brow and smirking. “How much?”
“Miss, miss, I have to ask you to check your senses carefully again. The clothes you dance in is very important. And I want my clients be satisfied with their choices completely”. 
“I’ve already decided. I’ll rent this one!”
Well, it is obvious this pretty little woman is very deceive if she has made up her mind to something. Ryner didn’t expect Takashi she knows to choose someone less bright and interesting. 
And when Katie comes back to return the dress Ryner notices her gaze is no longer shy or sad. She is shining and she holds her head high. The true princess even in jeans and with messy hair. 
And when this Katherine says she may need another dress later Ryner smirks: she knew that day was just the very beginning. 
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idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): - japchae ; because it’s her favourite korean dish. - nini ; often used by those she trained with at MSG and Koala.T. - chaenerys targaryen ; she’s a big fan of game of thrones and is often said to resemble daenerys thanks to their blonde hair. INSPIRATION: her mother. there is no one else hani idolizes more than her dear mother, ever the proper, respected lady. SPECIAL TALENTS:
can spin around and around without getting dizzy
does a pretty identical impersonation of sailor moon
solves math equations quickly
attended the paris opera ballet school from eight to twelve years old
has a baby sister, kim nari, she mentions whenever she can
is never seen without her necklace of a crescent moon she got from her friends in paris
to put it simply, hani prioritizes the success of nightmare. she wants them to be recognized beyond the niche foundation they set up, although, she does thoroughly enjoy their sound and music. as for personal goals, she, too wants her name in lights by making a name for herself on variety shows and guestings.
as much as she fought to be an idol, hani isn’t quite certain her future will remain in the industry. she wants the fame and glory, wants her name in neon lights, but it doesn’t have to be exclusive to being a celebrity. she has childish dreams of one day opening her own ballet company, hoping to train young hopefuls to maybe reach the status of principle dancer that she once dreamed of being.
( dream. ) once upon a time in a kingdom close to home lives a princess with hair crafted from the sun’s golden rays and a smile carved by the most cherubic of angels. and her name is chae hani. she has the soft, pretty face with a tender gaze and rosy cheeks that stun and captivate hearts when she isn’t dancing her way into souls—on camera, that is.
it’s an image on top of another image. layers upon layers. one moment, she’s exuding brightness and the next, when the melodies ricochet, hani is another person: a dark, twisted dancer that utilizes her group’s concept, makes the most of the lights, camera, action.
for hani, it’s almost too easy, acting sweet and generous on camera because she knows it works: fanservice. every word spoken is delicate and thoughtful, poetic and intimate. she charms viewers and fans with a sunny disposition, the girl-next-door that reacts in laughter. she’s easy to please and likeable, upbeat when she needs to be, when she’s hosting and interviewing, anything to satisfy the audience. she gazes at fans with all the attention and love, remembers their names and treats them like friends when they meet again. anything for the show.
when hani walks, she glides effortlessly beautiful, waving and making hearts out of fingers. acting cute, displaying aegyo whenever possible. anything to make fans happy. anything to make the public love her. and hani on-stage is ever the performer. ever the romantic dancer. she’s into the theatrics, a switch going off when the music starts and the fans screams. she’s intense and versatile, submerging herself in the dark, mystical concept nightmare is known for. and honing it with fixed glares, powerful twists and wicked lines.
she’s been trained by the finest to perfect the illusion. any illusion. her mother taught her how to master grace and elegance with a cunning smile at her disposal. her ballet instructors taught her how to embody any role given to her on-stage. how to be the white swan, pure and angelic one moment then the dark swan, moody and ferocious, the next.
( nightmare. ) is what she is. hani isn’t the dreamy princess rescued from a hundred year slumber, she’s the wicked sorceress who cursed and poisoned an apple. she’s does aegyo or heart fingers, but when she does in front of cameras, she bites back the bile.
everything caught in the public eye is a mere illusion. every loving smile, gander, flying kiss. it’s all a well-orchestrated ruse. a sham to get people to love her. hani cares about no happiness but her own, and she feeds off the attention, involuntary like breathing. and so very greedy. but no one thinks the radiant girl on television is anything of the sorts—perfect.
chae hani is the devil wears ballet slippers. she is calculating and manipulative, using others for her own personal gain and entertainment. it’s far cry different than what she embodies as nightmare’s hani, sugary sweet but packs a punch or a pirouette, in her case.
she is vindication in human form. anger in the shape of girl who once only knew how to love. but that girl is long gone now, destroyed by the one thing she trusted the most. and it shows when she dances with subtle rage, brooding intensity and passion, like nothing else matters. and she’s burning within; it shows in her eyes—they catch it with oohs and ahhs.
wildfire caged and destructive, hani is keen on leaving a trail of ashes in her wake until everyone knows nightmare—until everyone knows her name.
for as long as chae hani can remember, it has always been her and her mother. her father comes and goes then doesn’t return, barely weaving any memories to grow old with; maybe she’s too young to understand he has another family—too young to understand the complications of the relationship and the illegitimacy of her birth. her mother calls her father good for nothing under her breath, and hani starts believing he is. it’s she and her moher against the world.
young, foolish, hani believes in such a farce.
her mother is beauty and elegance personified. she carries herself with regality and grace. friendly smiles offered and returned with a shake of hands and kisses on cheeks. a business running. a floral boutique in paris, france. successful, formidable, intelligent, there is no one else hani wants to follow, to learn from, to idolize—no one else she wants to be. but her mother, susceptible to heartache, doesn’t want hani to experience the same path; hani must be better so no man will ever leave.
first, education. she learns addition, subtraction and multiplication before tying her shoes and looking both ways before crossing the street. then, dance. she learns grand jetes and pirouettes before pleases and thank yous, auditioning in a six month gruelling process at eight for the finest ballet academy in the world. hani aspires to make her mother proud until the ends of her ruby lips reach her sparkling eyes. hani prioritizes her mother’s happiness above her own. she’s tired of the tears she sheds. (but they don’t stop, and she becomes the shoulder she cries on.) the burden is too heavy for a child, but hani doesn’t mind the weight. strength lies in her mother (and it lies within her, too); hani sees it when she picks herself up and continues with her day, working twice as hard; they are all each other has.
yet every parent-teacher interview and recital, a stranger sits beside her mother. as hani grows older, she soon understands what a boyfriend is—what it means remains to be seen. they come with roses of sapphire but return her mother with tears streaming down her face and bruises on her arms and legs. it becomes harder to stand on her own two feet, so hani helps her, becomes her aid and support. the weight grows, but she’s stronger. with a kiss on her forehead and tissue to her eyes, she consoles her poor mother, giving her the strength she’s losing until she can smile peacefully in her sleep.
but as days ghost by, her mother becomes harder to please. she controls every facet of her life. she forces your nose in books, pointed toes in ballet slippers, filled any spares on the calendar with cram school, recitals, performances—away from doing music because she won’t be like that musician father of hers stuck crooning in bars—hani will be the epitome of a lady, prima ballerina. and it doesn’t stop there. what she wears, who she befriends or don’t, what she eats, how to spend time are decided by her. hani can only bend so much without breaking. and music becomes that escape.
when her mother wails, hani soothes the cacophony with sweet lullabies. she learns to hum and sing to herself while mastering développés late into midnight. it quiets the pain, dulls it enough so hani can smile because she can’t remember when she last time did. and she is on the verge of quitting ballet when trials are too difficult and cours leave her drained and battered, underweight and dehydrated. only fire remains but it’s fading. yet her mother wants her to continue and forget about her newfound dreams of melodies. she cites them as temporary and foolish, guilt tripping her to do her bidding. (“i thought you only want eomma to be happy. do you want me to hurt?”) of course she doesn’t; there’s nothing more she wants than her happiness, but what about hers?
life has stopped being fun when her mother snarls her disappointment in hani for not acing a test, landing the starring role in an important production with scouts from europe. (“you’re tired? don’t be so dramatic. you’re like your father. good for nothing.”) every fail hani is met with punishment. no food, no break, no rest until she’s perfect. all she has done for her mother is suddenly tossed out the window. forgotten. her entire life she wanted to be like her mother. now? she doesn’t know anymore. she prays for a diversion—something to distract her mother so she can focus on yourself, who she wants to be. it comes with a charming smile and phD.
the man is a highly respected plastic surgeon in korea with a boisterous laugh and plenty of crow’s feet. he loves her mother; hani can see it in the way he looks at her, like she’s the only one in the world. and she looks at him just the same. this is what hani wants, her mother’s attention off of her. yet her mother condemns by forfeiting her business to move back to seoul. (“i thought we don’t quit.” “ladies don’t talk back, hani-ah.”) and hani is tossed in a country she hasn’t been in since she was four. learning korean is like learning french because she speaks like a child at best, and that isn’t very lady-like.
but when she learns to bite down on syllables and decipher the strokes in hangul, the first thing hani does is audition for MSG for a sense of normalcy because she’s accustomed to the brutal trials of training, and not her mother ignoring her for her new husband. not like her mother appreciates her getting into music, though. hates it, reminds her too much of hani’s good for nothing father as she sings of catching shooting stars. it makes coming home unbearable. all hani does in her eyes is suddenly wrong, and she’s grossly disappointed in her.
trips home become scarce, and hani overworks herself day and night to prove her mother wrong—that she’s not good for nothing. nothing seems to work. her mother degrades her for settling to be an idol, ridicules the entire craft of it. there is no ounce of support. no sympathy when hani does return home exhausted.
training doesn’t break her. her mother does. she dismisses her, brushes her away when hani not once prioritized anything or anyone over her. when she needs her the most: her comfort, her love, her it’s okay even though meaningless. betrayal hits hard, and hani is angry, darkness in her eyes and uncontrollable heaves in her chest. the fire is back. not red but blue and blazing.
pushing herself to the limit is the only option. her coping mechanism. working to the grind until her sneakers are ripped at the soles and sweat drenches all her clothes. hani has to debut. in some unconventional way, it’s vengeance. (“look what i achieved.”) she won’t let anything or anyone tear her down; she’s not her mother—thankfully. but before cherry bomb’s debut is finalized, she collapses from exhaustion and awakens to her mother with a smug face. she pulled her out, cited her health as most important. if only that’s the case. while hani is devastated, her mother is happy. (“finally, you can quit the stupid dream of yours.”)
dropping out of MSG to heal only seems to shatter hani more. recovery is long days staring outside her bedroom window. her mother only visits to remind hani auditions for a ballet company are three months away. so much for her well-being. this is when her resolve thickens, this is when she realizes she only has herself, and she’ll do what it takes to make herself happy. the final argument with her mother is one for the ages, she grabs her belongings and talents, waltzing into koala.t’s arms after a series of tedious auditions. tempers clash at a record high, and they haven’t seen eye to eye since.
training at koala.t is more of the same blood, sweat and tears. is more of same competitive atmosphere, where only the strong survive and the weak get left behind. hani guarantees she won’t be abandoned again, guarantees she is in it to stay for the long run.
a waterfall ensues when she’s chosen for nightmare. the people hani step on scowls at her success. after years of hard work her time has come. congratulations come in tight embraces, touches of the head, kisses on the cheeks and nothing from her mother but a roll of her eyes, which is fine. being an idol is for hani, whether it’s what she truly wants or to simply spite her mother remains to be seen. nothing will stop hani from pushing herself to the limit, to succeed and rule. after all, her mother, as toxic and deranged as she is, taught hani all that she knows. it’s payback.
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sakhibychandras · 3 years
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davidjjohnston3 · 3 years
Thoughts on philosophy of education non-toxic and detoxifying edition
Needless risk.  I said years ago, “The quality of the peace determines the quality of the war.”  What is the life-expectancy for an African child-soldier who started at 8?  
Everyone in America wants to be or thinks they can be or can make their kid Ender Wiggin.
ES - Mom, school, hakwon, piano hakwon, church
MS - friends
HS - destiny, purpose, and often, couples
My last ideal H&M Hail Mary projects
 -from Promise Nine “Clover”
 - from Mother Superior Mrs. Catherine Cho’s “Inferno.”  Elinor Wylie or What She Shall Be.  We shall walk in the snow.  Purity and controlled aggression; ardor; candor; and mayhap, without apologizing forever.
- Digging up all my buried treasure from the days when I had good psychiatrists like Dr. Z. who said a comment over the 2012 election.  “The Winners.”
Young people have ardor and candor and are good writers but lack opportunity / life-chances.  They engage ideas.  Sometimes they ignore their own faces and hands and this is in part because, as I have repeatedly noticed, the old who HAVE ideas just want bodies.  
Hence, “My Teacher’s Pet Grace.”  “My grandmother [shoot me in heart].”
I have other thoughts and feelings about this but it’s my private concern.
I have no idea who is gonna make it or how.  “Wonhago...”  America seems demoralized.  Whitefish Bay, where I love, where someone knows my name, at Sendik’s feels like they are not sure they can win.
I used to love their Pumpkin Festival and even took Mom and Pop.
I started “Uncle Sam” about a geography teacher who retired too soon and is fond of Krystal Jung Soojung.  I think his name was “Samuel Johnston” and in past he had a Southern undermining friend I based on Miles Patrick Klee who always tried to “bottom shelf” him down to his essential pathetic condition; whereat I was repeatedly pigeonholed(?) by all my “friends” or ex-constituencies.
“Uncle Sam” evolved eventually in to “Send for Your Love” which is my masculine counterpart(?) to something like “The Hen Who Dreamed She Can / Could / Might Fly” whereby I thought I failed as a hakwon and HS teacher but had a solid even immortal concept for Phi. of Ed. and teacher-training.  
I discovered “All Loves Excelling” actually in Lake Geneva (where FSF was born) at a consignment boutique with a 21-year-old cat on a digression back from Chicago where I’d just interviewed at the ROKCG for the first or second time.  I didn’t understand it at all but felt it “cool, keol, jeongdeokhan” that a Headmaster wrote a private school novel because I HATE Gossip Girl.
There was also “The Midwestern Novel” a study I never ended up reading but which tickled me(?) which I fancied or was taken with because I had assumed if not inferred that most Midwesterners only gazed dead-eyed with “tarnished mournful beady-eyed German mirrors” at the literature of the coasts.
That is / was not true.  For one thing there is me.  For another many people “hide their virtue” as a Japanese said.  They also pour their pure hearts and their creativity and “apercus” (not acumen) into creating little families, households, and other things which remain idle ideas for some apartment-dwellers.  Astronaut farmers here there be - if only they would launch from the pad; but IDK since I’m an outsider here to all but myself.
Wallace Stegner
It is important / critical / crucial to know what is going on in the present moment or there’s no end to the reading of history or anyway it is for other people - “Sheep May Safely Graze.”
Whitefish Bay - “Bay of Slow Hopes” - at least thank the Lord =/= Milwaukee.
I’ll never forget the Vietnamese girl at World War Z.  However JiU going for the popcorn and no movie is like a dream come true to me.
This is why I gave away my precious SS-9′s and SS-7′s a few months ago -  I sincerely thought it was Acts 2.  “Husbands look on your wives’ brows, hold your daughters’ and sons’ hands at the library, vote Republican, don’t even vote, don’t outsource, don’t send for, don’t go.”
“My Love Don’t Cross That _”
TW-1 used to like it when I said “Don’t do that” but I stole the line from Big Bad Boris.
I used to compose in Tumblr when I thought this aspect of the past was a small deal.  Now I want to give butter and honey and “daily bread, viaticum” (M. Scott Peck Gifts for the Journey DNR - he said “I’m a prophet not a saint” which is 100% non campus mentis suicidal).
What’s Dong Joo Lee up to, under the moon or sun, by mirror or torch / lamp, by moonlight or throw-light.  
I imagined him on an aircraft carrier with an F-35 blasting “You Could Be Mine” or “You Shall Be Mine.”
He said, “I wrote on a paper I want to join Navy JAG, I did, God is good.”
He looks great / beautiful in white + killer facial hair for a Kor.
When I met Chi Hye Kim I a saw a comet walking around and remembered his back-muscles sheathed in fat / water-retentions before our years of?
I’m against BP but “F U pay me”
I used to listen to “Adagio Cantabile” all the time and think, “repression, going over and over, re-reading and re-reading, mystery religiose, not wanting to know, student crush, Angel Stays Here, repression, repression, repression, rejection, unwillingness to “rebel against evil.”
Siyeon Paradise - run 
and that bubblegang 5 song, 
aoi tori
caritas tori
golden dove missive
“Our New World” as letters or love-letters
A Half Day after MS and Pizza at Bunny’s 
Half-days are terrible and the staff don’t even develop
As Dale Duncan said at Family Buffet, “Hell no.”
He moved south and got gay-”married.”
Also blogs about his genius pedagogy
The other song I should have held in my heart’s arm-wing-chaingun-magazine was “Don’t stop flying till you find me, high sky light-debt-bond.”
What’s Richard M. Dienst up to and since I can’t seem to get me a sinecure in Wisconsin can I get a familiar river old boy country road take home at RU.  Will teach for not even food, not even thanks...
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iwantunique · 5 years
10+ Best Stocking Stuffers For Toddlers under $30
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The best stocking fillers for toddlers or perfect stocking stuffers for preschoolers has been crowned the most exciting part in the gift wish list of toddlers. When you think of the hectic purchase of gifts for your kids, then Toddler stockings stuffers is the perfect remedy for your hassle. They are proof that occasionally some of the best stuff are welcomed in small packages.  Some people have that thinking that when more expensive and bigger gifts are, much better they are. And these baby stockings stuffers are its sureshot evidence. With best and reasonable pricing of these toys, they feature a few of the lovely characters, bells, songs, amazing whistles which promise to imprint a broad smile on your kid’s face! Some of these stuffers in a hidden manner are educational also. Whether you are in search of giving your child the building blocks, bath toys, or something for cuddling, then glance at our preferred list for the best stocking fillers for toddlers. Right from best gifts for preschoolers to unique gifts for toddler boy to a toddler girl, to gift for families with toddlers, to cool stocking stuffers for boys and girls, there’s everything for everyone.  Also, we have arranged a section for our recommendations as per the age, so, have a look at the whole section which suits your child the best! But keep in mind that have a sneak peek at other sections also as various gift items are suitable for diversified age groups. Best Stocking Stuffers For Toddlers 1. 2 Pack Mseeur magic kaleidoscope This kaleidoscope is made of plastic beads,lenses and a tough outer shell. A simple toy with various colorful prism. The kaleidoscope is a way for children to find joy and see the world in a new and more artistic way. This kaleidoscope fosters children's creativity, imagination and constant fascination. Kids of all ages, from 5 to 15, will love and use these treasure scope kaleidoscopes. You will watch the change of color inside the tube as you twist it.
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Promising review : "One of the best kaleidoscopes I've ever seen, which was surprising at this price level. I haven't had them long, so I can't say how well they will hold up, but I am very happy with the product." --- AmazonCustomer Get it from Amazon for $7.99. 2. Toy Balloon Helicopter (12 pack)Children's Day Gift Party Favor easter basket, stocking stuffer or birthday These balloon helicopters are fun and easy to use. Just attach them to a balloon, wind them up and watch them go!INTENDED for both boys and girls, and is a great gift for Easter basket, stocking stuffer,erfect for parties , Christmas stocking fillers birthday, or party favors Product Description A forgotten classic is back!- can be used indoors or outdoors.
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Promising review : " One of life’s simple pleasures. The sound of air escaping a pinched balloon will never not be funny. Pair that with a propeller to accentuate a ridiculous trajectory and the result is pure joy. Get your kids outside and having fun with these cheap and easy toys. Yeah, they’ll break after a few uses, but so would you if you went thirty feet into the air and then fell to the ground. " AmazonCustomer Get it from Amazon for $9.99 3. 100-Pack of Rocket Balloons with Easy-to-Use Pump Rocket balloons are a fantastic toy for outdoor play (or in large indoor spaces). Pump them up and let these balloons rocket to the sky!
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Promising review : " My grand-kids really love playing with these balloons. They enjoy the way they streak around the room, and the squealing sound they make as they deflate. We laugh a lot while playing with them because they are unpredictable in their route, sometimes doing flips, sometimes bouncing around, sometimes going under things. The balloons are feather light and nondestructive so even if they strike someone/something there is no damage or problem with them. Easy to inflate with the small hand-pump. " --- AmazonCustomer Buy it from Amazon for $11.99 4. 5 Pieces Pull Back Car Toys for Toddlers These good-quality vehicles simulate daily transporation, includes: Helicopter, Airplane, Cement mixer and Excavator.
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Promising review : " Got these as a stocking stuffer for my son and he loves them! The variety in what the toys can do is pretty cool and he takes them everywhere! The toys are pretty sturdy and should hold up with the throwing and banging... at least to next Christmas. " -- Amazon Customer Get it from Amazon for $14.99 5. Hair Bows, 40Pack Hair Bows for Baby Girl Alligator Clips Grosgrain Ribbon Boutique Hair Accessories for Baby Girls Kids Teens Toddlers Children Newborn
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Promising review : " Beautiful bow clips . The only thing I wish were different is that they have matching clips ... all are different colors and aren't a pair. I ended up buying another pack for two ponytail hair styles. " ---AmazonCustomer Get it from Amazon for $9.99. Best Stocking Stuffers For Toddlers 6. 2 Pack Cartoon RC Race Car Radio Remote Control with Music & Sound Toy for Toddler Race Car Radio Control Toddler Cars Includes 2 Cartoon Radio Control Race Cars with Music and Sound Features, 2 Different Removable Action Figures and 2 Remote Controls with Forward and Reverse Left Channels.
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Promising review : " These little race cars were a total hit! I got them as a birthday present for my 3 year old boy. Out of all their birthday gifts, this is the one they immediately wanted to play with and did so all day/night. " --- AmazonCustomer Get it from Amazon for $25.99. 7. Baby Bath Toys Waterfall Water Station Bathtub Thinking Ability and Creativity Toddler Bath Toys for Boys Girls Toddlers.
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Promising review : " Fun activity for bath time, especially for the little kid who likes to continually pour water while in the bath. The suction has been strong, and the fountain/spinning eyes part of the toy are fun!" --- AmazonCustomer Get it from Amazon for $17.99. 8. 55 PCs Wooden Toys Building Blocks, Elephant and Owl Building Balancing Games Elephant balance building block will help kids learn the theory of balance through balancing the bars, and get to know the spatial concepts.
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Promising review : " I love seeing my grand niece enjoying her gift. My grand niece drives her mother and father crazy wanting to play with this toy. "---AmazonCustomer Get it from Amazon for $12.95. 9. Punch Balloons Party Favors for Kids (24 Pack) Best for Birthday Gift Bags, Kids Games and Party Games - Extra Large, Eco Friendly Natural Latex Punch Balls - for Boys and Girls.
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Promising review : " I bought these for my daughters upcoming birthday party but when my kids saw them, they begged to open the package and play with them right then and there. "Why not?" I thought, and let them go to town. They LOVED them and punched away for hours. They are super durable and are still going strong even though it's been several days now. I will definitely rebuy these. "---AmazonCustomer Get it from For $12.99. 10. Baby Soft Doll Bathtub Set Featuring Educational Doll with Bathtime Accessories
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Wash Out Soap Bubbles Quality Doll Bath Toy Set for Kids to Have Fun Time. Promise review : " I ordered this bath doll for my daughter. I must say they absolutely love it. She instantly fell in love with it. It comes with few accessories. It is made of soft rubber and actually work in shower that sprays water with pump action. It was something new Kind of experience for my daughter and I was surprised that this doll actually makes different types of baby noise. My daughter played with this new doll for hours and she still does everyday. I am happy with a purchase. "---AmazonCustomer Get it from Amazon for $26.99. Read the full article
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tripstations · 5 years
5 good girls breaks in Portugal 
Are you in search of a weekend break for you and your pals? Unsure the place to go or what to do? Then Portugal often is the superb location. With an exquisite Mediterranean local weather, superb meals, superb seashores and white washed villages to discover there’s something to swimsuit all people.
However if you’re in search of a particular getaway for you and your pals or colleagues, it’s your decision one thing a bit bit greater than a regular metropolis or seashore break. We’re right here to present you some concepts of an unforgettable weekend, from a metropolis break to a soothing mindfulness retreat.
A luxurious retreat
All of us stay in an ever extra demanding surroundings, whether or not from work commitments or life typically and generally taking trip for a small time frame might help to refocus our lives. That is the place happening a luxurious retreat can actually assist, whether or not it’s to take time with your pals or as a crew constructing train together with your colleagues.
Portugal has many such retreats however one that actually stands out is Relaxscape, conceived by Belinda Raitt (a Change Coach and yoga instructor). It’s set in a tranquil olive grove main right down to the inexperienced forests surrounding the River Zêzere in Central Portugal.
Created as a spot for folks to come back to flee from the stresses of on a regular basis life they use the ability of nature, to assist visitors to rediscover what’s vital to them.
Impressed by the Japanese philosophies of ikigai (your “purpose for being”) and shinrin yoku (“forest bathing”), Belinda created Relaxscape as a spot to host retreats. It’s primarily based round mild actions in nature incorporating the gorgeous surroundings of this a part of Central Portugal, to present contributors the area to press pause and to replicate.
There are a variety of various retreats out there together with these specializing in rest, creativity and drawback fixing. They’re facilitated by a crew of certified and skilled coaches. So why not become involved in one thing completely totally different such because the grape harvest or olive selecting interspersed with yoga and training periods, as a bunch of associates or colleagues in a luxurious retreat, you may solely profit from this expertise and are available residence feeling refreshed and revived able to tackle the world.
Lisbon metropolis break
Lisbon is the colourful and cosmopolitan capital of Portugal, with a fantastic number of bars, eating places, accommodations and naturally superb procuring, however how do you make this metropolis much more particular for you and your pals?
There are a lot of alternatives to make this metropolis much more memorable, with an intensive number of spa and 5 star accommodations out there to your base, then, as soon as settled in, why not attempt a number of the experiences which are out there.
For instance, you can spend the day with a cooking faculty, go to the contemporary and vibrant markets with native cooks to decide on your contemporary components then be taught to make the long-lasting pastel de natas or different conventional Portuguese dishes adopted by a soothing night meal at one of many many roof high bars or eating places, overlooking Lisbon Metropolis because the solar units and town involves life at evening.
Comply with this with a strolling tour of of town, there are various out there, usually with native corporations that may take you to go to essentially the most memorable sights that aren’t on the principle vacationer tracks, get to know this excellent metropolis as solely the consultants do.
Spend a night on a personal crusing yacht with stress-free music, a number of Portuguese petiscos (Portuguese tapas) and glorious wine. Sit again and benefit from the sights, you may actually get pleasure from your time with associates with out the crowds, in any case. On a girls weekend you need to have the ability to spend time with associates simply chatting and stress-free.
When you have time you may also spend a day procuring. Lisbon has all of the glamour and lots of the designer names you can find in Paris, Milan or London. Select from the upmarket manufacturers and boutiques of the Chiado district by way of to the cobbled and winding streets of the Bairro Alto district with hip and stylish shops, distinctive bars and the well-known Fado music.
Douro Valley break
If procuring just isn’t your factor how about wine? Not sitting in your native wine bar, however truly visiting the vineyards the place your favorite wine is made? The Douro valley, sometimes called the enchanted valley, because of the stunning and much reaching views, is a incredible location for a girls break, whether or not you select to remain in Porto the place you may get pleasure from a mixture of metropolis and nation.
Porto has many sights from the beautiful structure, a variety of eating places and plenty of 5 star accommodations, good as a location in itself however combined with a day tour of the Douro valley, the place you may get pleasure from wine tasting and a fantastic meal on one of many many vineyards. That is the right journey to get away from all of it and expertise a number of the most interesting issues that Northern Portugal has to supply.
For a real style of the Douro valley, why not keep on the renovated 19th century manor home, Quinta Nova Luxurious Vineyard Home, billed as the primary wine lodge in Portugal and awarded the Luxurious Resort & Vineyard of the Yr 2018 by the English-born Luxurious Journey Information.
From right here you may benefit from the valley by street, cruise boat, prepare and even helicopter. There are a lot of choices out there for excursions, together with personal teams that may organise every little thing out of your transport by way of to your lodging, making certain that you don’t miss something and have not one of the stress of organising the journey.
Simply think about your self and your pals sitting again, sipping wine and watching the vineyards develop, prepared for subsequent yr.
Algarve seashore and golf
The Algarve has a lot attract for a break, the beautiful seashores, solar and naturally the golf. The Algarve has been repeatedly voted as top-of-the-line {golfing} places on this planet, whether or not you might be an skilled golfer in search of world class programs or whether or not you will have by no means performed earlier than and are a whole newbie.
The Algarve makes the right girls break. Think about staying in a luxurious golf resort or villa, having fun with a soothing breakfast, then teeing off, on a world class course with your pals. Along with {the golfing} expertise you can be strolling alongside a course with superb views and the nice and cozy solar shining down on you.
As we stated if you’re a whole novice, the place higher to do that sport? and if you’re extra skilled why not flip it right into a event with your pals. After an exhilarating day on the course, get pleasure from a spa therapy adopted by dinner overlooking the Atlantic with the nice and cozy Portuguese breeze flowing by way of your hair while sitting at an ocean view restaurant.
Combine your golf with a seashore vacation and spend a day lounging on one of many many beautiful seashores inside simple attain. What could possibly be extra stress-free than a sunny break with seashores, glorious meals, sunbathing and taking part in top-of-the-line sports activities out there and all inside simple attain of Faro airport so you will have little or no journey concerned?
A luxurious spa break
Nothing defines a luxurious girls break higher than a spa break, and the spa choices in Portugal are intensive from luxurious spa resorts to metropolis centre accommodations, nonetheless usually these could be a bit impersonal, particularly if you’re desirous to spend time with the chums you might be having a break with.
One of many areas that we’d extremely suggest for a extra intimate expertise with your pals is the Silver Coast, this space of Portugal is much less busy and crowded than different areas however nonetheless has the entire main sights of Portugal.
And to actually benefit from the expertise and the chums you might be with, why not take into account visiting a small intimate boutique lodge expertise situated within the coronary heart of the Silver Coast the place you may discover the tradition, gastronomy and pure fantastic thing about this unspoiled space.
Staying on the Fig Boutique Suites, you and your pals can completely calm down within the data of realizing there can be no different folks to detract out of your girls break. Get pleasure from spa therapies by the salt water pool or yoga periods, expertise wine tasting on the terrace and go to fantastic eating places within the space to get pleasure from your night meal with a selection of ocean or fortress views or deal with yourselves to conventional Portuguese meals in a neighborhood restaurant.
If you want to discover the world additional there are UNESCO world heritage websites close by comparable to Alcobaça or the the gorgeous walled city of Obidos, a spread of sandy seashores and wild coves and small cities, good for procuring.
Which ever space of Portugal you selected to spend your break in, we’re positive you can find your superb girls break.
Jenny Lovett is the Founding father of Portugalholidays4u.com. Portugalholidays4u.com is an internet site showcasing all that Portugal has to supply with an intensive assortment of villas, flats and vacation lodging.
If you want to be a visitor blogger on A Luxurious Journey Weblog to be able to elevate your profile, please contact us.
The post 5 good girls breaks in Portugal  appeared first on Tripstations.
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When you are crafty and also have time on your hands
Advertising head of hair bows together with clips is mostly a superb way for the crafty private to <a href="https://www.myhairon.com/lace-wigs/full-lace-wigs/">full lace wigs</a> generate some money. Displaying your bows to their preferred gain is important in a craft truthful or inside a boutique. You don't have to buy tens of thousands of display screen playing cards from the vast printer or producer, nonetheless. Make use of your creative imagination for making your own out of index cards, card inventory or your own private internet business cards.
Thread a lock stitch into the accurate front side on the silk-base closure, attaching it with your head. Produce a lock sew by sliding the needle thru the silk foundation so that you create a loop while using hair, slide the needle again through the loop to lock the loop into spot. Repeat two times, then swap towards the left side within the closure. Sew a few lock stitches with the curved threading needle on the still left side in the closure. Transfer back towards the proper side and repeat the procedure. Proceed stitching, 3 lock stitches at a time, alternating facet to side right up until the closure is completely attached.A silk-base closure is accustomed to produce <a href="https://www.myhairon.com/brazilian-hair/brazilian-hair-type/brazilian-hair-remy-hair/">remy extensions</a> natural-looking hair extensions. It is a lightweight tie used <a href="https://www.myhairon.com/hair-extensions/malaysian-hair/">malaysian hair bundles</a> to connect hair weaves to purely natural hair or a wig in a very square sample. When you are crafty and also have time on your hands, you might be in a position to save some money by tying into your individual silk-base closures.Area the silk-base hair closure in addition to the horizontal braids. Keep the bottom closure towards your head with two hair pins, a single for the front and one at the again of your closure.
Given that you've your skin cap you might include it in your wig-making procedure. At any time you by now know how to ventilate a lace wig, then incorporating a pores and skin cap isn't that complicated. Place the skin cap in addition to the lace netting hairpiece that was specifically produced to your subject's head. Then pull the hairs by means of the netting in addition to the skin cap and tie them appropriately. This is a fragile technique since the plastic or latex pores and skin is extremely fragile. Plus, you don't want to work out the knots. The complete concept of utilizing a pores and skin cap is usually to mimic an actual scalp, so that you ought to be cautious in saving this dream.
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promomagazine · 7 years
Tina Nikolovski is an internationally published fashion photographer, based in the heart of Canberra, Australia. At 28 years of age she has already been in the industry for 10 years, and is also the founder and director of Devojka Models - Canberra’s boutique high end modelling agency. Tina’s vision in life is simple: live true to your higher purpose and spend every day of your life doing what you love.
This particular series was created entirely by a local Canberra team and was inspired by music and fashion icon, Lana Del Ray. The clothing used is recycled,  and sourced from Landspeed Clothing and Australian ethical designer Kelli Donnovan. Kelli’s‘Pure Pod’ label in particular uses organic materials, and employs conscious and sustainable practices. The series was photographed in the beautiful landscapes of at the National Arboretum of Australia. Lana Del Ray’s beauty and love for florals is depicted in the series which aims to channel the essence of her being. 
Concept+ Creative Director || Tina Nikolovski
Photographer || Tina Nikolovski (www.tinanikolovski.com)
Makeup || Dove MUA
Hair || Biljana Popovska (Billie + Co)
Stylist || Tayah Mott (Styled By T)
Wardrobe || Pure Pod Sustainable + Landspeed
Florist || Lady Larissa
Assistants || Maeva Navas + Tesh Ruyssenaers-Alvaro
Model || Ruby Cooper (Devojka Models)
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sakhibychandras · 3 years
Tumblr media
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meganews77-blog · 7 years
Weirdest Things About South Korea
Weird Things About South Korea Culture Facts
10. Poop/Toilet Humor Popularity Everybody in South Korea is obsessed with poop. Whether it’s a turd-shaped cookie, a feces-themed phone charm or the entire museum in Seoul dedicated to excrement, South Koreans can’t get enough of it. If children are left to doodle, they’ll often draw exaggerated poop shapes and compare it to their classmates’ excitedly. The logic behind the obsession is that the perfect shape of a turd is “cute” and “adorable.” There is no stigma towards toilet humor being inappropriate or gross in South Korea. The population loves going to the bathroom so much that toilets across the country, whether in homes or in public, feature pleasant flushing sounds, background music and colored water.
9. Same Sex Touching In Western society, two men holding hands on the street would automatically make any passerby watching assume that they were a gay couple. Not in South Korea. While the opposite sex touching in public is extremely frowned upon and considered disrespectful to those around you, sitting in your friends’ laps or playing with their hair is completely acceptable. Grown women and men can usually be seen sharing drinks, walking with their arms around each other and cuddling. And it’s the most normal thing in the world.
8. Plastic Surgery Obsession South Korea has quickly become known as the plastic surgery capital of the world. Many tourists from across the globe travel to the country to visit its surgeons for nose jobs, facelifts, cosmetic injections and more. South Koreans have become obsessed with the concept of achieving perfect physical appearance from a very young age and most boys and girls from affluent families are awarded double eyelid surgery, a procedure that makes Asian eyes appear more Western, for their sixteenth birthdays. In almost all subway stations, ads featuring before and after results of plastic surgery can be seen plastered over the walls. The country’s obsession with cosmetic perfection has resulted in a significant amount of divorce, after husbands or wives found out what their spouses looked like before they had surgery and married them.
7. Love Motels Due to public displays of affection being considered inappropriate and the fact that most youth live with their parents until they are married, love motels are incredibly popular in South Korea. Often featuring elaborate themes and outrageous decoration, these tiny motel rooms serve as an overnight spot for couples to get some privacy from their parents. You can find love motels in any part of the city, and they’re not nearly as seedy as you’d imagine. In fact, most are so trendy and clean that tourists on a budget and businesspeople looking for a crash pad often check in for a night. They’re also available by the hour, in case you were wondering.
6. K-Pop K-Pop (short for Korean Pop) is a musical phenomenon unlike anything you’ve ever seen on the planet. While there are numerous popular genres of music to listen to within Western society, K-Pop reigns king in South Korea. The groups are usually composed of several men or women aged 16-24 and South Koreans go wild for them. Hundreds of thousands of people turn out for their concerts, fans faint from the pure joy of seeing their idols in person and their faces are pasted across every billboard in town. K-Pop music videos are incredibly high budget, the outfits cost a fortune and it’s considered the only cool genre to listen to.
5. Ajummas “Ajummas” (Korean for “elderly ladies”) tyrannize the streets and completely get away with it. In South Korean society, the elderly are to be respected at all costs, no matter what they do. Ajummas are fully aware of this cultural norm and take advantage of it. They’ll loudly “shush” you on the subway, push you out of their way, spit at you and yell at you if they don’t like what you’re doing. While their actions might not always seem fair, as a foreigner especially you’ll have to put up and shut up. And you’d better get out of their seat aboard public transit if you know what’s right for you.
4. Alcohol Consumption Us Westerners know how to drink, but our drinking is nothing compared to South Koreans’. Year after year, South Korea comes out as the country boasting the top alcohol consumption level on the planet. If somebody puts a drink in front of you in South Korea, it’s considered rude to decline it. It’s also customary to fill up everybody else’s glasses before drinking from your own, so you can only imagine how easily one becomes drunk. South Koreans work extremely hard, but they also love their liquor – especially soju, a locally distilled beverage made from rice or barley. The drinking problem in the country has become so bad that many men go straight from the bar to their office jobs, several times a week.
3. Couples Dressing Alike Matching onesies? Coordinated underwear? Identical jeans, sweaters and sneakers? It’s a thing and couples in South Korea love it. It is not at all uncommon to see young teens sauntering down the street together decked out in the same outfit from head to toe. The logic behind matching couple outfits is that the image you project together will show everybody around you just how in love you are with one another. Businesses from large chains to small boutiques plan their marketing around this hugely popular trend, displaying identical outfits for him and her in their store windows across the country.
2. No Verbal Filter Foreigners may be shocked at how many people tell them they “look fat,” “seem tired” and “dress poorly” in South Korea. While those sentences are rude to say to each other in Western society, the logic behind it is that South Koreans are concerned for your well-being and want to make sure you’re ok. If they tell you you’re looking a little plump, it’s only because they want to ensure you’re eating properly so that you can look your absolute best. If they think you look tired, they’re wondering if something is bothering you and causing you to lose sleep. Nonetheless, hearing a complete stranger judge you will always seem harsh for the first hundred times and then you’ll start getting used to it. You might breathe a little easier knowing that South Koreans speak this way even to each other.
1. No Cleavage Allowed Upon landing in South Korea, you’re guaranteed to notice how short every young woman’s skirt is. The “no pants” look is hugely popular in the country and skirts are so short that women often hold a newspaper or bag to their behinds when walking up stairs to prevent anyone from getting inappropriate views. While skirt lengths are of no object in the country, cleavage is considered grossly inappropriate. You’ll get yelled at by strangers in the street and receive disapproving stares from passersby if even the slightest bit of your chest is exposed. Cover up!
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