#Puppit productions
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puppitproductions · 2 years ago
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This year I thought I'd focus on all those who can't celebrate openly for whatever reason. Stay safe, everyone.
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bjdguide · 5 years ago
I've never owned a bjd (heck, I've never even gotten to see one in the flesh) but I've recently thought to sculpt my own. I've been an artist for over 15 years (mostly illustration, but a few sculptures and 3D modeling) and I always like to make things myself. I've shared the idea with a few people and several expressed interest in buying one from me. How well-received are new artists in the bjd community? Is there anything I should know as an artist before starting?
Hello Anon,
New artist are welcomed. We love creativity and more choices.
1) make pictures of every step of the sculpting process. Keep a blog about it. Make sure people know. This is so people can't accuse you of copying and recasting.
2) Do not copy or recast. Make something that is truly your own. Both body and face.
3) Don't underestimate the work load. Sculpting your own bjd, especially without any experience or having seen one in real life, is hard. Even for experienced artists.
4) Don't underestimate the costs. Making your own bjd is not cheaper. If anything, it can be quite expensive, because you will have to "get the hang of it".
5) Don't overestimate the profit. Bjd companies and artist are not in it to become rich. Like I said, materials are expensive and that is just for a master sculpt. Casting is a whole other thing. People will say they buy your stuff, but the percentage of people actually buying it, will be much lower. It is a lot of money to spend after all.
6) Decide wether or not you want your sculpt casted. Then decide wether or not you want to cast it yourself or hire a casting company to do so. This will help you choose the material of your master sculpt. Paper maché is not suited to be casted for example.
7) Decide what material you want your doll to be casted in. Even among resin, there are differences.
8) Study bjds. How are other artist sculpting them? How are they assembled? What are common measurements? What do people prefer in terms of detail? Do I go double or single jointed?
9) Look up tutorials. Puppit Productions is a doll maker who has sculpted a bjd without having one first for examples. DeviantArt is another great place for tutorials. There are forums and communities for doll makers. Join them.
10) Research, practise, don't give up.
Good luck!
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eggshapedchapstick · 8 years ago
50Q Meme
I (MorbidDelusions) got a bit creative and tired of there being no new BJD meme/questionnaires out there so here, 50 questions for you to have fun with!
-Thank you, I shall.
1. Have your tastes changed in sculpts over the years?
Yes, but not much, as I still like many of my “old” dolls. I did start to like 1/8 dolls more and for 1/4 I prefer realistic adult mini’s.
2. Do you have pre-made characters for the dolls that you get home which must fit a certain description, or, do you get them home and let inspiration hit?
A little bit of both. I see a doll I like, create a character and when they get home they alter that or change it completely.
3. What do you do when you get hooked on a particular sculpt and want it home right here, right now but can’t as you have to save or some other reason?
A) Save up and see if I can sell anything. B) Be sad. C) Hope I will get a second chance.
4. How many dolls are too many to you personally? That number keeps rising xD
5. What are your thoughts on dolls with already pre-existing characters from movies/books/cartoons/etc.?
If that is your thing, go for it. I can incorporate elements of pre-existing characters, but I don’t like to make an exact minime of them. Except for my dog. I got a mini human version of my dog.
6. Acrylic, glass or urethane? And why?
All of them, depending on what your doll needs and your personal budget, but I do prefer glass over acrylic and urethane over glass. Urethane has more life to them, they are more vibrant and available in more options. What my doll wears depends on what I planned for them, also.
7. How much does yellowing bother you? What is acceptable before you want something done to liven up that old yellow resin skin?
I am always a little disappointed when I notice mellowing, but I know it is inevitable. I would hate it if my doll would turn into a completely different color than when I bought them, and not into a color I like. Like some Bambicrony’s have, going from light cyan to yellow-green. So far, my dolls are okay. I would take action when the mellowing would really bother me. If possible, liven it up, or otherwise sell it.
8. What are your thoughts on anthro BJDs vs actual animal BJDs?
I love anthro’s. I blame the cartoons from my childhood. 
9. How small is too small? How tall is too tall? Or does height even matter to you?
Everything over 50 is too tall. Everything under 10 is too small, unless it is an animal bjd. I’m more likely to go smaller than go bigger. Big dolls take in a lot of space and I find them scary (yes weird, I know).
10. Do you talk with your resin buddies while painting them, dressing them, just because?
Usually only in my head, but during one shoot, I was telling my doll she had been “a good girl” out loud. When I realised that, I was glad nobody heard me, lol.
11. Do you have a doll you love but will probably never have because finances or impossible to get?  
Yes, an Angelheim Jin. I didn’t order him when I had the chance. He was a limited and the company is gone. I haven’t seen him on the MP like ever.
12. Do you have a favourite clothing company where you go and buy clothing and/or shoes from?  
Yes. I love Mimiwoo for shoes. I also shop at Etsy a lot. Amai Fantasy, Raouken and many more.
13. Your favourite pair of shoes you ever got home? Picture please!  
The one she’s wearing. Click.
14. Favourite accessory and, again, picture!
Her wand. It’s awesome. Click.
15. How many times have you had to redo a face-up in a day?  
3, and it still looked like crap (I was a newbie back then). I send my head to a face-up artist soon after. I have since painted faces to my satisfaction, usually in the course of several days.
16. Ever sat screaming and cursing at your sewing machine? Or even if you’ve sown something by hand? Tell us a bit about one of those silly outbursts!  
Oh yes. I’m afraid of the sewing machine. The cursed beast keeps eating my fabric and quite frankly, I don’t know how to use it properly. So, I have sewn by hand and have had things fallen apart or not fit right etc. I have stabbed myself with a needle (on accident) and welp, sewing is not really my forte.
17. In the past year have you had to find homes for some of your resin buddies?  
Not in the past year, but I’m trying to sell a body at the moment and have sold other dolls before.
18. Have you ever made any miniature furniture of any kind or do you prefer to buy it?  
Yes, I made a miniature witch cabinet (okay filled with bought items), pencil, books, jewellery, miniature scratchpole, attempted to make stuffed animals + tables + beds, broom, mop, head accessoiries.
19. What would you do if one of your dolls went green or banana yellow? Would you try and salvage the damage somehow by mods and the like, or would you reinvent their character?  
I’d try to salvage them if I didn’t like the color.
20. Ever got two dolls or more home in a year?  
21. Are there a certain theme going style/face-up/accessory/other wise? Or are they all fairly different from one another?  
All of my dragons are painted by Puppit Productions and have a stone reference of sorts. Also references to fairytales, alternative fashion and a majority of long haired cuties.
22. How much is too much to pay for a doll/how little is too little? And why?  
No price is too low. I don’t buy recasts and expect legit companies to ask a reasonable price. I quess 800 is my max.
23. Do you do mods? Show us some of your work! Would you do them on rare/limited sculpts?
Yes, but I shouldn’t. No thank you. No, not LE’s.
24. Do you prefer getting dolls home blank so that you can do your own face-up, or, do you prefer to have the company paint them for you?  
Depends on what I want for that doll.
25. Do you keep up with the various companies releases, events and the like?  
I have. Now, not so much.
26. Ever hated having to cover up a body with clothing because the sculpting was absolutely divine and you’d rather just be able to watch all that naked glory for all time?  
Not really. I can imagine it though. I would keep that doll naked then.
27. What is your favourite wig brand?  
It used to be Leekeworld, but now, I don’t know. Everything seems to be hit or miss.
28. How many pairs of shoes do you own for your dolls?
Some of them have multiple pairs. Lets just keep it at that.
29. How many wigs do you have for your dolls?  
Too many! xD It takes time to find the right kind of wig and you are bound to buy ones that are pretty, but not suitable for that specific doll, but it might be a good fit for a future doll, so that is how I ended up with many wigs.
30. Do you have a favourite set of clothing? Do you own it? And if, picture please!  
Multiple sets actually. I don’t own all of them. I love my Souldoll Nova’s full set.
31. Do you have a favourite outfit you’ve made yourself?  
Yes, but it fell apart eventually. Click.
32. Ever commissioned someone? And what for?  
Yes, for face-ups, clothes, eyes, accessoiries and wigs.
33. How many pair of eyes do you have, spare and in use combined?  
A lot. Not as many as I have wigs, but quite a few.
34. Ever called in sick because of an incoming package?  
35. What have been you longest wait? And the shortest?  
3 months - a year.
36. Do you prefer shooting single shots or group pictures?  
Single! Multiple dolls are cute but there is a high risk of dolly domino.
37. Do you prefer male or female dolls?  
38. Ever had that one piece of accessory you could never quite find and are still searching for years later?  
Yes, a yosd sized bong, because I have dreamy eyed dolls and I think that would be a hoot.
39. Ever had trouble settling for a sculpt for a given character and had to buy multiple sculpts home before finding that perfect one?  
40. Do you keep a journal in where you write all of your doll related ideas and plans even if they wont always come to fruition?  
41. Ever shot some naughty naked/nude pictures? If not, why?  
No. Except for one to show bodyblushing I had done.
42. What are the longest time you’ve had a layaway running? If you’ve never done one, why are you refraining from making use of this service?
I think three months?
43. Do you mind not being able finding a whole lot of pictures of a given sculpt you want home or do you like it’s exclusivity?  
I have bought dolls that don’t have many owner pictures / didn’t had any at the time. I like owner pictures, they can help. However, sometimes you just have to take a chance.
44. Are you more of a share all the pictures type of person or more of a keeping them all to yourself and only share a select few?  
I don’t share all of them, but probably more than I should strictly speaking.
45. How good are you at sticking to your plans if, say, you told yourself you only were to bring home one more this year and then go on a break?
We shall see. I’m not allowed to buy more without selling one. I hope I can stick to this plan.
46. What doll body is your favourite?
Souldoll NL body. Poses like crap, but it is very pretty.
47. Who in your resin crew has gone through the biggest transformation since arrival?  
My Aileendoll Pico Baby Ashes. He has part of his belly removed. Click.
48. Do you pamper some more than others?
Yes. The ones who don’t have a “uniform” of sorts. Some rock one outfit every day, others have multiple outfits. It also takes some a while to find the right look, so they have had multiple wigs, clothes, shoes etc.
49. Ever bought something (dolls, clothing, accessories)  that looked amazing in the pictures but turned out to be nothing like it upon arrival? 
Yes, a mohair wig. When it came, it had a obvious bald spots that could not be hidden with styling. Also, I bought a Dollzone Maca head with face up that was disappointing.
50. What are your continued plans for this year?
To not buy a doll, without selling another.
- By MorbidDelusions
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puppitproductions · 3 months ago
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Long time no see everyone~ Due to various reasons I'm not going to get into right now, Puppit Productions has been a bit on standby this past year, but I'm hoping to make a comeback. For now, enjoy Rudolph the Bionic Reindeer: Found this 3-legged darling in the discount bin and thought I'd give him a kick-ass mobility aid.
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puppitproductions · 3 months ago
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puppitproductions · 2 years ago
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Working on a red wolf head with a hinged jaw, suitable for Yo-SD sized ball jointed dolls.
Edit: ID in alt text
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puppitproductions · 1 year ago
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Been feeling a bit like that dog from the "this is fine" meme for the last couple years. I hope times will get a little less interesting soon.
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puppitproductions · 2 years ago
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Been working on making doll eyes again, these are the first two tests.
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puppitproductions · 1 year ago
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Tomorrow I'll be at Epic Dollfair in the Netherlands with some fancy new stock.
Hope to see you there!
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puppitproductions · 1 year ago
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I already had the small version, but now I also have an SD-sized war knife prototype! Next up is moulding & casting replicas.
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puppitproductions · 2 years ago
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For april, have this comic about how I made a fool of myself
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puppitproductions · 2 years ago
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Quick update on the red wolf head: hinged jaw now fully operational, next up is final detailing of the nose, ears, and fur.
I hope to find a way to obscure the little neck piece visible through the mouth some more: unfortunately I couldn't move the hinge further back or the jaw wouldn't be able to open to its current maximum range.
Luckily it's only bothersome when viewing the head directly from the front with the jaw open at maximum (last picture is halfway open), tilt it a little and it gets hidden by the snout or cheeks (second-to-last picture).
Image description in alt text.
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puppitproductions · 2 years ago
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(As well as Chag Sameach & Ramadan Mubarak!)
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puppitproductions · 1 year ago
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Have a crafty Halloween everyone~
(Pumpkin made by my good friend Shirley, sock-sweater & doll mods by me)
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puppitproductions · 2 years ago
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Testing some clays for a client and made this little glow-in-the-dark rose~
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puppitproductions · 3 years ago
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(Look at that, only a week late. I am generally not a quick artist. I like to process stuff a bit, first.)
War, disease, fascism, disaster... These sure are some Times.
To all my friends, colleagues, clients, and just fellow humans living through yet another historical event... I wish you all lots of strength, lots of luck, lots of justice, and hopefully in the end, still lots of overall happiness.
I'll be donating to organizations that might help with that.
And clearing out my guest room, just in case someone needs a place to stay- wherever they're from. To my fellow Europeans: while it's understandable that something hits a little closer to home when it is literally closer to your home, you might have more of a personal connection, and maybe feel like in this case, you might actually be able to DO something, which is great: let's not abandon those further away, either.
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