#Punk O Rama 8
rastronomicals · 3 months
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5:38 AM EDT June 13, 2024:
Refused - "Coup D'Etat" From the compilation album Punk O Rama 8 (2003)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
0 notes
c-40 · 5 months
A-T-4 076 Man Parrish Boogie Down (Bronx)
This track has the flow in spades. It’s not difficult to learn about Man Parrish, he talks a about his involvement in music on his excellent Man Parrish Stories YouTube, you can also find many deep interviews with the man online
If you’ve seen the episode of MPS about the making of Boogie Down (Bronx) you will be aware it came about after Mike Wilkinson of Import 12/Sugarscoop had ripped Man Parrish off and he walked away from his contract with them. Even though Hip Hop Be Bop and the first Man Parrish album were big hits he was desperate for money, he’d had to move back in with his father, so arranged to make Boogie Down (Bronx) as a one off deal with Sugarscoop. The track was made in his Brooklyn bedroom at his parents house and was recorded on 8 tracks. I’d like to know more about Raul A. Rodriguez, he’d began working with Mike Wilkinson well before Man Parrish joined, the two worked closely together on these early Man Parrish tracks but also under the names Rama and C.O.D., Raul did a lot of the edits for the Sugarscoop sub label Disconet and his name is on many more great records of the era. Boogie Down (Bronx) is made with Raul, they are immortalised in the verse
My man Man Parrish and Kool Raul
Cooler than the water in a swimming pool
Like a R to the A, the U and the L
Pushing more power than a Duracell
And like the M to the A, the N, N, the Y
The Hip Hop master that you can't deny
So check out the beat and listen to the sound
And if you're from the Bronx just boogie down boogie down
The MC on the track is MC Johnski (John Carter) he was a local kid who they noticed sitting on steps making up raps while they were working on the track. Despite also being screwed over by Sugarscoop, MC Johnski works with Raul and Man Parrish again on the track Go Go Get Down released under their Rama moniker. Mark Berry who I mentioned the other day mixed many of the Man Parrish/Raul A. Rodriguez productions, Berry was the in-house producer at Vanguard Studios
I've heard Man Parrish say in the early eighties they New York was in such a state, you can read about landlords burning down buildings for the insurance, they used to call the bronx the Burnt Down Bronx and this was the inspiration for the title
Man Parrish's first solo record was 1982s Hip Hop Be Bop but he’d been involved in a few projects before that. He’d met Klaus Nomi at the New York New Vaudeville show and worked on his first two albums https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/david-bowie-klaus-nomi-new-wave-vaudeville-show/
As well as Klaus Nomi he also backed Marilyn And The Movie Stars. Man Parrish provides the soundtrack for porno Heat Stroke porno. A track from this gets played by the DJ at The Anvil (that Visage made a track about?) the DJ puts him in touch with Mike Wilkinson who is looking to put out an edit of the track on his Disconet label and he is introduced to Raul A. Rodriguez. Wilkinson inquires about other tracks he might have and Man Parrish signs a dodgy deal to get Hip Hop Be Bop out
Because Man Parrish is a gay white man he says he’s not had the best of time with the hip-hop community (who allegedly prefer ritualised humiliation and paedophilia… diddy, bambaataa… a lot like the British public school system)
Man Parrish has always been popular in the U.K. his biggest hit here was Male Stripper with Man 2 Man. Man 2 Man was Miki Zone and Mandy Zone of The Fast, The Fast were a punk/new wave band who went electronic in the early eighties and began being produced by Bobby O. The brothers then become closely associated with Bobby O productions. Man 2 Man meets Man Parrish - Male Stripper originally comes out in 1986
Man Parrish - Boogie Down (Bronx) here's the story of how he got ripped off and how Unidisc now own his music
(Dub Mix) to make your speakers boom
Rama - Don't Want You To Be (Dub)
0 notes
1. I own a ferret. 2. My best friend is my boyfriend 3. My best friend is a girl 4. I use the word super way too much 5. I am a boy 6. I like My Chemical Romance 7. I own more than 100 CDs 8. I like discussing politics 9. I collect state quarters 10. The Legend of Zelda is my favorite video game. 11. I have Cingular 12. I love MAC makeup 13. I smoke too much 14. I own more than 5 bandanas 15. My favorite movie is Kill Bill 16. I watched Lamb Chop when I was young 17. I have my ears gauged 18. I can do HTML without guidance 19. I watch Spongebob Squarepants regularly. 20. I go to the movies at least once a week 21. I play guitar or bass 22. I love Elvis 23. I’ve had a mo/bi/trihawk before 24. I have met my favorite band 25. I like to hardcore dance 26. Something’s outside my window 27. I believe in ghosts 28. I do drugs regularly 29. I am straightedge 30. My favorite feature about myself is my lips 31. I have never consumed alcohol 32. I want a tattoo. 33. My favorite actor is Will Ferrell. 34. I have seen Conan O'Brien live. 35. I hate MTV 36. I used to watch Cheaters every week 37. I have my own vaccuum 38. Frank Sinatra is awesome 39. I sleep with a stuffed animal 40. I am scared of werewolves 41. I watch hockey regularly 42. I am originally from New York 43. I own an iPod 44. Some people aren’t funny. 45. I hate school. 46. My favorite vegetable is lettuce. 47. Tickle fights are fun. 48. I am currently unemployed. 49. I have my license 50. I hate spelling mistakes 51. I love Spanish class 52. I live in a big city 53. I have been to the Grand Canyon 54. I listen to music to fall asleep 55. I watch TV to fall asleep 56. I only get a few hours of sleep each night 57. I’m relatively innocent. 58. I am a size 3 or smaller 59. I’m bored. 60. Purple is my favorite color. 61. I hate flossing 62. I have a car. 63. I believe in God 64. I’m in love. 65. I used to love Unwritten Law. 66. Reno 911 is my favorite show. 67. There is a mini stapler on my computer desk. 68. Cuddling’s my favorite. 69. For sure. 70. I have a flip phone 71. I love my handwriting 72. I own a Louis Vuitton handbag 73. I want to be an astronaut. 74. I love the song Dragostea Din Tei 75. 50 Cent is not talented 76. I like scanners better than digital cameras. 77. I own at least one Punk-O-Rama CD 78. My room is sound proof. 79. I’m 5'5 or less 80. Lying pisses me off 81. I backstab people. 82. I have been in a fist fight. 83. I have PaintShop Pro. 84. It’s almost midnight 85. My nightlight is cracked 86. I only listen to Dashboard Confessional when I’m sad 87. And I feel like a pansy when I do so 88. I hate metal 89. I’m in a band. 90. Napoleon Dynamite is annoying now. 91. I love hickeys 92. I want to lose weight 93. My favorite channel is the Food Network. 94. I don’t have a CD burner. 95. Pixar is stupid except for the Incredibles 96. I own an apartment/house 97. I am engaged. 98. My computer’s a Gateway. 99. I hate driving. 100. I like watching boys sleep. =========================== 01. I miss someone right now 02. I don’t watch much TV these days 03. I love olives 04. I love sleeping 05. I own lots of books 06. I wear glasses or contact lenses 07. I love to play video games 08. I’ve tried marijuana 09. I’ve watched porn movies 10. I have been in a threesome 11. I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship 12. I believe honesty is usually the best policy 13. I have acne free skin usually 14. I like and respect Al Sharpton 15. I curse frequently 16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year 17. I have a hobby 18. I’ve been told I can suck the chromes off a trailer hitch. 19. I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me 20. I’m smart 21. I’ve never broken someone’s bones 22. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal 23. I hate the rain 24. I’m paranoid at times 25. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scars. 26. I need money right now! 27. I love Sushi 28. I talk really, really fast sometimes 29. I have fresh breath in the morning 30. I have semi-long hair 31. I have lost money in Las Vegas 32. I have at least one brother and/or one sister 33. I was born in a country outside of the U.S. 34. I shave my legs 35. I have a twin 36. I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past 37. I couldn’t survive without Caller I.D. 38. I like the way that I look sometimes 39. I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months 40. I know how to do cornrows 41. I am usually pessimistic 42. I have a lot of mood swings 43. I think prostitution should be legalized 44. I think Britney Spears is hot 45. I have cheated on a significant other in the past 46. I have a hidden talent 47. I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar I have. 48. I think that I’m popular 49. I am currently single 50. I have kissed someone of the same sex 51. I enjoy talking on the phone 52. I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants 53. I love to shop. 54. I would rather shop than eat 55. I would classify myself as ghetto. 56. I’m bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders 57. I’m obsessed with my Livejournal 58. I don’t hate anyone. 59. I’m a pretty good dancer 60. I don’t think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington 61. I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother 62. I have a cell phone 63. I believe in God/ a higher being. 64. I watch MTV/Vh1 on a daily basis 65. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months 66. I love drama. 67. I have never been in a real romantic relationship before 68. I’ve rejected someone before 69. I currently have a crush on someone 70. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life 71. I want to have children in the future 72. I have changed a diaper before 73. I’ve called the cops on a friend before 74. I bite my nails 75. I am a member of the Tom Green fan club 76. I’m not allergic to anything 77. I have a lot to learn 78. I have dated someone at least 10 years older or younger 79. I plan on seeing Ice Cube’s newest “Friday” movie 80. I am sometimes shy around the opposite sex 81. I’m online 24/7, even as an away message 82. I have at least 5 away messages saved 83. I have tried alcohol or drugs before 84. I have made a move on a friend’s significant other in the past 85. I own the “South Park” movie 86. I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Xanga or Livejournal 87. When I was a kid I played “the birds and the bees” with a neighbor or chum 88. I enjoy some country music 90. I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza 91. I watch soap operas whenever I can 92. I’m obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist 93. I have used my sexuality to advance my career 94. I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all 95. I know all the words to Slick Rick’s “Children’s Story” 96. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy 97. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it 98. I have dated a close friend’s ex 99. I’m happy as of this moment 100. I was born in the 80s but I am truly a child of the 90s  101. I have slapped john dasaro and chris burke in the face..on the same night 102. I haven’t showered in two days… and I like it. 103. i own every f***er here 104. I procrastinate all the time 105. I’m a nerd 106. I LOVE the movie The Wedding Singer. 107. i hate corn. 108. i’ve attended the rocky horror picture show 109. i’ve never seen Bambi the movie 110. Thinking about the future terrifies me 111. Without music there would be no point in living. 112. If I could change one thing about myself I would 113. If someone of the same sex liked me, I would date them. 114. I went to the mall today for 5 hours ================================ Would do Have Done
001. Bought everyone in the pub a drink 002. Swam with wild dolphins 003. Climbed a mountain *004. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive 005. Been inside the Great Pyramid 006. Held a tarantula. *007. Taken a candlelit bath with someone 008. Said ‘I love you’ and meant it. 009. Hugged a tree *010. Done a striptease 011. Bungee jumped *012. Visited Paris 013. Watched a lightning storm at sea *014. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise several times *015. Seen the Northern Lights 016. Gone to a huge sports game 017. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa *018. Grown and eaten your own vegetables *019. Touched an iceberg *020. Slept under the stars 021. Changed a baby’s diaper 022. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon *023. Watched a meteor shower *024. Gotten drunk on champagne *025. Given more than you can afford to charity 026. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope 027. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment 028. Had a food fight 029. Bet on a winning horse 030. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 031. Asked out a stranger 032. Had a snowball fight 033. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier 034. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can 035. Held a lamb 036. Organized and planned a surprise party for a loved one *037. Taken a midnight skinny dip 038. Taken an ice cold bath 039. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar 040. Seen a total eclipse 041. Ridden a roller coaster 042. Hit a home run 043. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days 044. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking *045. Adopted an accent for an entire day 046. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 047. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment *048. Had two hard drives for your computer *049. Visited all 50 states 050. Loved your job for all accounts *051. Taken care of someone who was really sick *052. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 053. Had amazing friends 054. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country *055. Watched wild whales 056. Stolen a sign 057. Backpacked in Europe *058. Taken a road-trip 059. Rock climbing 060. Lied to foreign government’s official in that country to avoid notice *061. Midnight walk on the beach 062. Sky diving *063. Visited Ireland 064. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love 065. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them *066. Visited Japan 067. Bench pressed your own weight 068. Milked a cow 069. Alphabetized your records 070. Pretended to be a superhero 071. Sung karaoke 072. Lounged around in bed all day 073. Protested something you feel strongly against 074. Scuba diving *075. Got it on to “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye 076. Kissed in the rain 077. Played in the mud 078. Played in the rain *079. Gone to a drive-in theater 080. Done something you should regret, but don’t regret *081. Visited the Great Wall of China 082. Discovered that someone who’s not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog 083. Dropped Windows in favor of something better 084. Started a business 085. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken 086. Toured ancient sites 087. Taken a martial arts class 088. Swordfought for the honor of a woman 089. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight *090. Gotten married 091. Been in a movie 092. Crashed a party 093. Loved someone you shouldn’t have *094. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy 095. Gotten divorced 096. Started an office war 097. Gone without food for 5 days 098. Made cookies from scratch 099. Won first prize in a costume contest 100. Ridden a gondola in Venice 101. Gotten a tattoo 102. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on 103. Rafted the Snake River 104. Been on television news programs as an “expert" 105. Got flowers for no reason 106. Made out in a public place 107. Got so drunk you don’t remember anything 108. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug 109. Performed on stage 110. Been to Las Vegas 111. Recorded music 112. Eaten shark *113. Drank an entire 6 pack by yourself *114. Gone to Thailand 115. Seen Siouxsie *116. Bought a house 117. Been in a combat zone 118. Buried one/both of your parents 119. Shaved all of your hair off *120. Been on a cruise ship 121. Spoken more than one language fluently 122. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone 123. Bounced a check 124. Performed in theatre 125. Read - and understood - your credit report *126. Raised children 127. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy *128. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour *129. Created and named your own constellation of stars 130. Taken a bicycle tour in a foreign country 131. Found out something significant that your ancestors did 132. Called or written your Congress person 133. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over 135. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge 136. Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking 137. Had an abortion 138. Had plastic surgery 139. Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived 140. Wrote articles for a large publication 141. Lost over 100 pounds 142. Held someone while they were having a flashback 143. Piloted an airplane 144. Petted a stingray 145. Broken someone’s heart 146. Helped an animal give birth 147. Been fired or laid off from a job 148. Won money on a TV game show 149. Broken a bone 150. Killed a human being *151. Gone on an African photo safari 152. Ridden a motorcycle 153. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph 154. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced 155. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol 156. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild 157. Ridden a horse 158. Had major surgery 159. Ridden on a passenger train 160. Had a snake as a pet 161. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon 162. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing 163. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours 164. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states *165. Visited all 7 continents 166. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days 167. Eaten kangaroo meat 168. Fallen in love at an ancient Mayan burial ground 169. Been a sperm or egg donor 170. Eaten sushi 171. Had your picture in the newspaper 172. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime *173. Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about 174. Gotten someone fired for their actions 175. Gone back to school 176. Parasailed 177. Changed your name 178. Petted a cockroach 179. Eaten fried green tomatoes 180. Read The Iliad 181. Selected one "important” author who you missed in school, and read 182. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them 183. …and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you 184. Taught yourself an art from scratch 185. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 186. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt *187. Skipped all your school reunions 188. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language 189. Been elected to public office 190. Written your own computer language 191. Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream 192. Had to put someone you love into hospice care 193. Built your own PC from parts 194. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you 195. Had a booth at a street fair 196: Dyed your hair blue 197: Been a DJ 198: Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal 199: Written your own role playing game 200: Been arrested ====================== 1. I have self-mutilated before. 2. I still love the song Dragostea Din Tei 3. I used to like New Kids on the Block 4. The 80s was funny. 5. I have realtones enabled on my cellular phone. 6. Public bathrooms scare me 7. I have keys on my belt 8. I’m not wearing a belt 9. I hate writing 10. I hate reading 1. I love compilation CDs 12. My favorite teachers have all been guys 13. I think Bad Religion’s only been around for ten or so years 14. I don’t know who Bad Religion is. 15. I don’t wear my hood unless it’s raining 16. I enjoy smaller clubs rather than big ones 17. I’ve put a song on repeat for more than 8 hours 18. I have sound on my computer  19. Someone wants my hiney. 20. My mom loves Elvis 21. I have my own computer 22. I live on the east coast 23. My favorite animal is a kangaroo 24. I’m on vacation 25. I don’t own a pair of ripped jeans 26. I am very insecure somewhat 27. I love to dance 28. I curse way too much. 29. I choose the pansy way and star out my curse words (f*ck) 30. I feel dumb because I was just called a pansy 31. I have a flatscreen computer 32. I collect something. 33. I’m married 34. I won’t date someone who’s smaller than me smaller, as in also shorter? 35. Brass knuckles are the shit. 36. I own a hand puppet 37. I write with blue pens 38. I wear eye makeup almost every day 39. I wish I lived somewhere other than here 40. I don’t own a band shirt. Not yet anyway.. 41. I love techno. 42. I have my nipples pierced 43. I’m shitty at wrapping presents 44. I know someone in the KKK 45. I’m racist/anti-semitist. 46. I don’t know what those mean. 47. I love life most of the time 48. I have posters all over my room 49. I’ve never been a camera whore with someone.. And I want to. 50. I’m halfway done 51. I wish I lived in the 80s 52. I know what the term borgie means 53. I’m interested in social hierarchy. 54. I love music videos. 55. I have a DVD player 56. I’m drunk right now 57. I’m listening to music 58. I have a big screen TV 59. I have an STD 60. I know the singer of the Clash’s name 61. The only IM program I have is AIM 62. I skateboard regularly 63. I live on the north side of town 64. I have been to Alaska 65. I’ve worn a cowboy hat 66. I watch late night infomercials for retarded, unnecessary things 67. I LOVE DOING THE DEATH GROWL TO MY FAVORITE METAL SONGS. 68. That last question was dumb. 69. I know what the word “peligroso” means in English 70. I speak another language fluently 71. I’ve been in a limo 72. I own a bong 73. My lungs hurt 74. I know someone who’s committed suicide 75. I’ve got a six pack and I don’t need you! 76. I know what band sung the above line 77. I like strong boys. 78. I’m sick right now 79. I know someone who’s currently enlisted in the army 80. I do not own a color phone 81. My birthday is in September 82. I hate mall cops 83. I hate most cops in general 84. I’m wearing blush 85. I live in an apartment 86. I’m still in high school. 87. I own something from Victoria’s Secret 88. I don’t know a boy that wears girls pants 89. I’ve had the same best friend since I was 8. 90. Brownies are my favorite 91. So is cake 92. I’ve heard the song “Looks Good in Leather” 93. I own some sort of propaganda, fake or real 94. I deny the Holocaust happened 95. Kisses are my favorite sign of affection 96. I need to charge my phone 97. My purse could pass for a suitcase 98. I take birth control 99. I only buy what’s fashionable
1. I love bolding 2. I know someone named Mimi 3. I hate my old best friend 4. My favorite alcoholic drink is Jack n Coke 5. I have a digital camera 6. I’m talking to at least one person online 7. I like watching college basketball 8. I have never moved. 9. I have at least one cat 10. I have at least one dog 11. I’m going to see a movie tonight maybe 12. I make my own AIM icons 13. I’m in pain 14. I watch more than five shows a day 15. I love the Cure 16. My parents like some of the same music I do 17. I have never been to the dentist 18. I listen to the radio 19. I do my own laundry 20. I’ve made at least one article of clothing 21. I have/want something on my face pierced 22. I go to at least one concert a week 23. I’ve written a story 24. I’ve dyed my hair every color of the rainbow 25. I own a Grand Theft Auto game 26. My favorite pattern is camoflauge 27. I know someone who does/did cocaine 28. I have too many game systems 29. I love scary movies 30. I hate scary movies 31. I’ve had sex more than 5 times 32. My favorite chips are Lays Original 33. I think butter is unhealthy 34. I hate the Osbournes 35. I used to have dreadlocks 36. I need to take medicine for something 37. I suffer from insomnia 38. I speak ebonics 39. I’ve gambled 40. And won 41. I have at least one gay friend 42. I like going to pet stores 43. I own a dog toy 44. And I don’t have a dog 45. I own more than ten candles 46. I’ve smoked a cigarette in the shower before 47. I’ve flunked a class 48. I listen to music every day 49. I have more than one nickname 50. I wear pajamas when I feel like it 51. I’m wearing more than one jewelry item 52. I haven’t washed my hair in a week 53. I watch the Grammy’s every year 54. Along with the Macy’s Parade 55. My favorite season is winter 56. I have seen the All American Rejects live 57. And I’ve enjoyed it. 58. Boobs are nothing special 59. I go swimming at least once a week in summer. 60. I have a pool. 61. I’ve gone skinnydipping 62. I’ve played strip poker 63. And lost 64. I want a nautical star tattoo 65. My cell phone turns off when it’s charging 66. And it pisses me off 67. I used to buy my entire wardrobe from Hot Topic 68. I’ve been to albinoblacksheep.com 69. My favorite subject is History 70. And/or math 71. I am a republican 72. I am a democrat 73. I listen to the Used occasionally 74. I have been to the Warped Tour 75. I am part Mexican 76. I am part German 77. All of my grandparents are still alive. 79. I love bowling 80. I know that there is a South Park, Colorado 81. I love Dairy Queen 82. Sometimes I think I’m crazy 83. I own a Moffatts CD 84. I own a Backstreet Boys CD 85. I want plastic surgery 86. Operation, operation, snip and tie, snip and tie 87. I know what song that line is from 88. I have killed something [bugs!] 89. I’ve never had a Nokia cell phone 90. I’m never sarcastic 91. Light eyes turn me on 92. I have never been to a foreign country 93. I don’t eat enough 94. I own illegal weaponry 95. I know someone who has overdosed on something 96. And lived to tell about it 97. I don’t own a pair of mittens 98. I love the heat 99. I’ve never had a steady boyfriend/gf 100. I want to makeout.
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katvondmexico-blog · 5 years
Kat Von D para LA Times (Marzo 2020)
Kat Von D lamenta su publicación anti-vacunas: ‘Estaba completamente mal informada’
Kat Von D, cubierta en tatuajes, usando unos pants de yoga para día de mudanza y una blusa suelta color negro que permite ver sus hombros, te guía emocionada hacía la parte de arriba de su nueva mansión en Windsor Square. Estás ahí para hablar de su recién lanzada línea de calzado vegano, y otras noticias, pero primero, tiene algo que mostrarte.
Te lleva hacía unas escaleras magníficas, con remates de bolas de cristal brillantes, pasando por una pintura tamaño real de ‘el diablo’ susurrando al oído de Jesús, continuando más allá del cuarto. Ella expande sus manos de forma amplia con el drama de un “ta-dá” cómo el de los magos, revelando su marquesina.
Está parada en frente de un armario en forma de chelo lo suficientemente grande para esconder a un humano. Está decorado con un par de serpientes talladas en madera, acentuado con una cabeza arriba y un inscrito en Latín enfrente. “Dice, ‘En Dios Confiábamos’ — tiempo pasado”, ella agrega, antes de añadir un “ta-dá” más grande. “Éste era un regalo de Napoleon para su concertista de chelo favorito. Lo compré en una subasta, y llegó hoy.”
Von D, la artista de tatuajes de 38 años que construyó su camino hacía un reality de TV a base de agujas en “L.A. Ink” hace una década, es quizás igual de reconocida por una oferta de una colección de cuatro lápices labiales de licencia compartida con Sephora hace 12 años, que después se expandió a una marca de belleza global multimillonaria.
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Kat Von D, en el set del programa “Miami Ink” de TLC, que la catapultó a la fama — y el derivado posterior, su propio programa llamado “L.A. Ink”, que era grabado en su estudio de West Hollywood, “High Voltage Tattoo”.
Entre el tiempo que estás buscando agendar la entrevista con ella, y el momento en que te apareces en su puerta frontal de su mansión en donde querubines de mármol arrodillados flanquean su chimenea, Von D ha anunciado en una publicación de Instagram que ella y sus socios de mucho tiempo en Kat Von D Beauty — LVMH, dueños de la marca incubadora Kendo Brands — se separan. Inmediatamente después de ese anuncio a mediados de enero, Kendo cambió el nombre de la línea multipremiada a KVD Vegan Beauty, dejando abierta la especulación de que la razón del rompimiento no se debía a lo que Von D había declarado — para que se pudiera enfocar en su creciente negocio de zapatos y en la gira para promocionar su álbum que será lanzado pronto — y que en realidad, tenía que ver más con cierta controversia de hace dos años.
Fue ahí que Von D prendió fuego al internet, cuando aún estaba próxima a ser madre, compartió una foto de su vientre y declaró que no quería vacunar a su hijo [en ese entonces] no nacido.
En esta mañana tardía de Febrero, con su (muy vacunado) hijo de 16 meses bajo el ojo de águila de su niñera en algún sitio de su nueva mansión y su gato sin pelo de raza Sphynx de nombre Nietzsche acostado en su regazo, la mujer cuyo nombre de nacimiento es Katherine Von Drachengerg, con lo que parece ser lágrimas pequeñas acumulándose en sus ojos, está lista para aclarar un par de temas.
“Cuando se trata del problema de las vacunas”, ella dice con un ligero temblor en su voz, “Estaba con seis meses de embarazo en el momento, y todavía intentando descifrar mi plan para el nacimiento de mi hijo. Y, en ese momento, hice una publicación totalmente desconsiderado en mi Instagram, sobre si iba a vacunarlo o no. Y, por eso, la gente piensa que soy algo no es cierto…”
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Cuando estaba embarazada de su hijo Leafar en el 2018, Kat Von D compartió en su Instagram sobre sus deseos de no querer vacunarlo, iniciando una tormenta de controversia. (Mariah Tauger / Los Angeles Times)
“Pero la verdad es, que no soy anti-vacunas para nada”, dice Von D, “Simplemente cometí un error, y estaba completamente mal informada. Fue estúpido, y realmente no debí abrir mi bocata sobre ese tema”
Von D confiesa que mientras ella recibió un oleaje de respuestas negativas cómo resultado de dicha publicación en Instagram del 2018 — y que todavía continúa en la actualidad en cierto nivel — no tuvo nada que ver con que ella y Kendo terminaran su relación laboral; en realidad sólo se trató de la línea de tiempo con sus otros proyectos. (Representantes de KVD Vegan Beauty declinaron comentar al respecto, pero le desearon a su antigua fundadora “la mejor de la suertes.”)
“Ya habíamos estado en disputas legales profundas un año anterior a esto,” ella comenta. [Kat Von D Beauty] no era algo que pudiera simplemente entregar, sólo recoger algún cheque a cambio de desconectarme de todo. …Me involucro de una manera que llega a ser dolorosa en todo lo que hago, y tiendo a hacer “micro gestión” — estoy segura de que Kendo puede confirmar eso — pero, justo es parte de lo que hizo a la marca hermosa. Fue algo duro para mi. 
…No quería ser deshonesta con el público y decir, ‘Hey, todo sigue igual,’ cuando en realidad, es que no estaré involucrada de ninguna manera.” El cambio de nombre, ella adhiere, “tomó mucho compromiso por parte de ellos.”
Quizás la mayor huella que Von D dejó en la marca de cosméticos de 12 años (además de sus iniciales en los empaques) fue el haber presionado para que toda la línea fuera reformada para ser vegana. “Había sido vegetariana por un tiempo largo, pero en el 2011, cuando me convertí en vegana, sentí que debía tomar más acción, y menos palabras,” ella dice. “Y ellos siempre apoyaron mi visión, entonces me respaldaron. Tomó mucho dinero y energía en su momento — alrededor de un año — para simplemente hacerlo. Tuvimos que reemplazar ingredientes cómo cera de abeja y carmina [un pigmento hecho de escarabajos molidos]. No tenía idea de nada de eso cuando empezamos.”
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Kat Von D con Nietzsche, su gato Sphynx, que es uno de tres (los otros dos son Piaf y Poe), en su hogar de Windsor Square. (Mariah Tauger / Los Angeles Times)
Otra parte de poner el ejemplo, significaba sacar de su clóset cientos de zapatos hechos con cuero, lo cuál logró gracias a Twitter, al invitar a sus seguidores que calzaran del 8 EU que pasaran a su estudio de tatuajes en West Hollywood ubicado en La Brea Avenue, a recogerlos sin ningún costo. (Von D aclara que se quedó con dos partes de tacones dignos de ser expuestos en un museo, que fueron usados por la mismísima Bettie Page en una sesión fotográfica de Irving Klaw, pero ella no los usa.) Este movimiento resultó ser la semilla para su futura incursión al mundo del calzado. 
“Cuando me convertí en vegana, estaba bastante desesperada por poder encontrar zapatos veganos que me gustaran,” ella cuenta. 
“No podía, en pleno uso de mis facultades mentales, apoyar una industria que desolla animales vivos. Simplemente no podía. No podía ponérmelos [esos zapatos] en los pies y caminar por ahí, fingiendo que soy activista por los derechos animales. Así que pensé, ‘si nadie lo va a hacer, ¡Entonces yo lo hago’ ”
Ella aclaró que mientras hay, efectivamente, oferta de zapatos veganos allá afuera, no se acomodaban a su estética particular. “No son de estilo hippie,” Von D dice. “Me considero una vegana moderna. “
Su búsqueda eventualmente la puso en la misma órbita que Rebecca Mink, una estilista de moda de las celebridades y pionera en la rama de zapatos de lujo veganos (cuya línea propia homónima, Mink, fue lanzada en el 2000). Mink la conectó a su propia fábrica de confianza en Florencia, Italia, un negocio familiar que no solamente manufactura calzado para marcas de lujo exclusivas (Gucci, Dior y Christian Louboutin, entre ellos) también. Rebecca ya estaba familiarizada con el uso de sustitutos de materiales de derivados animales, cómo manzanas comprimidas para hacer cuero vegano (que además, es amigable con el planeta) e hizo que Kat quisiera incorporarlos en sus propios productos.
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Von D Shoes fueron oficialmente lanzados en el Día Mundial del Veganismo — 1ero de noviembre, 2019 — con 13 estilos que son clave para entender sus nombres dentro de la estética visual gótica-punk-combinando-con-pinup. En la mezcla están las botas Slayer de color negro, que llegan arriba de las pantorrillas y tienen un cierre en la parte trasera en forma de cruz ($250 USD, en parte un homenaje a una de sus bandas favoritas, ella dice, y en parte un guiño a la idea del “Vampire Slayer” (cazador de vampiros) o “Slay all day” (“hazlo genial todo el día”).
También, hay unos con exterior en satín negro/interior rojo de cuero llamados Coven I con hebilla y un tacón esculpido pequeño ($180 USD, “Un ‘coven’ (aquelarre) es un grupo de brujas, por lo que creo que es un zapato de hermandad,” ella dice. Ambos estilos se agotaron muy rápido de una manera inesperada — en cuestión de minutos, de acuerdo a Von D
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Los Adele ($220), uno de los más populares de los 13 estilos de Von D Shoes que fueron lanzados en el Día Mundial del Veganismo en el 2019, tienen un corte de láser en el material de terciopelo que asemeja una telaraña y unos tacones de 5 pulgadas.
“[Eso] fue algo aterrador para mi,” ella explica, “porque quería tenerlos en línea por un poco más, pero obviamente estábamos emocionados al saber que las personas estaban recibiéndolos tan bien. Recientemente lanzamos nuestra tienda en línea para Europa, y los mismos modelos se agotaron en menos de un día.”
Otros modelos disponibles durante el lanzamiento incluyeron los tacones de dedos abiertos Adele ($220), con corte láser en forma de telaraña en el material de terciopelo (“nombrados así por una de mis musas, diseñadora de sombreros y artista Adele Mildred,” Von D dice), y las zapatillas Calavera, con relieve de patrón de piel de cocodrilo y hechos con cuero vegano de patente ($200, en negro o rosa chicle) adornados con el detalle de un hueso “de perro” hecho de metal, algo caricaturizado, en la parte frontal. Ella le llama al zapato “mi homenaje para todas las mamás de perros por ahí”, dice, agregando que el 100% de las ganancias de este modelo en particular, serán donadas a Best Friends Animal Society, una fundación destinada al rescate de animales sin hogar en Los Angeles.
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“Si nadie va a hacerlo...¡Entonces yo lo haré” 
Von D explica que los nuevos estilos van a salir tan pronto estén listos (en vez de manejarlo por temporadas), y los agotados serán surtidos de acuerdo a la demanda, en parte para disminuir el impacto ambiental, pero también para librarse de entregas cíclicas. “Eso está pasando en el mundo del maquillaje ahora,” ella agrega. “Todo es sobre lo nuevo, y ahora se agregan temporadas cada…día. No sé si quiero contribuir a eso. [Es por ello también], que con la excepción de pocos estilos que son para alguna caridad o colaboraciones, no planeo hacer nada edición limitada [zapatos]. Estoy dejando mucho de mi en cada diseño, y están destinados a que te duren toda la vida. ¿Por qué querría que estuvieran aquí [hoy] y ya se hayan ido mañana?”
Emmanuelle Rienda, fundadora de la Vegan Fashion Week en Los Angeles, dice que a pesar de que Von D Shoes no está precisamente líder en combinación de temas de ética y sustentabilidad de calzado vegano, sí está al frente cuando se trata de ser una línea lanzada por una celebridad. Y eso, de acuerdo a ella, vale mucho.
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Los zapatos GirlSchool combinan el estilo clásico “saddle” en piel vegana con una plataforma de dos pulgadas y tacón de 6.
“Las celebridades veganas tienen un valor en señalar problemas de conciencia social,” Rienda dice. “Que Kat Von D esté haciendo un esfuerzo en tener una cadena de abastecimiento ética es excelente; que ella probando materiales nuevos cómo el cuero de manzanas, que es mucho más sustentable [que otros cueros veganos], es bueno. Estas cosas muestran que ella tiene una gran visión.”
Rienda, quien se convirtió en vegana a la par que Kat Von D Beauty reformulara sus ingredientes en el 2016 para ser totalmente libre de ingredientes de procedencia animal, también señala que el status de celebridad de la tatuadora, fue un gran instrumento para crecer una audiencia [en su momento] para la marca vegana de belleza.
Von D parece estar consiente de manera entusiasta de su poder y responsabilidad cómo celebridad, especialmente tratándose de educación y consciencia sobre algún problema.
“Siento que si tienes la oportunidad de tener una plataforma, ¿Por qué no la usarías para bien? Von D comenta. “Esa es la belleza de las redes sociales. Me encanta aprender y me encanta aprender cuando he cometido un error — no tengo problemas en admitirlo. De hecho, creo que es emocionante para mi [el ser capaz] de mejorarme cómo persona. Se trata de cómo mandas un mensaje hacía el mundo. No tienes que decir, ‘Hey, hazte vegano.’ Puedes decir, Hey, mira lo que estoy haciendo aquí.’ “
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Kat Von D dice que no le importa si otras marcas imitan lo que está haciendo con su nueva línea de zapatos veganos. “Quiero que me copien” ella comenta.
 “Si todos pudiéramos estar en sintonía, imagina el impacto tan grande y maravilloso que podríamos hacer.”
Además, la tatuadora, estrella de reality, ex-magnate de belleza y fundadora de una línea de calzado vegano, ha dejado en claro que su segundo acto ciertamente no será su último. El mes próximo, el primer sencillo de su álbum debut titulado “Love Made Me Do It” (El Amor Me Hizo Hacerlo”), llegará, seguido del disco entero y un tour internacional programado para otoño. Su esposo, Rafael Reyes (la mitad del dúo electrónico Prayers), saldrá de gira con ella, y su pequeño hijo, Leafar, será parte de la excursión.
“Quiero tener un equipo de puras mujeres para el camino”, dice Von D sobre su tour. “No creo que alguien haya hecho eso antes. Y haremos todo un documental sobre ello.”
Artículo original: Kat Von D is sorry about that anti-vaxx post: ‘I was completely uninformed’ por ADAM TSCHORN
All credits go to their respective owners, we claim no rights whatsoever on this material / Todos los créditos van a sus dueños correspondientes, no presumimos derechos en lo absoluto sobre este material
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oigulerml · 5 years
TOP de la DECADA 2010
Estos son, en mi opinión, los discos más importantes de la década de los 2010′s:
10.- Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino - Arctic Monkeys - “What do you mean you’ve never seen Blade Runner?”
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Tuve la oportunidad de ver en un par de ocasiones a esta banda en vivo esta década y siempre me impresiona la capacidad que tienen de reinventarse con cada nuevo disco que sacan; me quedo con este último porque me parece el mejor y va muy a tono con el discurso de esta época en que se desvanecen los límites entre la ciencia-ficción y la realidad en tantos ámbitos.
9.- El Mal Querer - Rosalía - “Amargas penas te vendo, caramelos también tengo...”
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Si alguien está haciendo las cosas bien esta década, es esta morena de voz maravillosa. Quizás sea un poco pronto para calcular los daños de la irrupción de Rosalía, que me tuvo predicando durante el 2018: “¿tienes un segundo para que te hable de Rosalía?”; pero la influencia e impacto estético que ha tenido a nivel global es evidente. Para confeccionar El Mal Querer se junta con El Guincho, uno de los productores más interesantes e innovadores de la década y las consecuencias del giro que le dan al flamenco, son estupendas.
8.- Innerspeaker - Tame Impala - “The only one who’s really judging you is yourself, nobody else...”
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Tame Impala nace a principios de la década para darle un nuevo giro al rock psicodélico de estética de caleidoscopio. Con una voz que evoca a Lennon, nos recuerda que hacer música desde casa está en nuestras manos. Si bien el debate sobre cuál es el mejor de los discos que han lanzado esta década sigue abierto, elijo este primer disco porque es el que pone a Australia en el mapa y porque en él es más claro que la base que cimienta las deliciosas interacciones entre los múltiples efectos de las guitarras y el bajo, es la batería. Las canciones de este primer disco son suficientemente ricas sin añadirles la levadura psico-activa de los sintetizadores y la influencia de esta banda va más allá de otras propuestas que adoptan esta estética de caleidoscopio; importante ha sido la capacidad de asociación de sus integrantes con Pond, Mark Ronson, A$AP Rocky, Kali Uchis y un sinfín de artistas innovadores más.
7.- 22, A Million - Bon Iver - “I’ve been sleeping in a stable, mate; not gonna do you no favors...”
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Disco brutalmente reconfortante con el que arranca una nueva etapa de Bon Iver, después de que se disolviera en algún sombrío momento de la década. Nos brinda, desde que arranca hasta que termina un revolcón de sonido que consiste en la industrialización del folk y art-pop de su primera etapa. Cuenta con letras más abstractas y arreglos que algo beben de Yeezus y James Blake. No se puede pasar por alto el elaborado simbolismo de la portada del disco y de los nombres de las canciones; encubre un disco brillante con el que otras civilizaciones disfrutarán al descubrirnos.
6.- Salad Days - Mac Demarco - “Goodbye weekend, so long darling, Mac’s been a bad, bad boy...”
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Esta década nos trajo a uno de los personajes más geniales y genuinos del rock cervecero, actual bandera de innumerables festivales veraniegos. Joie de vivre. En este disco considero que se plasma el sonido original de ropa vieja enjuagada en psicodelia, construido a partir de un amor por el rock & roll de décadas pasadas, sin dejar de ser un sonido tan fresco como para permear nuevas propuestas. Se acabaron los días de ensalada.
5.- La Fiesta del Rey Drama - Americania - “Necesito tomar aire, no estar solo, hablar de lo que me pasa...”
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De la manera más sutil que se haya visto en Caracas, tres amigos experimentan los dolores de tener un corazón puro. Compuestas en esa atmósfera silenciosa de las noches de ardor, estas canciones nacen como una necesidad profunda de expresar lo que se está viviendo. Un disco con un sentido de despedida y es que es una obra con la que recordar que Americania sigue siendo un continente por descubrir.
4.- Channel Orange - Frank Ocean - “Monks in the mosh pit!”
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De los negritos más creativos de la década, rompiéndote un montón de esquemas con una voz más sedosa que la de tu querido Romeo Santos. Más sedosa y menos merecedora de ser un guilty pleasure. Un brillante disco que parece consistir en tomas de grabación registradas con naturalidad y que denotan un profundo sentido artístico.
3.- Musas, Vol. 1 & 2 - Natalia Lafourcade de la mano de Los Macorinos
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Natalia continúa paseándose río adentro en el homenaje al folclore latinoamericano en que ha convertido su obra esta década, realizando un estudio profundo de los más importantes compositores y rindiéndoles pleitesía reconstruyendo sus canciones. Ambos volúmenes de las Musas son un refresco en la incesante producción de música nueva. Un poquito en nota de reutilización medioambiental, es el mayor provecho que se podía extraer de estas canciones: revivirlas. Inicialmente sería un único disco pero terminaron saliendo tan bien estos experimentos y conversaciones entre músicos, que hubo que quedarse con ambas partes. Tiene un documental preciosísimo en el que se explora la intimidad en que este conjunto de canciones fueron reconcebidas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-9N4kcNpmw
2.- My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - Kanye West - “Who will survive in America?”
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MBDTF no solo establece las pautas de lo que será un ascenso ilimitado del hip-hop esta década, sino que da paso a un montón de artistas que beben de este género, influenciando la mayor parte de la escena mundial. Es difícil concebir la música de gran consumo y concretamente la rama del hip-hop, rap, trap, R&B e incluso pop rock, sin tener en cuenta esta obra maestra de Kanye. Marca además un antes y un después en las sucesivas producciones que nos comparte: los discos dejan de ser mixtapes compuestos por beats más o menos elaborados y juegos de palabras memorables, sino que van con un concepto y una estética disruptivas.
1.- Random Access Memories - Daft Punk - “Give life back to music”
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Con el surgir de la Inteligencia Artificial este par de robots desarrollan un soul y una capacidad de asociarse con los humanos más talentosos para regalarnos un maravilloso compilado de recuerdos en forma de canciones.
Bien leído
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Sunt fata de 15 ani ce a intretinut relatii sexuale cu fratele sau de 22. Am mers la controlul ginecologic impreuna cu el, si sunt insarcinata. Ma gandesc sa pastrez copilul, iar el vrea sa fugim impreuna si sa il crestem impreuna. Parintiilor nu le pot spune nimic, mama mi-a tinut morala sa nu raman insarcinata pana la 23 de ani, ca si ea, dar chiar imi doresc copilul asta. Il iubesc, nu stiu daca intelegeti. Tata m-ar omori atat pe mine cat si pe fratele meu in bataie daca ar afla. Un sfat pls
Eu zic ca cel mai bine este sa faci avort si sa stai acasa langa ai tai si sa nu mai intretii relatii sexuale cu fratele tau. Dupa fuga ta, ai tai vor suferii, unu la mana si doi la mana, iti strici toata viata. Faza cu chiar imi doresc copilul, nu e ok, pentru ca ai doar 15 ani si va fi super naspa dupa, nu vei avea timp sa-ti termini studiile. #Punk --Pai in principiu, e cel mai bine pentru tine si pentru copil sa faci avort. Ca nu este momentul acum sa faci pasul asta de a avea un copil,pentru ca asta este. Si sunt multe alte chestii de luat in calcul atunci cand iti iei lumea in cap.Plus ca relatia asta dintre tine si fratele tau nu e una okay, si fratele tau fiind mai mare ar trebui sa fie constient de asta.#Ad --Parerea mea este sa faci avort si sa iei distanta de fratele tau pt ca din moment ce ati intretinut relatii sexuale relatia voastra frate-sora nu va mai fi niciodata la fel. Daca fugi cu el si nasti exista 80% sanse ca el sa-si gaseasca pe alta si sa te lase. El e tanar, tu esti sora lui si el a vrut doar sex, acum vrea sa plece cu tine, dar din moment ce e tanar o sa caute o femeie matura la un momentdat. Nu o adolescenta care e sora lui si mai are si un copil cu el. Daca alegi sa fugi o sa traiesi o viata mizerabila, iar copilul este posibil sa se nasca cu o boala rara fiind cu un membru al familiei. Uite, eu de exemplu, am o prietena care are o prietena care are un copil cu verișorul ei, sunt turci si la ei e normal, copilul s-a nascut handicapat. Mai bine pastrezi distanta fata de fratele tau si sa pastrati secretul.#Jess--viata ta nu e un basm. nu poti fugi cu fratele tau pentru ca ai ramas gravida. gravida cu fratele tau. atunci cand doua rude, mai ales primare, fac copii una cu cealalta, sunt sanse trecute de 90% ca acea sarcina sa fie una esuata sau ca acel copil sa se nasca cu handicapuri majore, si aici nu vorbesc decat de maini si picioare intoarse pe dos, ci si de boli si afectiuni mintale grave. nu cred ca vrei sa dai nastere unui copil care n-o sa aiba nicio sansa la o viata normala. in general, cand sunt cazuri de genul frate-sora si afla lumea, toti spun ca fata a fost violata. vrei sa se auda asta despre fratele tau? sau, familia voastra o sa fie privita cu niste ochi atat de reci si plini de ura. nu suntem in filme, si cum ti-am spus, viata nu-i un basm. oricat as vrea sa te incurajam acum, sa iti spunem ca totul va fi bine... ai facut o prostie mai mare decat casa in care stai. plus ca... ai 15 ani, multi inainte. vrei un copil la varsta asta? sa lasam aspectul ca e copilul fratelui tau. vrei un copil la varsta asta? tu stii ce inseamna un copil? cate responsabilitati? pe scurt: cand prietenele tale o sa mearga la ore, tu o sa il asculti pe bebe cum plange, cand prietenele tale o sa iasa la terasa cu prietenii, iubitii, tu o sa stai in casa si-o sa speli la haine, o sa schimbi scutece. cand prietenele tale vor merge in club, tu vei plange de nervi ca nu poti dormi. cand ele o sa isi intemeieze o familie, o sa se casatoreasca, tu o sa ai deja un copil de 7-8 ani pe care il vei duce la scoala. cu tot regretul iti spun, dar nu e normal. speram ca vei face alegerea corecta si vei avorta. e spre binele tau.#Oanita
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amointernet · 7 years
Nicolás Igarzábal
31 años - periodista
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¿Cuándo escuchaste hablar de Internet por primera vez? En el año 98/99, por un amigo más grande que yo, que tenía internet en la casa vía dial-up y, me contaba cosas que, ¡wow! parecían dignas de la NASA.
¿Qué fue lo primero que buscaste? Cosas de bandas que me gustaban en la adolescencia, generalmente punks o grunge, como Attaque 77, Ramones, Nirvana... Y mucho "Britney Spears naked".
¿En qué plataforma empezaste a chatear? ICQ, a full. ¡Ih-uh! Y también recuerdo el mIRC y muchas noches de meterme en las salas de chat (qué viejazo sonó eso) de Ciudad y Starmedia. Las conversaciones arrancaban preguntándome "¿sos H o M?" (hombre o mujer) porque me ponía "Igar" de nick.
¿Te acordás tu número de ICQ? Sí: 100906086. La regla mnemotécnica era 100 + "las medidas de una modelo casi perfecta" (90-60... 86).
¿Tenías fotolog? ¿Cuál era? Sí, muchos años, casi toda la etapa final de mi secundario. Era /igar, creo que todavía está online. Lo jubilé cuando empezaron a aparecer los blogs, pero me dio muchas alegrías. Recuerdo el famoso "efeame"  (por los F/F) y el truquito ese de copiar y pegar los comments, cuando tenías muchos, porque para poder tener espacio para más cantidad de comments, tenías que ser premium o alguna gilada así. También tenía una especie de Diary Land, que era un diario de tu vida, antes de los blogs. Ahí escribía todo lo que me pasaba en el colegio y mis primeras crónicas de recitales en la era pre-Cromañón.  
¿Quién fue tu primer amigo de Internet? Mmmm, no recuerdo el primero-primero, pero me acuerdo de personas que hablé durante años sin conocernos, como una chica que tenía una página de humor (hecha con Front Page) llamada GARCHOFLA, un amigo que cruzaba en recitales de Cadena Perpetua y Bulldog (y nos seguimos viendo) y un Ignacio Igarzábal que era de Entre Ríos, y nos agregamos a ICQ por esas cosas inexplicables de ponerte un día a buscar gente con tu mismo apellido a ver si aparecía algún primo lejano.
¿Qué fue lo más insólito que te pasó? Son demasiadas cosas, ahora que lo pienso, pero me quedo con tres de la época de los blogs, como conseguir laburo gracias a un posteo del Día del Periodista entrevistando a muchos periodistas que admiraba, que Andrés Calamaro me bardee en los comments bajo seudónimos que se inventaba antes de tener Twitter, y que el músico de una banda me cuente personalmente sobre un posteo muy gracioso que leyó en un blog, sin saber que era mío. Ah, ¡y que un músico conocido hable en una nota de la Rolling Stone sobre un post donde yo lo trolleaba!
¿Qué es lo más preciado que te dio Internet? Horas y horas de diversión, de data importante, de contactos, de conocer gente, de descubrir bandas, de ver pelis y series, de entrevistar a músicos que admiro un montón. Es una fuente inagotable, lo más parecido al infinito que conozco.
¿Te googleaste alguna vez? Muchas. Siempre es divertido para hacer después de una cantidad de meses o años. Siempre aparece algún equis bardeándote o elogiándote en alguna web perdida, gente famosa con tu mismo apellido (Rochi Igarzábal, a quien tuve que ponerme a investigar quién era porque muchos adolescentes me escribían para preguntarme si era su hermano, WTF?) o cosas locas que escribiste vos mil años atrás y ni te acordabas, pero por alguna razón extraña se reflotaron en Google, y decís: "¿Esto lo escribí yo?".
¿En cuántas redes sociales estás? ¿Cuál es tu preferida? Facebook, Twitter e Instagram. En Facebook son todas fotos de bebés y perritos en adopción, en Twitter son todos irónicos y se creen los más pillos, y en Instagram son todos cool y están siempre de viaje. Me quedo con Instagram, para viajar un rato por el mundo con desconocidos, dado que no me voy de vacaciones hace varios años.
¿Tenés una rutina en Internet? Sí, tengo personalizado para que cuando abra el Chrome, se me pongan mi correo, mi Facebook, Twitter, Whattsap Web y la página donde laburo, como por arte de magia. Así arranco mi día. Cafecito + internet.
¿Cuánto tiempo de tu día le dedicás a Internet? Entre 8 y 10 horas, seguro. Ya voy casi una hora respondiendo esto, flasheando recuerdos lindos y yéndome por las ramas, así que...
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rastronomicals · 10 months
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9:08 PM EST December 10, 2023:
Refused - "Coup D'Etat" From the album Punk O Rama 8 (2003)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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madeinpop · 6 years
Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 14 al 20 Febbraio 2019 ǁ stagione 16 ǁ
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, finito il festival nella riviera dei fiori, è tempo di pensare alla vostra iscrizione al contest del fighissimo Arezzo Wave https://www.arezzowave.com/concorso-arezzo-wave-band-2019/ CHECcO & LoRIS «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti» ► Made In PoP segnala ◄ ᴥ SABATO 16 FEBBRAIO ᴥ ᴥ ARGO16 via delle Industrie 27 parco tecnologico VEGA MARGHERA (Ve). fa tappa qui il tour europeo dei messicani LORELLE Meets The OBSOLETE duo krautrock/shoegaze supportati da Fernando (New Candys) e Andrea (Orange Car Crash) in apertura i vigorosi TALK TO HER (SHYREC / Three Blackbirds) e il loro moderno postpunk, a seguire djset CHECcO MERDeZ (Made In PoP / LAMETTE) & The Lagoonies. https://www.facebook.com/events/1913298225404178/ ► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 14 Febbraio ᴥ AL BUSCAGLIONE via Marsala 50 PADOVA dalle 19:30 serata a sostegno dell'operazione Mediterranea con esposizone di disegni dell'ottimo Claudio CALIA e altri, in più proiezione del documentario "Footballizazion" tra Libano, Siria e Palestina. ᴥ ECLETTICO WILSON via Martiri Libertà 32 VITTORIO Veneto (Tv) San Valentino alternativo con il cantautore blues Andrea CUBEDDU dalla Sardegna. ᴥ HOCH HOLLE via S.Andrea PADERNO del Grappa (Tv) San Valentino in Jazz con il duo Francesca BERTAZZO HART e Beppe PILOTTO. ᴥ ARGO16 via delle Industrie 27 parco tecnologico VEGA MARGHERA (Ve) per la rassegna Jazz in Vega ospite l'ARCADIA TRIO con il featuring del grande trombonista ROBIN EUBANKS (Us). ᴥ Ostaria Dai KANKARI via Fosse Donne 93 MARANO di Mira (Ve) canzoni d'amore con GERARDO POZZI in trio. ᴥ POMOMERO osteria creativa via Castelletto 84 MAROSTICA (Vi) da Birmingham BENJAMIN YELLOWITZ cantautore dalla voce blues e dalle atmosfere scure. ᴥ Osteria RIVE Jazz Club via Rive 14 CARTIGLIANO (Vi) San Valentino alle Rive con le canzoni di Joe SANKETTI e Titti CASTRINI, poesie sottovuoto di Max ZANELLA e Con Il Sole Dentro, inoltre opere esposte. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastrengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) serata frizzante con le KILL THE MAYOR trio femminile punk'n'roll. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) San Valentino tutto in levare con i divertentissimi GENGI SKA. ► VENERDÌ 15 Febbraio ᴥ La STANZETTA ass.culturale via Leopardi 25 San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) in concerto qui la brava cantautrice-cantastorie ERICA BOSCHIERO. ᴥ BISTROCK via Rometta 13/L San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) per la serata Dischi Soviet, ospite il combo trevigiano ALCESTI alternative-pop/SISMA mvmnt. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA tra songwriting mediterraneo e nordica elettronica ecco MAKAI moniker per Dario Tatoli, tra cassa dritta e set acustico. ᴥ RICKY’s Pub via Commerciale 12 ABBAZIA PISANI di Villa del Conte (Pd) rock alternative dal retrogusto nineties per le band RUSTYCAGE e RUMORdiPIETRA. ᴥ MATTOROSSO via Piave 108 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) sarà qui JESSE DAYTON fenomeno cowpunk, già chitarrista degli X e di Rob Zombie. ᴥ HOCH HOLLE via S.Andrea PADERNO del Grappa (Tv) power blues con riferimenti seventies per i ZEE ZEE QUEEN. ᴥ Spazio CAFFELARTE via Postumia 166b PAESE (Tv) Sweet Noise presenta Music in the Air con la cantautrice sicula NÒE e il cantabarista ONE MAN PIER. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) punkrock night con i concerti per i locals DOUBLE SWINDLE e da Imola The INNOCENT. ᴥ CRICH CORNER via Barberia 23 TREVISO in versione acustica saranno qui i QUARTO PROFILO. ᴥ OUTSIDER Pub via San Cassiano 72 QUINTO di Treviso (Tv) con un nuovo ottimo disco si presenta qui il collettivo rock progressive MAD FELLAZ. ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) in giro a festeggiare i diec'anni d'attività, sarà qui il power trio THE SADE damned rock. ᴥ Csa ARCADIA via Lago di Tovel 18 SCHIO (Vi) in collaborazione con Disorder, fa tappa qui il tour europeo del duo messicano LORELLE meets The OBSOLETE psych/kraut con Andrea (Orange Car Crash) e Fernando (New Candys) a supporto, in apertura gli eroi locali MOTHER ISLAND psych/garage + djset. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) serata Alte Rejects con i FECCIA ROSSA punk-OI! (Vr) e The NICE GUYS punk'n'roll (Roma) + Aupa djset. ᴥ LUCA's BAR via Jolanda 122 STROPPARI di Tezze sul Brenta (Vi) dalla Sardegna il cantautore blues Andrea CUBEDDU, che presenta il suo nuovo disco "Weak like a Man". ᴥ Osteria S'CIAVINARO via Pertini 15 VOLPINO di Zimella (Vr) serata Rebel con live voce e chitarra per il bravo Simone ZAMPIERI e djset Whisker Pno. ᴥ CICLONE Cafè via Martiri Libertà 20 CASALEONE (Vr) qui la giovane band NOETICA pop-rock che presenta il nuovo disco "Visioni" . ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) presentazione ufficiale del nuovo disco "Il Male Accade" per la band ULTIMO ATTUALE CORPO SONORO cantautorato alternative, in apertura Le FUGHE de le MATONELE agroblues. ᴥ Osteria Ai PRETI interrato Acqua Morta 27 VERONA dall'Irlanda folk'n'blues per il duo The OCELOTS. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA da poco è uscito il loro nuovo disco per WWNBB e stasera saranno qui a presentarlo, BE FOREST (shoegaze/wave/Pesaro), in apertura SUBMEET (noisepunk) + djset. ᴥ La FABBRICA degli ARTISTI via Oberdan 10 CEREA (Vr) prima serata del Festival locale con i locals The FROG punk/metal a far compagnia ai BLANKETS hc/punk. ► SABATO 16 Febbraio ᴥ CATAI ponte San Lorenzo 1 PADOVA dalle 20 appuntamento Catemose tra chiacchere e buona musica, si esibirà il bravissimo TRÈ BURT (Sacramento, CA) afterfolk radicato nei paesaggi americani. ᴥ AL BUSCAGLIONE via Marsala 50 PADOVA super ospite questa sera in versione one-man-band ANDY MacFARLANE e il suo rock'n'roll mutante (già leader dei R&R KAMIKAZES, The HORMONAUTS e altri). ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA in apertura ALBERTO ALMAS che presenterà ufficialmente il proprio disco "L'Amor Te", a seguire l'istrico duo rap UOCHI TOKI in "Realtà Virtuale". ᴥ GRIND HOUSE via Longhin 37 PADOVA Zombie Punk night con gli svizzeri NEUTRAL BOMBS assieme alle vecchie conoscenze SUPERHORROR + djset R'n'R All-Stars. ᴥ BAHNOHF Live via Sant'Antonio 34 MONTAGNANA (Pd) secondo evento Fuzz-o-Rama che vedrà ospiti le band ATOMIC MOLD stoner/doom/Verona e i grandissimi MESSA scarlet doom/Pd-Tv. ᴥ Corte dei GORGHI via Argine Circondario 255 TRECENTA (Ro) secondo VOODOO CARNIVAL per l'Ungawa Tiki crew, suoneranno LOS INFARTOS garage'n'roll adrenalinico Teramo e MFC CHICKEN garage-r'n'r-r'n'n da Londra e poi grandi djset LUKINO e POLTRO. ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) da Bologna il rock progressivo dei SINTESI Del VIAGGIO Di ES, accompagnati dai FAVERAVOLA. ᴥ Osteria da TOCCHETTO via Risorgimento 27 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) doppio concerto questa sera, si parte con L'ENTRATA di CRISTO a BRUXELLES rock sperimentale d'autore e poi LO STRANO FRUTTO cantautorato immediato per Teno (ex Melt/Muleta). ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO serata SISMA mvmnt che presenta l'italo-nigeriano FADI cantautorato con retrogusto nineties. ᴥ Il PRINCIPE in BICICLETTA via Castellana 1 San VITO di ALTIVOLE (Tv) live energico ed intenso per i SERPE IN SENO alternative rock. ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciao 4 TREVISO travolgenti ed accattivanti con il loro fit metal i/le GO GO PONIES. ᴥ IL BARETTO piazza Lancieri Milano 8 MONASTIER (Tv) ospiti live della serata la cantautrice sicula NÒE e il cantabarista ONE MAN PIER. ᴥ CLUB 27 via Romanina 29 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) dalle 21:30 in versione trio il cantautore Giorgio BARBAROTTA. ᴥ Bar al CASTELLO strada Brussa 501 CAORLE (Ve) da Capota gli amici di Porky's Internationale ospitano il duo francese TEQUILASAVATE y so HIJO BASTARDO trash'n'roll voodoo mex-masked. ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) musica folk celtica e medievale scandinava per gli SPIRITUAL SEASONS (Ukraina). ᴥ MATTEOTTI wine bar piazza Matteotti VICENZA ospite live dell'enoteca culturale la giovane e brava cantautrice CAMILLA FASCINA. ᴥ LATTERIA 2465 calle de la Laca 2465f VENEZIA dalle 19 il potente trio TARGATO VE bluesfunk per Jacopo CAMPI, Marco BOLOGNINI e Corrado BATTORTI. ᴥ VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 92 ROSÀ (Vi) serata HITS, con il live dei vicentini LÄSER alternative rock post grunge, a seguire djset IL KING. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) sonorità infernali e pesanti per i GUFONERO punk-HC Rovereto e per LA CUENTA drone/doom Firenze. ᴥ IL BRUCO circolo Operaio via Cristoforo 69 MAGRÈ di Schio (Vi) tornano qui per un'epica reunion LES TOTEM ZION BEAT afro-reggae + Fifty Dreads selecta. ᴥ La CORTE SCONTA via Roma 8 SANTORSO (Vi) folk rock cantautorale per Le CORRIERE della SERA. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) collettivo di musicisti d'estrazione diversa che si ritrova per dar vita al progetto The GOOSEBUMPS BROS tra blues funk e reggay. ᴥ The FACTORY via Garibaldi 37 CASTEL d'AZZANO (Vr) release party per gli ELECTROCUTION, death metal da Bologna, che presentano il nuovo "Psychonolatry", accompagnati i milanesi BLACK RAGE e ULTERIOR. ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) evento di musica progressive con la presenza sul palco degli O-R-K, collettivo con LEF, Pipitone dei Marta sui Tubi, Mastelotto dei King Crimson e Edwin dei Porcupine Tree. ᴥ La FABBRICA degli ARTISTI via Oberdan 10 CEREA (Vr) seconda e ultima serata di Festival che vedrà impegnati SYDYAN trio acustico cantautorale, Il DIABOLIKO MENESTRELLO e da Cesena IO & la TIGRE duo femminile indie con attitudine punk. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA closing party per il PATH Festival con ospite il produttore inglese MUMDANCE accompagnato dai liveset di MANA e OiO. ► DOMENICA 17 Febbraio ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO di S.Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) dalle 17:00 aperitivo Cordial Massacre che vedrà impegnati i MAAT MONS trio metal tutto matto e gli sfortunati HOBOS grande metal/punk a cui recentemente hanno rubato tutti gli strumenti. ᴥ OLD SALOON Birreria via Feltrina 19 PEDEROBBA (Tv) dalle 17:00 aperitivo metal con i potenti TYTUS accompagnati da KROSS of KHAOSS, WAR HYMNS e HELL/BOYS. ᴥ Studio 33 GIRI via IX Strada 21 Z.Industriale FOSSÒ (Ve) dalle 18 ospite sul palco il bravo campositore e chitarrista ALESSANDRO RAGAZZO. ᴥ Osteria al MAJO via Camerini 6 PIAZZOLA sul Brenta (Pd) aperitivo istrionico con il cantabarista ONE MAN PIER. ᴥ SPIKIZY via Zuccherificio 41 BADIA Polesine (Ro) dalle 19 unica data veneta per il tour europeo per TIM HOLEHOUSE cantautorato indiefolk da Londra. ᴥ GROOVE via Martiri Libertà 8 LUGO di Vicenza (Vi) per l'Acoustic Sunday torna ospite STEVE FOLK chitarrista e pittore. ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) dalle 19 ci sarà ALBERTO ALMAS che sarà qui a presentare il suo lavoro "L'Amor Te" sonorità no-wave synthpunk. ᴥ CUCÙ cocktail Bar piazza delle Erbe 7 VICENZA per l'aperitivo dalla Sardegna il cantautore blues Andrea CUBEDDU, che presenta il suo nuovo disco "Weak like a Man".   ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) dalle 19 aperitivo in collaborazione con Rosa Parks APS che presenta lo spettacolo "il Timido Anticristo" di e con DANIELE FABBRI. ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte Cultura via SS. Fabiano Sebastiano 13 PADOVA dopo cena con il duo Franco NESTI e Jacopo JACOPETTI in viaggio tra jazz e musica popolare brasiliana. ᴥ DUMP largo Baio 7 TREVISO nel dopo cena troverete il bravissimo Marco IACAMPO e il suo caldo cantautorato. ᴥ ARGO16 via delle Industrie 27 parco tecnologico VEGA MARGHERA (Ve) dalle 20:30 serata ehtno world music con Jennifer CABRERA FERNANDEZ che presenta il progetto 3RD ROOT. ► LUNEDÌ 18 Febbraio ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) Go Down records ospita i danesi The SONIC DAWN rock acido/psichedelico, con un disco nuovo nuovo da presentare. ► MARTEDÌ 19 Febbraio ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) evento speciale stasera con il live del power trio canadese TUNIC abrasivo arty postpunk. ► MERCOLEDÌ 20 Febbraio ᴥ GREEN STREET Club via Dante 87 PADOVA stasera in vetrina c'è la musica di Andrea CUBEDDU cantautore sardo blues. ᴥ GASOLINE via Fornace Morandi 25 PADOVA dalle 20 festa per i vent'anni del locale con l'esclusivo live de LINDUSTRIA dark/wave/synth/postpunk, che presenteranno il nuovo disco, con il supporto di ArcellaGround. ᴥ SHERWOOD OPEN LIVE vicolo Ponte Corvo PADOVA vinelli, cicchetti, birre artigianali e il concerto del TRIO MEZCAL etno-jazz. • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/ • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/ • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/ • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/
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monsterpadge · 8 years
8,9, and 11
8. Padge’s theme song: ‘Think the World’ by ALL, off the Punk-O-Rama 4 anthology. He declared this to be his personal them song when he was 17 and now can’t believe what a corny, angsty teen he was. (this has not diminished his affection for the song.)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txzOzKvooV4&list=PL554721417D264FB4&index=8
9. Voice claim: His canon voice is more or less a 90′s-era Corey Feldman. Think of Ricky from ‘The ‘Burbs’ or Donatello from the live action TMNT movies and that’s pretty close.
11. Hobbies: Old video games. Padge used to be more of an all-purpose gamer when he was human, but his chunky three-fingered hands make most modern controllers pretty uncomfortable, but hand him a joystick and 1-3 buttons and it’s on. he also really enjoys stargazing and astronomy, but living in the city makes it tough to indulge that passion. Padge is a disaster in the kitchen but loves to grill. Anything that can be made outside with an open flame is great in his book.
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wantonglances · 7 years
listen to Punk o Rama 8 for all of your early 2000s punk rock needs
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Sounds of the Galaxy, one of my most fondly looked up projects, is at its heart, pure pop culture appreciation. It’a a mashup of Star Wars and Music art. I created about 17 Star Wars themed parody covers based on popular album covers.
The whole project started from an off-hand joke from the Family Guy: Blue Harvest Star Wars special where Cleveland Brown as R2-D2 expresses his desire to listen to “Tatooine, Wind & Fire.”  “That’s The Way of the Galaxy” became the first in the collection based on that joke. next came a slew of other ideas including
“R2-D2: Droiditude”  based on Raditiude by Weezer
“E-M-P-I-R-E” based on Epitaph Records’ “Punk-O-Rama vol. 8″ compilation album
“Bad” based on Micheal Jackson’s album of the same name.
“Republic Enemy: Fear of a Space Station” Based on Public Enemy’s “Fear of a Black Nation” (A personal favorite)
and finally “The Separatist Underground” based on Andy Warhol’s famous artwork for The Velvet Underground
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
Kuala Lumpur nightlife: A guide to the city’s best bars
(CNN)It's when hot days give way to balmy nights that Kuala Lumpur really comes alive.
Following global trends, a new crop of dedicated cocktail bars -- many conceived in the modern speakeasy style -- are especially popular right now, offering up twists on classics and new inventions with Southeast Asian flavors.
There are also sky bars with city views, dance clubs, craft beer bars and live music bars.
Whether you're looking for a laid-back lounge or a party, here are some of the best places to spend your nights in Kuala Lumpur.
This Chinatown cocktail bar sits in a colonial shophouse that was once a brothel.
It's all very "In the Mood for Love" with a tinge of "Mad Men" -- swanky, illicit and whimsical all at once.
A vintage toyshop facade obscures the entrance.
Walk down a corridor lined with lovers' booths and an earthy courtyard outfitted in wood and leather before entering PS150's beating heart: the neon-lit bar.
The sign reads "Chee Cheong Kai," the Cantonese name for Petaling Street, referring to the tapioca mills that once occupied the area.
PS150 co-founder Angel Ng spent some soul-searching months living in Chinatown in her mid-20s, so it's a place close to her heart.
The cocktail menu is cheekily inscribed in composition books customarily used by Malaysian school kids.
Try the vodka-based Salty Chinaman, the Lychee No. 3 Martini or the Assamboi (preserved plum) Margarita.
On weekends, entry is restricted when it gets crowded, so make reservations.
PS150, 150 Petaling Street, Chinatown, 50000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; +603 2022 2888
Omakase + Appreciate
O+A recently celebrated its fourth year in operation. The only bar from Malaysia on Drinks International's list of Asia's 50 Best Bars of 2016, it's in the basement of an office building behind a door stamped with a "No Admittance" sign that looks like it might lead to the utility room.
It fits just 20-25 people comfortably, but there's no limit on entry and no dress code.
The bartenders each have their own cocktail menu to encourage a loyal following.
The menu changes every few weeks, but the Jungle Bird remains.
A concoction of rum, Campari, pineapple juice, lime juice and sugar syrup, it was originally created in Malaysia in the mid-1970s at the old Hilton's Aviary Bar.
"Everyone knows Singapore Sling. Now we want to promote the Jungle Bird," O+A co-founder Shawn Chong says.
The bar is closed on Sundays and Mondays.
Omakase + Appreciate, Lower Ground, Ming Annexe, 9 Jalan Ampang, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; +603 2022 2238
At first, you might be tempted to call this a tiki bar, but there's nothing tiki-tacky about it.
There are no drinks with pink umbrellas, no hula girls, no one taking liberties with a ukelele.
There are bamboo and rattan furnishings, wallpapers of green palms, and bartenders sporting Hawaiian shirts -- but all tasteful and understated, balanced by sleek lines and contemporary elements.
Joshua Ivanovic, an English transplant who's lived in Malaysia for years, co-founded JungleBird and describes it as "a tropical house of rum inspired by Old Malaya".
But there is one standout drink not made with rum, and it's called Closed on Mondays.
It's made of tequila, coconut milk, salted egg yolk, red chili and curry leaf syrup, and is inspired by the salted-egg squid -- legendary among both locals and tourists -- at Jalan Alor's Wong Ah Wah restaurant.
On Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, DJs play live sets of funk, soul, rockabilly, Motown, disco, or hip hop.
JungleBird, 15 Plaza Damansara, Jalan Medan Setia 1, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; +603 2011 7715
Nestled in the back of DR.Inc cafe in Bangsar, this sliver of a cocktail bar is a neighborhood gem.
It also seems to be a bartenders' favorite.
CK Kho, Coley's unassuming founder, is a stalwart of the local bar scene with more than 15 years of experience.
He named the bar after Ada Coleman, the legendary creator of the Hanky Panky cocktail who made her name at the London Savoy's American Bar in the early 20th century.
Coley has a retro-modern vibe and sits somewhere between a bar and a cafe -- airy but intimate, buzzy but laid-back.
There's no pretense or fantasy here.
"I wanted to set up a bar where people could feel free to hang out at anytime," CK says.
Try the Saffron Sour, Kopi Old Fashioned, gin with coconut water, or whiskey with bubble tea.
Coley is closed on Sundays.
Coley, 8 Jalan Kemuja, Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; +6019 270 9719
Heli Lounge Bar
The working helipad on the rooftop of Menara KH moonlights as a bar from 6 p.m. every evening -- unless it rains.
You can enjoy a 360-degree view of the city as the sun sets, unfettered by even safety barriers.
Access the helipad via the companion bar on the tower's 34th floor, where you must buy at least a drink before heading the two floors up.
On Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays after 9 p.m., bottle service -- or a minimum spend of 100 ringgit per person (around $23) -- applies to access the helipad.
During this time, there is also a strict dress code: no shorts or tank tops for men, and no flip flops.
Heli Lounge Bar, Level 34, Menara KH, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; +603 2110 5034
Coppersmith inhabits the shadowed walkways between a wine bar and a restaurant in the imposing Troika towers.
It's small but stately, with high ceilings and full-length windows with a view of the Petronas twin towers.
Uniquely, the copper bar is built facing the wall -- accessible to the odd patron who may fancy making his own drink, with the guidance of a bartender.
The cocktails here look less like cocktails than works of art, each one topped with an edible decorative complement.
Copper Fairies, a mixture of tequila, blueberry and black pepper syrup and sparkling wine, is crowned with an intricate salted bancaramel structure.
The Banana Rama is banana beer mixed with Ron Zacapa rum, topped with dried banana dipped in dark chocolate.
Coppersmith also serves small bites, such as foie gras curry puff and smoked-eel doughnut with caviar cream.
Coppersmith, 23rd floor, Tower B, The Troika, 19 Persiaran KLCC, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; +603 2162 0886
TREC (Taste, Relish, Experience, Celebrate) is the largest entertainment hub in Kuala Lumpur, with clubs, bars, restaurants, and live music and comedy venues.
Its most famous resident is Zouk -- which, according to several locals, is still one of the best places to go clubbing in the city.
The superclub has lasted 13 years by constantly revamping itself, and now has a whopping 11 rooms.
TREC is also home to Como, a Spanish restobar which hosts live music and DJ sets.
IKKI, a speakeasy-style bar with the look of an English gentleman's club, serves Japanese-influenced cocktails and food.
There's also iPong KL, a beer pong bar, and Friendscino, a darts bar.
TREC, 436 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; +603 2110 5095
For a more low-key clubbing experience, there's the basement of the Mandarin Oriental.
Originally founded in Singapore, Ky means "vibration" in Japanese and was conceived as a place for underground music aficionados.
It sports a minimalist luxe-industrial vibe and plays house, techno, hip hop, R&B, afro funk or disco, depending on the day.
It hosts both international and local talent, and has seen the likes of the UK's Nick Warren and Detroit's Octave One perform.
Ky, the main room, is open on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11 p.m.
Ren, a smaller room that also doubles as a cocktail bar in the early evenings, is open from Tuesdays to Saturdays from 6 p.m.
Club Ky KL, Basement, Mandarin Oriental, off Jalan Pinang, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; +6012 921 1730
Taps Beer Bar
The craft beer scene here is still a nascent one, but Taps leads the way with the largest range of craft beers in the country.
Its selection spans America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Southeast Asia.
It also has 15 beers on tap at any one time.
"We'd been wanting to open a bar because we drank a lot as a family," Alvin Lim says.
He's one of five cousins who founded the place in 2011, and their uncle and his friends make up the resident live band that plays Thursday to Saturday evenings.
Those new to craft beer can order a beer paddle for a taster of three tap varieties.
Taps also organizes the annual Better Beer Festival in October.
Taps Beer Bar, A-0-3 One Residency, 1 Jalan Nagasari, 50200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; +603 2110 1560
The Bee
The Bee has long been committed to hosting an eclectic mix of live music acts, both local and international.
"We want good music, period," says Lim Kok Kean, a.k.a. Bunga, of music collectives Indiego and Twilight Actiongirl.
He's one of a group of creatives behind The Bee and the annual Urbanscapes music and arts festival, which takes place May 5 to 21 this year.
Recent guests at The Bee include The Temper Trap and Japanese psychedelic punk band Bo Ningen.
A recent makeover gave it a bigger stage, a better sound system and a new DJ console.
It also gave it a more rock 'n' roll edge, with neon lyrics emblazoned on walls and a line-up of vintage pinball machines.
The Bee also hosts quiz nights, pun competitions, swing dancing and sneaker-swap meets.
When there are no events, The Bee operates as usual as a restaurant and bar.
The Bee, 36B Block C, Level G2, Publika, Jalan Dutamas 1, Solaris Dutamas, Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; +603 6201 8577
Bobo KL
No Black Tie and Alexis Bistro Ampang are the big names synonymous with live jazz in the city, but more intimate venues have popped up recently.
Bobo KL's upstairs piano lounge is an exercise in minimalist elegance, with earthy hues of gray concrete and warm wood balanced by sleek marble tops and plush drapery.
It feels like a private living room, with the small stage hardly removed from the audience.
Guest musicians perform on Friday and Saturday nights.
On other nights except Mondays, the resident pianist and singer David Gomez takes over.
Bobo KL serves Modern European food and dessert and a decent selection of wines.
Bobo KL, 65-1 Jalan Bangkung, Bangsar, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; +603 2092 5002
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powerpoppat · 7 years
Playlist 3/10/17
Playlist For Pat's Power Pop (& Punk!) Hours Aired On 03/10/2017 Hosted By: Pat Keenan Artist Song Recording 1 The Ramones Bonzo Goes To Bitburg Ramones Mania! 2 The Kings Switchin' To Glide The Kings Are Here 3 Matthew Sweet And Susanna Hoffs All The Young Dudes (Mott The Hoople Cover) Under The Covers Vol. 2 4 Todd Rundgren Slut Something/Anything? 5 New York Dolls Personality Crisis New York Dolls 6 The Soft Boys I Wanna Destroy You Underwater Moonlight 7 The Replacements Answering Machine Let It Be 8 Cheap Trick When The Lights Are Out The Latest 9 Matthew Sweet And Susanna Hoffs Killing Moon (Echo & The Bunnymen Cover) Under The Covers Vol. 3 10 The Cars Let's Go Candy-O 11 The Lemonheads Into Your Arms Come on Feel the Lemonheads 12 The Vapors Johnny's In Love Again Vaporized 13 The Posies Solar Sister Dream All Day: The Best Of The Posies 14 The Police Sychronicity II The Police 15 Badfinger Baby Blue Straight Up 16 Squeeze Black Coffee In Bed Singles 45's and Under 17 Utopia You Make Me Crazy (Featuring Willie Wilcox) Anthology 18 Matthew Sweet If Time Permits In Reverse 19 Circle Jerks Wonderful! Wonderful 20 The Dead Milkmen Bitchin' Camaro Death Rides a Pale Cow: The Ultimate Collection 21 Dead Kennedys Jock-O-Rama Frankenchrist 22 NOFX Cell Out Self/Entitled 23 ABBA Dancing Queen Gold: Greatest Hits 24 Bay City Rollers Saturday Night The Definitive Collection 25 Matthew Sweet and Susanna Hoffs Run To Me (Bee Gees Cover) Under The Covers Vol 1 26 Roxy Music More Than This Avalon 27 The Stonethrowers Rely Mental Tattoo 28 Paul Gilbert Champagne King of Clubs 29 The Ramones Psycho Therapy Ramones Mania!
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loudgentlemenfire · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.hcdistro.com/store/products-page/compactdisc/saturday-night-karaokefelix-yes-band-photo-vol-1-cd/
Saturday Night Karaoke/FELIX | Yes Band Photo, Vol. 1 | CD
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A 5 year friendship is now on a split cd. Indonesian No.1 pop-punkers, SATURDAY NIGHT KARAOKE! (They really remind me of Lookout! empire in 90’s and pop punk revivals like Ergs! and Steinways in 00’s at the same time.) You’re going to be surprised by where they are from the first time you listen to them. They play with almost all the touring bands including RVIVR. Seems Indonesian punk rock scene is getting really active today. You better watch out!
Since FELIX! (THE BAND) has put out their 1st full-length on Waterslide last year, they are getting popularity in Japan, US, and Europe now. They supported the touring bands like Psychotic Youth and Murderburgers, and already have their fan base in Japan. They are always compared with Danny Vapid, Parasites, and Lillingtons.FOR FANS OF: SATURDAY NIGHT KARAOKE, FELIX!(THE BAND), LILLINGTONS, TEENAGE BOTTLEROCKET, THE QUEERS, SCREECHING WEASEL, PARASITES, ERGS!
Track Listing:
1.) Rizkan Records Corporate Anthem – SNK
2.) Back To You – FELIX
4.) I’m Always All Alone – FELIX
5.) D(((o)))rama Free Youth – SNK
6.) Job – FELIX
7.) Ikanai! – SNK
8.) Pop Punk Records – FELIX
9.) S.S.F.K.M.D -SNK
10.) Baby Don’t Love Me No More – FELIX
11.) Everywhere You Go (FELIX cover) – SNK
12.) Took 18 Minutes To Write This One – FELIX
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yatterzuk · 8 years
Quahog Heat Main Questline: Mission Possible
Hey there Members Only!
Got your talking car ready? Looking for some HAWT Cops on Bikes? Enjoy your Ladies running in really really really REALLY slow motion? Got a lifetime supply of Aquanet? Well you may just like this lil Event. Quahog Heat!!
With the New Event comes, of course, the New Main Questline that will direct us along the Mini Event. For Quahog Heat Phase 4 the Main Questline is Mission Possoble.
Let’s take a look at the Main Questline and all you will encounter along the way. 
For all the Main Event Information, go HERE
Risque Business Pt. 8 Peter Starts
Place the Flashy Sneakers: Costs 4 Detective Badges Defeat Michael Pulaski 2 Times: Defeat 2 of the Variable HP Michael Pulaski’s  fully to 0 to complete Check Back Next Week for more Radness!
Completed Task Rewards: 450xp & 5 Boxes of Donuts
Mission Possible Pt. 1 Peter Starts
Tiny Tom & His Punks Are Here!: Tap on “GO” to see the details Investigate the Snack Bar toFind Punks: Tap on The Snack Bar in the Bowling Alley area to see amount of Police Tape & Characters required Earn 1 Bowling Ball: Get from Stewie Try to Reach Pinball Machine OR Meg Join a Bowling League OR Confused Dazed Brian Go Bowling OR Suds O Rama Car Wash
Completed Task Rewards: 100xp & 3 Boxes Of Donuts
Triggers Schol Daze – Confused Dazed Brian side Questline
  Mission Possible Pt. 2 Peter Starts
Clear 1 Punk: Once released from Rooms at the Bowling Alley, use a bowling ball on them to Clear them Place Dan’s Donuts: Cost 4 Detective Badges
Completed Task Rewards: 150xp & 3 Box Of Donuts
  Mission Possible Pt. 3 Peter Starts
Have Bonnie Dlirt With Cops: 4hrs, $50 & 30xp Have Joe Investigate Counterfeit Goods: 8hrs, $80 & 50xp
Completed Task Rewards: 200xp & 4 Boxes Of Donuts
Triggers Catch A Thief – Side Questline
  Mission Possible Pt. 4
Peter Starts
Fight Tiny Tom 1 Time: Investigate Rooms in the Bowling Alley to find Tiny Tom then attack him once Trade Bowling Shoes for Badges at the Hot Police Station: Tap on the Hot Police Station to see what exchange options you have
Completed Task Rewards: 250xp & 4 Boxes Of Donuts
  Mission Possible Pt. 5 Peter Starts
Place The Bowling Lane: Cost 5 Detective Badges Have Seamus Emerge From The Shadows: 8hrs, $80 & 50xp
Completed Task Rewards: 300xp & 5 Boxes Of Donuts
  Mission Possible Pt. 6 Peter Starts
Have Confused Dazed Brian Go Bowling: 8p6hrs, $65, 45xp & Chance 1 Bowling Ball Place The DNA Evidence Decoder: Cost 4 Detective Badges
Completed Task Rewards: 350xp & 5 Boxes Of Donuts
  Mission Possible Pt. 7 Peter Starts
Clear 6 Punks: Once released from Rooms at the Bowling Alley, use a bowling ball on them to Clear 6 of them Clear 3 Robbers: Once released from Rooms at the Bowling Alley, tap on them to Clear 3 of them
Completed Task Rewards: 400xp & 8 Boxes Of Donuts
  Mission Possible Pt. 8 Peter Starts
Defeat Tiny Tom 2 Times: Defeat 2 of the Variable HP Tiny Tom’s  fully to 0 to complete
The End 
There you have it, the Main Questline that will take you along the 4th and final Phase of the Quahog Heat Event
Where are you so far? Any tips for fellow Players? Liking it so far? Let us know.
~ Russian Tigger
Quahog Heat Main Questline: Mission Possible was originally published on Yatterz
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