dogtoysandmore · 11 months
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Smooshy (Flat) Faced Dogs and Cats
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Pugs are so darn cute and have charming personalities to match! This adorable, scrunched-up visage actually exacerbates the Brachycephalic (short head) Obstruction Airway Syndrome. One would think that air would travel faster to the lungs because of the shorter distance, but the parts getting the air to the lungs are compressed and distorted, which enables the audible and stereotypical labored breathing.  Besides Pugs, many brachycephalic breeds such as Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, English Toy Spaniel, Shih Tzu, Boxer, Pekingese, French Bulldog, English Bulldog, Boston Terrier, Himalayan and Persian cats are afflicted with the same respiratory problems and other health conditions because of their flat-faces.
Controversy has surrounded these breeds for quite some time and has questioned whether or not we need to change breeding practices. The debate has ranged from introducing another breed into the lines to alleviate these conditions to not breeding those dogs with severe problems. Don’t misunderstand me, quite a few breeds are prone to congenital conditions (i.e. present at birth) and similar discussions are going on about them. However, the British Veterinary Association and other notable organizations recently asked pet parents not to purchase brachycephalic breeds, specifically because of their health concerns and therefore increased animal suffering. Personally, I agree that something needs to change.  
I am not trying to dissuade you if you are considering making one of these breeds a member of your household. As I said, many brachycephalic breeds are ideal family members due to their affable personalities. However, I want you to realize the amount of healthcare and the associated costs that these pets can entail. A quick comparison of the ASPCA’s insurance plans demonstrated that the monthly premium for a 5-month old English Bulldog was $13.57 greater than that for a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I also implore you to research and purchase only from responsible breeders, or adopt from a rescue.
Due to the narrow passageways, brachycephalic dogs have a higher propensity for heatstroke and exercise intolerance since dogs use their respiration and must breathe to cool down. Clearly, pet caregivers often have a difficult time keeping weight off these pets, which then heightens breathing difficulties.
What exactly is going on? It is usually not just one of the various parts of the respiratory system that carries air to the lungs, but the entire system. Surgery can be performed to alleviate the symptoms in order to optimize breathing. However, anesthesia poses a higher risk to these breeds because of the narrowness of their respiratory anatomy. Additionally, post-anesthetic care requires close observation.    
Nostrils – Stenotic nares refers to the condition of narrow or collapsed nostrils causing many of these dogs to breathe through their mouths. Resection surgery is possible to help breathing.
Elongated Soft Palate – Odd to think of something elongated in a flat-faced companion pet. However, the soft palate – the tissue between the mouth and nasal cavities – has not been modified with their selective breeding. It abnormally extends over the throat because it is longer than what the head can accommodate. Soft palates are where snoring usually originates in brachycephalic breeds and causes panting in hot weather. Surgery is possible.
Everted Laryngeal Saccules – This is a secondary condition from the labored breathing, because the saccules of the larynx can become inflamed and even cause them to flip inside out. Surgery to remove the saccules can be performed.  
Tracheal Stenosis or Hypoplasia – Most commonly found in English Bulldogs, it is an underdeveloped and narrow windpipe. Surgery cannot be performed to rectify this condition.
Face, Eyes and Mouth
The smoosh face also leads to the eyes bulging out. In fact, several brachycephalic dogs that sustain eye/ head trauma could have an eye actually pop out. Clearly, this is would require emergency care.
Chronic eye problems exist, too. Since the eyelids are not long enough to cover the entire eye, the cornea could become irritated and damaged because it is too dry. This can result in ulcers of the eye. Surgery can correct this problem, but please consult with a veterinary ophthalmologist. You can add veterinary eye drops as a preventative measure.  
On the flip side, your dog could have excessively watery eyes due to another type of irritation. The eyelids are still not closing effectively because they are curling into the eye (entropion) and the eyelashes are scraping the eye. Surgery can be performed to correct this.
Moving down the face, the wrinkles (facial folds) require daily cleaning and/or after every meal.
Finally, the overcrowded conditions in the mouth can cause the teeth to grossly overlap or stick out at weird angles. So, daily brushings are critical with brachycephalic dogs or cats since food can easily get stuck and cause periodontal disease. Since anesthesia poses a higher risk to these pets, the goal should be to brush your pet’s teeth daily to extend the length of time between professional cleanings. If you have a veterinary dentist or orthodontist within a 100 mile radius of where you live, I would contact them to do the cleanings for your brachycephalic pets and for routine care.
Preventative Care
While many of the previous conditions listed are inherited, you can help prevent discomfort or emergency care events.
Only use harnesses! Collars put pressure on the neck can that exacerbate breathing problems, damage the larynx or trachea, and hurt the eyes.
Don’t overly exercise a brachycephalic breed because this can lead to heatstroke or heat exhaustion.
On the flip side, keep them at a healthy weight.
I don’t mean to scare you, but want you to realize the potential costs and health considerations when choosing a brachycephalic pet. Regardless, they are truly wonderful companions!
W. Jean Dodds, DVM Hemopet / NutriScan 11561 Salinaz Avenue Garden Grove, CA 92843
Boothe, Harry W., DVM. "Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome (Proceedings)." Veterinary Calendar. Dvm360.com, 01 May 2011. Web. 08 Jan. 2017. http://veterinarycalendar.dvm360.com/brachycephalic-airway-syndrome-proceedings-3.
"Vets Warn People against Buying 'flat-faced' Dogs." BBC News. BBC, 21 Sept. 2016. Web. 08 Jan. 2017. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-37423040.
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arielleyoga-blog1 · 5 years
Dusty Marie
If you know me, or follow me on instagram, then you know I am the type of dog mom that truly believes she couldn’t possibly love her future human children as much as she loves her pug. 
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Dusty and my journey started out a little bumpy: I was 7 days into grieving the sudden and traumatic loss of my 10month old puppy when I came home and found my mom on the couch with this tiny pug face looking out at me. Y’all...most of you probably would have been SO happy. But I was SO heartbroken and in the middle of deep grief...that was NOT what I wanted at that time. I did not bond with her, I didn’t even love her at first, and if I’m being totally honest: I tried to see if we could give her back. But then this little part of me knew I was being horrible and this sweet little baby didn’t know about my loss, it wasn’t her fault. So, I decided to make her as different from Cosette as possible, and bring her by my side as my buddy. I don’t know how or when, but she went from my buddy to my baby, and I mean it when I say I don’t know where my soul begins and where her’s ends. I don’t know what life was before her, and I start to completely sob if I consider that there could be life after her.
For all the joy she brings me, all the joy her sweet face and cute little pug butt brings others: she deserves to feel as good as she can. To be doted upon, to get snuggles and treats, and to live a healthy long life. She has come with a fair share of health issues over her lifetime, and so I have done EXTENSIVE research on things she can take regularly to help with the chronic issues she has, as well as any that may arise as she is about to turn 10.
Just like I take supplements and use Arbonne, just like I give my husband vitamins every day. Just like I personally ensure I’m putting pure things in and on my body: I feel the same for my little girl! 
I find a lot of other dog parents struggle with some of the same issues, or don’t realize something will be an issue later on: and so I wanted to write a post with what Dusty gets every day, and why!
Now, first let me say she does get 1/4 cup of dry kibble we order through Chewey.com from our vet. But I hated the idea of her on some crap kibble through Science Diet, so I decided to do a lot of digging and find a happy medium. The reason she has the 1/4 cup of the vet prescribed food is because when she was a puppy we discovered her body doesn’t break down fat well: and causes extreme digestive distress, which as a baby made her bleed while she went #2 and THERE IS NOTHING MORE UPSETTING THAN YOUR TINY BABY PUPPY LOOKING AT YOU WITH SAD PUG EYES POOPING BLOOD! So, after speaking with our vet: we put her on this kibble and it helped IMMEDIATELY. She has a VERY sensitive digestive system (someday my husband will figure that out and stop sharing his whipped cream with her lol) and because of that, I make sure what she eats and the supplements she gets with her meals are things that help keep her digestive system functioning properly. (Quick shout out because I care about my pug’s gut health as much as my own and my client’s which is why I think every human needs to do my 28 day detox program!)
I tried companies that like MAKE FOOD FOR YOUR DOG, and I even tried making food myself: but listen, mama works...mama can’t be like having customized meals sent to the house. Plus: some of the stuff used isn’t best for HER. And so, the kibble she has benefitted the most from I get at The Healthy Spot and it’s Primal Pronto. Every time time she’s out I switch flavors. We stick to Chicken or Turkey and Sardine because she had responses to the other ones that were’t favorable: again, she’s sensitive like her mama. But they say to swap each time because it helps their body function better. And I agree!
It wasn’t hard for me to decide on raw food being the majority of her diet: I mean, she’s a dog...they can’t cook unfortunately,  and kibble is human-made. Just like I don’t eat spam or other weird processed stuff: Dusty shouldn’t either! PLUS Primal raw food is free of antibiotics, steroids, preservatives and added hormones AND their stuff is responsibly sourced from sustainable ranchers in the United States, New Zealand, Australia and Europe. 
She has benefited greatly since going on the raw diet: so I highly suggest that to all pet parents.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Originally, I started adding just a capful to her breakfast because ACV actually helps dogs when they have diarrhea OR when they’re constipated. Again, always been obsessed with my dog’s gut health! But then I started doing even more research and the benefits are insane: It’s a natural flea and tic repellant, it aids with hot spots, helps arthritis by breaking down calcium deposits that form around older dog’s joints, and literally so much more! 
Dusty, and most pugs, have VERY sensitive skin. And so one thing I didn’t want to do was constantly have to give her little steroid pills or get shots to help with the itching she would experience with seasonal changes or heat waves. Now that she’s 9, the benefits ACV has for joints and a plethora of other issues is what keeps me giving it to her every single morning with her breakfast. And no...she doesn’t mind the. Sweet little Dusty Marie is a pug...she eats so fast I don’t think she can even taste her food! 
3. Goat’s Milk
That sensitive skin, again! It was recommended to me to try goat’s milk to help her with the reactions she kept having on her skin years ago. AND it also turns out, goats milk helps with digestion! Talk about two birds with one stone! Just like with ACV, there are A TON of benefits of Goat’s milk for dogs. Again, I shop regularly at The Healthy Spot: they’re a fantastic store and they have so many locations. We were suggested A+ Answers Goat’s Milk, and used that for a while. THEN! Pronto came out with one and so I tried that one...and she threw up more than she’s ever thrown up in her ENTIRE life. So, Healthy Spot took it back no problem and let me know this probably means she’s allergic to turmeric as that’s the only difference in ingredients. There was a period of time that she was off of goats milk: and the itchy skin returned with a vengeance. I went to get a supplement to help, and upon talking to the staff they urged me to first get her back on the goats milk before spending tons of money on more supplements/powders and the such. And guess what? Within 2 days she was back to normal! So, I make sure we NEVER run out! 
4. Juvinate K9
This I got within the last year because for a few days I noticed her randomly limping, sometimes it was subtle, and a few times it was really dramatic. And I FREAKED OUT! I did hours of online research and found this supplement that she now gets with breakfast and dinner. 
It is a unique supplement for dogs containing the state-of-the-art Ayurvedic extract blend Crominex® 3+  for the support of healthy joints, circulatory support and weight management.  It supports healthy circulation, which is important for the delivery of nutrients throughout the body, and can be an important supplement for overweight dogs, supporting healthy blood glucose and a healthy lipid profile.  The reviews were nothing but positive: and since starting her on Juvinate K9, I haven’t seen her limp more than twice: and it’s been over 6 months!
5. Dope Dog CBD
CBD is ALL the rage now a days, and since I have experienced TONS of benefits from it: why not Dusty!?  There are so many brands out there, but I found Dope Dog to be the highest quality and they’re a company that truly CARES about dogs! Dusty get’s their CBD drops at both meals, and gets their CBD treats when she’s extra cute ;) 
CBD has endless benefits, but as I mentioned above: I got this specifically for the limping. She’s approaching 10 and I plan on her living to 83 human years because I truly cannot even fathom what life would be without her. 
The other benefit of this product: is it is SO clean and high quality you can use it too! Sometimes I throw a little in my Arbonne breakfast smoothie :)
She also gets their treats as rewards when she’s extra good...or when she’s extra cute and I feel guilty cuz I have to leave for clients or a class lol
6. Fish Oil
This is a supplement I haven’t been as consistent about giving her: again, it’s benefits for skin and joints are amazing. And it also is helpful for her circulatory system. I notice her coat instantly benefits when I squeeze a little in her breakfast!  You can 100% go to a pet store and get a fish oil for dogs. OR what I like to do is go to Trader Joes, get their Salmon Oil, pierce a capsule and squeeze it in her food. Sometimes I miss, so never wear a shirt you like because a little fish oil can really mess up your morning. But knowing she’s getting a high quality fish oil with breakfast versus spending MORE on a “dog” fish oil keeps me from getting too upset when I get a little salmon oil on my PJs. 
Let me know if you have any questions! This is what a day in the life of Dusty Marie’s food bowl looks like: Breakfast:
Kibble: dry and Pronto raw
1 capful ACV
1 scoop Juvinate
1 capsule salmon oil
.25 Dope Dog
Kibble: dry and Pronto raw
1 scoop Juvinate
.25 Dope Dog
1/4 ish cup A+ Answers Goat’s Milk 
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