My whole life consists of secretly loving people and them not noticing
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You’re busy doubting yourself while so many people are intimidated by your potential
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So what if you don’t feel pretty? You’re not here to look pretty. You’re here to love, to experience things, to create, to learn, to teach, to care, to help, to laugh, to LIVE. Being pretty doesn’t have to be on your list of priorities! What your body looks like will always be secondary to all the things it allows you to do and experience.
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not to dictate your life but drop your shitty friends
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So what if you’re alone right now. Embrace it. Go get coffee alone. Shop alone. Drive alone. Watch movies alone. Get to know yourself. Nothing bad can come from riding whatever wave to self improvement you’re blessed with in the moment.
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women of the world unlearn your massive guilt complex
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it’s okay to let yourself do things just for the sake of feeling better. use that bath bomb you’ve been saving, eat that last chocolate, heat up that fancy coffee, take a little break from your work and watch your favorite show. we feel a lot of pressure to save things for the right moment, but if it makes you happy, then why can’t any moment be the right moment?
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