#Public Opinion Surveys and Exit Polls in india
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#peoplesinsight#politics#politicalcampaignmanagementcompanyinindia#digiatlmarketingagency#top election management company in india#Election campaign agency in India#Public Opinion Surveys and Exit Polls in india#Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Exit Polls in india
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Predict the Upcoming Elections
What do you need for your next investigation, general information or detailed opinions? An important element when creating opinion polls is defining what kind of responses we need.
The new observations about trust differ markedly across groups of people, countries, and the world. Consequently, it is almost impossible to draw a single conclusion on the subject. For example, if it is stated with certainty that trust increases, decreases, or remains relatively constant over time, there is not enough room for nuances related to gender, country, and socioeconomic variables. There are also notable differences between decision makers and the general public.
Opinion polls are more detailed, and generally ask for personal comments and points of view. These commonly targeting people’s view, for example about the Best Chief Minister in India.
Instead, an opinion poll is a more general way to find out the direction your market is heading, or political trends. With a single question and multiple answers, you can get hundreds or thousands of answers that can help point you in the right direction.
Surveys are increasingly used to gather data and opinions on a wide variety of topics. The information that organizations seek has to do with:
What are people thinking about the Tamil Nadu Election 2021 Opinion Poll?
What is the public concerned about Assam Election 2021?
What are people's views on current issues?
What are the differences of opinion between people in different geographical areas of the country, between political groups, between groups representing different social and economic levels, etc?
Opinion polls at electoral time
Tamil Nadu Election 2021 are very popular leading up to elections. For these to work correctly, researchers must use the method correctly to predict who will vote and how they plan to vote.
A researcher should try to find out, for example through an electoral poll of Kerala Election 2021 Opinion Poll, what are the opinions of those who will vote in the elections.
People have the right and the duty to decide on political issues. Government officials certainly need to listen to citizens. And of course, candidates can continue their work with more confidence and intelligence if they know the public opinion, for example through an exit poll.
The Kerala Election 2021 marks the fate of the last CPI (M) base in India. However, Kerala follows the same policy as Rajasthan. In Rajasthan, like Kerala, there is a change of power every five years, followed by a CPM-led LDF rule, followed by a parliament-led UDF every five years.
This time, elections are the most important from a CPI (M) perspective. After West Bengal, the CPM lost Tripla to the BJP, and it seems impossible to return to power in both West Bengal and Tripla in the future. The Bengal Election 2021 Opinion Poll also matter about the state policies against central policies where Mamta led TMC is currently ruling party.
Uses of an opinion poll
Polls or surveys are a unique tool that can give you access to various aspects of a business and that allows you to plan solutions for the future.
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#1yrago Global trumpism: how India's brutal leader manufactures reality with trumped-up "polls"
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is an authoritarian war criminal who is part of the worldwide surge of trumpist leaders and hopefuls, including Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte; Hungary's Viktor Orbán; Russia's Vladimir Putin; South Korea's Park Geun-hye; France's Marine Le Pen; the UK's Nigel Farage, Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and others -- bound together by xenophobia, a lack of transparency, violent suppression of opposition, and savvy use of the internet.
We don't yet have a name for these powers yet, in the same way that the early 1930s didn't have a name for the "Axis powers" and even today it's hard to pin down exactly what the Axis was -- a military alliance, an ideological fraternity, a marriage of convenience -- and who was and wasn't a part of the Axis.
But they are starting to cohere into a movement whose shared characteristics are increasingly visible. One element of this is "post-truth," which has been part of the ruling class's playbook for decades (think of Iran-Contra, the complacency regarding the credit bubble, and, of course, the WMD lie that led to the Iraq invasion).
But the new world of post-truth has a different character; as Masha "Autocracy: Rules for Survival" Gessen points out in this important On the Media segment, the autocratic version of post-truth doesn't really make a pretense to being truthful: when Trump says there were millions of fraudulent votes, he is really saying two things: first, for the lowest of low-information voters, he's saying "hey, there are millions of fraudulent voters"; but for everyone else who knows, on some level, that this isn't true, he is saying, "I can say whatever the fuck I want and you egghead liberal pussies can't do shit about it," which serves the dual purpose of demoralizing his opponents and making him seem more godlike to the worshipers in his cult of personality.
When Brexiteer Michael Gove said that "people in this country have had enough of experts," he was acting out this playbook, asserting his faction's right to manufacture a new reality to counter the well-known liberal bias of reality.
The Brexit project is built around this reality-manufacture enterprise. That's why when the best-respected nonpartisan experts released a dismal economic forecast for post-Brexit Britain, right wing politicians slammed them for daring to defy their manufactured world. As Karl Rove said in the early days of this political moment, "[you are] in what we call the reality-based community, [you] believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
Which brings me to Modi, who presides over "the world's largest democracy." Modi recently surprised his 1.25B citizens with an announcement that all bills worth more than about $7.50 would be taken out of circulation in 50 days, and that old notes had to be exchanged by queuing up at banks and changing no more than about $150 at a time, with a weekly per-person maximum of about $350. The rubric for this "demonetisation" is to fight corruption, money laundering and terrorism (India is consistently at the bottom of the World Corruptions Perception Index).
However, the move has been controversial (to say the least) -- so widely deplored across all ranks of Indian society that it threatens Modi's reality-manufacture enterprise.
To reassert his trumpian reality, Modi used his app to "poll" the Indian public on demonetisation (like Trump, Modi uses online tools to communicate directly with his base, bypassing the press).
The demonetisation poll is a literal national joke in India, as it is so fantastically biased in its use of leading questions ("Do you think the evil of corruption and black money needs to be fought and eliminated?" is the second question on the survey) and its obvious sampling deficits -- the Modi app can only be accessed by the minority of Hindi/English speaking Indians who also own smartphones, and is most likely to be installed by Modi supporters.
The push-poll methodology is well understood. It featured in a classic -- and now revived -- episode of the UK political sitcom Yes, Minister that is tearing up the charts among Indian internet users.
But also familiar is the use of polls that disproportionately survey a trumpist's political base as a way of proving that the trumpist leader's policies are broadly supported -- this was something Trump himself did frequently in the runup to the election, and is making even more recourse to now that he is struggling to reconcile the ego-bruising reality of having to govern for the next four years as America's worst-performing minority president of all time.
The always-outstanding More or Less podcast (MP3) features the Modi poll in this week's episode as a teaching exercise for understanding the abuse of statistics and polls as a means to political ends.
But as important as it is to understand the statistical incoherence of using your followers' answers to leading questions as a proxy for the entire country's opinion, it's even more important to put this move into its wider context as a post-truth, Rovean, trumpist tactic used to create "new reality."
Reality is real. As Peter Watts points out, there is no negotiating with the climate, despite what Trump thinks: "Okay, we’ll cut our bitumen production by 15%, but then you have to increase your joules/kelvin by at least 5" is not a scientific proposition. But reality assertion can be delayed until the people who denied it have made their exit.
The world's super-rich are engaged in what can only be described as secession. As the world's real economy has been eclipsed by the shadow economy of offshore tax-avoidance, as climate has been forced out of the Overton window and the window is slammed shut behind it, it seems like the plan for the future is to fly from mountaintop to mountaintop, high above the rising sea, interbreeding a race of weak-chinned, entitled, murderous idiots who are brought into contact via Harrier jet for scheduled mating visits.
They don't need to prevent climate change or global economic collapse, they merely need to (literally) rise above it. Just as the criminals behind the 2008 collapse cashed out and walked away free and wealthy, just as CEOs can hollow out their companies, collect bonuses, and deploy their golden parachutes before the crash, so too do the trumpists and their courtiers expect to saunter away from the wreck whistling while the rest of us dig through the rubble for canned goods and drink our own urine.
In ten or twenty years, we'll know what trumpism is really called, and who it applies to. In the meantime, there's another political movement in potentia that we have no name for, the group that Rove sneered at and called "the reality-based community." If you are as worried as I am about Trump, you are fighting the same thing that the Turks who are fighting Erdoğan, the Filippinos who are fighting Duterte, the French who are fighting Le Pen, the Russians who are fighting Putin, the Syrians who took to the streets against Assad, the Occupiers, the Idle No Mores, the Arab Springers, are fighting. We don't have a name yet, and we're not entirely sure what to call the other side, either, but these are the sides, and they are forming.
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Next Vision: Will Israel's support benefit 'Make in India'
Israeli President on his November visit of eight days last year stated that Israel and India together can work towards make in India and make with India. He also affirmed that India has taught Israel that food security is the greater challenge today. Reuven Rivlin, the Israeli counterpart of Indian Prime Minister further said that Indian and Israeli experts together place solar panels on the roof of trucks so that the vegetables and fruits inside stay fresh, they are doing magic!
It is visibly evident that Israeli President is a well wisher and respects Indian ideology of development at the moment and considers Indians as an ally when it comes to world views too. The Israeli technology when added to Indian 'jugaad' can work wonders for 'make in India'. However, the results depend upon the effective implementation of the same on the ground level and a strategic approach.

There have been difference of opinions on the topic that whether it will benefit 'Make in India' or not. The position seems positive as if now. Let us see what Nishkarsh - The market research app's popular public opinion poll on National Interest has to say about it. The question was put up by Sri Rajendra Parida to which Indians have reacted without bias and influence. 69% of smart phone using Indians believe that Israeli friendship will certainly give a boost to 'Make in India' project of Indian government while 31% of them are skeptical of the impact it will have on the same.
Nishkarsh is a market research app of Next Vision Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (NVRSPL). The company is an ace research solutions firm which works wonder on exit polls, public opinion polls apart from business surveys of all types. It has a massive data bank of respondents across the nation. The results are authentic and accurate. Nisksrsh particularly has this picture upload feature of the product in question which isn't being practiced by any of the research companies in India till now. It has respondents' Aadhar connected to the payment system and only one user can submit a survey from one handset. Because Next Vision knows that authenticity only can give accurate predictions and analysis required for further planning and improvements. Apart from all this, Niskarsh has a public poll panel where questions of national and social importance are answered daily by Indians.
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India election: counting begins with Narendra Modi poised for victory | World news
Counting has begun in India of more than 600 million votes cast in the country’s marathon six-week election.
This year’s polls, held over seven phases starting on 11 April, have been described as a contest for the soul of India, with Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist government pitted against a disparate group of opposition parties including the Congress, whose secular vision has defined the country for most of the past 72 years.
Results from 542 lower-house constituencies – one fewer than usual, after authorities discovered £1.3m unaccounted cash in a south Indian party leader’s home and cancelled the poll there – started being counted at 8am local time (3.30am GMT), with results to be released progressively throughout the day.
Most exit polls show Modi’s Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) on track to form government in coalition with smaller parties. Should the BJP cross the 272-seat majority mark on its own, or come close, it would mark a new era of Hindu nationalist hegemony in Indian politics fuelled by Modi’s extraordinary popularity.
“We are in an era where you have, once more, a central gravitational force around which Indian politics revolves,” said Milan Vaishnav, the director of the south Asia program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “I think 2019 will confirm that the BJP has replaced the Congress as that.”
The process of counting such a vast number of votes (one southern electorate, Malkajgiri, has roughly the population of Uruguay) used to take up to 40 hours but has been reduced considerably by the growing use of electronic-voting machines since 1982.
At more than 1m polling booths across India on Thursday, election authorities under the supervision of party delegates will break the seals of the devices and check the total number of votes registered for each candidate. A handful of machines in each constituency will be cross-checked against paper receipts produced for every vote.
The release of exit polls on Sunday evening predicting a Modi landslide led to a chorus of accusations by opposition leaders that the machines had been hacked to favour the BJP. The complaints grew louder during the week with the publication of several pieces of footage showing machines being transported to and from polling booth in the backs of trucks. Election authorities say those machines were spares and that the ones in use were locked in secure rooms.
The decisions of voters in the vast country of 1.3 billion people have been driven by innumerable local concerns, caste and religion, or rumours and opinions traded over WhatsApp or cups of chai at a tea stand. But the figure of Modi has towered over the contest like no prime minister since Indira Gandhi in the 1970s.
“There is no match for Modi among the opposition parties,” said Rahul Verma, a fellow at the Delhi-based Centre for Policy Research. “He’s running at nearly an all-time high popularity, he’s charismatic, and people still repose faith in him despite not being very happy with the economic side of the government’s performance.”
A survey released this week by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies found that nearly one-third of people who voted for the BJP did so in support of Modi, rather than the party or their local candidate. Modi’s popularity had actually grown compared with 2014, when he led his party to the first majority victory in 30 years, the researchers said.
The months leading to election were bumpy for the BJP. A government survey revealed unemployment to be the highest in 45 years. Data showing that farming incomes had plummeted to their lowest point in 18 years confirmed the distress of agricultural workers, some of who had marched on Delhi carrying skulls that they said belonged to farmers who had committed suicide due to drought and mounting debt.
Modi’s promise on the 2014 campaign trail that “good days are coming” threatened to turn into a millstone around his neck.
Then a bombing in the disputed territory of Kashmir on 14 February helped to transform the contest. Rather than dent Modi’s strongman image, the killing of 40 Indian paramilitaries by a Pakistan-based militant group became the stage for his response, an air strike deeper in neighbouring territory than Indian jets had ever struck.
“It really put a premium on leadership,” said Vaishnav. “It spoke to the attributes that Modi often touts about himself: decisiveness, muscularity, nationalism and to a certain extent people started to see the vote not about a choice between political alternatives but a vote for the nation.”
Modi styled himself as “chowkidar” – Hindi for watchman – and made national security the dominant message of the early part of his campaign. “Clap so hard people will think air strikes have happened,” a BJP official urged the crowd at Modi’s rally in Delhi earlier in May.
The main opposition Congress party, led by Rahul Gandhi, never found its footing again after the Pakistan strikes and has been out-gunned by the BJP’s deep pockets, relentless campaigning and disciplined party machine.
A report by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) found that the BJP took in more than 73% of the donations declared by India’s seven largest political parties in 2017-18. The ruling party spent more than 260m rupees (£2.9m) on advertisements on Facebook, Youtube, Google and Instagram, compared to 35m rupees by Congress.
Many opposition leaders have tried to paper over their differences to form a broad anti-Modi coalition that they say will be enough to oust the leader, who won office with just over 30% of the national vote share five years ago. But their alliance was purely instrumental and had failed to inspire voters, Verma said.
“The opposition has failed to generate any kind of alternative vision for the country,” he said. “They tried to get together in some states and make coalitions but it seems like the perception is that these are opportunistic electoral alliances, they have nothing new to offer and have no leadership to match Modi.”
Sahred From Source link World News
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Best PR Agency in Delhi- Me Bhi Neta
Me Bhi Neta is an affordable PR agency in Delhi that offers public relations, media communications management solutions & more for startups. It provides Political Campaign Management, Political Consulting, Political Survey, Opinion Poll, Exit Poll, and Constituency Profiling.
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Public Opinion Surveys and Exit Polls in india
People's Insight offers comprehensive public opinion surveys and exit polls in India. Our services provide valuable insights into the minds of the electorate, helping businesses, political parties, and organizations make informed decisions. With a focus on accuracy and reliability, People's Insight is your trusted partner for understanding public sentiment and predicting electoral outcomes.
visit : https://www.peoplesinsight.in/
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Next Vision: The name you can rely on
Next Vision Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has emerged as a breakthrough market research solutions company for business, public opinion poll or exit poll. It has thousands of respondents connected to its unique market research mobile app named NISHKARSH. The app is perhaps gives the most authentic and accurate results in the industry. At Next Vision, the skilled and experienced team believes that only the authenticity of data determines accuracy of results. To authenticate its purpose, Next Vision connects Aadhar card of each respondent to the payment system for filling up targeted surveys. Only one person can fill a particular survey from one mobile. Nishkarsh is the only and first market research app in India which has picture upload feature for the recently bought product in question. It is mandatory for the respondent to give required details. Despite all the measures, compact and crisp questionnaire is prepared for each industry and for the clients, customized survey is put up to reach the desired results.
Apart from all the above distinct features, Next Vision has taken up its corporate social responsibility seriously and has already started to build public utility toilets as part of its goal of building 2000 toilets across India. It has also come forward to provide scholarships to the deserving and underprivileged students. Nishkarsh app has a public poll panel where questions of national and social concerns are put your daily. People get a platform to speak up their opinion without any influence or fear.
But all the milestones set so far are just a few drops of the ocean and once you tie up with Next Vision, you will definitely encounter a new opportunity and a new confidence at every step. To know more visit www.nvrspl.com or download Nishkarsh app from google play store.
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Next Vision: Nishkarsh - The most trusted market research app
Nishkarsh is a breakthrough market research app. It has almost fool proof data authentication techniques to minimize chances of failure in procuring a very reliable result. First of all it has thousands of respondents connected to it across India. The respondents are connected to the system through their aadhar card and hence, duplicity is checked. Only one entry per handset is recorded for. The large size of sample along with authentic results make it the most reliable market research app. Secondly, It is India's first market research application to have picture upload feature for the recently bought product in question. The surveys are short with strategically designed questions so that respondents don't vary in between. With such filters, an authentic and accurate analysis is derived which in turn gives you the dependable formula towards your business-victory.
The app was launched in the year 2017 and is being used extensively by respondents who are being paid on survey basis. Nishkarsh is the brainchild of Next Vision Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The app gives delivers very important and useful data for exit polls and is an expert in public opinion polls. It has proven its worth by forecasting exact figures (BJP's win with 67% seats) in Delhi MCD elections exit polls in the year 2017. Recently, around Diwali, Nishkarsh played pivotal role in Odisha's public opinion poll, which is the largest public opinion poll in the nation till date, which has compiled unique MLA performance report card. This kind of public opinion poll is a role model to follow in other states with time.
Next Vision Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has also developed this app to support social causes and hence, a special panel question of national interest is posted daily to which public reacts fearlessly without any pressure. The company has also flagged a toilet building project in the nation, beginning from the state of Odisha.
The new year has brought forth many opportunities and they must convert those into success together. For more information log on to www.nvrspl.com. The app - Nishkarsh is available for download on google play store. Lets be the part of the change. Happy New Year 2018!
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Next Vision: Scholarships for deserving and underprivileged students!

Next Vision Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has taken the corporate social responsibility to next level by announcing a scholarship opportunity for all the bright yet underprivileged students. The company considers children to be the most valuable asset of the nation and hence, money must not be a constraint in the way of getting good education, especially, if the children are deserving, hard working and talented.
All you have to do as a parent is to register your child at Nishkarsh. It is company's official mobile app which has to be downloaded from Google play store, for registrations. The Talent Hunt Exam will be held in schools across India on January 28th 2018 (Sunday). This scholarship will ensure upto 100% on tuition fee throughout school studies and will be provided to the selected meritorious and underprivileged students (from every school) through this exam.
Next Vision Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a market research, public opinion poll and exit polls survey company with a difference because it utilizes its core competency skills to bring about a holistic change in society. Recently, its app Nishkarsh has been officially launched in the market which has connected thousands of Indian smart phone users as respondents for all the short and result oriented surveys. Anyone who fills up the survey gets paid for the same and only one entry per mobile number is accepted so overlapping is avoided. Respondent's Adhar ID is linked with the payment channel which further authenticates the data. There is a unique and mandatory feature of picture upload of the recently bought product in question. This measure for authenticity of results is a breakthrough in the industry if market research based apps. Nishkarsh also has a public opinion poll panel where one question of national and public interest is posted regularly and people get an opportunity to voice their opinion there without any influence or fear. Nishkarsh is an ace tool for political public opinion surveys and hence, proves accurate when it's results are matched with the actual results.
Next Vision urges the parents to come forward and encourage their children to sit for this distinct talent hunt examination. The exam guidelines will be released shortly after registrations. It wishes all the best to the future of the country! For more information visit www.nvrspl.com.
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Next Vision: Female infanticide in India
Female infanticide refers to the practice or as we must put it, the inhuman practice of killing female foetus in the womb of the mother just because of the reason that she was going grow into a girl child. Who doesn't know that India is fighting this dark demonic practice since years. States like Rajasthan, Haryana, UP and Bihar are the worst affected by it. People illegally get to know the sex of the unborn child by bribing the ultrasound operator or doctor and then execute this ominous deed. Even after several laws to protect girl child and stop infanticide in India, the corrupted system finds a loop hole and cashes upon every single opportunity of luring willing people who don't shy away from taking the risk of life for the mother of the unborn child. Situation is such that in a developing country like India, it has been accepted that a particular area do not 'approve' the birth of a girl child! This is a big hindrance in the way of development and progress of the nature. The rate of female infanticide has lowered a bit but it still is being practiced under wraps. As a result, the number of boys in India outnumber the the number girls. Recently, in an event, former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen cited an incident of her life when she Mother Teresa where she saw many baby girls being held up for adoption and only four baby boys were there who were already adopted by foster parents! This shows the pathetic state of a girl child in India.

This grave issue urged Next Vision to come up with a public opinion poll on his unique app called Nishkarsh. According to the results of this poll, 44.8% of people think that no other country has such a grave issue of female infanticide in any other country. 30.2 % think that other countries also have the same issue. 25% of people couldn't opine at all. If we keep aside the people who can't say anything on the issue, we clearly see that Indian subcontinent is the worst affected nation because of this issue. Needless to say that this causes a major setback in development and growth of a country.
Next Vision is a premium market research company which has mastered the art of research when it comes to political PR surveys, public opinion polls and exit polls. It has proven it's mettle by giving exact winning figures in Delhi MCD exit poll this year. Next Vision also generates effective research solutions for businesses pan India. The distinct feature of uploading the picture of the recently bought product ensures authenticity of responses apart from linking of adhar ID card to their respective payment mode for the respondent. For more accurate and authentic research based solutions, log on to www.nvrspl.com
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Next Vision: A Diwali gift to the denizens of Odisha
This Diwali season, Next Vision Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. will churn out the biggest public opinion poll or people's perception poll in the state of Odisha. All the concerned MLA candidates will be given their score cards of performance given by the public where they will be ranked on the basis of their own brand name among people, they social work performance so far, their corruption index in the eyes of people, their number on people's preference scale and many more parameters. The honest opinions of people will bring forth authentic and accurate results which will prove beneficial for the public of Odisha as well as their respective leaders in question.
Odisha hasn’t been much talked about recently because of its relatively calm people. The state has 147 assembly constituencies and about 1200 aspiring MLA contestants. At least 1000 samples per constituency will be collected that means 1000 respondents and prospective voters will respond to the opinion poll survey and will review the performance of MLA candidates as perceived by them in their respective constituency. The sample size, hence, may cross a whopping 1, 50, 000. Next Vision is braving this task with confidence and its results are due before October 20 this year. The results don’t take long and are characteristically strong in delivering authentic and accurate work. The individual score cards of the aspiring MLAs in the region will put spotlight on the major good perspective of the leader and also on the major grievances of the public. This poll is both political leader-centric as well as public centric. This way the public opinion poll results will be optimally utilized and will add value to the Indian political sector.
Next Vision Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is an out of the league market research and survey company who has come up with a survey cum live poll app called 'Nishkarsh'. Nishkarsh covers a respondent pool of thousands of Indian people. Next Vision has taken into consideration that no survey gives fake data so much so that surveys have a mandatory feature of product picture upload of the recently bought product in question. The questions are framed such that they take less time to get filled and they are answered honestly. When respondents are paid for filling up the surveys, their ID proofs get connected too. There is another unique live poll panel where questions of national interest are put up daily to be answered by Indian people without any fear or influence. All these efforts ensure fruitful results and fruitful authentic results can only help plan future course of action by the concerned company or political leaders/parties.
Next Vision specialises in public opinion poll and exit polls. Because of its large sample size, it achieves accurate results. Unlike most of the market research companies, Next Vision doesn't believe in manipulation of data for advertisements. This kind of fake propaganda only depletes political party's or leader's image, it also questions the authenticity of the research company. It eventually, leads to failure but an accurate and authentic research results can make you a true leader provided you are willing to incorporated changes to the best of your might in the interest of the public. This kind of trustworthy research can build a good image and hence, can help you gain long term success elections after elections. Similarly, corporate sector can't afford to flash fake data, it only downgrades its brand... If caught, the research company as well as the client company may have to face severe legal suits. Hence, Next Vision tries to take up the path of utmost sincerity in rendering its customized research solutions to its respective clients.
"Odisha is just a starting and we have to go a long way pan India to cover public opinion polls as well as exit polls as per their respective time frame. We are revolutionizing the way and purpose of research solutions," says Bharat Sadana (Director, Next Vision). The company claims to generate MLA score cards on the basis of public opinion survey in Odisha very soon. For more information visit www.nvrspl.com.
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Next Vision launches its office in Bhubaneshwar
Next Vision is a premium market research company. It has its headquarters in Delhi and is expanding its business paradigm now. The company is an ace market research solution provider to corporate clients as well as political sector of the nation. Next Vision has done exemplary work in Delhi MCD Exit Poll giving the exact figures which matched the actual result of the poll later! The company is glad to announce the launch of its office in Bhubaneshwar (Odisha), in the wake of India's biggest public opinion poll. This poll is being conducted by Next Vision single-handed, both manually as well as digitally. Next Vision's marker research app 'Nishkarsh' is distinct and is known for its authentic and accurate results. The company, hence, is targeting thousands of smart phone using public for this public opinion poll through Nishkarsh. This poll will result in a figurative score card of different individual political candidates from different constituencies in Odisha. The operations will be controlled by the new office in Bhubaneshwar.
Next Vision has a very large respondent base pan India. Therefore, it is capable of most accurate and authentic results. The company has designed the largest or biggest public opinion poll survey such that the results would not only have an effect of improving performance of the leaders as well as public involvement in doing so. Next Vision's app takes into consideration valid respondents as their respective IDs or Adhar card are linked to the payment system for surveys. There is only one entry per phone and the questions asked are understandable and direct, surveys are shorter so that respondent doesn't lose interest midway and answer questions more sincerely. For business related surveys, the app has product picture upload feature where authenticity is kept intact by respondents by uploading the photo of the recently bought product in question, while filling up the survey. Apart from all this, Nishkarsh puts of questions of national and social importance on its Live Poll panel. People of India fearlessly put their foot forward on this Live Poll and give their honest opinion on the topic without any influence.
The rapidly expanding company, Next Vision caters to all types of business segments whether it is product based or service based or socio-political or political based. Right now Lord Sun's own place, Odisha will experience the largest public opinion poll whose result will be delivered before Diwali, 2017 that is October 19, 2017. The work is in its full bloom at the moment and Next Vision wishes to extend this very festival gift to the leaders and the public together this year. Let us look forward to their work in this out of the league work.
For more information, please log on to www.nvrspl.com.
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Next Vision: India's Biggest Public Opinion Poll - Odisha Countdown Begins!
Public Opinion Polls are still underrated and underestimated in India. They are just used to project figures to the public which either it does not understand or it takes it as advertisement or propaganda. The success of a public opinion poll depends upon for what purpose this poll is being designed and how it is being executed. India has a recent history of election results which seldom matched the exit polls or public opinion polls done just before the elections to give an idea to the public. October 2017 will set a benchmark in Indian political sector with India's biggest public opinion polls taking place in Odisha. The public opinion poll is set on quantitative market survey model. It is being executed through physical efforts as well as through Nishkarsh - a market survey app. Due to the involvement of Nishkarsh app the whole project will take only about twenty days. It is fast, authentic and accurate system which has been tried and tested earlier. The company which initiated this unique public opinion poll, Next Vision Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. started the process on September 25, 2017 and results will be out before October 20, 2017!
The state of Odisha will go through a political cleansing through this mega opinion poll. Odisha's authentic and accurate results of this opinion poll will have direct effect on people’s real choices when it comes to the upcoming state elections. Odisha hasn’t been much talked about recently because of its relatively calm people. The state has 147 assembly constituencies and about 1200 aspiring MLA contestants. At least 1000 samples per constituency will be collected that means 1000 respondents and prospective voters will respond to the opinion poll survey and will review the performance of MLA candidates as perceived by them in their respective constituency. The sample size, hence, may cross a whopping 1, 50, 000. Next Vision is braving this task with confidence and its results are due before October 20 this year. The results don’t take long and are characteristically strong in delivering authentic and accurate work. The individual score cards of the aspiring MLAs in the region will put spotlight on the major good perspective of the leader and also on the major grievances of the public. This poll is both political leader-centric as well as public centric. This way the public opinion poll results will be optimally utilized and will add value to the Indian political sector.
Next Vision Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is an out of the league market research and survey company who has come up with a survey cum live poll app called 'Nishkarsh'. Nishkarsh covers a respondent pool of thousands of Indian people. Next Vision has taken into consideration that no survey gives fake data so much so that surveys have a mandatory feature of product picture upload of the recently bought product in question. The questions are framed such that they take less time to get filled and they are answered honestly. When respondents are paid for filling up the surveys, their ID proofs get connected too. There is another unique live poll panel where questions of national interest are put up daily to be answered by Indian people without any fear or influence. All these efforts ensure fruitful results and fruitful authentic results can only help plan future course of action by the concerned company or political leaders/parties.
Next Vision specialises in public opinion poll and exit polls. Because of its large sample size, it achieves accurate results. Unlike most of the market research companies, Next Vision doesn't believe in manipulation of data for advertisements. This kind of fake propaganda only depletes political party's or leader's image, it also questions the authenticity of the research company. It eventually, leads to failure but an accurate and authentic research results can make you a true leader provided you are willing to incorporated changes to the best of your might in the interest of the public. This kind of trustworthy research can build a good image and hence, can help you gain long term success elections after elections. Similarly, corporate sector can't afford to flash fake data, it only downgrades its brand... If caught, the research company as well as the client company may have to face severe legal suits. Hence, Next Vision tries to take up the path of utmost sincerity in rendering its customized research solutions to its respective clients.
"Odisha is just a starting and we have to go a long way pan India to cover public opinion polls as well as exit polls as per their respective time frame. We are revolutionizing the way and purpose of research solutions," says Bharat Sadana (Director, Next Vision). The company claims to generate MLA score cards on the basis of public opinion survey in Odisha very soon. For more information visit www.nvrspl.com.
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Next Vision: Are Modi's current policies/projects taking a toll over his popularity?
Prime Minister Modi took the most coveted oath of the country in May 2014. When he came into power with his basic and less thought about issues were seriously adhered to like Swachch Bharat Abhiyan, Jan-Dhan Yojana, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, PM Awas Yojana, PM Suraksha Bima Yojana, PM MUDRA Yojana, PM Sukanya Samridhi Yojana, PM Fasal Bima Yojana and Gram Sinchayi Yojana, and many more. Apart from these policies and schemes which are a part of PM's vision for a better, clean, self-sufficient and developed India; there have been occasions of important decisions which were taken as though in exigency as asserted by PM Modi. One of the most important one being 'Demonetization' when the old notes of 500 and 1000 were banned in a short notice of 12 hours, and people were required to deposit those notes in bank at the earliest so that new notes as and when available can be issued to them. The whole process was designed as such to flush the black money out of the Indian Economy and renew the circulation once again. This exercise was supposed to being far-fetched and long-lasting effect to the economy and was supposed to add to the development of the nation as a whole. In addition to all these processes initiated by the current government, Modi brought an over-ambitious and exorbitantly expensive dream project of Bullet Train to India, the project for the first track of which is expected to be completed by 2022. Modi has projected India in world-view and has catapulted nation's image so much so that many nations have come forward to invest in India appreciating the vision and foreign public relations skills of Modi. Modi's personal visits to each small and big country of geographical, trade and tourism, investment related importance has worked in favour of India's impression as a powerful developing nation.
Now, when we have introspected on all the major policies, projects and schemes of Modi; we can look at how far they have gone and what good they have done till now. Most of the schemes will take time to materialise and are not being implemented on the ground level in many areas by many people. After envisioning and forming the project committees it is important to make sure that they are being implemented the way they are supposed to be and there should be a check on red-tapism and corruption inside the system designed for welfare of the public. The current government hasn't made any significant mark as far as this forte is concerned, however, there have been a motivational awareness in the public about cleanliness, a good thought has been seeded and hence, it has resulted in many cleanliness drives and more vigilant citizens. Demonetization has flushed out black money on a much lower level than expected and no politician, industrialist or wealthy corporate has contributed to the whole operation, and it is not possible that there was no black money with them! There was a promise that poor would benefit and their accounts will have a definite sum of money in the end of the process and till now many such bank accounts haven't got the money promised. Although a good idea, it was not implemented with planning and the common man suffered during the period of demonetization. It is going to be a year since demonetization was initiated, GDP has its lowest meanwhile. Recently, many train-accidents happened in India, the railway food fell down in quality to the level of being inedible, the tracks are not at all in shape and management needs a over-haul. In this scenario Bullet Train route between Mumbai and Ahmedabad has been unveiled by Modi with the help of his Japanese counter part, Shinzo Abe. The Bullet Train project again has created furor in public and there is agitation because people see no point in wasting crores of money on Bullet Train when the existing railway network is in shambles. On the other hand, we also have people who believe in Modi's vision and also, believe that less time is given before evaluation of his efforts and since change is cognitive, the results will be visible in the long run and development of the nation does involve a big cost at the ground level sometimes. Modi had undoubtedly raised the bar of expectation with some tall talks and larger than life promises about his regime, because of which his image has suffered over the period of time. People need to see something visibly effective and his policies really benefiting for women and girl child upliftment, for farmers, for common people, for education system, for healthcare facilities and for public transport system to believe in his visions further.
It is clear that Modi is a right wing leader who concentrates more on infrastructure plus bringing in foreign direct foreign investment and less on public welfare issues. Since public welfare issues are directly related to the lives of common people in India, they obviously expect their 'small' world to be better first. A person who is struggling hard for his or her daily bread can't see beyond that and it hardly matters for him/her if the Bullet Train runs in his/her country or not because anyway he/she won't be able to afford using expensive conveyance. Still, dreams work wonders for a nation and growth starts from a vision. Keeping this view in mind, Modi can be regarded as a very influential leader but he seems to have become less impressive with time and this is not a good news for the future of BJP in India.
Let us see how people of India have responded this important question: Are Modi's current policies/projects taking a toll over his popularity? Since popularity is directly proportional to one's public image, 60% of Indian people agree that Modi's popularity has gone down. 35% of people are of the opinion that Modi's image hasn't been affected at all because of his failure in impressing common people with his work. 5% of the people couldn't make up their mind on this question. The majority of people have, therefore, have noticed that Modi's popularity has gone down. It is time for PM Modi to think seriously about the public's preferences, sufferings and point of view to work for rebuilding his popularity. As his popularity has been the key factor to bring his party to power with a huge mandate. His popularity has made history in the Indian political sector and hence, it needs to be preserved for best of BJP's interests. So working for the interests of the public and delivering results on them is good for people of India as well as the party.
This public opinion live poll was carried out by Next Vision Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. through its distinct market survey app called Nishkarsh. Here the company is connected with lakhs of smart phone using respondents pan India. Next Vision is an exit poll and public opinion poll survey expert and is currently carrying out India's biggest public opinion poll in Odisha. The results of which will be declared towards the end of month of October. Next Vision's app Nishkarsh delivers authentic, fast and accurate results. Authentic because all respondents are connected to the payment system with their Aadhar card plus only one phone per person can respond to a survey. Accurate because authenticity when applied with quantitative survey ensures unmatched correct results. Next Vision delivered exact 67% of win by BJP in Delhi MCD elections in exit polls and BJP won by the same number of seats when the actual poll results were out! Fast because the survey is done at the tip of fingers through smart-phone users and today, smart-phones are owned by people in village, towns, and cities and by people belonging to all stratas of the society. Next Vision also specialises in business, corporate and professional research solutions. To connect to Next Vision log on to www.nvrspl.com.
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Next Vision: Is Bullet Train a necessity over basic education and healthcare facilities in India?
Ever since the announcement of Bullet Train route construction was made, this debate has been raging the social media and otherwise packed discussions among Indian people. The much hyped Mumbai - Ahmedabad route was unveiled this year by PM Modi. He and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe have laid the foundation for the high-speed train network. Looking at the bigger picture, this seems to be a sign of productivity, development and more power to the public in India. Japan is a model where bullet train technology is a success and people use it day in and day out as the main mode of conveyance. On the other hand, there are several countries where Bullet Train hasn't made it a hit with the public or the country simply didn't opt for it in the first place. The reasons might be different but let us give it a second thought that which country doesn't want a technology like high-speed train network to be a part of its map. Keeping this view in mind, there might be concrete reasons behind not going for this ambitious project in their country yet, despite being developed! For example: US hasn't opted for Bullet Trains despite being the first country to have the oldest high-speed subway train network. US knows that the amount of resources and money which it would invest in Bullet Train is not worth it when their existing train network is geared towards long-haul commercial freight traffic. It already serves the needs of public conveyance very well to the satisfaction of the commuters on a daily basis. For long distances also, it is more cost-effective to board a flight. Second reason is that in US there is a car-culture and there is a large chunk of population which prefers to travel by car whether inter-state or intra-state. Public conveyance is popular in big cities like New York the most. Third reason being the density of population and ratio of commuters from area to area which is not compatible with the requirement of a Bullet Train in US. Hence, US has weighed pros and cons and still is called a developed nation without having a Bullet Train. The US case study, therefore, proves that Bullet Train is not a benchmark for development.
People supporting the vision of present government, will say that how is Japan using the same technology so efficiently. The answer lies in the population density and affordability of the people commuting by Bullet Train there. The Bullet Train has been made accessible and affordable to the public at large and hence, people use it. Second reason is that there is less of car-culture and people are used to using public conveyance and transport more than private ones. Same is the case in Europe where people are used to public transport. In fact, there people are more comfortable on bicycles and other public transport system rather than cars. As for developing countries, they can't even dream of it before they fix their basic public facilities. A bullet train in developing countries would only mean another luxury transport system which is more of commercial entity from which government can make long time earning from one time investment. It is needless to say that in India also the condition is the same. Metro rails are more manageable and affordable hence, they are a success in metros. Out own railway system needs a serious over-haul and existing rails can be boosted into speed trains, tracks can be strengthened to avoid rail accidents. Today, when existing Indian railways system is in shambles and there are so many accidents, the internal condition of coaches is not at all up to the mark despite charging a significantly high sum of money from the commuters; investing such a large amount of money in an experimental ambitious project like Bullet Train doesn't seem a good idea to many.
Many people have also come up with a simple argument that when India lacks behind in basic education and healthcare facilities why is so much of investment being made in execution of a project from which the common man cannot benefit at all. Instead of that, the same amount could have been utilized in improving the basic state of affairs in the nation, and not just investing, but making sure that change happens at the ground level. Some concrete management of all the existing good visions of the present government is required otherwise, all will remain nothing more than just dreams. The amount of difference which could have been made till now would have been visible by now if the policies would have been implemented the way they should and if the projects would have fought red-tapism and corruption in present government's internal system. The Bullet Train is anyway up and above the basic dreams like Swachch Bharat, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Jan-Dhan Yojana and Demonetization to curb corruption and black money etc. because it requires much more time, money, management, tight-fist execution and maintenance.
Next Vision Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has put up the public opinion poll question on its distinct market survey app called Nishkarsh, where people have given their mixed response on the question: Do we really need Bullet Train ahead of basic education and healthcare facilities in India? 41% of the smart phone using Indian people have voted in favour of Bullet Train as they think of it as the benchmark of development. However, 51% of the people think strongly that India doesn't need Bullet Train as of now and we must concentrate on strengthening the basic education and healthcare facilities till the time when the positive change becomes visible there. 8% of the people couldn't make up their mind on the question. Well, if we take those 8% in the segment which is not supporting the idea of an over-ambitious project like Bullet Train then the figure climbs up to 59%. Hence, it is observed that majority of people think that right now the time is not ripe enough to go for a Bullet Train in India.
Next Vision is a market research company who delivers fast, authentic and accurate research solutions for corporate, businesses, professionals and needless to say that they have an expert hand in public opinion polls and exit polls which cater to the political scenario of the country. They take in to account both quantitative and qualitative research methods. When it comes to political public opinion polls, Next Vision works with lakhs of respondents pan state and pan India, leaving almost no constituency, hence, the results are accurate and the most authentic. To ensure the viability of results, respondents are connected to the survey payment system through their Adhaar card. A unique feature of picture upload of the recently bought product in question also ensures authenticity of business surveys. Next Vision puts up a question of national importance on their public poll panel on Nishkarsh. People voice their respective opinions here without any influence or fear. To know more, please visit www.nvrspl.com.
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