#Pterygium surgery
drjoannagoh · 4 months
Pterygium Surgery: Get Clear Vision Ahead with Advanced Procedures
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Are you considering pterygium surgery? Come to Dr. Joanna Goh for expert advice! The process effectively eliminates the growth on the eye surface, preventing vision obstruction and discomfort. 
Advancements in technology and techniques have rendered such surgeries minimally invasive while contributing to quicker recovery times. Consult Dr. Joanna Goh to understand the benefits and risks associated with the surgery. Remember, post-operative care is vital for optimal results. 
Visit our Website NOW for more information!
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drsurbhikapadia · 8 months
Advanced Pterygium (વેલ) Treatment with Dr. Surbhi Kapadia in Vadodara
In the heart of Vadodara, a common eye condition known as Pterygium, or "Vel" in Gujarati, affects many individuals. Dr. Surbhi Kapadia, a renowned ophthalmologist, offers state-of-the-art treatment for this condition, bringing relief and improved vision to her patients.
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Understanding Vel: A Local Perspective
Vel manifests as a triangular tissue growth over the cornea, often exacerbated by exposure to harsh sunlight, common in Gujarat's climate. Dr. Kapadia notes that while Vel can affect anyone, it's particularly prevalent in areas with strong UV light exposure, making it a significant health concern in Vadodara.
વેલના લક્ષણો કયા છે?
ઘણી વાર વેલના એવા કોઈ જ લક્ષણો હોતા નથી કે જેના માટે તમારે ત્વરિત સારવાર કરાવવી પડે.
અમુક સમયે વેલની ચામડી લાલ થઈ જાય છે અને તેમાં સોજો આવે છે.
જાડી ચામડીની વેલના કારણે ઘણા લોકોને કશુંક ખટકતા હોવાનો ભાસ થતો હોય છે.
બહુ વધારે મોટી વેલના કારણે ચશ્માના ત્રાંસા નંબર પણ આવી શકે છે અને દર્દીને ઝાંખુ પણ દેખાઈ શકે છે.
Symptoms and Early Detection
The most common symptoms include redness, irritation, and a gritty sensation in the eye. In advanced cases, Vel can cause blurred vision or even astigmatism. Early detection is key, and Dr. Kapadia emphasizes the importance of regular eye check-ups, especially for those who spend considerable time outdoors.
Deciding on Surgery
Not all cases of Vel necessitate surgery, but when they do, Dr. Kapadia's expertise comes to the forefront. She recommends surgery for Vel that is large enough to threaten vision, cause regular discomfort, or significantly alter the shape of the cornea.
Dr. Kapadia’s Surgical Excellence
Renowned for her meticulous surgical approach, Dr. Surbhi Kapadia ensures that the Vel removal is precise and effective, minimizing the chances of recurrence. Her technique, coupled with local anesthesia, promises a comfortable experience for the patient.
Postoperative Care
Post-surgery care is crucial in ensuring a smooth recovery. Dr. Kapadia advises on protective measures against UV rays and provides detailed guidance on postoperative care, tailored to the local environment of Vadodara.
For anyone experiencing symptoms of Vel, consulting with an expert like Dr. Surbhi Kapadia is crucial. Her combination of medical excellence and local understanding makes her a top choice for eye care in Vadodara.
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kaushalkumar1711 · 2 months
Benefits of Pterygium Eye Surgery
Pterygium eye surgery offers numerous benefits for individuals experiencing this common eye condition. Pterygium, a growth on the conjunctiva, can cause discomfort, redness, and vision impairment if left untreated. Surgery involves removing the growth and, in many cases, placing a graft to prevent recurrence. The primary benefits of pterygium surgery include improved vision, reduced irritation, and enhanced cosmetic appearance of the eye. Additionally, modern surgical techniques have minimized recovery time and improved success rates. For those suffering from persistent symptoms or who experience significant growth of the pterygium, consulting with a specialist for pterygium eye surgery can provide relief and prevent further complications. Understanding the procedure, recovery process, and potential outcomes can help patients make an informed decision about undergoing pterygium surgery.
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indianhealthguru · 17 days
Eye surgery may be necessary for a variety of conditions that affect vision or eye health. Here are some common scenarios where eye surgery might be required:
Strabismus (Misaligned Eyes)
Eye Injuries
Eye Tumors
Eyelid Problems
Blocked Tear Ducts
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salisburyoptometrist · 3 months
Fleshiness in the Eye? Understanding Pterygium and Seeking Ophthalmologist Help
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The eye is a delicate organ, and any unusual growth or abnormality can be concerning. If you've noticed a fleshy bump or protrusion on the white part of your eye, it could be a condition called pterygium (pronounced ter-IJ-ee-um), often referred to as "surfer's eye."  Here, we'll explore what pterygium is, what causes it, how an ophthalmologist can help, and what treatment options are available.
What is Pterygium?
Pterygium is a growth of non-cancerous, pinkish or whitish, wing-shaped tissue that develops on the conjunctiva, the transparent membrane covering the white part of your eye. It typically starts near the inner corner of the eye and can grow towards the cornea, the clear dome-shaped surface at the front of the eye.
While pterygium itself isn't cancerous, it can cause various symptoms, including:
Gritty feeling in the eye: This is the most common symptom, like having sand or a foreign object lodged in your eye.
Redness and irritation: The growth can irritate the conjunctiva, causing redness and discomfort.
Blurry vision: If the pterygium grows large enough to cover part of the cornea, it can interfere with your vision, causing blurry or distorted sight.
Dry eye: Pterygium can disrupt tear production and lead to dry eye symptoms like burning, stinging, and tearing.
Foreign body sensation: You might feel a constant foreign object sensation in the affected eye, even if nothing is present.
The exact cause of pterygium is unknown, but several factors are believed to contribute to its development:
Ultraviolet (UV) light exposure: Excessive exposure to UV light, particularly from sunlight, is a significant risk factor.
Dry eye: Chronic dry eye can create an environment conducive to pterygium development.
Dust and wind: Exposure to dust, wind, and other irritants can irritate the conjunctiva and contribute to pterygium formation.
Occupation: People who spend significant time outdoors, like farmers, construction workers, surfers (hence the nickname "surfer's eye"), and lifeguards, are at higher risk due to increased sun and wind exposure.
When to See an Ophthalmologist? 
If you notice any fleshiness, bump, or growth in your eye, it's crucial to make an eye test appointment. An ophthalmologist can help you with early diagnosis of the condition and will help you prevent vision problems and ensure optimal outcomes.
How An Ophthalmologist Can Help
Here at Salisbury Optometrist, our ophthalmologists can help perform a comprehensive eye exam to diagnose pterygium. This typically involves:
Detailed examination of the eye: The doctor will examine your eye using a slit lamp, a specialized microscope that allows for magnified viewing of the eye's structures.
Reviewing your medical history: Discussing your symptoms, lifestyle habits, and any past eye problems can help determine risk factors.
Vision test: An eye chart test or eye examination test might be conducted to assess if your vision is affected.
Treatment Options
Treatment for pterygium depends on the severity of your symptoms and the growth's location. In many cases, especially if the pterygium is small and doesn't cause significant symptoms, no treatment might be necessary.  The ophthalmologist might recommend:
Artificial tears: Lubricating eye drops can help alleviate dryness and irritation associated with pterygium.
Eye protection: To prevent further growth, it is crucial to wear sunglasses with UV protection and brimmed hats to shield your eyes from sunlight and wind.
Is Surgery Needed?
If the pterygium is causing vision-related discomfort or continues to grow, the ophthalmologist might recommend surgeries. The medical professional can recommend this during your eye test appointment.  Common surgical procedures include:
Pterygium excision: This procedure involves removing the pterygium tissue. It's a relatively simple outpatient surgery performed under local anaesthesia.
Autograft transplantation: In some cases, after removing the pterygium, the ophthalmologist might transplant a small piece of healthy tissue from another part of your eye to cover the exposed area on the conjunctiva.
Amniotic membrane transplantation: This technique uses a piece of amniotic membrane, the thin membrane surrounding a fetus, to cover the area after pterygium removal. It can help reduce the risk of recurrence.
Long-Term Management Strategies
Following pterygium surgery, long-term management strategies are crucial to minimize the risk of recurrence:
Sun protection: Consistent use of sunglasses with UV protection is essential to shield your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays.
Artificial tears: Continued use of lubricating eye drops can help maintain moisture and reduce irritation.
Regular eye exams: Schedule regular checkups with your ophthalmologist to monitor your eye health and detect any early signs of recurrence.
In Conclusion
Though not cancerous, Pterygium can be a bothersome eye condition. Early detection and consulting an ophthalmologist are crucial for managing symptoms and preventing vision problems. While treatment options are available, including surgery in some cases, prioritizing preventative measures like sun protection and eye hygiene plays a significant role in safeguarding eye health. 
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nursingscience · 4 months
160 NURSING BULLETS: Medical-Surgical Nursing Reviewer
1. Bone scan is done by injecting radioisotope per IV and then x-rays are taken.
2. To prevent edema on the site of sprain, apply cold compress on the area for the first 24 hours.
3. To turn the client after lumbar Laminectomy, use the logrolling technique.
4. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs due to the injury of median nerve.
5. Massaging the back of the head is specifically important for the client with Crutchfield tong.
6. A one-year-old child has a fracture of the left femur. He is placed in Bryant’s traction. The reason for elevation of his both legs at 90º angle is his weight isn’t adequate to provide sufficient countertraction, so his entire body must be used.
7. Swing-through crutch gait is done by advancing both crutches together and the client moves both legs past the level of the crutches.
8. The appropriate nursing measure to prevent displacement of the prosthesis after a right total hip replacement for arthritis is to place the patient in the position of right leg abducted.
9. Pain on non-use of joints, subcutaneous nodules and elevated ESR are characteristic manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis.
10. Teaching program of a patient with SLE should include emphasis on walking in shaded area.
11. Otosclerosis is characterized by replacement of normal bones by spongy and highly vascularized bones.
12. Use of high-pitched voice is inappropriate for the client with hearing impairment.
13. Rinne’s test compares air conduction with bone conduction.
14. Vertigo is the most characteristic manifestation of Meniere’s disease.
15. Low sodium is the diet for a client with Meniere’s disease.
16. A client who had cataract surgery should taught to call his MD if he has eye pain.
17. Risk for Injury takes priority for a client with Meniere’s disease.
18. Irrigate the eye with sterile saline is the priority nursing intervention when the client has a foreign body protruding from the eye.
19. Snellen’s Test assesses visual acuity.
20. Presbyopia is an eye disorder characterized by lessening of the effective powers of accommodation.
21. The primary problem in cataract is blurring of vision.
22. The primary reason for performing iridectomy after cataract extraction is to prevent secondary glaucoma.
23. In acute glaucoma, the obstruction of the flow of aqueous humor is caused by displacement of the iris.
24. Glaucoma is characterized by irreversible blindness.
25. Hyperopia is corrected by convex lens.
26. Pterygium is caused primarily by exposure to dust.
27. A sterile chronic granulomatous inflammation of the meibomian gland is chalazion.
28. The surgical procedure which involves removal of the eyeball is enucleation.
29. Romberg’s test is a test for balance or gait.
30. If the client with increased ICP demonstrates decorticate posturing, observe for flexion of elbows, extension of the knees, plantar flexion of the feet.
31. The nursing diagnosis that would have the highest priority in the care of the client who has become comatose following cerebral hemorrhage is Ineffective Airway Clearance.
32. The initial nursing action—for a client who is in the clonic phase of a tonic-clonic seizure—is to obtain equipment for orotracheal suctioning.
33. The first nursing intervention in a quadriplegic client who is experiencing autonomic dysreflexia is to elevate his head as high as possible.
34. Following surgery for a brain tumor near the hypothalamus, the nursing assessment should include observing for inability to regulate body temp.
35.Post-myelography (using metrizamide (Omnipaque) care includes keeping head elevated for at least 8 hours.
36. Homonymous hemianopsia is described by a client had CVA and can only see the nasal visual field on one side and the temporal portion on the opposite side.
37. Ticlopidine may be prescribed to prevent thromboembolic CVA.
38. To maintain airway patency during a stroke in evolution, have orotracheal suction available at all times.
39. For a client with CVA, the gag reflex must return before the client is fed.
40. Clear fluids draining from the nose of a client who had a head trauma 3 hours ago may indicate basilar skull fracture.
41. An adverse effect of gingival hyperplasia may occur during Phenytoin (DIlantin) therapy.
42. Urine output increased: best shows that the mannitol is effective in a client with increased ICP.
43. A client with C6 spinal injury would most likely have the symptom of quadriplegia.
44. Falls are the leading cause of injury in elderly people.
45. The client is for EEG this morning. Prepare him for the procedure by rendering hair shampoo, excluding caffeine from his meal and instructing the client to remain still during the procedure.
46. Primary prevention is true prevention. Examples are immunizations, weight control, and smoking cessation.
47. Secondary prevention is early detection. Examples include purified protein derivative (PPD), breast self-examination, testicular self-examination, and chest X-ray.
48. Tertiary prevention is treatment to prevent long-term complications.
49. On noticing religious artifacts and literature on a patient’s night stand, a culturally aware nurse would ask the patient the meaning of the items.
50. A Mexican patient may request the intervention of a curandero, or faith healer, who involves the family in healing the patient.
51. In an infant, the normal hemoglobin value is 12 g/dl.
52. A patient indicates that he’s coming to terms with having a chronic disease when he says something like: “I’m never going to get any better,” or when he exhibits hopelessness.
53. Most of the absorption of water occurs in the large intestine.
54. Most nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine.
55. When assessing a patient’s eating habits, the nurse should ask, “What have you eaten in the last 24 hours?”
56. A vegan diet should include an abundant supply of fiber.
57. A hypotonic enema softens the feces, distends the colon, and stimulates peristalsis.
58. First-morning urine provides the best sample to measure glucose, ketone, pH, and specific gravity values.
59. To induce sleep, the first step is to minimize environmental stimuli.
60. Before moving a patient, the nurse should assess the patient’s physical abilities and ability to understand instructions as well as the amount of strength required to move the patient.
61. To lose 1 lb (0.5 kg) in 1 week, the patient must decrease his weekly intake by 3,500 calories (approximately 500 calories daily). To lose 2 lb (1 kg) in 1 week, the patient must decrease his weekly caloric intake by 7,000 calories (approximately 1,000 calories daily).
62. To avoid shearing force injury, a patient who is completely immobile is lifted on a sheet.
63. To insert a catheter from the nose through the trachea for suction, the nurse should ask the patient to swallow.
64. Vitamin C is needed for collagen production.
65. Bananas, citrus fruits, and potatoes are good sources of potassium.
66. Good sources of magnesium include fish, nuts, and grains.
67. Beef, oysters, shrimp, scallops, spinach, beets, and greens are good sources of iron.
68. The nitrogen balance estimates the difference between the intake and use of protein.
69. A Hindu patient is likely to request a vegetarian diet.
70. No pork or pork products are allowed in a Muslim diet.
71. In accordance with the “hot-cold” system used by some Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and other Hispanic and Latino groups, most foods, beverages, herbs, and drugs are described as “cold.”
72. Milk is high in sodium and low in iron.
73. Discrimination is preferential treatment of individuals of a particular group. It’s usually discussed in a negative sense.
74. Increased gastric motility interferes with the absorption of oral drugs.
75. When feeding an elderly patient, the nurse should limit high-carbohydrate foods because of the risk of glucose intolerance.
76. When feeding an elderly patient, essential foods should be given first.
78. For the patient who abides by Jewish custom, milk and meat shouldn’t be served at the same meal.
79. Only the patient can describe his pain accurately.
80. Cutaneous stimulation creates the release of endorphins that block the transmission of pain stimuli.
81. Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) is a safe method to relieve acute pain caused by surgical incision, traumatic injury, labor and delivery, or cancer.
82. An Asian-American or European-American typically places distance between himself and others when communicating.
83. Active euthanasia is actively helping a person to die.
84. Brain death is irreversible cessation of all brain function.
85. Passive euthanasia is stopping the therapy that’s sustaining life.
86. Voluntary euthanasia is actively helping a patient to die at the patient’s request.
87. A back rub is an example of the gate-control theory of pain.
88. Pain threshold, or pain sensation, is the initial point at which a patient feels pain.
89. The difference between acute pain and chronic pain is its duration.
90. Referred pain is pain that’s felt at a site other than its origin.
91. Alleviating pain by performing a back massage is consistent with the gate control theory.
92. Pain seems more intense at night because the patient isn’t distracted by daily activities.
93. Older patients commonly don’t report pain because of fear of treatment, lifestyle changes, or dependency.
94. Utilization review is performed to determine whether the care provided to a patient was appropriate and cost-effective.
95. A value cohort is a group of people who experienced an out-of-the-ordinary event that shaped their values.
96. A third-party payer is an insurance company.
97. Intrathecal injection is administering a drug through the spine.
98. When a patient asks a question or makes a statement that’s emotionally charged, the nurse should respond to the emotion behind the statement or question rather than to what’s being said or asked.
99–105. The steps of the trajectory-nursing model are as follows:
Step 1: Identifying the trajectory phase
Step 2: Identifying the problems and establishing goals
Step 3: Establishing a plan to meet the goals
Step 4: Identifying factors that facilitate or hinder attainment of the goals
Step 5: Implementing interventions
Step 6: Evaluating the effectiveness of the interventions
106–107. Two goals of Healthy People 2010 are:
▪️Help individuals of all ages to increase the quality of life and the number of years of optimal health
▪️Eliminate health disparities among different segments of the population.
108. A community nurse is serving as a patient’s advocate if she tells a malnourished patient to go to a meal program at a local park.
109. If a patient isn’t following his treatment plan, the nurse should first ask why.
110. When a patient is ill, it’s essential for the members of his family to maintain communication about his health needs.
110. Ethnocentrism is the universal belief that one’s way of life is superior to others’.
111. When a nurse is communicating with a patient through an interpreter, the nurse should speak to the patient and the interpreter.
112. Prejudice is a hostile attitude toward individuals of a particular group.
113. The three phases of the therapeutic relationship are orientation, working, and termination.
114. Patients often exhibit resistive and challenging behaviors in the orientation phase of the therapeutic relationship.
115. Abdominal assessment is performed in the following order: inspection, auscultation, palpation, and percussion.
116. When measuring blood pressure in a neonate, the nurse should select a cuff that’s no less than one-half and no more than two-thirds the length of the extremity that’s used.
117. When administering a drug by Z-track, the nurse shouldn’t use the same needle that was used to draw the drug into the syringe because doing so could stain the skin.
118. Sites for intradermal injection include the inner arm, the upper chest, and on the back, under the scapula.
119. When evaluating whether an answer on an examination is correct, the nurse should consider whether the action that’s described promotes autonomy (independence), safety, self-esteem, and a sense of belonging.
120. Veracity is truth and is an essential component of a therapeutic relationship between a health care provider and his patient.
121. Beneficence is the duty to do no harm and the duty to do good. There’s an obligation in patient care to do no harm and an equal obligation to assist the patient.
122. Nonmaleficence is the duty to do no harm.
123–128. Frye’s ABCDE cascade provides a framework for prioritizing care by identifying the most important treatment concerns.
A: Airway. This category includes everything that affects a patent airway, including a foreign object, fluid from an upper respiratory infection, and edema from trauma or an allergic reaction.
B: Breathing. This category includes everything that affects the breathing pattern, including hyperventilation or hypoventilation and abnormal breathing patterns, such as Korsakoff’s, Biot’s, or Cheyne-Stokes respiration.
C: Circulation. This category includes everything that affects the circulation, including fluid and electrolyte disturbances and disease processes that affect cardiac output.
D: Disease processes. If the patient has no problem with the airway, breathing, or circulation, then the nurse should evaluate the disease processes, giving priority to the disease process that poses the greatest immediate risk. For example, if a patient has terminal cancer and hypoglycemia, hypoglycemia is a more immediate concern.
E: Everything else. This category includes such issues as writing any incident report and completing the patient chart. When evaluating needs, this category is never the highest priority.
129. Rule utilitarianism is known as the “greatest good for the greatest number of people” theory.
130. Egalitarian theory emphasizes that equal access to goods and services must be provided to the less fortunate by an affluent society.
131. Before teaching any procedure to a patient, the nurse must assess the patient’s current knowledge and willingness to learn.
132. Process recording is a method of evaluating one’s communication effectiveness.
133. Whether the patient can perform a procedure (psychomotor domain of learning) is a better indicator of the effectiveness of patient teaching than whether the patient can simply state the steps involved in the procedure (cognitive domain of learning).
134. When communicating with a hearing impaired patient, the nurse should face him.
135. When a patient expresses concern about a health-related issue, before addressing the concern, the nurse should assess the patient’s level of knowledge.
136. Passive range of motion maintains joint mobility. Resistive exercises increase muscle mass.
137. Isometric exercises are performed on an extremity that’s in a cast.
138. Anything that’s located below the waist is considered unsterile; a sterile field becomes unsterile when it comes in contact with any unsterile item; a sterile field must be monitored continuously; and a border of 1″ (2.5 cm) around a sterile field is considered unsterile.
139. A “shift to the left” is evident when the number of immature cells (bands) in the blood increases to fight an infection.
140. A “shift to the right” is evident when the number of mature cells in the blood increases, as seen in advanced liver disease and pernicious anemia.
141. Before administering preoperative medication, the nurse should ensure that an informed consent form has been signed and attached to the patient’s record.
142. A nurse should spend no more than 30 minutes per 8-hour shift providing care to a patient who has a radiation implant.
143. A nurse shouldn’t be assigned to care for more than one patient who has a radiation implant.
144. Long-handled forceps and a lead-lined container should be available in the room of a patient who has a radiation implant.
145. Usually, patients who have the same infection and are in strict isolation can share a room.
146. Diseases that require strict isolation include chickenpox, diphtheria, and viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Marburg disease.
147–155. According to Erik Erikson, developmental stages are:
•Trust versus mistrust (birth to 18 months)
•Autonomy versus shame and doubt (18 months to age 3)
•Initiative versus guilt (ages 3 to 5)
•Industry versus inferiority (ages 5 to 12)
•Identity versus identity diffusion (ages 12 to 18)
•Intimacy versus isolation (ages 18 to 25)
•Generativity versus stagnation (ages 25 to 60), and
•Ego integrity versus despair (older than age 60).
156. An appropriate nursing intervention for the spouse of a patient who has a serious incapacitating disease is to help him to mobilize a support system.
157. The most effective way to reduce a fever is to administer an antipyretic, which lowers the temperature set point.
158–163. The Controlled Substances Act designated five categories, or schedules, that classify controlled drugs according to their abuse potential.
▪️Schedule I drugs, such as heroin, have a high abuse potential and have no currently accepted medical use in the United States.
▪️Schedule II drugs, such as morphine, opium, and meperidine (Demerol), have a high abuse potential, but currently have accepted medical uses. Their use may lead to physical or psychological dependence.
▪️Schedule III drugs, such as paregoric and butabarbital (Butisol), have a lower abuse potential than Schedule I or II drugs. Abuse of
▪️Schedule III drugs may lead to moderate or low physical or psychological dependence, or both.
▪️Schedule IV drugs, such as chloral hydrate, have a low abuse potential compared with Schedule III drugs.
▪️Schedule V drugs, such as cough syrups that contain codeine, have the lowest abuse potential of the controlled substances.
164. During lumbar puncture, the nurse must note the initial intracranial pressure and the color of the cerebrospinal fluid.
165. Cold packs are applied for the first 20 to 48 hours after an injury; then heat is applied. During cold application, the pack is applied for 20 minutes and then removed for 10 to 15 minutes to prevent reflex dilation (rebound phenomenon) and frostbite injury.
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cityeyesurgeons · 4 months
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At City Eye Surgeons, our expertise in pterygium operationensures that your vision is protected with the most advanced care. A pterygium, a benign but potentially vision-impairing growth, can be skillfully removed by our surgical team, restoring both sight and confidence.
Advanced Surgical Techniques: We utilise tissue glue for conjunctival transplantation, significantly decreasing recurrence risks.
Comprehensive Aftercare: Post-operative support includes protective measures to prevent regrowth and maintain eye health.
Personalised Treatment Plans: Our treatment plans are tailored to address our patients' physical and aesthetic concerns, ensuring comfort and satisfaction.
Opting for surgery at City Eye Surgeons means entrusting your eyes to leading specialists who prioritise removing and preventing future occurrences. 
Protect your vision and enhance your quality of life with our expert care. https://www.cityeyesurgeons.com.au/services/pterygium/
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drnatashalim · 5 months
3 Best Lasik Surgery Clinics in Singapore 2024
Many acknowledge the paramount importance of vision among the senses, recognizing its pivotal role in perceiving the world vividly and functioning effectively in daily life. But sometimes, our eyesight gets worse as we get older or if we have an accident or illness. Wearing glasses or contact lenses can help, but they're not always easy to deal with. That's where LASIK surgery comes in. It's a special kind of surgery that can fix problems with your vision by reshaping your cornea.
Understanding LASIK Surgery:
LASIK, short for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis, is a widely acclaimed refractive surgery aimed at correcting vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The procedure involves reshaping the cornea using a highly precise laser, allowing light to properly focus on the retina, thereby improving vision.
The LASIK Procedure:
Pre-Operative Assessment: Before the surgery, patients undergo a thorough eye examination to assess their eligibility for LASIK and determine the appropriate treatment plan.
Surgical Process: During the procedure, the surgeon utilises a specialised laser to reshape the cornea according to the patient's prescription, a process that typically takes only a few minutes per eye.
Recovery and Results: Following LASIK surgery, most patients experience improved vision almost immediately, with minimal discomfort and a quick recovery period. Full visual acuity is typically achieved within a few days to weeks post-surgery.
If you're tired of glasses or fed up with buying contact lenses all the time, LASIK might be a good option for you. But choosing the right place to get LASIK can be tricky, especially with so many choices out there. To help make things easier, here are 3 best LASIK clinics in Singapore that you might want to check out. Each one has its own perks, so you can find the best fit for your budget, location, and specific needs. If you're considering LASIK surgery Singapore, these clinics are worth considering. When searching for a LASIK surgeon Singapore, these clinics offer top-notch services and experienced professionals to guide you through the process.
1. LSC Eye Clinic
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For over 15 years, LSC Eye Clinic in Singapore has been a beacon of hope for those seeking enhanced vision through advanced refractive laser procedures such as LASIK eye surgery. Boasting a satisfied clientele exceeding 85,000 individuals, the clinic has garnered acclaim for its commitment to excellence. Continuously advancing its medical technology and staff expertise, LSC Eye Clinic now presents an expanded array of specialised treatments catering to various eye conditions.
Beyond its renowned LASIK offerings, the clinic introduces cutting-edge solutions including ZEISS SMILE® Pro vision correction, Epi-LASIK Advanced Surface Ablation, LASIK Xtra for corneal fortification, Implantable Collamer Lenses (ICL), and more. From addressing common issues like pterygium and dry eyes to complex conditions such as macular hole and keratoconus, LSC Eye Clinic strives to ensure optimal eye health for all ages.
Recognizing the paramount importance of vision, the clinic is steadfast in its mission to enable everyone to perceive the world with clarity and precision.
In addition to its exceptional eye care services, LSC Eye Clinic extends its medical expertise to encompass endocrinology through SMG Diabetes, alongside a specialised Thyroid and Endocrine Clinic, ensuring comprehensive healthcare for all patients. From childhood to senior years, the clinic caters to individuals across the lifespan, specialising in Laser Vision Correction for various refractive errors and Small Incision Cataract Surgery.
Available eye treatments:
Age-related Eye Conditions
2. Dr Natasha Lim Eye Centre
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Dr. Natasha Lim Eye Centre is renowned for its expertise in laser cataract and LASIK surgeries, led by Dr. Lim herself, an esteemed refractive surgeon. Holding fellowship status with the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in London, Dr. Lim specialises in laser refractive and cataract surgeries, ensuring top-tier care for her patients.
Upon consultation with Dr. Lim, patients undergo thorough assessments to determine the necessity for surgery and the most suitable lens options tailored to their specific needs. Services offered at the clinic encompass a wide spectrum, including traditional LASIK surgery, surface ablation techniques such as LASEK, Epi-LASIK, and PRK, as well as advanced bladeless femtosecond laser cataract surgery and diabetic eye disease treatment.
Under the expert guidance of Dr. Lim, patients can entrust their vision concerns to her passionate and proficient care, knowing they are on the path to achieving clearer vision and improved eye health.
At Dr. Natasha Lim Eye Centre, patients receive comprehensive care and guidance for a range of eye conditions, from mild to severe. Dr. Lim, serving as the Senior Consultant and Medical Director, earned her medical degree from the University of Nottingham Medical School in the UK. With extensive training and accolades in ophthalmology, she is a fellowship-trained refractive surgeon with a particular focus on Laser Refractive and Refractive Cataract Surgeries. Additionally, she is certified in VISX excimer laser and IntraLase femtosecond laser procedures in both Singapore and the UK.
Available eye treatments:
Implantable Contact Lens
Micro-incision cataract surgery
Bladeless femtosecond laser cataract surgery
Presbyopia “Lao Hua” Correction
Eyelid surgery
For more information, visit Dr. Natasha Lim Eye Centre website: https://www.drnatashalim.com/, or contact via email at [email protected], or call at +65 65702220.
3. Atlas Eye Specialist Centre
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Atlas Eye Specialist Centre distinguishes itself as a renowned establishment in the field of eye care, committed to delivering top-tier, evidence-based, and FDA-approved treatments for various ophthalmological conditions. Catering to individuals dealing with nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, the centre offers a range of laser vision correction options, including ReLEx® SMILE, Wavefront Bladeless LASIK, and Wavefront PRK. Recognizing the uniqueness of each patient's eyes, the clinic's specialists meticulously assess which procedure aligns best with their visual requirements and lifestyle. Factors such as eye prescription level and corneal thickness guide recommendations; for example, PRK may be suggested for those with lower prescriptions and thinner corneas, while ReLEx® SMILE and LASIK surgery serve as suitable alternatives for others. Additionally, the centre presents various alternatives like ICL, refractive lens exchange, and monovision laser vision correction. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, Atlas Eye Specialist Centre maintains a patient-centric approach, ensuring comprehensive and personalised service throughout the treatment journey.
Emphasising its commitment to excellence, Atlas Eye Specialist Centre boasts a team of internationally trained healthcare professionals dedicated to offering evidence-based medical and surgical solutions for vision correction and eye ailments. Its state-of-the-art surgical facility prioritises the highest standards of vision and eye healthcare, leveraging cutting-edge technology and medical expertise to prioritise patient well-being. Moreover, the centre provides tailored treatments, including Key-hole Surgical Techniques for both Refractive Surgery and Advanced Cataract Surgery, further underscoring its dedication to meeting individual patient needs with precision and care.
Available eye treatments:
LASIK surgery – laser vision correction
Cataract surgery
Children’s eye treatments
In short, LASIK surgery is a standout solution for vision issues like nearsightedness and farsightedness. It's a precise procedure with quick recovery, often providing immediate and lasting results. By using advanced lasers to reshape the cornea, LASIK offers a distinct way to improve eyesight. The article highlights reputable LASIK clinics in Singapore, making the procedure more accessible. LASIK presents a unique opportunity to enhance vision without the need for glasses or contacts, improving daily life for many.
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drrajivbajaj460 · 6 months
Double Vision
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To have a normal vision, eyes apparatus, eye muscles, nerves that send signals to the brain and your brain need to function in harmony. Any problem to these components may lead to double vision, where you see two images instead of one, also known as Diplopia. 
Double vision can be monocular or binocular. It can be horizontal (images appear side by side) or vertical (image appears above the other).
Double vision symptoms
Pain around the eyes, such as in the temples or eyebrows
Droopy eyelids
Misalignment of one or both eyes, such as crossed eyes or a "wandering” eye
Weakness in the eyes
Pain with eye movements in one or both eyes
Monocular Double vision
Monocular Double vision is less common than Binocular double vision and occurs due to a problem in one eye only. In Monocular Diplopia, one of the images is very clear, while the other is faded or washed out.
Cataract – With age, like other degenerative changes in the body, eyes also undergo certain changes like protein clumping within the lens of the eye. Natural eye lens is normally clear, but cataract causes it to grow cloudy and foggy over time. This can lead to vision problems, including double vision.
Dry eye – Our eyes produce lubricating fluids, to make blinking or turning your eyes more comfortable. Dry eyes makes you feel stinging, itching and vision problems.
corneal shape changes (keratoconus) – This eyesight problem occurs when the clear lining of cornea begins to grow thin and develop a cone-shaped bulge. This bulge can cause double vision.
Astigmatism – It occurs due to Irregular shape and curvature of the eye. It often leads to blurred and double vision.
Pterygium – It is a rare condition, where conjunctival growth covers the cornea and leads to diplopia.
Binocular Double vision
To differentiate Binocular with monocular diplopia, a simple test is done; if double image disappears after covering one eye, it is usually a case of Binocular Diplopia. In this case both are images are clear. Binocular Double vision is the result of any cause affecting the extra ocular muscles of the eye.
Diabetes – Diabetic retinopathy causes nerve damage and leads to double vision.
Myasthenia gravis – It is an immunological disease and causes disruption in neural and muscular communication. Muscle fatigue is developed throughout the body including eye and leads to double vision.
Cranial nerve palsy – Sometimes cranial nerves become paralyzed and it may develop double vision.
Nerve damage – In case of head trauma, infection, stroke, brain tumour, nerves controlling the eye movements may damage and leads to diplopia.
Strabismus (crossed eyes) – It is a condition affecting four percent of children and usually affects alignment of the eyes. The muscles of the eyes have trouble working together. It leads to a variety of vision problems like double vision and can cause permanent vision loss.
Is Double vision treatable?
Treatment of double vision varies from patient to patient, depending on the cause and type of diplopia. Once the underlying cause is identified by comprehensive eye examination, vision issues go away with the right treatment modality.
Common treatment available for diplopia are:
Eye exercises: Like other muscles of the body, our eye muscles can go weak, eye doctor can help you with eye muscle strengthening. They teach you with “exercises” that can help you regain eye muscle strength.
Corrective lenses: Eyeglasses or special lenses may correct the vision problem.
Eye patch or cover: Although it is not a long term solution, yet covering one eye may stop the double vision. An eye cover can help manage double vision until there is a more permanent solution.
Surgery: Issues like cataract or other eye problems need surgery at some point. Double vision goes away with the corrective procedure.
To learn more about eye problems and help you to decide for eye treatment, please call us for appointment at 011‐47024919 / 27012054 and meet our experts at Delhi Clinic.
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eye-health-care · 6 months
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al-emadi22 · 9 months
Marking Excellence With Most Modern Treatment Facilities
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Al-Emadi Hospital is a premium healthcare provider in Qatar. We deliver the leading medical services in Qatar which consist of bariatric surgery, general surgery, dermatology, dietetics and nutrition, dentistry, plastic surgery, orthopaedics, E.N.T, neurology, ophthalmology, physiotherapy, emergency, cardiology, paediatrics, GP inpatient, internal medicine, anaesthesiology, audiology, rheumatology, gynaecology, urology, pulmonology, laboratory, radiology, spinal surgery, psychiatry, audio vestibular medicine. Al-Emadi Hospital has been marking excellence with the most modern treatment facilities in this rapidly developing medical field. We have highly expertise and professional doctors, nurses, and other staff dedicated to providing the highest level of medical care for every patient in Qatar.
Al-Emadi Hospital makes use of all the latest scientific innovations to diagnose and treat every disease. We aim to help individuals to maintain their proper health. Al-Emadi Hospital offers personalized treatment for every patient who approaches us. It helps patients to communicate effectively with doctors, allowing them to easily explain their ailments and enabling doctors to give the right treatment. We exist to provide the highest quality medical care to the elderly and young alike. We support adults to restore and maintain their health as well as ensure the overall wellness of all young men and women.
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Al-Emadi Hospital has the best general medicine specialists in Qatar. We have an excellent group of general medicine specialists to provide treatment for various diseases that affect your body. Our general medicine specialists have acquired deep knowledge about general health care.  Even though they have no access to surgery, they can deliver the primary treatment for any chronic and acute illness. Moreover, we have friendly doctors to make you comfortable during the treatment process. Our general medicine doctors have specialized in treating various adult diseases most conveniently. We prescribe medicines by understanding the health condition and medical history of patients.
We believe that our mode of treatment without compromising medical ethics and values is the reason for our growth in the medical field If you are looking for the best general medicine in Qatar, Al-Emadi Hospital is the best choice for you.
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We have the best eye specialists in Qatar. We understand the importance of vision. So that we provide nothing less than excellent treatment. We use the latest technologies for your eye-care treatment. At Al-Emadi Hospital you get excellent treatment for any of your eye-related problems. We offer eye-care treatments like Lasik-Lasek PRK vision correction, Phacoemulsification cataract extraction with IOL implantation, Glaucoma treatment by surgery & laser, Chalazion excision, Pterygium excision with grafting, Retina exam for diabetic patients, Retina treatment by laser and iv injections, Corneal topography, Pachymeter, IOL calculation, Visual field, Fluorescein angiography, Coloured fundus photography and many more.
Al–Emad Hospital has the best dermatologists in Qatar. We offer exceptional treatments for various skin-related problems. We have the most excellent and prowess dermatology doctors to provide solutions for various beauty enhancement needs of individuals. Our dermatology services comprise Skin cosmetology, peeling, laser treatment of pigmented lesions and tattoos. Laser hair removal, Laser for vascular skin lesions, mesotherapy, lipolysis and mesolipolysis, plasma injection ( PRP ), botox injections, filler with excellent quality, laser, skin rejuvenation, Acne scar treatment, and removal, Cryotherapy, ultraviolet treatment ( NB UVB ) and many more.
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We have the best orthopaedic specialists in Qatar. Our orthopaedic department provides the finest treatments for various problems related to musculoskeletal systems. We make use of the most modern and minimally invasive treatment for restoring your bone health. We provide treatment for joint ligaments and muscle injuries, fractures of the upper and limbs of all age groups and genders, knee, shoulder, and hip arthroscopic injuries, reconstruction surgeries for joint and arthroplasties, and treatment for all sports injuries.
Al-Emadi Hospital provides the finest healthcare services in Qatar. We have several specialized doctors for treating different parts of the human body. Our general medicine doctors are specialized in providing general health care for everyone in Qatar. We have expert and professional eye specialists, dermatology specialists, and orthodontic specialists to provide exceptional care for patients. At Al-Emadi Hospital we never fail to adopt the new trends and technologies of the medical field. We have great enthusiasm to learn and experiment with new modes of treatments and the usage of new equipment.
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drjoannagoh · 4 months
Take Back Control of Your Eye Health with Pterygium Treatment
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Is that a shimmer on your eyeball, or is it just...getting bigger? If you're battling pterygium, those triangular growths creeping across your eye's whites, you're not alone. This common condition can irritate, blur vision, and even impact confidence. But Dr Joanne Goh is here to help with pterygium treatment.
Understanding Pterygium Removal Surgery
Pterygium removal surgery is a day procedure designed to restore your clear vision and eye comfort. Here's a quick rundown of what to expect:
A Relaxing Start: You'll receive a light sedative and local anesthetic to keep you comfortable and your eye numb during the surgery.
Precision Removal: The surgeon removes the pterygium and a small piece of healthy conjunctiva from under your eyelid.
Natural Defense: This healthy tissue graft is placed over the gap left by the pterygium, acting as a natural barrier against regrowth.
Fast and Efficient: The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes, followed by a short recovery period at the surgery centre.
Why Choose Dr. Joanne Goh for Your Pterygium Treatment?
Dr Joanne Goh is your trusted guide on the path to a clear vision. Here's what sets her apart:
Expertise and Experience: Dr Goh is a highly skilled ophthalmologist with extensive experience in eye pterygium surgery.
Advanced Techniques: She utilises advanced surgical techniques like conjunctival autografting, minimising the risk of recurrence.
Focus on Comfort: Dr Goh prioritises your comfort throughout the process, using specialised techniques that promote quicker healing and minimise post-surgery discomfort.
Personalised Care: Dr. Goh takes the time to understand your individual needs and concerns, providing clear explanations and personalised care every step of the way.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
Pterygium shouldn’t steal your precious sight and confidence. Contact Dr Joanne Goh today to schedule a consultation and find the right solution for your condition!
Source URL: https://drjoannegoh.blogspot.com/2024/05/take-back-control-of-your-eye-health.html
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drsurbhikapadia · 8 months
Pterygium Treatment by Dr. Surbhi Kapadia
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Surfer's eye, or pterygium growth, can be effectively treated with expert care by Dr. Surbhi Kapadia, Vadodara's skilled eye specialist. Explore advanced treatment options and personalized care for combating and managing pterygium. Trust in the expertise of Dr. Surbhi Kapadia for comprehensive solutions and optimal eye health.
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kaushalkumar1711 · 2 months
What to Expect During an Eye Surgery Consultation? 
It's natural to feel a mix of emotions while considering eye surgery, from hope for improved vision to anxiety about the unknown. This guide is aimed at imparting you with the necessary knowledge, walking you through what to expect during a consultation, focusing on common eye conditions that may require surgery. Understanding the diagnosis process and different procedures can transform your consultation into a collaborative experience where you make informed decisions about your eye health and future. 
What to Expect During Your Consultation: 
Most eye surgery consultations follow a similar structure: 
Medical History Review: Discuss pre-existing conditions and current medications. 
Vision Assessment: A series of tests measure vision acuity (distance, near, peripheral, depth perception). 
Dilated Eye Exam: Drops widen pupils for a detailed examination of internal eye structures. 
Open Discussion: Share your vision goals, anxieties, and desired treatment timeline. 
Diagnosis & Treatment Plan: Doctor explains the diagnosis, discusses if surgery is necessary, outlines procedures, and answers questions. 
Understanding Common Eye Conditions and Their Diagnosis: 
Eye surgeries are necessary for various conditions that can severely affect your vision and overall eye health. Understanding the steps involved in a consultation and the diagnostic process for each condition can help you make informed decisions and find a facility with the best surgical equipment. 
Diagnosis Process: 
Visual Acuity Test: Measures how well you see at different distances. 
Dilated Eye Exam: Drops are used to widen your pupils, allowing the doctor to examine the lens and retina. 
Tonometry: Measures the pressure inside your eye. 
When Surgery is Needed: 
Undergoing cataract treatment in Mumbai is necessary when the condition interferes with daily activities like reading or driving. 
If they cause vision problems that glasses or contact lenses can't correct. 
Refractive Surgery 
Diagnosis Process: 
Comprehensive Eye Exam: Assesses overall eye health and prescription stability. 
Corneal Topography: Maps the surface curvature of the cornea. 
Pupil Size Measurement: Determines pupil size in different lighting conditions. 
When Surgery is Needed: 
Lasik eye surgery in Mumbai will be needed to correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism when glasses or contact lenses are insufficient or inconvenient. 
Ptosis (The Droopy Eyelid) 
Diagnosis Process: 
Eyelid Exam: Checks the eyelid's position and the strength of the eyelid muscles. 
Visual Field Test: Determines how much the droopy eyelid affects your vision. 
Photographs: Taken to document the position of your eyelid. 
When Surgery is Needed: 
A ptosis correction surgery might be required when the condition significantly impairs vision or causes cosmetic concerns. 
Squint (Strabismus) 
Diagnosis Process: 
Eye Alignment and Movement Tests: The squint specialist will assess how well your eyes move and work together. 
Corneal Light Reflex Test: Checks eye alignment by shining a light in the eyes and observing the reflection. 
Cover Test: Determines the degree of misalignment. 
When Surgery is Needed: 
To improve eye alignment for better vision and appearance, and to prevent amblyopia (lazy eye). 
Pterygium (The Eye Web) 
Diagnosis Process: 
Slit-Lamp Exam: Provides a detailed view of the pterygium. 
Corneal Topography: Maps any corneal distortion caused by the pterygium. 
When Surgery is Needed: 
You might need to undergo pterygium eye surgery when the buildup grows large enough to distort vision or cause discomfort. 
Diagnosis Process: 
Physical Exam: Checks for redness, swelling, and discharge near the tear sac. 
Dye Disappearance Test: Assesses tear drainage. 
Imaging Tests: Such as a dacryocystogram, to view the tear drainage system. 
When Surgery is Needed: 
A chronic dacryocystitis treatment will relieve blockage in the tear ducts, especially if recurrent infections occur. 
Diabetic Retinopathy 
Diagnosis Process: 
Dilated Eye Exam: The diabetic retina specialist will check for blood vessel abnormalities in the retina. 
Fluorescein Angiography: Uses dye and a camera to examine retinal blood flow. 
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): Provides detailed images of the retina. 
When Surgery is Needed: 
For severe cases where bleeding or retinal detachment threatens vision. 
Diagnosis Process: 
Tonometry: Measures intraocular pressure. 
Gonioscopy: Examines the drainage angle of your eye. 
Visual Field Test: Assesses peripheral vision. 
Optic Nerve Imaging: Evaluates the health of the optic nerve.  
When Surgery is Needed: 
When medication and laser treatments fail to control intraocular pressure. 
An eye surgery consultation can be a valuable opportunity to discuss your vision concerns and explore treatment options. Once you have acquired a sufficient understanding around common eye conditions and their diagnosis processes, you can feel more prepared and confident during your consultation. If you are searching for an expert eye surgeon in Mumbai for the aforementioned eye conditions in this blog, you can contact Shri Venkatesh Eye Institute. Their team of experts will undertake accurate diagnosis and provide an effective solution to your eye problems.  
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drshubhnavjain · 11 months
Dr. Shubhnav Jain-Shubh Eyecare Centre & Opticals
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Best Eye Care in Durgapura Jaipur:
Our eyes are incredible organs that allow us to see and experience the beauty of the world around us. Taking care of them is crucial for a lifetime of clear vision and overall well-being. Eye problems—pterygium, glaucoma, cataracts, and retina issues—in simple terms, shedding light on how to understand and manage these conditions.
Imagine a little pinkish, fleshy growth on the white part of your eye. That's a pterygium. It might sound scary, but it's usually not serious. Pterygium is often caused by too much sun exposure, wind, or dust. Wearing sunglasses and protecting your eyes from harsh environmental conditions can help prevent it. If it grows too much and bothers you, Dr. Shubhnav Jain at Shubh Eyecare Centre can help with solutions to keep your eyes comfortable.
Glaucoma is like a silent thief of vision. It happens when the pressure inside your eyes builds up and can damage the optic nerve. The tricky part is, you might not notice it until it's quite advanced. Regular eye check-ups are crucial to catch glaucoma early. Dr. Shubhnav Jain can measure your eye pressure and provide treatments to manage it. Remember, early detection is key!
Have you ever looked through a foggy window? That's a bit like what having cataracts is like. Cataracts are a clouding of the eye's lens, usually due to aging. The good news is that cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful procedures. Dr. Shubhnav Jain can remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear artificial one. It's like getting a new, clear window for your eyes!
Retina Problems:
The retina is like the camera film of your eye, capturing images and sending them to your brain. If there are issues with the retina, it can affect your vision. Conditions like diabetic retinopathy or age-related macular degeneration can be serious, but early detection and proper management are crucial. Dr. Shubhnav Jain specializes in addressing retina problems, ensuring that your eyes get the care they need.
Best Eye Disease treatment in Jaipur
In conclusion, taking care of your eyes involves regular check-ups, protecting them from environmental factors, and seeking help when issues arise. Dr. Shubhnav Jain at Shubh Eyecare Centre & Opticals is your partner in maintaining clear and healthy vision. Don't forget to schedule those eye exams—it's an investment in a lifetime of beautiful sights!
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drsoniamaheshwari · 1 year
What are common corneal disorders?
There are several common corneal disorders that can affect the clarity, shape, and overall health of the cornea. Here are a few examples:
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Keratoconus: This is a progressive disorder in which the cornea thins and bulges into a cone-like shape. It causes distorted vision, astigmatism, and sensitivity to light. In early stages, glasses or soft contact lenses may help, but advanced cases might require specialty contact lenses or even corneal transplantation.
Corneal Dystrophies: These are inherited conditions that affect the cornea's clarity due to abnormal deposits or changes in its layers. Examples include Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy and lattice dystrophy. Treatments vary depending on the specific dystrophy, and in some cases, a corneal transplant might be needed.
Corneal Ulcers: These are open sores on the cornea, often caused by infections (bacterial, viral, or fungal). They can result in redness, pain, tearing, and vision disturbances. Prompt treatment with antibiotics, antiviral drugs, or antifungal medications is essential to prevent complications.
Corneal Abrasions: These are superficial scratches on the corneal surface, often caused by trauma or foreign objects. While they usually heal on their own, they can be painful and increase the risk of infection. Medical attention might be necessary to prevent complications.
Corneal Ectasia: This refers to the thinning and distortion of the cornea, leading to a change in its shape. Keratoconus is one example of corneal ectasia. It can result in irregular astigmatism and blurred vision.
Corneal Infections (Keratitis): Infections of the cornea can be bacterial, viral, or fungal in nature. They can cause redness, pain, blurred vision, and light sensitivity. Treatment involves addressing the underlying cause with appropriate medications.
Corneal Scarring: Scarring can occur due to various reasons, including trauma, infections, or previous surgeries. Corneal scars can affect vision, and treatment options might include contact lenses, surgical interventions, or other corrective measures.
Corneal Edema: This is the swelling of the cornea due to an imbalance in the corneal endothelium's fluid-pumping function. Conditions like Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy can lead to corneal edema and cloudy vision.
Pterygium: A pterygium is a non-cancerous growth of tissue on the conjunctiva (the clear tissue that covers the white part of the eye) that can extend onto the cornea. It might cause discomfort and vision problems if it interferes with the visual axis.
These are just a few examples of common corneal disorders. If you suspect you have a corneal issue or experience changes in your vision, it's important to consult an eye care professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment recommendations.
Now you can reach our Dr. Sonia Maheshwari , Cornea Specialist in Mumbai practicing at Clear Sight Eye care and Laser Center.
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