#Prudii Skirata
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If we look cute enough, they will surely blame it on the alphas. 👉👈🥺
In order: A'den, Mereel, Ordo, Prudii (hiding), Kom'rk, Jaing.
Kal: OHhhhhh, you know where you shove up those tooka eyes, you think I was born yesterday, rascal sheb'ike!!! You won't get away with it this time!
Narrator: They, in fact, got away with it. Again.
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roseaesynstylae · 3 months
So, the idea of the Bad Batch (minus Echo, plus Emerie) being the other half of the Nulls has consumed my goddamn mind. Therefore, as you do when an idea takes up residence in your frontal lobe for the foreseeable future, here's some headcanons.
The Bad Batch (except for Echo and Omega, who have no clue what's going on) hate the Nulls. As in, "murder on sight" hate them. From an in-universe perspective, there could be a myriad of reasons, ranging from feelings of abandonment to resentment over them having a better life. From a writer's standpoint, it's because I love me some good old familial dysfunction and angst.
The more...unhinged...tendencies the Nulls are known for manifests in the Bad Batch more as "let's jump off this cliff and use explosives to direct our fall!" and less as "hey, check out my new skin gloves!" Of course, if you push them too far, it's a different story. In order of least to most likely to pull a "lemme turn you into an art installation," it's Omega, Wrecker, Hunter, Crosshair, and Tech. Omega wouldn't do that, at least not at this point in her life. Wrecker, when enraged, goes for the just-hit-them solution. Hunter's a decent human being and usually wouldn't do something like that...Unless his kid's been kidnapped by a crazy Imperial doctor for the fifteenth time, on which point he starts becoming a little deranged. Crosshair hovers close to the line but wouldn't do it to someone unprovoked. Tech is a special case, in that he has to be pushed, but when he is, the results make the rest of the Nulls go "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST."
The Nulls want to reunite with their lost siblings and build a relationship, but that's kind of hard to do when said siblings (except Omega) keep trying to kill them on sight and none of them were built for intricate and deeply complicated emotional issues. Still, they persist. Eventually, they could probably get to the level of "awkward conversations" but it'll take a lot of work.
The Bad Batch have what makes the Nulls superior to regular clone troopers, plus their unique enhancements (which in this version are less defects and more Nala Se picking an attribute for each of them and cranking it up to 11). They feel that it makes them better than the Nulls, something they're not shy about expressing.
Emerie is the same height as her estranged (I can't think of a word that applies to this specific situation but this one will do) brothers, because I stan a tall queen.
Nala Se is smug as hell whenever she sees Orun Wa. "CT-9904 just broke all records for accuracy, CT-9902 discovered a new element, CT-9903 crushed beskar like it was paper, and CT-9901 tracked a man through five systems and a solar storm. What are your clones doing, again?"
There is no understating the sheer "wtf" that goes through the Nulls' heads when they first see Omega. But, of course, this is Omega. Imagine the cutest image of her you've seen, fanart or canon. That's what the Nulls see when they meet her. Unsurprisingly, the Nulls, who got the Mandalorian gene to adopt anything that isn't nailed down, go from "wtf" to "so smol 🥰" in roughly a minute.
Kal Skirata is in the corner. His attempt to interact with the Bad Batch did not go well. He casually calls Hunter "son," as he does with various characters, and the resulting explosion puts a thermal detonator to shame. Since it's clear that his presence is not making things better, he's sort of just in the corner.
The rest of Clan Skirata, and associates, are staying out of this. Gilamar and Vau took one look and retreated to the bar because they know better than to get involved. Everyone else witnessed one of the less acrimonious encounters and collectively decided that they are not jumping into the emotional equivalent of a pit of rabid wolverines.
Echo is the go-between. He does not want to be the go-between. But he's the only neutral party in this thing aside from Omega, and the rest of the Batch don't trust the Nulls with her.
Spare a though for 99. He raised four of these guys, often with the aid of leashes. Truly, he is an unsung hero of the Clone Wars
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aka-trashrat · 7 months
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Ordo's brothers love him. (Or do they...?) We have in order L to R: Mereel, Prudii, Jaing, Kom'rk, and A'den.
Reference photo below the cut!
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From the Rob Cantor clone photoshoot
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totally-not-your-babe · 2 months
Spoilers for the first two books of Republic Commando
I just finished Hard Contact and started reading Triple Zero (I don't know why the Hungarian version called Coruscant btw) AND OH MY FORCE I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THESE BOOKS ALREADY!!!
Omega Squad my loves
I have mixed feeling about Etain sometimes BUT I adore her (why did Karen had to say she wasn't attractive in every two pages I can't understand tho)
Fi just wants to drink some beer and it's the most relatable thing ever
The Omega's getting the black armours when they have mission on a snowy planet... like REALLY
The way Skirata protected the Nulls! I love him. I don't hear anyone out I love him no matter what! He is my dad now
The Boba-sleeping-in-Jango's-arms part MY HEART
Sedate me!
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clonememesfrikyeah · 21 days
I feel like there’s so much miscommunication between the Alpha Arcs and the Nulls because they could easily get along but both groups were influenced in different directions that created this conflict of interests between them. The Alphas are self sufficient, strong willed individuals but the nulls think otherwise. Why? It could be because Kal told them they were different and therefore special, and while true, that thinking is what is separating themselves from the others. Not to mention the Alpha Arcs have been teaching cadets before they’d even fully completed their own training, they have to act a certain way because their ori’vod, roll models. This conflict between them was manufactured by the author through Kal to create a close bond by only tending to their feelings fear and insecurity as his only emotion tether to them instead of the real unconditional love of a parent. In short Kal created this “us against them” narrative in cuval’dar trained clones, especially the nulls, to ensure their own personal army and keep control over them. Sure Kals first thought to having a do-over at fatherhood like he always wanted was that he wanted to love and care for them. Awesome of him, but his second thought was, I have a lot of resources at my disposal and this could work out really good for me in the long run, let’s see how far I can take this. Meanwhile the Alphas are just confused as to why their annoying younger siblings think they’re better than them and suddenly started to hate them for no real reason. Then it got to a point where the Alphas knew better and put them out of mind because they had better things to do than entertain their pettiness until things get said and punches are thrown. Just interesting that nobody talks about it much.
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mrbubblyurchin · 25 days
Headcanon that Prudii was assigned to mentor up and coming ARC Troopers in the middle of the war back on Kamino. He initially hated this due to being stuck on Kamino while his brothers were out fighting. But during his time there he met his first and one of his only Jedi friends: Shaak Ti.
However, he still thought the job was miserable and THEN he met two of the troopers he’d be training into ARCs. Fives and Echo. He loved these two from the start and started teaching them Mando’a. (Fives only knows the basic words but Echo can speak fluent)
He taught Fives and Echo how to think outside the box and hone their skills. Echo learned how to abandon the reg manuals and do what he needed to do in order to develop the skills of an ARC, while Fives completely embraced the Null ARC mentality. Eventually, Prudii’s trainees passed the training with flying colors, and all three left Kamino.
Months later, Prudii got a holo from Fives letting him know that Echo had died. And a year and a half after that, he got another one from the 501st Legion, from one of Fives’ friends named Jesse, letting him know that his friend Fives had perished as well.
Now Prudii weeps for his brothers. The ones the other Nulls never met. His vode.
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curlygirlybitchachos · 2 months
Kal Skirata hide your sons because I'm coming.
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thelightismine · 2 months
having recently re-read the Republic Commando books for the fiftieth time (but the first time as a proper adult), amongst many other things that jumped out at me this time, I've been pondering the Many Failings of Kal Skirata™ - and one thing that kept me awake the other night was the realisation that...it takes Kal ages between adopting Ordo and the rest of his brothers, right??
So I went back and did the math. Kal adopts Ordo in True Colours, soon after rescuing Vau on Mygeeto, at 471 days after the Battle of Geonosis (ABG). An excerpt from the scene below:
"I never adopted you formally," Skirata said. It had been bothering him in recent days, ever since he began to think of the war as having a definite timescale. "Any of you." "Does that matter?" Skirata now felt that it did. No Mando'ad would nitpick over the bond between him and his boys, and as far as the Republic was concerned clones didn't even qualify as people, but his plans to give them a decent future had now become very, very specific. [...] "Yes," he said. He reached to grasp Ordo's hand and recited the short, no-frills gai bal manda - "name and soul," all it took to unpick history and give a child a new parentage. Mandalorians were habitual adopters. Bloodlines were just medical detail. "Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad, Ordo." Ordo stared at their clasped hands for a moment. He had a crushing grip. "I've been your son since the day you first saved my life, Buir." "I think you boys did the saving," Skirata said. "I don't want to imagine where I'd be without you." Skirata was now busy hating himself for not doing this before, not making the ultimate commitment, and he fretted about his five other Nulls scattered around the galaxy.
And having re-read this section in detail, it now baffles me even further that it takes him - wait for it - ANOTHER YEAR AND ~THREE MONTHS to adopt the other five Nulls??
Yes, that's correct. Kal adopts the other five Nulls in Order 66, in the scene where they all come together 'on screen' for the first time, which is set 940 days ABG. That is 469 days after he formally adopted Ordo.
At the time KT wrote these books, according to Legends, one standard year is 368 days, with 12 months of 30 days each. If I've crunched correctly, Kal adopts the other five Nulls roughly fifteen and a half months later than Ordo.
The meal was as much a rare celebration as a meeting, and the Nulls even had a few glasses of Chandrilan wine. "I should have done this many years ago, adi'ke." Skirata raised his glass. "Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad - Mereel, Jaing, Kom'rk, A'den, Prudii. There. It's formal, legal. You're my sons and heirs." "And we won't bankrupt you," Jaing muttered. "Not with the amount you're skimming, ner vod," Mereel said raising his glass in return. "Thank you, Buir'ika. An honor." At least one cause for guilt had been lifted from Ordo's shoulders. He was no longer the only Null formally adopted by Skirata. It was a legal detail, nothing more, but Ordo didn't want to be singled out as the favorite. He already felt he had a far easier time than his brothers.
what do you MEAN you just went on and forgot to do it, despite seeing them and speaking to them regularly for over a year, Kal?! yikes
Reading this back again, all I could think was - poor Ordo. It's explicitly stated here that he had been feeling and still feels guilty. Imagine living with the knowledge that your father had only formally adopted you, and not the other five of your closest brothers, for OVER A YEAR- (I will keep yelling it I'm not over it)
When they all make jokes about him being the Number One Son. When they all tease him for being the favourite. How do you think this knowledge affected Ordo’s relationship with his brothers?? Not wanting to mention it?? Do you think he ever did?? How do you think they reacted if they knew he was already adopted prior to this??
Not to mention, how does Kal not see this as something that might cause an issue for Ordo?? With how much he loves him??
I find their reactions interesting, because if they didn't know, they play it very cool. I'm leaning towards they did know, Ordo didn't just sit on this knowledge for over a year, maybe couldn't - because otherwise, why is no one asking why Kal left him out of the list? Why is their only reaction calm pleasantries?
Possibly because they don't care about formal adoption that much - it's worth noting Ordo's reaction is also to kind of brush it all away: "I've been your son since the day you first saved my life, Buir."
(I think it also opens up a bigger discussion about Ordo's role within his brothers as...almost a shield between Kal and his brothers, able to take the brunt of Kal's...manipulations to spare them the same attention - I wonder if they don't care as much about their adoptive status because it doesn't mean nearly as much to them as it does to Kal, because Kal doesn't rule them as much as he'd like to think he does. It’s interesting how Ordo is both uncomfortable with the position as Number One Son but also sees its…strategic value?? He states earlier in the scene that he'll swap drafts with Kom'rk because it's "his turn" to explore the Outer Rim, but as far as we know, he never actually does this - despite missing each other dearly, often, do the other Nulls willingly take missions that get them away from Kal? Which is why Ordo is almost never shown being anywhere that Kal isn't? Also the irony that so many people laugh at Maze for being a highly trained ARC being "wasted" in an office job, but Ordo also as far as we see never does anything flashier, nothing that couldn't be handled by a less superior officer, nothing that's far from Kal's side...)
I’m just baffled as to how Kal didn’t think immediately after adopting Ordo “and now the other five” - my man, what took you so long?? If you love them all as you say you do??
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Kanye West - Power came into my playlist and HOLY SHIT. THE SAINTS ROW FEELS. Veeeeeery quick super messy RepComm sketches because my brain is buzzing from this idea. Maybe one day I will finish these, but it's not today. :D
That iconic mission, assault on the penthouse from a heli:
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Kal: What do you think, ad'ika? Mereel: Some shabuir is in my pool.
Mereel, Kal, Ordo. That shot from the trailer at the beginning. I mean... tell me that knife-scene ISN'T HIM.
AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! щ(゚Д゚щ)
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I'm living in that 21st century, doing something mean to it Do it better than anybody you ever seen do it Screams from the haters got a nice ring to it I guess every superhero need his theme music
LAATs from the Coruscant Guard. I just love that last shot.
Fuck the doomed narrative. Let Kal be an ambitious bastard like he is with the clones, have his own secret syndicate with his "private army" and cause so much trouble that will lead to the point eventually Palpatine wants the whole Arca Company eliminated before a potential rebellion breaks out.
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thealluringsink · 1 year
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Awkward clone valentines part 2, featuring the Null ARCs
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aka-trashrat · 8 months
for the halloween prompt game: treats and meals for the null boys!! they deserve it!!
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Kal'buir thought maybe it would be a fun exercise for the boys to dress up and canvass the trainers' wing for Halloween.
Kom'rk - A vampire A'den - Hockey Mask Killer Ordo - A vampire (He's mad because Kom'rk stole his costume idea) Jaing - Mad Scientist Prudii - A ghost! Mereel - A Superior Mad Scientist There was a fistfight between Jaing and Mereel over the costume design. Mereel obviously went above and beyond, even plotting to steal clothing from the Kaminoan Elite, but Kal'buir put an end to that idea pretty quickly.
Ordo also later cornered Kom'rk and got revenge for stealing his costume idea while Kal'buir wasn't looking.
Prudii thought that trick-or-treat-ing was a stupid pointless exercise, but Mer'ika stole a sheet and cut some holes in it for a classic ghost costume, forcing his brother to join in on the fun.
We don't know where A'den got the hockey mask, but the boys sure are resourceful...
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roseaesynstylae · 1 month
Star Wars: Republic Commando: Triple Zero, Chapter 1, Part 1
"Kal Skirata had committed the biggest mistake of his life, and he'd made some pretty big ones in his time."
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It's begun. Kal Skirata is here.
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Also, considering Kal's track record throughout this series, "mistakes" might not be the right word to use.
"No, this wasn't happening.
Inside the transparent tubes there was fluid, and within it there was movement.
It took him several minutes of staring and refocusing on one of the tubes to realize there was a body in there, and it was alive. In fact, there was a body in every tube: row upon row of tiny bodies, children's bodies. Babies.
'Fierfek,' he said aloud.
He thought he'd come to this Force-forsaken hole to train commandos. Now he knew he'd stepped into a nightmare."
I will confess: When I first read this section, I thought I might actually like Kal Skirata, just a little bit. Then I read the rest of the book and I realized, no, this guy is an asshole. But he is at his most sympathetic at the very beginning of this novel. If any fanfic writers out there want to rewrite him to be more likable, this bit is what you should build off of.
"Skirata knew from day one that he wouldn't like Kaminoans.
Their cold yellow eyes troubled him, and he didn't care for their arrogance, either. They stared at his limping gait and asked if he minded being defective."
To be fair to Kal, Kaminoans are pretty damn hard to like. And I too would be upset if someone looked at an injury I got and went "Are you okay with being damaged?"
However, Kal using the word arrogance is almost funny. Pot calling the kettle black, anyone?
"Jango slowed down tactfully. 'So, Ilippi threw you out?'
'Yeah.' His wife wasn't Mandalorian. He'd hoped she'd embraced the culture, but she didn't: she always hated seeing her old man go off to someone else's war. The fights began when he wanted to take their two sons into battle with him. They were eight years old, old enough to start learning their trade; but she refused, and soon Ilippi and the boys and his daughter were no longer waiting when he returned from the latest war. Ilippi divorced him the Mando way, same as they'd married, on a brief, solemn, private vow. A contract was a contract, written or not."
Okay. Um, I'm just going to list a few things.
Did you discuss this with her at all before you got married? I kind of get the impression that you just assumed she'd go along with it.
Eight years old? If Kal actually has the gall to say anything about child soldiers going forward, I'm going to explode.
Why do you sound surprised that she first left your ass and then divorced you? From what I'm hearing, you royally fucked up your marriage.
It's a Man's World: 1 (for Kal's assumption that his wife would just go along with him)
Mando-Shilling: 1 (why yes, child soldiers are fine and peachy if they're Mandalorian child soldiers)
"'Don't your sons talk to you any longer?'
'Not often.' So I failed as a father. Don't rub it in."
Considering how much you fail as a father in this very book, I am, in fact, going to rub it in.
"'Ko Sai said something wasn't quite right with the first test batch of clones,' said Jango, ushering Skirata ahead of him into another room."
*Looks over at the "the Bad Batch are the other half of the Nulls" theory that has consumed my brain and led me to reading this series in the first place* *Looks over at the fact that the Bad Batch are defective or "not quite right"* Continue.
(All GIFs in this chapter will from now on be TBB GIFs.)
Is This The Bad Batch?: 1
"'I always believe in being honest about setbacks in a program. We value the Jedi Council as a customer.'
'I have nothing to do with the Jedi,' said Jango. 'I'm only a consultant on military matters.'
Oh, Skirata thought. Jedi. Great."
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(All and any unhappy Echo expressions, regardless of the actual context, are perfect for this.)
The nicest thing that has ever come out of Kal Skirata's mouth regarding the Jedi Order.
Jedi-Bashing: 1
"'Chief Scientist Ko Sai apologizes, as do I,' said Orun Wa. 'Six units did not survive incubation, but these developed normally and appeared to meet specifications, so they have undergone some flash-instruction and trials. Unfortunately, psychological testing indicates that they are simply too unreliable and fail to meet the personality profile requited.'
'Which is?' said Jango.
'That they can carry out orders.'"
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First, every time we learn more about the Nulls, I'm going to point out the parallels to the Bad Batch and shamelessly propel my theory (mostly to make myself feel better). Second, have a little serotonin boost!
Is This The Bad Batch?: 2
"'We could do with a few wild cards,' Jango said carefully, moving between Skirata and the Kaminoan. 'It's good to have some surprises up your sleeve for the enemy. What are these kids really like? And how old are they?'
'Nearly two years growth. Highly intelligent, deviant, disturbed -- and uncommandable.'"
Quoth the Tech, "We're more deviant that defective."
"Ordo was doing pretty well for a four-year-old soldier,
They could learn to be heroes tomorrow. Tonight they needed to be children, reassured that the storm was not a battlefield, and so nothing to fear.
'It's okay, Ord'ika,' he said softly. 'I'm here, son. I'm here."
This is the most likable Kal Skirata is going to be. It's all downhill from here, guys.
I'm splitting this into two parts, so the jump to present day will be in the next post.
Jedi-Bashing: 1
Mando-Shilling: 1
It's a Man's World: 1
Shut The Fuck Up, Kal: 0
Deltas, Move Out: 0
Mird, My Beloved: 0
Is This The Bad Batch?: 2
Main Post
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sevdidntdie · 9 months
Where are the other Skiratas in Legacy of the Force
Ok so I knoww it isn't canon and we only ever see Jaing and Mird and hear about Levet. oh right and spar's dead.
But where are the other Skiratas??? like fi and atin and corr and dar and niner and delta and the NULLS. oh and sull.
ok since i'm horribly optimistic and don't want anyone to die here's what i think
Dar's living out the good life, retired hopefully, if we go by Karen Traviss's plan for the book she never wrote
Niner's settling down somewhere nice, having kids and all
Fi helps Parja with her shop and maybe establishes a full corporation in Mandalore, with Rav's help.
Atin and Laseema--ok look idk what to say abt the couples rlly...
Corr and Jilka --I honestly never wouldve shipped them but ok, maybe they go off somewhere, I feel like Jilka would want to go back out in the galaxy, instead of being stuck on Mandalore.
Delta probably would never desert; while I dearly want them to I have a terrible feeling they'll end up as the nucleus of the Rebellion-era 501st. I saw a fic once where Boss was one of the ones fighting on Hoth with Vader.
ok now the NULLS:
Prudii I feel like would stay at home and be a hacker and help out randos
Kom'rk would be a bounty hunter I think
Mereel would definitely be a bounty hunter too
Jaing we saw.
Ordo becomes the leader of the Skiratas, obviously, with Besany
A'den I feel like would be Rebellion-type material, since he was mostly in the field and stuff. we didn't see enough of him.
Sull probably goes rogue and becomes a merc or smth. like honestly. remember how he was in true colors? ain't never gonna live a peaceful life like that.
OMG I FORGOT Yayax... well...bc they're such good builders they'll form a nice construction company and work with Parja and Fi to expand the infrastructure. Maybe when Boba comes back and they find that beskar mine, Yayax Construction will be the first to occupy it and start mining.
THE SERGEANTS: Rav retires hopefully and helps Yayax with their business. Vau and Skirata die of old age I mean honestly they're their age. Wad'e makes a school of besbev players and passes down his mantle to someone else and retires. Mij and Qail marry and have a put-together family with Scout like Clive, Astri, and Lune's.
Jusik marries New Brainwashed (literally) Arla and teaches Kad jedi stuff.
what are your ideas? i wanna hear you guys opinions
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clonememesfrikyeah · 6 months
Prudii while petting Mird: “You have a smooth brain. No ridges or lumps, or valleys or bumps. All ideas slide right off, like a water slide. Smooth brain. Smooooth braaaain.”
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mrbubblyurchin · 25 days
So I know that in canon for the Null ARCs the Captains have red armor, Lieutenants have blue armor, and Sergeants have green but I want the Nulls to be different when it comes to painted armor cause who says they’re gonna follow regulations, huh?
Ordo still has red armor, Mereel has dark blue, A’den has green armor, so same as canon for them… but the others…
Prudii has teal armor, or cyan armor, whichever one you wanna call it.
Jaing had purple armor.
And Kom’rk has dark gray armor.
Yeah. That’s all.
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trashcanmando · 3 months
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the nulls all have a special place in my heart <3
top to bottom, left to right: A'den, Prudii, Kom'rk Jaing, Ordo, Mereel
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