#Protein considerations
conderkyl · 4 years
do you ever just wanna punch a wall? cause like i thought these instincts left me a long time ago but goddamn do I wish I had something to punch right now
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
i was gonna ask about the vegan, but you already answered that lol. so instead i offer absurd things that vegans i know have told me.
first: anything about "complete protein" and "variety", i have yet to see a vegan answer anything beyond vague generalizations.
second and my personal favorite: human meat is vegan. (tbf, the only irl time i heard this, i was probably guilty of entrapment)
third, straying into animal-rights territory: advocating the genocide of domestic species that have come to rely on human assistance. i don't recall the exact quote, but it was something like "it's better they all die than be reliant on humans"
bonus: many vegans do not consider themselves, or even humans in general, to be part of the food web (tho they usually call it the food chain)
I personally get it if people aren't comfortable with animals being killed to feed them, like, yeah I understand why you wouldn't want to eat animals that you know had to die for your meal basically.
But in terms of like, eggs and wool and milk and stuff, it's just like:
Internet vegan: These animals are treated badly! This is horrible!
Other internet person: Yeah so we should try to get eggs and milk from small local farmers that we can personally verify are treating their animals well
Internet vegan: No, veganism is about ZERO exploitation of animals, and anyway, you can just choose not to torture animals for your own pleasure
Other internet person: But they're...not being tortured? People get eggs from chickens that are loved and cared for like pets?
Internet vegan: Eating the SECRETIONS of an animal's BODY is inherently exploitative and also misogynistic probably
Like you can't really make the case that backyard eggs from chicken breeds that aren't bred to over-produce, or milk from a goat that is treated better than most pets, is "cruelty" unless you're applying human concepts of things like "freedom" and "exploitation" to them.
Anyways, domestication isn't evil any more than any other symbiotic relationship is. And the argument that there's something innately unethical about eating animals makes no sense unless you do hold that humans are "higher" or have a greater responsibility than other animals, because animals eat other animals? Humans are part of the ecosystem like everybody else. I would argue that we *are* different in that we can make choices about how to manage resources and ecosystems with consideration toward the future. But I don't think that means that eating animals is inherently wrong.
And like...ultimately, everything does in fact die, and if humans aren't eating it, something else will be. I don't know what the alternative is. Let large mammals live to old age past the point where they would be eaten by predators (which is *mercy*, not cruelty, because it's a much quicker end to suffering than just letting the creature's body age and decline until it can't take care of itself or move around without pain. and unlike a human, a horse or cow can't understand the aging process or make active decisions about its own treatment and care.)?
If no one ate meat we would still have to manage the white-tailed deer population, in the absence of their natural predators, or they would overpopulate and die slower, more painful deaths of disease and starvation. People make a big deal out of nature being "cruel" but a healthy ecosystem with lots of predators does wonders to reduce the suffering associated with death.
Also it bothers me how a lot of vegans seem to dismiss the idea of plants as potentially sentient in some ways because like...they are aware of and respond to their environment, and we are just now scratching the surface of how they sense their world and communicate (yes, communicate).
It's silly to totally dismiss a tree as inert and unfeeling, really. Trees are capable of sending messages to other trees. They sense, they feel. It's totally unlike anything we can imagine but plants possess some kind of awareness that we are only now beginning to understand. If the foundational reasoning of veganism is that "animals are sentient and can feel so don't eat them, but it's okay to eat plants" then ?????????????
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
Soldier!Reader x Madcom headcanons
I wanted to write something that starred @yansoftie Soldier!Reader in Yan!Madcom because ASKFJGHHKJ it’s fucking great and I love it to BITS!!
Soldier!Reader is treated almost like royalty within weeks of arriving in Nevada. The SQ organization has already grown nearly 4 times the amount it was before they arrived and Reader is treated like a figurehead for the organization. Nearly on par with Hank himself. They’re kind and level-headed despite the title that the grunts labeled them with. They just think it’s cute that they get to play leader of such a small race of people. --
Reader, with basic knowledge on lots of things from the human world, helps bring back some lost or very rare attributes to post-Nexus Nevada. An example being agriculture. They help set up grow beds in a part of the base and even probably starts a mushroom farm as well. There are no animals to herd or slaughter, so Reader just takes some seeds from their pocket that they had on hand for protein on the battlefield and begins to set up a legit farm with sprinklers. --
Reader also takes in the strengths and weaknesses of their underlings. The more scrappy and aggressive grunts get to become warriors while the more docile grunts get assigned as caretakers and gardeners. Working to their strengths and personal interest. It helps the HQ function better and keeps the grunts happy doing things they wish to do. Not only because they got assigned those jobs by Reader either, lmao. --
Reader also begins to help educate their population. Helping them relearn to read and write and apply critical thinking skills. Reader finds it sad that such an organization like the AAHW would let their troops go so uneducated. So they take great care into teaching basics and elementary-level of schooling into their followers. The only ones not happy about it is the main 4. Mostly because it requires hours of your attention, but most put up with it. For now. --
Reader is also protective of their flock. Reader is known to move in front of heavy artillery that would kill normal grunts and various other units, but leaves nothing more than a tear or a singe mark on their body. Especially since Reader most likely carries the whole “No man left behind” motto close to their heart. This usually ranges from putting out fires to help their units to taking blast or even catching falling debris that give their troops enough time to move out of the way. The units are ALWAYS thankful, bringing offerings and other gifts as a show of gratitude. --
The main 4 of the group are considerably closer to the soldier, even after HQ actually becomes rather significant in the world of power. They’re so happy to see their cause growing in power and strength and reviving certain qualities that were lost post-Nexus. It just makes them love them even more. --
The soldier also takes up certain tasks in helping them forward their war technology. Now, their primary role in the war was infantry, but it didn’t stop them from applying some helpful advancements to their own grunt troops that they learned from the battlefield in their own realm. Cars are fitted like tanks and look like various Mad-Max-Looking hybrids. Certain vehicles are even modded to allow for ammunition transfer and weapon mounts, just like the ones from their own personal war. They even teach their troops how to communicate with certain signs without verbally speaking. --
Both the Auditor and Phobos are FUCKING PISSED. Like...who the fuck and WHAT the fuck is this thing and how are they BEWITCHING the POPULATION SO FAST? The AAHW is getting their asses KICKED and Nexus Core isn’t faring much better. It would be hilarious if they had to team up just to try and take down this threat that is growing quickly and RAPIDLY. --
Soldier even begins to try an implement new tactics and make new factions for certain grunts to help build up their growing empire. Like diggers, cargo carriers, construction,  agriculture overseers, mushroom farmers, cooks, and other classes that they can apply to the new HQ for Status Quo. --
In about half a year, a new HQ has developed and revamped itself with Soldier at the top and the main 4 just behind them. At this point, Phobos and the AAHW are stunned with the growth and the new, now practically a city, level that has been acquired by the HQ of SQ. SQ is bold and is no longer hiding. With Soldier at the helm, they look at the other two factions with a new fire in their eyes. Challenging them for superiority. I’m gonna write more soon I just ASKFJGHHK stricken with inspiration. ASJHJDHGHHK!!
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Is this seat empty? " Yes and this one will be too if you sit down" , "Don't be like that my love."
For MLB!Harry first stupid fight in a relationship 😂
Okay this turned into something entirely different then the prompt. Sorry anon 😂
Peace & Quiet (Please)
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“Where d’you put m’protein mix?” Harry asks, padding into the kitchen and opening every single fucking cabinet.
“It’s in the same place it’s been for the past five years,” YN bites out with a slight irritation, mixing the pancake batter a little rougher.
She’s been up since three in the morning and Harry sauntered in around six-thirty after coming home late from a baseball game last night.
All the babies still asleep.
“Ah - fuck,” Her husband huffs when he spills the powder all over the countertop and floor she had just swiffered ten minutes ago.
When he goes to open the other cabinet and grab for a shaker bottle - they all come tumbling out onto the floor in a loud clash.
“Could you be any louder? You going to wake up the kids!” YN scolds harshly, pointing to the closet, “Go get the swiffer.”
He obliges - surprised by her attitude, grabbing it and slapping it (by accident) on the ground like a fucking baseball bat, the head of the mop snapping off and breaking.
“S’broken,” Harry states the obvious, shrugging and going about peeling a banana before leaving the peel near the sink.
YN turns to face him, voice irritated, “I’m about to break you, just like you broke the swiffer.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?” He asks cheekily but her glare tells him there is no amusement to be had this morning.
“I just spent all morning cleaning and you’ve made this place a disaster already!” His wife bites before flipping one of the pancakes.
Harry dejectedly cleans up his protein mix mess, neatly places the shake bottles into the right place, throws away the peel, and closes all the cabinets.
“M’sorry,” He murmurs, coming up behind her and kisses the nape of her neck, “Y’seem a bit cranky this mornin’.”
And man. He should have not said that.
“Do you have a baby who needs to fucking feed from your body every hour even during the night? I don’t think so,” She mutters, shaking him off of her.
“Hey, mama. M’bein’ an ass, what can I do to help?” He changes gears, choosing to stand next to her since she didn’t seem to want to be touch.
“Breastfeed - let your nipples feel like their constantly on fire and about to fall off. Make all this post-partum bleeding stop. Let me sleep for a day straight. I don’t know,” YN begins to sniffles, plating a few mini pancakes.
He’s taken aback, eyebrows furrowing in concern, and he leans forward to flip off the stovetop, “Can I touch you?”
She nods, wiping her eyes, and allows him to haul her up into their marble countertop, “Mama, y’need to tell me when y’feeling overwhelmed? Please baby. I’ve asked you a million times to wake me up and I can bottle feed her.”
“No, she…I have to feed her. It helps bonding and it-“
Harry interrupts firmly, “She will be perfectly fine being fed by a bottle a few times a day. You’re putting too much stress on yourself.”
Her head falls on his shoulder and she mumbles, “I just feel so…gross, not attractive at all.”
He pulls her back, searching her face in confusion, “Baby, why would you ever say somethin’ like that?”
YN let’s out a quiet sob, “My nipples are chafed and sore, I’m constantly bleeding, my belly hasn’t deflated -“
Harry can’t help but lean in and connect their lips harshly, he’s pulling her loose shirt up and over her head.
“Harry, what-“
“Listen t’me,” Harry rasps seriously, his hands are tender and careful as they cup her swollen breasts - thumbing at her painful nubs.
“I’m literally obsessed w’your tits, baby. They’ll go back to normal after y’done feeding and even if they don’t - I love them just as fucking much. You fed our three healthy strong boys and now you’re makin’ sure our chunky little girl is eating good.”
Then he hands move to cup her belly, large hands splayed over the still softening, firm bump from where Briar had been housed for nine months.
“Y’gave me four, four fuckin’ babies from this belly. I’m fucking in love with your body. God, y’thighs, y’tummy, the stretchmarks - fuck, getting me hard just lookin’ at you.”
It was true, he was stiffening up in his shorts but neither of them acknowledged it - it was a love boner more than anything else.
He literally got hard from how much he loved her.
“I’m tired,” She sighs softly, letting Harry tug her shirt back on as the children would be waking up soon to eat breakfast.
“I know, mama,” Harry acknowledges softly, giving her another kiss before taking over the pancake station.
When all the boys are downstairs and chomping away on their food, Cash, who is just about four decides it’ll be funny to squirt the sticky syrup all over their expensive stool cushions and the floor.
When YN turns from the sink to see the mess, she admits she snaps a little bit, “Really Harry? You’re supposed to be watching them, not checking the sports news on your phone!”
Harry is about to defend himself but his wife is stomping over to where Cash has emptied the bottle and gives him a firm look, “Cash Edward Styles, get your bum upstairs, right now.”
Cash’s eyes widen, his mother rarely needed to use a harsh tone with them, “Mama, I’m so-“
“If you are not upstairs, by the bathtub this instant, you get no outside time today. Do you understand me?” YN tells him, giving Easton a warning look when he licks at the syrup on his finger.
“Yes mama,” Cash squeaks out sadly, abandoning his plate and walking up towards the bathroom upstairs to get clean.
Easton and Ezra are dead silent as they watch their brother leave - not wanting the same fate as him so they sit proper.
“Sweetheart-“ Harry begins, putting his phone back in his pocket.
“No, I have my hands full taking care of four kids. I don’t need you acting like a fifth. Go bathe your son,” YN tells him coldly, an angry stare directed his way.
Harry clenches his jaw, biting his tongue as he stands up and pushes his chair in with force - making a loud noise before following after his second son.
A few minutes after they’re out of sight, Easton thought it’d be funny to wipe syrup down Ezra’s cheek which made Ezra cry and throw a pancake at his older brother - now soaking him in syrup.
YN starts to leak milk at the sound of Ezra’s cries.
“Easton Robin - get you butt upstairs this instant too. You know better - no outside time today,” She informs him as she uses a wet wipe to clean Ezra’s cheek.
“Mama,” Easton whines, fat tears starting roll down his cheeks as he stands up, loitering by the kitchen stool.
“Do not make me repeat myself,” YN warns, swiping a paper towel over the wet spot on her shirt from the leak.
Harry had just started washing up Cash who was still melancholy when his blubbering older one comes in - still tearful.
He sighs, looking at his syrupy son, “Wha’ happened?”
Easton looks hesitant, “I put syrup on Ezzie and mama said no outside time today.”
His father is tight-lipped, he can already predict that Easton’s actions upset Ezra, “Alright, c’mon. Let’s clean y’up too. Y’know better, Easton.”
Harry had just finished helping both boys dress when YN appears in the doorway with Ezra who has a binkie popped in his mouth.
She steps over and hands their son to Harry before muttering, “I’m going to feed Briar, keep the boys out of the room. I need some peace.”
YN disappears from the room before he can even reply to her.
Harry can admit he gets distracted when one of his coaches calls him up for a game change, doesn’t notice when Cash sneaks from the playroom.
It’s less than five minutes later when YN leads Cash gently by the hand back into the playroom, with Briar still latched and feeding.
When she sees Harry on his phone, she’s fucking livid with him.
“Really Harry?” His wife scoffs, guiding Cash to join Easton in where he’s playing with legos.
“I’ll call you back,” Harry replies to his coach before hanging up, “Sorry, it was Donny-“
“Good to know your job is more important than watching your kids,” She spits out before storming back out of the room.
Harry is up and following behind her, jaw clenched and irritated, “Just ‘cause you’re in a pissy mood doesn’t mean that y’say shit like that.”
She turns on her heel, eyes fiery, “You have no god damn consideration. You’ve been swamped this week because of your nike promotion and games. I’ve had the babies all by myself for four nights while you get to gallivant around!”
Harry goes to speak but she puts her free hand up.
“I ask for you to keep our house clean and to let me have one moment of peace with our daughter but you don’t even let me have that! You do not understand how hard it is to push a baby out of you and then have them rely on you to feed them twenty times a day!”
His anger fades when his wife starts sobbing - chest shuddering sobs, “I just had her four weeks ago. I-I haven’t had a break yet. You act like it’s so easy!”
He starts to walk towards her, “Sweetheart-“
YN shakes her head, a desperate plea in her tone, “Please just give me time with Briar.”
Harry swallows harshly and nods - feeling like shit as his wife walks back towards the stairs - all the while still feeding their daughter.
“Mum, I-can you take the boys for the night?” Harry asks quietly, standing in the kitchen while the two older boys are still playing quietly.
Ezra’s passed out, on Harry’s hip with his little face smushed against the cap of his shoulder with parted lips.
“Dear, is everything okay?” She replies cautiously.
“No, I-I don’t know. YN is overwhelmed and I don’t think I’ve been supportive enough,” Harry feels himself begin to sniffle.
Anne doesn’t pry for information which Harry loves about her, she agrees to take them, and states she’ll be over within the hour.
Harry goes about packing their pajamas and other necessities in their little backpacks as the squeal excitedly about going to Nana’s.
“Can we say bye to mama?” Easton asks anxiously as they clear out of their bedrooms.
“Let me go ask,” He murmurs, running a hand through his son’s curls.
When he cracks open the door, YN is sprawled out on her back, fast asleep with Briar also asleep in the bassinet next to the bed.
His heart aches because her shirt is off, and the remnants of her nipple cream which was a pinkish orange color wasn’t fully rubbed in on her bruised breasts.
Harry guides them downstairs, promising that their mama will call them later.
After the boys leave, Harry doesn’t know what to do so he cleans whatever he finds that is dirty or messy so she won’t have to.
He does all the laundry in the house, cleans up every single toy, and when Briar starts to whimper - he sneaks in to snatch her up so she doesn’t wake YN.
Then he takes her out to the shops with him to grab groceries, her favorite snacks, and maybe he does stop by a jewelry store and buy her something nice.
(casually a pair of 20k earrings)
YN fell asleep around eighty-thirty in the morning and doesn’t wake up until about nine at night, Harry had put Briar in her nursery about an hour ago.
When she does awake, Harry is sitting in the living room - watching a stupid action movie to pass time and dwell on everything.
She comes in quietly, stands in front of her husband who looks up at her with anxious eyes - she looks brighter now that she’s had adequate sleep.
“Will you hold me?” She rasps quietly, just in one of Harry’s shirts and soft pair of sleep shorts.
“Never haven t’ask, mama,” He murmurs, guiding her until she’s straddling his lap and burying her face into the crook of his neck.
His hands sneak beneath her shirt to massage the sleep-warm skin as he kisses her shoulder - over and over again.
“I’m so sorry,” YN whispers into his skin, voice croaky as she tries to not get upset.
He pulls her back to study her face, “Do not apologize, y’allowed to get mad at me and feel frustrated. You’re emotions are valid. There’s a lot going on and I could be doing more to help.”
YN wipes a tear that trickles down as she laughs in disbelief, “No, you can’t do anymore to help.”
“Wha-? I can, I promis-“
She interrupts his with a kiss before telling him sincerely, “You can’t do anymore help because you’re already doing the most amazing job. As a husband and dad. I was just tired and stressed - it’s not an excuse.”
It warms his heart, he fucking loves her so much it does make sense, has to button their lips together one more time.
“You have a really hard job too, on top of being a husband and dad. You give us all this, support us and take care of us.”
“Are y’kidding me? Y’the one who keeps this family together. Y’the fuckin’ love of my life, you know that? I love you so much, so so much,” He emphasizes, rubbing a thumb across her bottom lip.
The kiss one more time - the anger was subsided and they were okay once again.
Harry laughs and agree when YN murmurs, “S’time for bed again, m’tired.”
“Okay mama, anythin’ for you,” He responds before peppering her in kisses to make her giggle lightly.
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xavierknightsbridge · 3 years
The Swim Captain’s Belly
Jason was the champion swimmer in his college. Not a week went by without a big heavy medallion hanging between his big, glistening pecs (smooth and round and full adorned with perky, rosy nipples). His dark gold hair, strong jaw and deep blue eyes were the envy of the rest of the team – as was his incredible metabolism. Just as often as a medal rested on his big broad chest did a disproportionately big belly swing from beneath his pecs, barely contained by the tight t-shirts and open hoodies he favoured. He was notorious for unzipping his tracksuit top during post-win dinners and letting his big belly roll out and sit bare and heaving in front of his teammates – like a triumph or a challenge – and then showing up for practice the next morning with his belly flat and toned as the champion swimmer that he was.
What his teammates didn't know is that Jason had a secret – it wasn't always just steak and beer that swelled out his bare belly.
It had begun just before he went to College, when he and a team-mate were supposed to be competing for state trials. They were supposed to be work in unity – but the evening before the trial, the other boy – Pete – snuck out of the hotel and went on a binge tour of the nearest diners and any bar that'd serve them. Pete was handsome, with light brown hair and lazy smile, a thick chest and toned arms and legs – but a bit of a belly, and one he seemed to be constantly stuffing. Jason had never seen it completely flat – normally much more convex than concave.
The evidence of his curfew breaking was very obvious when Pete showed up for the trial. His belly hung over his speedos like a balloon, wobbling like a plate of jell-o when he walked. His belly button was deep, a dark hole just below the centre of his engorged tum. Jason – who had been on a diet of lean protein and greens for weeks and was cut like a greek god – felt his belly rumble as he gazed at the fat, satisfied stomach of his thoughtless team-mate.
“Dumb fuck,” Jason said in disgust, as Pete patted his newly rounded belly with satisfaction.
Pete just shrugged and smiled. “What the belly wants, he gets,” he said, wobbling his bloated gut. Jason's stomach groaned with renewed hunger.
The trial was a disaster – Pete was still too stuffed to swim well and he floundered in the water and Jason had to use all of his strength (considerable, pecs and biceps straining and wet) to pull Pete out of the pool. And when they'd slunk off to the changing rooms, shame-faced – Pete hadn't even said sorry. He'd only belched and then laughed. “You win some you lose some,” he said, already slipping off his speedos and stepping into the showers, letting his big belly wobble completely free. Jason's belly gave another growl – and before he knew it, he was letting nature take its course.
With both arms he grabbed Pete and lifted him into the air. All Jason could think about was his belly – how much it needed filling, how good Pete's big wobbly belly looked, how big his belly would be with all that meat inside it. His mouth opened wider than he thought possible as he lowered Pete head first into his waiting maw. Vore-belly rumbling as it realised its potential, Jason began to feed.
Pete tasted better than anything he'd ever eaten – feeling him scream inside his throat as he swallowed him down (and then again, lower down, from within the growing girth of his gut) only added to the indescribable pleasure. With one hand he held Pete in place so he could force more and more of his delicious, stuffed body inside himself (eating him, he thought idly, I'm eating him all up. He's going to be in my belly. He's going to be my belly.) and with the other, he stroked his swelling orb of stomach. His cock sprang out of his tight speedos as he felt the wall of his belly moving against his hand, pushing it outward as his tank filled up with more and more stuffing of lovely, destined-to-be-belly Pete.
At last he was eating Pete's belly – chewing and slurping as he swallowed mouthful after mouthful of that great, greedy gut – ignoring the moans and delightful wriggles within his belly as he nibbled on his team-mate/dinner's tummy. He slipped his tongue into Pete's big belly-button and enjoyed making out with his prey's deep tummy-button for a few minutes before the need of his belly to eat Pete up overwhelmed him and he swallowed Pete's belly down. He devoured Pete up to his loins which climaxed gratifyingly as he sucked them into his mouth – slathering his meat with an unexpected sauce. As he sucked down Pete's surprisingly big balls (all the better to fill his belly with), he felt Pete's belly enter his stomach. Jason felt fuller than he'd ever done in his life, stuffed with plump, living meat – and looked down in awe to see his belly grow in front of him, swelling and heavy with food/Pete. His belly stretched out from him by several feet – curving dramatically from below his heaving pecs in a great swell. Sweat dripped from his chest and ran down the shelf of his belly before dipping down his heaving front. Rubbing his big, bare belly Jason could feel Pete moving within him – and the sensation was everything: orgasmic and triumphant. Jason was lost in ecstasy as he filled his tank with Pete, lost in the lust of his belly's newly revealed powers. And there was still more to come.
He gobbled down Pete's legs in a few hungry swallows – grateful for all the swimming practice in toning and developing muscles in Pete's thick thighs and calves – at least someone was getting something out of it, and Jason thought circling his newly enlarged belly button with his hand, massaging the heaving flesh of his swollen belly, it might as well be him. His belly groaned gratefully as each new part of Pete entered it, expanding and swelling it ever further. Jason felt himself begin to drool, great spools of saliva splashing onto the heaving expanse of his belly-sphere (formerly known as Pete). He couldn't believe how good Pete felt inside him – that his formerly ripped stomach was capable of eating other guys. That it could grow so big and fat. And that Pete tasted so fucking good.
He felt Pete/his meal squirm within the fleshy sphere of his gut as Jason tipped his head back to finish off the boy and put him fully in his belly – swallowing down his kicking feet in one great, satisfied gulp. His belly rumbled its approval as it filled to complete fullness with its meal of Pete – and in the mirror, Jason watched as his belly swelled out further. It was now protruding several squirming feet out from him, his belly-button a deep cavity in the central swell of his big, sated gut. He ran his hands over the hot, smooth flesh of his big, bare vore-belly, smooth except for the treasure trail of blonde hair that ran up from around his churning balls (Jason could feel them swelling with cum) and ended where his soft belly-flesh sunk into the great chasm of his newly expanded belly-button. It looked like he'd eaten a big balloon, swelling out from under his sweating pecs several metres in front of him, reaching a peak just above where his deep belly-button yawned, before curving back again towards his body. His fat, hard cock (all nine inches of it) was dwarfed by the size of his Pete-filled gut. Awed, Jason began to rub the undercurve of his belly, amazed at the heft of it (he couldn't cross his arms around his middle, so big was his vore-tummy) and the awed by the feeling of movement within it – proof he'd actually managed to eat Pete. That it was actually Pete making his belly feel so good, so very satisfied. It was Pete wriggling about inside him. The bulges he could trace beneath the taut, sweaty skin of his lower belly were Pete, being devoured.
Unable to contain himself any long, being so incredibly, wonderfully stuffed (easily the best meat he'd ever swollen his belly with – Jason privately thanked all of the diners Pete had attended for filling out his boy-meal so well), Jason let out an enormous belch – which immediately made his big vore-gut begin to squirm. Jason gave it a hearty slap, enjoying the fleshy noise echoing around the tiled walls of the showers. “Sorry partner.” Jason said, tapping his palms against his moving gut to provoke more lovely wriggles inside himself - “What the belly wants, he gets.” And damn, Jason realised, watching his big enlarged stomach wiggle and squirm in the shower mirror – Jason had a good belly. He belched again, letting out more air – his belly beginning the digestion process (fuck, he was actually eating Pete, he was gonna make him into his belly for good) and rubbed his belly, massaging the swollen flesh of his stomach (the stomach that was Pete).
Jason's cock, rubbing against the swollen undercurve of his vore tummy, exploded with pulse after pulse of cum – splashing his heaving belly with a fountain of his seed. A reward for a job well done. Amazingly, his cock immediately got thick and hard again, aroused by the wonderful belly-sensations Pete was provoking as he struggled inside Jason's mighty gut. Already his balls filled with more cum – turned out belly-making made Jason very very horny.
He grinned and picked up Pete's goggles, lying abandoned on a shelf in the shower. Well, he wouldn't need them now, Jason thought, grabbing them and placing them just above his yawning belly-button, so they sat on the heaving belly that was their old owner. He could feel the strain of the goggle straps as he pulled them taut across the great circumference of his vore-belly. Almost immediately, the elastic of the goggles' straps snapped – being stretched too far around the great dome of Jason's Pete-belly and went flying across the shower. Jason gave his enormous tummy (his new favourite thing) a congratulatory pat for getting so big – and set the shower running. He leaned back, letting the water splash down the huge curve of his stomach, feeling his belly wriggle in time with each new splash – and settled in to digest his useless team-mate and make him into something far more useful: protein for his own mighty body. Rubbing Pete/his new belly and masturbating languidly, blonde jock Jason settled down for the time of his life as he encouraged his stomach to finish the job of eating his former-teammate, converting his squirming body into his bellypudge,
Jason was pleased to discover when he emerged from the shower, a few hours later, belly gurgling away with what was left of Pete – his stomach was still full and round, protruding metres over his speedos as he walked through the changing rooms. He gave his big post-vore belly an exploratory pat and was rewarded with a pleasingly meaty sounding thud. He gave his big tum a firm jiggle and heard its contents slosh about inside him – causing him to belch again. Jason licked his lips, tasting Pete again. Delicious. Why hadn't he eaten him ages ago? Continuing to rub his bloated stomach, he wrapped a towel around his waist, belly spilling over the top, too large to be contained. “Come on Pete,” Jason said slapping his gut, “Let's take you somewhere more comfortable.”
Jason strode out of the shower, big pecs and bigger belly bare, clad only in a towel. He walked through the changing room, belly audibly gurgling, chest thrust out and gut wobbling – enjoying the envious (and lustful) stares he got from other guys. Little did they know what – or who- it was filling him out so well. Jason belched again, savouring the aftertaste of his meal of Pete. He looked around at the muscled bodies of the other swimmers – and imagined what it would be like to fill up – and out – on one of them. His cock got hard in his towel – though the bulge was hidden by the effect of his bouncing beachball of post-vore gut. He was so distracted by the thought of new men in his belly, of feeding again, that he walked belly-first into another guy. He let out an oof as the wind was knocked out of him – and belched again. He almost came on the spot from the sensation of flesh pressing against his Pete-stuffed tum combined with tasting Pete again, the boy digesting in his belly, the boy he had gobbled up. He said sorry to the guy, handsome and thick-chested, hair curling on his full pecs – and felt his belly growl with hunger. Jason patted his belly - “Don;t worry Pete,” he murmured. “You'll have company soon.” And Jason smiled as he realised what he was – a predator – and what he had – a predator's belly. And one that he intended to ensure had a long career.
After turning Pete into pudge, Jason embarked on a beautiful love affair with his belly. He didn't have many opportunities until college- but college expanded his horizons – and frequently, his waistline.
He joined the swim team in his first semester and was captain by the end of his first year. Given the fullness of his thick pecs and how right a medal looked hanging between them, as well as his athletic ability, toned biceps and thick thighs, this was unsurprising. Anyone who looked at Jason, wearing speedos and an open jacket displaying his meaty chest knew he was meant to be a captain. This meant he not only got to lead the team – but also make selections for who made the team – and who made his belly. Sensing opportunity – and taking Pete/his belly's words to heart, Jason made a point of never denying his belly anything – or anyone – it wanted.
His belly-filling always happened in the same way. He'd lead the nervous newbie out to the pool first thing in the morning, while it was still dark and the lawns still frosty. Jason would admire his potential new team-mate (or potential belly's) body as he stripped before getting into the water with Jason. Jason was selective – they needed to be handsome, full-lipped and strong-jawed with pecs that would make your eyes water and enough meat on their belly and thighs to tantalise his tummy. Then, they would have a race. A simple three laps, end to end of the pool. If the pledge beat him (which did happen), Jason would take him to the campus bar for drinks – and introduce him to the team – the pledge had made the team.
If, however, the pledge couldn't keep up – he still got to join the team. Just not in the way he'd imagined. Jason would wait until, dripping with water and sweat, the young man reached the ladder and attempted to haul himself up. Then, quick as a flash, Jason would swim up behind him and using his superior strength grab the guy with his strong arms and begin to eat his fill. He preferred to devour them as they struggled in the water, diving low to begin from their thrashing legs upwards. He enjoyed the feel of water lapping at his belly as it grew with a new pledge/breakfast inside it, rubbing his wet vore belly as it ate. Sometimes he'd remember to pull the pledge-meat's speedos off his struggling thighs before he gulped them down, freeing the guy;s cock and balls to be swallowed down – sometimes if he was particularly hungry Jason would devour them in a vorny haze and belch them up later.
His belly would swell out in the water like a floatation device as he pulled the young guy's meaty torso within his voracious gut, and his cock would inevitably pop out of his speedos and shoot jet after jet of hot cum into the water, his big balls churning away – just like his big naked belly was churning the new pledge into pudge and protein for his champion body. Eventually, the need of his bloated, big-belly buttoned stomach would grow too great and he'd gobble down the guy's head, sending him squirming into his tank to begin the wonderful process of digestion.
After that Jason would do a few backstroke laps of the pool, turning on his side to allow his big young man swollen belly to bob up in the water like the hump of a whale, belly button large and deep at the centre of his moving planet of belly. His cock would erupt with cum, anointing the underside of his hefty belly over and over again as it wiggled and squirmed with its living contents. Jason would give his smooth curve of belly a celebratory pat while he told the guy inside it how good he looked as a belly, how much he'd contribute to the team (the amount signified by the size of the belly-mound he'd made protruding out of Jason). Then he'd begin to belch and let the digestion process begin, exulting in the sensations of his strong pred-belly turning the guy he'd gobbled down and swelled out his belly with into food.
After, he'd rise, gently, out of the pool (ladder groaning with the weight of Jason's newly engorged gut) and stride to the showers to digest. He'd emerge a bit later, belly still enlarged (or enhanced as he liked to call it) and attempt to zip up an athletic tracksuit top over his gut – which would invariably break the zip. Sometimes he pulled on the pledge's clothes and enjoyed the sight of them stretching over his full, round post-vore tum, big belly-button emerging shyly from under a stretched t-shirt or exploding the buttons or zip of a jacket, cloth hanging freely on either side of his exposed post-vore gut. Half-dressed he'd put one of his medals over his pecs and then head out into campus, rubbing his bare belly and showing it off to everyone he passed by, belching and rubbing it perfomatively – often while dressed in the ruined clothes of the guy currently swelling out his gut.
Later he'd join the rest of the team (including the handful of pledges who'd escaped their fates as one of his bloated bellies) at a buffet or a bar, belly still proudly displayed – and heft it onto the table, demanding belly rubs from his team-mates. Captain's prerogative. He'd grin as he felt their hands on his flesh, his predator's belly, rubbing the bulging gut, contents gurgling and shifting within him that had recently been a guy like them. He'd then bloat it out further with beer, celebrating another victory for his mighty stomach over some lesser guy – and more protein for his own pecs and thighs.
Afterwards he;'d usually go through his new belly's phone and if they were in a relationship, track down their partner. Over drinks he'd seduce the boyfriend or girlfriend of his wobbling belly-pudge (sometimes even using his belly that had been their partner in his seduction, convincing them to rub and stroke the belly that contained their former boyfriend) and take them back to his apartment where he'd have incredible, animal sex with his belly's lover. He'd go on top, hefting his belly on top of the pledge's boyfriend or girfriend and fuck them wildly, belly bouncing and wobbling over the girlfriend or boyfriend of the pledge swelling out his gut, as he thrust away inside them, His favourite thing was when the fucking, the friction of their body against his gut (their ex) disturbed the contents of his belly and he'd find himself belching uncontrollably as he fucked. He'd usually spil jet after jet of cum inside them before heading home to lie on the sofa and rub his massive belly as it finished digesting the pledge.
Of course, all good things had to come to an end – and even though he was careful – Jason knew he couldn't eat every pledge – still people did notice the missing guys (bellies now). Of course the cops couldn't prove anything – and he'd enjoyed being questioned by one hot red-headed cop while the missing person digested in his big, exposed belly. He'd rubbed his bare gut, bloated and distended with a fresh pledge, while the young redhead cop asked his questions. The cop had flushed as Jason nursed his pred-belly – none the wiser as to where his missing person was (digesting gently inside Jason's very sated tum.) The cop couldn't seem to take his eyes off Jason's belly-button, which yawned deep and inviting in the centre of his enlarged belly. Jason had lazily traced his finger around the belly-button every time the cop mentioned his latest meal's name.
Still it was a wake-up call – and Jason was due to graduate soon. Couldn't hang around campus forever filling up his gut with young men – much as he wanted to. He needed a plan b. It was as he was sat in his tracksuit (open of course to let his post-vore belly spill out over his lap). He was browsing travel destinations idly, hoping to inspire ideas – when something caught his eye. Jason was idly rubbing Colin (was it Colin? He prodded the fleshy sack of his satiated, round tum idly. He tasted like a Colin. He gave Colin a rub and smiled. Certainly felt like a Colin. The guy was in his belly now regardless – where he belonged.) as he looked closer at the details of the place. Shark Beach – way down in Florida. A favorite travel destination for adventurous college students – the name kept most people away, but the advertiser wanted to reassure the reader there were no actual sharks in the vicinity.
Shark Beach needed a lifeguard it seemed – paid, accommodation free, minimal supervision. Jason's Colin-belly growled with hunger as he browsed the photos of the college boys, rippling with muscle and half-naked running across the beach. He belched, savouring the salty aftertaste of possibly-Colin. “Well, belly,” he said, patting his swollen gut, “Looks like we're going on a long vacation.”
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afeelgoodblog · 3 years
Best News of Last Week
Edition #021 - ️‍💉 - Hope you had a great weekend. Let's read some positive news :)
1. With nearly 5 million children getting COVID vaccines, no safety problems have been seen, CDC director says
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky says real-world monitoring finds vaccines are safe for young children.
Crucially, the CDC hasn't identified any concerns with the temporary heart inflammation known as myocarditis, a potential side effect of mRNA vaccines seen in rare circumstances in teenagers and young adults.
2. Spain officially Recognizes Animal Sentience Within Civil Code, Clarifying Animals Are Not “Things”
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On April 18, 2021, the Spanish Parliament approved consideration of a bill that would amend the country’s Civil Code to recognize animals are “living beings endowed with sentience” rather than “things,” specifically “moveable property.” This approval is the first step toward updating animals’ legal status in the Spanish Civil Code.
This proposal was officially approved in December 2021 with widespread support.
3. Michael Sheen becomes a 'not-for-profit actor' so he can fund charity work
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Hollywood actor Michael Sheen has revealed how he sold his houses and gave the proceeds to charity as he declared himself to be a “not-for-profit” actor.
The Welsh actor and activist, 52, who handed back his OBE in 2020 so he could criticize the monarchy without seeming a “hypocrite”, believed organizing the 2019 Homeless World Cup in Cardiff was a turning point for him.
When funding for the £2million project fell through at the last moment, Sheen sold his own houses to bankroll it.
4. Yale researchers develop mRNA-based lyme disease vaccine
Yale researchers have developed an mRNA vaccine that targets the antigens found in tick saliva in order to alert individuals to tick bites as well as prevent the tick from feeding correctly, thereby reducing its ability to transmit pathogens.
According to Matias dos Santos, when the tick bites an animal, it releases salivary proteins through the open wound. The mRNA vaccines are designed so that the immune system recognizes these proteins, sees them as an antigen and triggers a strong immune response at the site of the bite.
5. Claudette Colvin's juvenile record has been expunged, 66 years after she was arrested for refusing to give her bus seat to a White person
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The juvenile court records of Claudette Colvin, a civil rights pioneer who refused in 1955 to give up her seat to a White person on an Alabama bus, have been sealed, destroyed and expunged following a judge's ruling.
Colvin, now 82, was arrested when she was 15 for refusing to give up her seat to a White person on a bus in Montgomery. The incident came nine months before Rosa Parks' far more famous arrest for a similar act of civil disobedience in the Jim Crow era.
6. 'It Saved My Life': Depression Treatment Is Turning Lives Around in Five Days
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The remedy was a new type of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) called "Stanford neuromodulation therapy." By adding imaging technology to the treatment and upping the dose of rTMS, scientists have developed an approach that’s more effective and works more than eight times faster than the current approved treatment.
'This study not only showed some of the best remission rates we've ever seen in depression, but also managed to do that in people who had already failed multiple other treatments. 'Shan Siddiqi, a Harvard psychiatrist
7. Germany: Mole digs out wedding ring thought lost for 25 years
One ring to rule the mole...
That's it for this week. Until next week,
You can follow me on twitter . Also, I have a newsletter :)
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bestworstcase · 2 years
regarding the roseblance: this is how penny describes it.
Ruby is capable of traveling at an extreme velocity from one point to another by breaking herself down to her molecular components, thus negating her mass, and then reassembling them at the destination, theoretically making it possible for her to transport all of us in the same way, as mass no longer matters.
and as far as fantasy technobabble goes it’s... fine, the science is silly but nobody is watching rwby for realistic physics, and narratively it’s a serviceable explanation that clarifies ruby’s ability to carry passengers, something we’ve already seen her do several times, which helps to ground that ability right before it’s utilized to circumvent a serious obstacle. i want to be very clear that i’m not out to arbitrarily nitpick the silly science here but not anywhere else, because that would be dumb; i just have an alternate (and just as silly) interpretation that hinges on taking penny’s description as a hypothesis.
so disclaimers dispensed with: lmao That Makes No Sense. or rather, it’s the kind of explanation that sounds reasonable but doesn’t hold up under scrutiny or if you know anything about how molecules work. hence, reading it as a hypothesis penny comes up with to explain what she’s observed.
my first supposition is that “petal burst has no discernible mass” is accurate, because that’s the observation that penny is trying to make sense of. in other contexts it’s shown that penny’s tactical software has some kind of scanning functionality built in, which among other things lets her almost instantly pick cinder out of a lineup of illusory copies. zero mass is an otherwise odd assertion to make here, so my assumption is that penny’s tactical software interprets petal burst as ruby disappearing and then reappearing at a different location, akin to teleportation. penny herself, however, sees a swirling abstract blob of color flying through space from the starting point to the target destination, so she puts these two observations together to land on “ruby does something to ‘negate’ her mass.”
the essence of penny’s hypothesis is: a single molecule can move extremely fast, therefore ruby must be breaking herself down into a cloud of independent molecules to circumvent the limitation of her total mass. BUT:
1 - what do we mean by “molecular components” here? are we talking lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, the biological macromolecules that make up the building blocks of life? or does penny mean that ruby breaks those down, too, into their smaller constituent molecules—and if that’s the case, why does her semblance arbitrarily stop at molecules? why not go all the way down to atoms?
(NB: there is precedence for semblances being able to do this in general; glynda would have to be able to reassemble stuff at the molecular level for her telekinesis to restore broken objects to their unbroken original state.)
2 - but the obvious problem here is that. molecules have mass. if petal burst is a diffuse cloud of every molecule in ruby’s body, then penny’s tactical software should be able to recognize it as an object—or more precisely as a swirling blob of many microscopic particles with a total mass equal to ruby’s. it’s like disassembling a lego castle into a pile of individual legos. the total mass doesn’t change, the lego ‘molecules’ are just less organized.
3 - further, although a single molecule can move faster than a human body by orders of magnitude, it’s going to bang into other molecules and ricochet in all sorts of random directions as it travels. this slows its effective speed down considerably. it’s not implausible that aura could compensate for random walk, allowing every one of ruby’s molecules to move in relative synchronization from point A to point B, but travel in this manner really isn’t a “mass no longer matters” scenario.
4 - and why the swirling abstract bundle of rose petals thing? sure, no matter how you slice it petal burst is just a stylized artistic representation of ruby snapping the laws of physics like a brittle twig, but if all she’s doing is breaking herself apart into a molecular cloud and then firing herself like a human particle beam why does it LOOK LIKE THAT?!
note that we HAVE a genuine example of a character traveling in the manner penny describes, but it’s not ruby—it’s salem, and when she does it, it looks exactly how you would expect billions of microscopic particles to look, and we see her putting herself back together when she arrives:
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petal burst, by comparison, has a coherent form made up of contiguous ‘petals’ which swirl around each other in regular patterns. there is no transitional state wherein ruby becomes the petals or the petals become ruby; they just appear as she pops out of existence, or the petals unfurl and bam! she’s back.
if the aesthetics of petal burst were only a stylistic choice meant to represent ruby breaking apart into a cloud of particles in a visually interesting way, then for the sake of consistency, shouldn’t a similar aesthetic be applied when salem does the same thing?
unless, of course, it’s actually not the same.
with this in mind: i submit that ruby is, in actuality, a probability warper.
specifically, that her semblance manipulates the probability that she will be in a given location at T+x seconds, and then her aura makes it happen. 
bear with me for a minute.
in v1, ruby’s semblance works like this: she hurtles forward at superhuman speed, shedding rose petals in her wake.
first question: where do those petals come from? what are they?
even though ruby’s semblance isn’t a ‘true’ speed type, it does involve high velocity movement through space, so i think harriet is still a useful point of comparison here. when harriet uses her semblance, she leaves tracks of something that looks like lightning but doesn’t behave like real electrical discharge; it’s illusory, the same as ruby’s petals.
i think it’s something like the aura equivalent of waste heat; flickers of aura burning up as it absorbs the extreme friction and pressure exerted on ruby/harriet as they blitz through space at tremendous speed. an aura-based optical phenomenon exactly like yang’s fiery hair, blake’s shimmering afterimages, or the schnee family’s snowflake glyphs. the metaphysical connection between aura and identity is what gives rise to such varied appearances, but it’s all just energy emitted or lost as a byproduct of using a lot of aura all at once.
so far, so normal.
second question: have you ever noticed that half the time, when ruby uses her semblance this way, she’s not running?
harriet’s semblance seems to manifest through the actual physical motion of her legs as she sprints. at most, she can lunge forward at high speed and with incredible force by leaping forward. but ruby has always been able to straight up fly, even turning on a dime in mid-air with no apparent effort.
for example, when she and penny are running away from the atlesian soldiers in 2.3, ruby picks penny up and launches them both along a new alley. they’re not just riding the momentum of ruby’s initial leap off the wall; her face stays screwed up with the effort of maintaining their speed as they fly, and right before they crash we see her go limp as her aura is depleted.
[visual aura cues were still kind of inconsistent at this point, so it’s a little unclear if ruby completely runs out here, or if she’s got some left but not enough to meet the high energy needs of her semblance, but regardless: it almost seems like she starts to pass out from how hard she’s pushing herself, and then they immediately crash.]
if you pay attention in these early volumes, there’s a handful of other times when ruby just zips from one place to another without moving her body, very much like the gliding thing salem does in 8.9.
if it were just a shot here and there where ruby streaks across the screen in a static pose, i’d put it down to an animation trick to make the speed read more cleanly by not cluttering up the five or six frames when she’s visible with a run cycle... but because there’s also these other moments where the flying/gliding persists through multiple consecutive shots, we know it’s a Thing.
ruby being able to maneuver this way is therefore our first hint that there’s more to her semblance than meets the eye.
so: how do you fling yourself through space fast enough for your wake to toss large heavy objects around behind you? there’s a boatload of plausible answers, but in light of how petal burst has developed up to this point, the one i like best is this:
maybe you think you’ve got a normal speed semblance, but what you’re actually doing is setting the probability that you will be at your target destination in x seconds to 1, causing your aura to move you there at whatever speed is necessary to make it happen. when you give yourself time to think about it you ‘run,’ because that’s how speed semblances work, right? but the more you practice the less you have to think about it, and sometimes you’re just laser-focused on getting where you want to go, and all you need to do really is have the conviction that you will get there, so you stop going through the unnecessary motions and trust yourself to get where you’re going.
...theoretically petal burst could become a legitimate teleport if ruby stopped conceiving of it as movement through space and began to consider it more in abstract terms of being where she wants to be, when she wants to be there. but it’s likely to keep acting predominately like a speed semblance, albeit a really weird one, for as long as ruby still thinks of it that way.
this brings us to petal burst itself. what even IS this?
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like the small petals we see when ruby uses the speed-like ability, i think these swirling ribbon-petal things are waste aura. this would explain the lack of discernible mass: it’s just energy, aura and light, and therefore massless.
but if this is ruby’s aura, then where is ruby herself? where does she go?
i think ruby can use her probability-warping semblance to make her whole body act like a matter wave. she seems to be nowhere because she might be anywhere with a >0 probability of ruby being there. this is absurd, obviously, but no less silly than pretending molecules don’t have mass and in my opinion infinitely more fun. let me have this.
1 - penny perceives petal burst as a “negation” of ruby’s mass because the visible portion is just aura and light and something as wacky as an entire person’s body behaving like a wave just isn’t something her sensors and software are equipped to interpret accurately.
2 - ruby brings passengers along by adjusting the probability of them being next to her when she lands, no molecular disassembly or reassembly required. it also seems to me that physically carrying somebody, as she did with penny in volume two, is FAR more energy-intensive than fiddling with their probable location. possibly this arises from it being physically easier to, say, hop over a wall by yourself than it is to hop over a wall with another person in your arms; in a no-magic situation, success in the latter scenario is less probable, so perhaps it’s likewise more difficult for ruby to bring the probability of it happening to 1?
3 - when she carries nora in volume 4, we see nora’s pink aura + pink crackles alongside ruby’s red aura and petals. several months later, in volume 6, ruby carries weiss the same way, but this time we see ruby’s petals tinged light pink by combination with weiss’s white-blue aura, no weiss-like snowflakes or sparks. and a few more months after that, when ruby picks up a group of her friends and carries all of them, it’s just a regular petal burst. i believe this is indicative of ruby’s growing skill and confidence in her ability to manipulate probability for objects other than herself, and perhaps specifically this ability becoming more energy-efficient with practice?
group petal bursts seem to be a joint effort—ruby’s semblance adjusts everybody’s probability and provides a sort of model for their auras to work with, and then their movement is fueled by everyone’s pooled auras. if that’s so, it seems reasonable that greater efficiency can be achieved by more thorough blending of shared aura—and conversely, that poorly-blended auras would look like multiple separate petal bursts spiraling together, and well-blended auras would just look like ruby’s normal petal burst but bigger.
4 - under this theory, it’s very simple to explain how the petal burst can separate to maneuver around obstacles. all ruby has to do is set the probability of collision with those obstacles to zero, and her aura takes care of the rest. the visual splitting of the petal burst is merely a representation of ruby making it  impossible for a collision to happen.
5 - if ruby is a matter wave and the petal burst a massless swirl of light and aura, how is it possible for her to be knocked out of it if she collides with somebody or takes a hit? well, in essence her semblance allows her to act like a wave while her position is unknown, but when her position becomes known—for example as a result of her making contact with another object—the wave function collapses as the probability of her being HERE becomes 1, and then she has to play by the normal rules again.
6 -  ruby spends months using abilities like carrying passengers or “splitting apart” to navigate around obstacles, seemingly without conscious awareness that she is in fact able to do those things. both of these things are skills ruby began to use in v4—but in v7, when oscar asks if she’s always been able to separate the petal burst, she answers “i don’t know! i don’t normally think it through that much,” and in v8, she’s baffled when penny tells her she can use her semblance on the whole group.
the probability warp interpretation offers a possible explanation for ruby’s odd lack of self-awareness. petal burst is literally dependent on uncertainty! on not knowing exactly where she is until she gets there! ruby has taken advantage of this by cultivating a habit of just going for it, doing stuff on reflex, acting as the moment demands—which is what makes her semblance so BONKERS, but it  also inhibits her ability to synthesize new tricks into her mental map of what she’s capable of until an outside observer points them out to her.
[see also: “you don’t give yourself enough credit” and ruby’s habit of underestimating and doubting herself.]
7 - other people seeing petal burst doesn’t interrupt it/collapse the wave function because the petal burst is essentially just the exhaust fumes emitted by ruby’s aura; it doesn’t create information about where she is, only where she was and might be.
to conclude, i want to highlight something intriguing in the v4 character short.
most of the time, when ruby uses her semblance evasively, we see her dodge  as the petal burst starts to form, so it’s less ruby dodging with her semblance than it is ruby dodging and immediately using her semblance to reposition herself for a riposte from a direction her opponent can’t anticipate.
HOWEVER, during the fight with the beringel in the short, it gets... weird.
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so, context. ruby has just blocked a few punches. now, as she lunges forward, trying to get a counter in, the beringel slams its hands together...
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...and lands the hit. see that little bit of the buckle on her arm and the collar of her cape sticking out between its hands here? this thing SMASHES her.
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a mere three or four frames later, the camera flips 180° to show this from the opposite side... and ruby is GONE.
she doesn’t dodge this, and she doesn’t get grappled and then break free—she just straight up fucking VANISHES.
and then:
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petal burst.
this is already a very unusual maneuver from ruby, because it happens out of order—normally petal burst starts to form first, and ruby vanishes as the rosebud shape stabilizes—but what makes it even more strange is that petal burst appears all around the beringel, rather than the more standard manner of petal burst forming as a swirl centered around ruby. this is, of course, a consequence of ruby already being “gone” when petal burst begins.
i believe what we’re seeing here is a third ability that ruby stumbled into without realizing what she’d done during the journey to mistral.
when the beringel smashes her, the probability of ruby evading this attack becomes 0 and the probability that she’ll be hurt (physically or by burning a lot of aura to shield herself) becomes 1. but then that just... doesn’t... happen. ruby disappears and petal burst zooms away exactly like she DID sidestep or duck under this attack.
it’s as if ruby went “nope!” and retroactively flipped the probability of the beringel hitting her. she got hit and activated her semblance so fast that she managed to behave like she hadn’t gotten hit.
ruby rose can give herself i-frames.
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oxygenbefore1775 · 2 years
hii! can i please get some warrior hcs about their cooking skills? thx in advance!
(also im in love with your hcs i mean why else would i ask you for some)
tysm for the ask, Im really flattered to read this - so, without further ado
AoT Warriors and their cooking skills
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Annie can't be bothered to cook and consequently neglect her training
doesn't resort to less time-consuming options like instant noodles or fastfood - she hasn't fallen this low yet (also she needs nutrients to keep her body in-shape)
prefers to cook meals with minimum amount of steps and the ones that don't need supervision
overnight oats is her go-to meal, Annie has a year's supply of this stuff - adds an ungodly amount of protein powder while preparing it
when her partner comes over for a date, only then Annie prepares a perfect salad i.e. all vegetables in the salad are perfectly cut into pieces of identical size and shape
cooking is not his cup of tea — treats cooking not as a hobby or a leisure activity but as a required skill to keep himself alive
cooks whenever he feels hungry so his portions are rather big and recipes he picks out are uninventive
but if Bertholdt is in a fancy mood, he might treat himself to an intricate meal that he would spend hours on
on the other hand, Bertholdt enjoys baking — every now and then he would bring baked goods to the office for other Warriors to enjoy
gets very anxious whether or not his sponge cakes or muffins are delicious enough so his cure-all is the loads of baking powder and sugar that he adds on top of the recipe
a perfect cook as long as he has a recipe to follow - the abscence of the recipe sends him into a panic mode
Colt is very thorough when it comes to ingridients and equipment, would go grocery shopping solely to buy the needed ingridients
but every now and then he would forget some minor thing and that would put a halt to the entire process: "Oh no, we've run out of parsley! Now I can't finish cooking the meal. Falco, could you please buy some parsley in the meantime? But be quick - it all depends on you whether or not we will be dining tonight"
bless him, Colt is simply unaware that recipes can be adjusted
Pieck, on the other hand, doesn't let minor details of the recipe bother her - does the bare minimum required of her; for example if Pieck is making a pizza, she'd just cover a piece of dough with ketchup and some dried out cheese, bake it in an oven and call it a day
often forgets to add salt and pepper
is very resourceful but this resourcefulness can be extreme sometimes - one time when cooking she needed some lemon juice but didn't have any lemons, so Pieck diluted some citric acid in water and used this instead
doesn't like washing the dishes so opts for reusing pots and pans to the point when it gets gross and calls for cross-contamination
Porco doesn't cook - he performs
wants people to watch him cook and would use the flashiest cooking techniques (like setting the contents of a pan on fire with alcohol) even if they are not required and even if he is not skilled enough to use them
would get distracted often and leave pan/pot unattended
is a type of person who would increase the temperature in an oven so that the dish would cook faster
taking last two points into consideration, expect him to serve burnt food
if Reiner cooks only for himself, he won't push his boundaries then - anything he has laying around in the apartment would do as nourishment
gets annoyed whenever he has to cook for somebody else because he will need to make an actual effort at cooking (but he will be damned if he doesn't feed those people)
watches over the pan/pot to prevent any food from being overcooked and taste-tests the food at each-stage
olive oil - even if it's not in the recipe Reiner would add olive oil - desserts are the only exception for him
considers himself a good enough cook to buy himself an apron and a chef's hat
doesn't season his food at all - he can't be bothered to take into account the seasoning preferences of all people so Zeke just serves them a plain dish with seasonings on the side
sometimes delegates tasks to other Warriors - if Zeke is lucky enough, he can "prepare" a dish without lifting a finger because the others would do all the cooking in Zeke's stead
due to his cat-tongue Zeke can't taste-test his food while cooking so finds out the actual taste of the meal only through the feedback of the other people - until then the successfulness of Zeke's meal is pretty much a gamble
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honey-makki · 3 years
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taishiro "fat gum" toyomitsu x size difference x fem!reader
word count: 3.1k
contains: size difference, choking, blow jobs, fingering, pro hero related emotional trauma, slight pain kink, belly bulge💖
a/n: soft fat gum sex because he deserves to be loved in all of his forms💖💖💖💖
kinktober II: multiplayer masterlist
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Fat Gum came in the door and was aggravated. The mission didn’t go well, and with the extra paperwork due to poor decision making on his intern's part, he didn’t get a chance to shower while they were still cleaned and not filled with the musky sweat of others. He didn’t expect to have to break up a fight between Kirishima and his boyfriend at his office on the way out the door either. While he might have laughed it off and sent them on their way, today their boisterous attitudes just compounded his sour mood.
Tomorrow he was going to have Kirishima and Tamaki spar quirkless until they passed out. Fat Gum just wants to go home and relieve his stress. Taking a thorough shower, getting into his house clothes, and probably falling asleep with you in his arms. His plan for when he got home was something he was set on, but when he saw you everything changed. You must have just gotten out of the shower you took before he came back home, your hair was still damp, sticking to your neck and forehead, and he could smell the lavender soap coming from your body and hints of the eucalyptus trailing through the apartment from the bathroom.
He thought “shower eucalyptus” was a weird purchase when he first saw it but it’s become one of his favorite parts of showering at home. You knew that he loved it, because he was always the one who bought fresh eucalyptus to replace. He saw you in the kitchen making him a protein smoothie, adding in his favorite fruits to hide the spinach and kale that he hates but knows he needs, in addition to a curry simmering away on the stovetop.
The combination of all of these things, the consideration you take in caring for him, the way you try to find small things to make his life a little more comfortable, helping him in small ways with his pro hero career. You are always acutely aware of him and his lifestyle, always trying to find small acts of service or lifestyle changes and he can’t even articulate how much appreciates you. Appreciates how respectful and understanding you have always been with him the entirety of your relationship.
His anger and annoyance faded into just sheer affection for you. Wanting to find comfort in your arms, melting into one of the only people he could truly be comfortable with, regardless of his form. You were surprised to find his strong arms wrapping around your torso, rather than hearing him call out his entrance. Before you could turn around and ask /is everything ok/ or /how patrol was/ he had buried his face in the crook of your neck with an aggravated groan that answered your unspoken questions.
You gave him a quick acknowledgement “Welcome home, Taishiro,” before using the blender to finish his smoothie. The blending was done and you are left unsure of what to do because you can’t reach any of the cabinets to grab a cub without moving. He recognizes your hesitation and uses his long arms to reach up and grab a random glass without even moving his head. You could tell that it was a bad day before but now you know that it is worse than normal.
“Love, let’s get you into the shower huh? You can have the smoothie now and the curry will be done after.” He lets you guide him into the shower with him still clinging to your back. The water can’t get hot enough, not hot enough to get the feeling of failure and annoyance out of his body. He took almost twice as long in the shower, but he still felt the remnants of dirt and blood on his body. Taishiro wanted to be back in your arms because he knew you were here for him, it was something he could rely on and your touch always brought small waves of relief.
You had stayed in the bedroom sitting in an office chair waiting for him to get out of the shower. Hoping that he would be a little more open after following through with his routine. He had left the smoothie on the bathroom counter. Long forgotten to him but to you, it was just an additional sign that Taishiro was having a bad day.
He didn’t say anything while he dried off and changed into a pair of boxer briefs and shorts. You watched him walk over to the bed and take a second to appreciate the freshly changed sheets and fluffed pillows. There is a soft smile on his lips as he drags his hand over it. You do your best to provide him with any source of comfort or safety when you know that days have been bad but today it doesn’t seem to be working too well. It’s fine, you know that sometimes his brain and body just need the time and reassurance that everything is fine.
He perches himself on the bed so there is the least amount of skin in contact with the sheets and leaves his head hanging down with his hands crossed. You didn’t do anything until he spoke in a tone that was almost always reserved for aftercare, asking you to come over to him.
Words almost always came easily to him, so hearing him so soft and unsure you take what he says with the weight that it deserves. Him sounding broken is such a foreign concept to you, your strong and reliable boyfriend, so you prepare to deal with the worst. You come over and stand in front of him, trying to decide on if you should touch him, or sit next to him, not wanting to exacerbate his situation. You end up on your knees so you’re almost at eye level. “‘Shiro, we don’t have to talk about it, but what can I do to help? I just don’t want to make it worse.” The concern in your tone makes him melt, sure, his friends and peers checked up on him after rough missions but rarely did people genuinely see him, him not just a shield or battering ram that blows and bad thoughts bounce off of. You were different, you always treated him like a person with feelings not just the happy-go-lucky persona he portrays.
His hands reach up to your face and hover just a few centimeters before he cups your cheeks and pulls you into a kiss. Your hands wrap around one of his fingers, knowing that at the very least, that his hands seem to be a safe place to touch. “Just want you. You make it better” The words are mumbled against your lips and almost inaudible. Your response is slow, wanting to let him melt into the kiss before pulling away.
“You’ll let me know if anything I do is too much right babe?” Even if Taishiro doesn’t want to talk about whatever is bothering him from patrol he is obviously upset and not knowing the cause makes it harder to treat the symptoms. You don’t want to say something or push a button you didn’t even know was there. He smiles down at you. His large size dwarfs you even if he isn’t at his biggest. In fact he is a lot smaller than what he normally stays at which just lends to the fact that something went wrong at work. He knows you have questions dancing in your mind but are putting Taishiro first and not asking for Fat Gum and for that he is eternally grateful.
He gives you a slow nod and you can see the relief in his eyes at not being pushed for answers he doesn’t have. You crawl into the space between his legs that he left open for you. Your lips are back on his in an instant, but there's nothing fast about the kiss itself. Slow, sensual and done to drown in each other and forget the rest of the world. You can feel the tension in the air slowly ebbing away and your hands on his cheeks move slowly into his hair and base of the neck.
His groan is quiet but you can tell by the way he's leaning into the touch and kissing with more fervor that you are on the right track. The neck is a mere stopping point to you trailing fingers down his back and resting it on his thigh. His breath hitches and he leans forward just a bit suddenly, just enough to clack your teeth together painfully. You can’t help the innate reaction of tightening the fist in his hair, afraid of falling backwards.
Taishiro was always gentle with you, especially in this form, maybe frantic or rushed at times but always touching with care and consideration that you might break. Pain for him on the other hand, he was literally built to take it. Based on the glazed over eyes and the tip of his tongue peaking out of his swollen lips is evidence enough that now is one of those times and you thread your fingers through his hair slowly before gripping it tight. The hand resting on his thigh rubs soft circles into the fat providing a soft contradiction to the sharp pinpoint pain in his scalp.
His lifted hips are an invitation to remove his shorts, to progress a little further. You didn’t really realize how into kissing he was until you heard the slap of his thick cock against his abs and the hiss from his throat that follows. Sitting back on your haunches you can see Taishiro getting back into his head, the sight of his bruised smaller body just a reminder of his failure earlier today. Tension rebuilding as the heat from your touch fades, his gaze directed at nothing.
“Hey, hey, hey,” your hands return to his cheeks and there's a momentary flinch but with a shaky breath he leans in, placing a kiss into your palm, “I promise I’m not going anywhere. Let me take care of you.” He nods into your hands as he blushes from the soft kisses you leave on his temples.
Pushing his shoulders back to give you space, your too small hands move to grasp at the base of his cock, just barely managing to wrap around it before guiding it towards your face. A kiss left on his head has him twitching in your hands. He can't actully see your face but the precum covered lips pulled into a smirk is always plaguing the back of mind when you are on your knees in front of him.
You swirl your tongue around the dripping head and look up at him with the biggest innocent doe eyed look you can as you tilt your head to the side and lick up and down his shaft trailing thick veins and following your mouth back up with your hands. Years of practice means you know how he likes to be touched like this, how you’d originally thought it would be a duller sensation just to learn it was the exact opposite when he was a panting twitching mess the first time you touched him in this form. It is physically impossible for you to take more than the head of him in your mouth in his fat form but that just means you can focus all of your attention on the sensitive pink flesh while your hands move absentmindedly.
You situate yourself at the tip of his dick, lips just grazing his slit with a ghosting touch. “Go ahead. Use me,” punctuating your statement with a kiss. He’s hesitant at first. A slow roll of his hips barely moving in your mouth but the sheer volume leaves you gagging. Humming around him encourages him to really listen to your request, to *use* you. To take control you are freely giving him and using your entire body to get himself off and out of his head until you are choking on his cum.
It hurts, it always does when Taishiro does this. Every small shift knocks the breath out of you until your hands falter, one falling to play with his balls and the other trailing the sensitive veins with a burning ghosting touch. It doesn’t matter how sore your throat is the scratch in your voice, no, none of it matters when you can feel the precum sliding down your throat and hear him cooing down at you. Every little good girl and just like that ruins you in the best way possible. You would take an innumerable amount of pain if it meant that he would feel better.
The low groans coming from his mouth and the twitching of his thighs are indication enough that his orgasm is close. His hand presses down on your head with enough force to guide you but not keep you there. Tears streaming down your face as you are pressed as far down as you can manage to swallow around him until he shoots down your throat with a groan.
You can feel a little more of his cock slide into your throat as he’s basking in his afterglow. Looking up at him, you can tell he’s shrunk down a little bit, much closer to his slim form than he was before. The adrenaline pulsing through his body must have finally calmed down and it resulted in his form deflating to its current status.
Wiping the back of your hand against your mouth you stand up and give him a soft kiss on the mouth. It conveys all of the love and admiration you have for him but also coaxes out whatever is bothering him, a reminder that you love him and aren’t going to judge him for whatever he thinks is his fault.
He lifts you up by your thighs and sit against the headboard, all the while kissing you gently. “Can I take care of you now, buttercup?” You look at him for a moment, trying to decide if you want to pus him on his day but the haunted look in his eye advises you against it. Maybe before bed, but right now, in this instance, he isn’t ready and needs to have a purpose. If that purpose is getting you off, so be it.
After you nod in agreement, he turns you around so your back is against his chest. His large fingers gently pull your shorts and underwear down and you remove your top at the same time.
You can feel Taishiro’s attentive gaze on your body when you lay back against him. It’s no longer nerve-wracking because there is nothing your body could ever do or look like that he would judge you for. He loves you, not your body. Well, he does love it, but that’s beside the point.
He positions your legs over his thighs so you are open for the taking. Your cunt is already slick from the excitement of giving him a blow job in his bigger form. The size difference scratches something in your brain that probably shouldn’t be there. Nonetheless, anytime you can get your hands on him in that form is a good time for you.
One of his hands cups a good portion of your chest while his thumb flicks at your nipple. Your head falls back with a soft whine and he chuckles at how easy you fall apart for him. If that didn’t boost his ego then the absolute pornographic noise you made when his ring finger slides up your slit is. He’s still big enough that taking most of his fingers would be difficult without preparation. That doesn’t stop him from rubbing at your clit and watching slick pool on the bed until he thinks you’re as wet as possible.
He knows you want him and he knows that you like just a little bit of pain, so there’s no hesitation when he starts rubbing his pinky against your hole. It feels massive, larger than some of the men you’ve slept with before but you are more than ready. Your hips buck up attempting to get it to catch, but anytime you miss it just hits your clit again and leaves you just a little more desperate and sloppy in your actions
He gives in on the fifth try because he can’t stand the desperation in your moan, not when it would be so so easy for him to give you what you want. Just a little push forward and your body tenses at the stretch. It hurts, but the soft baritone of his course rumbling all around you and the warmth of his hand on your torso works you through it. He pushes in a little bit deeper on each thrust until he’s hitting the spot inside you that has you seeing stars.
One of your hands comes down to your stomach and presses down with a moan. “Fuck, ‘Shiro can feel you here. Mhm.” You can feel him shudder at how wrecked your sound and at the sight of your stomach bulging when he presses in.
“You’re so tight, baby. You’d feel so good on my cock.” Your pussy clenches at the thought of that. you don’t get to fuck him properly often with how difficult it is for him to get back to hero size. “Can you come for me, sweet pea?”
You nod frantically, feeling your orgasm building and burning like a live wire. He uses his thumb to come down to your clit and it’s clumsy due to the size but regardless the pressure he supplies is more than enough to have you screaming out his name as you grind down onto his hand with fervor, wanting to milk out every second of the pleasure.
You hear him humming and wake up on the couch. He sees you looking around dazed and he walks over chuckling. “You passed out, honey. I brought you out here while I changed the sheets and heated up dinner.” You smile up at him and see that his eyes are full of love for you and nothing else.
Loving a pro comes with its challenges and dangers but sometimes love is all they need to save them in turn.
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There is still time to play the game here. if your url is bolded and stricken please dm one of us to get you on the next fic!
tag list: @dazeddazai @tetsurousharlot @ladybitsnpieces @lmaoihavenoidea @bootyy-bakeryy @morallygreyish @kyouto @thetempleofnyx @yuvtas@queer-naruto @damnitcrowley @xo-lynx @sheerxradiance @sweetcroissantoperatorherring @the-wiener-soldier1 @kalesugar @fantasycantasy @xowrae @otakuann @sarcastickaigan @vixemi @lazyafgurl @babygirls-fav @callmelovergirl @ruemensukuna @kamberry-juice @sen-brainrot @halo-girl @mine-daiki
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Gather 'round, folks, for at great personal risk, my team of elite agents has infiltrated Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals and extracted highly classified footage from the landship's archives. While the actual video cannot be shared here, both for legal reasons and for the personal safety of my agents, I have included a transcript below so that all of you can get an intimate look at the inner workings of one of Terra's most advanced and cutting-edge medical outfits.
The events described below take place in the gymnasium section of Rhodes Island's operator training facilities, where a Kuranta operator my sources have positively identified as the Radiant Knight is performing a set of chest flies under the admiring gaze of several other Rhodes Island employees, most of whom are female. The Chernobog Incident has recently concluded and the company's leadership has determined that increasing Rhodes Island's combat power is necessary if the organization is going to be engaging in large-scale conflicts in the future.
Enter, from stage left, the individual known only as the Doctor. The classified files my team managed to decrypt revealed that this senior member of Rhodes Island's leadership spent the past 2-3 years in a coma in Chernobog for unknown reasons, leaving them physically frail and generally unprepared for strenuous activity. The Doctor is known to avoid exercise when possible, though whether this is due to their current condition or a personal proclivity remains unknown.
The Doctor, upon entering the gym, makes their way (slowly and with great reluctance) over to the nearest open bench press and lies down on the padded bench. They grip the bar, which is entirely devoid of weights, and lift it from the brackets with considerable effort. Their arms tremble as they lower the metal bar to their chest, and tremble harder as they raise it up again.
The Radiant Knight immediately releases her grip on the pec fly machine and leaps out of her seat, rushing over to make sure the Doctor has a spotter. Inspector Hoshiguma, still on loan from the Lungmen Guard Department, drops the barbell she's squatting and sprints in the direction of the bench press.
The barbell lands with enough force to shake the entire room. It does not, unfortunately, land on the floor.
Rhodes Island's newest employee, one Ch'en Hui-chieh, howls in agony and falls to the ground, clutching her foot and blistering the air with the most vile Lungmen profanity most of the operators in the gym have ever heard. Senior Superintendent Swire of the Lungmen Guard Department, who is jogging on a nearby treadmill, alternates between taking sips of her protein shake and laughing at Ch'en's misfortune.
Nearl and Hoshiguma argue intensely over who should have the responsibility of spotting the Doctor. Blaze suggests herself as a compromise and is immediately shouted down. Several other operators seem as though they wish to propose themselves as the recipients of the privilege, but are unwilling to contest their claim with the Radiant Knight and an Oni woman tall enough that she has to bend down to enter doorways. Siege, in an act of considerable nobility and great personal courage, manages to distract Skadi with a lollipop before the bounty hunter known as "The Walking Catastrophe" realizes both that the Doctor is present and that other operators are seeking the opportunity to dote on them.
Ch'en limps over and resolves the dispute in her usual perfunctory fashion.
"You," she says, pointing at Hoshiguma, "spot the Doctor."
Nearl looks like she is about to protest, but Ch'en preempts any complaints.
"And you," she says, pointing at Nearl, "fix my **** foot. That **** over there dropped a **** weight on it."
As Ch'en's particular brand of profanity originated in her home city, most of the operators present are unable to understand it, and my team has yet to decode Lungmen slang well enough to accurately and reliably translate it. Considering the reactions of operators Swire and Hoshiguma, the words Ch'en used were vulgar indeed.
Throughout all this, the Doctor has continued their valiant struggle with the bench press. They are losing. Badly. Their arms gave out at some point while Ch'en was cursing at Hoshiguma and the bar now rests on their chest, pinning them to the bench while they wheeze helplessly.
Hoshiguma gently lifts the bar and replaces it in the brackets, giving the Doctor a stern lecture about gym safety and the importance of proper form while Nearl applies her Arts to Ch'en's injured foot. The Doctor is not listening. The Doctor is too distracted by Hoshiguma's abs, which are bare and toned and sweaty and only inches from their face, to pay attention to anything else.
Little useful information remains to be gleaned from the video file, and reconstructions are already underway on the remaining data my team was able to extract. The encryption that Rhodes Island's IT department uses is complex and effective, and I can provide no further timeline for the recovery of additional information, but rest assured that my team of highly*-paid and well*-motivated team of security experts* will spare no effort or expense to offer you a window into an organization whose star is rapidly rising.
*your mileage may vary regarding the definitions and applicability of the aforementioned terms.
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conretewings · 2 years
Younger Silco, Vander and Benzo Headcanons
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(Header artwork by the wonderfully talented @thefutonhermit and used with permission)
I took a very brief break from writing to do something just for fun and to clear my head a bit.
So! I've been having some serious brain rot over these three, and I also absolutely cannot get it out of my head that they shared a place at some point in time and the delightful chaos that ensued with their varied habits and mannerisms. For your consideration:
Eating Habits:
No one in the Undercity is a picky eater. Food is too precious
That being said he does have SOME standards
If it's still moving that's a hard no. He'll dispatch it himself if needed
Not a fan of especially spicy foods
Actually enjoys cooking and experimenting with spices and more complex flavors
Wishes the other two would eat slower to appreciate his efforts instead of just inhaling it
Secret sweet tooth. Has a hiding spot for any treats he gets so Benzo and Vander don't 'accidentally' eat them
Connoisseur of just about anything. Even things he probably shouldn't be eating
"Vander those leftovers are no good anymore"
"I'll be fine!" (Is somehow miraculously fine)
Banned from cooking after the lobster incident
Tries to get as much protein as possible-gotta build those muscles
"Ya gonna finish that?"
Knows where Silco's stash is but resists the temptation out of respect and knowing revenge would be swift
His standards fall somewhere between the other two, between "Is that edible...?" :< and "Ooh is that edible?! :D
Is the reason they all eat semi-well due to his deals with traders and merchants and access to more and better foods
Will take turns with Silco doing the cooking
Has a more limited repitore but they're all not bad
Is the guy who'll just casually chomp into a hot pepper. Especially if a bet is involved
Fast food junkie
Also knows where Silco's stash is and is the reason it had to be moved
Sleeping/cleaning/etc. down below! :) ⬇️
Sleeping Habits:
Light sleeper
Refuses to wear ear plugs out of concern for their place being broken into ('What if I sleep through it?!')
Long pants/long sleeve shirt or tshirt if it's hot
Tea (or whiskey if available) and some reading before bed
Has a ridiculous amount of pillows (and a knife under them)
Sleeps curled in fetal position or on back with arms crossed over his stomach
Talks in his sleep but it's never comprehensible
Falls asleep quickly but tends to wake up several times a night
Would probably sleep naked if given the chance but wears boxers and sometimes sweat pants
Sometimes has a smoke before bed (blowing the smoke out the window after the others gave him shit for it)
Only uses a blanket if it's especially cold
Snores but not loudly-more of a snort
Will occasionally...*cough* relieve some tension to help himself get to sleep
Sprawls across the bed or lays on his stomach
Out cold and not even an earthquake could wake him
Sleeps in whatever he's wearing or sometimes nothing if it's too hot
Says a brief prayer for luck every night
Midnight snack king
Does this little squeaking, babbling snore (did not believe the others until Vander recorded it once to prove it)
Burrows under a pile of blankets
Starfish or side-sleeper
Hygiene/Cleaning/Clothing Habits:
Is quite fastidious with his personal hygiene
Brushes his hair and teeth as best as possible every day and styles his hair carefully
Bathes or at least showers as frequently as resources and money allow
"Just because we live in a dumpster doesn't mean we must smell or look like it"
Almost fell asleep in the tub more than once
Has a prized bottle of very expensive cologne he stole from a shop in Piltover
Will steal or bargain for the best clothes he can get ("If you're going to command respect, one should look the part")
"Eh, I bathed...a few days back. Just gonna get filthy again anyway"
Is the gremlin that stands outside in the rain with a bar of soap and calls it a day ("I'm savin' time and money washing m'self and my clothes!")
Has had to be coerced/threatened into getting in the tub
But once he's in there good luck getting him back out-he'll bring a beer or two and make a little party of it
One thing he's picky about; his hair. Likes to carefully comb and style it. One of his favorite features about himself
Goes for clothing that's hard-wearing and practical/easy to move in
Doesn't do much with the facial hair-keeps it from being too messy that's it
Bathes when necessary "Like a normal person!"
Often the one who has to clean the bathroom when the others forget/refuse
Always uses his favorite spice-scented soap he trades for and will not share
Constantly has hangnails
Puts work into keeping his facial hair styled how he likes
Also likes to keep his style practical and more simple but likes to add some embellishment when able
Has a rubber duck he absolutely refuses to admit to having
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So this might be a weird question, but if you've worked with lizards, how does their care compare to that of a snake? Is it tons more effort or is it pretty manageable? Are they more responsive to people interacting with them or do they not particularly care?
I may take in a blue tongue skink soon and I have 3 pet snakes (corn, Cali king and ball python), so I was wondering how difficult/different a beginner lizard is compared to beginner/intermediate snakes.
Lizards tend to be considerably more work than snakes, but still not as much as a dog or a cat. I have a bearded dragon and an ackie monitor myself, and I love them to death but the reason I don't have more lizards is that they require a lot more in terms of daily maintenance.
The biggest difference with lizards is they need to be fed more frequently and their diets can be more involved. Even a lot of beginner lizards like blueys need a varied diet that involves a lot more planning than you'll ever put into a snake's meals - for a blue-tongued skink, for example, as adults they do well on a diet of 50% greens, 40% protein and 10% fruit. You'll have to put a lot more work into meal planning for most lizards.
The trade-off is that a lot of lizards are going to be very personable to work with! A lot of people find lizards more interactive than snakes. It tends to be easier to read their body language and they're super fun to handle and interact with.
Especially with your experience, you shouldn't have any issues. It's totally manageable, and a bluey is a great lizard to start with. Just don't expect a snake experience and you'll be fine!
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konigstigerr · 3 years
you don’t believe in climate change?
for my part, i don't. i can't trust that it's true after all the goalpost shifting they have been doing for the past 50 years. go back to the 70s and you'll find articles about how in 10 years there would be a new ice age, when that didn't happen they switched to warming, when that didn't happen they just went with blanket climate change since that always covers your ass.
and that's without talking of the advocates' actions. if they really believed it was real they would invest in safer forms of energy, not ones that barely break even on their carbon footprint, without even taking into consideration the pollution that these "green" technologies cause by themselves. lithium requires 500k gallons of water to process and you can't do shit with the batteries once they're completely drained.
if you truly thought the seas were going to rise you wouldn't get a several million-dollar beach mansion.
but even if it were 100% indisputably true that climate was changing, i'd still oppose the narrative. all the measures put forward are to restrict everyone but the rich.
cow farts are killing the atmosphere so you have to be taxed out of eating meat, which is fine because all protein is made the same, you can just get it from soy or bugs!
you shouldn't have your own car, you should only need public transport to go to and from your workplace so you never leave the city!
this is designed to keep you weak, physically, mentally and spiritually, so you're always asking the governments to save you.
and fundamentally, neither you or me or any common man on the street did it. i don't see why i have to fix someone else's problems.
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bluerose5 · 3 years
On the topic of turian headcanons...
I like to think that a turian’s talons are a point of pride, kind of like their fringe. Size doesn't matter so much as cleanliness and upkeep. Instead of relying heavily on utensils during meals, they rely more on their talons, due to having a mostly meat/protein-based diet. Now, I don't mean that in the "feral turian/tearing their meat to shreds" kind of way, but they approach their meal preparation with discipline like with most other things in turian society. Some of them even treat it as an art.
Being able to cleanly carve and cut one's food shows off the sharpness of one's talons, whereas dull edges are often looked down upon during meals and public events. Typically, when eating, it's important to note that they only use utensils for support. Since cleanliness is expected, turians tend to eat solely with their hands, delicately pinching cuts of meat between their talons to feed both themselves and others. As a matter of fact, mishandling and shredding the food demonstrates a lack of control and —if sharing with others— a lack of consideration for those with whom the turian is dining with.
Although turians seem to avoid some forms of physical contact in public, it is not uncommon to witness turians feeding each other, given their society's focus on service to others above self. Preference differs from one turian to the next. Some will only feed close family, friends, and other loved ones. In contrast, other turians will feed anyone who they dine with, even strangers and acquaintances. Soldiers eating together often do so because some turians believe that it strengthens bonds between them individually and as a unit.
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traynslations · 2 years
Inumaru Touma Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 5: Cooking Party
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Touma: Takanashi-san!
Touma: Sorry for the late reply!
Touma: Thank you for contacting Yuki-san about the oligosaccharides!
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work, Inumaru-san.
Tsumugi: Yes! When I saw you at the TV station, I gave you a quick glance. And then you contacted me…!
Tsumugi: I was going to tell you right there, but I’m sorry for saying it late!
Touma: No, thank you for taking such good care of me!
Touma: I was surprised when Yuki-san suddenly sent me a Rabbit chat. We talked about various things and I even got some tips on cooking!
Touma: It seems that there are dishes that can be cooked not only in the microwave, but also in the toaster.
Tsumugi: Is that so! Not only toasters, but also recent new home appliances are convenient, depending on how you use them, you can use them for various things.
Touma: Heeh. I’m not really interested in cooking appliances, so I didn’t know they were useful for so many things.
Touma: Come to think of it, I was surprised to hear that there is a way to make soda at home!
Tsumugi: It’s a carbonated water maker…!
Touma: Right, right! It seems that Yuki-san has one, and it’s cool that he also has an automatic mill too.
Touma: The one that automatically grinds salt and pepper in a stylish way.
Tsumugi: I adore automatic mills! It’s very nice and cool to use while cooking, it gives you a good image..
Touma: I understand. Well, I’ll start with cooking, but…
Touma: It might be a good idea to use a toaster for breakfast.
Tsumugi: You also talked about breakfast in the interview for Sugao. There are many considerations regarding nutrition after a morning run, you say…!
Touma: I just talked about a protein bar ww
Touma: Did you also buy the magazine? Thank you!
Option 1: The interview about ŹOOĻ was wonderful!
Touma: I’m happy to be praised so straightforwardly, but that makes me embarrassed ww. In a good way, I’ve grown to naturally want to talk about this. If my members read it, I’m afraid they’ll tease me about it…
Option 2: The story about being challenged by intestinal activities was interesting!
Touma: It was a good opportunity to talk about my bias towards eating out and bento boxes, so I wanted to review it. Mina always flaunts his fried food and ramen to me, and I am always tempted by it ww
Option 3: The picture of you on the cover was wonderful!
Touma: It still feels like a dream to be on the cover of “Sugao”. I sent you a picture of Sougo lined up at the convenience store this morning. I was happy he came to get it.
Tsumugi: After watching your interview, I realized that there are many things I can learn from you, and I really did learn a lot!
Touma: Isn’t that compliment too much?
Tsumugi: No! It’s amazing to be able to be natural without embellishment at any time!
Touma: It’s not like I’m doing it consciously, so I don’t really feel it ww But I’m happy to hear that!
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Tsumugi: Come to think of it, how was the cooking party at Mido-san’s house?
Touma: Oh, that’s right! It was so much fun!
Touma: They said it was dangerous to let me cut the meat and vegetables, so Haru and Mina did most of that.
Touma: Tora and I just adjusted the heat and stuff.
Tsumugi: Seems the work was shared by everyone. The heat is important for cooking…!
Touma: Oh, I remember what medium heat is. The one where the fire barely touches the pot!
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Tsumugi: What did you guys make?
Touma: Nikujaga!
Touma: Cooking with them was unimaginable in the past, so I was deeply moved.
Touma: Well, it’s kind of cool to say that my bad cooking skills are the reason.
Tsumugi: But it’s wonderful that you all gathered there since they were all worried about you!
Tsumugi: I can tell that you are loved as their leader.
Touma: I’m loved??
Touma: The guidance was pretty spartan ww
Tsumugi: Isn’t that also do to worry…!
Touma: If you ask them, they’ll say no ww
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End of Part 5
Translator’s note: That’s the end of Touma’s Sugao! It was so fun to read and I hope you all had fun reading it too! 
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copperbadge · 2 years
apologies if you've gotten this ask before, but does Askazer-Shivadlakia have some equivalent of Casu martzu, the Sardinian maggot cheese? Or is that just not appropriate for a light series of fluffy romances?
Well, there's the fish salami. :D (Though that might not be as gross as I think it is, because I find fish flavor particularly appalling and there are very few salamis I like.)
I suppose the answer is yes, if the story needs it, or if I think it's a funny story to tell. Like Eddie referencing insect protein as the food of the future after Gregory mentions watching Alanna eat a bug when they were kids. 
There are some things I wouldn't want to put into a romance like these, but it's less to do with grossness and more to do with darkness. Like, there are occasions where the stories brush lightly on homophobia/transphobia and anti-Semitism, on grief and loss, but always in service of giving the story depth, never simply because I could. There is absolutely nothing wrong with writing a book, for example, about someone in Jes's situation dealing with transphobia and being a single parent and all the other struggles Jes has no doubt had -- that's a real thing that happens and that people find relatable, it's important for those stories to be told. But the purpose of this story is to cast a nonbinary person as a hero who gets to have safety, love, and success, which is also important because otherwise you only ever see the grinding difficulty of living one's authentic life, never the potential joy.
In a way, something like "Ugh I have to eat this gross cheese because my partner's son-in-law is a weirdo" is great, because it means that today the worst thing that happened to you, a Jewish nonbinary single parent, is that your found family loves you and included you in their weirdness. Not only that, but said son-in-law is documenting your reaction to show to the world because people think you're so cool they follow you on social media just to see what you get up to in a day.
Mind you I don't know if I could write about more bugs. Eating whole bugs is just one of those things I do not think I could do. Also, the cuisine of Askazer-Shivadlakia is heavily influenced by Jewish culture and kosher laws, so that would need to be taken into consideration, because insects and other “creeping” creatures aren’t considered kosher. It's far more likely whatever weird food they have is a borrow from southern France or northern Italy.
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