#Property for Sale Epping
elogval · 7 days
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Peaceful Property Episode 5 👻
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almayver · 1 day
Huh. Peach is wearing the same shirt from the first episode next week. They really said this relationship is back to the very beginning.
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dreamedofyou · 1 day
I know that with everything going on in regards to Peach and Home at the end of ep 6, most people are focused on them (me included tbh) but I do also wonder what Kan's deal is.
You'd think that by now she'd trust Home enough that he'd do the right thing, but I guess hearing him say to Peach that he'd "talk to his family first" is what triggered her to act but the question is why.
What has the family done to make her so distrustful of them that she'd betray someone she's come to care about (at least I think she has by now)? It had to have been personal for her, I imagine.
Also, I wonder how Home will react once he finds out it was Kan (aka a person he trusted and cared about) who leaked the footage. I can't imagine him immediately forgiving her (unless she has a very convincing reason to give). I think what would hurt him most about that situation wouldn't even be the "betrayal", but the fact that she didn't trust him to do the right thing.
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“Peaceful property is a comed-“ WRONG. This show is made for the angst lovers out here
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karebear923 · 1 month
Peaceful Property ep 1 was everything!!!
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^Those two comments are me thirsting over adorable Tay and playboy New
It was so fun! I’m fully invested in poor little rich boy Home who will learn the true meaning of his name by learning to care about others and form real lasting bonds with them, and poor traumatized Peach who will learn to turn his curse into a gift and help spirits move on as he regains his confidence and love of cooking!
And this show is hilarious! At one point I had to pause the video and just sit there and cackle out loud cause I was having such a good time! 😄
Catch me tuning in every Wednesday for more!!
GMMTV sometimes start their shows off strong then have bad endings 📉 but this show took *forever* to film so I’m really hoping that won’t be the case with this one! Fingers crossed they took their time to do it well!! 🤞🏽
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lost-my-sanity1 · 8 days
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this show is breaking all the freaking water dams istg
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magpie24601 · 3 days
A lot happens in episode 5 so I guess I understand why no one is talking about it but a grown man brought his doll - who was in fact NOT a doll - to the restaurant with him for dinner. And, while clearly, it was more important to deal with the Chef's ghost, I still need answers. What the hell was going on with that "doll"?
Sidenote: Why are these two so beautiful?
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on ep 2 in peaceful property and im loving the cameos
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skad-real-estate · 10 months
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Finally I'm back to list all of the evidence that Peaceful Property On Sale is gay, actually!
This week again, our boys were fighting out their differences. But while last week they were fighting about class differences and the arrogance of the rich, this week their fight seems a little closer to home (pun intended) as we're talking about (chosen) family and home-cooked food as one of its signifiers. But more on that later. For now:
Pangpang's audience have seen Peach and Home interact like three times but they already ship it. Seeing as we, the show's audience, have seen even more of their interactions, and more intimate moments at that, we clearly have to ship even harder.
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Home is still going with the pigtail-pulling strategy to deal with his crush.
He tries to make Peach say he's handsome:
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And then he makes Peach dance for him:
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All the while pretending he's doing all of this because he's some kind of old-school Bond villain and not because he likes him.
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Aside from their more serious fights, Home and Peach keep bickering in a way that is supremely couple-coded.
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Pangpang has also noticed.
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Peach, at one point, is so busy complaining about Home that he even forgets to be scared of ghosts.
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Speaking of people being uncharacteristically unscared: Home also experiences a moment of courage in the face of Peach trembling all over the place, when he steps up to deliver the coffee to Ride.
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The fear only comes back when the ghost appears next to Peach, so. Make of that what you will.
Back at their base of operations, Home, very subtly, marks his territory by just plopping down on the siblings' new bed, while the bed owners in question sit on the sofa instead.
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This is now the second time Home has actively chosen to lay on their bed. (It is also the second time he proceeds to stand on their bed once he goes back to fighting with Peach) One has to wonder why he feels so comfortable making himself at home (höhö) in Peach's bed. (It's because of gay, clearly.)
Relatedly, Home has given Peach and Pangpang a home in his place. He could have had them move into any of the many properties he owns, but he chose to let them stay in the one place that is "reserved for" him, that clearely means something to him.
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We can see how much this place means to him, both from the flashback and from the fight he starts with Peach over the gas burner. Because it is important to him, he doesn't want it endangered by open fire. However he doesn't just say this, maybe because he doesn't want to appear weak or thinks that the others wouldn't understand or maybe because he's not fully aware of it himself. Instead, when his order is met with protest, he gets grumpy, starts a fight with Peach and leaves.
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Because this bar is important to him and, (even though he might not fully admit it at this point), so is Peach's opinion, he gets visibly disappointed when Peach talks negatively about it after Home offers to let them stay somewhere else,
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only to perk up again and reminice about his grandpa when Peach says that he wants to stay anyway.
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Honestly this, coupled with the ep 1 grandpa flashback about the meaning of "home" is giving me CLW vibes of recently dead (grand-)father meddling from beyond the grave to get his (grand-)son a boyfriend.
Once Home has calmed down from his immediate anxiety over the safety of his bar, and has come back because he was lonely and scared by himself, he attempts to genuinely understand why cooking is so important to Peach and why his "solution" of "Just order takeout" was not met with agreement.
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We can even see that he feels a little bad about Peach having to cook with a microwave,
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leading to him compromising and getting them an electric stove at the end.
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(Of course he's still disguising his kindness as a gotcha moment)
We learn that Home has been pretty lonely since his parents died, symbolised by his having to eat alone. While he's alone in the masion he doesn't even want to admit his lonelieness out lout to just himself. But when he's talking to Peach in the next scene, he talks about it easily and freely with little to no prompting from Peach. Because he feels safe with Peach.
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This is also why, after Home gets lonley and scared in the mansion, he comes to Peach and Pangpang in the first place. Not to his uncle or Kan or Suradech (we see later in that scene, that he's clearly not too worried disturbing people outside their working hours when he calls Kan). Because being with them (especially Peach) makes him feel safer and less lonely.
In parallel to Thansai, who did this with Ride, the guy she liked, Home uses the excuse of having ordered too much food to spend more time with Peach (the guy he likes).
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Credit to almayver for this point, not sure I would have caught that myself.
Adding to that, after the first time where Thansai lies, she does actually order extra food to share with Ride. Home, meanwhile, has ordered too much food from the beginning (sharing it with gramps the first time). He's always orderd extra food because he's always wanted to have someone to share it with. And now he's finally found them (him ^^).
After Home opens up to Peach, he lets Home in a little more, in turn, by inviting him to help him with his cooking.
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And even though he words it more like an order than an invitation, Home clearly recognises the olive branch and gets to looking for the soap to wash some vegetables, without any complaint. (Oh Home you sheltered little rich boy) (Although I can't make fun of him too much for this. It sounds exactly like something I would do had I never cooked before)
This leads to the wonderful, very subtle moment of the two of them cooking together under the "Cok Long" sign. (And since there is such a clear shot of this, no one can convince me this wasn't done with full intent)
Peach continuing to warm up to Home, is further exemplified by his willingness to play along with his BS after the successful exorcism
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and the fact that he unconciously prepares a fourth plate for Home at the end of the episode. For which he promptly gets called out by Pangpang.
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Peach feels safe with Home. He has (maybe subconciously) taken note of the events of the previous episode, as he's now turning to Home when he gets scared by the ghost.
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Interesting to note, even after he confirms that Ride has left, he doesn't fully let go of Home. Someone's looking very comfortable clutching Home's arm even though there's no ghost anymore.
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I think the entire scene of Pangpang calling them the mother and father of their little family speaks for itself.
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It's okay boys, Thailand passed gay marriage, you can both be the dad.
And then we get another moment of absolute boyfriend behaviour in the end credits when Home steals Peach's glasses to play with them.
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Him putting the glasses on Kan at the end is also the only moment this episode that could maaaaybe be interpreted as slightly flirtatious towards Kan, but if you do interpret it that way, you also have to admit that he was flirting with Peach a lot more in that scene.
Peach didn't punch anyone this episode, so instead I'm bringing you
It startet with them holding hands last week as they fled from Rak
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and turned into bickering over whether or not Kan gets scared by ghosts. (A topic which I assume will give these two grounds for further bickering for at least the next couple of episodes.)
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(Judging by the smirks on Peach and Home's faces whenever these two go at it, Pangpang might not be the only shipper in the group anymore)
When Home doesn't want to come to her party, she proclaims that she "has got Kan", so that's okay, and then batts her eyelashes at Kan.
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Pangpang said "I see your 'emotionally constipated boys trying to pretend they don't like each other' and I raise you 'unashamed and uncompomising flirting sunshine x grumpy style'"
Looking forward to see how Kan will answer that going forward.
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sgiandubh · 5 months
A word on Wardpark/Cumbernauld Studios
@docsama left a comment, on S's birthday, under one of my posts and I promised her an answer with more information, as soon as I got the time. Anyway, here goes - and @docsama, sorry for the delay:
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Question is: who owns the Wardpark Film and Television Studios?
The answer was quick to find, in the not-so-old specialized media:
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The story begins in 2013, with an ambitious Scottish entrepreneur, Terry Thomson - this guy (courtesy of The Herald, https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/15984820.analysis-three-projects-pipeline-help-productions-make-big-picture/):
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He is the owner of the Thomson Pettie Group, based in Carluke (https://www.thomsonpettie.com/about-us), which has nothing to do with cinema:
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You've read that right: they are 'manufacturers of fabricated metal parts and assemblies', primarily for the national automotive industry. Yet, in 2013, Mr. Thomson agreed to rent what he described as 'a dormant industrial property' - a warehouse, to be exact - to Sony, in order to host the filming and production of OL. Thus, he became the CEO of a newly created entity, The Wardpark Film and Television Studios (https://www.hackmancapital.com/scotlands-largest-most-iconic-film-studio-acquired-by-hackman-capital-partners-and-square-mile-capital/).
By 2017, Wardpark was doing so well, that a big expansion plan was announced, with the direct support of the Scottish Government, which invested £4 million via Scottish Enterprise, its business support, advice and funding agency:
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And then, in November 2021, the little engine that could was sold to those two big US investors, Hackman Capital Partners (HCP) and Square Mile Capital Management LLC (now globally rebranded as Affinius Capital). In this montage, Hackman Capital Partners brought its own confirmed film studios and media management expertise...
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... while Square Mile most probably funded a sizeable portion of the acquisition, simply because this is what they do best:
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Perhaps an interesting detail: HCP owns and manages both the Culver City based Sony Pictures Animation Studios' Campus and the legendary Culver Studios, now rebranded by Amazon:
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Back to Scotland, Wardpark Studio's sale made just about everyone happy. Mr. Thomson kept his CEO job and look who was more than thrilled about the juicy transaction:
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Currently, the studio is operated by HCP's subsidiary, The MBS Group:
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That means that MBS probably manages just about everything, as far as daily management is concerned, from business operations, staffing and/or property management, to lighting and grip, trucks and generators' fleet, expendables and props. Unless I could see a contract and have a precise idea, I can just enumerate all the services they offer.
At no point in time did S and C own anything of those studios. As for the Executive Producer part, that is another discussion entirely. I could be coaxed to write something about it, if you really want to know why Those Two are EPs and what does that really, really mean - because once again, I have seen and read a LOT of bullshit in here, especially in the Desperate Housewives Disgruntled Tumblrettes' corner.
Thank you for asking. It was fun to research and write and I hope it brought more clarity to you.
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elogval · 13 days
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Peaceful Property Episode 4 👻
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almayver · 12 days
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Just realized that the credits also start gaining colors as the post credits scenes change
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dreamedofyou · 23 hours
Do you ever think about the fact that if Home hadn't taken all that time and effort to make Peach the apology pancake, maybe he would have made it to Peach and Pang in time? 🙃
And in the end Peach never even got to see or taste that pancake. 🙃🙃
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maybe-boys-do-love · 15 days
Scams, Fakes, Performance, & Belief
Peaceful Property: On Sale, ep. 4
This week's episode was filled with fakes: online order scams, magicians, compromised democratic processes, and a fake ghost. What reasons do we have to believe in anything? Everything is just an attempt to pull the wool over our eyes while the rugs get pulled out from under us so others can make a quick buck and protect their own hide. Who wants to be fooled by all the shams?
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Pangpang does. Jan Ployshompoo has been fantastic in this role, and she got to devour this episode. Jan specializes in a 'camp' performance style that's easy to undervalue. 'Camp' acting involves overacting the characters and emotions, and lesser actors often approach it with self-awareness and cynicism. Jan understands my favorite note on camp that Susan Sontag wrote.
“56. Camp taste is a kind of love, love for human nature. It relishes, rather than judges, the little triumphs and awkward intensities of “character.” . . . Camp taste identifies with what it is enjoying. People who share this sensibility are not laughing at the thing they label as “a camp,” they’re enjoying it. Camp is a tender feeling.”
The tender affection in Jan's 'camp' hits the themes of this episode home (no pun intended) because she infuses compassion for her over-the-top characters. They get to have range and reasons for their shallowness.
Pangpang's manic overperformance as a social-media influencer has been all about naively buying into every gimmick for herself and from others. Home, probably from his own similarities, points out to Peach how she's doing this as a form of compensation. All along she needed to believe in something because she needed to believe in her brother, to believe when no one else would in his debilitating fear and grief. She didn't need evidence to believe he saw ghosts as he said. She needed to believe she could be there for him even if she didn't know how. Pangpang chooses enchantment because staying true to her brother and her own feelings of loss over their parents are more important than being the winner of some existential argument.
The problem of deception lies at the heart of performance, and I often have a sense that performers and production crews invest a little more when they have to address it (Foei Patara who played Chobkol GAVE!). They have to prove that there is value and truth in the make-believe and assisting people in doing it. For a while, they need their audience to return to the magic of childhood so that they'll clap to show they believe in fairies when Tinkerbell's light begins to fade.
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I loved how Peaceful Property symbolized this return to innocence as an egg, a kind of spiritual rebirth. If we want to believe in the magic of fantasy (Kan), the potential in ourselves (Peach), and the value of others (Home), we have to let go of our guarded cynicism. It won't eliminate the harsher truths of reality. They'll arrive one way or another. But we don't need to be the person who crushes our own dreams or who crush others' dreams just because we're scared of being vulnerable. We need to be people like Pangpang who want to believe and help others on their journey to believing good things are possible.
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karebear923 · 15 days
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I gotta stop watching this show in public (and on the clock lol). How am I supposed to hide my tears from the rest of the staff??? 😭😭😭
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