#Prompt writer wanted
lyralit · 10 months
things to think about for characters
do they have allergies?
what foods will they not touch?
what kinds of music do they like?
how are they around new people?
do they speak in an accent?
have they tried learning a new language?
how many languages do they know?
what is a song that will always make them cry?
how do they cry? heaving? silently? sobbing?
how do they dress? for practicality or fashion?
what is the first thing they notice about a stranger?
what is their humour like?
do they have scars? what caused them?
do they wear jewelry?
are they a frivolous spender or a miser?
do they prefer luxury or practicality?
who would they quote?
what could make them change their mind?
who is the first person they'd call?
how are they around animals? do they have pets?
what is their favourite childhood food?
what is something they've never told anyone?
childhood friends?
what are habits they've picked up from other people?
what are their guilty pleasures?
what is something they're staunchly against?
do they speak a certain way? do they use contractions? popular turns of phrase?
can they fall in love? what does it look like? does it differ between people -- friends vs family?
what would they rather die than do?
what is their biggest mistake? one that they look out to never do again.
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nerdpoe · 23 days
John Constantine stays on top of things in the Paranormal world. He's still not sure how this led to being a secret parent, but at this point why not have this happen in his life.
Point being, he knew when Pariah Dark got taken down by a kid.
He also knew that, whether or not that kid became the next High King, there would be a lot of attempts to summon him.
Further investigation revealed the flimsiest secret identity he'd ever seen, and also that the kid was like fourteen. Fifteen, max.
So he started his own personal campaign; he spread false rumors about the One Who Defeated Pariah Dark.
Gave the wrong summoning sigil out like candy, lied and said that the kid was strong enough to ignore his own summoning and send innocents in his stead because it was funny, interrupted as many potential summonings as he could, and overall kept an ear out for the kid.
He slipped Batman the information on the GIW, and to the surprise of no one it was dismantled in three months flat.
He made offerings to the kid, but charmed them so that they were bathed in the strongest protection wards he knew, just in case the kid had to go against his own parents. He made sure they were things a teenager would like; hoodies with NASA branding or space themes, backpacks from the DOOMED franchise, school supplies that were not themed because there was a limit to how much someone could do that before the other kids made fun of them, etc.
The kid has no idea he exists, which is great considering his uh. Luck. Better the kid doesn't know. Better he never starts thinking about the kid by his name.
Except at some point, he started doing that.
At some point, he started caring.
And worse, after that point, some of his enemies started to notice and hone in on Danny.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 254
So. Danny might have accidentally become a bit of a cryptid. He didn’t mean to, but he’d become a bit nocturnal- like many an Amity Parker- and it wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t be bothered to make sound when he was tired. Or pretend to breathe or, okay, he could see why he kept freaking people out at the grocery store he kept going to. 
But it wasn’t his fault! He has to get food too! And really is it anyone else’s business? Seriously he thought that people wouldn’t be so surprised with how much magic is everywhere. Like you’d think they’d never seen someone who wasn’t fully human before or something. 
Oh great, there’s a journalist at the grocery store now- he’s going to ignore that and finish his shopping and then continue his online work. Ooh, and eat icecream. He deserves it for potentially putting up with this. 
Oh, it’s a little baby reporter, first couple of article thing. Adorable. 
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eloquent-edits · 5 months
🗡️ “I’m all for platonic intimacy but this…?”
the subtext of romance is really peeking through 🗡️ friends to lovers scenarios
Person A going to person B’s house to watch a movie but getting looped into playing drunk card games with B and their parents
Working out together and A insisting on spotting B and adjusting their form
B playfully poking A in public and promptly getting tackled
B patting A’s cheek only to accidentally linger as they notice how the light catches in A’s eyes (A is DESPERATELY trying to not blush)
“Here’s the garage code.” “… Why am I receiving this information?” “You’re already over here a lot. My parents think it’s better than a key.”
Forced close proximity at a LAN party because there’s not much room at the table (and A’s arm keeps brushing against B’s, messing up their aim, but if anything the space between them decreases as the night goes on)
The “Oh, is B coming too?” to “A kidnapped me to come here and hang out” pipeline
Going from quick and funny head scratches to absentmindedly stroking/detangling their hair while chatting with friends
“Do I smell okay?” “You smell normal.” “Which is…?” “Like lilac and gooseberry.”
A melting into B’s hug after a long and stressful week
B helping A deal with a major headache by rubbing/scratching their back
A heating up B’s ears with their hands because B forgot ear muffs in winter
“My mom thinks you’re really pretty/handsome.” “My mom thinks you look like Adonis/Aphrodite.” “Can you ever take a compliment?”
Candid pictures give away the softness in B’s eyes when they look at A goofing around
B not minding when A gives them a long hug in public, even though they aren’t big on PDA in general
B drawing a shitpost and sending it to A, A setting it as their lockscreen, and months later B realizes that A still hasn’t changed it
B’s family automatically assuming that A might join for any family function and making A’s favorite dish accordingly
“I have to go into the office this week. Can I crash at your place since it’s closer?”
Hanging out for hours —> “I don’t want you to drive home this late.” —> waking up in each other’s arms because they both refused to let the other sleep on the floor/couch
“My clothes reek of you.” “You could’ve just told me to take a shower.”
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rule-masochism · 3 months
we all love our gagged whumpees, but the way im automatically won over is when the tiny process of whumpee being gagged is described in very careful detail.
pushing the tangled hair out of their face so you can slide the straps under it. maybe it's coated with sweat.
if whumpee is defiant, i love seeing how they toss their head back and how you have to force their mouth open. maybe they bite a few times? very annoying for whumper. but shoving their head back towards you, gripping onto their hair and telling them to cut that shit out...ooh, that's fun.
obedient whumpees are just as fun because they'll just open up for whumper. stick that pretty tongue out and remain still as you clip it behind their head. maybe you can even stroke their hair a little. throw in a 'good boy/girl' for good measure 🙏🙏🙏
then theres the look!! i wanna know what they eyes are doing!! are they glaring straight ahead to avoid looking at whumper, or shooting daggers at them anyway? do they stare at the ground? or is it all listless if they've done this many times before?
and when you're done... i wanna know the result. what kind of gag is it (personally im a sucker for open-mouth) and how does it make em look? are they drooling already? what does whumper have to say about this?
i dont care how unnecessarily long you think you made your gagging scene, we're whump writers we're all here to indulge!! give your whumpee's mouths some love 🫶🫶
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cursedzucchini · 1 year
You know what? Fuck it
DC x DP prompt #3
I think at least lmao.
Anyway! Jason starts making videos on YouTube for one reason or another (is really stressed, no one listens to his rants Abt books who cares). His content is mostly bad books he read or really really really long rants Abt pride and prejudice. Like 3 hours on one tiny detail he noticed on his 214th read through.
He's kinda popular, mostly bc his terrible books videos. He talks Abt the ones that made him the most mad, which coincidentally are mostly romance and supernatural. Like he's one of the well known figures in the supernatural romance critique group (whcih is pretty small, but well). (Also he doesn't show his face on camera, bc secret identity and stuff, it's just his voice over a video of something mundane, like the sky or a room in which is a fly or something)
And now this can go two ways, that i can think of (w dead on main in mind at least)
1) one day Jason finds a book which is supernatural romance and is actually good. It has a kidna cliche system for the supernatural stuff, but with a refreshing twist. The characters have depts and flaws, yet are still very likable. The plot is actually interesting and overall the story's theme is death, not belonging anywhere and overall stuff that is very close to Jason's heart. The story doesn't shy away from violence and it is suprisingly accurate.
(I'm.gonna reblog this w pretty long idea of what this book could be Abt, bc i don't wanna annoy ppl lol)
Anyway Jason kinda falls in love w it, and it becomes famous for being the first novel Jason rated positively or something.
Meanwhile Danny, who was told by jazz writing is good way to get his feeling out, and just wanted to make a quick buck, is really fucking confused how tf did his book become so popular and who tf is this nerd who rates books for a living.
(basically big fan Jason and suspicious/awkward Danny lmao)
2) there is a famous series on Jason profile. It's the worst fucking series he ever read and it's just fucking awful. All the characters are fucking terrible, always going on and on about one thing, the romance sucks in a way that isnt even funny. Jason would love to believe some wrote this as a joke, if it wasn't for the absolute cringefest this was, and it wasn't a whole ass series!! Like who writes 12 books for a joke?
Danny ducking Fenton that's who. Dude was so ducking annoyed at his rogues, he threatened them w writing a terrible romance novels abt them. The ghosts, knowing his terrible grade in literature backed off for a moment, before someone crossed the line. And write Danny did. It was the worst thing he had ever written, the love interest was perfect caricature yet still faithfully go the original. And Danny, because fuck them he lost sommuch sleep over that one prank, decided to publish it. (The book was pretty thin so it didn't take that much time writing it). Unfortunately it became immensely popular in the infinite realm. So the ghosts started crossing lines on purpose. Before Danny figured it out, he had already published his fifth book and was writing another three. After some bargaining, getting a book written Abt them as a piece of shit love interest became a reward.
And while yeah, he had to say his writing was terrible and the books sucked, some small part of him was kinda proud y'know? Like a mother of her twelve ugly as fuck toddlers.
So when he saw some nerd on the internet not only shit talk his book, but also get money of it?
Danny decided to haunt him (just like his books did him, now that everyone knew Abt them thanks to this guy)
(enemies (sorta it's not that serious tho) to lovers ala terrible writer Danny who hates his books and kinda famous YouTuber hasn't who also hates Danny's books)
Fuck this is way too long wtf. Anyway imma reblog this w 1) book idea. Might add whatever i think the twelve books could be Abt. Pls if u want to add anything to this pls do!!
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wandixx · 4 days
I have an idea that includes two person love square because identity shenanigans are always fun, but I have no idea what they should do, despite having fun dynamics between them, like:
"Of course they're dating" said Public Opinion about Miss Martian and Phantom, right after she broke his heart a bit by telling him she was in love with someone else (Megan's long distance best friend, Danny). Before this happened, Phantom was overly flirtatious to both Miss Martian and Megan, so she asked Danny what to do about "This one guy in my sports team" and his advice is to tell him to "Fuck off". She does exactly that, without quite understanding the weight of the word and Phantom is stunned into obedience (and he understands that no means no)
Anyway, I need help with actual... plot. Situations I put them through, because I'm determined to write it. They would be cute together imo.
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villainousauthor · 2 months
"You killed them." It wasn't a question. Hero tries to keep their voice steady.
Villain doesn't try to deny it. "I did. Does that upset you?" They step closer.
Hero's limbs shake, but they hope it isn't obvious. "Why? You don't go after other villains or criminals."
"I do when they get in my way. When they upset me. That little nuisance was getting too attached to you." They take one, two, three steps forward. "You're my nemesis, no one else's."
Hero feels themselves being backed against the wall, Villain's encroaching form intimidating.
"Murder is the solution to your jealousy?" Hero says, looking up and meeting Villain's fire filled eyes.
Villain purses their lips, furrows their brows. "Are you upset?" They ask, as if they don't like the idea of Hero being upset over the death of someone they consider competition.
"I don't like murder, as a general rule, you know." Hero tries to keep their tone casual, quipping.
Villain completely backs them against the wall, bracing them in. Their close proximity feels both intimate and threatening at the same time. They're silent for an endlessly long and tense moment before speaking again in a low voice.
"Don't pay so much attention to others then. I don't share."
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kittyfrisk9 · 6 days
IdeaDpxDc— Caveman
Note: Sorry, I don't know English, so please use a translator. I apologize if you don't get the idea.
No Jason, you can't bring a caveman into the modern era. •Dead On Main. •Caveman Danny (with the design that appeared in the graphic novel, but in a more adult form)
It began with an explosion, and then, just before losing consciousness, Jason noticed how time seemed to slow down. But what really caught his attention was the green vortex forming in front of them. He couldn't help but think that its color was eerily similar to the waters of Lazarus.
What a shitty day.
Jason cursed; this was not how he had planned to spend his weekend. In his mind, he had a very different image: maybe a quiet night patrolling the city, or even some downtime, something he rarely allowed himself. But no, instead, here he was, dealing with a sharp pain that pierced his skull. "Damn it, my head!" Jason put a hand to his forehead, closing his eyes tightly. He didn't need this now.
He just felt bad, unable to identify a specific cause beyond the discomfort throughout his body. "Finally awake," he heard someone say. Silence. For a few seconds, he didn't recognize who was speaking. He blinked several times, trying to focus his vision. The figure in the corner began to take shape, and he finally recognized Robin.
But he looked bad. Unease settled in Jason's heart; no, this wasn't how his brother usually looked. Damian wasn't wearing his mask, his Robin costume was in a deplorable state: torn and covered in dust. Damian's expression also worried Jason; the possibilities of what could have happened during his unconsciousness churned his stomach. "What happened?" he asked, trying to get up without success.
No answer. Damian seemed to be searching for the right words to explain the situation; his mouth opened several times without making any sound until he finally said, "I don't know."
His hands were trembling uncontrollably. Jason didn't like his younger brother's state at all; he looked so small and fragile, the usually indomitable attitude of Damian was no longer present. What the hell happened?
That's when he noticed his surroundings. Looking around, he saw walls of rough, rugged bark that curved upwards, forming a natural ceiling. Light barely penetrated through the irregular contours of the wood. The ground was covered with dry leaves and pieces of detached bark, crunching underfoot. Small cracks in the walls let in cold drafts, making Jason's muscles feel tense and stiff, as if they were about to freeze.
"Are we inside a tree?" he concluded, while with visible effort, Jason began to move his body, sitting up from his lying position. Now sitting, he noticed two things.
First, Dick was unconscious beside him, and second, both he and his brother were covered with cloaks. He turned his head and saw Damian, who was unsuccessfully trying to hide his shivers. How long had the boy been enduring the freezing cold? Jason cursed internally, the frustration of not having done anything irritated him. He looked back at the cloaks: one seemed to belong to Robin and the other to... wait, where was Tim?
"Yes," Damian replied. Then, as if he had guessed Jason's thought, he added, "Drake went to find food. We've been in this place for three days."
Well, that answered his questions about the replacement's whereabouts, but it opened a new one related to where they were. "This place? Where?" he asked, ignoring the feeling of heaviness and numbness in his entire body, deciding to get up and go to Damian. Now awake, he preferred the boy to be wrapped in the cloak rather than himself.
Damian, sitting near the entrance of the hollow tree, looked directly at Jason. His response undoubtedly surprised him. "In the past." Just then, the roar of a beast was heard, perhaps warning what would come next for the brothers.
Welcome to the Mesozoic era.
Something had invaded the sauropod territory.
Somewhere within the dense forest of conifers and redwoods, a figure moved nimbly through the shadows. His steps were light, almost imperceptible on the ground covered with stones and fallen leaves. His eyes, accustomed to the dimness of the forest, watched intently every movement around him. This was not his first rodeo in the prehistoric territories, and he knew well how to avoid the most dangerous beasts.
The figure, a young man with dark hair and bright eyes, paused for a moment to listen to the distant roar of an unknown beast. He growled, recognizing the signs of a territorial battle resonating in his ears. Better not get too close. He had lived long enough there to understand the brutal developments of survival.
Suddenly, the crunch of some twigs was heard a few meters away from him. This sound would be imperceptible to a normal human, but this young man was not an ordinary human. He tightened his grip on his spear, evaluating the situation. Although whatever was there didn't seem to be an immediate danger, it was better to retreat cautiously and observe. To avoid being discovered, he quickly and stealthily climbed one of the many trees in the area. Once positioned on one of the highest branches with a good view, he became invisible.
What he saw puzzled him. The surprise left him breathless, unable to react immediately. Down there was a being similar to him, with two arms, two legs, no spikes or shells. It was a... a... he didn't know what to call it. He rubbed his eyes to make sure it wasn't a hallucination; he had had a few of those before when fatigue had overtaken him, but no, that being was still down there, walking.
Suddenly, the being looked up. His slight movements had caused a leaf to fall, probably catching the being's attention. To avoid being discovered, he remained completely still and silent, not knowing how to react but not wanting to scare the being. The being found nothing unusual and continued walking.
He sighed in relief. This was strange. He decided he wanted to find out more, so with smooth and careful movements, he slipped as the being advanced. He followed in complete silence, ready to learn.
Tim didn't have much luck fishing. The nearby river, though promising, proved less appealing due to a gigantic sarcosuchus that tried to devour him. After dodging its swift bite, he understood it was better to return to the shelter with the few fish he had managed to catch. He left the area and ventured into the forest. As he moved through the underbrush, his thoughts were focused on the critical situation of his brothers and the need to find something, anything, that could help them stay strong.
It was good they had landed here with their other identities since they had the necessary equipment to defend themselves against the dangers of this era. Their weapons and tools, designed to face criminals in the streets of Gotham, were now their best defense against prehistoric creatures.
He sighed, looking up as the wind shook some leaves from the trees. Unfortunately, not everything had been good. He and Robin had been the first to wake up, but instead of having a pleasant chat, they had to fight off predators that saw them as a tasty prey. Jason and Dick were still unconscious, and it was hard to fight while having to protect someone. In the process, Damian's foot got sprained, but they managed to escape and find an acceptable shelter. The hollow tree wasn't the best refuge, but at least they could hide there.
However, they couldn't stay there forever. If they didn't find a way back to Gotham, their defense resources would run out, and they would die. They couldn't ask for help either because it would be millions of years before anyone from the League was born. Dejected, he sighed again.
Finally, he reached the improvised shelter inside the hollow tree. Upon entering, he was pleasantly surprised to find Jason and Damian arguing. Unfortunately, Dick was still unconscious but covered with a cape to keep warm.
"Stop it, Todd! I won't wear the cape!" Damian shouted, pushing his older brother who was on top of him. "I don't need it!"
"What are you talking about, brat? You're shivering!" Jason replied, insisting on putting the cape over Damian.
"I'm not the one who needs it," Damian retorted, pushing the cape away again. "Grayson's worse off, and you also need to protect yourself from the cold. I can handle it."
Jason frowned, clearly frustrated. "Don't be stubborn! We're already in enough danger without you getting sick on top of it."
Damian crossed his arms and looked at him defiantly. "I won't get sick. And don't underestimate me, Todd."
Tim, who had been watching silently, laughed at seeing Jason narrow his eyes right before he pounced on Damian and wrapped him with the cape. Damian, of course, shouted, giving the image of an angry kitten, which made Tim laugh even more. This scenario was just what he needed to relax amid all the stressful environment. His laughter caught their attention.
"I'm glad you're awake, Jason," Tim said, smiling. Then, showing the fish he had caught, he added, "I had some setbacks, but I got some food."
"Get off me right now, Todd!" Damian ignored Tim's arrival and focused on insulting his older brother, who was sitting on top of him.
"I don't think so, demon," Jason teased. "Not until you agree to wear the cape." Then, he turned his gaze to Tim, waved a hand in greeting, and added, "Damian already gave me the bad news. Do you have any plan to get back?"
"Unfortunately, no," Tim replied, ignoring Damian's complaints. "Just the basics: find a better shelter, build weapons, and make sure we don't become dinosaur food."
"Dinosaur food, huh? Are we really in prehistoric times?" Jason asked with an incredulous laugh.
"Go outside and find out if you don't believe us," Tim said as he set the fish aside. Then he sat down, leaning his back against the tree bark, and rested. "Don't blame me if one devours you."
Jason let out a laugh, but his eyes showed concern. "Alright, I believe you. I guess now we're survivors in the age of dinosaurs."
Tim nodded, his eyes closing for a moment as he tried to regain his strength. "Exactly. We have to be smart and work together if we want to get out of this."
Damian, still trapped under Jason's weight, tried to get up once more but finally gave in. "Alright, I'll wear the cape. Now get off me, Todd."
Jason smiled victoriously and stood up, allowing Damian to get up. "I knew you'd see reason."
Tim watched the interaction with a mix of amusement and exhaustion. "We need to divide our tasks. Jason, make a fire. We need to cook the fish and warm up. Damian, your foot needs rest, but you could help prepare the camp and take care of Dick. I'll check what else we can use from our equipment."
"Sounds like a plan," Jason said, while Damian nodded reluctantly. With slight annoyance, Jason asked, looking at the youngest brother, "Why didn't you tell me your foot was injured?"
"Irrelevant information," was all Damian said. Then, he got up and, hopping on one foot, approached Dick. "What are you waiting for? Let's not waste time and work." Despite his words, concern was evident in his voice.
Jason shook his head with a smile. Just as he was about to leave the hollow tree, he heard a warning from Tim: "Don't stray too far from the camp," and then he threw him a belt with his weapons.
Jason caught it easily, just as he heard a "Be careful, Todd," from his little brother. He wished he had a recorder right now, he thought with a smile.
He followed the being to a hollow tree, moving stealthily among the high branches to avoid detection. His eyes shone with a mixture of curiosity and distrust, watching closely as the being entered the tree. Although he didn't approach, from his position, he could clearly hear the being's vocalizations, apparently communicating with others of its kind. It was fascinating; although incapable of complex thoughts, he felt a deep awe for these creatures similar to him.
Suddenly, the chatter seemed to end, and another, different being emerged from the tree. This time, his reaction was completely different. With the first being, he had only felt a slight interest due to their similarity; after all, he had been living there for a long time and had seen fierce and friendly creatures, but none with his same characteristics. However, upon seeing this new being, a strange feeling awakened in him, like a powerful attraction guiding him to approach.
He purred, his eyes dilating; he was interested in making this new being his own. It felt like that time he had to fight a flock of birds for a fruit. This being felt like that same fruit. It was strange because this new being clearly was not a fruit, but the desire to have it was the same.
It is well known that humans react in various ways when they fall in love; however, they all release the same chemicals in the brain. With this new and unknown feeling, he decided to follow the new being, completely seduced by it.
The outside looked like it was straight out of Jurassic World, but without the modern facilities or buildings. Jason whistled; he never imagined he would be inside a movie, although this whole situation was more than that, it was a serious matter that he had to take seriously. Enough looking around, it was time to take care of the campfire.
He needed wood, stones, and some dry leaves as fuel. Although he was far in the past, he had to be careful not to accidentally burn any plant that could produce toxic smoke. He didn't want to get sick or make his brothers sick.
To get these materials, he ventured into the forest. Tim had said not to wander too far, but he needed to get rid of a certain annoyance that was bothering him. He felt it the moment he left the makeshift shelter. There was something in the forest, but he didn't want to alert his brothers; they were already tired enough and didn't need to stress about something dangerous.
He stopped in his tracks. "Enough games, come out," he said as he held his weapon without aiming. Whatever was behind him was probably just some animal, which was dangerous considering he was somewhere in the Mesozoic era.
A growl emerged from the forest. He turned his body, and what he saw amazed and frightened him. They were dinosaurs, real dinosaurs, real dinosaurs that wanted to devour him. Oh no.
Three dinosaurs, similar to those in the Jurassic World movie, where Owen stops and controls three velociraptors by raising his hands in front of him. That scene was truly amazing. Too bad Jason couldn't replicate it, mainly because these velociraptors (he knows they're not actually velociraptors, because real velociraptors are smaller and the movie was wrong in that sense, but he doesn't really know what to call them) didn't see him as a leader, but as prey.
"This is incredible," he murmured to himself, watching as one of them, the one in the center and probably the leader, snapped at the air. "It's okay, calm down, friend. You wouldn't want to eat this," he warned as he repeated the same scene from the movie, but with a weapon in hand, just in case.
In response, they just kept growling.
"Come on, there's no need for this to end badly. I just want to find wood and go back home," he continued, maintaining eye contact with the leader of the velociraptors, looking for some sign of understanding in its reptilian eyes.
Unfortunately, there was nothing, just a hungry look. It was clear that the lizard didn't see him in a good light.
Suddenly, the leader jumped, and Jason was ready to shoot, but before he could do so, a spear pierced the raptor's neck in mid-air. The reptile crashed into a tree with the spear stuck in its neck and well buried in the wood. It seemed to have been thrown with great force. The animal writhed, trying to free itself, but that only hastened its death. Blood trickled down its neck and fell to the ground, dripping slowly and sending a signal to the other reptiles.
Everyone in the scene turned their gaze to the sound of a much more dangerous growl. There, on one of the branches of another tree, was a... human?
Were there humans in this era?
Jason saw him. He was an adult man, tall, with scars, and surprisingly handsome. He was wearing gray skin wrapped around his body, without any elaborate tailoring. The man jumped and approached them growling, but Jason noticed that he was actually growling at the duo of remaining velociraptors. Up close, Jason could see that the man defied any historical record about cavemen and beauty. He had defined muscles, but not exaggerated ones; his hair was a mess, but he looked adorable; the scars added a type of wild beauty, although for the man they were probably just a reminder of his difficult lifestyle.
Oh, my. Jason fell in love. He fell in love with a man who made two frightened beasts run away with his roar. "I didn't know I was so needy," he thought quietly.
He absolutely couldn't let his brothers find out about that feeling. He wouldn't survive the teasing.
Now, in peace and being only the two of them, the man stayed on all fours, standing on his hands and feet, and looked at Jason. Jason looked back at him. "Uh... thanks?" he thanked unsure if the man could understand him. The man, in response, just tilted his head, as if to say, "I don't understand." Oww, even that was adorable.
He shook his head, enough.
The man moved around Jason on his hands and feet until he reached where his spear was, but he didn't take it. Instead, he just looked at Jason. To Jason's eyes, the man didn't seem dangerous, but rather shy. It sort of made sense, considering he was seeing another human for the first time.
With that thought, Jason decided to ask, "Do you understand my language?" as he put away the weapon and pointed to himself with his finger. The man didn't respond. "I guess not," he added with a smile. "I'll have to find a way to learn your language."
Afterward, the man began to scratch the ground with his hand, trying to dig. Jason, curious, approached, and it was then that the man offered him a stone. Jason blinked, realizing that, on his way there, he had touched and looked at some stones for the campfire but hadn't picked any up.
"Well, this makes my search easier. Thank you," he said, grabbing the stone. He knew this man didn't understand his language, but that wasn't a reason to be rude. The man, for his part, gave the most dazzling smile Jason had ever seen. "Oh, well, we have to find a way to communicate," he said looking away. Why was his heart beating so fast?
The man purred happily.
"Wait, did you just purr?" Jason looked back at the man when he heard the typical sound of cats. He approached to listen more closely. "You're really purring," he declared perplexed, since humans don't purr.
When he reached out his hand towards the man's chest, he backed up a bit but didn't stop purring. He even had the attitude of a cat, Jason thought as he apologized and was about to withdraw his hand. But before he could do so, the man stretched out his hand. Both hands touched, then they opened their palms and stretched their fingers. This whole scene reminded Jason of the Disney movie, Tarzan, when Jane and Tarzan meet.
Jason opened his eyes in surprise. Does that mean he's Jane? And that he's going to be with this cute man? He looked at the man, whose expressive gaze lit up as he watched their hands. Jason could see that the man's blue eyes truly rivaled the stars. Oh, Jason fell so deep.
"Uh... I'm Jason," he pointed to himself with the other hand, not separating his palm from the man's. The man tilted his head again, emitting this time some small growls that translated his lack of understanding. Jason laughed. "Well, I guess for now you won't be able to tell me your name, little star."
Little star, because that would be his name for now, looked at him without understanding, and Jason laughed even harder.
"Todd, what does this mean?" demanded Damian, looking at the new guest behind his brother.
"It's Little Star, I met him in the forest. He's going to help us survive," Jason replied, stepping aside so everyone could see the man. "Come, look, he even brought you a gift."
Little Star smiled as he showed the corpse of a velociraptor, whose neck was still bleeding, and the spear in the man's back had not yet been cleaned, meaning he killed it with that. Damian looked horrified. At his reaction, Little Star looked worriedly at Jason as he made some vocal sounds that resembled growls and whines.
Jason patted his shoulder laughing. "Relax, he likes you." Then he added, "I already have the materials for the campfire, it'll be ready in about five minutes." And he left the makeshift shelter with Little Star behind him.
"Since when does he speak caveman?" Tim asked, puzzled.
"Todd's intelligence is finally paying off," Damian replied sarcastically.
Note: Sorry, I don't know English, so please use a translator. I apologize if you don't get the idea.
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fairyhaos · 9 months
How To Fucking Write: a guide by fairyhaos
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this post details:
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hi gays and gals and welcome to "how to fucking write", a post (series) where i talk about how i brainstorm for writing, plan for writing, write the writing, and everything in between. nothing too serious here lmao, but i'm definitely planning on making at least a couple posts on this bc a) it's fun and b) i wanna help! so if you find this useful then pls lmk by reblogging + drop an ask if there are any specific things u want me to give my two cents on ^^
okok and now without further ado,,, let's look at the topics i'll talk about in today's post!
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.. bullet point one : have an idea
the first big thing is that you need an idea. doesn't matter if you're a pantser and don't plan out your writing before you start. that's totally fine! but before you begin, you need at least an idea: maybe it's a vibe, a character personality, a specific journey you want the characters to go on. maybe it's a piece of dialogue. maybe it's the ending- the point you want to end up at after however many thousand words.
whatever it is, it's best to have some inspiration, some idea of what you wanna do. no point in writing if you don't know what you're writing, you know?
(of course, that brings up the issue of Having An Idea in the first place, but finding inspiration to write is a whole other can of worms we can open in another post.)
.. bullet point two : practice
okay, so now you have an idea. how do you put that idea to paper? how should you actually start your story?
it’s all to do with practice.
it’s the most annoying piece of advice in the world, but it helps so much. you just have to write lots and lots and lots, to find the way that works for you. whether you wanna start your stories with pretty scene descriptions, with dialogue, with dramatic one-liners. finding your voice, your style, what’s most comfortable for you, is really really important. and takes practice.
an example, though: for me, i prefer either a line of dialogue, or one-liners that a) help immediately establish a character’s personality or can b) introduce an interesting setting.
[chan + swingset] — one-liner example
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[hoshi + silly] — dialogue example 
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but of course, everyone’s style is different. so i’d recommend playing around! find a list of one-word prompts and just write a few that inspire you, writing the beginnings. it’s important, also, that you’re having fun, because if you’re already struggling with starting to write, it’ll be even harder if you’re doing it while feeling stressed.
.. bullet point three (mostly just for longer fics)
maybe you don’t find a style, in the end. maybe you’re comfortable with all of them, which is totally fine! but then you look at your writing, and you think, “oh… this isn’t as good as i thought.” 
and it makes you want to give up. what do you do, then? how do you carry on with your start?
just put words to paper. it doesn’t matter if the words are terrible, if you’re making up shit and using placeholders for description words or whatever. just carry on, get to a place you’re happy with, like the end of a scene, or maybe a dialogue exchange you really like.
because now, guess what? you’ve successfully created a first draft.
making first drafts is actually so important. seriously. first drafts allow you to fuck up, allow you to write terribly. they help you fumble and trip your way to the finish line (or at least a rest point) so that you can go back and do better.
even if your first draft is terrible, it’s helped you make your way to a point you’re happy with. now you have a vague idea of what you want, even if the description or characterisation or something is way off. because now, you can edit it, or even scrap it and use only a few words from that draft in your next one. or maybe, if you look back at it, maybe it’s even decent enough for you to use. 
whatever it is, when you first start writing that story, think of it as ‘The Worst Draft’. because it probably won’t be as good as you want it, and it’s okay. just write, with no fears of it being bad, because that’s literally fine. it’s not set in stone. the backspace button exists. after your first draft is made, make another. and another, and another, because i promise, after that first draft, it only gets better from there.
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.. bullet point one : adding things
pacing is always really tricky. however, i do think that slowing a story down is easier than speeding it up, so here we go,,,,
finding out the exact way to slow down a story really depends on what type of story you're writing, but there are a few all-round things you can do which can help pretty much any setting.
if it's a scene with loads of dialogue, and things feel like they're jumping to the end topic too quickly, add descriptions. your readers are blind, writers, and they depend on you to be able to see what's going on. are your characters having a conversation on the street? take a break to describe what they see. are they in a coffee shop? maybe someone comes in with a huge noise, or their coffee arrives at their table. are they hanging in midair with nothing around them? well, describe the actions of the character they're talking to, then.
example: (from my seoksoo fic bc it's the only long fic i'm working on rn)
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by adding character descriptions, movement, thoughts, instantly everything seems to have slowed down. it thickens time, allowing you to move at a more leisurely pace.
if it's a scene full of action, you can do the exact same thing. maybe there's a high-tension moment and something significant happens. slow down time there, describe something small in great detail. talk about the thoughts they're having.
and even if it's just an ordinary scene, describing is important. the setting, the characters' actions, their thoughts. it's okay to write too much. then you can delete things which make things feel like they're moving too slowly.
.. bullet point two : delete
not gonna lie, finding out how to speed up the pacing of the story can often be really specifically tailored to the setting of the story.
with stories that have loads of action (spy, apocalypse, etc) i'd recommend adjusting sentence length. you'll want short, punchy sentences, without loads of commas and clauses, but you'll also want to experiment with having those short sentences gradually get longer. it helps with tension and suspense.
it has to be short. running fast. something to elevate fear. quick, but also desperate, before they then spill over each other, picking up pace, all of the thoughts blurring together and going faster, and faster, and faster, and then-
then the penny drops.
people use the metaphor of music a lot, and it really does work that way. it needs to ascend to its climax: gently, cautiously, before sprinting upwards and only describing things like the barest emotions (the fear they feel, the panic, anger, anything) before everything reaches its peak and comes crashing down in a flurry of action descriptions.
but of course, the easiest way to speed up something is to delete. delete swathes of setting description. delete unnecessary dialogue. delete an entire scene and rewrite with only the things you remember (which can help make sure you only have the essentials in your scene, btw. very helpful).
it might take a bit of adjusting, rewriting, moving things around, but ultimately, quickening the pace of the story depends on the way in which you write things. be concise, be dramatic, and don't dawdle.
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... and that's it ! if anyone has anything else they want advice on (how to structure, how to write dialogue, how to plan etc) then just shoot me an ask, because i'd love to help however i can :)
tagging: @selenicives who asked for this in the first place hehe ^^
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lyralit · 2 years
traits turned sour
honest - insensitive
persuasive - manipulative
caring - overprotective
confidence - arrogance
fearless - cocky
loyalty - an excuse
devotion - obsession
agreeable - lazy
perfectionism - insatisfaction
reserved - aloof
cautious - skeptical
self loved - selfish
available - distractible
emotional - dramatic
humble - attention-seeking
diligent - imposing
dutiful - submissive
assertive - bossy
strategic - calculated
truthful - cruel
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
DPxDC Presumed Aliens Prompt
Imagine if the the Phamily fall through a portal to another world. Honestly nothing new there, and at least they're in the specter speeder. The specter speeder that has maybe crashed, but it wasn't their fault they swear! Not their fault if it got attacked, right? And maybe they're somehow kids now, but they can blame that on Clockwork right? Right. Definitely his fault. They weren't messing around with things in his Haunt and definitely didn't mess with things they shouldn't have. But really it wasn't their fault. Really. So maybe they're stuck in another world, stuck as kids, and someone has managed to open the half crushed speeder, but that would normally be fine. Honestly wouldn't be surprising with how their lives are. The thing is, they're all... akin to lil baby ghosts in shape, and their world's human language evolved differently to this worlds. What do you mean the heroes in this world think they're baby aliens???
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writtenbyevie · 1 year
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Flower Language Based Prompt List I made instead of writing 💐
I tried to make the prompts relate to each flower’s definition per the Victorian Flower Language without getting too repetitive.
The prompts are all fairly open ended and I figured people could use them for their own inspiration or request games!!
You know the “send me a ship and flower and I’ll write something.”
Anywho, if anyone does end up using this I’d love it if you’d tag me so I can read what you’ve written!! Either way, I hope someone can get use out my procrastinating 💖
Click here to view an unedited version of the document: The List
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snippetsnitch · 4 months
Okay, but military whump. Military tropes in general. The POTENTIAL.
(❗️TW: Mentions of Torture, War, Oppression, Death – basically anything related to the shitty sides of militaries, power-abuse and warcrimes❗️)
Characters being captured by enemy forces and tortured for information until they either break or get rescued before they give out anything important.
(even better, if they don't have the information, but no one believes them 🥲)
Characters that are mistreated and abused in and by members of their own military. Maybe because they:
- do not agree with the way of their armed forces doing things (torturing enemies, repressing protests, committing warcrimes, etc.).
- have problems with authority and higher-ups that will be beaten and drilled out of them.
- are an outsider or part of a group that is strongly marginalised in the society the military forces are embedded in.
Characters being conditioned to never show any sign of pain, emotion or other 'weakness' to make them an effective and lethal fighter weapon.
Characters who are convinced pacifists being conscripts and suffering through grave emotional turmoil due to what is expected of them.
Dehumanising the enemy through language, propaganda and stereotypes.
Humanising the enemy by having to talk to one of them through a line of unfortunate circumstances (being imprisoned together, helping each other despite strict rules and surveillance, showing mercy on the battleground, etc.) or through anti-war-activism.
High-ranking characters that are dressed in ✨️fancy uniforms✨️
Power-dynamics and intrigues in the high ranks that have nothing to do with the cause and everything to do with elitism and gaining political influence.
Character A being higher-ranking than character B and using that power to bully them mercilessly (or to protect them, if you want it to be wholesome, though 😚).
Childhood friends being separated and seeing each other again on the battlefield – on opposite sides. :(
Old generals that have given up on the world, because they saw the cruelty and senselessnes of war vs. young, idealistic and possibly propaganda-brainwashed characters that see service in the military as the most honorable thing someone can do.
- breaking the view of those young idealists through the horrors of war.
- breaking the view of those old pessimists through good and selfless behaviour despite the horrors of war.
The "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" when characters are captured by enemy forces/caught spying and are taunted by their captors
(possibly combinated with forcing the captive to their knees)
(and grabbing their chin)
("Look at that, such a pretty face...")
(For the captive to defiantly spit in their captor's face or on their uniform)
(Only to be beaten violently)
(And to find themself with a boot on their chest/back/neck)
(You know what I'm getting at 👀).
Characters killing for the first time and breaking down completely.
Or characters killing for the first time and finding out that they enjoy it far more than they should.
Characters refusing to hurt/torture enemy characters, causing rank-internal drama and possibly putting the merciful character at great risk.
Veteran characters that struggle to find back into their "old life" after their service has ended.
Characters who grew up in a war-setting and know nothing but violence and danger.
There is just so much potential to explore your characters in depth, especially because it's such an extreme setting.
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heynhay · 1 year
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*fnaf kids cheering noise*
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Danny Phantom meets Superman. More accurately I should say that Danny Fenton meets Clark Kent.
Let me make this clear cause people seem to forget this: superman is smart. Clark kent is a very intelligent guy. Hes an INVESTIGATIVE journalist. He works with Lois Lane whos a multiple Pultizer prize winner and you know damn well that Lois wouldn’t work with anyone that cant keep up with her in both wits and smarts. He’s good at his job and in some comics he gets Pulitzer Prizes from some of his articles as well. Dude is dumb but he’s smart if you get what I’m saying. High Int. Low Wis.
With that in mind, During an assignment by Perry White, Lois and Clark meet the Fentons in their Amnesty residence to get some quotes on an article that discusses “Everything we thought didn’t exist is now real. Superheroes, Aliens, even Vampires, so why do we not Believe in Ghosts?”
Clark Kent spots Danny and notices instantly that MANY things are wrong with this child. His shoulders are hunched in a way that is intentional and tensed. Like he doesn’t know if he should fight or flee. His eyes are darting around and constantly taking in their surroundings like he’s waiting for something to barge in. His heart is beating far slower than it should. The kid intentionally makes his chest rise and fall but he’s not breathing in any oxygen. All of those are concerning but they can happen in metas. The thing that isn’t normal is that Clark can’t hear any of Danny’s other organs working. Like the kid is a revitalized corpse and his body only thought to bring back half of its needed functions.
So Clark does some digging. He doesn’t want to tell any of the Justice League because this isn’t a Superman job, this is a job for Clark Kent. He gets some help from Oracle and with her word that she won’t say anything to batman, He agrees to update her regularly about the kids situation.
Oracle sends over some VERY concerning documents from an organization called “The Ghost Investigation Ward”. Oracle tells Clark that she’s working on tipping off the Bats and Birds so they can help dismantle the organization.
While sifting through the documents Clark comes across a profile of a “Danny Phantom”. As I said, Clark isn’t stupid. There is definitely a profile of Danny Fenton as well since he’s the son of two world renown ghost hunters. He puts the two and two together and uncovers just the horrible treatment that Phantom has been receiving from his parents, the government, and his peers. Clark is outraged and can’t just stand aside and let this kid suffer. So he makes another trip to the Fenton residence under the guise of needing another quote and sits Danny and Jazz down and tells him that he knows of the terrible lab safety, the immoral experiments his parents do on the regular, the neglect of the kids in pursuit of scientific discovery. He knows and he wants to help. Clark tells Danny and Jazz that there is an apartment available right nextdoor from his and that he can help them get to a safer location and apply for emancipation.
The Fenton kids are shocked at this guy and his immensely kind heart. Danny knows something is up though. Something is up with Clark Kent. He looks like all his life would be spent in the gym when he isn’t at work and yet Danny can’t find a thing on Clarks interest in working out. His baggy clothes somewhat cover up his muscles but his frame is far too wide to be hidden. Clarks heartbeat is slightly faster than the average persons. No human eyes could be that startlingly sky blue. And Danny knows that he has seen Clarks face somewhere but he cant put a pin on it.
The Fenton kids agree and they get brought to metropolis and the emancipation case is no problem with the evidence Clark managed to collect. The kids get the apartment next to Clarks and Clark helps them grow and get better mentally and situationally. Clark knows that in a way he’s trying to make up for his neglect on Connor but he still knows that helping these kids is the right decision.
After a month or so, Clark and the Fenton kids have a rhythm of meeting at each others apartments, getting doted over to make sure that the fentons are well fed and have everything they need and are getting settled into their new life.
Clark hasn’t told the league. Oracle keeps her promise to keep the Fentons out of Batman and the Justice League’s radar. Clark knows that he will have to tell them soon eventually. He knows that things like this wont last. He tries his best to keep these kids happy and support them how an actual caring parent should act.
A few months into the Fentons stay in Metropolis on a cool autumn afternoon, Danny is sitting on a beanbag chair reading a ratty old book that Clark lent him as Clark is typing away on his computer writing up an article for the Daily Planet when Danny looks over to Clark and says,
“I’m Phantom.”
Clark pauses typing and shoots a small smile towards danny, “I know.”
Danny nods in relieved acceptance as Clark straightens up from his hunced over position on his computer.
He pulls back his shirt collar slightly to show the blue suit and red cape. “I’m Superman.”
Danny looks at him and smiles, “I know.”
They both just sit and continue reading and writing with soft smiles on their faces. Comforted at the exchange and that it’s finally out there and eachother knew.
After a while Danny’s obsession gets to be too much. He tells Clark about it and that he has to find a way to sate his obsession of protecting and Clark accepts that it was only a matter of time and invites him to meet the League.
When Superman brings Danny to the Watchtower, saying that the rest of his fellow superheroes were shocked would be an understatement. The Man of Steel and this ghost kid are talking like a father and son.
To say that Batman was pissed that he wasn’t informed of this child is also an understatement. But there is also some amusement and respect under that frustration. Superman managed to keep this kid under wraps and didn’t even alert Batman. Superman smirking and saying under his breath to him “Looks like the World's Greatest Detective isn’t so great huh?” Makes Batman respect the man even more.
In the Watchtower, Danny meets up with Teen Titans/The Team/Whatever They’re Called Now, and meets Conner. Conner is understandably pissed and spiteful that Danny got to have Superman as a father figure.
Conner knows that Superman treating Danny this way is definitely a way of him trying to make up for the faults and breaks he had with his parental relationship with Conner. he agrees with himself that he shouldn’t hate Danny for having Superman as a Dad and the two get along like tinder and matches. Connor still has a grudge against Superman don’t get me wrong, just not as much as before.
Sometimes while the League is in battle, Superman likes to just look for Danny and watch him hold his own against world ending threats. Danny is now truly confident and it’s no longer a facade. He’s no longer hunching into himself to look smaller. He laughs more often now and seems to be genuinely happy. Superman fondly looks at his son as his kids eyes flicker with green fire as he says a shitty ice pun and freezes Metallo in his tracks with ghostly ice.
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