dragons-musings · 7 years
Welp im at an impass... i feel like i have too many Races for Aldeon. I have two options; 1. remove a few entirely, or 2. restrict a few to NPC only races, meaning those races would not be playable by... Players.
Problem is... im not entirely sure which ones should go... Which is where you lovely people come in! i have a strawpoll right now with a list of all the current Races in Aldeon with an option to either remove it entirely or to make a NPC only race.
Here’s the strawpoll: Strawpoll ...ignore the typo...
and here’s a direct link to the Aldeon’s Races folder: Races
I will warn you right now while all the race pages have basic information about the race itself a lot of the Race pages are well... crap. I’m in the process of improving them but its slow going at the moment.
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dragons-musings · 7 years
My Current Projects
Currently I have two projects, and am focusing on one of them. My current focus: Aldeon
My other project: Dungeons, Adventures, and God
Aldeon is a prototype Table Top RPG with a focus on fantasy.
Dungeons, Adventures, and God is another prototype Table Top RPG though this one is much more open to different genres and more of a fun party game, or at least that’s the goal.
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