#Project icarus
soni-dragon · 17 days
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“and what if who and what i am is going to get you killed?”
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+ ramblings :)
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miryel89 · 1 year
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«Icarus is flying too close to the sun
And Icarus' life, it has only just begun
This is how it feels to take a fall
Icarus is flying towards an early grave.»
{ Bastille - Icarus }
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robynator · 1 year
yknow what i absolutely love about dghda? how socially unaware all the former blackwing subjects are. like these guys have no clue what to do in normal society and that absolutely makes sense
dirk is the most well adjusted out of all of the ones we know of and even he climbs into this random guy's apartment through the window, immediately calls him his assistant and then declares that he lives there now. he's clueless. he wants friends but he doesn't know how to talk to people, even after 16 years lived in freedom
and then there's bart and the rowdy 3
bart doesn't know how radios and tvs work, nor what hotels are. all she's known her whole life is blackwing labs and the fact that she's supposed to kill people. so that's what she does. she doesn't know how to talk to people, she just goes with the flow
and of course the rowdy 3, the absolute icons. unlike dirk, who wants to be a part of society, and bart, who really doesn't care, they actively reject social norms. they saw punk culture and ran with it. they're rude, violent and, well, rowdy. and they like that. but they're also stupid in the way that you would be if you grew up in a lab with (probably) next to no real education. none of them have any functioning braincells or social grace and that works for them
i didn't talk about mona or francis/moloch bc we don't really have a real frame of reference for either of them. mona is an inanimate object 99% of the time and francis has been in a coma for several decades
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hjbirthdaywishes · 5 months
April 25, 2024
Happy 44 Birthday to Samuel Barnett.
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limeinaltime · 1 year
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Another addition to the ever-growing Nasty Man Roster™. Adam's eldest son (thankfully not related to India or any of the other women he's bound to him), and the horrible, horrible older brother of Hotel, Iota, Seven and Omega. He loves to torment them, especially Hotel.
“If the phrase ‘like father, like son’ were a person, it would be Icarus in the worst way possible. The deranged right hand man to his equally vile father and progenitor, Icarus has been under strict training from Adam since the moment he could use his abilities, and with it has come a sense of power and control that has since festered into a sick sense of entitlement. Perverse, obsessive, possessive and violent, if Icarus’s ability to form barbed wire from his energy isn’t the most fitting power for him, then his ability to make you feel like he’s crawling inside your head is.”
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Dirk Gently//Icarus
having brainrot over icarus by bastille again
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gourmetpanic · 2 years
Concept: Mona and Dirk cuddling (Mona is the big spoon and Dirk is the little spoon)
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apollos-boyfriend · 7 months
something they don’t tell you about being autistic is that every character you write WILL end up autistic/autistic-coded whether you like it or not
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sprouttiff · 2 years
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some doodles from work featuring some of my comic characters
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mynabirb · 5 months
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melting wings were worth it to meet you
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guardianofnightmares · 3 months
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Faint beam of artificial light from a surface danced off yellow armor of an Autobot, giving it a color of a newborn star. Bumblebee graced the Decepticon with a broad smile, its warmth making the hostile gloom around his facial features to dissipate.
To Blitzwing a minibot reminded a stray ray of hope which arrived to safe lost souls from a long dead and forgotten world.
A true rising sun in the realm of darkness.
Alright, fellas, next entry to the @blitzbee-week event is finally here)). The prompt of the second day was "Sunrise" and I decided to go more figuratively with it rather then depicting a literal "appearance of the sky" at a particular part of a day. As you can guess by a provided description, Bee basically becomes a "leading star" for a brooding Blitzwing, who, as it seems, is not that thrilled by discovery of his partner.
Just as a previous entry to a mentioned event, this picture is dedicated to my fanfic called "TFA: Icarus". Here's a [link] for the series "folder" which also includes an existing teaser (future prologue) for a story if anyone wants to give it a try. Again, can not thank you enough for all the support you've shown for it so far, I will try my best to come up with updates soon enough.
As it usually goes with such works of mine, I will provide the full snippet of one of chapters, which a depicted scene is taken from, under a cut line for anyone wishing to read more about the scene. Hope you'll enjoy it)
To the surprise of many comrades he’d worked with, the Triplechanger proved to be the most patient mech on a team when it came to long lasting missions. Usually he didn’t find it difficult to lay low and wait for orders to come, even if it meant to stay idle for several solar cycles. It was a useful trait of character which Decepticon rightfully prided himself of. 
Yet, even a seemingly boundless patience had its limits. 
“Can you see anything of use out there?” Blitzwing finally asked his unfortunate “partner in crime”.
A brightly colored mech slipped on the spot upon hearing Con’s voice but managed to regain his balance. 
“Not yet, Blitzwing, give me a klik!” A minibot shouted over his shoulder, holding on the steel bar for dear life. “Climbing is not as easy as I’m surely making it look in your optics.”
If Bumblebee planed to cheer up a Warframe with such a comment, he failed miserably, for it only seemed to sour up an already bad mood of a tall mech. 
To a Decepticon, it felt like forever since the minibot began his ascend up a steep scarp of a crumbled wall. One would think that, thanks to his light frame, he’d manage to reach the top level in no time. But even this uneven terrain, made of torn sheets of metal and broken cables, proved to be a challenge to an agile Autobot. 
The damned energy chain, which linked limbs of both mechs to each other, clearly was the greatest obstacle for Bumblebee, barely giving him a chance to move as far away from a somber mech as possible. Not to mention that a Decepticon was forced to stand on one pede in order to accommodate his companion’s slow conquest of new heights. 
Admittedly, a Triplechanger considered an option of tearing the bug’s pede he’s bound to off. But that type of cuffs always latched onto anything in their vicinity (while being activated). Meaning, the chances of getting tied to a nearby wall, as a result of said actions, reached more than 90%. 
Tearing his own pede off was not part of a Warframe’s plans. 
“If you haven’t noticed it yet, Bumblebee Prime, we don’t have plenty of time left to hide in these tunnels,” A “former” convict grumbled in response while surveying his surroundings for an up-tenth time. He didn’t notice how a Bot winced at the mention of his new title.
Minibot knew he deserved that snide remark. But it did not make him feel better about his recent promotion to an Elite Guard. Or about a decision to become one for that matter. The decision which led to a situation where an Autobot and a Decepticon got lost under an Iacon city. 
They had to hide in maintenance tunnels from the times prior to a Great War. Tunnels built by Decepticons for Autobots’ use, and left by them to slowly rot in an utter disrepair after the said War was officially ended. Sealed off since the banishment of Warframes from Cybertron, eventually the structure turned into an urban myth not many of currently living mechs remember or even know about.
An old complex Blitzwing and Bumblbee were currently navigating in was once part of the major supportive structure. Meant to protect veins and tubes once full of energon, that section was made of sturdy materials which stoically passed the test of time. 
The Decepticon would’ve lied if he’d said he’s not pleasantly surprised by that discovery. 
But it did not bright up his mood by much - they still needed to find a way to the surface level of a planet. 
“Foolish of me to expect a scout with no field experience to do a Warframe’s job,” the mech muttered under his breath, words bitter on his glossa. “Perhaps I should have been the one to search for an exit after all”.
Blitzwing had no intent for the last sentence to be heard by his peer, but an aforementioned scout, apparently, had nicely tuned audials. 
“And to risk exposing your Decepticon signature to raging authorities? No, thanks!” Bumblebee chirped after successfully reaching for a rod sticking out of a long abandoned structure. “It was already enough of me putting everything at risk by making stupid decisions - I don’t want to see you following my lead.”
Somehow the fact that a minibot admitted his mistakes helped to somewhat cool Blitzwing down. He said nothing in return but did glance at him once prior returning to surveying desolated surroundings. 
Bumbler’s changed since the promotion to the ranks of an Elite Guard. He seemed to act more mature, even if he’s still naive about most things happening around him. For strangers it’d be an unexpected change of character for such an optimistic and energetic Bot as Bumblebee. But Blitzwing was no random outsider, whether he liked to be on closer terms with a current companion of his or not. 
Death of a teammate has effected the minibot on a much deeper level then he’d ever admit to anybody, even to himself. Yet, despite how horrible it might’ve sounded, the Decepticon thought that that was an important lesson every soldier had to live through. And as a mech, who’s witnessed deaths of many of his comrades throughout the Great War, he had to agree that Bumbler was holding up pretty well for someone so inexperienced in mentioned matters. 
Even Blitzwing, who did not know Prowl as well as a yellow Bot did, felt the loss of a mech effecting him as well to a certain degree. No matter how secluded and cold the cyber-ninja seemed to be, he always had a special aura around him, the one that made people feel at ease in his presence. Though how he could so freely speak to a Con about importance of life and probability of peace among Cybertronians remained a mystery to him to that solar cycle.  
What was that thing black and golden Autobot’s talking about during the last conversation of theirs? 
“To have Faith not in Primus, not in The Allspark, but in each other”?
What exactly made him see it being possible back then and, especially, at a current stage of the reignited conflict between factions? Triplechanger had no answer to that question either. He didn’t view how the world should work the same way Prowl did. Could not fully comprehend the intricacies of a philosophy of an Autobot, but, at least, did not lack the courage to make it very clear during a mentioned discussion of theirs.
Blitzwing didn’t have Faith in anyone anymore, and he surely wouldn't in a foreseen future. 
For who could remain being supportive of their unhelpful, unwanted partn-… Autobot, while being lost in Allspark forsaken place with no means of escape?
“… -es! I see the gap in a wall!.. Blitzwing, I actually see it!”
The joyful voice tore Triplechanger from a deep melancholy state he slipped into while looking down a dark tunnel to his left. He raised his ruby optics, their faint glow barely lighting sharp features of his blue faceplates.
“Right where you’ve predicted it to be,” The Autobot added after turning around in order to face his unfortunate companion, unintentionally giving him quite a peculiar view of his small form.
Faint beam of artificial light from a surface danced off yellow armor of an Autobot, giving it a color of a newborn star. Bumblebee graced the Decepticon with a broad smile, its warmth making the hostile gloom around his facial features to dissipate.
To Blitzwing a minibot reminded a stray ray of hope which arrived to safe lost souls from a long dead and forgotten world.
A true rising sun in the realm of darkness.
Blitzwing huffed in mild annoyance at himself and his artistic side of a processor - it was not the right moment for poetic comparisons. Hope and Faith had no place in a situation he was stuck in, only cold calculations. He and Bumbler had to get out of that place, no matter the cost. And the sooner they’d get rid of an energy chain, the better.
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hellfirenacht · 5 months
I see your over dramatic and needy Eddie and raise you this; Eddie who's been hyper independent since he was a kid and never had anyone to lean in for emotional support. Eddie who's clumsy in a relationship because he can absolutely give you attention when you ask for it, but has no idea how to ask for it himself.
Eddie, who you have to have a talk about emotional needs and that sometimes you'd like some attention without asking, and Eddie has no idea how to do that. He barely knows how attention works outside of being loud and playing music and telling stories.
Eddie doesn't know how to ask for attention like this. He doesn't even know what kind of attention he WANTS in a relationship.
He starts asking if you want him to hold your hand. He asks if you want to go out to get food. He asks you if you want to cuddle, or watch TV or do anything with him.
At first, you think it's him putting emotional labor on you. But then you realize what's going on; Eddie has been so severely emotionally neglected, this is his only way of asking for attention. He's so used to being told no, to being blown off, to having his needs ignored. Asking if YOU want to him to hold your hand is easier than asking to hold your hand and getting shot down.
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oglagold · 5 months
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Perhaps we'll see someone else make another Project DIVA in another 25 years
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hjbirthdaywishes · 1 year
April 25, 2023
Happy 43 Birthday to Samuel Barnett. 
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starry-bi-sky · 1 year
Clone Danny Masterpost
So its been like, almost a week since the first part of clone danny came out and, in unsurprising Starry fashion, I already have six parts out. Granted they're not very long but six parts ARE six parts, so here is a masterpost!
Part 1. Danny Fenton Lives!! And also becomes a vigilante
Part 2. More Danny Fenton Trying To Be Phantom
Part 3. Danny finds out he's a clone. Oh and look Bruce is here too
Part 4. What to do when your genetic donor is suddenly in the same building as you: a guide to avoidance
Part 4.5. Dani's Got The Scary Dog Privileges: More On That Here
Part 5. Damian is a menace, and so is Ellie, actually.
Part 6. The Waynes Leave, finally!… And Danny ends up in Gotham
Part 7. Danny's still in Gotham. Send Help
Part 7.5. Remember Dan in part 2? he's back in an interlude :)
Part 8. Danny Gets His Phone Call
Memes PT1 Memes PT2
A Reflection On Danny's Reaction To Being A Clone
Au of an Au: combining two clones Clone^2 snippets More Clone^2 danny's hands
Danny becoming Phantom (Clone^2 AND Clone Danny applicable)
Starry geeks out about her unintentionally putting meaning behind Danny being Phantom without powers.
Tag for @gin2212 bc you wanted one when the masterpost went out
#danny fenton is a clone#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp crossover#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#i have no idea how to disable comments on here without disabling the reblogs however#want everyone to know that i nearly got a heartattack this morning when the dpxdc 'please tag correctly' blog reblogged my pt6 post#i thought i was getting a passive aggressive reblog and im still not sure if it was one or not#'in true starry fashion i have already written six parts to this au' has the same vibes as when i was chugging out 5k chapters every other-#day when i was writing project icarus#comments fuel me lowkey#will get started on pt7 prolly sometime today before i lose the brrrrrrrr#my friend lilly calls me a content machine bc i always have a new idea every day#my 'danny is a variant of jason' au#my 'danny is a variant of bruce' au (with kids attached)#my 'danny is thomas wayne' au#my 'danny is damian's older brother' au#so many aus so little time#'danny being a variant of jason' is a favorite of mine because i get to do whatever i want with it <3#it means i can have danny's name literally be jason but it was changed to danny by his parents bc he refused to give them his name#when they kidnapped him off the street <3#it also means that i can have Jazz and his friends be the only ones who get to call him Jay <3#the shenanigans of danny ending up in the DC universe and giving the Bat Nest a scare of a lifetime <3#'Daniel Jason Fenton-Todd' is what Jazz calls him when she's pissed#danny lowkey prefers the name Jason but settles for Danny#but thats an au for another post
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bees-bees-fear · 1 month
On the topic of "don't pre-order games! Wait until you know it's a finished product!"
Stop playing Early Access titles. Unless it's a "pre-order and play 3 days early" you're not accessing anything early. That's the state of the game in the now. That's what it is. You're paying full price for an unfinished product, with no promise it ever will be finished.
I'm so tired of seeing a new game "come out" and it's not finished, and I have two choices
Wait for it to actually be finished, perhaps over a year from now. Get hype for it. Watch other people have fun playing it. It comes out. I've lost interest in the meantime. It is now an "old" game despite just now coming out. It's old news. It was a flavor of the month last year
Or actually play Early Access. Do all the stuff there is to do. It's not much. Kind of boring. Frustrated that I'm locked out of so much content. Wait a few patch cycles for it to be "really good" and before I decide to come back to it because there's enough new content compared to when I played. That day never comes. The game is released. I only really remember that it was a percentage of being considered fun and it wasn't really that good, and I don't want to replay back through all the progress I've lost. I don't feel like playing on release.
EA is inherently a cash grab. Its either a death knell for a studio desperate to finish a project, or it's outsourced QA that pays the dev. It's not a fun little treat for all our devoted fans who really just want to help out the little guy.
They've turned "gamers don't want us releasing unfinished games" in their favor. They flipped it onto you where you're perfectly excited to be SOLD an unfinished game, on purpose, to your face.
All of this obviously with a grain of salt. BG3 clearly had a full game waiting in the wings you were just locked out of. Likely the same with Hades II right now. But take the time to consider if you're just burning yourself out on a game that you won't be able to come back and enjoy when it's actually done. Consider if it even seems like it will ever be done.
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