#Project M-15
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insomniasdelusion · 5 months ago
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Project M-14 and M-15.
[Hunter and Hound.]
There is currently no photo to use for experiment M-14.
The Hunter is a failed project, meant to see if we could possibly make humans quicker underwater.
DNA Mixes.
-Mugger Crocodile.
-Sand tiger shark.
-Oceanic white-tip shark.
Test M-14 had originally been a felon convicted with arson and genocide, having set a neighborhood aflame on two-forty three am.
The looks they had taken during the experiments was odd. They had a lower body exactly like the crocodile they had been tested with, though matched with a sharks dorsal fin and tail. Eyes had some reason grown onto the tail, each looked different constantly. The largest eye always was glaring harshly at the scientists, guards, or other patients. The hadn’t been a pupil and the iris seemed deformed and constantly moving, not trying to stop. The lower eye always avoided contact, it stayed glossy and rarely moved from its downward position. The eye above the main was constantly shifting to look around, it was swirled and never stopped moving. The final eye had been positioned slightly off to the left, it functioned as normal, looked to the person who was speaking and sometimes seemed to stare into the abyss. We believe there had been an accidental mix of eyefestations DNA into M-14.
Moving to M-14 facial features, they only had one eyes on their face, the other one had been clawed out by said subject with the constant screaming that it was too bright. The guards had unfortunately failed to stop them, so an empty socket rests on their face. The other one however, never closed, the eye moved oddly. Mixing into small shapes as to show if the patient was awake, alerted, uncomfortable, or distressed.
They had odd like shark fins on their head, moving around and flicking like ears, we are not sure why they had formed.
M-14 has very sharp teeth, they can and will bite. Many guards have sustained injuries and limb loss due to this so it’s suggested to stay back or subdue the patient before entry.
We have learned that the patient has sensitive eyes, using a flash beacon can stun them up to five to ten seconds. It gives us further evidence to believe that their DNA had gotten mixed with eyefestaions.
Though do be wary and use the flash beacon sparsely, the patient will become more aggressive and agitated.
M-14 is a generally neutral presence when not being experimented with or being agitated, they often sit in their cell playing with project M-15, assumedly had originally been the patients pet before all this. Nobody is quite sure why they were permitted to keep the animal, but it made a good testing ground for other mammals.
It has been seen if someone is to cause harm to the project M-15, patient M-14 will start a rampage of sorts. Screaming, growling, hissing, and causing mass damage. Intent on ripping apart the person who hurt their ‘friend’.
During this time, it’s smartest and safest to put the cell on lock down and wait for M-14 to calm down. Ignore the pleading. Ignore the begging. And ignore the crying. Subject is aggressive and just trying to manipulate you, it is no longer human. Do not empathize.
INFORMATION ON SUBJECT M-14.—————————————————
•Height: 9ft (standing)
•Length: 16ft
•Weight: 1,634lbs
•Age: experimenting started at 18 so subject would be possibly 23 now.
OLD INFORMATION.————————————————
•Name: Oswald Reigns.
•Gender: Unconfirmed(?)
•Height: 5’3
•Weight: 160lbs
•Age: 18
The Hound despite its name is no dog and had originally been a one year old female grey, orange, and white calico cat.
Project M-15 had come down with patient M-14, why it had been allowed nobody was honestly sure.
M-15 is hissy and can be violent if not with M-14, at first it would cower in corners and run from the nearest human. Now you would have a good chance of losing a finger if to close.
DNA Mixes.
-Arabian Shark.
M-15 is around five feet tall, as long as an average sized human. It had fins resting on the sides of its head, attached to its ears. It has two eyes, each having an oddly shaped pupil. M-15 has fins attached to its front and back legs, as well as on its back which connects to the two the main and secondary dorsal fins. To many surprise, project M-15 is still oddly fluffy? As well it kept its original markings other than a few colors added, its fur still having orange, grey, and white.
M-15 will often wander around the abandoned facility, if an expendable is to pick it up, step on it, or flash it them M-15 will start to make a wailing noise that will attract M-14 or possibly even other entities. It’s best to hide in a locker until both M-14 and M-15 leave, if you fail to reach a safe spot in time flash M-14 and make a run for it.
If you are to kill project M-15, getting past M-14 will be significantly harder. Please be do mindful. Don’t take away their only friend it’s all they have left.
INFORMATION ON PROJECT M-15.—————————————————
•Height: 5’5ft
•Weight: 153lbs
•Age: test started at 1 years old, subject would possibly be 6 now.
OLD INFORMATION.—————————————————
•Name: Juno
•Gender: Female
•Height: 1’9ft
•Weight: 13lbs
•Age: 1
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seeminglyseph · 6 months ago
I know everyone hates M Knight Shyamalan's The Village, and "oooh it's modern day all along" seems like a lame twist, but consider:
A) wool cloaks fuck and that's always a cool look and I won't apologize for the fact that I definitely just wanted to wear cloaks instead of coats even though I live somewhere that experiences winters in Hardcore Mode and that was not viable
And B) the concept that your parents decided for you that you had to live in a dangerous and reductive environment and raised you on fear and punishment and secrecy because they hated the way society was developing and didn't want you to have access or choice was like. Extremely real fore as someone raised Catholic with multiple friends raised either Jehovah's Witness or Mormon. Like, obviously, it was extremely exaggerated as a 2000s horror-thriller type movie, but like.
It's no Lady in the Water. I honestly haven't seen The Village in a bit, but in concept, I think it does make sense as a cult movie. It's just that too much is like... "oooo it's a twist!" Rather than, like... "damn, the adults of this movie have a cult compound that they have used to isolate, indoctrinate, and control their children, literally creating and becoming monsters that haunt and torment them to keep them in line to maintain a way of life in line with their own moral values"
And like. If you look at it through the lens of like. The emotional impact of how much betrayal goes on within the film in the families and the cult and for the children who had no choice to be there and no information, like. That's much more impactful than simply "it was modern day all along"
It's "your parents have been lying to you all along, and all of your pain and fear has served no greater purpose. Half of these rules were not to keep you safe. They were to make you obey, and you have no way of knowing which are which. The people you trust have deeply and intentionally fractured your relationship with reality as a way to keep you contained and docile and under control. You have been betrayed on the most fundamental level by the people who were supposed to raise you and guard you and keep you safe."
And that's like. That's good horror that sticks in the back of your brain forever? Idk. Maybe my imaginary Village is better than the real Village but like. I think it's a better movie than it gets credit for.
And I want more excuses to wear wool cloaks, like damn.
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androcola · 27 days ago
i think sometime in '65 when mike and micky were living together , mike started to have somewhat of a spiritual crisis because he started feeling overly guilty about abandoning the religion he was raised with.
mostly just thinking about his family and more about the fact that he abandoned his family, but the feeling was kinda misplaced. so I think he tried going to a church in LA but got really scared and intimidated because it's hard to just Go to a new church, and also they're so much bigger than the one in his town he grew up going to. but I think he brought a bible home.
Micky is an atheist though so I think he kept the bible hidden becahse he felt like micky might make fun of him, or that he was disrespecting micky by bringing a bible into his home. I think he hid it Under mickys bed which he shared with him, cuz usually micky doesn't go under there for anything. but I think he found it one night after accidentally dropping his eyeglasses down there and mike was really embarrassed but micky was definitely cool about it. I think he really sympathized with mikes feelings of guilt, although I think he could tell that they were misplaced. I think he knew mikes guilt really came from feeling like he had abandoned his family, not his religion, but his religion was kinda mixed into his family deeply so it wasn't a hard landing to make.
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nico-the-overlord · 4 months ago
I loath how one of my teachers handles grading and time allotted for assignments it is killing me slowly
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boopidyboopidyboop · 10 months ago
It's because they don't buy the sink and the faucet as a set and they buy the cheapest fucking faucet every time because the difference between the shitty short ones and the taller and longer ended ones is about three times the price if the garbage short ones and I'm mad about it every time I see that the people who hired me have already picked out bathroom fixtures and they didn't check if they can even fit their hands under the goddamn water and then they ask me to fix it AFTER we install the damn sink and they confirm that yes they don't want to spend the extra 15 dollars it'll take to make sure the countertop isn't constantly wet because of this goddamn faucet
why are bathroom sinks designed like that. infuriating
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fading-event-608 · 4 months ago
Help Falstin's family survive and escape genocide in Gaza and win hand-made Palestinian thob!
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What can you win?
A Palestinian thob made by Palestinian hands, tailored for you. Thobes are traditional dresses worn in Palestine and are embroidered with tatreez patterns of various colors (usually mainly red) on black cloth - you can see the example in the poster.
Who will you help?
24 people trapped in Gaza who desperately need funds for their survival and evacuation. Falastin's family already has a lot of martyrs and they were displaced more than 20 times leaving them with very little possessions. It has been extremely hard for them to meet their basic needs, and they need all the help they can get to purchase food, water and medicine (which are incredibly expensive as there is very little aid entering Gaza) as well as shelter, fuel and clothing as it's getting cold.
Gofundme donation link
PayPal donation link
Please fill out this form after donating: https://forms.gle/1JPkqoab55bxC3iS8
More detailed info under the cut:
We accept both PayPal and Gofundme donations: 50 USD for one PayPal entry; 500 SEK for one Gofundme entry (500 SEK is around 47 USD so it's a slight discount!)
Only donations done after the raffle start (October 19th, since making this post) will count for entries. Additionally, every three weeks starting from today, one winner will be chosen and all entries for that period will be reset. The winner will be given 48 hours to respond and if they do not then we will choose another one from that time period.
Dates for raffle resets:
1) 9th of November - first winner 2) 30th of November - second winner 3) 21st of December - third winner
The winner announcement will be done on those Saturdays at 15:00 (3 PM) GMT (that's 10 AM EST).
Right now we are a little over 12k USD (counting both PayPal and Gofundme) but most of it came in the last several weeks. So we aim to get another 12k USD/126k SEK (again both PayPal and Gofundme) by the end of the first raffle round.
You can enter as many times as you want and can stack entries over time (so one 2000 SEK donation will be 4 entries, or two donations 75 USD and 25 USD will count as 2 entries). Because there will be 3 rotations, if your donations fall short of the minimum donation in the first/second rounds, you can still qualify for the next until your total exceeds the entry cost. For example, if you donated 40 USD in the first rotation you will not enter the first raffle round but can still enter second one if you donate another 10 USD. Another example: if you donated 120 USD in the first time period you can donate another 30 in the next one for one entry. You can enter second or third time even if you won previously.
After you have made the donation(s) required for at least one entry you need to fill out the form: [link]. You will be asked to provide a proof of your donation, your email address (or discord handle) and (optionally) Tumblr/Instagram username. An email address or Discord is required for contact purposes, as there is a possibility that either me of Falastin could be restricted or suspended on Tumblr, but we will contact you on your preferred platform if we can.
One thob will roughly take 3 weeks to complete so please be patient - you will be contacted by your preferred method for any questions after you won and when the shipment starts.
Shipment is covered for Europe, but if you are living outside of that region you will need to cover the shipment cost yourself.
You also need to be comfortable with sharing following info with us privately if if you win the raffle:
address and name for the shipment;
your measures or general size (S, M, L, etc) for tailoring.
You can ask any questions me here on Tumblr or send an email to [email protected].
Vetting info: #282 in El-Shab-Hussein and Nabulsi's spreadsheet [here], #957 in the Butterfly Project spreadsheet [here] Falastin's account: [link]
Donation links again:
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luviestarz · 2 months ago
jungkook fic recs! 💘 part 3
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★ starry night (m) | jjk - @kithtaehyung (all you wanted to do was take your boyfriend on a super late date.)
★ Millisecond - @kookiepleasee (Jungkook just can’t get enough of you, but is too afraid to make a move, so he just admires you from afar, every day.)
★ Home: risky birthday 🔞 - @bonny-kookoo (In which you really don't know how he talked you into this.)
★ just a little... | jjk drabble - @soft4gguk
★ "big tiddie anime bitches" | jjk - @h0neypjm (Jungkook, bless his heart, has an obsession. An obsession with big titty anime girls and the idea of you dressed as them. His birthday is coming up, what better time to fulfil his weeb fantasies than on Jungkook's special day.)
★ WARM NIGHTS & CLEAR LINES — JJK (m.) - @awrkive (there haven't been a lot of people who have come into your life that became important to you – and you didn’t expect jeon jungkook to be one if it – not at all. but what started as a casual relationship turned into more than that, and now you find yourself deeply in love with him – and happily so. or; your first "i love you" comes out completely wrong.)
★ ( 전정국 ) . . . BURNING HOUR jeon jungkook - @jungqkook (there’s nothing better than spending an entire day at your boyfriend’s yatch, tanning and waiting for the sunset with a drink in your hand… too bad your boyfriend had other plans for you.)
★ fill with fire, exhale desire, m | jjk - @whatifyoulivelikethat (He smokes cigarettes. You hate it. You always have a lighter in your pocket. He is pissed off because it isn't for him, you say. So much is said, but the truth is in the silence.)
★ RAINY DAYS | JEON JUNGKOOK - PART ONE - @rklve (your life choices left not only yours, but jungkook's heart broken in peaces. now you're back in town, and just like pluto, even if it's cold and dark, he tends to orbit around his sun forever.)
★ Devoted to Trouble - @jeonsweetpea (In which the whole world finds out Jungkook is Spider-Man, but he doesn’t care about anything but you. OR Can you survive seven days of Jungkook pining over you while his identity is exposed to the world?)
★ whipped - JJK - @aquagustd (another day, another trend that you’re forced to participate in with your boyfriend. It was his idea but he somehow gets sidetracked, with his head between your thighs.)
★ campus affairs | jeon jungkook - @kooktrash (you transferred to a new college during second semester and you didn’t expect much excitement out for. that’s until jungkook came along and what had struggled to be a friendship was becoming so much more.)
★ [10:29pm] | jeon jungkook - @kookssin (established!relationship, smut, mirror sex)
★ Fall Back in Love | jjk - @bukguhope (jungkook somehow grew a reputation of sleeping around on campus, leaving him lonely and inexperienced with relationships. so when you, his old childhood best friend moves onto campus, he discovers what a relationship can feel like as he finds himself falling in love with you)
★ 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬: - @euphoricfilter (it’s not often your boyfriend calls you with a cryptic message to come over; especially when he’s meant to be at his parents’ place for the holidays.)
★ fast forward - JJK - @aquagustd (If every single person you knew was against you, it wouldn’t matter, doesn’t matter because Jungkook would be there for you. That’s why you don’t question his words when he repeats ‘I’ll be back’ one disconcerting morning, and you respond with ‘I know. I trust you.’ He’ll make you eat your words.)
★ paired & puppy-eyed | jjk - @yoon-kooks (When Jeon Jungkook agrees to be your partner for a class project, he doesn’t realize what that might escalate to until you show up at his door in a teeny-tiny crop top and cling to his tattooed arm like his naughty little kitten.)
★ risqué ; timestamp #15 - @mercurygguk
★ LOVE ME | JJK - @wnderkoo (I guess I'm just a sucker for love.)
★ CRIMINAL ! ... halloween special - @voyter (your boyfriend ends up loving your costume idea for the two of you more than he initially lets on.)
★ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢 - @pennyellee (You, a determined fashion designer, find yourself entangled in a collaboration with the irresistibly charming and egotistic heartthrob, Jeon Jungkook. Will this partnership remain strictly professional, or will he make the lines blur?)
★ grumpy!jk - @awrkive (jungkook is usually a nice guy from the way he interacts with other people – but the only exception comes to you. and you can't figure out why.)
★ MOTHERFUCKIN’ TRAIN WRECK! ⋆ 정국 - @lovieku (when renowned fuckboy jeon jeongguk catches feelings, he loses his mind. only when it comes to you, though.)
★ CRAZY | JJK (Part 1) - @girlygguk (you know it sounds twisted. that most people would see hyungwon as the perfect boyfriend. healthy, balanced, all the things that relationships should be. that’s when you realized... you weren't like most people. but that's okay. because neither is jungkook.)
★ metro inhabitant!Jungkook x survivor!female reader - @runariya
★ Closer To You - JJK (18+) - @back2bluesidex (You know that you and Jeongguk are completely different individuals from every possible aspect, and there is no future of this relationship but you can’t push him away, not when he only wants to come closer to you.)
★ next door - jjk - @sugaimhome (Jungkook is obsessed with you. All because of some badly designed architecture and house planning, he’d do anything for you, and when he sees you struggling to orgasm, he takes matters into his own hands... or camera.)
★ PRESSED IN THE STEAM - @97kuu (There is only so much he can handle visually of your wet, hot and exposed body in an a private onsen before his member starts craving more than simple touches and thrusts between your thighs.)
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dandelionsresilience · 7 days ago
Dandelion News - February 15-21
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my Dandelion Doodles!
1. Solar farms managed for nature boost bird abundance and diversity, new study finds
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“There were more than twice as many farmland birds in the well-managed solar farms compared with the intensively farmed land, and nearly 16 times as many woodland birds. […] Overall, diversity was 2.5 times higher, while woodland birds were nine times more diverse.”
2. Washington judge blocks Trump’s gender-affirming care ban, says it's unconstitutional in multiple ways
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“This marks the second time in a week that a judge has stood in the way of Trump’s attacks on trans kids. [… The ruling grants] a temporary restraining order that halts enforcement of provisions in Trump’s directive that would cut off federal funding to medical institutions that provide gender-affirming care to minors.”
3. Fog harvesting could provide water for arid cities
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“17,000 sq m of mesh could produce enough water to meet the weekly water demand of [… the] urban slums. 110 sq m could meet the annual demand for the irrigation of the city's green spaces. Fog water could be used for soil-free (hydroponic) agriculture, with yields of 33 to 44lb (15 to 20kg) of green vegetables in a month.”
4. Audubon Applauds Bipartisan Federal Effort to Protect Delaware River Basin with Critical Reauthorization Bill
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“The bill would […] ensure long-term conservation and restoration efforts, expand the official definition of the basin to include Maryland, and prioritize projects that serve small, rural, and disadvantaged communities. […] The watershed provides important year-round habitats and critical migratory stopovers for approximately 400 bird species[….]”
5. mRNA vaccines show promise in pancreatic cancer in early trial
“Half of the people in the study — eight of the participants — responded to the vaccine, producing T cells that targeted their tumors. […] Just two of the patients who had a response to the vaccine had their cancer return during the three-year follow- up, compared to seven of the eight who did not respond to the vaccine treatments.”
6. Minn. Lt. Gov. Flanagan Makes It Official; She's running for U.S. Senate
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“[Flanagan has] “championed kitchen-table issues like raising the minimum wage, paid family and medical leave, and free school meals.” If elected, Flanagan, a tribal citizen of the White Earth Nation, would become the first Native American female U.S. senator in history.”
7. Federal Funding Restored for Low-Income Alabama Utility Assistance After Outcry
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“A program meant to help low-income Alabamians pay their utility bills has resumed two weeks after it was canceled due to an executive order from President Donald Trump. […] “We can confirm the funds are reaching those affected by the previous pause[….]””
8. Modeling study suggests Amazon rainforest is more resilient than assumed
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“[Previous] studies were either conducted with global climate models that used a simplified representation of convection [or were on a regional scale….] According to the computations, mean annual precipitation in the Amazon does not change significantly even after complete deforestation.“
9. States are moving forward with Buy Clean policies despite Trump reversal
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““Buy Clean is a great example of how states and other nonfederal actors can continue to press forward on climate action, regardless of what the federal government does,” said Casey Katims, executive director of the U.S. Climate Alliance, a bipartisan coalition of two dozen governors.”
10. The rewilded golf courses teeming with life
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“A wildflower meadow, ponds, scrub habitat, coastline and even an area of peat bog can be found on this little 60-acre (24-hectare) plot, which boasts roe deer, otters, lizards, eels and a huge array of insects and birds.”
February 8-14 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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oatmealwrites · 2 months ago
JJK Mens' New Year Sex Resolutions!
(fem. reader )
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The 2025 resolutions of your favorite JJK men! How they want to start the new year with a bang!
Characters: Nanami Kento, Choso Kamo, Geto Suguru, Gojo Satoru, Higuruma Hiromi, Ryomen Sukuna
Tags: p in v, orgasm, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (m & f receiving), public sex, car sex, lazy sex, anal, rimjobs, fingering, blindfolded, nudes, cuck, 18+, MDNI, NSFW
A/N: not proofread, just threw this together hehe
Nanami Kento - Public Sex
You and Nanami have a routine and regular sex life that fits perfectly into both of your schedules. It’s final exam week at your uni and you’re stressed? He’s already checked your exam schedule and makes sure to fuck you senseless as soon as you’re home from the last final. He has a big project due at work soon? You already know he can spare 15 minutes to have you suck him off in the home office! The resolution to make it even better? More public sex!
This is because you and Nanami have already banged against every orifice in your apartment. He’s already filled you up with his cum in a mating press on the living room floor next to the coffee table.
Public Sex is his resolution because while yes, he loooves to take his time with you, taking the initiative is something he wants to get better at. In the car on the way to a big presentation: he’d love to empty his balls into your cute little mouth. At the mall and trying on a new dress: let’s see how it looks from below when you ride his face in the large dressing room stall.
The thought of being caught and ruining the ‘put together’ facade is enough to make his cock twitch painfully in his slacks. When he sees you hop in his car wearing the sluttiest little skirt, that you swear you didn't know showed off your panties when you bend over, would be hiked up to your waist while you ride him in the back seat. (of course the car is parked… in the parking lot of your uni ;) ) 
Overall, Nanami will still take his time with you and be the perfect gentleman he is…. He just wants to show you how much you mean to him in the moment as well. Fogged car windows and dressing room noise complaints are in your sex future for 2025!
Choso Kamo - Nudes
You and Choso have a very passionate and playful sex life that’s incredibly fulfilling. He’s a gamer (headcanon) and loves when you tease him while he’s on the mic with his friends (Inumaki and Yuji always make fun of him). Choso gets so hard he has to mute his mic and listen to his friends make fun of his shitty KDA while he’s balls deep in your pussy while you ride him. You also loveee the way he’s always trying to learn about you and your body better; he literally begs you to let him finger and eat you out because he wants to be the best boyfriend ever! So what could make your sex life better than extending it to photos and videos!
He of course would never make you send something you didn’t want to do (fucking you irl is best the thing ever anyways) … he’d be fine sending you nudes even if you didn’t reciprocate.
BUT, if you did want to partake and send Nudes …
He would get so hard seeing a ‘ping’ on discord and opening it to a photo of your hard nipples through your baby t-shirt. Or imagine you’re at work/cramming for exams and you get an audio message of him moaning your name while he’s jerking himself off. Choso would go ahead and buy the 2TB storage of Google Photos to make room for everything. Every photo he sends of his painful erection in gray sweatpants would be favorited, and every lingerie mirror selfie you send goes straight to ‘my eyes only’. (let him take your photo after he cums on your tits and he’ll even consider buying a ring for your pretty little finger)
Even if you two travel or spend the night with friends, there will always be a steamy video/photo/audio waiting in your messages to keep you company. Messages with the subject ‘don’t open in public’ are in your sex future for 2025!
Geto Suguru - Anal
Ok so to start, you and Suguru are very content with your current sex life as is. There is no better feeling than the delicious sting of his cock splitting you open while fucks you drunk, and no better sight than seeing his hot cum spilling out your weeping cunt. Suguru never oversteps a boundary, grateful to have you in his life through every dark and depressing moment he has; and you’re so lucky to have a boyfriend that would literally destroy the entire world if it made you happy.
That being said, whenever he has you in doggy, he can’t help but look at the other puckering hole. He swears it winks at him. In 2025, it would start naturally: by him just dragging a finger on your rim, and him casually licking lower to graze your asshole every time he eats you out. If you notice and call him out, he would act casually that he was curious and would stop right away if you were uncomfortable. 
BUT, if you’re into it and want to explore that side? He’s more than enthusiastic to try Anal. Suguru would purchase more than enough lube to coat one finger and work its way into your ass while the other hand rubs circles on your clit to keep you stimulated. Words of praise leave his lips with every act; he’s only quiet when you let him eat out both holes. (he would also consider letting you eat his ass… it happens when you’re sucking his cock and your finger grazes his balls and asshole… it makes his mind open a bit)
If you get to the point you want him to fuck you that way, he’s so slow and patient with you. Enough lube to turn the bed into a slip and slide, and vibrator on your clit to keep you on edge, Suguru would start out slow before fucking you into the mattress. His new favorite sight is seeing his hot cum seep out of your cunt and ass while you’re wearily panting from such intense orgasms. 
Water-based lube and small butt plugs are in your sex future for 2025!
Gojo Satoru - Lazy Sex
Ok, hear me out, because Satoru is so damn busy all the time, and despite his carefree attitude, he would want some slow sex in 2025. He’s constantly traveling for jobs, ‘educating the youth’, and running the household of his own family, so a lot of times this leads to passionate and intense sex whenever the moment arises. Fucking in the backseat of a car (with the divider up, so there’s some privacy), while Ichiji is trying not to crash at the sounds of moans filling the air, sucking him off with only 10 minutes to spare before his next meeting, and riding his face while Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara blow up his phone asking what the next lesson is. It’s amazing, but exhausting.
Neither of you are unsatisfied, but this year he wants to take his time.
Lazy Sex applies to the soft side Satoru has (which most people in his life forget about considering he's constantly viewed as only a weapon).
2025 will bring slow sex in bed on Sunday mornings before either of you get up. Soft kisses on the back of your neck while his erection grinds into your ass, Satoru would hike your leg up and slide in. Lazy thrusts, open mouth kisses, and light praises make up the scene; the gentle sunlight on your face when you cum is enough to make Satoru’s heart do backflips. 
Lazy sex would also be riding him in your shared apartment, movie on the television, and dinner ready on the table but long forgotten. He’d hold your gaze and whimper everytime you praised him and acknowledged how good he was making you feel. Though his schedule rarely allows it, Satoru would love slow sex with tooth-rottingly sweet aftercare. Cuddles and slow kisses with limbs intertwined, a quiet moment with you could satiate him for a lifetime.
With Satoru, fuzzy throw blankets and warm baths together post-fuck are in your sex future for 2025!
Higuruma Hiromi - Blindfold
Higuruma and you have a great sex life currently, making time for each other in between work and daily activities; you’re both super satisfied. He loves when you ride his face and rut against his slutty nose, creating moans from your lips so angelic he’s sure this is heaven. And despite his attentive nature to you, the way he bullies his cock into your cunt has you wondering if he secretly hates you. 
This year, he wants to try something new..well, new in the bedroom. Everyone knows justice is blind… so why not bring that into the bedroom with a Blindfold in 2025?
He approaches you with his satin black tie one evening, awkwardly wondering if he could cover your pretty eyes while you two had sex. What you weren’t expecting was the way every sensation was heightened. Each thrust of his cock into your snug cunt had his cock kissing your cervix so much better than it ever felt before. Seeing his cum drip out of your pussy from the mating press you were currently in, your eyes still covered as pants escaped your lips, have Higuruma ready for round 2 or 3/4/5/6..
After using his tie on you, it doesn’t take much convincing to use it on him. At first he’s a cheater, lifting up the fabric to watch the way your tits bounce as you ride him into oblivion; he only stops when you pry his hands away from his face. The pleasure of the sensation has him wondering why you both hadn’t tried this sooner! Though of course he still likes to watch your eyes roll back in your skull when his cock splits you open… so maybe he can use his tie to tie you up? Maybe in 2026…
With Higuruma, get ready for satin ties and blindfolds in your sex future for 2025. 
Ryomen Sukuna - Live Studio Audience!
Now, Sukuna is a man with a big ego (and big cocks), so he’s always trying to find new ways to make your mind drunk in pleasure. Any position is ok with him, and he’s not threatened by sex toys… though if you cum, it HAS to be on his fingers, tongue, or cock. So when you’re already fucking in public areas and in the privacy of your home… what else is there than to bring someone else to the scene with a Live Studio Audience.
This isn’t a three-some, there’s no one else you need to satisfy your desires anyways, it’s a cuck. The idea of having someone else walk in while he’s balls deep in your cunt turns him on more than he would like to admit. A third party watching the way you come undone from his touch feeds Sukuna’s ego even more.
But if you were genuinely mortified, he wouldn’t keep leaving the door unlocked (on purpose). Sukuna also genuinely enjoys having his alone time with you; it’s nice to get away from the stupidity of everyone else and just ravish you for an evening. BUT, when he’s jealous or especially needy, having someone watch the way he’s ruining your cunt turns him on more than he’d ever admit. (never Yuji or Jin though… he’d rather die than his family watch the way he’s about to continue the bloodline)
With Sukuna, unlocked doors and a chair conveniently facing the bed are in your sex future for 2025.
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this is my first post like this! lmk if you like this style in addition to longer fics and one-shots! (also idk where this idea even came from, i had 5 hours till ball drop and decided why not)
likes/reblogs/comments all appreciated
happy new years everyone! ╰(´︶`)╯♡
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bernardsbendystraws · 2 months ago
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Fresh Air
Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Check out my pinned post for more of my writing.
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FINAL
Summary: One night at a party seems to change everything. A strange man with a friendly smile and a sleeve of patchwork tattoos seems to make you feel at home for a change. You're finally happy to have made a good friend to lean on - especially when it comes to your not-so-great relationship with your boyfriend. But what happens if you lean too much...what happens if you fall?
Warnings: 18+. This series contains mature themes, read at your own risk. (SMUT, angst, parental troubles, financial hardships, and more. Don't like, don't read.) This warning is made for all parts.
A/N: To be added to the taglist, send a request in my inbox or comment on the pinned post. I'm far more likely to see requests sent to my inbox.
With love and big tits, Rose.
06: A Little Blurry...
Matt’s arms swarmed around me, the heat between our bodies under the covers making me feel like a puddle of comfort. Stripes of light peeking through the blinds made the calm aura only grow, my skin feeling as soft as ever as I feel his fingers start to twindle hazily on my bare lower stomach. 
The more and more conscious thoughts that seeped in, the more my bones started to vibrate under my skin. What did I do? Did that really happen? Did I…did I cheat on my boyfriend? 
“Morning, dollface.” His hum is spoken with a gruff voice. As my senses start to wake with panic, I let myself feel the dry warmth between our bodies. Was it all just a dream? Is that still cheating? 
“Um…morning,” I sigh, chaotic thoughts starting to calm as I let my body melt back into his embrace. 
If it was just a dream, I wouldn’t feel like this. It’s definitely still cheating. This can’t be okay - I just cheated on someone. Fuck. 
Matt seems to notice my anxious energy. “Are you okay? Did you not sleep good?” he asks, peering over my shoulder to look down at my face. 
But I just can’t look at him. 
“I need to go. I…I need to go now.” 
Awkward and tense silence had infiltrated our normal relaxing drives as Matt dropped me off at my apartment. I couldn’t bring myself to explain, the mere thought of even saying such a thing out loud made me nauseous, it made my skin shrivel with disgust. 
I’m a cheater.
The one thing I never thought I’d say, the one thing that a younger version of me would be crushed to hear. 
He had told me to call him when I was ready to talk. But, what was there to talk about? I couldn’t even look at him without seeing the vicious guilt that poured down over my body like acid. It burned to know how utterly fucked I was - how my own stupidity had led to a mountain of grief and shame to deal with. 
I find myself clicking away at my phone until I reach her contact, tapping on the call button and bringing the phone up to my ear as I anxiously run my hand through my hair. “Hello?” Manon answers. My mouth opens and shuts, words stuck on the edge of my tongue as I feel my chest collapse harder and harder. 
“Could - could you, um,” the panic overrides my senses, words seeming harder to pull together as I let my fingers grip harder at my scalp. It hurts but at least I can feel it. And maybe I deserve the hurt too. 
“Are you okay? Hey,” she soothes, the jingling of keys projecting through the call as I hear her shuffle around, “-’m on my way. Take deep breaths, c’mon,” 
It’s like I can barely hear her. The urgency blasting about guilt and making decisions - it’s all too much. 
“-talked to…hello?” 
“I…can’t focus, I’m just - just - just panicking and I,” a cry fumbles from my lips as I clutch onto the thick fabric of the hoodie laying on my chest, almost as if I could try to claw the feeling out. 
“Breathe, I will be there soon, ke…” 
It’s like she just disappears. The subtle melody of her voice is heard, but no words are being processed in my brain - only guilt. 
I cheated on someone. 
I’m a cheater. 
I didn’t even deserve to be upset, but here I was, crumbling to the floor as I gripped onto Matt’s hoodie covering my body, the soft material starting to feel like a brutal exfoliant, only emphasizing that rotten disappointment echoing through my mind. 
Even imaging the look on Hayden’s face felt like death. Knowing that every time I’d look in the mirror, I’d be repulsed. 
And…knowing that I would never be able to look at Matt the same.
A/N: Thank you for reading. Any interaction is appreciated!!! I am hoping to get out weekly updates of this series. Let me know your thoughts <333
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hwaslayer · 19 days ago
the space between us three (jyh) | six.
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⇢series masterlist | series playlist
⇢summary: while juggling the demands of life, yunho continues to do his best to raise his independent 11 yr old daughter, seora. throughout the years, they've built a strong foundation, an unbreakable bond— one that consists of late night talks and food runs, father/daughter dates, and sideline cheerleading at her basketball games. so when you unexpectedly come into their world, things shift. despite the uncertainty and the fear of stepping outside of their comfort zone, yunho and seora eventually learn how to open their hearts and learn how to rebuild a home where three can thrive together.
⇢pairing: single dad!yunho x f. reader
⇢genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers to lovers, single dad au | fluff, angst, eventual smut
⇢word count: 6.6k
⇢chapter content/warnings: cussing, mature language, seora spends time with her uncle mingi, first date <33, yunho opens up about his parents to oc, holding hands, good conversations & just a bunch of cute simp shit, goodnight kisses 🥰, i swear things will get a lil spicier next chap lmao
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yunho: goodmorning. 😊
This morning had been one of those mornings. You had gotten up a little later than usual, feeling tired from the exhausting week. On top of that, you turned down Yunho's offer to bring you to work so that you wouldn't have to take the bus over; afraid you'd be asking for too much since he was gonna be driving around later tonight. Had you known the bus would be running late, you might've taken him up on it. But, with it being Friday, you were just excited to get your day over with so that you could hang out with Yunho one-on-one.
It was a blessing and a curse that it was busy as soon as you walked in this morning. A blessing because the day would breeze on by. A curse because you didn't even get a chance to respond to Yunho's cute lil text before jumping right into your task list. Until, your desktop computer decided to be stubborn and stop working properly— setting you behind even more than you already were due to the commute.
you: hi, goodmorning ☺️
you: i'm sorry for the late response! i'm having quite the morning. i have so much to do, but my desktop isn't working now. i feel so incomplet and useless. 😭
yunho: it's okay! not like i thought you forgot about me or anything .. 🥲
you: lol sorry, never!
yunho: wdym it's not working?
you: it won't stay on. keeps going on power save mode even though my settings are adjusted to never go on power save mode.
yunho: interesting. where do you sit in the peds hospital again?
you: 4th floor, M103.
yunho: i'll be over in a sec.
you: yunho?? you don't even support our unit 😭
yunho: and? lol. i have time. brb!
"What?" You mutter to yourself as you set your phone down, a little worried about Yunho getting in trouble or pushing off his work to help you. You shrug it off, scribbling in your planner and working through emails on your laptop until Yunho swings by.
Which, didn't take him long post-reply. He was at your cubicle about 15 minutes later.
"Hey." Yunho says softly.
"Hi." You shyly laugh. "How did you even get in here?"
"IT has access everywhere, believe it or not." He smiles before pointing at your desktop. "Mind if I take a look?"
"Go for it." He pulls up an empty office chair nearby and drags it over to your desk, sitting comfortably as he presses the power button. He presses it a few times and clicks away at your mouse until the screen pops up. 
"Hm." He hums. "Took awhile."
"It's gonna shut down on you."
"Is that what's been happening?"
"Mhm. Just now actually. When I get it back up and running, it'll let me work for a few minutes before it shuts off and goes into power mode randomly." He's click-clacking away on the keyboard, forehead tightly knit as he eventually rests his elbow on the desk— hand hovering over his mouth, with the other on the mouse.
"How old is your computer?"
"I don't know, maybe 8-10 years old? It was passed down from the previous project manager when I stepped into her role."
"Yikes." He laughs. "I'll try a few things, but might also be a good time to consider getting a new one." He starts pulling up the terminal and plugging in some code— language you definitely don't understand.
"Yeah, I know."
"You actively push data or other work to the cloud, right? So you have a backup and can pull it up anywhere?"
"Good." He gives you a small smirk. "Then, getting a replacement wouldn't be so bad. You deserve it." You laugh.
"Hope the department thinks so."
"I mean, you do need a working computer to get your things done." He sits back in the chair and crosses his arms, slightly slumped in his position. "I just plugged in a code to mimic the movement of your mouse so the computer thinks something is always happening. If you look closely at the pointer, you can see it twitching a bit." You look up close on the screen and manage to see what he's talking about.
"Woah. Okay, genius."
"Not even." He laughs. "If you don't mind me being in your space for a little longer, I wanna see if this keeps your computer awake."
"As long as it isn't taking up unnecessary time and making you behind."
"Never." He smiles at you. "So."
"So." You mimic him. "Where are you taking me later?"
"For me to know and you to find out." You snort.
"Clever. Am I dressed enough for the occasion?" Yunho eyes your outfit, running a finger across his bottom lip while he smirks at you. 
"Yeah, you look good. You always do." You playfully push him on the bicep, making him laugh. "What? I can't be honest?"
"Hey— oh? Oops. Hi Yunho." Noeul gives you a look before slowly walking away. 
"Hey Noeul." 
"I'll come back later." She mouths out as Yunho gives off a small chuckle. Suddenly, he shifts his attention back to your computer when he notices the screen go black, and he's back to sitting up again. 
"Damn." He tries fiddling with the mouse and keyboard again. "Guess that didn't work. I think this is a hardware issue now, but .." He turns to you with the same smirk he was sporting earlier when he was spitting out those compliments. "Since your computer is pretty old, I can't say it won't act up again if you get this serviced."
"So, you're saying a new computer is definitely the way to go." He nods.
"You deserve it." He stands as he reminds you. "You should think about getting a 38" monitor instead of having two. It's basically the equivalent and helps with productivity."
"What are some good ones?"
"I can send you some recs in a bit. I'm sorry you'll have to work from your laptop for now. But, whatever you order, I can help make sure it gets to you ASAP and I'll help set it up."
"Yunho." You slightly pout as he's slowly walking out of your cubicle.
"No but's. I got you." He looks down at his watch. "Anyway, gotta head back."
"See, don't tell me you have tons of stuff to catch up on now because of me?"
"I doooon't." He almost whines with a small laugh. He totally does. He's actually kinda swamped, but he made it over anyway because seeing you is nice. "See you later?" You nod and giggle. "I'll text you when I'm all wrapped up on my end."
"Okay. Thank you again."
"No worries." He playfully sends you a wink before walking off and out of the office area. Noeul finally comes creeping up to your cubicle, squealing at a low tone.
"Stop, he's so into you."
"Don't start." You bite onto your bottom lip as you continue to keep your eyes glued onto the tiny laptop screen.
"Where is he taking you? Did he say anything?"
"Nope. I am completely in the dark."
"Those are the best kinda dates. He's gonna take good care of you."
"I just wanna get out of here." You whine as your place your head down on your desk for a few minutes.
"You will! And the wait will be worth it!" You look up at her and let out a small sigh, nodding your head.
"You're right. Let me tackle all of this so I can get outta here sooner than later."
"And hang out with your man, yes!" She leans against your desk. "By the way, what'd he say about your computer?"
"Oh, this thing is done with. I need a new one. I'm just waiting for Yunho to send me some recs."
"Been telling you that."
"Well, it kept me going for some time." You pat the top of the monitor screen. "It was nice while it lasted."
"I love this for you, you know that? Upgrading your computer, your love life. This era is cute." You chuckle and shake your head.
"Go. I gotta get back to work." You push her along, making her giggle at how obviously flustered you are over the topic.
yunho: some recs for the boss lady!
You see Yunho's Slack message come in, along with links from the IT catalog. 
yunho: this CPU should do you good, along with the 38". 😮‍💨
you: haha, thank you. 😊 i'll place my order right now!
yunho: can you send me your ticket number so i can keep an eye on it?
you: maybe....
yunho: ☹️☹️☹️☹️
you: you have too much other work to worry about!
yunho: including your ticket, yes!
you: you're unbelievable. 😂
yunho: you can always opt out for tonight (ouch) ..... 😖
you: never! lol. i'm excited actually. ☺️
yunho: i am, too. 
You smile to yourself during the brief pause in between messages, unsure how to respond to Yunho without sounding like you're doing too much or saying something crazy. But, the Slack notification goes off again—
yunho: okay, i actually gtg and help jihoon with something.
yunho: seriously send me your ticket number after you're done, pls!
yunho: can't wait to spend time with you, y/n.
And all that overthinking goes straight out the window.
you: same. 😌
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Seora had a long day at school— her day filled with a bunch of tests and pop quizzes, damn near dragging herself out of the classroom and into the gym afterward. She happily talks with her friends as they change into their practice gear, joking around and being the typical girls they are as they get out onto the floor with their water bottles. After equal wins and losses, the coach decides to continue running and improving plays to push the team forward to the playoffs and hopefully, a championship win. 
When practice wraps up, Seora grabs her things and finds her other favorite uncle talking to some of the parents outside of the gym; sweat still on her face, hair pulled back in a messy ponytail. When his eyes finally land on hers, he gives Seora's hair a good ruffle before taking her bags from her.
"Uncle Mangi!" She copies his tone and laughs.
"How was practice?"
"Tiring. I'm pooped. I can barely feel my legs today."
"Working hard, atta girl. On our way to the WNBA." He tosses her bags in the backseat before hopping in. "Hope you don't mind, I gotta stop at the grocery store really quickly for our dinner."
"Only if I can grab some snacks."
"Course you can. Don't spoil your appetite for dinner, though. I'm gonna make some galbijjim."
"Yum! One of my faves."
"Exactly." He laughs. "How was school today?"
"The usual. Nothing too special."
"Nothing too special? Nothing happened at all?"
"Nope. Too many tests and pop-quizzes. I did get an A on my math test, though."
"That's something." She nods as she looks out the window.
"So, my dad's got another team dinner?"
"Mhm." He hums.
"They've been working really hard on a lot of different things across the hospital lately. Helps relieve stress, I guess." One thing about Mingi is that he will never out Yunho the way Seonghwa unintentionally does. If Yunho's got a team dinner, Mingi will stick to the story down to the T. Maybe even throw in his own details and dramatics to make it more believable.
"He barely used to have team dinners."
"Well, maybe their goal was to have more!"
"Are you hiding something, Uncle Mangi? Cause Uncle Hwa accidentally spilled the beans last time and said dad was on a date."
"Why would your Uncle Hwa do that? Should I fight him?" Seora laughs and shakes her head. "He wasn't on a date."
"Uncle Mangi." He looks at her.
"Lying is bad."
"I'm not lying!" She continues to squint her eyes at him before finally giving up her case and settling back into the seat. 
"Fine. What about you then, Uncle Mangi? What's new? How was your trip to Japan?"
"Nothing much. But, it was good. Nice to be in different sceneries from time to time."
"Dad keeps saying we'll tag along one day, but we haven't yet. I wanna go soon."
"I'll let him know, don't worry."
"They must have soooo much cute stuff. Don't they?"
"Lots." Mingi pulls up to the grocery store, driving into a spot near the entrance. "You'd definitely love it there."
"Where else have you been, Uncle Mangi?" She follows alongside of her towering uncle while he grabs a cart and heads into the store.
"Everywhere and nowhere all at the same time." She laughs.
"One place I'll always remember is Switzerland. It's beautiful there. Probably one of my top places I've been to."
"I'm sure. I've only seen it in books, but it looks really pretty."
"It is. Those textbook pics definitely don't do it enough justice." Mingi sorts through the meat packages while Seora quickly wanders off into an aisle to grab her favorite chips and cookies. She drops it into the cart, with Mingi barely noticing.
"I have a random question for you."
"Try me."
"Do you think it's better to lock yourself up in a grocery store like this during a zombie apocalypse or keep it moving?"
"Well." Mingi continues to slowly walk down the aisles, making sure he doesn't miss any ingredients on his mental grocery list needed for tonight's dinner. "I'd say keep it moving."
"Why? You'd have everything in here."
"That's if no one raids the store, which would be impossible at that time. Plus, it can only keep you safe for so long before zombies find their way in or another group comes around. You could quite literally die before you even have a chance to try and survive."
"You'd have to take a break at some point though, right?"
"You could, but always best to keep it moving, ace. Never leave a trail for people."
"Okay, touché."
"Cereal first or milk first?" Mingi suddenly asks as they go through the cereal section.
"What? No. Did your dad teach you that?"
"What kind of planet are you living on? Isn't that how it normally is?" Mingi stops the cart and looks at her. 
"Warm or cold milk then?"
"For cereal?" Mingi nods. "Cold?!"
"You and your weird ass dad." Seora laughs loudly. "Did anybody want a child? Cause this one is not mine—" Seora pinches her uncle's bicep, causing him to yelp as they push through the remaining aisles.
"You soggy cereal lover." Seora points out.
"That's literally the best way to have it."
"Ew, you're like eating mushed up cardboard." Mingi sighs.
"You're very lucky I love you and that your dad is my bestfriend or else I would've blocked him."
"You're so dramatic." She throws more snacks into the cart just as they're about to head to the registers.
"Any more snacks or you're good?"
"I'm good! I'm excited for dinner." Mingi laughs.
"I am, too. Too bad I gotta cook it first."
"You're a great cook, Uncle Mangi. I always enjoy the food you make." She tugs on his sleeve.
"I do try my best." She helps her uncle load the groceries onto the belt, pulling the cart towards the end to help bag up their things and throw it back in. Mingi taps his card to the reader before helping Seora with the heavier bags. Once they've gathered all their things, Mingi pushes the cart over to the car, loading it up in his trunk while Seora plops into the front seat. "Ready to head home?"
"Yeah, dying to shake a shower." Mingi starts up the car and begins the journey home.
"Yeah, you need it." He teases, causing Seora to lightly punch him on the arm.
"You're mean!"
"Kidding!" He laughs. "So, what's on the agenda tonight? We eat, you do homework. Watch some shows? Talk a walk around the neighborhood?"
"Sure, whatever floats your boat. I kinda have a bit of homework so I dunno about that walk. Plus, I'm pretty sore already."
"Okay, we'll play it by ear then." On the way home, Seora continues to tell Mingi about the staycation her father took her on and the new dog café they visited. She talks to him about her friends and how one of her friends started having a crush on one of the boys in their class. Mingi playfully gasps before lecturing her about boys and how icky they can be [coming from an honest heart]. But Seora laughs it off and tells her uncle that she's not really worried about that stuff.
All Mingi can say in response is 'you better not be.'
When the two finally get home, Mingi immediately sets himself up in the kitchen to get dinner going, while Seora throws her backpack down in the living room and heads straight to the shower. She takes a good, long shower before throwing on her pajamas and brushing through her wet hair. She sits on the living room floor and gets going with her homework while waiting for her uncle to finish cooking dinner.
Meanwhile, Yunho makes his way over to the peds hospital— happily stepping into the elevator to make his way back up to your office. When he gets there, he realizes most people have already clocked out and left for the day, only leaving you and a select few heads working away in the cubicles.
"Hey. Ready?" You smile as you look up at Yunho, sending one last meeting invite for next week before closing down your apps and shutting off your laptop.
"Yeah! I thought you were gonna text me so I could meet you halfway."
"Um, no." Yunho laughs. "I would much rather come get you so we can walk to the car together." 
"That's sweet." You throw on your coat and slide the bag strap over your shoulder. "So, how was the rest of your day?"
"Good. Not too crazy, at least."
"Did the offers go out to the candidates you were planning on hiring?"
"Oh, yeah! They actually signed earlier this week and they'll be starting next week. They were able to get the background checks cleared out in time."
"Aw, that's awesome! You guys will finally get help." 
"Yeah. It'll be busy for awhile getting them onboarded and trained."
"Yunho's gonna go MIA."
"Yunho is not gonna go MIA." He laughs. 
"You sure about that?"
"Yeah, of course." He chuckles. "I'll always make time."
"You say that now."
"And I'll say it tomorrow, and the next day, and so on." He pinches your cheeks. "Don't trip." You smile feeling his warm touch against your skin. "Well, I didn't think it'd be so cold this evening. Are you okay with your coat and all? Is it enough?"
"It is."
"Okay, well just let me know. We'll be inside for the most part, but I want you to be comfortable."
"Thank you." You continue to walk alongside of Yunho until you get to his car. You give him the ins and outs of your day besides the whole computer issue that he tried to rescue you from while he grabs your bags and gently sets it in the trunk of his BMW and pops the door open for you. When you slide in and get comfortable, you notice how spotless his car is and how it smells like a hint of his cologne, along with laundry detergent and the fresh car smell. There are a few colorful hair ties lining the bottom of one of the cupholders, along with a hoodie in the backseat and a basketball. Yunho laughs and apologizes for Seora's mess— he also hasn't gotten a chance to bring in her things simply because he doesn't think much of it.
It almost feels like Seora is with him one way or another and he finds comfort in that.
On the drive over to dinner, he asks a bit about what other days look like for you and if you anticipate other big projects to come your way. You talk about a new project that was already mentioned to you by your manager, which involves remodeling one of the levels to a study/meeting area. You also tell Yunho it isn't a high priority, but you've already started the conversation with some of the facilities coordinators that can help rope in the appropriate vendors for certain tasks.
He transitions by telling you a few of the little projects he's been working on with his team, along with figuring out how to upgrade systems and all that jazz. You find that Yunho and his team are constantly working to support so many different departments, and it amazes you how well Yunho is able to delegate and keep himself afloat. You ask if he's ever had to work late because of really urgent issues and he says he's only had to do it once or twice— most can typically wait until the morning.
"Okay." He says, pulling into a tight, narrow street to start looking for parking. "We're here."
"I have no idea where we're at."
"Oh." Yunho laughs. "That's good then. More of a surprise for you. But, please keep your expectations down cause I didn't do much."
"Stop. Don't say things like that. I'll love it either way." Yunho smiles as he turns another corner and finds a spot right away. He parks flawlessly next to the curb, shutting off his car before turning back to you. 
"Ready?" You nod quietly, watching as Yunho hops out and does a light jog over to open the door for you. You give him a smile and tug on your coat while Yunho locks his door and leads the way next to you, hand on the small of your back. The walk isn't too far, the restaurant being down on the opposite end of the street, across the block. To your surprise, Yunho brings you to one of the new conveyor belt sushi restaurants. He greets the host and he immediately takes you back to a little booth near the belt. It's snug enough to fit two people. 
"I'm excited." You look at Yunho and he laughs.
"Same, I could eat. You like sushi, right? Please tell me I didn't fuck up." He looks concerned for a moment.
"No, no. I love sushi. I actually haven't had it in so long." You rearrange your set up so you can eat comfortably, the waiter taking your order for drinks. You both ask for water, but before the waiter can walk off, Yunho suddenly asks for two glasses of hot sake. 
"Thank you." He says, giving the waiter a curt nod.
"Our little celebration for getting through the week."
"Wow, okay. Touché. I can get behind that." You look at him. "My birthday's coming up. You should come out with Mingi and Seonghwa. We're heading out to the club." You pause before shaking your head. "Or, actually, I'm being forced to go to the club to celebrate."
"Forced, hm?" He laughs. "That sounds fun, though. Send me the details. We'll definitely try to celebrate with you."
"Might be fun. We can be a fun group of people."
"Yeah?" Yunho likes that, you're down for things and he can tell you go with the flow. He likes someone who can just have fun with him. Someone who can just be with him; it wouldn't matter where they go or where their relationship takes them.
"Mhm. And I can tell you guys are fun." You laugh. "Seora must love having you as her dad."
"I hope so." Yunho laughs along. "By the way, feel free to start digging in." He gestures towards the moving conveyor belt and you happily start exploring your options as they come— taking a fresh plate of salmon nigiri to start off. The waiter quickly comes back with two glasses of hot sake, making Yunho smirk at you. He sets his chopsticks down and slides your glass over, raising his while you take yours. "Cheers? For getting through the week."
"Cheers!" You say cheerfully, tapping your glass against his before taking some of the hot sake down your throat. It burns, but the heat brings more warmth to your body on this cold evening. "Speaking of Seora, where is she right now now?" You drink a bit more before taking another plate off the belt.
"Spending time with her Uncle Mingi."
"That's cute." Yunho grabs a few plates and sets them aside while he decides which one he'll tackle first.
"She had practice and I had him go pick her up. I think they were heading to the grocery store to buy some ingredients for dinner before heading home last time he texted me."
"What did you tell her?"
"Mm." He hums. "I hope you don't take it personally or anything, but I told her it was a team dinner."
"No, of course not."
"I just, yeah." He chuckles a bit. "It's just easier to go with that."
"I believe it." The both of you continue to eat away at the sushi, small, empty plates piling up on the side of the table. Small conversations continue about day-to-day life; you and your friends, what you've been doing for yourself lately. Suddenly, you dwell on the fact that you don't know much about Yunho besides his day-to-day life with Seora and work. You know about his friends, his coworkers. But, you don't know anything deeper about his personal life.
His parents.
You didn't wanna be nosy and pry, but you wondered why his parents weren't the ones watching Seora. 
Was it too much of you to ask?
Was this considered a real date if you two weren't trying to get to know each other? What were the boundaries?
"What's up?"
"Can I ask you something more personal?"
"I hope I'm not crossing boundaries here, but what about your parents? How come they don't watch Seora?"
"You're not crossing any boundaries." Yunho reassures you, but shakes his head before dipping into his next plate of sushi. "Uh, it's complicated. Things kinda just fell apart when Eunha passed." You slowly nod. "When my parents found out Eunha was pregnant, they didn't want us to continue with the pregnancy cause we were, what? 20 years old when we found out? Still in the midst of college. But, that's not what we wanted. They almost got to Eunha but we pushed through in the end and we had Seora. It was really hard for a long, long time, but Seora was worth every bit of it. My parents obviously didn't like the fact that we went against their wishes, so they kept their distance. It's been that way ever since, even when Eunha passed. I think it got worst, actually. Plus, I never had the best relationship with them from the get-go. They only see Seora once in a blue moon. They're the grandparents that just send the occasional bouts of money, birthday and holidays cards. Seora always wonders about them, but I can never give her an answer as to why her grandparents aren't around." 
"I'm sorry, Yunho."
"Don't be sorry." Yunho smiles a bit.
"W-what about Eunha's parents?" You wanna ask about Eunha too, but you know this isn't the time.
"Uh, they're the same. They—" He pauses. "They cut off ties when she passed because it was too hard for them."
"Oh. Yunho." You say sympathetically, feeling incredibly bad for having brought it up in the first place. "I really am sorry. I didn't mean to be such a debbie downer during dinner."
"No, it's okay. I promise. I've.. gotten used to it at this point. It used to be hard for me, but I've accepted everything."
"Still doesn't mean it doesn't get hard for you."
"I've learned to manage." He gives you a tiny, toothless smile.
"I hope you know you're doing an amazing job balancing everything and for being a great father to Seora."
"I'm also glad you have Seonghwa and Mingi."
"Me too." He laughs. "They're a pain in my ass, but they're my bestfriends. I don't think I would have been able to get through a lot without them. And they're good to Seora."
"That's good, I'm glad." You eat a bit more before you feel yourself getting content and full.
"Damn near. I think I ate too fast." You chuckle. "I'm almost done with my sake."
"Bottoms up?" You nod, tapping your glass against his before the both of you take it to the neck. Yunho finishes up a few more plates before he sits back and gulps his water down, causing you to giggle to yourself. "Fuck, I'm full. Overdid it, for sure."
"Was worth every bit of it, though. Maybe we should walk it off?"
"Yeah. Let's head to the next stop. I think you'll like it. And we'll get our steps in." He pulls his wallet out of his pocket, calling the waiter over.
"Can I split with you?"
"Absolutely not." Yunho says, handing over his card directly to him.
"You're already driving me everywhere and taking me to another location after this. The least I can do is chip in."
"Nope. The least you can do is just enjoy yourself with me tonight." He smiles sweetly just as he grabs the receipt handed to him by the waiter, signing off and tucking his own copy swiftly into his pocket before looking at you. 
"Couldn't even let me see the receipt."
"Nope." He repeats and stands. "Ready to go, pretty girl?" You feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you stand and nod, leading the way out of the restaurant with Yunho in tow. He answers your questions on the way to the car, giving you hints about the next location. It still leaves you stumped in the end, deciding to let Yunho continue taking matters into his own hands with you. He opens the door like the gentleman he is, slipping into the driver's seat as he rubs his hands together and immediately turns the heat on when he starts the car. "All good? Too hot?"
"Just perfect."
"Good." You sit back comfortably as Yunho sets off for the next destination for tonight. "So, how was the sushi? Be honest."
"It was so good!" He looks at you when he comes to a red light, almost as if he's trying to read you, really read you, and you giggle. "What?"
"Just making sure."
"That I'm not lying?"
"Maybe." You laugh even more.
"I would never. If I didn't enjoy it, I would've given an honest review."
"Mmkay, I believe you." He laughs. "I want you to have a good night with me."
"I am already." You look at him with a soft expression. "And I'm sure the next part to this will be just as fun. If not, more. I trust you."
"Do you?"
"I do." Yunho smiles, wanting to hold your hand so badly while he drives. But, he doesn't. He holds back. He feels like there could be a better opportunity.
One that'll feel right and set the mood for the remainder of the night.
For this entirely.
After a good 20 minutes of driving down south, Yunho exits off the freeway and takes an immediate right down towards a large-sized building with all modern exterior designs. He parks in the lot next to it, doing his gentleman deed of helping you out of the car and leading you towards the beautiful building.
It's one of the city's biggest museums, and the event they're hosting for a couple of weeks is called Spirit House. It focuses on Asian American and Asian diasporic artists that are showcasing art pertaining to horror, spirits, haunted houses, reincarnation, different dimensions and other themes along those lines. You continue to read the pamphlet before Yunho looks at you with a small smile on his face.
"Wanna walk around?" You nod.
"How'd you know I'd be into this stuff?"
"It sounded cool, so why not?"
"You're good, Jeong Yunho." You giggle and continue into the first part of the exhibit. The atmosphere is dark and dim, the artwork on the walls screaming afterlife. Death. Souls. Horror, fear. You're so intrigued that you find yourself slowly moving from work to work; trying to take in all the details of the images in front of you. You didn't even realize Yunho had been watching you from behind, snapping photos every chance he could before moving onto the next room to get a preview of what's to come.
"Hey." Yunho says from behind you. "Wanna show you something in the next room." 
"Okay." You look down at the hand he puts out, waiting for you to take it. You gently slide your hand in his, fingers intertwining before he guides you to the next exhibit and it feels incredibly natural. It's a room full of mini fixtures— almost like miniature set-ups of old fashioned homes and other buildings. He shows you one that has the artist's own adaptation of Junji Ito characters spread across levels of an old, haunted house.
"Oh my god, I love it." You peek down to get a closer look, hand still laced with Yunho's. "I love Junji Ito. And the work in the other room reminded me of Takato Yamamoto. It's amazing."
"Made for you." You chuckle, tugging him along as you both look at the next miniature setups alongside of it. Yunho doesn't even mind one bit. He's enjoying the exhibit, but he's enjoying it even more with you here— holding his hand every step of the way. You snap a few photos of the art before Yunho directs you to stand near one of the exhibits where the lighting falls on you perfectly. He takes a few more photos— more candid ones from behind you especially— just so you have photos to look back at when you wanna reminisce on your first date with him.
The next room of the exhibit is an interactive light show; the  room is completely dark, with different lights projecting things around the room. The background music is mysterious, creepy; fitting the vibe all together. You continue to walk with Yunho while snapping photos of your silhouettes in the mirrors. Yunho gets silly and makes a bunch of poses, making you laugh loudly in the process. At one point, you've found yourself standing near the corner of the room, watching all the lights come together to project a beautiful show onto the walls. Yunho comes next to you, admiring the same view— but you, mainly. You look up at him to tell him how amazing the event is, but he's already looking down at you with fondness and endearment sprinkled in his big brown orbs.
You almost.. wanna kiss him.
But, you shake off the thought quickly by dragging him to the next exhibits— loosely holding his hand throughout the rest of the event.
Too bad he would've kissed you back, had you known.
No, he needs to be a gentleman and he needs to do right by you, Yunho thinks. He can't just kiss you on the first date or else he runs the risk of you thinking he only wants you for one thing.
Like Ara; but, that situation is a little different.
"Yunho! That was so fun." You smile at him the way you do, and it melts his heart. "Thank you for taking me to this."
"Of course. I think it ends after the weekend, so perfect timing." You quickly scroll through some of the pictures you took. "I'll send you the pictures I have later."
"Okay." You look at the buskers on the opposite end of the street, along with a food cart nearby. "Yunho, let's go check it out really quickly!"
"I'm down." He nods, noticing it's only about to hit 10pm. Seora must be waiting for him, but he knows she'll sleep until he gets there and Mingi hasn't made a peep. He feels like he's in the clear.
He holds your hand tightly as you both cross the street safely, stopping near the food cart first while lightly bouncing to the live music nearby.
"Want a snack?" You nod and cling onto his arm.
"I could use one. Museum took up my energy." He laughs. Yunho buys some custard-filled bungeoppang for you two to snack on while observing the buskers. You bounce along next to him and he starts to dance in his own way, making you laugh at how cute he's being with you. You snap a few photos of him that you'll share later, not knowing Yunho had a bunch of your photos to share as well.
You and Yunho sing along to some familiar songs before the buskers end the first half of their performance for a tiny break.
"That was cool. They did really well!"
"They were so good!" You toss in some cash into the guitar case. "And I didn't know you could sing!"
"I— no." Yunho laughs.
"I wanna hear more of your singing." You pout as you tug on his arm on the way back to the car.
"Yunho." You whine and he laughs.
"I promise you it's nothing that great."
"Very much the opposite of what I think, just so you know." He stands by the passenger door, allowing you to hop in but he doesn't close the door right away. He stands and looks at you and there's something in his eyes that you can't really read.
"I hope you enjoyed it."
"I did. A lot." He licks his lips, and you can tell he's having the same internal battle you had not too long ago in the light exhibit. But, he brushes it off by tapping the door frame before shutting your door gently and hopping into his seat. 
The drive home is as expected; with you and Yunho talking about your similar music tastes this time and Yunho being a bit more open about his vocals. You look at him as he sings a tune or two, explaining that his dad is the one with the vocals in the family. You tease that next time, you two should go to a karaoke bar to end the night and he smirks.
At least you're thinking about next time's just like he is, too.
When he pulls up to your apartment, you find yourself not wanting to part from him. You know he has to go home to Seora though, and it breaks your heart knowing she's been waiting for her dad to come home. You step out of the car and tug on your coat, the night colder than it was a few hours ago.
"Welp, this is me." You both look at the apartment building, with Yunho tucking his hands into his pockets.
"Let me walk you up."
"No, it's okay. I promise it's right there." You point at your apartment before chuckling and turning to him completely. "Goodnight, Yunho. Thank you for tonight. I had a lot of fun."
"You're welcome, Y/N." He watches as you lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek. He blushes, and he loves the initiation, but he freezes. Completely. 
"I'll see you next week, hm? Get home safely." You smile toothlessly at him before turning on your heel to walk up to your unit. Just as you're about to make it up the steps, Yunho is chasing after you with long strides, causing you to turn and raise a brow. "Did I leave something?"
"Mm, maybe." He says with a tiny smirk on his face. Suddenly, his large, warm hands come up to cup your cheeks— lips capturing yours in a sweet goodnight kiss. "Goodnight." You smile up at him as his thumb caresses the surface of your right cheek.
"Night." He steps back, biting his bottom lip to prevent himself from smiling too big. He lingers around until he sees you successfully slip into your unit and hears the door shut close.
What he doesn't see is the way you squeal and dig your face into your hands, incredibly giddy and happy from the turn of events.
You really liked Yunho.
And he does, too.
So much that the smile doesn't even fade when he pulls up to the house, Mingi's car leaving enough room for him to park in his usual spot. Yunho can see the faint flickering of the TV lights through the kitchen window, and he knows Seora is probably on the couch waiting for his arrival.
When he steps through the door, Mingi is placing some food into the fridge before returning his attention to the remaining dishes in the sink. He quietly greets his bestfriend before nodding towards the couch— signaling that Seora had fallen asleep while waiting.
"Has it been long?" Yunho asks lowly.
"A bit, yeah. She said practice was exhausting today." Yunho chuckles before crouching down in front of the couch and brushing her hair back.
"Ace." Her eyes slowly flicker open.
"Oh, finally. You're back." He laughs.
"Let's get to bed, hm?" She sleepily nods, sitting up before walking to her bedroom. "Say bye to uncle Mingi."
"Love you, ace!" Mingi calls out as he watches her sleepily walk across the living room.
"Love you too. Goodnight." She mutters and lazily waves before dragging herself into her room and shutting the door. It isn't long before Yunho sees her shut off the lights, causing him to turn the volume down on the TV before helping Mingi clean up.
"So, how was it?" Yunho smiles.
"Good." He avoids eye contact as he blushes, setting the dry dishes into the cabinet.
"Meaning?" Mingi rests against the corner before smirking at him. " I have time."
"I really, really like her."
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⇢taglist: @asjkdk @interweab @woojirang @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs @persphonesorchid @mxnsxngie @jycas @cowboydk @nopension @curse-of-art @thechaotictheoryy @likexaxdaydream @dalsuwaha @enha-stars @yasuraokaa @professormingisglasses @yunyunrin @pommelex @astral-trashcan @laura1399 @domfikeluva @tournesol155 @hwaskookies @yusalterego @hwa-stars @hyukssunflower @chngbnwf @jaytheatiny @lucid-galaxys-world @chaotic-floral @sofkloster @honeyrecommends @hwashua-luv @luvv4bby @spicxbnny @pandyandy71 @sanniesaurus @angel-hyuckie @wolviejex @purpleyou7x
212 notes · View notes
gyll-yee-haw · 1 year ago
Could you write Donnie crushing on the reader and he walks in while she's in the shower or like changing and he acts like it's nothing, he apologizes and leaves so she can get situated and then that's that BUT he CANNOT forgot about it and he goes home being a perv thinking of how beautiful she is and he gets horny
Donnie doesn't know when to stop
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Absolutely gross, hottest thing I ever wrote. I love pathetic men <3
Warnings: accidentally perv!Donnie, he's OBSESSED with you, masturbation (m), edging, ruined orgasm, he's so sub! it hurts, pain!kink, virgin!Donnie, unprotected sex
Fucking 3k words, looks like Maria doesn't know when to stop EITHER 😭
You had to do a school project together and he was losing his mind about it
Like yeah, you were friends and you used to hang out all the time, but only at school
Now he was going TO YOUR HOUSE
It felt so intimate just being there
It was nothing much, but he was so obsessed with you it made him act that ridiculous
He was so nervous that he just couldn't sit still at home, so he decided to head to your place, even though it was a bit earlier than you expected
He thought he could just hang out in front of your house until the time you were expecting him to come
The problem was that your mom was leaving the house and found him seating there
"Oh, you must be Donnie! Y/N is waiting for you, come in!"
He should have said no, that it was still too early, but your mom said you were waiting... so maybe you were ready? He shouldn't keep you waiting
"I'm going to work right now. She's in her room, upstairs." Your mom told him, before closing the door and leaving
So he went upstairs, obviously
You just got out of the shower, and was pacing around the room, a towel wrapped around your body, looking for a cute outfit to wait for Donnie
Your bedroom door was open, since you thought you were alone at home
Donnie was very shy, walking upstairs without making a sound, just thinking about what should he say to you, rehearsing in his mind what kind of greeting would make him sound... not terrified
He stopped immediately when he saw you
It was so wrong to just stand there and stare, but it was impossible not to
He watched as you placed your clothes on the bed, letting the towel fall at your feet
Felt like his blood abandoned his body
It couldn't be real, he must be dreaming...
But it only lasted a few seconds, until you looked towards the door and saw him
You let out a scream, completely horrified
Then you slammed the door shut
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I swear I didn't... I wasn't trying to... listen." He tried to explain, but he couldn't find the words. He was probably more embarrassed than you. "I think... I think I should go"
"Yeah, you should..." was all you could say, sitting on the floor wondering if you'd ever be brave enough to see his face again
He walked home absolutely heartbroken. He couldn't believe that he had ruined EVERYTHING. Now you thought he was a perv... you'd never talk to him again
He didn't feel anything but shame and sadness until he went to bed that night
I guess that's when the adrenaline rush wore out and he thought about it all
It didn't last more than 15 seconds, but during that time you were completely naked right before his eyes... and so close he could smell the lotion on your body
Maybe he was crazy, but the fact that you were getting ready to see him...
He imagined you applying the lotion to your skin a few minutes before he walked in... you were probably thinking about him while you did so... I mean... you knew he was coming over soon
And as if the thought of you applying the lotion to your body wasn't enough to drive him crazy... now he knew what your body looked like
He shivered as the sight of your tits crossed his mind
His hand slowly traveled to his pants zipper
God, he felt so guilty for doing this, it was so so wrong
But his cock was so so hard :(
Poor baby, was in so much pain
Leaking already!!
But the guilt was eating him alive, you were his friend...
That's why he decided to torture himself a bit, would make it all a little less wrong... if he got some punishment, you know
He started stroking his shaft and he got close so pathetically quick
And then he stopped
His heart raced. He had never edged himself before...
He waited for it to fade, before starting again. And then stopping again as he got closer
It was quite addictive... he started to let it go further each time, stroking himself fast and getting impossibly closer to release, then stopping
His cock was leaking so much that it all sounded like a wet mess, masking his ridiculous moans
He started to imagine you there, doing it, punishing him
"Gonna teach you not to spy on naked girls, you fucking perv"
And he would moan "please, Y/N, I'm so sorry..."
I mean, Donnie has an incredible imagination, it was so convincing that he even cried
All while denying his release over and over and over again
Until he couldn't hold it anymore
It was an accident </3
But his orgasm hit him out of nowhere
He cried out "no no no!" as ropes of cum shot out of his cock
He immediately stopped stroking himself and placed his hand on the base of his cock, squeezing it hard enough to hurt
He ruined his own orgasm :/
And he just laid down there looking like a pathetic mess. Tears on his face, his hand and clothes full of cum but his balls still hurt so much from not finishing it
But now he was so so overstimulated he couldn't even dream about touching himself any time soon
Eventually, he passed out from exhaustion
When he woke up the next day, he felt absolutely sick
How the hell was he supposed to see your face at school
Let's be honest, that wasn't the first time he masturbated thinking about you (number was closest to 100th tbh)
And he could always look you in the eye as if nothing happened afterwards
But it felt different now that... he had seen you for real and you knew that
Oh god... were you mad at him? You probably HATED him
He thought about calling in sick
But some force was dragging him out of that bed
He didn't understand it, but the truth was that his obsession with you grew considerably and he just needed to see you, even if you never spoke a word to him again
And part of him... enjoyed it? The idea of you punishing him like that
So yeah, he went to school that day
But he avoided you like the plague
If he saw you in a corridor, he would run in the opposite direction
Spend so much time hiding from you in the bathroom
But he couldn't hide forever
You sneaked behind him when he was looking for something on his locker
"Donnie?" You called, making him drop everything inside the locker, making a terribly loud noise, everyone looked at him
You bursted into laughter, helping him pick some things up
"Thanks." He said, completely unable to look you in the eyes.
"I think we should talk." You said calmly, after seeing how nervous he was
"Yes. Y/N, please, I can't tell you how fucking sorry I am..." he closed his eyes, cursing himself mentally for being so stupid
"It's okay, Donnie" you placed a hand securely on his shoulder. "It's not your fault. I knew you were coming over, I should have been more careful."
He held his breath as soon as your hand landed on his shoulder. It was like your touch reactivated his memories. Then he was stupid enough to look at you
You were giving him such a sweet, sincere smile
God, you were SO beautiful he felt like dropping to his knees right there
"What if you walked me home today? Then you can stay and we'll work on the project. Forget anything that happened, we need to finish it this week." You asked
"That's... that's a great idea." He nodded, even though he would rather die than go to your house anytime soon
But as soon as he saw how okay you were with everything, he calmed down a little. So your friendship wasn't ruined...
You two caught the bus and talked all the way to your neighborhood, like you always did, nothing seemed to change
Then you walked to your house and he started go get tense again
You noticed and you held his hand as you led him through the house
And it wasn't anything new, you always held his hand when he was nervous
Aww a couple of besties <3
Soon enough, he was in your bedroom, where it all happened the day before
You sat on your bed, grabbing all the books you would need, taking to yourself (cause he wasn't listening) about the ideas you had
While Donnie sat on the floor hallucinating about how that was the exact same spot you left your towel fall the day before
If it was right now, it would fall directly on his lap
Like, he didn't even dare to imagine actually touching you, but he would kill someone to have that towel
He would hump on it like a beast
Again, Donnie's imagination is so good and Donnie doesn't know when to stop
That's the source of 99% of his problems
He felt himself getting hard
"Hey, can I use your bathroom really quick?" He asked, before he started sweating in front of you
You nodded and gave him the directions
He walked in, locked the door and splashed water to his face
How the hell was he supposed to get any work done with a fucking boner on
Maybe he should just take care of it quickly in there
In your bathroom, fuck
The amount of times those walls had witnessed your naked body...
He wondered if you had ever touched yourself in there
Yeah, my boy lost his mind
Started stroking himself fast, he couldn't wait to finish and just get everything done so he could go home
But then..... he had the worst idea ever
Cause after what he discovered last night, he didn't want to finish so fast anymore
He just needed to relieve a bit of the pressure, then he would feel better
His dick would probably soften anyway, then he would do something about it back home
He stroked himself until he was on the edge of spilling... then stopped, shoving his dick inside his pants again and going back to your room
Did I mention it was the worst idea ever?
Cause he walked into the room to find you laying in bed on your belly, uniform skirt barely covering your ass
You were focused on whatever you were reading, pen in your mouth
"Come here." You called, without looking at him
He walked back to where he was sitting before, on the floor, but stopped when you said: "no, come sit on the bed, I wanna show you something"
He wanted to say 'oh no, I'm more comfortable on the floor :)' but who the fuck would buy that
He swallowed hard and sat at the very edge of the bed
He didn't want to look, but he could see your pretty little baby blue panties from that angle
And he felt like crying
"I think I have to use the bathroom again." He blurted out loud
"Donnie." You sighed, sitting down next to him. "Are you okay? You've been acting so weird today..."
He knew it wasn't a great opportunity, but it was... an opportunity. One he never had before
"No, I'm not." He admitted. "I have the biggest fucking crush in the world on you. Always had. Since we first met."
"Oh Donnie, you're so silly." You chuckled. "I know that, I asked you what's wrong with you today."
"What do you mean you know that?" His eyes widened.
"It's as obvious as that boner you're trying to cover with your hands" you shrugged
My boy was absolutely flabbergasted
He went through all shades of red the human eye can catch
"You know..." you sat a little closer to him, taking his hands in yours. "Yesterday I was so excited that you were coming over... I wanted to dress up all cute. Picked up a time we would be here alone... thought that maybe, by the end of the afternoon, I'd get you to take my clothes off. I just didn't expect you to catch me without them already... that's why I was so upset, I wanted to take things slow, you know."
He was pretty sure it was all still part of his hallucinations, there was no way you were saying that
You looked down to his pants and you could literally see his cock throbbing
And he caught the way you squeezed your tights at that
"Can I kiss you? Please..." he murmured
"Yes, Donnie." You smiled, leaning close to his lips
It was the sweetest kiss in the world
Until your hand 'accidentally' bumped into his boner :(
And he moaned against your mouth
God, that made you feral
"Donnie, baby, let me help you, you look like you're in so much pain..."
His heart raced... it was like you KNEW
Like you knew exactly what he was into
But let's be honest, he was so horny he was into absolutely everything at the moment
"You don't- you don't have to" he smiled shyly
The most beautiful smile in the world, how could you not want to??
"I'm gonna take care of you, okay?" You said as you slowly unbuttoned his jeans
When his cock jumped free before your eyes, both of you could have cried. Him, from relief. You from the most absolute desire
"Tell me what you like, baby" You began stroking him slowly
"Huh?" He got all nervous. Everyone already thought he was a freak, he didn't need you to think the same. "I-I like you..."
"Yeah?" You smiled at him. "I like you too. You're so sweet, Donnie, can I ask you something?"
He nodded, bitting him lips to prevent loud moans to escape.
"Has anyone ever sat on this pretty cock?" You asked, giving him your best doe eyes
"No..." he admitted, a little embarrassed
Before you could say anything, he grabbed your hand, screaming "stop, please, stop..."
You stopped everything, putting both hands in the air and looking at him wide eyed
"I'm so sorry, Donnie... fuck, you didn't want this? You should have told me, baby, you don't ever have to..."
"No... I wanted this. I wanted this for so long... I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you..." He said. "I just... I was about to cum."
"Well..." you laughed at him. "Isn't that kind of the point?"
"Tell me what's on your mind, baby, I wanna help." You offered, seeing how his cock was rock hard and extremely unsatisfied
"It's just that... I like to... hold it sometimes, you know? Feels really good." He admitted, absolutely ashamed of himself
Those words, on that shy tone of his, sent a shiver down your entire body
"Donnie..." you basically moaned his name. "You're so perfect... I can't express how badly I want you, fuck..."
He smiled widely. You kissed that shit out of that gorgeous smile
When you realized, you were already straddling him
"Can I sit on your cock, please? I swear I won't let you cum until you beg me, okay?" You asked
He never agreed to anything that fast, my boy was in HEAVEN
You removed your panties and he helped you slowly sink on his cock
You don't remember ever being that wet before, but it still hurt a bit, because he was so big :)
He was so horny he felt like he might pass out
And then you started moving up and down, up and down
Oh sweet baby boy cried again :(
I mean... all that was happening would be enough to get him desperate, but let's not forget how last night all he got was half of the worst orgasm ever
My boy was starving
"Please, please, stop, I..." he said, and you immediately stopped everything
"Oh baby..." you brought a hand to his face, wiping his tears. "Stop torturing yourself... three times in a row? Let go for me, baby, come on... can I make you cum? Please?"
Yeah, you said you were gonna make him beg, but you were the one who did it, i know
It's just that... Donnie is just a little baby who doesn't know when to stop :(
Of course he said yes, you asked so politely
You removed his cock from you, cause letting him cum inside would be too much for the first time
Considering the state he was in, it could send him to a coma lol
You stroked him so good, prasing him the entire time
"You look so pretty right now, baby, all fucked up for me"
"Come on, I want you go let go for me, you can do it, baby, you deserve it..."
Fuck, he never came that fucking hard in his life
You kept stroking and he kept shooting him load, all over your school uniform :/
He cried out so beautifully and you swore he wasn't coming down ever, he came so muchhh <333
And he just likes the pain of you still stroking his sensitive cock after it was over
Yeah, Donnie doesn't know when to stop :(
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kithtaehyung · 8 months ago
minted (m) (snippet) | myg
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title: minted (m) pairing: street king!yoongi x street cart vendor!reader rating/genre: m (18+) ; angst , smut ; haegeum au , gang au summary: all you do is wake up, sell your fruit on the dusty streets below your flat, and go to sleep. but everything changes when a customer you always look forward to seeing turns out to be dangerous. really, really dangerous. note: again, this wasn't on the docket for 2024 until i saw one (1) mint yoongi edit on my pinterest feed💀 anyways, this is dedicated to hali @sailoryooons for ur belated bday, nary @joonary for being a cutie pie and letting me adopt the tangerine cart girl idea in general, and luce @minttangerines for ur url and for being a wonderful friend. love you all! warnings: language, violence, weapons (guns/knives/chopsticks/etc.), blood/wounds mentions, drugs, alcohol, murder, gang activity, poor reader is just trying to get through the day, mint!yoongi, haegeum!yoongi, tatted!yoongi, his eyebrow is pierced, knife held to the throat, tension, reader suffers from “my cabbages” levels of disaster, orange!jimin, fight scenes, both versions of yoongi have their own red warning labels smut warnings: to be dropped on drop day but lmfaoooo est. drop date: july 2024! teaser word count: 486 total word count: projecting 15-20k✌️
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With a head full of thoughts, you stare into nothing, stirring your noodles and waiting for the heat to die down. 
Maybe you should’ve just walked a shorter distance and checked the shops you originally wanted to browse. If things went to plan, you could’ve been back home by now, freshly showered and curling up on your worn bed. 
But instead, your feet are sore, your head is anything but washed, and you have to trek home empty-handed—on the first day off you’ve had in months. 
Defeated, you sigh, going back to your bowl and watching diced vegetables swirl in aromatic broth. 
At least the food in this area seems good. And the fading decor really adds to the… 
You can’t pull your eyes away from the group walking in, bringing heat from the sweltering sun on their clothes and in their eyes. 
But you can only kid yourself for so long because the one that has your gaze tethered is the man in front. The one you haven’t seen in weeks. The one looking right back at you with a visage so shadowed you feel like moving tables to let him pass. 
As he gets closer, you swallow hard, not expecting to see him and having no earthly idea what to do. 
But from the slight confusion pinching his forehead, he didn’t expect to see you, either. Which makes it even weirder when he slowly takes your chopsticks right from your fingers. 
Hold on, what—
“What are you—”
A lone, long digit over lips is the only response you get, silencing you immediately before you whip your head around to watch him rush past. 
All of them waste no time rushing up the stairs, a myriad of blues blending in with gritty paint and smoke. 
And just like that, your reunion is over. 
Home. You need to go home. Leave, leave, leave, because something is bound to be going down upstai—
A thud faintly shoots out into the staircase, and you spin around again in your chair, eyes snapping to the ceiling. 
Even though you’re on high alert, you realize with a quick sweep that no one else is noticing. Or moving. Or even paying attention to anything else but their own company. 
Does no one else care about the commotion? Do hits happen in this area that often? 
Mind running, you can’t decide what to do. Because even though Yoongi’s guys have plenty of weapons, he clearly had nothing since he needed to borrow your damn eating utensils.
Another crash rains dust on conversations around your shoulders, causing you to look up one last time. 
Go home, go home, go home. In what universe would Yoongi himself ever need your help here?
With one more look at your noodles, you curl your lips before biting a side. 
Already yelling at yourself for choosing to book it towards the back staircase.
tbc :)))
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⟶ what do we feel! | 🥢 join the taglist 🥢 | masterlist
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elllisaaa · 4 months ago
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SUMMARY : you always liked your men weak and pathetic, so no one was shocked to hear that you had a crush on han jisung - the nerdy boy of your physics class. being paired up with him for a project was the perfect opportunity to have him all for you. except that finding a collection of dairies filled with all the fantasises he has about you wasn't part of your plan.
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-> pairing : loser!han jisung x fem!reader
-> words count : 2.9k
-> genre : smut
-> warnings : sub!jisung x soft dom!reader, dom/sub dynamic (obviously), overstimulation, han is kind of a pervert, teasing, use of 'good boy' & 'fucktoy', begging, dry humping, marking, dirty talk, teasing, handjob, oral (m. receiving), deepthroating, spitting, cum eating, choking, unprotected sex, creampie
+ the way i'm depicting jisung does not represent him, it's only a work of fiction
-> 18+ content bellow, minors DNI
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> masterlist | skz masterlist | kinktober 2024
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Jisung had never asked for much in life - good grades and friends were all he needed. And he had both. Aside from that, he knew he had a reputation around campus - for being a loser, a nerd who loved anime. But Jisung didn’t mind it, that way people left him alone and he lived peacefully. That was until you entered the equation. The first time he caught a glimpse of you during the first physics class of the semester, he was immediately hooked. And from then on, he developed some kind of obsession over you.
He would always stare at you during your shared classes, would always remember very clearly what outfit you wore everyday of the week, would always notice the tiniest change in your emotions or appearance. Jisung knew he was being obvious, that everyone had noticed how he looked at you with puppy eyes, fascinated by your mere existence. And he didn’t want you to think he was a loser, so he did his best not act like the nerd he usually was when you were around. 
Obviously, you knew about Jisung’s crush on you too, everyone knew. And to be honest, you didn’t mind it. At first, you only thought it was cute how pathetically in love he was. And as time went on, as you tried to engage in discussion with him during your shared classes, you came to like him too. You always had a thing for boys who were kind of losers, and Jisung was no exception to this rule. The way his big glasses sat on the bridge of his pretty nose, the way his cheeks were covered in pink everytime you talked to him, the way his gummy smile made you want to crack one too - everything in him was too cute to resist. 
But despite your efforts to show some kind of interest in him, Jisung didn’t make a move. He was too shy to do so, and moreover, he had convinced himself that you were only being friendly to him out of pity. Even if every one of his interactions with you nourished his daily fantasies and his already huge crush on you, he didn’t make a move. So when you got paired up with him for the next presentation you had to do for your physics class, you thought it was the perfect opportunity to spend some more time with him and hopefully get him to confess his feelings to you. 
“- Do you want something to drink ? I made some tea earlier, I didn’t know what you’d like...”
You looked back to Jisung who was playing with his fingers anxiously, his voice quiet and shy. You smiled at him reassuringly, your urge to make him yours even bigger now that you had a view of how cute he could really be.
“- I could use some tea, yeah. Thank you Jisung, that’s so sweet.”
His cheeks took a darker shade of red at your compliments, and he only nodded at you because he wasn’t sure if he could talk without embarrassing himself. You watched him go to the kitchen to prepare your drink, and you decided that it was time for a break. You let your eyes wander around his room - a typical nerd room with posters, anime figurines, mangas on every shelf. But apart from that, it was way much cleaner than any other boy on campus. 
Your eyes catched something picking out from underneath his bed, and you frowned as you tried to understand what it was. Truly, you knew that it was a bad idea, that you shouldn’t stick your nose into his business, but your curiosity was stronger. You grabbed the unknown object, which was in fact a shoe box that was quite heavy. Maybe you should’ve stopped there, but you didn’t. You opened the box to discover tons of notebooks that looked like diaries by the dates written on the spine. You took the most recent one and opened it to a random page, and as you slowly understood the meaning of the words, your eyes progressively widened in surprise. 
“- Sorry I took so long, I couldn’t find th-”
Jisung cut himself off as he saw you there, reading his diary, visibly shocked, the two glasses of iced tea almost slipping out of his hands. You looked up at him, the same surprise written all over your face, and Jisung felt shame wash over him immediately.
“- Jisung… What is all of this ?
- I… I’m sorry…”
The poor boy seemed on the verge of tears, his big eyes filled with regret, and you softened to the sight. But Jisung couldn’t stop cursing himself out. It was already bad to be a pervert and write down all his fantasies about you, but it was even worse that you had discovered it. Why couldn’t he hide this box better when he knew you were coming over ? He lowered his head, ready for you to swear at him, to tell him that he was disgusting.
“- Jisung, look at me.”
Your voice didn’t hold any trace of anger or reproach, but Jisung still hesitated before he listened to you, his glossy eyes falling into your gentle ones. 
“- Can you explain to me what this is ?”
Your tone was encouraging, almost comforting, and yet there was a firmness in it that encouraged Jisung to spit it out. 
“- I… This is gonna sound like I’m a pervert but I… I have a crush on you… A-And I just couldn’t stop thinking about you, and I needed to say it somewhere so I started to write it down, and I’m so fucking sorry Y/N, I should’ve… I should’ve never done that, I’m sorry…”
You stayed silent as Jisung explained himself, nobbind along to his words. You would’ve never imagined this coming from him, and Jisung would’ve never imagined that you would discover his dirty secret. As you still hadn’t said anything, Jisung anxiously looked at you, calmly flipping through the pages of his dairy. Suddenly, you stopped on one of the entries, a sly smile spreading on your face as you giggled to the words he had written down, making him feel so small and furthermore humiliated. 
“- You’re so cute Jisung. You really want to “become my fucktoy” ?”
It was as if his brain malfunctioned, both from you calling him cute - you really thought that he was cute even after having read all the dirty things he wrote about you ? Unbelievable - and from you quoting his desperate, horny dream. But if it was his chance to prove to you how much he liked you, how desperate he was for every crumb of your attention, of your touch, he was going to take it. 
“- I… I… Yes, yes, please…”
Your smile only widened as you heard his begs, putting away the box and the dairy as you gestured for him to come closer to where you were sitting on the edge of his bed. Having you in his room was already nerve wracking enough for Jisung, but this whole situation was on another level. He gulped down as he put down the two glasses of ice tea that you would most likely not drink now, and he approached you with careful steps, still convinced that this was only another one of his wet dreams and that he was going to wake up sooner or later. 
“- Relax baby, I’m not gonna hurt you, only going to make you feel good, yeah ?”
Jisung’s brain malfunctioned again, and you chuckled as you saw him staring at you with wide eyes, his plump lips that you had wanted to kiss for so long parted but no words coming out of it. You slowly reached for his hand, pulling him to sit down on the bed instead of you as you straddled his lap, your clothed heat pressing against the obvious boner deforming his pants. Jisung inhaled sharply, a pathetic whine falling from his lips as he looked at you with the same starstrucked expression. 
“- Are you okay with this Jisung ?”
Your fingers were brushing against his cheek, an action that made his heart race in his chest. And your lips were only inches away from his, making it hard for him to think straight. 
“- Y-Yes, yes, please, Y/N…”
You didn’t let him say anything else as you crashed your lips against his in a messy, hungry kiss. Jisung closed his eyes immediately, letting the sensations sink in as he tried to kiss you back with the same eagerness. Having the girl of his dreams devouring his mouth wasn’t part of his plans, but he wasn’t going to complain. His hands hesitantly took place on your hips, and you sighed in his mouth at the contact, starting to roll your hips against his boner like some kind of reward. 
Jisung moaned into your mouth, which allowed you to come play with his tongue, deepening the kiss. Before long, Jisung was breathless, a whimpering and shaking mess as you only intensified the pressure of your hips against his. The situation excited you too, the way Jisung was reacting to every one of your touches so vividly, the way he was so sensitive and horny for you making you lose your mind as well.
“- Y-Y/N… I’m… I-I think I’m gonna cum…”
His cheeks had only grown redder, whines and pants escaping from his mouth as you were busy marking his neck up and down. You hummed against his skin, sucking one more purple spot on him before you bit into the flesh, proudly smirking at your masterpiece.
“- Yeah ? Think you’re gonna cum just like that ?”
He nodded at you with his eyes squeezed shut. He didn’t want to cum so soon, he wanted you to play with him again, and again, until he had nothing more to give you, until you were completely satisfied. But the way you were rocking your hips against his, and the way you were slightly tugging on his hair, and the way you were making him yours - all of that was sending him into another world, made the knot in his stomach tighten even as he tried his best to hold back, to stop you.
“- Then go on, baby. Cum. Show me how good you can be for me.”
A pitiful high-pitched whine escaped Jisung's lips as he came in his pants, burying his face in the crook of your neck and clinging to you as you helped him ride out his high, letting him buck up into you to try and get even more of that delicious friction. He was so cute, with his face all red and his big eyes still shining with lust as you cupped his face to force him to look at you again.
“- Such a good boy for me… Did it feel good, baby ?
- Fuck… Yes, felt so good, so fucking good…”
His voice came out shaky and choked, barely above a whisper as his gaze zeroed on your lips. A grin spread on your face as you got closer to him, until your lips could brush against his, but you didn't kiss him, giggling as he chased your mouth. But soon enough, he was interrupted by yet another moan as you had started to move again on top of him. And your smile widened as you felt him harden underneath you again, his whines even more desperate and needy than a few minutes ago. 
“- Y-Y/N… 
- What is it, baby ? Don’t you want to be my fucktoy ? Don’t you want to be my good boy ? Don’t you want to let me play with you ?”
Your dirty words were his last straw, rock hard again in his soiled underwear, his hands now boldly grabbing your waist and pressing you down on him to hump you like a dog. 
“- Please… P-Please don’t stop…”
You smiled at him, pecking his lips before you got off of his lap, ignoring his whines and protestations as you settled on the floor, in between his legs. Jisung’s eyes were wide open, his cock throbbing at the sight of your position and what it suggested. You giggled as he hurriedly got rid of his pants and underwear without even waiting for your next instructions, watching intently as you reached for his length, stroking him slowly, your thumb brushing against his tip and making him whine under his breath.
“- You’re gonna let me do whatever I want, right baby ?”
Jisung nodded eagerly, staring at where you were kneeling on the floor. The view was straight out of his wildest dreams and he didn’t know how to process everything that was happening, his body reacting instead of his mouth to every word you said, to every one of your touches. 
“- I need words baby. Tell me you want it.
- Y-Yes, yes please, Y/N, please… Please, I w-want you to touch me more, please…
- Sound so pretty when you beg, Ji. You deserve a reward, don’t you ?”
You didn’t let him have enough time to respond as you took him into your mouth, eliciting a loud, desperate moan for him. At this moment, Jisung wasn’t thinking anymore, only feeling how warm your mouth was, and how good it felt to have you sucking around him. You swiped your tongue around his tip, his cock already dripping with your saliva before you pushed him into your mouth again. Deeper. Until his tip was hitting the back of your throat. 
Jisung let out the prettiest sounds - whines for more, whimpers of your name, moans so high pitched you were sure he could be heard through the thin walls. And it only encouraged you to give him more, to bob your head up and down faster, to hollow your cheeks around him and show him how good you could make him feel. You could feel his cock throbbing in your mouth, and by the way his hands were gripping the sheets tightly and how squirmy he had gotten, you knew he was close to cumming. It spurred you on to take him as deep as you could, and the way you gagged around him was enough for Jisung to release into your mouth. And as you came up to kiss him and spit his cum back in his mouth, Jisung thought he had seen what heaven felt like. 
“- Felt good baby ?
- Yes, yes, yes ! So good, you’re perfect !”
You smirked at him as you pushed him to lay down on the bed, then climbing on top of him, your clothed pussy pressed against his cock. 
“- You’re getting hard again, Ji. You want more ?”
Jisung bit down on his lips as he nodded, but before he could even decide where on your body to place his hands, your own fingers wrapped around his throat, his mouth hanging open as you restricted his breathing. 
“- What did I say, baby ? I need words.
- S-Shit… Please, want more…
- Good boy.”
The petname paired with the way you squeezed around his throat tighter made him moan loudly, and your smile widened at the pretty view he offered you. You pushed your underwear aside, rubbing your wet folds against his hard dick. Jisung was all pliant in your hands, his hips bucking up against yours to try and get more friction, his body telling you what he couldn’t because you rendered him unable to talk. You didn’t make him wait any longer, pushing his cock inside of you, throwing your head back and moaning at the feeling.
“- You’re feeling me up so nicely Ji, I’m gonna ruin you.
- Please !”
His voice came out choked, interrupted by the way he moaned every time you clenched down around him. It didn’t take much for you to make him cum again - a little bit of pressure around his neck, your hips rolling in delicious circles on top of him, your warm pussy making him see stars, and your dirty words pushing him over the edge. Jisung needed a moment to catch his breath, to come to terms with what was happening. But you weren’t going to let him do that, starting to move on top of him again. 
“- Y-Y/N ! P-Please, I-I can’t, s’too much…”
You hummed against his lips, but you didn’t stop, only speeding up your moves. Jisung whined pathetically underneath you, trying to push you off his lap, but you were quick to pin his hands down to the mattress, looking down on him with a smirk on his face. Jisung had never seen a prettiest view, and you had never seen a prettiest sight either - the way he looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky, the way his eyes were filled with desperation, lust and unshed tears, the way pleas were slipping past his lips so easily. 
“- Too much ? But you said you were going to let me have my fun, Ji. Said you were going to be my fucktoy, didn’t you ?”
Jisung tried to answer but he was taken by surprise by another orgasm, shooting another load inside of you, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. He still couldn’t believe that this was real, but the way you were trying to get yet another release out of him was convincing enough to think that it maybe wasn’t just a dream. He writhed in overstimulation, but all he wanted to do was to please you, to let you use him until you were satisfied, until you had broken him down to pieces. 
“- You can give me one more baby, right ? You’re gonna be a good boy for me ?”
A sob escaped his lips, his pretty rosy cheeks now covered in tears as he nodded, eager to give you everything you wanted. You smirked again, sighing in pleasure as you started to move again, and as Jisung watched you milk him dry, he didn’t regret being a disgusting pervert anymore.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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skz taglist (fill in this to be added) :
kinktober taglist (dm or comment to be added) :
@minnies-babie @binwons @yoongles2025 @thicccurls @caitlyn98s @skz1-4-3 @bbgnyx @hann1bee @lil-kpopstan @rockstrrrgf @puppy-minnie @binniesbabygirl @lichyuu @foxinnie8 @rashid-realrashid @lala-----------lala @urlocal-user @seomisaho @adirajackson
@d-dilemma @bath1lda @anxiousskylar @mikaelless @leeknowinggg
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isa-gh0st · 2 months ago
is there a rundown of what's going on with the new mcyt drama? i haven't been following any of them since slightly before the finale of dsmp 0-0
Oh god. Let me try my best here.
I will say, on my main, @isa-ghost, I've reblogged a ton of liveblogging stuff that kind of gives you context in detail? But in reverse order because, yknow, that's how reblog chronology works or whatever.
This don't stop the party edit is a good tldr of the beginning of it all but you gotta pause to really read it so I'm gonna summarize via bullet points too.
XQC (shitty Canadian Kick streamer, misogynist and flaunts his money at every turn) met Trump, wearing a Trump shirt. Is a fanboy of his clearly. Is not the first streamer to do this, esp on Kick
Tommy quote rts his pic of him meeting Trump like "its hard to be more cringe than TommyInnit but you did it"
XQC clapped back saying Tommy went from dickriding Dr*m to making jokes to 17 year old girls irl (which is sexist to say but I digress)
Dr*m gets involved for some fuckign reason (he wants attention that's why) and makes a meme calling all dsmp stans (he later claims he meant inniters specifically) the r slur
Shit BLOWS UP obviously because he called 15 million people a slur in a derogatory way. Makes SO MANY excuses that don't work ofc. Later deletes all his tweets abt it, but prior to doing so he TRIPLED DOWN ON USING THE R SLUR. Tried to excuse it with "I'm autistic" (which personally idk if I believe bc he's such a fucking liar but I also don't follow Dr*m obv so if he posted abt the diagnosis then. Whatever. Anyway)
Tommy, Tubbo, Jack, Sneeg, and so so so many other CCs now have been ripping him apart for the last 48 hours. Tubbo has dissected everything he's said on Twitter and a Reddit post he made yesterday
Last night at like midnight to 3am his time, Dr*m goes live and dissects Tubbo's vod of him dissecting Dr*m's shit and Dr*m GENUINELY CRASHES OUT for 3 FUCKING HOURS, most of which was him projecting on Tommy hardcore and lying and manipulating AS USUAL. If you care enough, I'd watch Tubbo's vod. OR you can probably find a summary somewhere but it's. A lot.
Tubbo went live at 10am CST today dissecting Dr*m's crashout, which lasted FOUR FUCKING HOURS. He was meant to talk to Dr*m directly on stream today but then--
Tommy posted a 5 min vid clapping back very concisely so Dr*m is in the process of making a response vid, therefore he canceled his chat with Tubbo.
Quackity tweeted he would be going live because during Dr*m's crashout he name dropped SEVERAL ex-dsmp members and other people such as Ludwig, a6d, the girl GNF assaulted, Gumball's VA. The list goes on. However, idk for sure if Quackity is gonna talk abt this, all he tweeted was "going live later" basically.
47 MCYT CCs were tuned in to Tubbo's dissection stream today at one point or another. I haven't seen MCYT this united since we all ousted W*lbur for abusing Shelby Shubble (you said you haven't been around since the dsmp finale so idk how much abt that you know. It happened in late Feb last year)
People are welcome to break down these events in greater detail in my reblogs if they're crazy enough!
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freshstitches · 10 months ago
The Stacktangle Blanket Crochet Pattern will turn your expectations of the well known granny stitch on their head. This pattern uses stacked increases and decreases to turn simple stripes into complex looking colorwork. It isn't much harder than a regular granny stitch afghan, we've provided photo tutorials of the unusual stitches in the pattern.This project can be made in many sizes and is well suited for crocheters who are familiar with basic stitches and are ready to take on some new skills.
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Patrick T. Stewart wrote the instructions and I ( Xandy Peters) made the charts. Whichever way you prefer to get your crochet patterns, you are covered.
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Sizes: Baby (Throw, Twin*, Full*, Queen, King)
Finished Dimensions: 23" x 28" (57" x 50", 91" x 72", 91" x 94", 91" x 116", 108" x 116") / 58 x 71 cm (145 x 127 cm, 231 x 183 cm, 231 x 239 cm, 231 x 295 cm, 274 x 295 cm)
*Twin and Full size are turned 90* to fit on a bed.
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Yarn: 4 Colors of worsted weight (#4 Medium) blanket yarn such as:
Loops & Threads Soft Classic, 354 yards (324 m) per 7 oz. 100% acrylic. Color A - Raspberry, Color B - Wine, Color C - Clay.
Red Heart Super Saver Solids, 364 yards (333 m) per 7 oz. 100% acrylic. Color D - Orange.
More yarn info is in the image below.
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Hook: Size I (5.5mm) or size needed to obtain gauge.
Gauge: 20 sts x 10 rows = 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm)
Other Materials: Tapestry needle for finishing.
This pattern uses US notation
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Find the pattern on Ravelry or on xandypeters.com
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