#Project Bluebook
usnatarchives · 1 year
Are they out there? 👽🛸
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They are out there, or so we’ve often wondered. A mystery spanning decades, UFOs have captured the imaginations of skeptics and believers alike.
The subject matter feels like it’s ripped straight from a sci-fi movie, but it’s real and documented, buried deep within the vaults of the U.S. National Archives, under the moniker Project Blue Book.
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Launched in 1952, Project Blue Book was a systematic study of unidentified flying object (UFO) reports conducted by the United States Air Force. Its mission was simple yet profound: investigate sightings of unidentified flying objects to determine their impact on national security.
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Over a period of 17 years, Project Blue Book compiled reports of 12,1618 UFO sightings or related events. Their conclusion in 1969 was rated anticlimactic. The official stance? No UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Force was an indication of threat to our national security.
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Will we ever know if “they” are truly out there? The answer might not be evident but that doesn’t mean you can’t hunt for clues in our Catalog!
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Further Reading:
Project BLUE BOOK - Unidentified Flying Objects
Do Records Show Proof of UFOs?
Featured Document Display: 50 Years Ago: Government Stops Investigating UFOs
The Roswell Reports: What crashed in the desert?
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jingszo · 1 year
Project Bluebook Artifacts, 1952–1969
Other title:"Project Bluebook" Artifacts Case Files On Sightings Of Unidentified Flying Objects, June 1947-Dec. 1969
Creator: Department of Defense. Department of the Air Force. Air Force Systems Command. Foreign Technology Division. Project Blue Book Office. (7/1/1961 - 12/17/1969) (Most Recent)
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uapro · 2 years
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winniethewife · 11 days
If you'd have stuck around
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(Nathan Bateman x GN!reader)
Prompt: I waited for you
Words: 709
Warnings: Angst, No happy ending,
A/N: For my Event Nine weeks in hell and Angstember
They had waited, nearly a month to hear from him again. Nathan Bateman was not an easy man to get a hold of, even for his supposed girlfriend.  In such a short period they had gone from meeting him through a networking event, to visiting his remote strange home on the weekends, to not hearing from him. At first they was worried about him, not hearing from him for days at a time. Then they started to question what they had done wrong, trying to figure out why he wouldn’t talk to them. But at some point they stopped trying, their daily good morning and good night texts started to dwindle, and eventually their random “I miss you” and “I saw this and thought of you” texts were not around as frequent.  Finally they just snapped. They stopped caring if he would get back to them, if he couldn’t find time for them, they wouldn’t make time for him.
So when he showed up at their front door with a box of chocolates and a bunch of flowers, they felt entirely numb.
“Hey Angel face. I missed you.” He gave them a big grin. They gave him a deadpan glare that chilled him to the core.
“Nathan.” They said coldly. His smile faltered. 
“What no ‘Hey baby’ No ‘My Darling’?” he asked with a laugh. They rolled their eyes and walked inside, there wasn’t a point in trying to toss him out, he would just follow them in anyway.
“No I usually reserve pet names for people who talk to me on a regular basis.”  Their voice filled with venom.
“Whoa, what’s with the cold reaction, have a bad day?” Nathan said, as if clueless to how he had wronged them.
“Are you fucking joking Nathan? It’s been two months since I last saw you, and a month since we last talked.” They turned and looked at him, he swore he had never seen them so mad.
“Well I got busy, you know how it can be angel.” He cooed taking a step closer to them. They held up their hand.
“Don’t call me that. Don’t fucking pretend this is fine, that this is normal? I waited Nathan, I waited for you to return my calls, to text me back. And there was nothing. No word, no nothing. What was I supposed to think? That you died? That you started to rot in that isolated hellhole you call a home? And you have the audacity to show up thinking that flowers and chocolate can fix that?” as they spoke their volume increased, they was beyond mad, they was beyond furious, they was livid. Nathan looked at them shocked.
“I…I’m sorry…Babe I had…I just.” He stuttered, he wasn’t sure what to say.
“No, you don’t get to be sorry, you don’t get to apologize and find Narcissistic satisfaction in this shit. You just need to live with the fact that you just lost the one person who cared, the one person who gave a damn about you beyond the money, beyond Bluebook, beyond your stupid IQ points. You lost me and there is nothing  you can do to-”
Beeep! Beep! Beep! Beeep! Beep! Beep! Beeep!
They opened their eyes, it was all a dream. They rolled over to swipe the alarm off. They felt the familiar feeling of wet tears they had cried in their sleep. They sat up in bed and checked their messages. Still nothing from Nathan. Just the last messages they had sent. Looking back at them tauntingly 
Sent: I wish I knew if we talked for the last time. I would have told you I love you more. I don't think I got to say it enough Sent: I would have stayed up later that last night, to talk to you Sent: I wanna work on more of our project, but it feels weird without you. Sent: I want to hear your voice again. Sent: I wanna watch movies with you Sent: I really fuckin miss you. Sent: Please come back soon
They sighed and typed out a message.
Sent: I waited for you
The BlueBook account you have contacted is not in service, or temporarily disconnected.
He was gone.
And they were left with nothing, but a dead number, and a broken heart.
Taglist: : @silvernight-m @queerponcho @boredzillenial
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midgardian-witch · 1 year
casings by ethel cain has so much nathan angst potential😵‍💫
I absolutely agree, anon!
I did want to write a little smth inspired by that. Not sure I managed to get the angst across as much as I would have liked but at this point I've been working too long at this and if I keep editing it will only get worse 😅
(Not) Good Enough
tags: angst | insecurity | infidelity | break up | sad ending | unhealthy relationship | mentions of oral sex and cock warming | mentions of sex with a robot
relationships: Nathan Bateman/Reader, Nathan Bateman/his fuckbots
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"F-fuck. You're so tight. You’re fucking milking me."
This was a terrible idea from the start. You should have never opened those live feeds. 
Nathan always went to bed extremely late, usually stuck working on the latest update for something BlueBook related or something for his latest personal project. Meanwhile you were lying in bed, unable to sleep. So you crawled over to Nathan's desk, because of course that workaholic would keep a desk in his bedroom, and logged into his computer.
And then you opened the live feeds. 
Knowing it is one thing but seeing it with your own eyes? That hurt more than a dagger through the heart. 
While you were lying in bed waiting for Nathan to join you, he was busy bending his latest android in two and ramming his dick into her synthetic pussy. 
The sight would have been hot at some point, earlier into or even before your relationship. Now it just reminds you that you're not enough, never enough. 
You need a certain type of confidence when you're in a relationship with Nathan Bateman. It's not easy when the man you love is building androids in his basement that look like either supermodels or pornstars. And then fucks them into oblivion for their test run. 
(Ok, not his basement. His remote research facility in the middle of nowhere that he built himself and in which you both live in. Small difference.) 
And it’s a certain type of cruelty when the man you love tells you not to worry, that he loves you, that you are all he needs and wants, and then he leaves to fuck his android with bigger boobs, a bigger ass and clearer skin a few rooms down.
You had discussed it beforehand, of course. Him fucking his androids was no secret even before you got together.
"They aren't human, more like a sex toy really," or so was his reasoning. 
You knew what you were getting into. But it chips away at you slowly nonetheless. And while you know that you shouldn't compare yourself to the perfect little robots Nathan builds you can't stop yourself. 
It's exhausting having to fight your own thoughts. 
You've tried your best to be a good partner, to support him in any way you can, to please him with everything you have. You stopped counting the times you've snuck under his desk to suck his cock, to keep it warm for him while he works. Of course an android doesn't walk away from that with aching knees and a hurting jaw. No, they are perfect. And you're not. 
You've tried to talk to Nathan about your growing fears, your doubts and anxiety. In his Nathan-ness he tries his best to reassure you: 
"Do you really think I would keep you around if I didn't need or want you here?" 
Nathan Bateman; truly a man of tact, empathy and emotional intelligence. You used to enjoy the snarky banter with him, to tease him until he finally showed even an ounce of emotion, of affection. Now it's just another thing that leaves you drained and unsatisfied. 
With the perfectly pitched moans of his newly developed fuckbot as your background music you can feel yourself go numb. You're trapped, the sounds and sights of Nathan pounding into this nameless female figure looping over and over again. 
With a start you wake up from your nightmare. You haven't heard from Nathan at all since you left. Instead your own mind doesn't let you rest even if the man you used to love doesn't care about you enough to look for you. 
You still mourn your relationship, or at least how your relationship could have been. If you would have been more understanding, if he would have listened more. The what ifs are no comfort as you cry yourself to sleep at night. 
At this point you're sure there is something wrong with you, to cry over a man like Nathan. But at least he can't see you like this. And he will never know the heartache he caused.
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aidansplaguewind · 1 year
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Project Bluebook - S2E07, "Curse of the Skinwalker"
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horsesarecreatures · 1 year
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Feeling the end of summer blues this week. 😔 The weather is cold and school work is piling up. I have 4 writing projects this semester, all ranging from 10-35 pages. I don't even mind the writing and researching itself, but I hate doing Bluebook citations. It's so tedious and convoluted compared to MLA and APA. It often takes longer to do the citations than write whatever it is.
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milocelium · 7 months
CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY ALL THE PHOTOS ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE????? https://www.popularmechanics.com/culture/g1902/here-are-some-ufo-photos-from-project-bluebook/
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the-drunk-game-master · 10 months
It's actually wild to discover that the whole "United States covers up UFO sightings" is not only a real thing, but not for any maniacle X-Files reason.
They're just lazy. That's it. They told the Project Bluebook guys to just say it's always a weather balloon or swamp gas, because they just didn't want to deal with the threat of alien visitors. if it wasn't the russians, they didn't give a shit.
it's the same with the shitty railways and the lead water pipes. people say "Hey, can you fix the roads?" and they say "Nope, too much money and time" and that's the same response when someone says they got probed by aliens.
If a fighter pilot saw a UFO their superiors would just say "No you didn't"
Shows like X-Files and Stargate always made it seem like the government was using crashed alien spaceships to make super fast stealth jets, but like... they just ignore it. they can't be bothered.
Maybe in Canada and Europe they actually do have some sort of science team working on this, but.. but damn. it's so fucking disapointing.
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stroebe2 · 1 year
Earlier this summer, I showed up uninvited at a midtown Manhattan music venue, where a startup named the Praxis Society was holding an event as part of a weeklong series to promote its flagship product: a free-market Mediterranean city-state the company hopes to build under the leadership of a CEO who, former employees said, is interested in fascist authors and occultism and has touted a book that argues Black people are intellectually inferior to whites. 
Praxis, a for-profit corporation, was founded as Bluebook Cities in 2019 by Californian Dryden Brown and former Boston College wide receiver Charlie Callinan. They envisioned an autonomous enclave where the free-market dreams of Chicago and Austrian school economists would become reality, a place libertarians could settle without the tyranny of regulation. While the project draws inspiration from ancient Greece and Rome, Brown, the company’s CEO, said in a 2021 interview that its style would be “hero futurism” with a “neo-Gilded Age kind of aesthetic.” 
If this sounds like fantasy, it probably is. But it’s one that’s captured the minds of real—and really rich—people. In 2021, the company’s seed round raised roughly $4 million, including from Pronomos Capital, a libertarian city-building fund started in 2019 with significant financial backing from Thiel. Other participants included Thiel’s close friend Balaji Srinivasan; Joe Lonsdale, who cofounded the analytics and intelligence company Palantir Technologies with Thiel; and Bedrock Capital, a fund launched by a former partner in Thiel’s Founders Fund. Praxis followed up several months later with a Series A round that brought in $15 million, much of it from cryptocurrency investors, including Three Arrows Capital and Sam Bankman-Fried’s Alameda Research, which both later spectacularly imploded. Emergent Ventures, another Thiel-backed fund led by economist Tyler Cowen and housed in George Mason University’s Koch-supported Mercatus Center, has also invested. 
Brown and at least one other senior Praxis employee were interested in “this strange Nazi occultism,” one of those three ex-staff members said, citing the pair’s appreciation of Evola, who co-authored another book offering “instructions for developing psychic and magical powers,” according to its contemporary publisher. (Scholars have written about Nazi links to Ariosophy—an esoteric ideology blending mysticism, racism, nationalism, and antisemitism—and documented the SS’s fascination with Norse mythology and Eastern spiritual traditions. If you’ve seen Raiders of the Lost Ark, you know the Hollywood version.) Another of those former employees, also citing Evola, confirmed Brown’s interest in the occultist bent of the SS. An internal slideshow briefing staff on the company’s brand and philosophy presented Evola’s thinking on the four “functional classes” or castes, and suggested the categories should guide the company’s recruitment of new members and prospective residents, according to that former worker.
“When you’re hired,” one former employee said, “you get a welcome packet with 11 book recommendations. One of them is Bronze Age Mindset,” an openly racist and fascist book by the anonymous far-right influencer Bronze Age Pervert that warns of a coming struggle against the “enemies of Western man and the enemies of beauty.”
Part of the company’s strategy involves drawing participants in New York’s downtown scene to its events in the hope of bringing some on board. Succession actress Dasha Nekrasova, a leading light of the so–called Dimes Square set and a co-host of Red Scare—a once-socialist podcast that has taken a turn to the right—attended a June black-tie banquet at the Yale Club for current and prospective members. Thiel money has also directly funded downtown events attended by the arty set Praxis is trying to lure; in 2022, BuzzFeed News revealed the billionaire’s financial backing of the New People’s Cinema Club, which boasted of screening transgressive films without mind to political correctness. Jokes about sloshing “Thielbucks” among the anti-woke downtown set have become a meme.
In Brown’s vision, Thiel’s or his associates’ money wouldn’t just be going to film impresarios or their parties; it would go toward a city where both young neo-reactionaries and their post-left associates might have a hand in forging something tangible, something beyond a podcast or a Substack. Of course, Praxis hasn’t done anything tangible. But even if construction never starts, the company’s inroads with the scene are another vector for reactionary Silicon Valley perspectives to acquire cultural purchase.
The company has scoped a rotating set of possible sites for its city along the Mediterranean shore. Kunapuli told me they were trying to decide between Italy and Morocco. (I later heard Montenegro is in the mix.) “There’s tradeoffs,” Kunapuli acknowledged, as we looked at the renderings. Italy is more trusted by Westerners, a place where Praxis company leaders believe government and industry are more likely to come through on legal contracts, he explained, before conceding the same conditions would make it “harder to influence and change regulations and policies” than in Morocco.
A record-breaking heat wave and forest fires would end up hitting the Mediterranean a month later. As best as I could tell, Praxis didn’t have a plan to shield its new-Gilded Age city from such catastrophes. As it turns out, you can’t exit everything.
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the-cryptic-dive · 2 years
The Flatwoods Monster
The Flatwoods Monster is a West Virginian folk story that famously appeared on September 12, 1952. Side note, why is it always West Virginia/New England? The Mothman and the Jersey Devil are both from this general area too. Anyway, this 1952 incident is the primary sighting of this beast. It was sighted in the town of Flatwoods, hence the name. 
It all started when brothers Ed and Freddie May and their friend Tommy Hyer saw an unidentified pulsing red streak, a UFO if you will, cross the sky. This red light seemed to crash on a nearby farm, so the trio ran to fetch the May brothers’ mother to go check it out with them. Three other boys, one being 17-year-old National Guard member Gene Lemon and another bringing his dog, came along to see what happened. Lemon led the group into the nearby woods when he saw “what appeared to be a pair of bright eyes in a tree,” according to an article by the History channel. He understandably freaked out, screaming and falling back when he realized he was looking at not just a pair of eyes but an entire monster- the Flatwoods Monster. The monster was approximately 10 feet tall, with a spade-shaped head that seemed to glow green and a blood-red body, according to the same History article. The story wasn’t taken very seriously by the police, but the local and national news picked it up all the same. While there were many skeptics, there were more people in hysterics over the story; the Flatwoods Monster appeared in an era full of hysteria, given the Cold War was occurring and fears of atomic bombs ran rampant. 
Though the police largely ignored the Flatwoods incident, the U.S. Air Force did not. Air Force pilots had reported various strange incidents, prompting the military branch to form a UFO inquiry categorized under the larger Project Blue Book. This project is a now-declassified project that investigated UFO sightings; the project made an investigation into the Roswell Incident and an inquiry into the Flatwoods Monster, according to the aforementioned History article. However, I could not find any mention of this inquiry on the National Archives website, where the declassified records from the Bluebook can be found.
Nowadays, the Flatwoods Monster remains one of the most famous American folklore stories, even inspiring the design of “Them” from the Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. The never formally-named creatures were written into the game due to a recent surge in UFO sightings in Japan, where the game’s developer Nintendo is based.
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esotericworld · 2 years
“Jacque Vallee is the legendary French UFO researcher who formed the basis for Steven Spielberg's eccentric scientist in Close Encounters of The Third Kind. He has worked with every prominent player in UFOology since the 60's including Dr. J. Alan Hynek who served as the Chief Science Advisor to project Blue Book, the Airforce's UFO investigation program from 52'-69'. Vallee has written multiple groundbreaking books that suggest "aliens" are actually interdimensional entities codirecting human evolution, not new visitors from Space. In this interview, he makes some fascinating new suggestions around the nature of these entities; we also discuss a real, secret project behind Project Bluebook, his model of reality and time and the commercial group that holds the secrets to the American UFO story.”
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working title: Obi-Wan Antilles (star wars)
stranded on Melida | Daan with no master and no lightsaber, Obi-Wan reaches out in a desperate cry for help. his great great grandmaster hears him
working title: Hogun x Darcy (mcu)
Darcy Lewis is on a mission
working title: Darcy the Villain Wrangler (mcu)
a little bit of work on writing a tasertricks fic inspired by that ancient tumblr post
working title: Quinlan on Serenity (star wars x firefly)
in a galaxy that has settled into its new reality as the latest Sith empire Quinlan finds a berth for himself and his granddaughter on an old ship that should probably be in a museum…It flew just fine though
working title: Live to Eat or Eat to Live (NCIS x stargate SG-1)
After a shady phone call puts Project Bluebook in Tony’s sights, his attention is captured by a laced up Air Force Major who he decides doesn’t have enough pie in his life
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vyragosa · 2 years
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aidansplaguewind · 2 years
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Project Bluebook S1E04
Operation Paperclip
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abyssallake · 3 days
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Originally an ENAsona I made for a TTRPG, but after 3 years of playing as her and creating her character she has become something separate from the cannon ENA lore. I have tried very hard to alter her design and separate her from ENA as much as possible while still keeping the early CGI/low poly humanoid look.
A Creature the International monster registry has classified as Datalings. EXE is one of few that we have knowledge of. She works under the U.S sector and had a hand in many cases for project bluebook. She claims to have come from a dimension that seems to be a combined space of a computer main frame and internet with its own social hierarchy, that is held to a strict statuesque.  She appeared in [REDACTED], West Virginia in 1911, At that time she worked freelance to handle Monster related mafia and gangster issues. The U.S military hired (thats a gracious way to put it...) her during WWII to scan through technological communications and crack codes. After the war the World governments enacted the Monsters In Hiding law, Forcing all monster species to either hide or take on a human disguise, EXE took on the persona of Evan [REDACTED] and took up the job to help monsters adjust to the new law (much to my own dismay as I find the law to be a violation of rights). She now works around the country as a detective for monster and cultist related crimes and is the loudest voice for monster rights, and is very vocal about her disdain for the justice system. ____________________________________________________________ Want to see something like this with your character? Check out my Ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/abyssofthelake
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