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nicolesandler11 · 6 months ago
Progressive News at Its Best: The Nicole Sandler Show
Looking for a podcast that champions Progressive News and keeps you informed? Look no further than The Nicole Sandler Show! With Nicole Sandler at the helm, you’ll stay up-to-date on the latest developments in politics, environmental issues, and more. Join the conversation and be part of a community that’s passionate about making a difference.
For more Information Visit: https://nicolesandler.com/listen-live/
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prnlive · 2 years ago
Gary Null’s Show Notes
12 21 22 P
If you listen to Gary’s show, you know that he begins with the latest findings in natural approaches to health and nutrition. Here we make some of those findings available each weekday to subscribers to the Gary Null Newsletter.
Scientists discover vitamin C regulates stem cell function, curbs leukemia development
Excessive blue light from our gadgets may accelerate the aging process
Yoga and meditation improve mind-body health and stress resilience
Using the highbush blueberry to treat bacterial infections
Study: Women Who Surround Themselves With Nature Live Longer
Early-life alcohol intake may increase the odds of high-grade prostate cancer
Scientists discover vitamin C regulates stem cell function, curbs leukemia development
University of Texas Southwestern August 21, 2022
Not much is known about stem cell metabolism, but a new study from the Children's Medical Center Research Institute at UT Southwestern (CRI) has found that stem cells take up unusually high levels of vitamin C, which then regulates their function and suppresses the development of leukemia.
"We have known for a while that people with lower levels of ascorbate (vitamin C) are at increased cancer risk, but we haven't fully understood why. Our research provides part of the explanation, at least for the blood-forming system," said Dr. Sean Morrison, the Director of CRI.
The techniques led researchers to discover that every type of blood-forming cell in the bone marrow had distinct metabolic signatures - taking up and using nutrients in their own individual way. One of the main metabolic features of stem cells is that they soak up unusually high levels of ascorbate. To determine if ascorbate is important for stem cell function, researchers used mice that lacked gulonolactone oxidase (Gulo) - a key enzyme that most mammals, including mice but not humans, use to synthesize their own ascorbate.
Loss of the enzyme requires Gulo-deficient mice to obtain ascorbate exclusively through their diet like humans do. This gave CRI scientists strict control over ascorbate intake by the mice and allowed them to mimic ascorbate levels seen in approximately 5 percent of healthy humans. At these levels, researchers expected depletion of ascorbate might lead to loss of stem cell function but were surprised to find the opposite was true - stem cells actually gained function. However, this gain came at the cost of increased instances of leukemia.
"Stem cells use ascorbate to regulate the abundance of certain chemical modifications on DNA, which are part of the epigenome," said Dr. Michalis Agathocleous, lead author of the study, an Assistant Instructor at CRI, and a Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellow. "The epigenome is a set of mechanisms inside a cell that regulates which genes turn on and turn off. So when stem cells don't receive enough vitamin C, the epigenome can become damaged in a way that increases stem cell function but also increases the risk of leukemia."
These findings have implications for older patients with a common precancerous condition known as clonal hematopoiesis. This condition puts patients at a higher risk of developing leukemia and other diseases, but it is not well understood why certain patients with the condition develop leukemia and others do not. The findings in this study might offer an explanation.
"One of the most common mutations in patients with clonal hematopoiesis is a loss of one copy of Tet2. Our results suggest patients with clonal hematopoiesis and a Tet2 mutation should be particularly careful to get 100 percent of their daily vitamin C requirement," Dr. Morrison said. "Because these patients only have one good copy of Tet2 left, they need to maximize the residual Tet2 tumor-suppressor activity to protect themselves from cancer."
Excessive blue light from our gadgets may accelerate the aging process
Oregon State University, August 30, 2022
Too much screen use has been linked to obesity and psychological problems. Now a new study has identified a new problem—a study in fruit flies suggests our basic cellular functions could be impacted by the blue light emitted by these devices. These results are published in Frontiers in Aging.
"Excessive exposure to blue light from everyday devices, such as TVs, laptops, and phones, may have detrimental effects on a wide range of cells in our body, from skin and fat cells <https://medicalxpress.com/tags/fat+cells/> , to sensory neurons <https://medicalxpress.com/tags/sensory+neurons/> ," said Dr. Jadwiga Giebultowicz, a professor at the Department of Integrative Biology at Oregon State University and senior author of this study. "We are the first to show that the levels of specific metabolites—chemicals that are essential for cells to function correctly—are altered in fruit flies <https://medicalxpress.com/tags/fruit+flies/>  exposed to blue light."
"Our study suggests that avoidance of excessive blue light exposure may be a good anti-aging strategy," advised Giebultowicz.
The researchers at Oregon State University have previously shown that fruit flies exposed to light "turn on" stress protective genes, and that those kept in constant darkness lived longer.
Blue light exposure caused significant differences in the levels of metabolites measured by the researchers in the cells of fly heads. In particular, they found that the levels of the metabolite <https://medicalxpress.com/tags/metabolite/>  succinate were increased, but glutamate levels were lowered.
"Succinate is essential for producing the fuel for the function and growth of each cell. High levels of succinate after exposure to blue light can be compared to gas being in the pump but not getting into the car," said Giebultowicz. "Another troubling discovery was that molecules responsible for communication between neurons, such as glutamate, are at the lower level after blue light exposure."
The changes recorded by the researchers suggest that the cells are operating at suboptimal level, and this may cause their premature death <https://medicalxpress.com/tags/premature+death/> , and further, explain their previous findings that blue light accelerates aging.
"LEDs have become the main illumination in display screens such as phones, desktops and TVs, as well as ambient lighting, so humans in advanced societies are exposed to blue light through LED lighting during most of their waking hours. The signaling chemicals in the cells of flies and humans are the same, so the there is potential for negative effects of blue light on humans," explains Giebultowicz.
Yoga and meditation improve mind-body health and stress resilience
University of Southern California, August 25, 2022
Many people report positive health effects from practicing yoga and meditation, and experience both mental and physical benefits from these practices. However, we still have much to learn about how exactly these practices affect mind-body health. A new research article published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience investigates the effects of yoga and meditation on brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), the activity on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) effects and inflammatory markers. By studying the participants of an intensive 3-month yoga and meditation retreat, the researchers found that the practices positively impacted BDNF signaling, the cortisol awakening response (CAR) and immunological markers, and in addition improved subjective wellbeing.
In this study, the retreat participants were assessed before and after participating in a 3-month yoga and meditation retreat that involved daily meditation and Isha yoga, accompanied by a vegetarian diet. The yogic practices consisted of physical postures, controlled breathing practices, and seated meditations during which the participants focused on mantra repetition, breath, emptying the mind and bodily sensation. The researchers measured psychometric measures, brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), circadian salivary cortisol levels, as well as pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. They also collected data on psychometric variables including mindfulness, absorption, depression and anxiety, and investigated the relationship between psychological improvements and biological changes.
The data showed that participation in the retreat was associated with decreases in both self-reported anxiety and depression as well as increases in mindfulness. The research team observed increases in the plasma levels of BDNF, a neuromodulator that plays an important role in learning, memory and the regulation of complex processes such as inflammation, immunity, mood regulation, stress response and metabolism. They also observed increases in the magnitude of the cortisol awakening response (CAR) which is part of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA), suggesting improved stress resilience. Moreover, there was a decrease in inflammatory processes caused by an increase of the anti-inflammatory cytokine Interleukin-10 and a reduction of the pro-inflammatory cytokine Interleukin-12 after the retreat. "It is likely that at least some of the significant improvements in both HPA axis functioning as exemplified by the CAR as well as neuroimmunologic functioning as exemplified by increases in BDNF levels and alterations in cytokines were due to the intensive meditation practice involved in this retreat," says corresponding author Dr Baruch Rael Cahn (University of Southern California, USA).
The research team hypothesize that the pattern of biological findings observed in their study is linked to enhanced resilience and wellbeing. "The observed increased BDNF signaling possibly related to enhanced neurogenesis and/or neuroplasticity, increased CAR likely related to enhanced alertness and readiness for mind-body engagement, and increased anti- and pro-inflammatory cytokines possibly indicating enhanced immunological readiness," explains Dr Cahn. "An intriguing possible link between the effects on BDNF and the CAR is hippocampal functional integrity, since increased BDNF levels due to physical exercise has previously been shown to relate with hippocampal neurogenesis and likely relate to its positive effects on well-being and depression."
Using the highbush blueberry to treat bacterial infections
University of Laval (Quebec), August 27, 2022
Researchers at Université Laval in Canada looked at the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) proanthocyanidins. In their study, which was published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it was revealed that highbush blueberry proanthocyanidins can be used as an agent for treating bacterial infections.
* For the study, the researchers isolated proanthocyanidins from highbush blueberries.
* Then, they assessed the effects of highbush blueberry proanthocyanidins on the gram-negative bacteria Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and biofilm formation stained with crystal violet.
* A. actinomycetemcomitans is the key factor in the etiology of localized aggressive periodontitis, the inflammation of the gums and supporting structures of the teeth.
* They also looked at the effects of blueberry proanthocyanidins on the integrity of the oral keratinocyte barrier, leukotoxin activity, and the lipopolysaccharide-mediated inflammatory response of monocytes/macrophages.
* Results showed that highbush blueberry proanthocyanidins decreased the growth of A. actinomycetemcomitans and inhibited biofilm formation.
* Highbush blueberry proanthocyanidins also exhibited antibacterial activities as they impaired the bacterial cell membrane.
* Moreover, the proanthocyanidins protected macrophages from leukotoxin’s negative effects and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
* In addition, the proanthocyanidins prevented the activation of the NF-KB signaling pathway.
* These findings suggested that highbush blueberry proanthocyanidins possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities.
In conclusion, highbush blueberry proanthocyanidins can potentially be used as natural therapeutic agents for treating infections.
Study: Women Who Surround Themselves With Nature Live Longer
Harvard School of Public Health, August 26, 2022
Researchers have already confirmed that spending time in nature reduces stress and that living near trees is beneficial for your health <http://www.trueactivist.com/new-study-living-near-trees-is-good-for-your-body-and-wallet/>  and wallet. Now, a new study concludes that women who surround themselves with vegetation are likely to live longer lives.
The study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, was conducted by researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Data from 108,630 women enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study across the U.S. helped the researchers determine if living near vegetation affects a woman’s health.
The team relied on satellite imagery from different seasons and various years to calculate the amount of greenery present at each woman’s home.
Researchers discovered that women who lived in the greenest surroundings had a 12% lower overall mortality rate versus those living in areas with the least green vegetation. Interestingly, women living in areas with the most vegetation had a 34% lower rate of respiratory related deaths and a 13% lower rate of cancer deaths compared to those who had the least vegetation around their homes.
This is likely because females who live in less-populated locations and are surrounded by more greenery are less exposed to environmental pollutants <http://www.trueactivist.com/air-pollution-officially-kills-more-people-than-hivaids/>  which are prevalent in city locations. In addition, it is possible that the stress caused by city noise and extreme heat could contribute to a woman’s early demise. The researchers theorize that areas with more vegetation also offer increased opportunities for physical activity and society interaction. Not only does regular exercise improve longevity, it’s a great aid for relieving stress.
Early-life alcohol intake may increase the odds of high-grade prostate cancer
University of North Carolina, August 23, 2022
Bottom Line: Compared with non-drinkers, men who consumed at least seven drinks per week during adolescence (ages 15-19) had three times the odds of being diagnosed with clinically significant prostate cancer.
"The prostate is an organ that grows rapidly during puberty, so it's potentially more susceptible to carcinogenic exposure during the adolescent years," said Allott. "For this reason, we wanted to investigate if heavy alcohol consumption in early life was associated with the aggressiveness of prostate cancer later."
Allott and colleagues evaluated data from 650 men undergoing a prostate biopsy at the Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center. These veterans had no prior history of prostate cancer, and their ages ranged from 49 to 89 years old. The population was racially diverse; 54 percent of patients were non-white. Men completed questionnaires which assessed the average number of alcoholic drinks consumed weekly during each decade of life to determine age-specific and cumulative lifetime alcohol intake.
Following multivariable analysis, the researchers found that heavy alcohol intake at ages 15-19 was not associated with overall prostate cancer; however, consumption of at least seven drinks per week during this age was associated with 3.2 times the odds of high-grade prostate cancer compared with non-drinkers. Similar associations were observed among those who consumed at least seven alcoholic drinks per week at ages 20-29, 30-39, and 40-49, resulting in 3.14, 3.09, and 3.64 times the odds of high-grade prostate cancer, respectively, compared with non-drinkers. However, current alcohol consumption was not significantly associated with high-grade prostate cancer.
Compared with men in the lowest tertile of lifetime alcohol intake, those in the upper tertile had 3.2 times the odds of being diagnosed with high-grade prostate cancer at biopsy.
"Our results may explain why previous evidence linking alcohol intake and prostate cancer has been somewhat mixed," noted Allott. "It's possible that the effect of alcohol comes from a lifetime intake, or from intake earlier in life rather than alcohol patterns around the time of diagnosis of prostate cancer."
About Gary Null
An internationally renowned expert in the field of health and nutrition, Gary Null, Ph.D is the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment. He is the host of ‘The Progressive Commentary Hour” and “The Gary Null Show”, the country’s longest running nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on here on the Progressive Radio Network.
Throughout his career, Gary Null has made hundreds of radio and television broadcasts throughout the country as an environmentalist, consumer advocate, investigative reporter and nutrition educator. More than 28 different Gary Null television specials have appeared on PBS stations throughout the nation, inspiring and motivating millions of viewers. He originated and completed more than one hundred major investigations on health issues resulting in the use of material by 20/20 and 60 Minutes. Dr. Null started this network to provide his followers with a media outlet for health and advocacy. For more of Dr. Null’s Work visit the Gary Null’s Work Section or Blog.GaryNull.com In addition to the Progressive Radio Network, Dr. Null has a full line of all-natural home and healthcare products that can be purchased at his Online Store.
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While we have thoroughly researched the information we provide, and indicate its sources, information in this Gary Null Newsletter, and all Gary Null Newsletters, is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or other condition. Consult your medical professional before choosing any treatment or course of action. Gary Null Newsletters are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information it provides.
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undercoveredmag-blog · 7 years ago
The one and only Tim Black discusses recent Democrat support for legislation that favors big banks.
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progressiveparty · 5 years ago
The Majority Report Gallery
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The Majority Report with Sam Seder on Progressive Party
- Sam Seder’s The Majority Report operates much more like a traditional podcast or radio show than a cable news show. The New York/New Jersey based political talk show has impressively been voted Podcastawards.com Best News/Politics podcast four years in a row.  Seder is also a part of the Ring of Fire Network. He’s established in the news world and is definitely worth a few hours of time while you’re working. Airing a live daily news commentary show, the Majority Report serves as the perfect morning entertainment. Oh, and it’s fucking hilarious. Sam Seder has been in the entertainment business for a long time. The Majority Report team offer commentary that is second to none in terms of comedy and entertainment. Not to mention, Sam and his guests are a wealth of information about politics, the pressing issues of now, and of the past. If you’ve never seen Sam debate a Libertarian, you aren’t really living. The daily multi-hour Livestream is an early afternoon ritual for me and many others on the left. The Majority Report is consistently a top tier show for news, commentary, education, and open debate. Watch the Majority Report on Progressive Party. For real, check it out. Read the full article
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weepingmusicartisan · 4 years ago
(The Indypendent)
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Catholic Church Spent Millions Lobbying Against Abuse Victims Rights & Scientology Cult Exposed
Published on 6 Dec 2020
Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio and Trial Magazines Editor Farron Cousins discuss a report showing that the Catholic Church has spent millions of dollars lobbying against the efforts to hold their own clergy members liable for molesting children. Legal journalist Mollye Barrows joins Mike Papantonio to talk about a lawsuit filed by a former Scientologist against the Church and its leader, David Miscavige, alleging that the Church of Scientology engages in forced labor, harassment, and human trafficking.
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
A report shows that the Catholic Church has spent millions of dollars lobbying against the efforts to hold their own clergy members liable for molesting children. You know, I look at this, I'm look at this story. Everyday you go to the newspaper when you see another molestation story and you hear the, you hear this, the same thing. Oh, we feel terrible about this as the Catholic Church. We apologize. We're trying to turn a new leaf on this. We're so sorry. While they're saying that they're spending five, six, $7 million state by state, trying to make sure that the statute of limitations doesn't change, so they're old priest can't be held responsible for, for going after little boys. I mean, and that's that, that's the Catholic Church. That's this, that is this crazy culture, this, this, this, this cult like thing that we call the Catholic Church nowadays. We accept as a church. It's a cult.Yeah.But that's, that's, that's the dichotomy here, isn't it?Well, you know, I actually would describe it more as a modern day corporation because their public face is saying, oh listen, we don't want anybody to be harmed. We are absolutely going to take the right steps. We're going to make this right for the people who are harmed. And then of course, behind closed doors, you know, with their checkbooks, they're sitting their funding and lobbying to say, hey, all those rules we've broken, let's not change them. Let's not make it worse for us. We're still going to tell the public we're, we're trying to help and make things better. But just like a corporation will do, they're still sitting there saying, hey, we got to get rid of these regulations. We don't ever want to be held accountable. And that's what they're doing because right now you have these states, they want to change the statute of limitation from 23 all the way to 55 so suddenly you open up a huge area.Well New York, great example.Yeah.They did that in New York. The clergy, the Catholic Church, money came directly from Rome, by the way. You know that, those palaces that they have in Rome built with the gold and the marble and you might, you would think God lived there, you know. But the point is, the point is the money came from them directly to New York to beat back this statute that would have extended the right of a person to sue for a, for a, on behalf of a child who's been raped, who has been sodomized and raped by a Catholic cult priest. And now you tell me, you know how that can be a bad thing to open the door. Let's open the door. And when I hear them say, oh, we just feel so terrible, this is just awful. We, you know, we apologize. If you look at the number, it's startling.I mean, some of the numbers on here, if you just take a look at who's, who's doing all this. A hundred and about 150 priests. Hundred and 50 priests, were responsible for raping 3000 children. Okay. That's, that's the numbers that come out of here. Now, so we say, and then you start asking the question, where does all this come from? Where did we get this idea that a priest shouldn't be able to marry? There's not a word in the Bible anywhere. New Testament, old testament says anything about a priest not being able to be married.
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sataniccapitalist · 4 years ago
Rise In COVID Cases In America Have Been Linked To Lack Of Stimulus Payments
Published on Nov 22, 2020
Via America’s Lawyer: Millions of Americans continue to suffer due to congressional gridlock over issuing additional COVID stimulus checks. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.
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The pandemic is getting much worse in American and economist are now saying that this could have been largely avoided if Congress had provided more stimulus to the Americans. It's a story that makes perfect sense. I got Farron Cousins with me to talk about it. Give me the connections, Farron. This is, when you first read the headlines you go, oh, what does stimulus has to do with people dying?
Right. A lot of people are wondering, how does more money help you not get sick?
Yeah, yeah.
Well, the answer is, you know, pretty obvious when you think about it. You have all of these people, the, the lower wage Americans, the workers, the average people that weren't getting stimulus. And so they had to go back to work. A lot of these people in the gig economy, you know, Uber drivers, servers at restaurants, people who otherwise would have stayed home if they'd have had the means. But instead Congress, this, you know, white house, Senate, house of representatives, everybody was so focused on giving billions and billions to corporations, average worker got a one-time $1,200 check to last them for a nine month pandemic. They were forced to go back to work or else they risk losing their homes, you know, losing their vehicles, not being able to pay their bills. So they're out there on the front lines getting sick now and that's why we're seeing such a massive spike because people can't stay home.
Okay. So both parties being hugely unreasonable.
Oh yeah.
The Democrats want $3 trillion, the Dem, the republics are gonna say that's, that's too much. The Democrats want to use it for all of their pet projects. The Republicans do too. And while that's going on, your point is that the average guy is just, I got to go to work.
And if I have to go to work, I'm going to go to work and I'm gonna expose people if, even if I'm sick, there are cases with that, where we know workers are showing up, they have to pay their mortgage. They got to put food on the table. They're sick and they're spreading it anyway. That's kind of where you're landing on this, isn't it?
Yeah, absolutely. And we've seen it, you know, the meat packing industry is one of the worst examples out there. These people could have stayed home, or they could have said, listen, you're not going to force me to come back. I'll find something else. But they had no safety net. They had no cushion in the form of monthly stimulus payments. They had to go there. And what we saw in the early early days of this were just massive outbreaks, tons of people dying in these packing plants because they had to.
So, so it's not, this isn't guesswork.
You and I have covered the meat packing problem at least three times.
And so this isn't guesswork. It's not speculation. I'm so damn tired of the politics involved here, leading up to the election. You know, the Democrats were gaming the system, Republicans were gaming the system. Mitch McConnell said, there's not going to be any movement at all. And while that's happening, your theory and the theory of many, many economists that have looked at this and says, there's a direct relationship between you holding this money up and the spread of the virus. Haven't we?
Well, well and you've got Mitch McConnell who still refuses to have it. And yet he called the Senate back this week to vote on six new judges for lifetime appointments.
So that's where his focus has been.
The big rush. The big rush with the lame duck presidency.
Has put these, put as many of these folks, and actually, you know, depending on how Georgia goes, I'm not convinced they still can't put, continue pushing judges. You know, we have, you're going to have three or four Democrats that say, ah, okay.
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navinmirania-blog · 7 years ago
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#innovation #thoughtfulcitizens #committed #changetheworld #progress #progressivenews #peoplescreatives #changeyourlife
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rcpseth · 7 years ago
Trump at the UN: Nuremberg Redux
The time for equivocation and satire where Donald Trump is concerned has passed. Indeed if the current US President’s address to the 72nd UN General Assembly in New York confirms anything, it is that satire must now give way to a sober and serious appreciation of the clear and present danger his administration poses to the world.
When Trump arrived at the podium at the UN to deliver his address to the world leaders and diplomats in attendance, it was impossible to resist pondering how it is that a man with zero political experience, whose dysfunctional relationship with the English language you would imagine would disqualify him from political office of any kind, could possibly find himself thrust onto the world stage in command of the largest economy and military, including nuclear weapons, ever known.
Some have attempted to posit Trump’s election to the highest political office in the United States as confirmation of the unyielding magic of the American dream, the power it has to make the seemingly impossible eminently possible, carrying with it the source of America’s promise.
However those of us who refuse to succumb to such illusions understand Trump’s election as evidence not of America’s greatness but of its weakness and decline. To put it another way, if Obama was our Emperor Augustus, a president who managed to succeed in cloaking the snarling beast of US imperialism and hegemony with the patina of peace and stability – a Pax Americana if you will – Trump is our Nero, a leader whose departure from reality knows no bounds.
America with its mask removed, is how I described the 45th President of the United States during the presidential election campaign last year, and never have I written a truer word. At least in this respect he has done the world a favor in disabusing it of the myth that Washington is or has ever been a force for good in the world.
In truth what we are dealing with is a juggernaut of chaos and destruction which, during the Obama years, was led by a president who perfected the art of speaking the language of conciliation while following the agenda of state long imbued with the ethos of might is right. In Trump’s case, we are dealing with a president who foregoes the language of conciliation, opting instead for the kind of violent rhetoric and bombast commonly associated with head of a New York crime family – a gangster in all but name.
During a speech that was more akin to an incoherent rant, Trump said, “If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph. When decent people and nations become bystanders to history, the forces of destruction only gather power and strength.”
What are we to make of a passage that could have been lifted verbatim from the Old Testament? “The righteous many” Trump refers to does not, by any objective measure, include a nation which counts the use of nuclear weapons, the mass destruction of entire countries – North Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya – as part of a legacy so foul with the stench of hypocrisy it requires that we pinch our collective nose before engaging with it.
Not satisfied with destroying North Korea once – in a war unleashed on its people by the US and its allies between 1950 and 1953 – Trump levelled the threat that Washington may do so again, declaring that “we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.” Listening to this in Pyongyang, you can bet the decision was instantly taken to ramp up the country’s on-going efforts to establish a nuclear capability for the purposes of defending itself.
The anti-Iran section of Trump’s speech could well have been written for him in Tel Aviv and Riyadh, such was its intemperance and brutal indifference to the facts. And the salient where Iran is concerned is that it has not attacked any of its neighbors in 200 years. Moreover, in our time Iran has played a major part in the struggle against the barbarism of Salafi-jihadism in Iraq and Syria, shedding the blood of its soldiers in the process. In return the world, including Washington, owes it a debt of gratitude.
But the world painted in lurid colors by Trump from the podium of the UN General Assembly is a world in which injustice and untruth reigns. In this regard, does anyone believe it is any coincidence that the two states in the Middle East which rest on foundations of ethno-religious supremacy – Israel and Saudi Arabia – are mortal enemies of a government in Tehran whose only crime is that it is a pillar of resistance to the axis of regime change of which both are card carrying members?
To ask is to answer.
Moving on, listening to a billionaire poster child for capitalism providing the UN with a disquisition on the evils of socialism and communism, which he did when railing against Cuba and Venezuela, was nothing if not surreal. Here, Alan Badiou usefully reminds us of the fact that “the huge colonial genocides and massacres, the millions of deaths in the civil and world wars through which our [capitalist] West forged its might, should be enough to discredit, even in the eyes of ‘philosophers’ who extol their morality, the parliamentary regimes of Europe and America.”
Cuba’s record and legacy of exporting solidarity instead of cruise missiles to countries around the world is not in dispute. Neither are its achievements in the fields of healthcare, education, and science – all of which have been reached despite the depredations of the sustained economic embargo and sanctions enforced against the island by the US, an embargo and sanctions that have been in place since the 1960s.
Meanwhile, the Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro currently finds itself under siege by a Washington-funded and supported opposition comprised of an entrenched oligarchy that has never once resiled from its hatred of the country’s poor and indigenous masses. This is the true locus of the ire in which the Bolivarian revolution is held, a revolution that was authored by the now departed Hugo Chavez on the back of popular support in the late 1990s, designed to redistribute the country’s oil wealth for the benefit of those whose very existence is an affront to the nation’s economic and hitherto political elite.
In point of fact, the grotesque verbal broadsides Trump unleashed concerning human rights and democracy when it comes to Caracas merely conceals and elides a truth that dare not speak its name – namely that Washington wants its country back.
When it comes to the list of nations and governments against which Trump vented his ire in his UN speech – North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, and by implication Russia and China – the inescapable fact is that for all their differences they share a refusal to submit to the writ of Washington. This is their ‘crime’ in the eyes of an administration whose grip on reality becomes evermore tenuous by the day.
At a certain point, while watching Trump’s first ever appearance at the UN General Assembly, the sage words of Che Guevara intruded as in a warning from history: “It is the very nature of imperialism to turn humans into beasts.”
Yes, the time for satire has passed.
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prognews-blog · 7 years ago
Mindalevidnoe Telo на Riff Dealers
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С недавних пор MINDALEVIDNOE TELO является частью Riff Dealers. Поздравляем!
Группа была образована в 2012 году. В этом же году ребята выпустили одноименный мини-альбом. После выхода EP, группа начинает активную концертную деятельность, при этом, один из первых концертов проходит в городе Киеве (Украина). Далее множество концертов по странам СНГ. ��имой этого же года, группа собственными силами организует небольшой музыкальный фестиваль под названием «Alternative Drive Injection» в г. Витебске.
В 2013 году ребята становятся финалистами белоруской Emergenza.
Ближе к концу 2014 года в сети появляется сингл с грядущего альбома. Сингл «Дышать» дал понять всем, что группа поднялась на новый уровень как в музыкальном, так и в творческом плане: музыканты стали использовать нестандартные ходы, качество записи треков заметно улучшилось.
В январе 2015 увидел свет дебютный полноформатник группы. Критики сразу отметили непохожесть M.T. на многие другие альтернативные команды бывшего постсоветского пространства.
Осенью 2016-ого года выходит в свет макси-сингл «Между душой и внешним миром», который содержит две новых композиции, отличающихся новым звучанием группы в направлении Groove Metal. В настоящий момент у группы идет работа над новым материалом.
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poetrylifesblood · 8 years ago
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#Repost @berning_media_network ・・・ #philandocastille ------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure to go to our new website! Link is on the page! Please donate✊ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 👍 us on Facebook 👍 ------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to our YouTube! ------------------------------------------------------------------- 🚨Follow our back up account🚨 @berning_mediabackup 💪Follow Partner Page💪 @ubcnews @California_libertarian @occupy.everything @bernieorbustbuckybarnes @the.ghettopolitician #BerningMediaNetwork #NewsUpdate #IndependentMedia #ProgressiveNews #politics #news #progressive (Operation steal hashtags) #kanyewest #Rihanna #Beyonce #JayZ #MikeyCyrus #Walmart #trump #nomorepipelines #NoDAPL
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prnlive · 2 years ago
Gary Null’s Show Notes
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If you listen to Gary’s show, you know that he begins with the latest findings in natural approaches to health and nutrition. Here we make some of those findings available each weekday to subscribers to the Gary Null Newsletter.
Purple potato may pack cancer prevention punch - even after cooking
Boosting physical activity and curbing sitting time are highly likely to lower breast cancer risk
How the mind sharpens the senses
Elderberry extract may improve obesity inflammation
First Ground Breaking Study Shows How Rhodiola Rosea Protects People From Viral Infections
How does nature nurture the brain?
Purple potato may pack cancer prevention punch - even after cooking
Pennsylvania State University, September 1, 2022
Anthocyanin compounds found in purple potatoes may help in the prevention of certain types of cancer, even after cooking, say researchers.
The new data, published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, tested the potential for anthocyanin-containing purple potatoes to block the growth of cancer tumours, even when they have been cooked – after previous research suggested that the polyphenols found in purple potatoes (PP) may help to battle cancer.
Led by Venkata Charepalli from Pennsylvania State University, the team used laboratory tests including in vitro cell line investigations and animal modelling to test how PP impacted colon cancer growth, and in particular, colon cancer stem cells (CSCs), which have previously been suggested to be target by dietary bioactives such as curcumin.
The team reported that their data from in vitro and mouse models suggests that baked purple-fleshed potatoes suppressed the growth of colon cancer tumours by targeting the cancer's stem cells.
They added that there may be several substances in purple potatoes that work simultaneously, and on multiple pathways, to help kill the colon cancer stem cells, including anthocyanins and chlorogenic acid, and resistant starch.
"Our earlier work and other research studies suggest that potatoes, including purple potatoes, contain resistant starch, which serves as a food for the gut bacteria, that the bacteria can covert to beneficial short-chain fatty acids such as butyric acid," said study senior author Professor Jairam Vanamal – also of Penn State. "The butyric acid regulates immune function in the gut, suppresses chronic inflammation and may also help to cause cancer cells to self-destruct."
Boosting physical activity and curbing sitting time are highly likely to lower breast cancer risk
Breast Cancer Association Consortium (UK), September 6, 2022
Boosting physical activity levels and curbing sitting time are highly likely to lower breast cancer risk, finds research designed to strengthen proof of causation and published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
The findings were generally consistent across all types and stages of the disease, reveals the Mendelian randomization study, prompting the researchers to recommend a stronger focus on exercise as a way of warding off breast cancer.
Mendelian randomization is a technique that uses genetic variants as proxies for a particular risk factor—in this case lifelong physical activity levels/sedentary behavior—to obtain genetic evidence in support of a causal relationship. 
Observational studies show that physical inactivity and sedentary behavior are linked to higher breast cancer risk, but proving they cause breast cancer is another matter.
The researchers included data from 130,957 women of European ancestry: 69, 838 of them had tumors that had spread locally (invasive); 6667 had tumors that hadn't yet done so (in situ); and a comparison group of 54,452 women didn't have breast cancer.
Researchers estimated overall breast cancer risk, according to whether the women had or hadn't gone through the menopause; and by cancer type (positive for estrogen or progesterone, or HER-2, or positive/negative for all 3 hormones), stage (size and extent of tumor spread), and grade (degree of tumor cell abnormality).
These case-control groups comprised: 23,999 pre/peri-menopausal women with invasive breast cancer and 17,686 women without; 45,839 postmenopausal women with breast cancer and 36,766 without.
Analysis of the data showed that a higher overall level of genetically predicted physical activity was associated with a 41% lower risk of invasive breast cancer, and this was largely irrespective of menopausal status, tumor type, stage, or grade. 
Similarly, genetically predicted vigorous physical activity on 3 or more days of the week was associated with a 38% lower risk of breast cancer, compared with no self-reported vigorous activity. These findings were consistent across most of the case groups. 
Finally, a greater level of genetically predicted sitting time was associated with a 104% higher risk of triple negative breast cancer. These findings were consistent across hormone-negative tumor types.
How the mind sharpens the senses
Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), August 27, 2022
A study conducted with experienced scholars of Zen-Meditation shows that mental focussing can induce learning mechanisms, similar to physical training. Researchers at the Ruhr-University Bochum and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University München discovered this phenomenon during a scientifically monitored meditation retreat. The journal Scientific Reports, from the makers of Nature, has now published their new findings on the plasticity of the brain.
The participants were all Zen-scholars with many years of meditation practice. The retreat was held in complete silence, with at least eight hours of meditation per day. All participants practiced their familiar meditation, which is characterized by a non-specific monitoring of thoughts and surroundings. Additionally, some participants applied a special finger-meditation for two hours per day, during which they were asked to specifically focus on their right index finger and become aware of spontaneously arising sensory percepts in this finger. Subsequent assessment of the group that practiced finger-meditation showed a significant improvement in the tactile acuity of the right index and middle finger. A control group that had maintained their familiar meditation practice for the whole time, showed no changes in tactile acuity.
In order to assess the sense of touch quantitatively, researchers measured the so-called "two-point discrimination threshold". This marker indicates how far apart two stimuli need to be, in order to be discriminated as two separate sensations. After the finger meditation, the performance improved on average by 17 percent. By comparison, tactile acuity of the visually impaired is 15 to 25 percent above that of typical sighted individuals, because their sense of touch is used so intensively to make up for the reduced visual information. Hence, the changes induced by meditation are comparable to those achieved by intense long-term training.
It is known for long that extensive training induces neuroplasticity, which denotes the ability of the brain to adapt and restructure itself, thereby improving perception and behavior. Recently, the group of neuroscientists of the Neural Plasticity Lab headed by Hubert Dinse has shown that these processes can be initiated even without training by mere exposure to passive stimulation, which was translated only recently into a stimulating glove, which is used as therapeutical intervention in stroke patients. The fact that merely mental states without any physical stimulation can improve perception has now been shown for the first time. "The results of our study challenge what we know about learning mechanisms in the brain. Our concept of neuroplasticity must be extended, because mental activity seems to induce learning effects similar to active stimulation and physical training," Dinse suggests.
Elderberry extract may improve obesity inflammation
University of Connecticut , September 1, 2022
Black elderberry extract may improve obesity-related metabolic disturbances like triglyceride (TAG) levels, inflammation and insulin resistance, research in mice finds.
The researchers from the University of Connecticut in the US said dietary anthocyanins had been shown to reduce inflammation in animal models and to improve obesity-related complications – and black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) was one of the richest sources of these types of flavonoids.
“Overall, black elderberry extract appeared to attenuate systemic inflammation and insulin resistance that occurs with diet-induced obesity in this mouse model, but further research is warranted on black elderberry consumption and effects in humans,” they wrote in the British Journal of Nutrition.
Mice were fed either a low-fat diet, high-fat lard-based diet, a high-fat diet with 0.25% of the extract or a high-fat with 1.25% of the extract for a period of 16 weeks.
The black elderberry extracts amounted to an anthocyanin dose of 20–40 mg per kg of body weight for the 0.25% group and 100–200 mg for the 1.25% group.
After 16 weeks both extract groups had significantly lower liver weights, serum TAG and serum monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 – a serum marker linked to cardiovascular disease and diabetes – compared to the group given the high fat diet alone.
Liver weights were about 13% lower in both extract groups compared to the group given the high fat diet alone.
"Obese individuals have shortened life expectancies; however, they do not typically die of obesity itself but rather obesity-related comorbidities, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain types of cancers,” they said.
They said inflammation as a result of adipose fat and excessive accumulation of ectopic lipid in tissues was thought to be a key underlying cause of these obesity-related comorbidities, meaning methods that target and lower inflammation could be effective at preventing obesity-related conditions. 
First Ground Breaking Study Shows How Rhodiola Rosea Protects People From Viral Infections
Appalachian State University  August 26, 2022
Also known as arctic root or golden root, Rhodiola Rosea has already been clinically shown to stimulate serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine activity, and support healthy neurotransmitter balance, but human trials have now shown the the herb protects against viral infection.
A 2002 review in HerbalGram, the journal of the American Botanical Council, reported that numerous studies of rhodiola in both humans and animals have indicated that it helps prevent fatigue, stress, and the damaging effects of oxygen deprivation. Evidence also suggests that it acts as an antioxidant, enhances immune system function, and can increase sexual energy. Rhodiola's efficacy was confirmed in a 2011 review of 11 placebo-controlled human studies. The reviewers considered studies that all had study designs rated as moderate to good quality, and the analysis of their combined data concluded that rhodiola might have beneficial effects on physical performance, mental performance, and certain mental health conditions. 
Nieman’s study "Rhodiola rosea exerts antiviral activity in athletes following a competitive marathon race," which was published July 31 in Frontiers in Nutrition, is the first to show anti-viral activity.
In his study, 48 marathon runners participating in the 2012 Thunder Road Marathon in Charlotte were randomly divided into two groups that ingested either 600 milligrams of Rhodiola rosea or a placebo for a month before the race. Blood samples were collected the day before the marathon and 15 minutes and 1.5 hours post-race. Initial studies found no impact on inflammation and oxidative stress. Additional studies used an in vitro assay to measure the ability of the polyphenolic compounds to protect the cells against Vesicular stomatitis virus. The results demonstrated that Rhodiola rosea delayed viral infection for up to 12 hours after the marathon.
Nieman was the first scientist to find that marathon runners are prone to viral illnesses such as upper respiratory tract infections after competing. This discovery motivated him to research plant-based compounds that could prevent infection and enhance recovery and overall athletic performance.Since Rhodiola rosea administration appears to impact central monoamine levels, it might also provide benefits and be the adaptogen of choice in clinical conditions characterised by an imbalance of central nervous system monoamines. It also suggests that research in areas such as seasonal affective disorder, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome, among others, is warranted.
"Basically after heavy exertion, bacteria and viruses can multiply at a higher rate than normal due to factors in the serum like stress hormones and inflammatory cytokines," Nieman said. "This is why runners are six times more likely to get sick after a marathon. We showed that in those who used Rhodiola rosea the viruses could not multiply, meaning it was acting as a countermeasure."
Rhodiola both stimulates and protects the immune system by reinstating homeostasis (metabolic balance) in the body. It also increases the natural killer cells (NK) in the stomach and spleen. This action may be due to its ability to normalise hormones by modulating the release of glucocorticoid into the body. 
How does nature nurture the brain?
Max Planck Society, September 6, 2022
After a 60-minute walk in nature, activity in brain regions involved in stress processing decreases. This is the finding of a recent study by the Lise Meitner Group for Environmental Neuroscience at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, published in Molecular Psychiatry.
Living in a city is a well-known risk factor for developing a mental disorder, while living close to nature is largely beneficial for mental health and the brain. A central brain region involved in stress processing, the amygdala, has been shown to be less activated during stress in people who live in rural areas, compared to those who live in cities, hinting at the potential benefits of nature. "But so far the hen-and-egg problem could not be disentangled, namely whether nature actually caused the effects in the brain or whether the particular individuals chose to live in rural or urban regions," says Sonja Sudimac, predoctoral fellow in the Lise Meitner Group for Environmental Neuroscience and lead author of the study.
To achieve causal evidence, the researchers from the Lise Meitner Group for Environmental Neuroscience examined brain activity in regions involved in stress processing in 63 healthy volunteers before and after a one-hour walk in Grunewald forest or a shopping street with traffic in Berlin using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The results of the study revealed that activity in the amygdala decreased after the walk in nature, suggesting that nature elicits beneficial effects on brain regions related to stress.
"The results support the previously assumed positive relationship between nature and brain health, but this is the first study to prove the causal link. Interestingly, the brain activity after the urban walk in these regions remained stable and did not show increases, which argues against a commonly held view that urban exposure causes additional stress," explains Simone Kühn, head of the Lise Meitner Group for Environmental Neuroscience.
The authors show that nature has a positive impact on brain regions involved in stress processing and that it can already be observed after a one-hour walk. This contributes to the understanding of how our physical living environment affects brain and mental health. Even a short exposure to nature decreases amygdala activity, suggesting that a walk in nature could serve as a preventive measure against developing mental health problems and buffering the potentially disadvantageous impact of the city on the brain.
About Gary Null
An internationally renowned expert in the field of health and nutrition, Gary Null, Ph.D is the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment. He is the host of ‘The Progressive Commentary Hour” and “The Gary Null Show”, the country’s longest running nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on here on the Progressive Radio Network.
Throughout his career, Gary Null has made hundreds of radio and television broadcasts throughout the country as an environmentalist, consumer advocate, investigative reporter and nutrition educator. More than 28 different Gary Null television specials have appeared on PBS stations throughout the nation, inspiring and motivating millions of viewers. He originated and completed more than one hundred major investigations on health issues resulting in the use of material by 20/20 and 60 Minutes. Dr. Null started this network to provide his followers with a media outlet for health and advocacy. For more of Dr. Null’s Work visit the Gary Null’s Work Section or Blog.GaryNull.com In addition to the Progressive Radio Network, Dr. Null has a full line of all-natural home and healthcare products that can be purchased at his Online Store.
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ritware1850 · 8 years ago
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progressiveparty · 5 years ago
Big League Politics
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Big League Politics is a video website showing Progressive News.
Here are the most popular Big League videos  on Progressive Party
Political news all around the united states See the newest big league politics videos, click here. Read the full article
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severehd · 8 years ago
The Dutch came ul with a genius plan.. -----------------------------------------------------------------#NewsUpdate #IndependentMedia #ProgressiveNews #nomorepipelines #politics #news #progressive #NoDAPL (Operation steal hashtags) #kanyewest #nascar #usbank #music
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differentshadesofamber · 8 years ago
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#Repost @berning_media_network (@get_repost) ・・・ If the rolls im history were reversed, would you simply just get over it? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure to go to our new website! Link is in our bio on the page! ------------------------------------------------------------------- 👍 us on Facebook 👍subscribe to our YouTube! ------------------------------------------------------------- Like my personal page on Facebook.com/PatrickTheProgressive ------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow our back up account: @berning_mediabackup 💪Follow Partner Page💪 @ubcnews @California_libertarian @truth_is_the_new_hate @illinois.liberal @occupy.everything @exposing.governments @fuck.the.camera.3.0 @bernieorbustbuckybarnes @the.ghettopolitician #BerningMedia #ProgressiveNews #IndependentNews #Pro1stAmendment #StandingRock #Legalization #EndTheDrugWar #NoMassSurveillance #NoMoreWar #EndHunger #RobinHoodTax #UniversalHealthcare #DemExit ------------------------------------------------------------------- (Operation Steal Hashtags) #KanyeWest #KimK #CNN #BillCosby #Cubs #foodporn #Putin #Followers #blazeit #fashion
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