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unitedstatesofdesign · 5 months ago
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Japanese Architecture Joinery in Rhino 8 with Display Settings, Layouts, and Dimension Styles.
This video course covers how to model one of my favorite Japanese joints, Miyajima Tsugi, or the triple faced halved rabbeted scarf joint in Rhino 3D. We cover basic commands like polyline, line, divide, array, and multiple surface commands. We then create display settings in Rhino to create a wood hatch aesthetic diagram, insert materials, adjust lineweights, create dimensions, views, layouts, and print settings.
宮島継 みやじまつぎ
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Five Interviews This Week On Lenscratch
I have five interviews posting this week on the fabulous Lenscratch, @lenscratch http://lenscratch.com Not just words, pictures too, chosen by the very same photographers. Part of the series Photographers On Photographers. Barry Schwartz In Conversation With: Rachael Wright @rachaelwrightphoto Jesse Burke @jesse_burke Anastasia Samoylova @anasamoylova Victor Moriyama @victormoriyama Jana Ašenbrennerová @asenbrennerova
I am so grateful to each of these terrific photographers who spoke at length about how they came to be professionals, how they sustain themselves, what they exhibit and publish, and what matters in their work and their lives - and why there is only so much difference between the two.
Soon, I'll have all five interviews posted on my blog, Barry Schwartz Not Barry Schwartz https://barryschwartznotbarryschwartz.com
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mywordsolutionedu-blog · 9 days ago
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📚 Need help with your #ECE6009 Early Childhood Development & Teaching Assignment? 🤔
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We have more specialization in these courses:-
ECE6009 Early Childhood Development Learning and Teaching
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matthewcahill · 4 months ago
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Congratulations on reaching Module 7—another chapter in your Inspiraology training journey!
This capstone module is all about integration, mastery, and preparing you to confidently launch your professional hypnotherapy practice. In Module 7, we’ll bring together everything you’ve learned, sharpening your skills and refining your approach so you’re fully prepared to support clients and build a fulfilling career.
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By the end of Module 7, you’ll be ready to confidently add elements of CBT into your practice, help clients achieve transformative results, and make an impact in the world of hypnotherapy.
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helpwithperdisco · 4 months ago
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Get Online Assistance For MBA7068 Academic Skills and Professional Practice Assignment!! Take online University Assessment help Service to Get Instant Solution!!  Order Now on WhatsApp: +44 141 628 6080!!
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whatitmeanstobeawoman23 · 2 years ago
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These are some publication layout ideas that i found online. i was mainly looking at different photography zine layouts as i rly want to try and capture a photography style publication. i think my publication will be mainly filled with pictures that i took and a few powerful quotes or articles i have found related to my topic
https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/33917803436498742/ https://i.pinimg.com/originals/14/ec/26/14ec26ed5a282d29697f8da2812512d2.jpg
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hollymcinallyba3photo · 3 years ago
Environment 360 second attempt
Today I went to George square to retry the environment 360 task. I definitely think that this one worked a lot better. Due to multiple reasons as i feel the lighting worked well, the location worked well as i was able to get a full 360 and then edited it to how i wanted it. The thing i think i need to work on though is the exposure control as I felt i did struggle with it slightly.
As I had to keep changing it due to multiple lighting conditions within the area. I shot it landscape as I felt I was able to get each part of the structures that way but in hindsight I probably would have shot it in portrait as well to see if that would’ve been easier to put together
Contact sheets
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Photoshop collage image
I wasn’t able to fit the full 360 in so I need to try and figure out why it’s not working.
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leelewishnd2c · 3 years ago
Cut-Out Task
For our digital class we were instructed to match a portraits lighting conditions with our backgrounds from the studio class in the prior week, with the intentions of blending the two into the one image. 
The image I had was top-lit with a white board underneath the subject to mimic lighting conditions of the alleyway, which I had taken an image of beforehand. Since my background was very close to 50% grey, it was easy on my system to just use the select subject tool, which created a near perfect cut out, requiring no fine tuning. 
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I was then able to drop this onto the background after making the B&W conversion, there still could be improvements made to this image. However, like a slight blur in the background and a dropping of the contrast on the alleyway, but for a first attempt I feel the lighting and theme match very well.
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k00256488 · 4 years ago
Professional Practice - Post Covid-19 World
Covid-19 has had an unprecedented effect on the economy and our social lives. There are many trends which could result from Covid-19. There has been a huge increase in online shopping, as a result of the closure of shops, meaning people are excited to wear the new clothes they have purchased.
I believe that comfortable clothing will be on the rise. This is because of how people are now working from home. It is more economic for companies to have their workers at home - meaning they can repurpose the office space to something more profitable. Therefore, I believe simple and comfortable business attire suitable for working from home could be on the rise.
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I also believe it is important to compare contempory events to that of the past. This means comparing the current state of our world to that of the world around The 1918 flu pandemic, the Great Depression, and the Second World War. A variety of different trends emerged as a result of these - including easy-wash clothing, slower fashion trends and more practical work attire. The 1940′s  saw a boxy look with shoulder pads. This could be a potential trend for coming times. 
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 I also personally believe that more androgynous clothing will be more popular. With icons such as Harry Styles adopting a feminine looks over lockdown, it is now more socially acceptable then any other time in recent history to dress in a non-gender conforming style. The boxy style of clothing I discussed above also has an androgynous element to it. Over my research in the past few weeks for my other projects, I have seen a great interest in androgyny in high street fashion, which could eventually reach consumers. 
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teonnaelliottart · 4 years ago
Artists website
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dezianne · 5 years ago
Galaxies and Animation
Professional Practice 5
  Have you ever truly thought how massive our galaxy is or even how large the universe might be? How can we even imagine how many lightyears make up our universe and what might possibly be in store for us as we continue to explore? Throughout the past decades, with help from science fiction, we have looked towards the stars, wondering what could possibly be out there. Telescopes, cameras, even robots, can help us visualize but we usually only have numbers or ideas to go off of on how planets, stars, gasses, and debries move throughout our solar system.
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   Animated sequences and GIFs give us an idea how these massive celestial bodies move, whether they are accurate or not, these visuals spark curiousity in researchers as well as every day people. Curiousity sparks a drive to research further and sometimes the imagined animation could closely reflect the real movement of these celestial bodies.
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   With this idea in mind, animation predicting or guessing on movement that we are still discovering, I wonder what else artists will help scientists discover or think about in their creative renditions. Creativity, discovery, and research seem to go hand in hand throughout history. An example such as archeologists uncovering fossilized bones and artists drawing what this creature may have looked like while animators predict how the animal might have moved. Moments like these help us visualize and drive us towards finding our next discovery that we might be able to learn and understand.
   In my personal style, I have started to incorporate walercolor backgrounds with galaxy themes as well as gothic architecture and themes. A reminder that the universe is beautiful in life, death, and in pure existence from the smallest form that we can see all the way to what we can barely imagine.
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unitedstatesofdesign · 5 months ago
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Japanese Architecture Joinery in Rhino 8 with Display Settings, Layouts, and Dimension Styles.
This video course covers how to model one of my favorite Japanese joints, Miyajima Tsugi, or the triple faced halved rabbeted scarf joint in Rhino 3D. We cover basic commands like polyline, line, divide, array, and multiple surface commands. We then create display settings in Rhino to create a wood hatch aesthetic diagram, insert materials, adjust lineweights, create dimensions, views, layouts, and print settings.
宮島継 みやじまつぎ
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A Two-Part Interview With…Me. I was recently interviewed by Alan Blakely, the director of AIAP (Association of Independent Architectural Photographers), where I am a member.
Part One is about my career and how I got here, with lots of photos and stories.
Part Two is about teaching business practices for photographers, something I've done for over 10 years in college classes, workshops, and webinars. I show some of the same slides I use when I teach, and Alan and I bat ideas back and forth about marketing, contracts, people skills, finding clients, metadata, and like that.
You may - or may not - be relieved to know we never talk about cameras or lenses!
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c19xmRQTR3I
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1Ru71Mj2U0
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hannahmatthewswestminster · 5 years ago
Project Funding
i went on to research what kind of organisations are around, to see how i would go about applying for funding for any documentary photographic projects i may have. it seemed a good way to get financial support for the project, whilst getting some form of publicity. to apply for funding you must first pitch your whole project concept, so in my case, i would need to conduct thorough research into the ideas i am to investigate. many of the applications require you to have a link to your website, a professional online portfolio
here is a list of places i could apply to receive funding:
- gomma photography grant
- the imagely fund (environmental projects with photo essay)
- blue earth alliance
- lucie foundation
- aaron siskind foundation (after diploma hand-in)
- the alexia foundation: about promoting change and fighting for world peace (grants for students as well)
- ian parry scholarship
- getty images grants
- uk picture editors’ guild awards
- burn emerging photographer fund
- centre’s project launch grant
- fotovisura grant (student projects)
- mro foundation
- national geographic grants program
- w.eugene smith grant
looking at the requirements for applying for grants/funding, has shown me another side of photography in the ‘real-world’ and the kind of level i should be pushing for within my future work. if i push myself this year, i will be able to apply for student funding
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Ways in which Illustrators and Agencies promote themselves
Illustrator and Animator Vewn promotes herself by running an instagram account and shop, as well as a Youtube Channel and Vimeo to showcase her animation. She sells prints, original pieces and other merchandise on her shop and uses her instagram account to announce when new videos will be uploaded to her channel by posting segments of them, and posting photographs of paintings as they are released on her shop. Everything is linked and cross promoted which I think is really useful! Her work all echos itself everywhere and on every platform she uses the same icon, which helps bind all the accounts together. 
Illustrator Aubii Wood works in a similar way, but has more interaction with her audience by re-posting photographs of her merchandise taken by other people. She collaborated with apparel company Bonfire to release a series of T-shirts, which she also wears and models herself on her personal life account. She also runs a Storenvy selling prints, and a Youtube Channel where she documents her process and creates other Illustration related content, all of which can be accessed through her Instagram account. She also participates in hashtags and drawing challenges, such as #Inktober and #drawthisinyourstyle, which I think is useful in feeling like you’re part of a wider community and getting some exposure from peers just by posting on social media and adding a certain hashtag to the piece. She also opens a limited amount of priced commission slots to her followers when she is available to work on them, which I also think is a good method of drawing attention and encouraging audience interaction.  
Illustration Agency Handsome Frank use their Twitter account to interact with their followers and other creators, asking questions and retweeting not only their own artists but others that catch their eye. They also make casual and informal tweets that are pleasant to interact with, not for their showcasing of talent but that they make the admins seem approachable and that their Agency is not just a facade of nameless agents. They run a website that gives equal attention to all it’s Illustrators, and they even have a blog section linked to their website where they write blog posts giving updates on what their affiliates are up to. They also run Portfolio reviews by people in their agency, which is a good way to improve public relations and be promoted by the place in which the class is held, and also encourages aspiring Illustrators and photographers to submit their portfolio to them and join them, bringing that individual’s following in tow. 
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Professional Practice
13/01/2020- Trip to Birmingham.
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Today I was presented with the opportunity to go to Birmingham and meet up with people from team HoloSphere. October last year I was given a project by my university called ‘professional practice’ this module is designed to introduce you to a wide range of opportunities through which we can establish a specific awareness of professional practice within the creative arts. This task could be pursued through engagement with an exhibition space, art administration and community arts and residencies, or gaining experience alongside a professional practitioner in my chosen field. 
Luckily for me, my Tutors already had contacts for someone within a group called Holosphere. HoloSphere is a company located in Birmingham, that specialises within the virtual and augmented reality worlds (an area I'm hoping to potentially pursue in the future). I was able to email with a team member, named Sean. We arranged to meet up to get to know each other better, thus giving us a chance to discuss my work. 
Overall I feel like it went really well! I was there for roughly two hours, during which we managed to discuss what they do as a company. I then explained to Sean and the team what I've been doing within my practice, explaining skills I've developed over the years and projects I've been working on like my cathedral project. Now that they have gotten to know me a little better, over summer they plan to see what work placement opportunities they have within the company that could be a good fit for me.
To make the process of finding me as helpful and beneficial to both parties, I need to work on creating a digital portfolio for my previous work. I also need to do this for my Weir Garden project since they primarily use the unreal engine (I normally use the unity software). I’m going to try and become proficient in the unreal engine as I feel that most skills are transferable for my augmented work. After doing so, the company will be able to see and hopefully experience what I inevitably create for the Weir Garden.
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