#Printing an Array in Java without a Loop
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myprogrammingschool · 2 years ago
Printing an array in java with example
In this article, we will discuss printing an array in java using different methods like using loop, without loop, 2d array, and array in reverse with source code and output of that. #1. Printing an Array in Java using for loop A. Explanation of the source code The code snippet below demonstrates how to print an array in Java using a for loop. The for loop iterates through the elements of the…
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generatour1 · 4 years ago
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shinelikethunder · 5 years ago
Fandom Userscript Cookbook: Five Projects to Get Your Feet Wet
Target audience: This post is dedicated, with love, to all novice, aspiring, occasional, or thwarted coders in fandom. If you did a code bootcamp once and don’t know where to start applying your new skillz, this is for you. If you're pretty good with HTML and CSS but the W3Schools Javascript tutorials have you feeling out of your depth, this is for you. If you can do neat things in Python but don’t know a good entry point for web programming, this is for you. Seasoned programmers looking for small, fun, low-investment hobby projects with useful end results are also welcome to raid this post for ideas.
You will need:
The Tampermonkey browser extension to run and edit userscripts
A handful of example userscripts from greasyfork.org. Just pick a few that look nifty and install them. AO3 Savior is a solid starting point for fandom tinkering.
Your browser dev tools. Hit F12 or right click > Inspect Element to find the stuff on the page you want to tweak and experiment with it. Move over to the Console tab once you’ve got code to test out and debug.
Javascript references and tutorials. W3Schools has loads of both. Mozilla’s JS documentation is top-notch, and I often just keep their reference lists of built-in String and Array functions open in tabs as I code. StackOverflow is useful for questions, but don’t assume the code snippets you find there are always reliable or copypastable.
That’s it. No development environment. No installing node.js or Ruby or Java or two different versions of Python. No build tools, no dependency management, no fucking Docker containers. No command line, even. Just a browser extension, the browser’s built-in dev tools, and reference material. Let’s go.
You might also want:
jQuery and its documentation. If you’re wrestling with a mess of generic spans and divs and sparse, unhelpful use of classes, jQuery selectors are your best bet for finding the element you want before you snap and go on a murderous rampage. jQuery also happens to be the most ubiquitous JS library out there, the essential Swiss army knife for working with Javascript’s... quirks, so experience with it is useful. It gets a bad rap because trying to build a whole house with a Swiss army knife is a fool’s errand, but it’s excellent for the stuff we're about to do.
Git or other source control, if you’ve already got it set up. By all means share your work on Github. Greasy Fork can publish a userscript from a Github repo. It can also publish a userscript from an uploaded text file or some code you pasted into the upload form, so don’t stress about it if you’re using a more informal process.
A text editor. Yes, seriously, this is optional. It’s a question of whether you’d rather code everything right there in Tampermonkey’s live editor, or keep a separate copy to paste into Tampermonkey’s live editor for testing. Are you feeling lucky, punk?
Project #1: Hack on an existing userscript
Install some nifty-looking scripts for websites you visit regularly. Use them. Ponder small additions that would make them even niftier. Take a look at their code in the Tampermonkey editor. (Dashboard > click on the script name.) Try to figure out what each bit is doing.
Then change something, hit save, and refresh the page.
Break it. Make it select the wrong element on the page to modify. Make it blow up with a huge pile of console errors. Add a console.log("I’m a teapot"); in the middle of a loop so it prints fifty times. Savor your power to make the background wizardry of the internet do incredibly dumb shit.
Then try a small improvement. It will probably break again. That's why you've got the live editor and the console, baby--poke it, prod it, and make it log everything it's doing until you've made it work.
Suggested bells and whistles to make the already-excellent AO3 Savior script even fancier:
Enable wildcards on a field that currently requires an exact match. Surely there’s at least one song lyric or Richard Siken quote you never want to see in any part of a fic title ever again, right?
Add some text to the placeholder message. Give it a pretty background color. Change the amount of space it takes up on the page.
Blacklist any work with more than 10 fandoms listed. Then add a line to the AO3 Savior Config script to make the number customizable.
Add a global blacklist of terms that will get a work hidden no matter what field they're in.
Add a list of blacklisted tag combinations. Like "I'm okay with some coffee shop AUs, but the ones that are also tagged as fluff don't interest me, please hide them." Or "Character A/Character B is cute but I don't want to read PWP about them."
Anything else you think of!
Project #2: Good Artists Borrow, Great Artists Fork (DIY blacklisting)
Looking at existing scripts as a model for the boilerplate you'll need, create a script that runs on a site you use regularly that doesn't already have a blacklisting/filtering feature. If you can't think of one, Dreamwidth comments make a good guinea pig. (There's a blacklist script for them out there, but reinventing wheels for fun is how you learn, right? ...right?) Create a simple blacklisting script of your own for that site.
Start small for the site-specific HTML wrangling. Take an array of blacklisted keywords and log any chunk of post/comment text that contains one of them.
Then try to make the post/comment it belongs to disappear.
Then add a placeholder.
Then get fancy with whitelists and matching metadata like usernames/titles/tags as well.
Crib from existing blacklist scripts like AO3 Savior as shamelessly as you feel the need to. If you publish the resulting userscript for others to install (which you should, if it fills an unmet need!), please comment up any substantial chunks of copypasted or closely-reproduced code with credit/a link to the original. If your script basically is the original with some key changes, like our extra-fancy AO3 Savior above, see if there’s a public Git repo you can fork.
Project #3: Make the dread Tumblr beast do a thing
Create a small script that runs on the Tumblr dashboard. Make it find all the posts on the page and log their IDs. Then log whether they're originals or reblogs. Then add a fancy border to the originals. Then add a different fancy border to your own posts. All of this data should be right there in the post HTML, so no need to derive it by looking for "x reblogged y" or source links or whatever--just make liberal use of Inspect Element and the post's data- attributes.
Extra credit: Explore the wildly variable messes that Tumblr's API spews out, and try to recreate XKit's timestamps feature with jQuery AJAX calls. (Post timestamps are one of the few reliable API data points.) Get a zillion bright ideas about what else you could do with the API data. Go through more actual post data to catalogue all the inconsistencies you’d have to catch. Cry as Tumblr kills the dream you dreamed.
Project #4: Make the dread Tumblr beast FIX a thing
Create a script that runs on individual Tumblr blogs (subdomains of tumblr.com). Browse some blogs with various themes until you've found a post with the upside-down reblog-chain bug and a post with reblogs displaying normally. Note the HTML differences between them. Make the script detect and highlight upside-down stacks of blockquotes. Then see if you can make it extract the blockquotes and reassemble them in the correct order. At this point you may be mobbed by friends and acquaintainces who want a fix for this fucking bug, which you can take as an opportunity to bury any lingering doubts about the usefulness of your scripting adventures.
(Note: Upside-down reblogs are the bug du jour as of September 2019. If you stumble upon this post later, please substitute whatever the latest Tumblr fuckery is that you'd like to fix.)
Project #5: Regular expressions are a hard limit
I mentioned up above that Dreamwidth comments are good guinea pigs for user scripting? You know what that means. Kinkmemes. Anon memes too, but kinkmemes (appropriately enough) offer so many opportunities for coding masochism. So here's a little exercise in sadism on my part, for anyone who wants to have fun (or "fun") with regular expressions:
Write a userscript that highlights all the prompts on any given page of a kinkmeme that have been filled.
Specifically, scan all the comment subject lines on the page for anything that looks like the title of a kinkmeme fill, and if you find one, highlight the prompt at the top of its thread. The nice ones will start with "FILL:" or end with "part 1/?" or "3/3 COMPLETE." The less nice ones will be more like "(former) minifill [37a / 50(?)] still haven't thought of a name for this thing" or "title that's just the subject line of the original prompt, Chapter 3." Your job is to catch as many of the weird ones as you can using regular expressions, while keeping false positives to a minimum.
Test it out on a real live kinkmeme, especially one without strict subject-line-formatting policies. I guarantee you, you will be delighted at some of the arcane shit your script manages to catch. And probably astonished at some of the arcane shit you never thought to look for because who the hell would even format a kinkmeme fill like that? Truly, freeform user input is a wonderful and terrible thing.
If that's not enough masochism for you, you could always try to make the script work on LiveJournal kinkmemes too!
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bananawired · 2 years ago
Windows xp minesweeper download
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A string is just a sequence of string enclosed inside single or double quotes. In our case, the print() function prints the argument (i.e "Big Python") it is given to the console. Screenshot Copy Code """ PyPortal MineSweeper Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code. perf_counter() measures the time in seconds from some unspecified moment in time, which means that the return value of a single call to the function isn’t useful. Let’s add a bare-bones Python timer to the example with time.perf_counter().Again, this is a performance counter that’s well-suited for timing parts of your code. It is designed to run on server as javascript game in browser or as javagame on desktop. So, here are a few Python Projects for beginners can work on. The goal of the player is to clear a rectangular board containing hidden "mines" or bombs without detonating any of them, with help from clues about the number of neighboring mines in each cell. For example, a cell normally opens when you press and release the left mouse button but "Elmar Technique" is a NF method where you change the mouse to open cells on both pressing and releasing. Today, we are sharing details about Pysa, an open source static analysis tool we’ve built to detect and prevent security and privacy issues in Python code.
Minesweeper.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either **version 3** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Typing the operator in the python console and using autocomplete CrtlSpace exposes the parameters (Same as those in the UI). In order to avoid repetition, the coordinates corresponding to a block are repeatedly added to the queue, so it needs to be marked here. Game details: Minesweeper is a one player game, played on a rectangular board. You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. The board is divided into cells, with mines randomly distributed. You’ll get a coding exercise in Python and Java for each problem, so you can get feedback on your solution right away. The python code logic and running minesweeper are not problems.
The motivation of these minesweeper projects is to learn the tooling around python projects, how to create CI/CD pipelines for python projects, and distributing python eggs. In this blog post we will work on the classic game of Minesweeper. It is very simple as it was almost a year ago last time when I wrote a long python script. Python code for processing arrays can take many forms. You can already create, start and debug Python scripts and addons from VS Code with it.
pip install tkinter To hack MineSweeper at the binary level. In this example, Rectangle is the superclass, and Square is the subclass.
See chapter 14 of the org-mode manual for all of the details. Minesweeper made in Processing.py by ChrisB (Source Code) Python implementation with PyGame by Sayan Goswami (Source Code) Mine Sweeper by Bruce Chen (Source Code) MineSweeper by Po Mauguet (Source Code) Minesweeper! This Is How To Create A Simple MineSweeper Game In Python! Remember the old Minesweeper ? A much shorter example is below, but this example uses some odd parts of Python that I don't bother to explain in this book: grid = for y in range(10)] Use one of these two examples and place the code to create our array ahead of your main program loop. C++ is a general purpose, object-oriented, middle-level programming language and is an extension of C language, which makes it possible to code C++ in a “C style”. by loading them onto cloud hosted citrix xendesktop with add-ons such as Office 365 Enterprise E5 suite for enhanced team productivity. First game is being marked '? Create a tic-tac-toe game using open source code.
I want to send 4 float numbers from Python code to an Arduino I was trying to send it via serial and I have some problems. It should be noted here, because a block may be extended to other blocks. Assume that we have to comply with the original version and count the mined neighbours of a clear cell now in 8 directions including the north-west, north-east, south-east, and south-west. Building and visualizing Sudoku Game Using Pygame. Python programming language (latest Python 3) is being used in web development, Machine Learning applications, along with all cutting edge technology in Software Industry. _mesh.off( Simply pass the filepath of an OFF file to the operator in your own code.
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Descending order program in java using for loop
Java program to print the selection sort using array elements
Write a java program to create a singly linked list and display the element
Write a java program to merge three singly linked list elements
Java program to delete the linked list elements from a singly
Write a java program to count the linked list element in the nodes
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tttree780 · 3 years ago
Pdf Editor Pro For Mac
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Wondershare PDF Editor Pro Crack 3.9 Serial key FREE Download
‎Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about PDF Editor Pro. Download PDF Editor Pro for macOS 10.6.6 or later and enjoy it on your Mac.
Jun 07, 2011  PDF Editor is an innovative tool for you to edit, convert, and annotate PDF files in Mac OS X system. It allows you to directly edit a PDF file or reuse a PDF by converting PDF to Microsoft Word for more extensive editing, preserving document formatting, fonts, and embedded images.
PDF Editor Pro for Mac is a multiple purpose tool that specializes in dealing with all kinds of tasks related to PDFs. With this macOS application you can change the way PDFs look by inserting new pages into them, combining two separate documents together, deleting one or more pages, rotate, crop and even rearrange pages.
PDF Editor Pro provides the best experience for editing, and printing of PDF document content. The PDF document content will be extracted correctly, including its content layout and format. What's New in PDF Editor Pro.
Wondershare PDF Editor Pro Crack is software for professionals to edit their PDF data files without converting into other forms. This software can change your PDF data file very easily and quickly without affecting your data like text, images, audio, and videos also.
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The sidekick includes the following constructs: Class; method; main; try, catch, and finally syntax; for loop; if statement; else statement; if else statement; while statement; Inner Class; Inner Abstract Action; System.out.println. For more information, see the following: Java Sidekick Code Java faster with the Java Sidekick. The sidekick allows users to quickly insert Java related constructs into the text editor with the click of a button or via a customizable keyboard shortcut. Mac os code editor.
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sharifs · 7 years ago
Coding A Raffle List Editor in Java Using ArrayList
One night in the summer while looking over my decent game collection which you may have seen in the background of one of my “Video Game Sheriff” series videos, while having trouble deciding which of the many great games I wanted to play in that moment, I was inspired to write a program that could work like a hat where I could put in the titles of all my games then select one out at random.
You can get a glimpse of my collection in the background of some of my videos also posted on this site.
The resultant application is a console based editor which allows the user to build his own list of titles, edit them, delete them individually, clear them all, save them to a text file as well as read the text file made (or imported to the folder) prior to running the program.
I’m going to go through each part of the code and explain why I made the choices I did. I hope this can provide a good reference or template for your java projects.
My main method for accomplishing the editor and raffle program was centered around the use of arraylist along with some basic IO work. Let’s dive right in:
First I imported the libraries I thought I might need (you can figure this out as you go along of course)
import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.nio.file.*;
I decided to write this procedurally as one class since this is not a huge complex program being developed in a massive organization. I called my main class “Interface” but you can choose any name you want for yours. I decided to make a unique scanner object for each part of the program, but this may not be necessary in your project. I have laid out all the variables I used, though you may get by on more or less variables, considering the structure of my app, it will need to use at least one arraylist to function. Note that I use a Random class from the library in order to generate a random seed for the raffle feature.
public class Interface { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Scanner selection = new Scanner(System.in); Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); Scanner edit = new Scanner(System.in); int currentChoice = 0; String currentGame = "null"; ArrayList<String> games = new ArrayList<String>(); Random raffleWheel = new Random(); String userEdit = "null"; int gameIndex = 0; int gameIndex4D = 0;
The top of my program begins with a welcome message and a menu in a while loop along with an input scanner object awaiting user input based on selecting from the menu (loop closes at end of program shown at end of article). Note that because choices 8 & 9 exit the program, I made that as the loop condition.
System.out.println("Welcome to the Backlog Gaming Sheriff's Super Raffler!\n"); while (currentChoice <= 7 || currentChoice >= 10){ System.out.println("\n1. Run the Raffler and make a random selection."); System.out.println("2. View game list"); System.out.println("3. Add new game to the list"); System.out.println("4. Delete a game from the list"); System.out.println("5. Edit a game on the list"); System.out.println("6. Clear Game List"); System.out.println("7. Read Game List"); System.out.println("8. Quit & Save List"); System.out.println("9. Quit without saving\n"); System.out.println("Please make a selection from the above options"); currentChoice = selection.nextInt();
Conditional Statements
Next up are the conditional statements that serve as the engine of the program. I first start with a potentially erroneous input, beyond the menu choices.
if (currentChoice > 9){ System.out.println("Error. Invalid input. Please try again.\n"); }
My next conditional statement is for choice #7 from the menu to read the game list, as that is often the first thing the user may need to do.
else if (currentChoice == 7){ try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("Game_List.txt"))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { games.add(line); } } }
The following conditional statement allows the user to delete a title from the list while providing the option to confirm or cancel the deletion of that item (more fail safe than C!) and provides the template for other options requiring submenu options. Note my use of ArrayList class’s ‘size’ function to determine the length of the array to base the validity of the index number on.
else if (currentChoice == 4){ int counter = 1; while (counter != 0){ System.out.println("\nPlease enter game index number"); gameIndex4D = in.nextInt(); if (gameIndex4D > games.size()){ System.out.println("\nError. Invalid index number."); } else if (gameIndex4D < 0){ System.out.println("\nError. Invalid index number."); } else counter = 0; } System.out.println("\nThe selected game title currently is:"); System.out.println(games.get(gameIndex4D)); System.out.println("\nAre you sure you want to delete the selected title?"); System.out.println("1. Confirm"); System.out.println("2. Cancel"); int userChoice = in.nextInt(); if (userChoice == 1){ games.remove(gameIndex4D); System.out.println("Selected title deleted."); } else if (userChoice == 2 || userChoice < 1 || userChoice >2){ System.out.println("Deletion Canceled."); } }
A simpler version of the above condition, allows the user to clear the entire list from the program (but not the file).
else if (currentChoice == 6){ System.out.println("\nAre you sure you want to delete all titles?"); System.out.println("1. Confirm"); System.out.println("2. Cancel"); int userChoice = in.nextInt(); if (userChoice == 1){ while (games.size() > 0){ games.remove(games.size()-1); } System.out.println("Game list cleared."); } else if (userChoice == 2 || userChoice < 1 || userChoice >2){ System.out.println("Deletion Canceled."); } }
To add a title, I simply used ArrayList class’s ‘add’ function.
else if (currentChoice == 3){ System.out.println("\nPlease enter game name"); currentGame = input.nextLine(); games.add(currentGame); }
In order to list out every title in the ArrayList for the user, I wrote a simple for loop to handle that task for each item in the list, printed with print line.
else if (currentChoice == 2){ for (int i=0;i<(games.size());i++){ System.out.println(games.get(i)); } }
The conditional statement after that handles the actual raffle feature, randomly selecting one title from the entire list.
else if (currentChoice == 1){ System.out.println("Running Raffler\n"); for (int i=1;i<4;i++){ System.out.print("."); } int raffleNum = raffleWheel.nextInt(games.size()); String raffleGame = games.get(raffleNum); System.out.println("\n" + raffleGame); }
Once again using the submenu template I wrote for the delete option, this condition was developed to allow the user to change the name of a title he already added based on the index number (with title 1 starting at index 0, title 2 at index 1, etc…).
else if (currentChoice == 5){ int counter2 = 1; while (counter2 != 0){ System.out.println("\nPlease enter game index number"); gameIndex = in.nextInt(); if (gameIndex > games.size()){ System.out.println("\nError. Invalid index number."); } else if (gameIndex < 0){ System.out.println("\nError. Invalid index number."); } else counter2 = 0; } System.out.println("\nThe selected game title currently is:"); System.out.println(games.get(gameIndex)); System.out.println("\nPlease enter replacement title:"); userEdit = edit.nextLine(); games.set(gameIndex, userEdit); }
For the quit and save option, I use a try/catch structure as the standard to prevent the IO process from having any problems. This code successfully writes the current program’s ArrayList to a designated text file in the program folder.
if (currentChoice == 8){ System.out.println("Goodbye!"); try{ PrintWriter gameList = new PrintWriter("Game_List.txt"); for (int i=0;i<(games.size());i++){ gameList.println(games.get(i)); } gameList.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
End Of The Program
I end off the program with a simple goodbye message and the necessary closing braces to close out the while loop, main class and surrounding “Interface” class.
if (currentChoice == 9){ System.out.println("Goodbye!"); } } } }
Feel free to copy and paste all the above code in order to an appropriately named class and run it for yourself. Hopefully this can help you on your journey to learn Java or in your working project.
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simplexianpo · 4 years ago
Java: Error&Exception - Exceptional features of Java7
**If there is an error in the code, the program will stop running.**  
Exceptions do not refer to syntax errors, syntax errors, compilation failures, no bytecode files, and no operation at all.
   Exception handling is one of the criteria to measure whether a language is mature. The mainstream languages such as Java, C++ and C# support exception handling mechanisms, which can make programs more fault-tolerant and make program codes more robust(Unfortunately, the traditional C# has no exception handling, and only programs can express abnormal situations by using specific return values of methods, and use if statements to judge normal and abnormal situations.).
 ###There is no shortcoming of exception mechanism
1:Using the return value of the method to represent exceptions is limited, and it is impossible to exhaust all exceptions
2:Abnormal flow code and normal flow code are mixed together, which increases the complexity of the program and is poor in readability
3:With the continuous expansion of the system scale, the maintainability of the program is extremely low
###Aiming at the defect that there is no exception mechanism with the previous group, the solution is:
1:Describe different types of abnormal situations as different classes (called abnormal classes)
2:Separate abnormal flow code from correct flow code
3:Flexible handling of exceptions, if the current method can not handle it, it should be handed over to the caller for handling
**Note: Throwable class is a superclass of all errors or exceptions in Java language**
 ###Abnormal conditions (the program will terminate after occurrence)
Error : Indicates an error, which generally refers to an irreparable error related to JVM. Such as system crash, memory overflow, JVM error, etc., which are thrown by JVM, we don't need to deal with it.  
Almost all subclasses use Error as the suffix of the class name(However, the designers of the test framework set a large number of exception classes as Error.).  
Exception : It indicates abnormality, which means that an abnormal condition occurs in the program, and the problem can be repaired. Almost all subclasses use Exception as the suffix of the class name.  
If an exception occurs, you can copy the simple class name of the exception to the API for checking.
  1:Common Error
StackOverflowError : This error is thrown when the application recursion is too deep and memory overflow occurs.
2:Common Exception
1.NullPointerException : Null pointer exception generally means that when an object is null, the method and field of the object are called
2.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException : The index of the array is out of bounds (less than 0 or greater than or equal to the array length)
3.NumberFormatException : Abnormal number formatting generally refers to converting strings other than 0~9 into integers
If an exception occurs, the program will be terminated immediately, so the exception needs to be handled
1 This method does not handle, but declares throwing, which is handled by the caller of this method
2 Use the statement block of try-catch in the method to handle exceptions
 Use try-catch to catch a single exception with the following syntax
Write code that may cause exceptions
}catch(ExceptionType e){
Code for handling exceptions
//Log/print exception information/continue to throw exceptions, etc
Note: try and catch cannot be used alone and must be used together (try can also be used only with finally)
 ###Get exception information Throwable class method
1、String getMessage() : Get the description information and reason of the exception (when prompted to the user, prompt the error reason)
2、String toString() : Get trace stack information of exception (not used)
3��void printStackTrace() : The abnormal trace stack information is printed and output to the console without using System.out.println (); This method includes the type of exception, the cause of the exception, and the location where the exception occurs. In the development and debugging stages, printStackTrace must be used
**Note: At present (during development), in the catch statement block, it is necessary to write: e.printStackTrace ()**  
Purpose: To view the specific information of exceptions for convenience of debugging and modification
 Use try-catch to catch multiple exceptions
Write code that may cause exceptions
}catch(ExceptionTypeA e){
//When a type A exception occurs in try, use this catch to capture the code that handles the exception
//Log/print exception information/continue to throw exceptions, etc
}catch(ExceptionTypeB e){
//When a type B exception occurs in try, use this catch to capture the code that handles the exception
//Log/print exception information/continue to throw exceptions, etc
1.A catch statement can only catch one type of exception. If you need to catch multiple exceptions, you must use multiple catch statements(Enhanced catch after JDK1.7)。
2.Code can only have one type of exception at a moment, only one catch is needed, and it is impossible to have multiple exceptions at the same time.
**Finally statement block: indicates the code that will be executed eventually, with or without exception.**
 When some physical resources (disk files/network connections/database connections, etc.) are opened in the try statement block. Have to be used after the completion of the final closure of open resources.
 ####Two kinds of syntax of finally
1:try...finally : At this time, there is no catch to catch exceptions, because at this time, exceptions will be automatically thrown according to the application scenario, and there is no need to handle them by yourself.
2:try...catch...finally : You need to handle exceptions yourself, and eventually you have to shut down resources
Note: finally cannot be used alone
When only the relevant methods of exiting JVM are called out in try or catch, finally will not be executed at this time, otherwise finally will always be executed
>System.exit():Exit JVM
 ###Classification of Exception :
1、Compilation-time exception: checked exception, which will be checked during compilation. If exception is not handled, compilation fails.  
2、Runtime exception: runtime exception. During runtime, the exception is checked; during compilation, the compiler will not detect the runtime exception (no error is reported).  
Running exception: at compile time, it can be handled or not handled
###Exception thrown
throw : Used inside the method to return an exception object to the caller, which will end the current method just like return.
  Throws : Used above the method declaration to indicate that the current method does not handle exceptions, but reminds the caller of the method to handle exceptions (throw exceptions).
Throw Statement: used inside a method to throw a specific exception
throw new ExceptionClass ("exception information"); //termination method
Generally, when a method is abnormal, I don't know what the method should return. At this time, I always return an error and continue to throw exceptions upward in the catch statement block.
 Return is to return a value and throw is to return an error to the caller of the method.
 If every method gives up handling exceptions, they are thrown directly through throws declaration, and finally exceptions will run to the main method. If the main method does not handle them at this time, the processing mechanism that continues to be thrown to the bottom layer of JVM is to print the trace stack information of exceptions.
 **Runtime exception, which is handled by default.**
 ###Custom exception class:
There are different exception classes in Java, which represent a specific exception, so there are always some exceptions that SUN has not defined well in the development, and it is necessary to define exception classes according to the exceptions of its own business.
  ####How to define exception classes:
Method 1: customize an exception class to be checked: customize the class and inherit from java.lang.Exception
Method 2: customize a runtime exception class: customize the class and inherit from java.lang.RuntimeException
 #####Exception translation:
When the subsystem at the top level doesn't need to care about a drama at the bottom, the common way is to capture the original exception, convert it into a new exception of different types, and then throw a new exception.
  #####Abnormal chain:
Packaging the original exception into a new exception class, thus forming an orderly arrangement of multiple exceptions, which is helpful to find the root cause of generating exception classes.
  Unusual new features of Java7 (Android doesn't use Java7 and supports Java5/Java6 syntax)
1:Enhanced throw
2:Multiple anomaly capture
3:Automatic resource shutdown
>It is more accurate to handle thrown Exceptions in Java7, and no longer use exception declaration to throw them in general
 ### Principles for handling exceptions:
1:Exceptions can only be used in abnormal situations, and the existence of try-catch will also affect performance
2:It is necessary to provide explanatory documents for exceptions, such as java.doc If an exception is customized or a method throws an exception, it should be recorded in the document comments
3:Avoid anomalies as much as possible
4:The granularity of exceptions is very important. A try-catch block should be defined for a basic operation. Don't put hundreds of lines of code into a try-cathc block for simplicity
5:Exception handling in a loop is not recommended, and exceptions should be captured outside the loop (try-catch is used outside the loop)
6:Use RuntimeException type as much as possible for custom exceptions
###Running order of statement blocks that catch exceptions:
  public class ExceptionTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    static int testMethod() {
        int t = 1;
        try {
            System.out.println("Enter the try statement block----t:" + t);
            System.out.println(t / 0);
            System.out.println("Leave the try statement block----t:" + t);
            return t;
        } catch (ArithmeticException e) {
            System.out.println("Enter ArithmeticException----t:" + t);
            System.out.println("Exit ArithmeticException----t:" + t);
            return t;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Enter Exception----t:" + t);
            System.out.println("Exit Exception----t:" + t);
            return t;
        } finally {
            System.out.println("Enter the finally statement block----t:" + t);
            t = 10;
            System.out.println("Leave the finally statement block----t:" + t);
            return t;
 Output results are:
  Enter the try statement block----t:1
Enter ArithmeticException----t:2
Exit ArithmeticException----t:3
Enter the finally statement block----t:3
Leave the finally statement block----t:10
0 notes
sagar-jaybhay · 5 years ago
Data Structure In Golang 2020
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/A6h8zm
Data Structure In Golang 2020
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Check This Previous blog post written by Sagar Jaybhay for better understanding.
1: https://sagarjaybhay.net/google-go-tutorial-by-sagar-jaybhay-blog-1/
2: https://sagarjaybhay.net/packages-and-golang-command-part-2/
3: https://sagarjaybhay.net/detail-datatypes-in-golang-you-should-know-2019/
6: https://sagarjaybhay.net/for-loop-in-golang-2019/
7: https://sagarjaybhay.net/closure-rune-in-golang-2019/
8: https://sagarjaybhay.net/simple-memory-address-pointers-in-golang-2019/
9: https://sagarjaybhay.net/function-syntax-and-example-golang-by-sagar-jaybhay-2020/
10: https://sagarjaybhay.net/callbacks-and-defer-in-golang-by-sagar-jaybhay-2020/
In this article, i will explain Data Structure In Golang. With In detail explanation of Array, Slice, Maps in golang.
It is for how you store data. There are different forms of data-storage mechanism means we save data using variable name means that the variable holds our data. Like this way,
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We have an array, slice, map and struct types of data structure we use in our golang.
Array in Golang
It is a data structure consist of elements.
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Each element is identified by an index of an array element.
It of fixed size.
The index is 0 based means index start with 0.
I­f we want to declare an array we need to give a size for an array.
It is a numbered sequence of elements of a single type.
The number of an element is an array is the length of an array and it is non-negative.
The length is part of array type so we can’t change the size of an array.
package main import "fmt" func main() var x [10]int fmt.Println("Printing array : ", x) fmt.Println("array length : ", len(x)) fmt.Println("x[4] value is : ", x[4]) for i:= 0; i < 10; i++ x[i] = 100 + i*20 fmt.Println("printing added value array :") fmt.Println(x)
In the above program, we use var for declaring an array. So we use var that’s why it initializes that array to 0 value.
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array in golang
Slice In Golang
In golang slice is a more flexible and mostly used data structure. In golang or any language, an array is a fixed size and on the other hand, a slice is dynamically sized. In golang, it is a commonly used data structure.
Slice is more convenient than the array. Slice is a lightweight data structure. In slice like array you need to store the same types of elements, you can’t store different types of elements in the array. Slice is similar to an array that having index value and length but the slice is dynamically growing or shrink it is more kind of list in other languages like C#, Java. Slice is declared like an array but size doesn’t mention.
Points to remember:
The value of uninitialized slice is nil.
It is a reference type.
When we initialize slice is always associated with an underlying array that holds its elements.
A slice formed by specifying 2 indices a high bound and low bound which is separated by a colon.
A bracket without size is a slice.
package main import "fmt" func main() primes:= [6]int2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 //fmt.Printf("%v %T", primes) fmt.Println("Printing complete slice", primes) var s []int = primes[1:4] // this is slicing the slice fmt.Println(primes[2]) //index access ; access by index fmt.Println(s)
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slice in golang
Code for appending the slice
package main import "fmt" func main() /* primes := [6]int2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 fmt.Printf("%v %T", primes) fmt.Println("Printing complete slice", primes) var s []int = primes[1:4] // this is slicing the slice fmt.Println(primes[2]) //index access ; access by index fmt.Println(s) var myslice []string fmt.Print(myslice) fmt.Printf() */ //------------------ appending elements to slice beyond it capacity ----------------------------- myslice := make([]string, 3, 5) // 3 is length:- it is number of elements refered by slice // 5 is capacity:- it is number of elements in underlying array. myslice[0] = "Sagar" myslice[1] = "Jaybhay" myslice[2] = "Sr. Software Developer" fmt.Println(myslice) fmt.Println("Orignal Length ", len(myslice)) fmt.Println("Orignal Capcity ", cap(myslice)) myslice = append(myslice, "Pune") myslice = append(myslice, "Maharashtra") myslice = append(myslice, "India") fmt.Println("Updated ", myslice) fmt.Println("Updated Length ", len(myslice)) fmt.Println("Updated Capcity ", cap(myslice))
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appending to slice
How to create a multidimensional slice?
In the below code, we are creating a multi-dimensional slice.
records := make([][]string, 2) emp := make([]string, 2) emp[0] = "A" emp[1] = "B" records = append(records, emp) fmt.Println("first array appended") fmt.Println(records) emp1 := make([]string, 2) emp1[0] = "A" emp1[1] = "B" records = append(records, emp1) fmt.Println("Second array appended") fmt.Println(records)
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multidimentinal slice in golang
What are different ways to declare a slice?
Shorthand method:  when you declared a slice with shorthand syntax it will create an underlying array and it not nil.
record:= []string fmt.Println(record) //o/p = [] fmt.Println(record == nil) // o/p = false
Declare using var: by using var there is no underlying array is created and it is nil.
var record []string fmt.Println(record) //o/p = [] fmt.Println(record == nil) // o/p = true
Using make: by using make you can create slice need to give length or capacity.
record:= make([]string, 20) fmt.Println(record) //o/p = [] fmt.Println(record == nil) // o/p = false
Maps In Go Language
Map is another data structure in golang for storing data.
Map is a key-value association and it like our dictionary in C# and uses the key to identify the value in the map.
Remember map is key/ value storage
Map is built on a hash table as an underlying data structure.
The value of an uninitialized map is nil.
Map is a reference type like a slice.
package main import "fmt" func main() m := make(map[string]int) // create map here m["k1"] = 7 m["k2"] = 10 fmt.Println(m)
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maps in golang
To add elements in a map you need to provide key and value for that key.
m := make(map[string]int) // create map here m["k1"] = 7
in above code we created map “m “ and at ” k1” key assign value 7 so to give value you need to use this m[“key”]=value
To delete elements from the map you need to use delete function and that function will take the first parameter is map name and the second parameter is key in that map.
m := make(map[string]int) // create map here m["k1"] = 7 m["k2"] = 10 fmt.Println(m) //map[k1:7 k2:10] delete(m, "k1")
complete program is
package main import "fmt" func main() m := make(map[string]int) // create map here m["k1"] = 7 m["k2"] = 10 fmt.Println(m) //map[k1:7 k2:10] delete(m, "k1") fmt.Println(m) //map[k2:10] pt, kt := m["k2"] fmt.Println(pt, kt) //10 true
GitHub Project Link :- https://github.com/Sagar-Jaybhay/GoLanguageLab
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siva3155 · 5 years ago
300+ TOP KOTLIN Interview Questions and Answers
KOTLIN Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. What is Kotlin? Kotlin is a free open source project licenced under Apache2.0, it is a statically-typed programming language which runs on the JVM. It can be compiled by Java source code or LLVM compiler. 2. Who is the developer of Kotlin? Jetbrains is a software company which created kotlin. This company focuses mainly on tools that are specifically for project managers and software developers. 3. Why you should shift from Java to kotlin? Ans: Kotlin is very simple compared to java, it minimises redundancies in code and offers many useful features that java doesn’t support. 4. What are the features that kotlin support and java doesn’t? The following are the important features that kotlin supports over java: Operator Overloading Coroutines Null Safety Range expressions Companion Objects Smart casts 5. What are the programming types that Kotlin supports? Kotlin supports two types of programming they are: OOPS Procedural Programming 6. List the number of constructors available in Kotlin? Constructors are of two types they are: Primary constructor Secondary constructor. 7. How to handle null exceptions in Kotlin programming? Null expectations in Kotlin can be handled using Elvis Operator. 8. How can data class be used in Kotlin? Data class supports basic data types, it doesn’t have any other functionality. 9. How do you export code from Java to Kotlin? Ans: JetBrains software provides an inbuilt tool called jetbrain idea, it helps in exporting the code from java to kotlin. 10. How do you declare a variable in kotlin? Declaration of a variable in kotlin differs from java, below is the format for that: val s: String = “Hi” var x = 5
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KOTLIN Interview Questions 11. Does Kotlin programming allow macros? Kotlin developers are facing difficulties in including macros in the language, so offering support for macros in kotlin is not possible. 12. How do you declare ranges operator in kotlin? Ranges operator is used to iterate through a range, the operator is of form (..), for example for (i in 1..15) print(i) The above format will print the output as a range of numbers from 1 to 15. 13. Describe the use of extension function? Extension function is useful in extending a class without having the need to inherit from the class. 14. Name the extension methods Kotlin provides to java.io.File? Below listed are the extension methods that kotlin provides to java.io.file: readText(): used for reading the content of a file. forEachLine(): used for reading a file line by line in Kotlin readLines(): Used for reading lines in file to List bufferedReader(): Used for reading the contents of a file into BufferedReader readBytes(): Used for reading contents of file to ByteArray 15. What is the difference between Const and Val? Const is primarily for compile time initializations and val is used for runtime initializations. 16. List some of the key modifiers in kotlin? Kotlin has a list of few key modifiers, they are: public private protected interval 17. How do you differentiate var and val in Kotin? A variable defined with var are mutable, it is formatted as var a: Int=3 a *= a A Variable defined with Val are immutable, it is formatted as: val b: Int = 6 b*=b 18. Is kotlin strongly typed? Kotlin is similar to java with equally strongly typed. Kotlin compiles down to pure Java byte code. 19. What is the purpose of creating kotlin? Ans: Kotlin was created by a Czech company named after JetBrains and the actual purpose of creating it was to solve their internal development problems. 20. Which companies use kotlin? Kotlin is used by major companies around the globe, here are some of them: Postmates Atlassian Evernote Corda Spring by pivotal Coursera Pinterest Uber. 21. What is the latest version of kotlin? Currently kotlin is updated to version 1.3.30. This version has a bug fix and tooling update for 1.3. This release focuses mainly on KAPT performance, kotlin Native and improvements for IntelliJ IDEA. 22. How is kotlin integrated with Gradle? With the release of Gradle 5.0, kotlin offers support for gradle. You can have a look at it here: Gradle Kotlin DSL v1.0 22. what is Kotlin? Kotlin is an open source statically-typed programming language developed by JetBrains that is strongly supported Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in an Android ecosystem along with Java. 23. Name some of the features that have Kotlin but not in present in Java? kotlin has many features that are not present in Java. The following are a few features: Null safety Operator overloading Extension functions Data classes etc 24. Why you should switch to Kotlin from Java? Kotlin is the easiest language compared to Java as they reduce redundant code in an application. Kotlin offers new features that Java doesn’t support. 25. What type of programming does Kotlin support? Kotlin will support two kinds of programming listed below: Object-Oriented Programming similar to Java Procedural Programming 26. what is the use of extension functions in Kotlin? Extension functions are used to extend the class without inheriting from the class. 27. What is the default visibility modifier and also list the different types of modifiers? The default visibility modifier is public. The following are a few types of modifiers: internal public private protected 28. What is Kotlin’s target platform? Is Java-kotlin interoperability possible? The target platform for Kotlin is JVM. Java is 100% interoperable with Kotlin because on compilation both produce the same bytecode. Therefore Java code can be called from Kotlin and the reverse is also possible. 29. How to declare a Kotlin variable? Ans: In the Kotlin the variable declaration: Val s: String = “Hello world!!” var p = 15 30. What is the difference between Val and var declaration? Val is similar to final modifiers in Java they can’t be changed. Var can be reassigned but the data type cannot be changed. An example is shown below: Val y: string = “hi” Var x = 2 31. How to convert a String to an Integer? toInt() is the method used to convert string to an integer. The following is an example: fun main(args: Array) { Val s: String = “Hi” var x = 5 x = “8”.toInt() } 32. Is it possible to migrate the code from Java to Kotlin? Yes, it is possible to migrate the code from Java to Kotlin. JetBrains IDE is required to perform this action as it facilitates the conversion. 33. What are the different types of constructors in Kotlin? There are two types of constructors in Kotlin namely: Primary constructor Secondary constructor Primary constructor: In this type of constructors class header is declared after the class name. Secondary constructor: These type of constructors are declared inside the body. 34. Does Kotlin support primitive Data types? No, Kotlin doesn’t support primitive Data types as in Java 35. Mention the structural expressions in Kotlin? The following are the three structural expressions in Kotlin. Return: It returns value from the functions by default. Break: terminates the loop condition. Continue: precedes you to the next enclosing loop. 36. What are the data classes in Kotlin? How are they defined? In kotlin, we create a class to store huge data, called data class. To create a data class you need to add a keyword called “data” on the class. The following is an example: data class Book(var name: String, var authorName: String) fun main(args: Array) { Val book = Book(“One night at the call center”, “Chetan Bhagat”) } 37. what operator is used to handle null exceptions in Kotlin? Elvis Operator is used for handling null expectations in Kotlin. 38. What are High-Level Functions in Kotlin? Functions that accept another function are called high order functions. Kotlin regards its functions as citizens of first class and passes the variables to other function. 39. What are Coroutines? Coroutine is a light-weight thread that doesn’t require any context switching on the processor and will not map on native threads. This is the reason why they are fast in processing the requests. 40. How to create static methods in Kotlin? There is no static method in Kotlin but, to create a static method we use a keyword called object. The following is an example to create a static method: class kotlin { companion object { fun x() : Int = 45 } } 41. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Kotlin?
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KOTLIN Questions and Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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felord · 5 years ago
You have been hired by a major supermarket chain to model the operation of a proposed supermarket by using a Discrete Event Simulation. The shop has several servers (or checkouts), each of which has a different level of efficiency due to the experience of the server operator. It also takes longer to serve credit card customers. The service time of each customer is calculated as follows:               service_time  =  (tally_time  x  efficiency)  +  payment_time            where:                   tally_time:  time it takes to tally up the customer's goods                   efficiency:  the efficiency of the server                  payment_time:  0.3 for cash or 0.7 for credit card The input file “ass2.txt” contains the records of each customer entering the shop and consist of:  arrival time (at the server queue), tally time (time it takes to scan the customer's items and add up the cost) payment method (cash or card). Your program should: Open the text file “ass2.txt” (Note: “ass2.txt” should be a hardcoded as a constant.) 2. Read the efficiencies of each server. Read and process the customer arrival and service time data. Print service statistics on the screen. Note: This shop has a single queue of customers waiting to be served. The servers are initially all idle. If more than one idle server is available, the next customer is served by the server with the best efficiency (i.e. the smallest efficiency value). Customers must be served or queued in the order in which they arrive. You should not attempt to read in all the arrival data at the start of the simulation. At the end of the simulation, after the last customer in the file has been served, your program should print out the following information: The number of customers served. The time that it took to serve all the customers. The greatest length reached by the customer queue. The average length of the customer queue. The average time spent by a customer in the customer queue. (If a customer is served immediately, their queue time is 0.0). The percentage of customers who’s waiting time in the customer queue was 0 (zero). For each server: The number of customers they served The time they spent idle. You must choose appropriate data structures and algorithms to accomplish this task quickly. You will lose marks if you use STL, or equivalent libraries, to implement data structures or algorithms.  Note: A larger input data file may be used for the final assessment of your program.    
Step-1 (Week-7 demo, 2 marks)
For step 1 you are to implement the simulator’s customer queue and event queue. Implement the customer queue (FIFO queue). It should have a maximum size of 500 records. Each record in the customer queue should contain two doubles and a boolean (i.e. arrival time, tally time and payment method). Your customer queue should have functions for adding an item (enqueue), removing an item (dequeue), and for testing if the queue is empty. (Note: C++ and Java coders should also add a constructor for initialsing the queue.) FIFO Queue
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Test your customer queue by declaring an instance of it in the main(). Use a for loop to add 10 records to the queue. Set the arrival time for each record between 1 and 100 using rand() or random(). The other fields can be set to 0 or false. Also, print the arrival times on the screen as you add them. Now use a while loop to remove all the records from the customer queue and print the arrival times on the screen. Is the output correct? Now implement the simulator's event queue (i.e. a priority queue). The event queue’s records should contain an event type (int or enum), event time & tally time (doubles), and   payment method (boolean).  You can assume the maximum number of events in the event queue is 100. The record with the minimum event time has the highest priority.
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Test the event queue by declaring an instance of it in the main(). Use the while loop (implemented previously) to remove records from the customer queue and add them to the event queue. Set the event time with the customer's arrival time. Set the other fields to zero. Then implement a while loop in the main() to remove (dequeue) each record from the event queue and print the event time on the screen. Is the output correct? Note: For step-1 (to get the 2 demo marks) you can implement the customer and event queues using any method you like. However, for the final submission, to get full marks, you should ensure all data structures and algorithms are optimised for speed.              
Step-2 (Server array implementation)
The server array should have a maximum of 20 servers. Each server should have a busy flag (boolean), an efficiency factor (double) and other data members for calculating the stats. C++ and Java coders should implement the server array with a class, preferably, and provide public functions for adding, and removing customers to/from the servers, finding the fasted idle server, etc. according to the specs on page 1.  
Step-3 (Processing in the data)
When you have the customer queue, event queue and server array correctly completed, delete the main() test code from step 1 and replace it with code for reading the input data file “ass2.txt” and processing the data, as explained on page 1. The following algorithm shows how a typical discrete time simulator can be implemented: main()             Declare variables and instances and do initialisations             Open the input data file;�� if not found print error and exit           Read first CustomerArrival event from file and add it to the event queue      While the event queue is not empty . . .                        Get the next event from the event queue and set CrntTime to the event time                            If the event type = CustomerArrival event . . .                                            if an idle server is available . . .                                                    Find fastest idle serve                                                      set the server’s idle flag to busy                                                 calculate the server’s finish time from event's customer data                                                   add ServerFinish event to the event queue                                  Else                                           Add event's customer to the customer queue                                  End if                                  If not EOF . . .                                                    Read next customer arrival from file                                        add CustomerArrival event to the event queue                                  End if                        Else // event type must be a ServerFinish event . . .                                      Get server no. from event, set server to idle and do server's stats                               If customer queue is not empty . . .                                                    Get next customer from the customer queue                                                  Find fastest idle serve                                                     set the server’s idle flag to busy.                                            calculate the server’s finish time                                                add ServerFinish event to the event queue                                  End if                       End if            End while             Print stats End main()                                                   
Step-4 (Optimisation and stats)
When you have the discrete time simulation working correctly, add the necessary data members and variables needed for calculating all the required stats, as explained on page 1, and optimise your simulator for speed.
Step-5 (Specifications)
In a comment block at the bottom of your program (no more than 20 lines of text) list all the data structures and algorithms used by your program to process the input data. Include any enhancements you did to speed up your program (if any). For this step, marks will be awarded based on how accurately and clearly you describe your program.  
All programs submitted must compile and run on banshee:
C:     gcc ass2.c  C++:      g++ ass2.cpp Java: javac ass2.java Python: python ass2.py
      Programs which do not compile on banshee with the above commands will receive zero marks. It is your responsibility to ensure that your program compiles and runs correctly.  
Marking Guide
Marks will be awarded for the appropriate use of data structures and the efficiency of the program at processing the input and producing the correct output. Marks may be deducted for untidy or poorly designed code. Appropriate comments should be provided where needed. There will be a deduction of up to 4 marks for using STL, or equivalent libraries, rather than coding the data structures and algorithms yourself. You may use string or String type for storing words or text, if you wish. All coding and comments must be your own work.   Submission: Assignments should be typed into a single text file named "ass2.ext" where "ext" is the appropriate file extension for the chosen language. You should run your program and copy and paste the output into a text file named: "output.txt"   Submit your files via the submit program on banshee:                  submit -u user -c csci203 -a 2 ass1.ext output.txt      - where user is your unix userid and ext is the extn of your code file. Late assignment submissions without granted extension will be marked but the points awarded will be reduced by 1 mark for each day late.  Assignments will not be accepted if more than five days late. An extension of time for the assignment submission may be granted in certain circumstances.  Any request for an extension of the submission deadline must be made via SOLS before the submission deadline. Supporting documentation should accompany the request for any extension. Read the full article
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aiinspireddotcom · 4 years ago
11 Free Programming Video Tutorials in Tamil (65+ Hours)
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11 Free Programming Video Tutorials in Tamil
In this post, we list out 11 free programming video tutorials in Tamil from YouTube website where each video tutorial is more than 4 hours in length and thoroughly covers the fundamentals of the programming languages #1 – C Programming language video tutorial in Tamil In this tutorial, it covers the basic concepts to advanced concepts. It is a beginner friendly video tutorial to learn C programming language in tamil #1.1 - C Programming in Tamil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LjPNYOxrVQ Tutorial Length: 04 Hours & 21 Minutes #1.2 - Complete C Programming course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAy56OH58Y4 Tutorial Length: 05 Hours & 24 Minutes #1.3 - Mastering C Programming in Tamil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08ZBz1q0wnU Tutorial Length: 07 Hours & 28 Minutes #1.4 - C Complete Course For Beginners in Tamil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3RSpNk0N0U Tutorial Length: 04 Hours & 50 Minutes #2 - C++ Programming Video in Tamil In this beginner video tutorial, it covers all the basics of C++ programming. It will help you learn C++ from beginning to Advanced Concepts. #2.1 - C++ Full Course For Beginners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4s8CdQQaxk Contents of C++ Full Course For Beginners in Tamil Timeline of all the concepts: - 00:00:00 - Introduction - 00:04:43 - Printing Text - 00:17:17 - More Info on Printing Text - 00:25:38 - Variables - 00:35:38 - Inputs, A Simple Calculator - 00:46:35 - Arithmetic Operations - 00:54:41 - If Else Statements - 01:03:34 - Functions - 01:13:03 - Passing Values To Functions - 01:17:43 - Multiple Arguments In Functions - 01:24:32 - Classes & Objects - 01:32:12 - Variables In Classes - 01:40:35 - Constructor - 01:47:30 - While Loop - 01:56:10 - For Loop - 02:03:59 - Assignment and Increment Operator - 02:14:28 - Datatypes - 02:20:30 - Do While Loop - 02:26:03 - Switch Statement - 02:33:48 - Logical Operators - 02:43:53 - Random Number Generator - 02:54:08 - Default Parameters or Arguments in Functions - 02:58:56 - Unary Scope Resolution Operator - 03:04:49 - Function Overloading - 03:09:42 - Recursion - 03:17:08 - Arrays - 03:23:26 - Using Array With For Loop - 03:29:52 - Arrays As Function Parameters - 03:36:16 - 2D Array or Matrix - 03:41:39 - Introduction to Pointers - 03:47:37 - Pass by Reference Using Pointer - 03:58:35 - Sizeof - 04:03:20 - Pointer Arithmetic - 04:12:00 - Arrow Selection Operator With Pointers - 04:18:29 - Deconstructor - 04:26:08 - Using Const In Classes & Objects - 04:36:35 - Member Initializer List - 04:42:45 - Class Composition - 04:53:28 - Friend Function - 04:58:21 - this Keyword - 05:05:27 - Operator Overloading - 05:17:18 - Inheritance - 05:22:27 - Protected Access Specifier - 05:27:50 - Derived Class Constructor & Destructor - 05:36:02 - Introduction to Polymorphism - 05:46:16 - Virtual Functions & Pure Virtual Functions - 05:54:45 - Template Functions - 06:01:33 - Function Templates With Multiple Arguments - 06:05:25 - Class Templates - 06:12:21 - Template Specialization - 06:19:34 - Try Catch Exception Handling - 06:31:16 - Basic File Handling - 06:38:56 - Checking File Open Error - 06:44:20 - EOF - End of File Operator - 06:50:24 - Reading From File - 06:56:44 - Common String Functions Tutorial Length: 07 Hours & 09 Minutes #2.2 - C++ Complete Course For Beginners in Tamil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_jiTafzzNA Tutorial Length: 04 Hours & 58 Minutes #2.3 - C++ Programming in Tamil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wemtzkWwIHA Tutorial length: 04 Hours & 14 Minutes #3 - Python Tutorial for Beginners in Tamil In this python tutorial, the instructor teaches python programming language for Tamil speaking learners. This tutorial covers from the basics to advanced concepts where the learner will get a thorough understanding about the core of the python language and will be able to learn advanced concepts by self. #3.1 - Complete Python Video Tutorial in Tamil Content of the tutorial - 0:00 Welcome to Python Complete Tamil Tutorial - 03:45  Introduction of Python - 08:40  Compiler Vs Interpreter - 13:49  Python Software Installation - 20:29  Anaconda Python Software Installation - 28:40  How to Change Spyder Theme - 30:30  What is Variables in Python - 33:29  Basic Program in Python - 35:49  What is id and type in Python - 38:09  Run Python in Online - 40:29  Run Python Using Notepad++ or Vs Code - 50:12  Keywords in Python - 54:08  Getting Inputs in Python - 01:00:18 Multiple Inputs in Single Line Python - 01:03:56 Multiline String in Python - 01:05:12 Getting Multiline Input in Python - 01:13:17 Pycharm installation in Python - 01:18:35 Single and Multiline Comment in Python - 01:20:58 Type Casting in Python - 01:26:30 String and String Functions in Python - 01:40:48 String Manipulation in Python - 01:44:05 Arithmetic operators in Python - 01:46:28 Assignment operators in Python - 01:49:28 Comparison operators in Python - 01:52:37 Logical operators in Python - 01:56:06 Bitwise operators in Python - 02:08:47 IF Statement in Python - 02:12:06 IF ELSE Statement in Python - 02:15:17 ELIF Statement in Python - 02:21:27 Nested IF Statement in Python - 02:27:48 While Loop in Python - 02:31:06 Continue Statement in Python - 02:32:39 Break Statement in Python - 02:33:56 Range in Python - 02:37:58 For Loop in Python - 02:41:18 Nested For Loop in Python - 02:50:59 While Else & For Else in Python - 02:54:25 List and Its Function in Python - 03:14:17 Tuples and Its Function in Python - 03:25:53 Sets and Its Function in Python - 03:42:17 Dictionaries and Its Function in Python - 03:51:33 Identity operators in Python - 03:54:34 Membership operators in Python - 03:56:23 Functions in Python - 03:57:35 No Return Type Without Argument Function in Python - 03:59:50 No Return Type With Argument Function in Python - 04:01:17 Return Type Without Argument Function in Python - 04:02:37 Return Type With Argument Function in Python - 04:03:39 Arbitrary Arguments Function in Python - 04:05:42 Keyword Arguments Function in Python - 04:07:38 Arbitrary Keyword Arguments in Python - 04:09:31 Default Parameter Function in Python - 04:10:47 Passing a List as an Argument in Function Python - 04:12:14 Recursion Function in Python - 04:16:32 Lambda Functions in Python - 04:18:03 Date Time Functions in Python - 04:29:25 Maths Functions in Python - 04:34:00 try block in Python - 04:36:22 try else block in Python - 04:37:42 Finally Block in Python - 04:38:58 Type of Exceptions in Python - 04:46:28 Handling Multiple Exceptions in Python - 04:48:35 Class and Object in Python - 04:55:14 Class Attributes in Python - 05:04:27 Instance Attributes in Python - 05:09:37 Class Method in Python - 05:13:57 Instance Method in Python - 05:17:31 __init__ Method in Python - 05:22:21 Property Decorator in Python - 05:27:46 Property Decorators Getter Setter in Python - 05:35:51 Property Method in Python - 05:37:29 Class Method Decorator in Python - 05:41:41 Static Method in Python - 05:46:00 Abstraction and Encapsulation in Python - 05:56:54 Single Inheritance in Python - 06:00:32 Multiple Inheritance in Python - 06:04:26 Multilevel Inheritance in Python - 06:06:20 Function Overriding in Python - 06:10:29 Handling Diamond Problem in Python - 06:13:53 Operator Overloading in Python - 06:18:19 Abstract Base Class in Python - 06:23:28 Open a File in Python - 06:28:50 Read a File Using readLine in Python - 06:32:08 looping through the lines in Python - 06:33:25 Write to an Existing File in Python - 06:35:19 Append Mode File in Python - 06:36:26 Delete a File in Python - 06:39:26 SQLite Browser installation - 06:41:36 Creating Database and Table in SQLiteDatabase - 06:44:59 Crud Introduction in Python SQLite - 06:50:49 SQLite Database Connection String in Python - 06:52:04 Insert data in SQLiteDatabase in Python - 06:56:22 Update data in SQLiteDatabase in Python - 07:00:01 Delete Data in SQLiteDatabase in Python - 07:01:47 Select All Data in SQLiteDatabase in Python - 07:04:06 Crud Introduction in Python MySQL - 07:11:02 MySQL Database Connection String in Python - 07:20:17 Select All Data in MySQL Database in Python - 07:26:48 Insert data in MySQL Database in Python - 07:29:32 Update data in MySQL Database in Python - 07:32:12 Delete Data in MySQL Database in Python - 07:35:45 Creating Database and Table in MySQL - 07:39:24 Creating New Flask Project - 07:43:03 Install Flask Framework & Flask-mysqldb - 07:48:00 Create index page Route - 07:51:37 Render Template in Flask - 07:55:24 Database Connection to Flask - 07:57:14 Display all data from MySQL db to HTML page - 08:03:57 Insert data in MySQL db with Flask - 08:14:40 Edit data in MySQL db with Flask - 08:23:43 Delete data in MySQL db with Flask - 08:37:10 Create New Tkinter Project in Python - 08:38:13 Create SQLite database Class - 08:56:38 Design Form using Python Tkinter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp_tqu22zIU Tutorial Length: 09 Hours & 55 Minutes #3.2 - Python Tutorial for Beginners in Tamil https://www.youtube.com/embed/t5Nmi9KDonw Tutorial Length: 04 Hours & 55 Minutes #4 - Java Tutorial in Tamil In this Java beginners’ tutorial, the instructor teaches Java programming language for Tamil native audience. This tutorial covers core concepts of java where the learner will get a thorough understanding of the core of the Java language and will be able to learn advanced concepts by own. Are you ready to learn Java? Start Watching, Start Writing Code #4.1 - Java for Beginners in Tamil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QTPBQGRDkk Tutorial Length: 06 Hours & 42 Minutes #4.2 - Java Basic Course in Tamil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1rdWCUfQMY Tutorial Length: 04 Hours & 12 Minutes In this post, we have shared a carefully crafted 11 Complete Free Programming Video Tutorials in Tamil for the students and anyone who would like to learn programming or start a career in Programming. If you want to know how to learn programming language, read our complete guide 11 Tips on How to learn programming language faster Share with loved ones and show them you care for them. Read the full article
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rafi1228 · 5 years ago
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★★★★★ Never thought taking an online course will be so helpful. The instructor is quite engaging, gives good amount of exercises.
★★★★★ This course is wonderful! I really enjoy it. It really is for beginners, so it’s very helpful for people which don’t know nothing about programming.
★★★★★ Very comprehensive and detail course the instructor takes the patience to explain everything and goes a step forward in thinking what kind of errors could happen to the students really good instructor!
★★★★★ It’s very well thought out. I enjoy the constant exercises and the challenge they present to make things happen.
******* Course Overview *******
Java is one of the most popular programming languages. Java offers both object oriented and functional programming features.
We take an hands-on approach using a combination of JShell and Eclipse as an IDE to illustrate more than 200 Java Coding Exercises, Puzzles and Code Examples. This course assumes no previous ( beginner ) programming or Java experience. If you’ve never programmed a computer before, or if you already have experience with another programming language and want to quickly learn Java, this is a perfect course for you.
In more than 250 Steps, we explore the most important Java Programming Language Features
Basics of Java Programming – Expressions, Variables and Printing Output
Java Operators – Java Assignment Operator, Relational and Logical Operators, Short Circuit Operators
Java Conditionals and If Statement
Methods – Parameters, Arguments and Return Values
Object Oriented Programming – Class, Object, State and Behavior
Basics of OOPS – Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance and Polymorphism
Basics about Java Data Types – Casting, Operators and More
Java Built in Classes – BigDecimal, String, Java Wrapper Classes
Conditionals with Java – If Else Statement, Nested If Else, Java Switch Statement, Java Ternary Operator
Loops – For Loop, While Loop in Java, Do While Loop, Break and Continue
Immutablity of Java Wrapper Classes, String and BigDecimal
Java Dates – Introduction to LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime
Java Array and ArrayList – Java String Arrays, Arrays of Objects, Primitive Data Types, toString and Exceptions
Introduction to Variable Arguments
Basics of Designing a Class – Class, Object, State and Behavior. Deciding State and Constructors.
Understanding Object Composition and Inheritance
Java Abstract Class and Interfaces. Introduction to Polymorphism.
Java Collections – List Interface(ArrayList, LinkedList and Vector), Set Interface (HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSet), Queue Interface (PriorityQueue) and Map Interface (HashMap, HashTable, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap() – Compare, Contrast and Choose
Generics – Why do we need Generics? Restrictions with extends and Generic Methods, WildCards – Upper Bound and Lower Bound.
Functional Programming – Lambda Expression, Stream and Operations on a Stream (Intermediate Operations – Sort, Distinct, Filter, Map and Terminal Operations – max, min, collect to List), Functional Interfaces – Predicate Interface,Consumer Interface, Function Inteface for Mapping, Method References – static and instance methods
Introduction to Threads and MultiThreading – Need for Threads
Implementing Threads – Extending Thread Class and Implementing Runnable Interface
States of a Thread and Communication between Threads
Introduction to Executor Service – Customizing number of Active Threads. Returning a Future, invokeAll and invokeAny
Introduction to Exception Handling – Your Thought Process during Exception Handling. try, catch and finally. Exception Hierarchy – Checked Exceptions vs Unchecked Exceptions. Throwing an Exception. Creating and Throwing a Custom Exception – CurrenciesDoNotMatchException. Try with Resources – New Feature in Java 7.
List files and folders in Directory with Files list method, File walk method and find methods. Read and write from a File.
******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******
in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.
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~~~ Here are a Few Reviews on The in28Minutes Way ~~~
★★★★★ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million
★★★★★ A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course.
★★★★★ This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be.
★★★★★ The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does.
★★★★★ I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and then having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early.
★★★★★ Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.
Zero risk. 30 day money-back guarantee with every purchase of the course. You have nothing to lose!
Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!
******* Step By Step Details *******
Introduction to Java Programming with Jshell using Multiplication Table
Step 00 – Getting Started with Programming Step 01 – Introduction to Multiplication Table challenge Step 02 – Launch JShell Step 03 – Break Down Multiplication Table Challenge Step 04 – Java Expression – An Introduction Step 05 – Java Expression – Exercises Step 06 – Java Expression – Puzzles Step 07 – Printing output to console with Java Step 08 – Printing output to console with Java – Exercise Statements Step 09 – Printing output to console with Java – Exercise Solutions Step 10 – Printing output to console with Java – Puzzles Step 11 – Advanced Printing output to console with Java Step 12 – Advanced Printing output to console with Java – Exercises and Puzzles Step 13 – Introduction to Variables in Java Step 14 – Introduction to Variables in Java – Exercises and Puzzles Step 15 – 4 Important Things to Know about Variables in Java Step 16 – How are variables stored in memory? Step 17 – How to name a variable? Step 18 – Understanding Primitive Variable Types in Java Step 19 – Understanding Primitive Variable Types in Java – Choosing a Type Step 20 – Java Assignment Operator Step 21 – Java Assignment Operator – Puzzles on Increment, Decrement and Compound Assignment Step 23 – Java Conditionals and If Statement – Introduction Step 24 – Java Conditionals and If Statement – Exercise Statements Step 25 – Java Conditionals and If Statement – Exercise Solutions Step 26 – Java Conditionals and If Statement – Puzzles Step 27 – Java For Loop to Print Multiplication Table – Introduction Step 28 – Java For Loop to Print Multiplication Table – Exercise Statements Step 29 – Java For Loop to Print Multiplication Table – Exercise Solutions Step 30 – Java For Loop to Print Multiplication Table – Puzzles Step 31 – Programming Tips : JShell – Shortcuts, Multiple Lines and Variables TODO Move up Step 32 – Getting Started with Programming – Revise all Terminology
Introduction to Method with Multiplication Table
Step 00 – Section 02 – Methods – An Introduction Step 01 – Your First Java Method – Hello World Twice and Exercise Statements Step 02 – Introduction to Java Methods – Exercises and Puzzles Step 03 – Programming Tip – Editing Methods with JShell Step 04 – Introduction to Java Methods – Arguments and Parameters Step 05 – Introduction to Java Method Arguments – Exercises Step 06 – Introduction to Java Method Arguments – Puzzles and Tips Step 07 – Getting back to Multiplication Table – Creating a method Step 08 – Print Multiplication Table with a Parameter and Method Overloading Step 09 – Passing Multiple Parameters to a Java Method Step 10 – Returning from a Java Method – An Introduction Step 11 – Returning from a Java Method – Exercises Step 99 – Methods – Section Review
Introduction to Java Platform
Step 00 – Section 03 – Overview Of Java Platform – Section Overview Step 01 – Overview Of Java Platform – An Introduction – java, javac, bytecode and JVM Step 02 – Java Class and Object – First Look Step 03 – Create a method in a Java class Step 04 – Create and Compile Planet.java class Step 05 – Run Planet calss with Java – Using a main method Step 06 – Play and Learn with Planet Class Step 07 – JDK vs JRE vs JVM
Introduction to Eclipse – First Java Project
Step 01 – Creating a New Java Project with Eclipse Step 02 – Your first Java class with Eclipse Step 03 – Writing Multiplication Table Java Program with Eclipse Step 04 – Adding more methods for Multiplication Table Program Step 05 – Programming Tip 1 : Refactoring with Eclipse Step 06 – Programming Tip 2 : Debugging with Eclipse Step 07 – Programming Tip 3 : Eclipse vs JShell – How to choose?
Introduction To Object Oriented Programming
Step 00 – Introduction to Object Oriented Programming – Section Overview Step 01 – Introduction to Object Oriented Programming – Basics Step 02 – Introduction to Object Oriented Programming – Terminology – Class, Object, State and Behavior Step 03 – Introduction to Object Oriented Programming – Exercise – Online Shopping System and Person Step 04 – Create Motor Bike Java Class and a couple of objects Step 05 – Exercise Solutions – Book class and Three instances Step 06 – Introducing State of an object with speed variable Step 07 – Understanding basics of Encapsulation with Setter methods Step 08 – Exercises and Tips – Getters and Generating Getters and Setters with Eclipse Step 09 – Puzzles on this and initialization of member variables Step 10 – First Advantage of Encapsulation Step 11 – Introduction to Encapsulation – Level 2 Step 12 – Encapsulation Exercises – Better Validation and Book class Step 13 – Introdcution to Abstraction Step 14 – Introduction to Java Constructors Step 15 – Introduction to Java Constructors – Exercises and Puzzles Step 16 – Introduction to Object Oriented Programming – Conclusion
Primitive Data Types And Alternatives
Step 00 – Primitive Data Types in Depth – Section Overview Step 01 – Basics about Java Integer Data Types – Casting, Operators and More Step 02 – Java Integer Data Types – Puzzles – Octal, Hexadecimal, Post and Pre increment Step 03 – Java Integer Data Types – Exercises – BiNumber – add, multiply and double Step 04 – Java Floating Point Data Types – Casting , Conversion and Accuracy Step 05 – Introduction to BigDecimal Java Class Step 06 – BigDecimal Puzzles – Adding Integers Step 07 – BigDecimal Exercises – Simple Interest Calculation Step 08 – Java Boolean Data Type – Relational and Logical Operators Step 09 – Java Boolean Data Type – Puzzles – Short Circuit Operators Step 10 – Java Character Data Type char – Representation and Conversion Step 11 – Java char Data Type – Exercises 1 – isVowel Step 12 – Java char Data Type – Exercises 2 – isDigit Step 13 – Java char Data Type – Exercises 3 – isConsonant, List Upper Case and Lower Case Characters Step 14 – Primitive Data Types in Depth – Conclusion
Step 00 – Conditionals with Java – Section Overview Step 01 – Introduction to If Else Statement Step 02 – Introduction to Nested If Else Step 03 – If Else Statement – Puzzles Step 04 – If Else Problem – How to get User Input in Java? Step 05 – If Else Problem – How to get number 2 and choice from user? Step 06 – If Else Problem – Implementing with Nested If Else Step 07 – Java Switch Statement – An introduction Step 08 – Java Switch Statement – Puzzles – Default, Break and Fall Through Step 09 – Java Switch Statement – Exercises – isWeekDay, nameOfMonth, nameOfDay Step 10 – Java Ternary Operation – An Introduction Step 11 – Conditionals with Java – Conclusion
Step 00 – Java Loops – Section Introduction Step 01 – Java For Loop – Syntax and Puzzles Step 02 – Java For Loop – Exercises Overview and First Exercise Prime Numbers Step 03 – Java For Loop – Exercise – Sum Upto N Numbers and Sum of Divisors Step 04 – Java For Loop – Exercise – Print a Number Triangle Step 05 – While Loop in Java – An Introduction Step 06 – While Loop – Exericises – Cubes and Squares upto limit Step 07 – Do While Loop in Java – An Introduction Step 08 – Do While Loop in Java – An Example – Cube while user enters positive numbers Step 09 – Introduction to Break and Continue Step 10 – Selecting Loop in Java – For vs While vs Do While
Reference Types
Step 00 – Java Reference Types – Section Introduction Step 01 – Reference Types – How are they stored in Memory? Step 02 – Java Reference Types – Puzzles Step 03 – String class – Introduction and Exercise – Print each word and char on a new line Step 04 – String class – Exercise Solution and Some More Important Methods Step 05 – Understanding String is Immutable and String Concat, Upper Case, Lower Case, Trim methods Step 06 – String Concatenation and Join, Replace Methods Step 07 – Java String Alternatives – StringBuffer and StringBuilder Step 08 – Java Wrapper Classes – An Introduction – Why and What? Step 09 – Java Wrapper Classes – Creation – Constructor and valueOf Step 10 – Java Wrapper Classes – Auto Boxing and a Few Wrapper Constants – SIZE, BYTES, MAX_VALUE and MIN_VALUE Step 11 – Java Dates – Introduction to LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime Step 12 – Java Dates – Exploring LocalDate – Creation and Methods to play with Date Step 13 – Java Dates – Exploring LocalDate – Comparing Dates and Creating Specific Dates Step 14 – Java Reference Types – Conclusion
Arrays and ArrayLists
Step 00 – Introduction to Array and ArrayList – Section Introduction with a Challenge Step 01 – Understanding the need and Basics about an Array Step 02 – Java Arrays – Creating and Accessing Values – Introduction Step 03 – Java Arrays – Puzzles – Arrays of Objects, Primitive Data Types, toString and Exceptions Step 04 – Java Arrays – Compare, Sort and Fill Step 05 – Java Arrays – Exercise – Create Student Class – Part 1 – Total and Average Marks Step 06 – Java Arrays – Exercise – Create Student Class – Part 2 – Maximum and Minimum Mark Step 07 – Introduction to Variable Arguments – Need Step 08 – Introduction to Variable Arguments – Basics Step 09 – Introduction to Variable Arguments – Enhancing Student Class Step 10 – Java Arrays – Using Person Objects and String Elements with Exercises Step 11 – Java String Arrays – Exercise Solutions – Print Day of Week with Most number of letters and more Step 12 – Adding and Removing Marks – Problem with Arrays Step 13 – First Look at ArrayList – An Introduction Step 14 – First Look at ArrayList – Refactoring Student Class to use ArrayList Step 15 – First Look at ArrayList – Enhancing Student Class with Add and Remove Marks Step 16 – Introduction to Array and ArrayList – Conclusion
Object Oriented Programming Again
Step 00 – Object Oriented Programming – Level 2 – Section Introduction Step 01 – Basics of Designing a Class – Class, Object, State and Behavior Step 02 – OOPS Example – Fan Class – Deciding State and Constructors Step 03 – OOPS Example – Fan Class – Deciding Behavior with Methods Step 04 – OOPS Exercise – Rectangle Class Step 05 – Understanding Object Composition with Customer Address Example Step 06 – Understanding Object Composition – An Exercise – Books and Reviews Step 07 – Understanding Inheritance – Why do we need it? Step 08 – Object is at top of Inheritance Hierarchy Step 09 – Inheritance and Overriding – with toString() method Step 10 – Java Inheritance – Exercise – Student and Employee Classes Step 11 – Java Inheritance – Default Constructors and super() method call Step 12 – Java Inheritance – Puzzles – Multiple Inheritance, Reference Variables and instanceof Step 13 – Java Abstract Class – Introductio Step 14 – Java Abstract Class – First Example – Creating Recipes with Template Method Step 15 – Java Abstract Class – Puzzles Step 16 – Java Interface – Example 1 – Gaming Console – How to think about Intefaces? Step 17 – Java Interface – Example 2 – Complex Algorithm – API defined by external team Step 18 – Java Interface – Puzzles – Unimplemented methods, Abstract Classes, Variables, Default Methods and more Step 19 – Java Interface vs Abstract Class – A Comparison Step 20 – Java Interface Flyable and Abstract Class Animal – An Exercise Step 21 – Polymorphism – An introduction
Step 01 – Java Collections – Section Overview with Need For Collections Step 02 – List Interface – Introduction – Position is King Step 03 – List Inteface – Immutability and Introduction of Implementations – ArrayList, LinkedList and Vector Step 04 – List Inteface Implementations – ArrayList vs LinkedList Step 05 – List Inteface Implementations – ArrayList vs Vector Step 06 – List Inteface – Methods to add, remove and change elements and lists Step 07 – List and ArrayList – Iterating around elements Step 08 – List and ArrayList – Choosing iteration approach for printing and deleting elements Step 09 – List and ArrayList – Puzzles – Type Safety and Removing Integers Step 10 – List and ArrayList – Sorting – Introduction to Collections sort static method Step 11 – List and ArrayList – Sorting – Implementing Comparable Inteface in Student Class Step 12 – List and ArrayList – Sorting – Providing Flexibility by implementing Comparator interface Step 13 – List and ArrayList – A Summary Step 14 – Set Interface – Introduction – No Duplication Step 15 – Understanding Data Structures – Array, LinkedList and Hashing Step 16 – Understanding Data Structures – Tree – Sorted Order Step 17 – Set Interface – Hands on – HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSet Step 18 – Set Interface – Exercise – Find Unique Characters in a List Step 19 – TreeSet – Methods from NavigableSet – floor,lower,upper, subSet, head and tailSet Step 20 – Queue Interface – Process Elements in Order Step 21 – Introduction to PriorityQueue – Basic Methods and Customized Priority Step 22 – Map Interface – An Introduction – Key and Value Step 23 – Map Interface – Implementations – HashMap, HashTable, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap Step 24 – Map Interface – Basic Operations Step 25 – Map Interface – Comparison – HashMap vs LinkedHashMap vs TreeMap Step 26 – Map Interface – Exercise – Count occurances of characters and words in a piece of text Step 27 – TreeMap – Methods from NavigableMap – floorKey, higherKey, firstEntry, subMap and more Step 28 – Java Collections – Conclusion with Three Tips
Step 01 – Introduction to Generics – Why do we need Generics? Step 02 – Implementing Generics for the Custom List Step 03 – Extending Custom List with a Generic Return Method Step 04 – Generics Puzzles – Restrictions with extends and Generic Methods Step 05 – Generics and WildCards – Upper Bound and Lower Bound
Introduction to Functional Programming
Step 01 – Introduction to Functional Programming – Functions are First Class Citizens Step 02 – Functional Programming – First Example with Function as Parameter Step 03 – Functional Programming – Exercise – Loop a List of Numbers Step 04 – Functional Programming – Filtering – Exercises to print odd and even numbers from List Step 05 – Functional Programming – Collect – Sum of Numbers in a List Step 06 – Functional Programming vs Structural Programming – A Quick Comparison Step 07 – Functional Programming Terminology – Lambda Expression, Stream and Operations on a Stream Step 08 – Stream Intermediate Operations – Sort, Distinct, Filter and Map Step 09 – Stream Intermediate Operations – Exercises – Squares of First 10, Map String List to LowerCase and Length of String Step 10 – Stream Terminal Operations – 1 – max operation with Comparator Step 11 – Stream Terminal Operations – 2 – min, collect to List, Step 12 – Optional class in Java – An Introduction Step 13 – Behind the Screens with Functional Interfaces – Implement Predicate Interface Step 14 – Behind the Screens with Functional Interfaces – Implement Consumer Interface Step 15 – Behind the Screens with Functional Interfaces – Implement Function Inteface for Mapping Step 16 – Simplify Functional Programming code with Method References – static and instance methods Step 17 – Functions are First Class Citizens Step 18 – Introduction to Functional Programming – Conclusion
Introduction to Threads And Concurrency
Step 01 – Introduction to Threads and MultiThreading – Need for Threads Step 02 – Creating a Thread for Task1 – Extending Thread Class Step 03 – Creating a Thread for Task2 – Implement Runnable Interface Step 04 – Theory – States of a Thread Step 05 – Placing Priority Requests for Threads Step 06 – Communication between Threads – join method Step 07 – Thread utility methods and synchronized keyword – sleep, yield Step 08 – Need for Controlling the Execution of Threads Step 09 – Introduction to Executor Service Step 10 – Executor Service – Customizing number of Threads Step 11 – Executor Service – Returning a Future from Thread using Callable Step 12 – Executor Service – Waiting for completion of multiple tasks using invokeAll Step 13 – Executor Service – Wait for only the fastest task using invokeAny Step 14 – Threads and MultiThreading – Conclusion
Introduction to Exception Handling
Step 01 – Introduction to Exception Handling – Your Thought Process during Exception Handling Step 02 – Basics of Exceptions – NullPointerException and StackTrace Step 03 – Basics of Handling Exceptions – try and catch Step 04 – Basics of Handling Exceptions – Exception Hierarchy, Matching and Catching Multiple Exceptions Step 05 – Basics of Handling Exceptions – Need for finally Step 06 – Basics of Handling Exceptions – Puzzles Step 07 – Checked Exceptions vs Unchecked Exceptions – An Example Step 08 – Hierarchy of Errors and Exceptions – Checked and Runtime Step 09 – Throwing an Exception – Currencies Do Not Match Runtime Exception Step 10 – Throwing a Checked Exception – Throws in method signature and handling Step 11 – Throwing a Custom Exception – CurrenciesDoNotMatchException Step 12 – Write less code with Try with Resources – New Feature in Java 7 Step 13 – Basics of Handling Exceptions – Puzzles 2 Step 14 – Exception Handling – Conclusion with Best Practices
Files and Directories
Step 01 – List files and folders in Directory with Files list method Step 02 – Recursively List and Filter all files and folders in Directory with Step Files walk method and Search with find method Step 03 – Read content from a File – Files readAllLines and lines methods Step 04 – Writing Content to a File – Files write method Step 05 – Files – Conclusion
More Concurrency with Concurrent Collections and Atomic Operations
Step 01 – Getting started with Synchronized Step 02 – Problem with Synchronized – Less Concurrency Step 03 – Enter Locks with ReEntrantLock Step 04 – Introduction to Atomic Classes – AtomicInteger Step 05 – Need for ConcurrentMap Step 06 – Implementing an example with ConcurrentHashMap Step 07 – ConcurrentHashMap uses different locks for diferrent regions Step 08 – CopyOnWrite Concurrent Collections – When reads are more than writes Step 09 – Conclusion
Java Tips
Java Tip 01 – Imports and Static Imports Java Tip 02 – Blocks Java Tip 03 – equals method Java Tip 04 – hashcode method Java Tip 05 – Class Access Modifiers – public and default Java Tip 06 – Method Access Modifiers – public, protected, private and default Java Tip 07 – Final classes and Final methods Java Tip 08 – Final Variables and Final Arguments Java Tip 09 – Why do we need static variables? Java Tip 09 – Why do we need static methods? Java Tip 10 – Static methods cannot use instance methods or variables Java Tip 11 – public static final – Constants Java Tip 12 – Nested Classes – Inner Class vs Static Nested Class Java Tip 13 – Anonymous Classes Java Tip 14 – Why Enum and Enum Basics – ordinal and values Java Tip 15 – Enum – Constructor, variables and methods Java Tip 16 – Quick look at inbuild Enums – Month, DayOfWeek
Zero risk. 30 day money-back guarantee with every purchase of the course. You have nothing to lose!
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Who this course is for:
You have ZERO programming experience and want to learn Java Programming
You are a Beginner at Java Programming and want to Learn to write Great Java Programs
You want to learn the Basics of Object Oriented Programming with Java
You want to learn the Basics of Functional Programming with Java
Created by in28Minutes Official Last updated 1/2019 English English [Auto-generated]
Size: 2.80 GB
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i-globalone · 5 years ago
Python is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. It was created by Guido van Rossum during 1985- 1990. Python is one of the most widely used high level programming language. The language stresses on code readability and due to its syntax and implementation a programmer has to write lesser code as compared to other languages such as C++ and Java.The language supports multiple style like functional programming, object oriented or imperative style. The memory management is done automatically and has many standard libraries available for python programmer. Python’s simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance.Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse.The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are available in source or binary form without charge for all major platforms, and can be freely distributed.Why you should learn Python?The time has changed and merely carrying a high school degree and some work experience won’t do you any good. You should have a good hands on the technology which is currently in trend. If you are a developer and looking to enhance your resume, learning Python is a good choice. Here is the 5 main reason you must learn Python –1. Easy to Learn –Learning a new programming language is always an uphill ride but as luck would favor us python was designed to be easily learnt by a novice programmer. Python reads like kindergarten math and is easy on the layman’s eye. The use of white space and common expressions has eliminated the need for tedious variable declarations and unattractive curly brackets. Python also requires less code to complete basic tasks. Python code is often 3-5 times shorter than Java, and 5-10 times shorter than C++. Python code is readable and with a little knowledge a developer can learn many things just by looking at the code. It executes read evaluate print loop which gives developer a chance to play around with code and experiment. Also the standard library offers you a lot of functionalities which lets you execute complex functionalities with ease.2. Stepping Stone –Python can be your stepping stone into the programming universe. Learning python opens up many doors for python developers in the world of programming. Python has an object oriented approach which is preferred by many leading languages such as C#, Ruby, JavaScript, Perl etc. For people planning to become software developers, learning this type of programming in one area will help you adapt easily in other environments. Specifically, a working knowledge of Python can be a solid foundation because Python’s methodologies can be used in a broad range of applications. So once you get comfortable with the concepts of python you can switch to any other object oriented language and the only thing you will have to learn is the syntax of language.3. Implementation on Raspberry Pi –For many of us programming is pretty boring and very few people are enthusiastic about doing this geek stuff. One major reason is that even after digging into code for so long the output that we get is not exciting. The output does not have any significance in real world but what if your ideas can be implemented in real life through coding. Bridging the gap between abstract computing and real world applications is now as easy as Pi. Raspberry Pi is a card-sized, inexpensive microcomputer that is being used for a surprising range of exciting do-it-yourself stuff such as robots, remote-controlled cars, and video game consoles. With Python as its main programming language, the Raspberry Pi is being used even by kids to build radios, cameras, arcade machines, and pet feeders. By using concepts of advanced python programming you can create some out of the box gadgets which can create ripples in the market.4. Preferred for Web development –With number of websites in the world close to a mark of 1 billion and still growing the scope for web development can’t be ignored. With Python’s vast capabilities, you too can have a piece of the action. Web programming with python provides a lot of flexibility as python has an array of frameworks for developing the website. Web frameworks offered by python are Pylons, Django, Zope2, TurboGears, web.py, Grok, web2py etc. Django is the most popular framework preferred for python development.5. Job Demand –Many big names such as Yahoo, IBM, Nokia, Google, Disney, NASA, Mozilla and many more rely heavily on Python. Since these companies use Python they are always in search of talented professionals who have worked on Python. In fact, among programming languages, Python had the largest year-on-year job demand growth. There is always a demand for Python web developer and they are offered some decent packages as well.
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rohithgo-blog · 5 years ago
R Programming Training
During the last two decades, the size of data has increased exponentially worldwide and it continues to do so. This has led to an increasing demand for a data scientist to analyze and interpret this data as well as tools to help the data scientist in their analysis. R programming is one of the most influential languages and tool for statistical analysis of data which is used by data scientists, analysts as well as business professionals and non-software engineers who want to interpret data. CodeGnan is a leading R programming training in Vijayawada which helps individuals to learn this language.
What is the R Programming? R is not only a language but also an environment for statistical computing and design. It was initially developed in 1993 by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman, but since then it has come a long way in terms of improved efficiency and ease of use. It contains an extensive list of statistical and graphical methods to analyze, represent, and report data. R language training offers you a chance to learn a well-developed, simple, and effective programming language which includes conditionals, loops, user defined recursive functions, and input-output facilities. An R language training institute such as CodeGnan also teaches you effective data handling and storage facility.
Using R Programming Some other things that you would learn in an R programming training on Vijayawada are:
A suite of operators for mathematical calculations on matrices, vectors, lists, and arrays; R course training would also enable you to use large, coherent, and integrated collection of tools for data analysis; R training Institute also teaches you graphical facilities in R for data analysis and display by printing or on a computer. Steps in R Language R programming training in Vijayawda by CodeGnan teaches data analysis with R as a series of steps, which are:
Program: R is an accessible and clear programming tool; Transform: R contains a collection of libraries which are designed specifically for data science; Discover: This is the stage in R language training which enables you to investigate the data, refine your hypothesis, and analyze them. Model: R provides a wide range of tools for you to capture the right model for the sample data; Communicate: At this stage of R programming training, you will be able to integrate codes, graphs, and output to a report. Why should you choose to learn R Language? Admittedly, there are other languages as well which can help you to analyze data. So why should you choose to learn R instead of those?
R is the best platform for statistics, data analysis, and machine learning. R course training will teach you more than just a statistical package; rather you will be able to create your own objects, functions, and packages. R can quickly try several ideas and factual issues by explicitly recording the actions of analysis and making it easy to reproduce and update report. R can be used anywhere as it is platform independent and can be applied to any operating system. Because it is a free platform, you can implement it in any organization without having to purchase a license. In addition to being a free programming language, it is also open source. This means that after completing your course from an R training institute, you will be able to examine the source code to check its functions. It also means that you will be able to fix bugs and add features rather than waiting for the vendor to do so in a future release. R programming also allows you to integrate with other languages such as C/C++, Python, Java, and enables you to communicate with various data sources such as Excel, access, and statistical packages such as Stata, Minitab, etc. R Language also serves as glue for piecing together various data sets, tools, and software packages. An R language training institute would also teach you to create reproducible, excessive quality analysis by R programming as it has much flexibility and power which is required while dealing with big data. Moreover, it is utilized in nearly all industries. It is used the most in academic and Healthcare industries. Followed by Government agencies, consulting, insurance, energy, finance, retail, and many other industries. Finally, tech giants such as Google are utilizing R programming. Why CodeGnan to be chosen to learn R Programming training in Vijayawada? CodeGnan provides many hours of top-notch R programming training in Vijayawada. This course is divided into several parts to ensure that you understand each step of the R language effectively before moving onto the next step. We are the best R programming training in Vijayawada as we have the best faculty and resources to provide you classroom and hands-on training. By the end of the course, you will have extensive knowledge of using R language to analyze, represent, and report big data.
Course Syllabus Z Chapter 1 - Introduction to Business Analytics Introduction to Business Analytics & it’s Features Types of Business Analytics Business Analytics Case Studies Business Decisions Business Intelligence Data Science and it’s importance Z Chapter 2 - Introduction to R Introduction to R Understanding R Using R to illustrate the basic concepts Installing R and RStudio Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for R Using R Console Scripting in R R Workplace and Packages Distributed R Introduction Installation Programming Concepts Z Chapter 3 - R Programming Introduction Operators in R(Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment) Basic and Advance Data Types Loops and Conditional Statement in R Commands to Run an R Script and a Batch Script Functions in R String Manipulation in R Dplyr Package – An Overview Installing Dplyr Functions of the Dplyr package Z Chapter 4 - R Data Structure Types of Data Structures in R Vectors Scalars Matrices Arrays Data Frames Factors Lists Elements of the Different Data Structures in R Acceptable Formats to Import and Export Data in R Z Chapter 5 - Data Visualisation Graphics in R Types of Graphics Basic elements of graph Methods to Save Graphics as Files Procedure to Export Graphs in RStudio Z Chapter 6 - R Connection with Database Introduction to RDBMS Introduction to MySql R packages to connect to database Data analysis of data from database Z Chapter 7 - Debugging in R Introduction to Debugging Important function to Debug Z Chapter 8 - Statistics in R Introduction to Statistics Types of Data Qualitative vs Quantitative Analysis Hypothesis Testing in R Need of Hypothesis Testing in Business Test of mean Test of variance Chi-square Test Non-parametric Test Linear Regression Basics of Classification Basics of Clustering
0 notes
cybersuccess · 5 years ago
Top 25 Python Interview Questions and Answers asked in Interview
Here the top 25 Python interview questions and answers to help you crack your Python Interview. If you want to learn Practical Python Training then please goes through this Python Classes in Pune.
Q1. What is the difference between list and tuples in Python?
LIST vs TUPLESLISTTUPLESLists are mutable i.e they can be edited.Tuples are immutable (tuples are lists which can’t be edited).Lists are slower than tuples.Tuples are faster than list.Syntax: list_1 = [10, ‘Chelsea’, 20]Syntax: tup_1 = (10, ‘Chelsea’ , 20)
Q2. What are the key features of Python?
Python is an interpreted language. That means that, unlike languages like C and its variants, Python does not need to be compiled before it is run. Other interpreted languages include PHP and Ruby.
Python is dynamically typed, this means that you don’t need to state the types of variables when you declare them or anything like that. You can do things like x=111 and then x=”I’m a string” without error
Python is well suited to object orientated programming in that it allows the definition of classes along with composition and inheritance. Python does not have access specifiers (like C++’s public, private).
In Python, functions are first-class objects. This means that they can be assigned to variables, returned from other functions and passed into functions. Classes are also first class objects
Writing Python code is quick but running it is often slower than compiled languages. Fortunately,Python allows the inclusion of C based extensions so bottlenecks can be optimized away and often are. The numpy package is a good example of this, it’s really quite quick because a lot of the number crunching it does isn’t actually done by Python
Python finds use in many spheres — web applications, automation, scientific modeling, big data applications and many more. It’s also often used as “glue” code to get other languages and components to play nice.
Q3. What type of language is python? Programming or scripting?
Ans: Python is capable of scripting, but in general sense, it is considered as a general-purpose programming language. To know more about Scripting, you can refer to the Python Scripting Tutorial.
Q4.How is Python an interpreted language?
Ans: An interpreted language is any programming language which is not in machine level code before runtime. Therefore, Python is an interpreted language.
Q5.What is pep 8?
Ans: PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal. It is a set of rules that specify how to format Python code for maximum readability.
Q6. How is memory managed in Python?
Memory management in python is managed by Python private heap space. All Python objects and data structures are located in a private heap. The programmer does not have access to this private heap. The python interpreter takes care of this instead.
The allocation of heap space for Python objects is done by Python’s memory manager. The core API gives access to some tools for the programmer to code.
Python also has an inbuilt garbage collector, which recycles all the unused memory and so that it can be made available to the heap space.
Q7. What is namespace in Python?
Ans: A namespace is a naming system used to make sure that names are unique to avoid naming conflicts.
Ans: It is an environment variable which is used when a module is imported. Whenever a module is imported, PYTHONPATH is also looked up to check for the presence of the imported modules in various directories. The interpreter uses it to determine which module to load.
Q9. What are python modules? Name some commonly used built-in modules in Python?
Ans: Python modules are files containing Python code. This code can either be functions classes or variables. A Python module is a .py file containing executable code.
Some of the commonly used built-in modules are:
data time
Q10.What are local variables and global variables in Python?
Global Variables:
Variables declared outside a function or in global space are called global variables. These variables can be accessed by any function in the program.
Local Variables:
Any variable declared inside a function is known as a local variable. This variable is present in the local space and not in the global space.
Output: 5
When you try to access the local variable outside the function add(), it will throw an error.
Q11. Is python case sensitive?
Ans: Yes. Python is a case sensitive language.
Q12.What is type conversion in Python?
Ans: Type conversion refers to the conversion of one data type iinto another.
int() — converts any data type into integer type
float() — converts any data type into float type
ord() — converts characters into integer
hex() — converts integers to hexadecimal
oct() — converts integer to octal
tuple() — This function is used to convert to a tuple.
set() — This function returns the type after converting to set.
list() — This function is used to convert any data type to a list type.
dict() — This function is used to convert a tuple of order (key,value) into a dictionary.
str() — Used to convert integer into a string.
complex(real,imag) — This functionconverts real numbers to complex(real,imag) number.
Q13. How to install Python on Windows and set path variable?
Ans: To install Python on Windows, follow the below steps:
Install python from this link: https://www.python.org/downloads/
After this, install it on your PC. Look for the location where PYTHON has been installed on your PC using the following command on your command prompt: cmd python.
Then go to advanced system settings and add a new variable and name it as PYTHON_NAME and paste the copied path.
Look for the path variable, select its value and select ‘edit’.
Add a semicolon towards the end of the value if it’s not present and then type %PYTHON_HOME%
Q14. Is indentation required in python?
Ans: Indentation is necessary for Python. It specifies a block of code. All code within loops, classes, functions, etc is specified within an indented block. It is usually done using four space characters. If your code is not indented necessarily, it will not execute accurately and will throw errors as well.
Q15. What is the difference between Python Arrays and lists?
Ans: Arrays and lists, in Python, have the same way of storing data. But, arrays can hold only a single data type element whereas lists can hold any data type elements.
importarray as arr
array(‘i’, [1, 2, 3, 4]) [1, ‘abc’, 1.2]
Q16. What are functions in Python?
Ans: A function is a block of code which is executed only when it is called. To define a Python function, the def keyword is used.
print(“Hi, Welcome to Cyber Success”)
Newfunc(); #calling the function
Output: Hi, Welcome to Cyber Success
Q17.What is __init__?
Ans: __init__ is a method or constructor in Python. This method is automatically called to allocate memory when a new object/ instance of a class is created. All classes have the __init__ method.
Here is an example of how to use it.
def__init__(self, name, age,salary):
self.name =name
self.age =age
self.salary =20000
E1 =Employee(“XYZ”, 23, 20000)
# E1 is the instance of class Employee.
#__init__ allocates memory for E1.
Q18.What is a lambda function?
Ans: An anonymous function is known as a lambda function. This function can have any number of parameters but, can have just one statement.
a =lambdax,y : x+y
2. print(a(5, 6))
Output: 11
Q 19 What is self in Python?
Ans: Self is an instance or an object of a class. In Python, this is explicitly included as the first parameter. However, this is not the case in Java where it’s optional. It helps to differentiate between the methods and attributes of a class with local variables.
The self variable in the init method refers to the newly created object while in other methods, it refers to the object whose method was called.
Q20. How does break, continue and pass work?
BreakAllows loop termination when some condition is met and the control is transferred to the next statement.ContinueAllows skipping some part of a loop when some specific condition is met and the control is transferred to the beginning of the loopPassUsed when you need some block of code syntactically, but you want to skip its execution. This is basically a null operation. Nothing happens when this is executed.
Q21. What does [::-1} do?
Ans: [::-1] is used to reverse the order of an array or a sequence.
For example:
importarray as arr
2. My_Array=arr.array(‘i’,[1,2,3,4,5])
3. My_Array[::-1]
Output: array(‘i’, [5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
[::-1] reprints a reversed copy of ordered data structures such as an array or a list. the original array or list remains unchanged.
Q22. How can you randomize the items of a list in place in Python?
Ans: Consider the example shown below:
fromrandom importshuffle
x =[‘Keep’, ‘The’, ‘Blue’, ‘Flag’, ‘Flying’, ‘High’]
The output of the following code is as below.
[‘Flying’, ‘Keep’, ‘Blue’, ‘High’, ‘The’, ‘Flag’]
Q23. What are python iterators?
Ans: Iterators are objects which can be traversed though or iterated upon.
Q24. How can you generate random numbers in Python?
Ans: Random module is the standard module that is used to generate a random number. The method is defined as:
2. random. Random
The statement random. Random () method return the floating point number that is in the range of [0, 1). The function generates random float numbers. The methods that are used with the random class are the bound methods of the hidden instances. The instances of the Random can be done to show the multi-threading programs that creates a different instance of individual threads. The other random generators that are used in this are:
randrange (a, b): it chooses an integer and define the range in-between [a, b). It returns the elements by selecting it randomly from the range that is specified. It doesn’t build a range object.
uniform (a, b): it chooses a floating point number that is defined in the range of [a, b). Iyt returns the floating point number
normalvariate (mean, sdev): it is used for the normal distribution where the mu is a mean and the sdev is a sigma that is used for standard deviation.
The Random class that is used and instantiated creates an independent multiple random number generator.
Q25. What is the difference between range & xrange?
Ans: For the most part, xrange and range are the exact same in terms of functionality. They both provide a way to generate a list of integers for you to use, however you please. The only difference is that range returns a Python list object and x range returns an xrange object.
This means that xrange doesn’t actually generate a static list at run-time like range does. It creates the values as you need them with a special technique called yielding. This technique is used with a type of object known as generators. That means that if you have a really gigantic range you’d like to generate a list for, say one billion, xrange is the function to use.
This is especially true if you have a really memory sensitive system such as a cell phone that you are working with, as range will use as much memory as it can to create your array of integers, which can result in a Memory Error and crash your program. It’s a memory hungry beast.
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