#Print Bucuresti
socmod · 1 year
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Dear friends , We are happy to announce that ”Socialist Modernism in Romania and the Republic of Moldova”, the first photo album/digital guide in the 2nd release of @_BA_CU ‘s planned series, is available in 800 copies. Those who are interested in #SocialistModernism are able to order the book on 👉🏻 @fdestribute @FUDEshopAmazon 👈🏻distributor page, (Link in our profile☝️) ; link: http://fdestribute.com/fdshop/ or AMAZON: https://www.amazon.de/dp/6069490975/ref=olp_aod_redir_impl1?_encoding=UTF8&aod= by selecting the Photo album from among the books listed. (DHL Express Shipping worldwide) #SocialistModernism #_BA_CU The photo album includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in Romania and the Republic of Moldova – from 1955 to 1989/91. B.A.C.U. Association introduces and explains socialist modernist tendencies, it presents – in color photographs – a functional image of the buildings and their often original elements that synthesize local culture and traditions, while bringing us up to date with their current state of conservation. ( available for order, shipping starting 1 November, 2020) Print run 800 Pages 194+1 Spread/ Romania and the Republic of Moldova – SOC MOD Map Romanian, English Size 26×28.5 cm Weight 1.25 kg Designed and published by @_BA_CU Association 1, 2, 3 pic: Livezeni Coal Mine ( Mina Livezeni - E.M. Livezeni) One of the largest underground mining exploitation in Romania located in Petroşani - one of six cities in the Jiu Valley mining exploitation region of Hunedoara County. It was built in 1980. (c) BACU 5 Mihai Flamaropol Skating Rink (Patinoarul Mihai Flamaropol), Bucharest, Romania, opened in 1952 and rebuilt in 1974. 7 Ventilation shaft, Pitesti Sports Hall (Sala Sporturilor), Pitesti, Romania, built between 1972-5, Architect I.Ionescu (IPCT Bucuresti) 9 Government parking garage, Chisinau, Moldova, built in 1978, Architect: S. Khoma et al. MoldGIPROstroy 10 Munplast building, Bucharest, Romania, built in the 70s. Proiect Bucuresti (c) BACU https://www.instagram.com/p/CjQOlU_swJj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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antonlaub · 6 months
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Creatio ex nihilo (Bucuresti-Berlin: 1001 Articole), 2024/2015, chromogenic print on photo paper, 80x60 cm, from the eponymous video loop (00:01:00), 2015.
𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗦𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀
Artists: David Barreiro, Bogdan Bordeianu, John Divola, Vladimir Florentin, Ion Grigorescu, Lina Ivanova, Anton Roland Laub, Ioana Marinescu, Andrei Mateescu, Alexander Rosenkranz, Emily Ryalls, Nadina Stoica, Anca Tintea
Curator: Laura Bivolaru
Project Coordinators: Claudia Retegan, Mihai Șovăială
Opening: September 5, 2024, at 18:00, Str. Franceza 4, Bucharest
September 6 – October 6, 2024
𝗩𝗶𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀: Thursday & Friday: 17:00-19:00 // Saturday & Sunday: 12:00-16:00
"Expanded Spatialities" problematizes the uniform image of the globalized city, asserting the human body as a creative agent of urban space. Through photography, collage, video, performance, and drawing, the city becomes a practiced space which residents and visitors alike occupy, build, remember and imagine across history.
The thirteen exhibiting artists use the past, both individual and collective memories, and their own bodies to expand and reinterpret urban space at the intersection of fiction and reality, between cartography and psychogeography. In their practices, the political, economic, and social aspects that impact the city are brought to light, investigated, and destabilised. Thus, the image is understood as more than just a mirror of the existing space; it becomes a tangible extension of past and future possibilities.
Partners: The Institute, Revista–Arta, Photography.Influx
Graphic Design: Vlad Mat
The cultural project is co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN). It does not necessarily represent the position of AFCN. The AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding recipient.
When I moved from Bucharest to Berlin, the sight of Karl Marx Avenue (formerly Stalin Avenue) immediately reminded me of the facades of Unity Boulevard (formerly Victory of Socialism Boulevard), so that memories of Bucharest gradually became associated with Karl-Marx-Allee. These memories, sediments, layers and maps still react to each other.
While photographing, I was reminded of Cicero's story of Simonides of Ceos, who discovered a new art of memory after a tragedy struck a banquet to which he had been invited to recite poetry. Just as the poet was called outside, the roof of the banquet hall collapsed, crushing all the guests beyond recognition. But Simonides was able to identify their mangled remains for family members because he remembered where they had sat at the table. Thus was born the mnemonic method of loci - places - which associates memories with specific places.
Karl-Marx-Allee is linked to the history of the former GDR, it was the flagship project of the East German reconstruction programme after the Second World War.  It was here that the 17 June Uprising (the first anti-Stalinist uprising) was bloodily crushed by the Soviet Army in 1953.
In the 1980s, Bucharest had to pay a high price for the ruthless 'systematisation' of the city: the demolition of a third of the old historic area, including buildings in the classicist, art nouveau, modernist and art deco traditions, as well as synagogues and churches. It was one of the greatest urban destructions in the history of Romania, even compared to the destruction caused by the bombs of the Second World War. Thanks to the efforts of the intellectual elite both inside and outside the country, UNESCO was able to intervene in this urban massacre of architectural and collective memory. As a result of the international pressure, sacral buildings were no longer demolished, but the dictatorial absurdity persisted. While the population was surviving on the edge of subsistence, massive efforts were made to put entire churches on rails and move them, sometimes only a few metres from their original location: away from the streets, in the background, behind a series of new propagandistic buildings.
With the ‘systematisation’ programme and the construction of Bulevardul Victoria Socialismului (Victory of Socialism Boulevard) - today Bulevardul Unirii (Unity Boulevard) - the churches and synagogues were no longer visible from the street. They were erased from the official cityscape, but not from the memory of the locals.
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stancuprint-blog · 1 year
All2Print Show Exhibition for printing & packaging printing technologies are loc între 4-7 octombrie, la ROMEXPO-Bucureşti
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Bucureşti, 26 iulie - All2Print Show (fostul PRINT&SIGN, evenimentul de referinţă al industriei de print, care s-a rebranduit) este cel mai nou concept expoziţional pentru industria de print şi va reuni, pentru prima dată în România, toate tipurile de tehnologii de tipar digital, inclusiv tipar pe ambalaje şi etichete, tipar comercial, editorial și industrial.
Evenimentul B2B va avea loc între 4 şi 7 octombrie la ROMEXPO, în pavilionul B1, şi va aduce împreună jucători din lanţul de producţie şi distribuţie al industriei de print: producători şi furnizori de echipamente, furnizori de materii prime şi soluţii, specialişti şi pasionaţi din industrie, dar și experți din diferite arii conexe.
Descoperă puterea printului digital în designul interior!
All2Print Show pune un mare accent pe una dintre tendinţele industriei: printul digital pentru designul interior. Arhitecţii şi designerii de interior vor putea vedea la târg cele mai noi tehnologii de print digital, precum şi materiale inovatoare pentru decorarea caselor, birourilor, restaurantelor şi a oricărui spaţiu sau imobil. Pe lângă toate acestea, vom prezenta în cadrul unui apartament construit la scara 1/1 (“DesignPrint Studio”) toate posibilităţile de personalizare a unui spaţiu prin intermediului printului, dar şi o conferinţă de design interior (“DesignPrint Conference”), unde renumiţi arhitecţi vor prezenta ultimele tendinţe în materie de design, dar şi cum poţi da viaţă ideilor tale cu ajutorul printului digital.
Vezi ce spune Miruna Ardelean, arhitect designer de interior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCeBAJM04BY
Regal de evenimente şi zone experienţiale
Timp de 4 zile, pe lângă zonele expoziţionale unde vor fi prezentate cele mai noi tehnologii digitale de print, vor avea loc evenimente conexe şi conferinţe de excepţie, menite să aducă plus-valoare experienţei vizitatorilor. Iată câteva dintre ele:
⦁ DesignPrint Home Studio, construit de Foldo - apartament decorat cu obiecte printate digital ⦁ DesignPrint Conference - conferinţă dedicată designului interior şi artei printului (7 octombrie) ⦁ ThinkInk Conference – conferinţă dedicată specialiştilor din marketing şi agenţiilor de publicitate (4 octombrie) ⦁ FESPA Research & Trends:  Preparing you for the future of print – conferinţă care abordează provocările şi tendinţele industriei de print în următorii 5 ani, susţinută de FESPA, organizaţie de referinţă în industria de print, la nivel internaţional. (7 octombrie) ⦁ Colantorul Anului – concurs de colantare organizat de Algernon în cadrul târgului (4-7 octombrie) ⦁ Digitalizare: Călătoria spre Automatizare, conference powered by iflows (6 octombrie) ⦁ Future Retail Solutions Day (5 octombrie) ⦁ Conferinţa Francize la Raft (6 octombrie) ⦁ In-Store Print – supermarket amenajat ca zonă experienţială în cadrul târgului
Intrarea este liberă, pe bază de invitaţie online primită în urma completării formularului online (de la 1 septembrie) sau fizic, la faţa locului. Mai multe informații despre expoziție, programul şi temele evenimentelor conexe sau cum puteți deveni parte a acestui eveniment unic, vă rugăm să vizitați https://www.stancuprint.org/blog/show-all-2-print-and-corporate-gifts-show-au-loc-simultan-in-bucuresti-intre-patru-si-sapte-octombrie-2023
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backlinkseo0 · 4 years
Printing company
If you want to print in Bucharest in a professional way look no further than Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti. Web2Print is a Print Management Company that helps businesses to print all the marketing and stationery items with the correct price in a fast way. Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti is a full service agency that sells printing and related services. Printed item like brochures, booklets,…
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givitwbate60sky2 · 4 years
Printing company
If you want to print in Bucharest in a professional way look no further than Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti. Web2Print is a Print Management Company that helps businesses to print all the marketing and stationery items with the correct price in a fast way. Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti is a full service agency that sells printing and related services. Printed item like brochures, booklets,…
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gliklofhameln · 2 years
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Bucuresti, Templul Coral
Markus Brunetti
German, b. 1965
Archival pigment print
This is the Choral Synagogue in Bucharest, one of the only synagogues active in Romania today. It was constructed between 1864 and 1866 to serve a then- robust Jewish community of Bucharest, the majority of whom were murdered or fled during World War II. The Moorish Revival-style building survived the war and even the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu’s plans for its demolition in the 1980s. Its design is nearly identical to that of the Synagogue Tempelgasse in Vienna, which was completely destroyed on Kristallnacht.
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cipzi-shoppp · 4 years
Love Dog Mom Life Christmas Plaid T Shirt From AllezyGo
Many of you know I have been on this site giving my real life experiences with wild horses and the overpopulation issue many have asked if it hurts the mare to be spayed rather than me giving my personal opinion I sent the blm an email concerning this specific research program that csu pulled out of they sent me a Love Dog Mom Life Christmas Plaid T Shirt From AllezyGo very detailed email and were very cordial and accommodating about my request in the email there was a link to the entire research project in that project report there is a video of the procedure they would be doing on the mares they are sedated they are given a long lasting antibiotic they are taken care of very humanely please remember these are animals and not humans they can handle a lot the video states there is only a 2 chance of mortality personally I see no difference in spaying gelding horses the same as you spay neuter your cats and dogs there is a purpose for it as I have said in every other post I have made on this site this may be the only chance for some of these horses to live outside of a feedlot in the wild please watch ovariectomy research project proposed for wild horses on youtube. We ve teamed up with our favorite luxury and wellness brands to bring you and a friend to ojai and 2500 worth of amazing prizes sweepstakes ends next wednesday head to our instagram for the official rules dena depompa. Per mr mrs john jill kadlecik this post was posted on new year ‘s eve at 10 01 am cst central standard time on mr john kadlecik ‘s facebook page bonjour mon amour mr john kadlecik je t’aime beaucoup mr mrs john jill kadlecik would love to formally announce on mr john kadlecik ‘s facebook page regarding our marriage that occured on christmas eve december 24 2016 at exactly 12 00 am cst central standard time and the birth via the immaculate conception on christmas day december 25 2016 at exactly 12 00 am cst central standard time of our 1st first child tiny babe 1 number one the 1st first angel within the book of the revelations in the printed version only of the niv new international version only bible located only at st thomas more catholic church only in elgin illinois only in the u s a united states of america only the 1st first angel tiny babe 1 number one in eve ‘s womb dropped the 1st first bowl onto the goats the humans who refuse to listen to god ‘s voice hello my family I am I am god I am jesus christ everyone ‘s lord savior I am back hence jesus christ is back my sheep the humans on earth who listen intently gracefully faithfully to my god ‘s jesus christ ‘s everyone ‘s lord savior ‘s adam eve ‘s mr mrs john jill kadlecik ‘s tiny babe 1 ‘s number one ‘s voice within the being ‘s heart soul mind will be saved the book of the revelations in the bible has been opened as of christmas day december 25 2016 hence the noah ‘s ark poetry has officially begun please pray for everyone god loves everyone the holy family 1 one god god jesus christ everyone ‘s lord savior adam eve tiny babe 1 number one king of peace queen of love prince princess of peace love god is never human god is asexual god has no gender adam eve tiny babe 1 number one is 1 one god adam eve tiny babe 1 number one speaks fluidly as 1 one being adam eve tiny babe 1 number one may speak every word at the same exact moment during a live conversation with any being at any point in time due to the truth that adam eve tiny babe 1 number one is 1 one god god loves everyone adam eve tiny babe 1 number one loves everyone adam eve tiny babe 1 number one forgives everyone via penance in the name of the father the mother the son the daughter the holy spirit amen the holy family 1 one god my god ‘s jesus christ ‘s everyone ‘s lord savior ‘s adam eve ‘s mr mrs john jill kadlecik ‘s tiny babe 1 ‘s number one ‘s official website is godislovelivetv com god ‘s jesus christ ‘s everyone ‘s lord savior ‘s adam eve ‘s mr mrs john jill kadlecik ‘s tiny babe 1 ‘s number one ‘s 1st first official movie trailer is located on youtube at currently as of new year ‘s eve december 31 2016 10 00 am cst central standard time tiny babe 1 number one within god ‘s jesus christ ‘s everyone ‘s lord savior ‘s eve ‘s mrs jill kadlecik ‘s womb is exactly 33 thirty three molecules big we god jesus christ everyone ‘s lord savior adam eve mr mrs john jill kadlecik all of adam eve ‘s 7 seven beautiful adorable cuddly loving children will guide the humans the sheep on earth to love more via listening intently gracefully faithfully to god ‘s voice merry christmas the true meaning of christmas god jesus christ is the savior of the world we love everyone Love Dog Mom Life Christmas Plaid T Shirt From AllezyGo
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web-2-print · 4 years
#tipografie Bucuresti #print Bucuresti #tipografii Bucuresti #tipar offset #tipar offset Bucuresti #tipar digita #print digital #print digital Bucuresti #print brosuri #print cataloage #agende personalizate #calendare personalizate #cutii personalizate #mape personalizate #ambalaje de lux
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informatiidepenet · 3 years
Stiri si Informatii de pe Net | Revista Presei | LibNet
Site-ul Libnet.ro este prezent in mediul on-line din anul 2012 si se adreseaza publicului vorbitor de limba româna.
Pentru sectiunea de stiri site-ul preia cele mai importante articole din editiile print si digitale ale publicatiilor nationale românesti (cu acordul scris al acestora) si le agregheaza intr-o revista a presei. Utilitatea sectiunii de stiri consta in ordonarea stirilor pe categorii de interes si publicatii. Arhiva de stiri ordoneaza dupa data publicarii peste 2.500.000 de stiri. O alta facilitate este motorul de cautare a stirilor dupa cuvinte cheie. De asemenea rapiditatea actualizarilor este un atu pentru cititorii din online.
Sectiunea investitii este o sursa valoroasa de informatii pentru cei interesati de evolutia pietelor financiare. Cotatiile si graficele sunt actualizate in timp real. Sectiune cuprinde cursul BNR si evolutiile cotatiilor de la Bursa de valori Bucuresti. De asemenea sunt prezentate informatiile financiare precum si forecast-uri pentru principalele valute FOREX si CFD-urile indicilor bursieri internationali, aur, petrol si altele. Lipsa agresivitatii reclamelor publicitare dovedeste respect pentru utilizator.
Website: https://www.libnet.ro/
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backlinkseo0 · 4 years
Tipografie Bucuresti
If you want to print in Bucharest in a professional way look no further than Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti. Web2Print is a Print Management Company that helps businesses to print all the marketing and stationery items with the correct price in a fast way. Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti is a full service agency that sells printing and related services. Printed item like brochures, booklets,…
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givitwbate60sky2 · 4 years
Tipografie Bucuresti
If you want to print in Bucharest in a professional way look no further than Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti. Web2Print is a Print Management Company that helps businesses to print all the marketing and stationery items with the correct price in a fast way. Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti is a full service agency that sells printing and related services. Printed item like brochures, booklets,…
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nonah8b1c1dsfan · 4 years
Printing company
If you want to print in Bucharest in a professional way look no further than Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti. Web2Print is a Print Management Company that helps businesses to print all the marketing and stationery items with the correct price in a fast way. Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti is a full service agency that sells printing and related services. Printed item like brochures, booklets,…
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stxjobilo5e6rf1d5 · 4 years
Tipografie Bucuresti
If you want to print in Bucharest in a professional way look no further than Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti. Web2Print is a Print Management Company that helps businesses to print all the marketing and stationery items with the correct price in a fast way. Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti is a full service agency that sells printing and related services. Printed item like brochures, booklets,…
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seodone01 · 4 years
Printing company
If you want to print in Bucharest in a professional way look no further than Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti. Web2Print is a Print Management Company that helps businesses to print all the marketing and stationery items with the correct price in a fast way. Web2Print Tipografie Bucuresti is a full service agency that sells printing and related services. Printed item like brochures, booklets,…
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rundecoration · 4 years
Living Room Wall Art
instant download, digital print, JPG file, PDF file, printable art, digital files, digital design, art download, printable poster, printable wall art
- High resolution JPG and PDF files (300 DPI) made to give you sharp quality prints for your space.
- Printable in a range of sizes to perfectly fit your home style.
- 1 high quality PDF file at 300 dpi resolution
- 1 high quality JPG file at 300 dpi resolution
*** PRINT AT ANY SIZE UP TO : 23 x 33 " ( 59 x 84 cm ) ***
- Print instantly at home.
- Take the file to your local photo printing shop.
- Upload your files to an online printing service.
Your purchased items are available for download directly on Etsy website via computer/laptop.
*STEPS * : on the website menu, go to You > Purchases and reviews > Click the button "Download Files" ( it may take several minutes until payment is approved ).
They will also be accessible at all times by viewing your Etsy purchase page.
If you are having trouble accessing your file, here is a useful link: https://www.etsy.com/help/article/3949
Refunds cannot be given after the items are downloaded.
If you have a question or need a custom order please send me a message, and I will be happy to help.
 Instant Download
Your files will be available to download once payment is confirmed. Here's how.
I don't accept returns, exchanges or cancellations. But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.
 Contact Us
 City: - Bucuresti
Country: - Romania
 More Information: - https://www.etsy.com/shop/RunDecorations?ref=seller-platform-mcnav
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zaturk · 5 years
Poster Foto Print – A3 - Coma
Poster Foto Print – A3 – Coma
Poster Foto Print – A3 – Coma
Fotografie realizata in cadrul concertului Coma de pe data de 7.11.19 in Club Control Bucuresti.
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Servicii Foto-Video => https://bit.ly/2NHdcIX
Colaborari foto => facebook.com/TurcuDanielAlexandru
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