@princelydoe plotted starter
Hermione opened up the letter with the information for the new pen pal that she had just received. Each student in their fifth year received a pen pal, to deal with the stress of the O.W.L.’s and learn how to communicate in a new way. As she expected there was not much information, just the owl to take her letter to and a little bit of information. She knew that he was a Slytherin, but they had been paired on their interests. Which meant that he was likely as focused on his studies as she was.
Dear... Well I don’t know your name, and I am not supposed to know yours... but I suppose you can call me Otter.
I wonder how we should start this... What are your favorite classes? I take everything besides divination. Which I guess reveals a lot about me, but I quite enjoy ancient runes and charms. I really like potions too but I feel like the professor does not quite like me, I don’t think he really ever has.
Do you like to read?
I’m looking forward to getting to know you, I do like my friends but sometimes it would be nice for someone to truly understand how I feel that isn’t necessarily involved with everything. Have you thought about what you want to do after you are done with school?
Did you enjoy the welcome feast? Did you see the new professor? She seems very odd, but we are always getting a new professor, I wonder what is going to happen this year.
Anyway, I will let you respond, feel free to ask me anything that you want me to!
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Albus stared out of the window, knowing what times were ahead. He knew he was not alone, having heard the door to the room open. “Dark times are ahead.” He said, but he turned to give his visitor a warm smile. “All the more reason to have a little fun now.”
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hermionesmagic · 6 years
❛❛ What did you use to knit the sweater? Two left-hands & parental guidance from a hamster? ❜❜
@princelydoeHermione looked down at her sweater, “I thought it turned out rather well actually,” she mused as she sat down at the Staff Table.  It was Yule Hols and nearly the only people in the Great Hall were the Professors and a hand full of students. “What has you being such a Scrooge Professor?”
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inquisitivewitch · 6 years
Hidden Behind Time
The world spun around her in a blur of color and sound.  The scene before flashing at light speed before her eyes made her sick to her stomach.  How could she muck up like a rookie?  She had been fixing the time turners ever since she landed a job in the Department of Mysteries. And since the beginning of her employment she never once made a rookie error as she did this very moment. 
The particular time turner she had wound around her hand was one of her own designs.  Hermione figured that if a normal time turner can send one back by mere hours why couldn’t it send you back at least a day or two in time.  Working diligently both night and day she was nowhere close to the finish product.  It still needed a ton of work done to it before it was finally finished.  And even though she knew that she had still turned the dial when wrapping the chain around her hand instead of delicately carrying over to the time turner case like a professional.
Now due to her own stupidity, she was flying backwards in time not knowing how far back she had gone.  Landing hard on the floor inside what was once considered her flat, she spewed the contents of her stomach all over the floor.  Slowly rising up off of the bright green shag carpet, the witch took a look around the room.  The decor was old fashion, quiet hippy-ish kind of style a style that was far from her own taste.
Looking around the room for any clue as to how far back she went, her gaze landed on the newspaper.  With trembling hands she picked up the paper and read 31st of August, 1976 in the top corner.  Dropping the paper worry filled her entire being.  Thinking she hand gone back maybe a couple of weeks before she started renting her flat that the person before her had terrible taste in decor was in fact wrong. 
With all the blood draining from her face, she rushed out of the room and entirely out of the building complex to find her way to Diagon Alley.  Surely someone in the Department of Mystery would be able to help her.  Finding a hidden alley to apparate, the witch patted her pocket of her robes and realised that her wand wasn’t with her.  This was the second time of the day fort all the blood to drain from her face.
Quickly rushing through the streets of London she found the place she was looking for, the Leaky Cauldron.  As fast as she could walk without looking like a worried wort she exit out of the establishment to the back where the entrance to Diagon Alley was.  But now feeling more like an impudent child, she stared at the brick wall before her and wonder how she was going to get in.
She could go ask someone for help.  Though knowing what year she was in and what was going on, Hermione highly doubt someone was going to help her out.  Huffing out a heavy sigh, the walls began to move on their own or so she thought when a sickly looking young wizard appeared before her. 
Not having time to look at him closely she rushed by him and ran to the ministry.
After all the rushing, she had come up short handed.  There was nothing that the employees in the Department of Mysteries could do.  They told her to allow time to fix itself.  Feeling defeated, Hermione walked over to Olivander’s to purchase a new wand.  The knowledge of knowing she had her money pouch but not her wand still boggled her. 
“Why couldn’t it have been the other way around.”  She whined, entering through the door.
“Welcome to Olivander’s, every wand here is hand crafted and two wands are never alike.  How can I help you, Miss?”  The old proprietor asked.
“I’m looking to purchase a wand.  I accidentally broke my wand in half and I am in need of new one.”
“I see.  Well let me get some measurements and I’ll retrieve a couple and see which one chooses you.”
He had taken her measurements and left bringing three slender boxes back with him.  Watching every movement of his, a slight smile crept upon her lips as he held out the 10 3/4 vine wood with dragon heartstring to her.  She felt her magic sing through her bloodstream and she internally rejoiced on having her wand back.
Paying the elderly wizard, she headed to the apparation point and left with a loud crack landing outside the gates of Hogwarts.  She needed to talk to Dumbledore, he would somehow know what to do.
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goodcredence-blog · 6 years
“Are… Are you crying?”
Shame washed over Credence as he was caught, turning away from the voice that had questioned his current state. “N-no,” he whimpered, though it was painfully obvious that he had been crying for quite some time. His ears were as red as a tomato, and his body was visibly shaking as he tried to subdue the feelings. It was quite difficult when he felt that his life was more at risk having what the students in the castle had described this professor as an unfavorable man.  Why would Albus even assign this man to him? Credence couldn’t ask, but he only accepted what was his new fate here at Hogwarts.
“I’m fine,” he said, wiping his face. “Rough morning.” Although he continued to lie about his current situation, he wanted nothing more than to be left alone in his own self-pity. 
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@princelydoe / some meme I don’t want to look for
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angelofgluttony · 6 years
Awkward introductions [ princelydoe]
The demon sighed, thankful noone had been hurt. Seriously of all the ways Dumbledore could have them meet, it had to be a party. Ash owed the elder wizard much, alowing a demon like him a safe haven, much less a job, but this was stupid, he couldn't just go up to someone and talk. Well without the help of a little alcohol. Ash grabbed another glass of Firewisky, the burn calming him down. Well might as well start with the easiest question "How much did the headmaster explain to you "? @princelydoe
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ilverhoney · 6 years
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           PEARLY WHITES were flashed towards the other as she tried her hardest to ignore any thoughts escaping. She knew that many didn’t want her to do that and as much as it was JUICY on occasion, she could understand their needs and desires of PRIVACY. Well, mostly. There was, however, one word that seemed to push through the other thoughts. Hogwarts. Queenie knew of the school and its reputation but she had hardly ever met people with connections there. That had all changed recently and she couldn’t help but smile about that. How many others would she meet?
“Hogwarts sure is a popular school it seems. Oh, don’t worry about a thing, honey. I only listened to a very small amount of what you was thinking. Nothing all that private and mostly about the so called best school. It really isn’t but it’s so much fun to see how many others think that way. Not so sure I heard that much love ... it wasn’t all too kind to you, was it?” Her smile faded ever so slightly but still shone through enough to show warmth. “I fell in love during school ... I fell many times but not one of them stuck. Kind of funny really but you gotta keep sampling until you find the perfect match.”
SC ¬ @princelydoe​
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lyraxlestrange · 6 years
Forgot to knock
“Ahh! Professor!”
Lyra knew that her Uncle was expecting guests and had endeavoured to tidy herself up, not expecting that one of those guests would wander into her bathroom. Gone was the usual confidence she usually carried herself with, instead embarrassed by the fact her former Professor had walked in on her in a state of undress. She clutched her towel close to her, trying to maintain some sort of decency as she ushered the man out who seemed to be somewhat stunned by her appearance.
“The guest bathroom is further back up the hall,” she said, pointing in the direction of it whilst using the door to block him from seeing any more of her body, hoping that in fact that it was the bathroom he was after and not her. 
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5. what brings them the most joy in the world
It’s cheesy but I think flying does. Like, to be on a broom and flying somewhere in the night with the freedom to go anywhere. That’s what she craves, to feel the wind in her hair and to finally be free of expectations and to be happy.
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heroicintention-a · 6 years
@princelydoe from here
“What… this?” Severus asked, taking a step forward with his wand held just that little bit tighter. A smirk played on his lips, knowing just how freaked out the younger Evans girl was by magic.
She had made that clear to Lily, who in turn had made it clear to Severus - something he wasn’t going to forget.
“Why? What do you think would happen? If I wanted to turn you into a frog you would have been ribbiting long before now.”
Petunia stumbled back a little, eyes going wide just a moment before her features turned into a scowl. Magic didn’t freak her out, so to say, but she didn’t trust Severus to use it around her. He freaked her out if anything. In the case of her sister, there was just... well. A bit of jealousy that she’d prefer to bury beneath spite. 
“I don’t know what a freak like you would do!” she told him with what she wanted to be a piercing glare... It was weakened a tad by her nerves. “But Lily’s told me you can’t use that outside of that school of yours so just put it away!”
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tenaciousxtainted · 6 years
Answer these questions, then tag blogs you’d like to know better!
tagged by: @princelydoe 
tagging: @worth12malfoys @darkmarkcdd @theotherdumbledore @herbaelogist @lyraxlestrange @allxstoriesxarextrue @padmatical @ascendiiio @heroicintention @chcscr @mirrorofserised @dginny
nicknames: Laina/Lainie/Lain zodiac: Sagittarius  height: 5′ 3″ current time: 9:34 PM favourite band / artist: Panic! at the Disco song stuck in my head: Homewrecker -- Marina and the Diamonds last movie i saw: The Last Train to Busan last thing i googled: Kick ass Alfredo recipe  other blogs: @mudbloodmasquerade  do i get asks: yes, but not ask much as I’d like. why did i choose this username: It’s a combination of Meddy’s most defining trait and how she views herself.  following: 283 average amount of sleep: 9+ hours  what i’m wearing: Leggings, a hoodie, and fuzzy fuzzy socks. dream job: I would love to work as a Dramaturge for a theater that focuses on Theater of the oppressed and community education. dream trip: Germany. Why speak a language and never visit where it’s spoken. favourite food: Chicken play any instruments: Clarinet and guitar but it’s been a long ass time. eye colour: Blue hair colour: Blonde languages you speak: English, German, Korean (learning) most iconic song: You should see me in a crown - Billie Eillish random fact:  I have Narcolepsy.  describe yourself as aesthetic things: Hot chocolate, pink faux fur, red lipstick, cotton candy, white sheets, potted ivy, and pineapple. 
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@princelydoe continued from here
Hermione had not expected to be caught under the mistletoe with her former professor. And when he took a step back, she tried to, except it didn’t work. Her eyes narrowed as she looked up at the thing. Someone must have enchanted it, and she was the one it caught and not Snape.
“As am I, and people are apparently wanting to make sure that the tradition is not left behind.” She tried again to get out of the little space she seemed to be confined in. “Look, if you want to break tradition that’s fine. Even if it would b the easiest way for me to get away from the spell that was cast on this thing. But I’d rather not be stuck here all night, so if you would mind trying to reverse it, that would be good.”
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repudiated-heir · 6 years
“ Want to head back to my place and have a little fun? ”
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“I don’t really have a sense of fun, Severus,” Andromeda replied, cold and standoffish as ever during events that involved the pureblood elite.
Rodolphus and Bellatrix’s house was crawling with all sorts of people.
“I’m surprised you’re here… but I shouldn’t be. My brother-in-law likes collecting the clever ones.”
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storiesofthenight · 6 years
💕 (any muse)
Uruha had been sitting peacefully by the lake, the sun on his skin as he dreamed the day away. With his eyes closed, his mind peaceful and calm, he hadn’t expected anything to happen, and especially not to suddenly feel lips upon his own. Blinking in surprise, his eyes flickering in several colours before becoming their dark self again. “Sev? New way of greeting me hm?”
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paddyfeet · 6 years
princelydoe replied to your post: SIRIUS LOVES CHRISTMAS  that is my headcanon....
this is very cute and I approve
thnk u snep
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goodcredence-blog · 6 years
“Can I come closer?” Credence asked though he was hoping it was. His teeth were chattering and he could feel his entire body shake intermittently as he slid closer to Severus in his bed. He had originally come due to a nightmare that caused him to wake up bawling, and while he’d typically keep to a very, very small section of the bed, the cold was enough for Credence to reach out for comfort and warmth.
Before he could answer, Credence snuggled closer. An arm found its way across Severus’ chest, head nuzzling against the crook of his neck, embracing his warmth.  The young wizard exhaled softly as his body accepted the warmth that transferred onto his body. Who knew that snuggling was the best way to keep warm? 
“Please don’t push me away,” he pleaded softly, “I can’t handle the cold.”
@princelydoe / send  ❄ for our pals to cuddle in the FREEZING NIGHT !
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