#Prince Vasily Alexandrovich
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loiladadiani · 2 years ago
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Queen Mary, Queen Mother Alexandra and Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna
I had never seen this picture before. Alexandra, next to Xenia, looks the same age as Xenia and younger than Queen Mary (have I misidentified her?) If I am not mistaken, the young man wearing a suit to the right - back of the picture is Xenia's youngest child, Vasily.
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loiladadiani · 2 years ago
Xenia's and Nicholas' children together
There are not too many photos where so many of the first cousins appear together like this. This one is special.
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Family photo
Back Row Left to Right : Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia; Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna Romanova of Russia holding her youngest child,Prince Vasili Alexandrovich Romanov of Russia; Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia; Princess Irinia Alexandrovna Romanova of Russia; Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia'; Prince Dmitri Alexandrovich Romanov of Russia.
Front Row Left to Right: Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov of Russia; Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia; Prince Rostislav Alexandrovich Romanov of Russia.
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postcard-from-the-past · 7 months ago
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Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia and Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia with their children: Princess Irina Alexandrovna of Russia Prince Andrei Alexandrovich of Russia Prince Feodor Alexandrovich of Russia Prince Nikita Alexandrovich of Russia Prince Dmitri Alexandrovich of Russia Prince Rostislav Alexandrovich of Russia Prince Vasili Alexandrovich of Russia
Russian vintage postcard
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thestarik · 8 months ago
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Anastasia, Maria holding Prince Vasili Alexandrovich, Alexei, Prince Rostislav Alexandrovich and Prince Dmitri Alexandrovich playing together in Peterhof, 1908.
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romanovsonelastdance · 1 month ago
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Princes Feodor, Nikita, Rostislav and Vasili Alexandrovich.
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the-lonewriter · 2 years ago
The night like skylights
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@sophierequests, this is for you <3
Later, Sergei thinks of it in fractures, like shattered glass. As if in a muddled flashback, he’d held Vasily in his arms, skin to skin in a warm embrace, a closeness unlike anything else in this world. It fades into the scene of his funeral, standing rigid as a statue while holding back the tears pouring into his eyes, cascading down his cheeks like a flash flood – sweeping away everything in its destructive path.
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Later, Sergei thinks of it in fractures, like shattered glass. As if in a muddled flashback, he’d held Vasily in his arms, skin to skin in a warm embrace, a closeness unlike anything else in this world. It fades into the scene of his funeral, standing rigid as a statue while holding back the tears pouring into his eyes, cascading down his cheeks like a flash flood – sweeping away everything in its destructive path.
Goodbye my love. I will see you soon. On the other side. In the next life. Wherever you want us to meet.
This is how this story ends. In misery, heartbreak and grief. 
Are you sure you want to hear about it? 
In spite of the violent conclusion, it was a lifetime of love. Desire. Wanting and needing and getting. Planning a life together, far away from it all. Floating away from the crushing pressure that rested on their shoulders.
Tears of joy. Smiles. Vasily’s love was like sugar, candid and beautifully addictive.
So buckle up for the ride that's life. For the country that’s Ravka. Unforgiving and taking and never giving anything back. An adventure. A lesson in loving and being loved and never giving up despite every odds.
When all was said and done, Sergei had always keyed in to the things that mattered.
Vasily Alexandrovich Lantsov.
His best mistake. 
Caryeva was not yet stifling with heat at this time of the year but Sergei could feel the warm air dragging on his tee shirt as he got out of his car. He shouldn't have come here. After Vasily's death things had blurred together. The estate was his now.
He'd rather have his fiancé in his arms than this fucking pompous mansion, he thought, over and over. It made no sense to dwell on loss, and yet Sergei found himself mulling over it at every opportunity. If he had known four years ago that falling for the elder Lantsov prince would lead up to this tragedy, would he have done it anyway? Would he have indulged in all the sweet kisses? In the touches and secret meetings? Would he have said yes when Vasily had asked for his hand in matrimony?
He took a tentative step forward; the gravel cracking underneath the soles of his sneakers. He'd been here once – before he'd known of his dead lover's grand plan to make this house their own. A horse farm. Far away from the dramas of Os Alta. The calm after the storm. 
His legs carried him to the stables on their own. Muscle memory. It was flesh and blood now after half a decade of loving a horseman. There were nickers greeting him, twenty-four curious ears of Vasily's finest race horses turning their heads towards him with their muzzles stretched out from their stalls.
He only had eyes for one.
He whispered. The stallion lifted his fine head immediately. For a moment, they just stared at each other, blues lost in brown, so much pain lingering in both their souls. Vasily had told him he had saved Dagrenner from abuse when he'd just been a colt. The horse had always been fierce but he'd discovered his love for racing, his gentle nature. 
His hand worked mechanically as he pulled the bolt back to unlock the stall, treading on a mix of soft straw, hay and sawdust.
Only the best for my babies, Vasily's voice echoed in his ears.
Dagrenner scrutinized him as he stretched out his palm, canting his head before ever so carefully sniffing his hand with his velvety nostrils. The tears in his eyes stung the longer he thought about what that gesture meant. He was looking for traces of Vasily’s scent on him. His cologne – still on the bathroom sink at the Grand Palace. Neither he nor Nikolai had had the heart to clean out his room yet.
"I brought you something, Dag."
The horse licked at his fingers as if he understood and Sergei had to suppress a sob. Everything here reminded him of Vasily. He shouldn't have come here.
The urge to come to a closure had been stronger.
If he ever could.
"Why do you love me?"
Sergei stares at him as if he’s just questioned him about a particularly difficult aspect of rocket science and alternative fuels. He swallows, his throat parched, dry as a rose well past its prime.
Vasily's laughter, thick and sweet as honey. If he closes his eyes, he can pretend he just ascended to heaven.
His fingers card through the prince's blonde locks, soft and still slightly wet from the shower. The king size bed in his room in the Grand Palace is big enough for both of them and yet Sergei hovers over his boyfriend, straddling him.
“Because you are you. And I wouldn’t want anything else but that.”
Vasily seems to ponder it for a moment but his thoughts are quickly discarded as his guard begins tracing kisses down his neck and he just…
Starts falling into unimaginable bliss.
You are my prince. My king. My forever.
Maybe if he could go back to the night he first met Vasily, he wouldn’t have gotten into his Mercedes. Maybe if he hadn’t driven like an idiot, if he had actually paid attention to the road, Marie would still be here. Maybe the tides would have turned and Vasily would be here, too. 
Maybe if he could return to all those moments, maybe then he could tell himself what the hell he was supposed to do now.
He had lost the love of his life twice in the span of six years. For the past five he’d actually thought he’d found peace with the crown prince. The offer for the guard post had been too lucrative to turn down and he’d needed the money after his parents had kicked him out. They still blamed him for Marie’s death. The poor girl. Wherever she was now. Maybe even talking to Vasily about how stupid he was. Sharing stories. Sharing memories. Fleeting kisses. Gentle touches. 
Dagrenner hadn't stirred once since Sergei had wrapped his arms around his muscular neck a while ago, breathing in the distinctive smell of Vasily's shampoo - someone must have washed his fur with it. Had he left a bottle here before he died?
Another breath. So slow. Dragging. How unfair it all was, to be still here after everything. Alone once more. All he had left of his love was his horse. His beloved, kindled horse. 
Vasily must have known something horrible was about to happen to him, otherwise he wouldn't be standing here after reading his goodbye letter with a bank account fuller than it had ever been and an entire stable and house at his disposal. They’d never talked about the possibility of his death until he’d been in the ICU, deathly sick, barely clinging to life fighting the deadly sepsis cursing through his veins after having his lungs torn to pieces by an assassin’s bullet.
They’d talked about it then, or as much as Vasily had been able to and Sergei had cried. Day and night. Those weeks had been the worst of his life and the only thing that kept him going had been the small flicker of a chance his lover had had. All lost. Lost to a traffic jam and a missed dose of a drug.
A future sacrificed to an internal bleeding. 27. He’d been 27. Now he’d be 28. 
An odd thought.
Sergei takes the keys. A black horse dangles from the chain. He doesn't look back once. This journey is over. He can’t stay here, not when everything reminds him of Vasily and he had kissed his forehead during his funeral on live television. His fiancé. Once and for all. Nikolai has offered him a commission somewhere outside the city, a quiet desk job. He declined.
This is over. It all ends here. With Vasily’s life.
He’d promised to take care of Dagrenner after Vasily had asked him to during a delirious episode in the hospital, with his fever so high they’d thought he’d break a record. They’d both been crying and Sergei would have agreed to anything in that very moment because Vasily has never been more vulnerable around him. It had seemed like he had dropped the mask of the arrogant crown prince for all and everything that remained was a scared boy, afraid to die at that very moment.
“Vasya would have wanted you to have it.”
Sergei fastened the emerald ring to his halter. It glinted in the lowlights of the sun. Somewhere he could hear the faint whinny of another horse.
He was home. He was lost. 
Ketterdam is something else, Sergei thinks as he glances down at the glittering nightlights of the city in sheer wonder. A trip to Kerch has been his dream since he’s been but a little boy and nothing else had his boyfriend gifted him. Luxury and bottle after bottle of wine later, so much he would have never been able to afford, they shared the privacy of standing on top of one of the highest buildings hand in hand; bathing in the  magic of the moment.
This is life. Just the two of them. Free from destiny. 
"Do you want to marry me?"
Sergei gasps, taking a step back in shock as Vasily kneels in front of him, a tiny box in hands with a ring inside. An Emerald. The gemstone of the royal family. Tears break his vision. 
"Yes. Yes, I want to marry you, Vasya."
Dagrenner had never been calmer under the saddle, walking through the blooming fields of poppy surrounding them. The vast landscape of Novyi Zem was a sight to behold but Sergei couldn't find it in him to focus on it. His thoughts were a mess of scrambled ideas, heartache, longing. Loving was a burden and a blessing all the same, he’d learned. 
After all those years, he still found himself astray in the Ravka. He had left the country months ago, finally making good on the promise to travel the world and he somehow ended up at the other end of it. It was an escape. Fleeing from whatever there was to run from. It was lonely but not. Free but not.  Nothing was ever enough to conquer the unyielding emptiness inside of him.
The sun was rising slowly, ascending from the carved curves of hills in the distance. A surreal view and yet he couldn’t help but feel mesmerized by the blur of purple and orange. A mess of colors, a vision of the future. Bright but hazy. Dark as the night sky with streaks of sunlight breaking through.
"In the next life, we'll do it all together."
He stroked the stallion’s silky black mane, longer now than Vasily would have ever let it grow but times changed. Seasons passed. He’s been dead for almost half a year now. His voice grew all soft, placid, quiet, recalling the funeral. His last kiss. His promise. In the next life. Not now. Ever?
Sergei’s gaze traced over the blossoms. Cherry red. Blood like. A sea of scarlet so far he was sure it could almost fit the valley of his tears he’d shed since it happened. 
Hope is dangerous.
He’d hoped and begged and prayed and now that it was all over, what had it been for?
They’d done everything the doctors said, had tried every drug and miracle treatment and it hadn’t even mattered in the end. But it was okay. It got to be okay. He knew. He knew because- 
Someday he would be with him. Forever. Nothing could part them again. 
"You, me and Vasily."
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Many thanks to @camilleisback and @udovaintomyheart for beta reading this angst fest <3
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orthodoxydaily · 8 months ago
Saints&Reading: Wednesday, July 17, 2024
july 4_july 17
On this day – 14th July (O.S. 1st July) 1918 – Archpriest Ioann Storozhev performed the last divine service for the Imperial Family in Ekaterinburg.
In October 1918 – three months after the death and martyrdom of Emperor Nicholas II and his family, Fr. John Storozhev, recalled the devine service he performed in the Ipatiev House on 14th July (O.S. 1st July) :
“… Taking up our [Fr. John Storozhev and Deacon Vasily Buimirov] places, the deacon and I began the reader’s service [similar to a liturgy, but much shorter since it does not include the Eucharist]. At a certain moment in the service, it is required to read the prayer “With the Saints Give Rest”. For some reason, on this particular occasion, the deacon, instead of reading, sang the prayer, and I, too, began to sing, somewhat disconcerted by this departure from the customary practice. But we had scarcely begun when I heard the members of the Romanov family, standing behind us, fell to their knees, and here I suddenly felt the sublime spiritual comfort that comes from shared prayer.
“This experience was even stronger when, at the end of the service, I read a prayer to the Mother of God, which, in highly poetic and moving words, expressed the plea of the afflicted person to be supported in his sorrows and receive the strength to bear his cross worthily.
“In addition, the deacon recited the Ectenia [often called by the better known English word litany], and I sang. Two of the grand duchesses sang along with me, and sometimes Nicholas Aleksandrovich sang in a low bass (for instance, he sang the “Our Father” and some other things). The service was uplifting and good, and the family prayed fervently.
“The Tsar was clad in a khaki tunic and trousers with tall boots. On his chest he wore a St. George’s Cross. He had no shoulder boards [epaulettes]. He impressed me with his firm gait, his calmness. and especially his manner of looking steadfastly and firmly into one’s eyes. I didn’t notice any fatigue or traces of low spirits in him. It seemed to me that he had barely visible gray hair in his beard. His beard had been longer and wider when I saw him the first time. It seemed to me now to be trimmed.
“After the service, everyone approached the cross and the deacon handed prosphora [a small loaf of leavened bread used in Orthodox liturgies] to Nicholas Alexandrovich and Alexandra Feodorovna. Upon departing, I walked very close to the former grand duchesses, and heard a whispered “Thank you”. I don’t think it was just my imagination
“The deacon and I were silent until we reached the Art School building, and here, suddenly, he said to me: “You know, father, something’s changed there. Something’s happened”. His words struck a chord with me, and I stopped and asked why he he had gotten that impression. “Well, they were all different somehow. And also nobody sang.” And I have to say that, truly, this service of 14/1 July was the only one at which none of the Romanov’s sang with us (and the deacon had been present at all five services at the Ipatiev House).”
Source: Tsar Nicholas.org
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ROMANS 8:28-39
28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. 31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:"For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter." 37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
JOHN 15:17-16:2
17 These things I command you, that you love one another. 18 If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. 21 But all these things they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 He who hates Me hates My Father also. 24 If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father. 25 But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, 'They hated Me without a cause.' 26 But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. 27 And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning.
1 These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.
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adini-nikolaevna · 7 years ago
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Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia with her children, ca. 1909.
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lesyoussoupoff · 4 years ago
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Seated are Prince Dmitri, Prince Feodor, Prince Felix Youssoupoff, Prince Andrei, Princess Irina
Standing Prince Rostislav, Prince Nikita, and Grand Duchess Xenia. Seated on the floor is Prince Vasili 
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princessvictoriamelita · 5 years ago
Children of Grand Duchess Xenia and Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna playing together. Mids 1910s.
Prince Vasili Alexandrovich and Princess Maria Kirillovna.
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Back row: Prince Nikita Alexandrovich and Princess Maria Kirillovna.
Front row: Prince Vasili Alexandrovich, Prince Rotislav Alexandrovich, Princess Kira Kirillovna and Prince Dmitri Alexandrovich.
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Princess Kira Kirillovna, Princess Maria Kirillovna, Prince Rotislav Alexandrovich, Prince Vasili Alexandrovich, Prince Dmitri Alexandrovich and Prince Nikita Alexandrovich ( his head was cut off).
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Princess Kira Kirillovna, Prince Vasili Alexandrovich, Prince Rotislav Alexandrovich and Princess Maria Kirillovna.
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Prince Vasili Alexandrovich, Princess Maria Kirillovna, Prince Rotislav Alexandrovich and Princess Kira Kirillovna.
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Source: vk
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otmacamera · 2 years ago
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17th June 1912 part 2/2
Photo 1 : Prince Dmitri Alexandrovich, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, Prince Vasily Alexandrovich, Prince Rostislav Alexandrovich, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna, Prince Nikita Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna in Gatchina, 17th June 1912.
Photo 2 : Prince Nikita Alexandrovich, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna, Prince Rostislav Alexandrovich, Prince Vasily Alexandrovich, Prince Dmitri Alexandrovich and Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich.
Photo 3 : Miss Elizabeth Jane Coster, Prince Rostislav Alexandrovich, Prince Vasili Alexandrovich, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna and Mr Vinogradoff.
Photo 4 : Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna and Prince Vasily Alexandrovich.
Photo 5 : Andrei Derevenko, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna and Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich
"17th/30th June. Sunday. Before obednya, walked with the sisters in the garden. Papa had breakfast at the Grand P[alace] with the Danes, and we were with Mama and Sonya Den. In the afternoon, we 5 drove to Gatchina in motors. Played and walked around the garden with Irina. Papa and Mama came to Grandmama for tea and we all returned by train. After dinner, NP. was with us. How happy I am. Thank you Lord!" (1912 Diary of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna)
Photos from: Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna's 1912-1913 Album / page 7b - photo n° 101 SCIENCE MUSEUM GROUP - Albums of Herbert Galloway Stewart You can also find more photos, diary entries, letters here : Last Romanovs VK
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loiladadiani · 2 years ago
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Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna with her seven offsprings: As children and as adults
Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna and her husband Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich had seven children and all survived to adulthood, not an easy accomplishment at the time, even in the case of privileged families such as hers. She had one daughter and six sons. It must have been very difficult for Empress Alexandra and Nicholas II to see Xenia bring son after son into this world while they had a male heir to produce and Alexandra birthed beautiful daughter after beautiful daughter.
Xenia and Sandro's children (in order):
Princess Irina Alexandrovna (1895 - 1970)
Prince Andrei Alexandrovich (1897 - 1981)
Prince Feodor Alexandrovich (1898 - 1968)
Prince Nikita Alexandrovich (1900 - 1974)
Prince Dmitry Alexandrovich (1901 - 1980)
Prince Rostislav Alexandrovich (1902 - 1978)
Prince Vasily Alexandrovich 1907 - 1989)
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thebadgerclan · 3 years ago
Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Requested by Anonymous
Summary: Your husband had to defend you...
Servants lining the corridors bowed and curtsied to you as you strode past, your skirts swishing around your ankles.  Your lady in waiting had found you in your rooms, informing you that your husband and his brother, the crown prince Vasily, had gotten into a rather violent fistfight, and that he was taken to the Hospital Wing at the Little Palace.  You knew that Vasily had likely instigated the altercation, preying on one of Nikolai’s insecurities or the like, but that didn’t excuse the behavior.
“Princess Y/N,” a Healer greeted, bowing at the waist.  “Healer Pavel,” you replied.  “Do you know what started this?”  “I do not, moya tsarevicha.  But His Highness would like to see you.”  You nodded, and Pavel led you to where your husband was laid up, his left eye swollen shut and his lip split.  “Nikolai,” you said, moving to his side, sitting on the edge of the bed.  “What in the Saints’ names happened?”
“Before I tell you,” he said.  “Know that he looks worse.”  “Nikolai Alexandrovich Lantsov,” you scolded.  “Fine.  Vasily was in a mood today, but when isn’t he?   Anyway, Mother commented on how he isn’t courting anyone or really even considering it, and that he really needs to because he’s the heir to the throne.  He mutters something under his breath, but I caught your name.  And when I asked him to repeat himself, he says, ‘I said at least my wife won’t be a half-witted hideous whore like Y/N.’  So I stood up and punched him.”
You felt your heart sink at your brother-in-law’s words, but it fluttered at the knowledge that your husband had defended you.  “He did?” you nearly whispered, and Nikolai nodded.  “He did.  I got a few solid hits on him, but as you can see, he got a few on me.”  “Is there anything else?”  He shook his head.  “No.  Only hit the pretty face.  But let’s hope he’s able to give Ravka an heir now.”
Despite yourself, you laughed, and Nikolai smiled, wincing when his split lip opened a bit more.  “Kolya, I won’t say that beating up your brother is okay, but in this instance, I’m willing to give you a pass.”  “Thank you, love.  I couldn’t let him talk that way about you.  You’re my wife, Y/N, and I love you so much.”  “I love you too, Kolya.  Can I do anything?”  He pushed his head towards you dramatically.  “Kiss it better?”
You laughed again, pressing a gentle kiss to his black eye.  Nikolai sighed, bringing his hand to rest on your waist.  You then kissed his lips, feather-light so as not to hurt him, and when you pulled away, Nikolai smiled.  “Thank you, my love,” he said, and you hummed, kissing his forehead.  Pavel entered, quickly healing the injuries your husband had sustained, and you cocked your head.  “Pavel, why weren’t Nikolai’s injuries healed before I arrived.”  “His Highness, and these are his words, ma’am, ‘wanted you to see him ruggedly bruised’.”  “Nikolai!”  “What?” he countered.  “Am I not ruggedly handsome?”
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postcard-from-the-past · 8 months ago
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Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia and Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia with their children: Princess Irina Alexandrovna of Russia Prince Andrei Alexandrovich of Russia Prince Feodor Alexandrovich of Russia Prince Nikita Alexandrovich of Russia Prince Dmitri Alexandrovich of Russia Prince Rostislav Alexandrovich of Russia Prince Vasili Alexandrovich of Russia
Russian vintage postcard
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thestarik · 8 months ago
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Maria holding Prince Vasili Alexandrovich in Peterhof, 1908.
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romanovsonelastdance · 11 months ago
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Princes Rostislav and Vasili Alexandrovich with one of their father's aides-de-camp.
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