#Prince Of Persia Sands Of Time
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videogamepolls · 8 months ago
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salmontooth · 5 months ago
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“Come on, Dastan! I have thirty Xerxes bet on you!”
My entry for the 35th Prince of Persia Anniversary art contest! We have our princes armwrestling it out, with some questionable betting practices happening in the background
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mvfm-25 · 10 months ago
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" The gameplay truly drives the story, and the story drives the gameplay! "
XBOX Nation Magazine (XBN) n09 - August, 2003.
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magicalbiscuiteggszine · 1 year ago
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“This is no ordinary dagger.”
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (a.k.a. an aesthetic masterpiece)
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years ago
New Moves - Dastan x (Fem)Plus Size Reader
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Word Count: 3.600 
Warnings: Dastan loosing his shit over a chubby, curvy reader and mutual teasing happening. 
Summary:  A childhood friend of Sharaman and Nizam returns to the capital of the empire with his daughter. Dastan was still a kid the last time she visited the palace and things didn’t work out very well. Their reintroduction as adults becomes his chance to make things up when he realizes he can’t stop laying eyes on her. 
Glossary: Shatranj - Persian game, predecessor of modern chess. 
Inspired by ♫: Princess of Cairo - Eli ( I listened to this while writing,you may want to check it)
Notes: I wrote this for me, so expect some self indulgence lol 
The governor of the most prosperous of the distant provincial corners of the empire was a man chosen because of his strong connections to the royal family, but always enjoyed proving his capacity. He never stayed in the capital for long, unless his presence would be required for a matter of war. A complex and crucial task was commanded to him when the king put him in charge of that territory, one that required the maximum commitment. Seeing him with his family was rare, but on that occasion he was about to become the one asking his friend for a committed favor. The protection of his most precious treasure, his young daughter, who was coming to spend a time on the capital as an obligated step to become a fully refined lady. 
Garsiv and Tus had to practically drag Dastan to the receivement. He didn’t have fond memories of her and he was pretty sure she didn’t have any of him either. They both were children at the time of her last visit, and for most of it he remembered bickering to no end. The one positive thing about it was that, although he didn’t remember the exact cause, it didn’t start with her being demeaning to him due to judging his origins. It was surely a silly matter of children, but she left furious and he didn’t like to remember that. 
“ Don’t worry, little brother. I bet she doesn’t even remember it.” Tus was attempting to calm him down. “ It happened so long ago… Why would she care?” 
“ Yes, you annoy us everyday and we still love you.” Garsiv added.” I remember she was very curious about you at first. Whatever happened between you, it was probably a misunderstanding.” 
“ One that made her despise me so much that she never came back.” Dastan recalled. “ Don’t try to make it seem smaller, I bet she still hates me.” 
“ Give yourself and her a second chance. “ Tus insisted, trying hard to be the voice of reason. “ You aren’t children anymore, she must have matured as much as you.” 
Garsiv bursted into laughter, showing blatant skepticism for that claim and frustrating all the good intentions of his eldest brother. 
“ Let’s hope her maturity outruns yours and Garsiv’s as well, for the sake of us all.” 
Dastan had little to no hope about that encounter, betting only on making it as less awkward as possible. He was not good at hiding his emotions, already famous for intempestive reactions, but he knew he couldn’t allow himself to accidentally offend her again. When the time came Tus went ahead first, making him wait for his turn to approach alongside Garsiv. The woman he saw cheerfully saluting his eldest brother was nothing like he would have expected from the girl he remembered. 
Only a shade of her remained in the soft features of her face. Her hair was longer, her eyes were more vivacious, her lips plumper and those weren’t the only side of her that seemed fuller. She was an exuberant beauty, her curves were impossible to hide even in a modest dress for travel. Her round hips swinging with each one of her confident steps got him way more distracted than what he should have allowed himself to be. 
That was how the youngest prince of Persia found you at the edge of your second introduction. To shamelessly check on you may haven’t been his intention, but you could tell he did by the drastic difference between his reaction to you and his brother’s next to him.
“ … and these are my brothers: Garsiv and Dastan. “  Prince Tus was reintroducing you all. “ … you may remember them.” 
One was looking at you with a cordial smile and welcoming demeanor, the other one seemed lost for any sort of intelligent response. 
“ I do.” You simply replied, your glance oscillated between one man and the other. “ The best Shatranj player I have ever met … and the boy who used to complain about being left behind to entertain me based on our similar ages because you don’t have any sisters.”  
" That will not be a problem anymore." Garsiv spoke for him. " Tus has many wives now, the palace is full of ladies and you will find no time to feel alone." 
You smiled at him in approbation of his sayings, but your attention was quickly back in the silent young brother. 
The surprise was mutual, although you were better prepared. Fame had warned you about the man he had become. A ferocious, unstoppable fighter bards often compared to a lion in their poetry. His stories were being sung at every corner of the empire and rumors said women were falling at his feet, since he was claimed to be the most wildly handsome man of the royal house. 
Gossips and legends turned out to be true and you felt the pride of the pioneer seeing it for yourself. He was your first crush, a failed one, back when people only acknowledged him as the street kid adopted by the king. You used to be fascinated with him, but he barely paid any attention to you. A matter of boys maturing slower than girls, your mother secretly explained to you a long time ago. At that age, he was surely clueless of what your reactions implied and the particular way in which you used to like him. Besides, the life he had before finding a family probably kept him used to being ignored. Getting attention was completely new to him, even more coming from a girl of his age. He didn't know how to react and neither of you were in good understanding of the situation because crushing was new to you as well. It was the recipe for an awkward dísaster, remembering it made you very curious about the effect that the changes of time had on him. 
The man in front of you was better looking than what the guesses of your imagination expected and he was noticing you. 
" ... Dastan." You called his name softly. " I hope to not be as boring and annoying to you as last time. " 
The eye contact was intense enough to weird the outside witnesses. 
" Surely not, my lady. '' Dastan replied, attempting to sound polite. In barely a moment you managed to make him feel regretful. " Welcome back! It has been so long since those simpler times. " 
You chuckled and he followed instinctively. 
" Of course, we all have changed. " You agreed, getting back into a more composed self. " Do you still play, Garsiv?" 
" I do, although not as often. " the prince answered ríght away, hoping the tension between his brother and you would be over. " I switched the playing board for real strategy planning in warfare. " 
" Bring it back anytime, I will be waiting. " 
You were drumming your fingers on top of the skirt of your dress, involuntary reflex of your genuine excitement, but Dastan couldn't help himself from being caught by it. He felt very wrong for noticing a glimpse of how thick your thighs probably were underneath. 
" I hope you will join us someday for a round, Tus. I haven't had the pleasure of playing against you. " He heard you following the conversation with his brothers, not long before you were back at him
 " How about you, Dastan? Back then you used to be a beginner player, I remember that Nizam was instructing you and he used to watch us play... Have you been practicing?"
He felt some of his usual flirty cheekiness slowly restauring. 
" I'm full of new moves to show you, I will not disappoint this time."
The encounter with more nobles forced a distraction and you had to excuse yourself from the royal trío to salute other people. 
As soon as you were away from them, sibling bickering started. 
" What's wrong with you?" Tus nagged Dastan. " Instants before you didn't even want to show up and now this?" 
" Dastan is not in his ríght mind at the moment. " Garsiv pointed out. " Look at him, his head is empty." 
" I'm surprised, that's all." The youngest defended himself. " Tus was ríght, she became a woman... and she is a very particular woman." 
" Particularly beautiful, eh?" The eldest teased him. " We saw you, we have an approximate idea of what's going through that little empty head of yours." 
" Just a bit of advice: don't take her to a tavern full of your uncivilized friends. She would cause a scandal just for entering there. Quite a few unrefined men would express rudely the same things you are thinking about her developed body of grownup girl." 
" Her provincial life must have made her used to that, Garsiv. Our local savages are gentlemen in comparison to theirs." 
Dastan was getting tired of their different versions of lecturing him. 
" Are you two giving me dating advice for a woman we just met? The one who clearly remembers I was awful to her when we were children for some reason I am not sure yet?" 
" Figure out what happened and fix it. " Garsiv concluded. " From all of us, she seems excited about you the most. "
His brother had a point and he was aware of that. Unfortunately, Dastan didn't find as many chances to put the advice in practice because you became harder to find than initially expected. Since you were actively choosing to socialize in the circle of Tus' wives like it was suggested to you, the younger prince was deprived of chances of getting close to you during the first few days. 
Exchanging furtive glances in the dining hall was pretty much all he got around that time. He would often wink at you from afar, inviting you to come closer, but you would only smirk in return. 
It was driving him insane, ironically punishing him for the perceived mistreatment of the past. He had no idea of when it would be over, but he was growing desperate. You didn't seem upset, but you were enjoying yourself playing with him and he was foolishly following your games. Chazing you subtly, waiting for the ríght moment to prove himself to you. 
The occasional rounds of Shantraj could have been a good opportunity, if you wouldn't have challenged everyone else first. He was being left for last on purpose, he had no doubt of that. After your expected turn to play against Garsiv like in the old times, you asked to face Nizam. It didn't work out well, he warned you about that before starting, but you wanted to obtain from it more valuable outcomes than the round's results. Reminding him of when he used to play with your father as kids and get both of them to share once more the playing anecdotes from their childhood friendship. 
After that, the following round was against Tus. Dastan was sure he would be the next one and he came up with an idea while he was watching you play against his eldest brother for the first time. 
He would make sure you would be playing against him and he would make you bet, obtaining more than just vindication from the victory. The truth, you would have to explain yourself to him about the past.
You defeated his eldest brother, all your moves played with fearless precision. Your acts could have been perceived as insolence, but that didn't matter to you at that particular round. Humiliating the heir of the persian throne worried you way less than hurting the ego of his uncle. 
" Congratulations! You have proved yourself well versed in games. " Tus cheered you. " However, I would love to play a new round soon. I shall vindicate myself. "
You smiled in return, he was clearly not the sort of man that would feel dismissed with your victory. 
" Of course! And as we are speaking I want to thank you. I'm learning a lot from your wives, sir. All lovely women who have received me so kindly. " 
" Haven't us, the lords of the land, done the same?" Garsiv snarked, clearly aiding Dastan although more mischievously than helpfully. " You are welcome to join us anytime, not just for games. My sisters in law see you so often that they may start thinking you are about to join them permanently." 
The joke didn't suit you right. He noticed it and didn't insist with it. 
" My father wants to find me a husband in the capital, he is here for advice from his greatest friends and thinks i haven't notice it. " You calmly explained. " The province has become a dangerous place for me. Many men that want me, he disapproves. Many men I disapprove want me. " 
Dastan feared that could be a callout to him, but said nothing. 
" King Sharaman and Lord Nizam are being consulted about it as we speak. Yesterday I could have tried winning, but I chose not to. Never piss off the man that holds your destiny in his hands. " 
You were opening up the them for real and the younger prince was craving to comfort you. 
"  Fate it's yours to decide. " He spoke softly to you. " ... But if you ever need a defender to protect your will of choice, my mouth and arms will be there for you. " 
Tus and Garsiv stared at each other in a desperate attempt to stiff their chuckles. Their little brother didn't pick the best word choices for his phrasing. 
He meant he would support you with his words and actions, but it almost sounded like an ' i'm yours to take' sort of statement. 
" That's very sweet, Dastan." You humbly and sincerely thanked him. " Between us? I'm particularly worried about your uncle's opinion. The Shantraj game was my attempt to show him I want to stay on his good side." 
The three princes were amused by the implications of your confession. You, the overconfident girl who came one day to make Dastan go insane, were surprisingly afraid of their uncle. Scared enough to show vulnerability, to pause your silly game in seek of shelter from the danger. 
" Are you afraid of Nizam?" Garsiv asked. " For real? Since when? That's absurd! " 
" Darling, there is nothing to be afraid of!" Dastan followed him, seeking to calm you with the purest sweetness. " Tell me this... Are you afraid of me?" 
He was waiting for your answer with the cutest smile and you couldn't help feeling a bit weak for him. 
" No, not at all. " 
" Then don't be afraid of him, we are very alike. I aspire to be like him someday. " 
They weren't, not to you at least. There were certain things that you had kept hushed for many years, just like the secret of that old crush. 
" Are you going to ask me now what happened for real the last time I was here or were you planning to compete for the truth?" 
" She got you, little brother. " Tus mocked Dastan. " She still remembers you are easily vulnerable to challenges. " 
" I almost jumped from a rooftop following him once. " 
" ... And I would have certainly catched you in my arms before letting you fall, if you would have climbed there with me." Dastan defended himself again. " If you would have trusted me." 
" How? Even when I was slimmer, I was still too heavy for you to hold me."  
He stood up out of sudden and his brothers had the certainty that he was about to do something recklessly stupid. 
" Let me lift you. I'm sure I was strong enough then and I am even stronger now. " 
The proposal left you in weird disbelief. 
" Now that is truly absurd! Why does that matter now? " 
" If you feel safe in my arms, that means you were wrong about me; and if you were wrong about me you have to accept you can be mistaken about Nizam." 
It didn't sound any smarter, but your heart raced to the thought of being held in his arms. 
" Alright, but this has nothing to do with my lack of trust in your uncle's judgment. " 
You stood up in front of him with a challenging demeanor, willing to let Dastan try picking you up. To your great surprise, he accomplished it with ease.
 In the blink of an eye he was carrying you bridal style. Being so close to him in such a strange context may not have been the ideal, but it felt really good. The closer look to his gorgeous face, your body softly pressed against his torso while his arms were holding you tight
... and that damn irresistible charm of his...
It was a great move played against your resistance. 
" How are you feeling, pretty one?" 
You felt that tease to the deepest corners of your being. 
" Safe, indeed... But I bet you wouldn't be able to carry me around the palace." 
Dastan began to walk out of the room, no hesitation and no warning. 
" See you later, my brothers! I'm going to show her around." 
As simply as that, you both disappeared from their sight. He heard you chuckling all the way out, but the laughing stopped when you realized he wasn't pulling you down any soon. 
It was his first time in days to be all alone with you and you had gifted it to him accidentally, falling for his games. 
" It's alright, you proved your point and it has been very funny. You can let me go now.." 
" What if I don't want to?" He playfully commented. " Tell me the truth you owe me first." 
You were visibly annoyed, but couldn't stay mad at him. 
" You weren't the reason why I never wanted to come back, even when my father travels here often and I could have asked him anytime. " You began to explain. " It was Nizam." 
Dastan was looking at you like a confused puppy, but didn't interrupt you. 
" He was quite nice to me before, but when i started to seek getting close to you his attitude changed. I'm going to be completely honest: i had a crush on you. He noticed it and I think he was disappointed of me for that, maybe thinking that the daughter of a governor wasn’t good enough for you even when said man is his friend. I was little and it hurted me, not only because I used to like him. He used to look at us with sarcastic disgust … and then one day. I heard him when I wasn't supposed to, he said such horrible things about me. It broke my heart, I never looked at him the same way. The fact that he will be consulted in the choice of my husband scares me to death." 
He looked amazed, like if he wouldn't have paid any attention to anything after your ' I had a crush on you'. 
Neither of you knew your assumptions were wrong or could have possibly imagined that. Those horrible insults you heard from Nizam weren't meant for you. He didn't want Dastan near you. It was his adoptive nephew who he judged in the most demeaning way and not the other way around. 
" A misunderstanding with my uncle broke your heart, not me. " He summarized, as if he was trying to make it make sense. " I didn't behave at my best with you and I had no idea you felt that way for me... Are you still sure it wasn't me?" 
"You were merely treating me like a silly little boy dealing with an annoying little girl who wants to be around him all the time for reasons he doesn't understand. " You insisted, fairly justifying him. " You didn't catch a single one of my signals, but it was ríght there. I must admit it was a very frustrating first experience for me, Dastan." 
He raised an eyebrow, looking at you with skeptical curiosity. 
" Is that why you keep frustrating me? Hiding from my sight in the rooms of the women to punish me, making me crave to see you once more day after day."  
It sounded almost as if he was begging for it to be over. The light shade of sadness in his face was making you melt for him. 
" Can you blame me? You look so cute when I catch you looking at my chest. Short peeks when you think no one else is noticing, but I do... and you haven't got a chance of watching me dance yet! I wonder where your eyes will stop first then. " 
He released you immediately, carefully and securely as he promised. You could tell he was perhaps a bit ashamed. 
" Feel no shame, my prince. Until quite recently I used to believe mine was the most provocative chest in the empire." You softly comforted him, then started running your fingertips through the límits of his always partially open shirt. " Returning to the capital has opened my eyes." 
You were toying with his necklace, your eyes descending from his face to his chest and stopping there for an instant before doing all the way back. 
If you wouldn't have been in the middle of a hallway, Dastan could have been capable of taking off his shirt by himself for more of your attention.
" Look at you, disappointing Nizam all over again. " He teased you in a fake reprobatory tone. " You haven't changed at all. " 
" You neither, I bet you are still thinking about making me climb to that rooftop." 
The mention gave him an even better idea regarding the place of your old altercate. 
" Consider it from our current perspective. It's a distant spot where nobody would bother us and it offers an increíble view of the sunset." 
It was a date, you accepted the invitation carelessly for the plans for your future that were being discussed between your father and his friends. 
If Dastan was your fate, nothing and nobody would separate you from him. 
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cassiopeia-grimm · 10 months ago
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-Don't worry, my love; I'm here and I'll always be here. Dastan promises
-It hurts so much, Dastan…
-I know, my love, but it'll all be over soon.
-Please, Dastan, promise me we'll be together again. Please, Dastan.
-I promise this next life I'll find you and love you again.
Your hands clasp desperately, probably for one last touch. With tears in your eyes and blood dripping from your lips, you smile at each other for the last time…
And so it was that Prince Dastan and his bride died with their hands tied and a promise made.
-I promise to find you (Y/N) and love you again, I swear.
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hardcoregamer · 1 month ago
People love to do things in video games that they cannot or find difficult to do do in real life. One of the best examples of this is parkour. Climbing buildings, jumping across rooftops and scaling skyscrapers might sound like the perfect way to live for select few people, but the remaining majority would rather sit at home and watch parkour videos than go and risk their lives for an adrenaline rush.
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thebunsquad · 2 years ago
Starfox Adventures is the best game in the franchise. I will die on this hill! 
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cinelestial · 9 months ago
A PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME remake will release in 2026.
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seratuyo · 1 year ago
I'm watching the 2010's "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time" and apart from being reminded how cool of a movie it is, it just made me think "Oh so I've BEEN liking the enemies to lovers trope for years"
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axelwolf8109 · 2 years ago
Love the Prince Of Persia games and movie but fuck if it's not a parkour nightmare 😂
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newobsessioneveryday · 8 months ago
jake gyllanhaal in prince of persia they could never make me hate you
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lattewithatwistoflemon · 2 years ago
I keep pressing L1 when I die in Uncharted, thinking I’m the Prince of Persia. xD
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sovamurka · 24 days ago
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years ago
Prince of Persia headcanons: Becoming Dastan's first wife
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Warnings: No proofreading. The reader is female only because i had no idea of how to keep this gender neutral in the historical context of the persian empire
- You are the sister of one of Tus' wives and ever since she found out of your crush in Dastan, she practically promised you that someday you were going to marry him.
- For many years you have been sweetly infatuated with him and your pure devotion has been hard to hide. Surely you weren't the only one in the kingdom, but he had many chances of noticing you.
- He quickly grew a soft spot for you and it wasn't hard to guess why. You showed him a special kind of sweetness, more intimate than your usual. It was far beyond the simple act of admiring your prince.
- Tenderness that you saved only for him, even when you wouldn't make your feelings explicit. He could tell that you were shy and those small acts were your outlet.
- Awareness didn't make him love it any less, he couldn't help it.
- You would hold his hand if you were too nervous, but also get nervous if he would be staring at you for too long. You would compliment him a lot, but never dare to talk about his looks. You would cassualy bring him gifts because " i don't know, this reminded me of you". Once you got him flowers and he thought it was the cutest thing, but Garsiv mocked him about it.
- He even catched you composing an epic poem about one of his victories in war. You are actually good at singing and storytelling, you would have asked it to be sang at a feast if Nizam wouldn't have shamed you about it.
- Your attitude about his nephew annoys him and he is very sarcastic, so you were effectively disuaded. However, Dastan still begged you to show him your work and, despite you were embarassed, you did... How could have you resisted his sweet request?
- His brothers tease you, but they mean well.
- " Dastan, your future wife is here!"
" Stop it, Garsiv. You are making her nervous"
" My sweetest sister in law and my little brother... Wouldn't that be cute?"
" Not you too now, Tus."
- The thing is that, although he likes you, Dastan wouldn't act flirty with you because you are so sweet to him that he feels wrong for it.
- Bis flirts with you for him
- " You look lovely today, lady."
You would smile at him, as always
" Thank you"
" Honestly? If Dastan doesn't start courting you soon, i would... If that was possible, of course. What we know isn't"
- People joke because you wear your heart on your sleeve, but at some point the king himself starts considering you a fitting wife for his son.
- It happens when he finds out that you have joined Dastan in his walks through the city. Becoming prince didn't make him loose his roots and he still enjoyed of mixing himself with the people, even visiting the suburbs, and this is an aspect of him that Sharaman admires.
- The fact that you, born in nobility, aren't afraid of following his son there gives you a positive image. He knows that you weren't doing it for that, the king sees that you are humble at heart.
- Nizam was horrified when Dastan brought with you a bunch of kids from the streets to visit the palace. When you confessed it was your idea, you fully conquered Sharaman's simpaties.
- He would get you both engaged in the blink of an eye and you would be surprised to find out that Dastan isn't protesting against it.
- " I would understand if you don't want this. " You shyly purred at him when trying to comfront him about it. " Your father thinks he is doing the best for you."
Your assumption disconcerted him
" Who says he isn't?"
You smiled to yourself.
" Well, it was rushed... and your uncle isn't happy about it."
" Don't worry for that. Nizam has a severe temper, but he is a great man. Give him time and he will love you."
You seemed skeptical.
" I know what he thinks of me."
Then, you stopped talking abruptly and his glance searched for yours seeking to encourage you.
" I'm not ready to be a royal, i'm just a dumb girl in love with you."
Dastan held you in his arms like never before, rounding your waist.
" Do you want to know a secret? It's one I never told you before."
It made you chuckle and you were getting progressively lost in the radiant beauty of his face while waiting for his words.
" ... I can't wait to make you my wife."
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 8 months ago
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