#Preventive measures
protrainy · 10 months
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In a heart-wrenching episode that unfolded recently, an under-construction overbridge in Mizoram gave way, exacting an unforgiving toll of at least 17 lives. This tragic incident inevitably compels us to ponder over the often neglected but indispensable aspects of safety protocols at construction sites and the indispensability of employing materials of the utmost quality. Regrettably, India’s chronicles bear the scars of numerous bridge collapses, shining a glaring spotlight on the pressing need for invigorated measures to thwart such heartrending catastrophes.In recent years, India has witnessed a series of harrowing bridge collapses, triggering both loss of precious life and severe damage to property. The ensuing apprehensions regarding the safety of bridges across the nation demand immediate, introspective contemplation. Among the distressing episodes etched in our collective memory are:
1. Katra Bridge Collapse (2018)
2. Mumbai Bridge Collapse (2017)
3. Uttar Pradesh Bridge Collapse (2016)
4. Andhra Pradesh Bridge Collapse (2015)
5. Assam Bridge Collapse (2014)
To read more about accident, follow our guide on instagram : https://www.instagram.com/protrainy/guide/the-mizoram-flyover-incident-17-dead/17989776476206988/
To read more about the measures for a safer, more secure infrastructure landscape, read our blog on : https://medium.com/@trainy.learning10/when-bridges-crumble-reflecting-on-indias-bridge-collapses-and-their-underlying-causes-d8df7960e9d6
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fanfictasia · 10 months
Sicktember Day 5
Preventive Measures (Not Taken) 
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from The Chosen Twins
Anakin Skywalker
We really, really should have been more careful.
“Master!” I call in warning, as a barely visible cloud of… something starts to fill the cave around us.
“Come on,” Obi-Wan urges, paying no attention to the warning whatsoever as he goes in chase of the gangsters.
Except, they’ve already disappeared from sight into the tunnels, though, and I have no idea which direction they went. Probably, that’s the lesser of our concerns right now. “We need to get out of here,” I warn.
“There’s no time,” Obi-Wan retorts, heading deeper into the cave. It winds down far deeper and practically endlessly in front of us. I don’t think there’s even an end in sight that way, and if we go back, we’ll be going right through where those spores are the strongest. So… I really don’t know what to do now, but staying here without taking any precautions – it’s not like we have masks – is only going to make this worse.
“Those plants are poisonous,” I interject. If the toxin kills us, we won’t be going anywhere. I don’t think it could go that far or anything, but still.
Obi-Wan pauses for a moment, looking none too happy. But we don’t have any longer to debate it.
Blue and green lightsabers abruptly plunge through the top of the cave, cutting in a circle.
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climbingupbestican · 1 year
I’d recommend people buy abortion & day after pills now if you can from Europe online (able to buy them even if do not need them atm for a just in case) before they ban it nationwide
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algoworks · 2 years
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If you think that the internet has changed your life, think about it. The IOT is going to change it all over again.
#4 IOT Applications for smarter banking & Finance
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When faced with an injury requiring urgent attention, they are fortunate to have reliable urgent care services right in their community. Assure Primary and Urgent Care provides comprehensive medical assistance, ensuring prompt treatment for a wide range of conditions.
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At Fatashhealthcare Staffing of Texas LLC, we understand that every stage of life requires specialized care. Our nursing services in Kempner, Texas are designed to provide comprehensive support tailored to the unique needs of children. By focusing on preventive measures and early intervention, we aim to establish a strong foundation of health that children can carry into adulthood. Our skilled pediatric nurses are committed to nurturing younger patients with compassion and clinical expertise.
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Are you ever worried about your senior loved ones, especially when you’re not around to keep an eye on them? One concern that often comes up is the risk of falls. Here’s where home care in Indiana plays a vital role, offering preventive measures that fortify their safety.
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waterday · 1 month
Sparing Water from Armed Conflicts for Enhanced Protection of Civilians.
The objective of the Global Alliance to Spare Water from Armed Conflicts is to galvanize efforts at all levels to protect water and water-related installations from the consequences of armed conflicts. To that end, it will marshal the commitment and expertise of its members towards a defined set of goals, notably, promoting and ensuring respect for international law protecting freshwater, water-related installations and other essential services. It will provide a roadmap to disseminate existing legal tools and to better inform on the long-term consequences of armed conflicts. It will also harness expertise from the development and humanitarian sectors to identify action, which can increase resilience in times of conflict and post-conflict situations. It will further focus on preventive measures, and collaboration to reduce or mitigate civilian harm from armed conflicts.
Objectives of the event
This event will highlight the direct and indirect impacts of attacks on or damages to freshwater and water-related installations and protection challenges thereof.
It will identify good practices, lessons learned, as well as possible new / better standards to protect freshwater and related installations during and after armed conflicts.
It will present the relevance of the Alliance and its key activities that may contribute towards strengthening the Protection of Civilians and enhance the implementation of international humanitarian law and human rights law at the international, regional and domestic levels.
It will reflect upon strategies and approaches, including "water ceasefires", to ensure the rehabilitation of water services and reconstruction of water infrastructure during and after armed conflicts.
It will provide an opportunity to secure commitments for the protection of water and water related installations during conflict and for preventative measures to mitigate civilian harm.
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enlume · 2 months
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Preventive exams serve as the cornerstone of proactive healthcare, playing a crucial role in identifying potential health concerns early on and preventing the onset of serious illnesses. Preventive care services are not just about addressing existing health issues but are primarily focused on detecting risks, promoting wellness, and maintaining overall health.
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alwahahygiene · 3 months
Deep Cleaning Services In Dubai
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Al Waha Hygiene's skilled professionals in Dubai are trained to deliver top-notch deep cleaning results. With attention to detail and using advanced cleaning techniques and equipment, they transform even the most challenging spaces into pristine areas, exceeding client expectations every time.
Website URL: https://www.alwahahygiene.ae/cleaning-services-dubai/
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servant-homecare · 4 months
Gravity may exert its force on us, but navigating the journey of aging can be transformed into a graceful experience through proactive measures. In home care in Indianapolis, IN, where residents highly value their independence, the significance of home care cannot be overstated in fostering a secure and comfortable environment. The process of incorporating home care in Indianapolis requires thoughtful adjustments within living spaces.
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Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that has been a health concern for centuries. Caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, syphilis can have serious consequences if left untreated. In this article, we will explore the symptoms, treatment options, and preventive measures for syphilis.
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Finding balance in life often involves juggling many elements, one of the most important being health. In our busy lives, we might forget how crucial it is to connect with medical professionals who guide us in the health department. Doctors at a primary care clinic in North Providence, Rhode Island, are very familiar with this scenario and understand how maintaining regular checkups can assist in balancing health with everyday life stresses.
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bewell-pharmacy · 5 months
As the flu season approaches, it’s crucial to equip your body with the necessary defenses to combat the onslaught of viruses. A strong immune system is your best bet against falling prey to flu-related illnesses. This blog will guide you through several proactive measures you can undertake to prepare your body for the flu season.
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Keeping your child healthy is a top priority, especially when they are recovering from an illness or injury at home. Home care in Texas provides crucial medical care, but it’s also important to implement infection prevention strategies to safeguard your child’s health.
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