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durantbarta · 4 days ago
সত্যিকারের অন্তর্ভুক্তিমূলক হলেই বিচার ব্যবস্থা শক্তিশালী বিবেচিত হবে,রাষ্ট্রপতি
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amlitlover · 4 years ago
Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
"All for each and each for all." Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal speech delivered at the New York State Fair on Labor Day, September 7, 1903 https://americanliterature.com/history/theodore-roosevelt/speech/the-square-deal-speech
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matthaugsvem · 4 years ago
Entry 1 - Olympic Games Legacy
The 2016 Olympics was the first time which Brazil had at hosting the Olympics held in Rio de Janeiro (Rio). Although Brazil faced both positive and negative implications, it was a great way for Brazil to advertise their country through commercialism to the rest of the world. ‘Mega events such as the Olympics Games provide multiple meanings for different groups of people’, (Horne &  Whannel, 2016, p.71).
One of the biggest positives which helped Brazil out included their tourism rates. For the Olympics, Brazil saw 6.6 million tourists come down to watch the games. These figures saw a 4.8 percent rise in the previous years numbers for tourism, (DW News, 2017). Brazil is a country who often depend on tourists to provide them with job opportunities, and help their economy. Another positive was the jobs in the country increased and needed the locals help. With tourism rates for Brazil surging through the roof, Brazil needed 16,000 people to help in hotels,  (Olympic News, 2016). This would help one of Brazils biggest issues being their poverty rates being so high. With the success Rio did in hosting the games, the Olympics are likely to consider the country for future events. Brazil had already planned to continue their development in their current stadiums, as well investing in more. The Olympic legacy helped with the country's financial position, as well people within the community able to find jobs. 
Negatives however include the fact that Brazil is among one of the worst countries in the world with high rates of poverty. Still the government chooses to put their money towards infrastructure and stadiums, over helping the public who need the help desperately. In the lead up to the games, security and authorities were moving the homeless away from the city, so tourists and cameras would not pick them up and alert the world. Image 1 shows the homeless being moved by authorities, so they are not seen by tourists or camers. Brazil were trying to hide what their reality looks like as they drove hundreds of the homeless 80 kilometres away from the Olympic Village, (Vigna, McLoughlin, 2016). Brazil also had the zika virus at the time which was very contagious at the time.  ‘Zika virus disease is cause by a virus transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes, which bite during the day’, (World Health Organization, 2018). Image 2 shows what is very likely to happen when the mother contracts the disease wither when or before pregnant.  The zika virus was a key factor which made many Olympians pull out of the Games, as well stop many more tourists from coming into the country.
With Rio hosting the 2016 Olympics for the first time, there were bound to be issues and implications surrounding what was done well and what could have been done better. President of the Olympic Committee shared his thoughts on how he and the committee believe Rio death with hosting the games. “By competing in friendship and respect, by living in harmony under one roof in one Olympic Village, you are sending a powerful message of peace to the whole world”, (Bach, 2016). The Rio Olympics will be remembered based on its legacy, due to the positives and negatives of the games.
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Figure 1: Authorities moving the homeless in the lead up to the Olympic Games in Rio (above)
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Figure 2: The high possibility of what happens to offspring when the mother contracts Zika Virus during pregnancy (above)
Reference List
Bach, T. (2016). Speech on the occasion of the Closing Ceremony, https://stillmed.olympic.org/media/Document%20Library/OlympicOrg/News/Presidentspeech-Rio-2016-Closing-Ceremony/President-speech-Rio-2016-Closing-Ceremony.pdf
DW News. (2017). Olympics boosted Brazil to tourism record, https://www.dw.com/en/olympics-boosted-brazil-to-tourism-record/a-37017537
Horne, J., & Whannel, G. (2016), Understanding the Olympics (2nd edition)
Olympic News. (2016). Olympic Games Rio 2016 – Economic Legacy, https://www.olympic.org/news/olympic-games-rio-2016-economic-legacy
Vigna, A., & McLoughlin, B. (2016). Private police target Rio’s dark-skinned and homeless, https://www.aljazeera.com/sports/2016/5/17/private-police-target-rios-dark-skinned-and-homeless
World Health Organization. (2018). Zika virus, https://www.who.int/news-room/factsheets/detail/zika-virus
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You're going to make it, it's my job to see that happen.
Bill Clinton, The last great president
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appelez-moichat-blog-blog · 12 years ago
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Day 91: it's been a while since I've finished an entire book in one sitting and I definitely could be doing other things but it's time well spent. With graduation speech writing coming up and all, this is a magnificent book. #graduation #presidentspeech #may19 #nostalgia
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amlitlover · 5 years ago
“All for each and each for all.”
Theodore Roosevelt delivered "The Square Deal" speech at the New York State Fair on Labor Day, September 7, 1903. https://americanliterature.com/history/theodore-roosevelt/speech/the-square-deal-speech
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