#Prepaparing for Your Spell
cobaltcaster · 4 years
Preparing for Your Spell
Within this post is a comprehensive check list of preparation.
[[ Click here for Part 2. Creating a Magickal Atmosphere ]]
Here are the individual links if you’d like to take it step by step. 
When to Preform Your Spell
Lunar Calendar
Where to Conduct Your Spells
Why and How to Preform Spells
How to Cast Different Formations
Moon Spell Checklist 
Finding Time and Overcoming Problems
Creating and Walking a Moon Circle
If you’re ready for a long read then let us begin!
When to Preform Your Spell
When conducting these spells, use the phases of the moon to set the pace. Be patient and wait for the proper phase or you may not get the results you seek. I include the best phase or phases of the moon in which to perform your spells along with the spell self for easy reference. However, here is additional data that will give you a better understanding of how I determined the best phase of the moon for each particular spell. This will also be of benefit to you and creating your own spells for any occasion. The Phases of the Moon 🌒 New Sometimes called the Crescent Moon, when you can see the very first sliver of light in the sky. This phase promotes new beginnings, new endeavors, and new relationships. It is a time for making positive changes, looking for fresh career opportunities, and planting seeds of ideas that will be harvested later. 🌔 Waxing In this phase, the Moon appears to be growing in size, shifting from new to full as though it's gaining strength. It makes sense, then, that this is a good time to focus on increasing things of your own your ---- knowledge, bank accounts, relationships. It's a time to think about pregnancy, to increase communications of all types, whether for business or pleasure. Deal with legal matters if you want financial gain. This phase promotes healing. 🌕 Full The Moon's most powerful phase, when we see her entire illuminated face. This is a time of fulfillment, activity, increase psychic ability, for protecting ideas, "getting your act together," celebrations, or renewing commitments to people or projects. The best time for spells of any kind. 🌘 Waning The Moon is decreasing in size as a Journeys from Full to dark. The waning moon is a time of decrease, release, letting go, and completion. An excellent time to begin dieting, breaking bad habits, breaking off relationships, or dealing with legal matters. 🌑 Dark The two or three days when the moon is not visible in the sky at all. The dark Moon and the new Moon are often considered the same phase, but for our purposes I have separated the two. On an average calendar, the dark Moon is usually indicated by a black spots on your calendar. However, a dark Moon occurs on the day it is marked as well as one day before and one day after. This is a good time for discarding things in your life you do not want, contemplating what you have already accomplished, and what you want to accomplish in the future. An excellent cycle to find time for yourself, or if you're so inclined, an ideal time for seclusion.
Moons of the Year Every month has one full Moon. When there are two full Moons in one month, this is called a blue Moon. Every calendar year has one blue moon. Ancient people assigned different names for the moons of each months. Different cultures give the Moon different titles to express what the Moon meant to them in a given month. Some of the Moon names make common sense, while others may make no sense at all unless you know the logic behind it. January Common Name: Wolf Moon Uncommon Name: Chaste Moon ---- Calls for cleansing and renewal as the new year begins; this is the time for starting over, washing away the past, and fresh beginnings. February Common Name: Ice Moon Uncommon Name: Hunger Moon ---- Winter supplies depleted, the yearning for spring is a hunger of the Soul as well as the belly. March Common Name: Storm Moon Uncommon Name: Worm Moon ---- The thawing of the earth begins a renewal of life as the earthworms break the soil and emerge from The Damp Earth in the Moonlight. April Common Name: Growing Moon Uncommon Name: Pink Moon ---- The spring fills the meadows with the pink heads of wildflowers and new grasses. May Common Name: Hare Moon Uncommon Name: Milk Moon ---- The birth of animals, domestic and wild, brings forth the mother's milk, the life-giver, and first food of man and Beast. June Common Name: Mead Moon. Uncommon Name: Dyad Moon ---- The moons of the month of Gemini, this. Honors Twins and the sacred marriage of the God and the goddess, bringing two into one. July Common Name: Hay Moon Uncommon Name: Wort Moon ---- Warts and being an ancient word for herbs, it is a Moon for gathering of herbs, replenishing the stores of medicinal plants, and drying them in the heat of summer for the long winter to come. August Common Name: Corn Moon Uncommon Name: Dispute Moon ---- The earth mother gives birth to bountiful harvest; with full bellies and hope for continuation, we settle our disputes and put away old anger as we look forward to the long, peaceful winter to come. September  Common Name: Harvest Moon Uncommon Name: Vine Moon ---- The Celtic Moon of exhilaration, driven by forces by work to obtain completion ---- of the harvest, the winemaking, and in sight for the future. 
October Common Name: Blood Moon ( a time of hunting ) Uncommon Name: Shedding Moon ---- The Moon where the deer shed their antlers and begin the rut ---- the compelling drive to create new life that supersedes the death of winter. November Common Name: Snow moon Uncommon Name Tree Moon ---- The Celtic tree months of the Reed and the Elder tree overlap with the Reed representing the Moon of silence, inner workings, and strength and the elder representing the Moon of completion; the days shortened as the end of the year draws near. December Common Name: Cold Moon Uncommon Name: Oak Moon ---- Sacred tree of the ancients, strong enough to withstand the harshest winter, renewal of the new year, straddling the old, dark year and the new light years two worlds, as the oak tree’s roots are in the dark verse and its branches are in the sky. Days of the Week to Conduct Rituals The day of the week on which you execute a spell can also have an impact on your ceremony. The day of the week is not as important as the phases of the Moon; however, if you are able to coordinate the right day with the right phase of the Moon, that makes it all the more powerful. For example, a spell for attracting a lover is best done on a Friday when the Moon is full, new, or waxing. But if the Moon is not in the right phase for relationships on Friday, do not be overly concerned. Proceed with the spell and do not worry about what day of the week it is. The weekdays equate to adding a pinch of salt in a stew. It may make it a bit tastier but will not make a significant difference. Do not wait for months till everything is in perfect order. If everything else in essence is perfect and a day of the week you're hoping for is not workable, there is a higher purpose at work. The day you perform your spell will be perfect for you. Days of the Week for Spells and Rituals Day: Monday Ruling Planet: Moon Best For: Psychic endeavors or impressions, invoking power, creative ideas, divine \ inspirational messages, healing. Day: Tuesday Ruling Planet: Mars Best For: Sexual encounters, protection, building strength of mind, body and confidence.  Day: Wednesday Ruling Planet: Mercury Best For: Career \ job issues, intellectual pursuits, travel planning, research. Day: Thursday Ruling Planet: Jupiter Best For: Finances, legal matters, spirituality, development. Day: Friday Ruling Planet: Venus Best For: Romantic attraction, all relationships, reconciliation, physical makeovers, beautifying your environment.  Day: Saturday Ruling Planet: Saturn Best For: Home-related issues, brainstorming future project, committing to personal goals, weight loss, releasing bad habits, endings of any kind ---- relationships, etc.  Day: Sunday Ruling Planet: Sun Best For: Healing of the body, mind, soul, management \ decision making, insights to problem solving, divine intervention \ miracles, special friendships.
Lunar Calendar   
The Lunation of the Moon is approximately twenty-nine-and-a-half days starting from a full Moon and continuing until the next full Moon. To give you an idea of how the lunation occurs, I have included an approximation idea of the Moon phase process. For simplification, day twenty-nine-and-a-half will be considered day thirty. 
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Where to Conduct Your Spells
Location is important, but you must be practical and do what’s best for you.  There are pros and cons to everything, and where to cast a spell is no different. There are those who will say there is nothing like the outside to spin your magic. However, if you live in the middle of downtown Los Angeles, Detroit, Atlanta, or New York, that is not a very wise choice. As we live in modern times of condominium life, the noise of speeding cars and construction vehicles outside may be too chaotic. In medieval times, for example, things like ambulances , airplanes, railroad trains, an automobile horns were not a concern. Therefore, think in the now and not about what our ancestors situations' were. Consider your specific location and determine what alternatives you have available. Inside It is easier to conduct spells inside, due to the fact that wind will not keep blowing out your candles, you have electricity for music, there is privacy and also safety. As you are accessing the powers of the Moon, try to find a spot when you can see the Moon, if possible. But above all, be comfortable. If there is a room in your home where you can see the Moon but you are not relaxed in that area, do not use it. As you are accessing the powers of the Moon, try to find a spot when you can see the moon, if possible. But above all, be comfortable. If there is a room in your home where you can see the moon but you are not relaxed in that area, do not use it. If you're conducting your spell during the day or are someplace without windows or any of you of the sky, use a representation of the Moon. A picture of the Moon works well ( feel free to draw your own ) or any item that represents the Moon. You can purchase a terracotta Moon decoration at most garden centers or make one out of cardboard or anything you have available. A Moon pendant or pin would do. Be creative; anything you feel that represents the Moon is perfect for you. Keep in mind, your privacy is a must. There should be no one else in the room with you unless they are directly participating in this ritual. If you have a large family and have a difficult time finding a place to be alone, you can always opt for the bathroom. It may sound comical, but I performed one of my best spells in the bathroom at a Holiday Inn as I was sharing a room with a friend who was not like minded. Outside To do a spell outside is excellent as you are surrounded by nature. However, the majority of people do not have acres of land where they can be assured privacy. Even in a park or on a bench, there is a probability of you attracting onlookers and people passing by. A backyard is workable, but if you have noisy neighbors, barking dogs, or a delivery person that may show up unexpectedly, it is not a good idea. Remember that you should not be trying to gain attention. Be discreet, and the power is more effective. If you are one of the lucky ones who has a privacy fence or lots of land around you, you might give it a try. The use of candles may not work if it is a windy day. Whatever you do, make sure you always feel safe. If you cast your spell in the evening and are afraid someone will sneak up on you, it will defeat the purpose. Why add stress to your spell? Usually a group of people is better for outdoor spells. Weigh the positives and the negatives and make a choice. I have perform spells outside as well as inside, and the results have not been more successful one way or the other. I must admit, though, if you have the opportunity to perform magick amidst nature, do venture to do so. The experience is very enchanting. Tree Magick For those who are able to utilize the wonders of the outside world in area that has many trees, you may want to conduct your spell under or near a special tree. It could be a tree you just get a "Good Feeling" from or a specific tree you seek has a special quality. I conduct many spells under an orange tree in my own backyard. Many cultures feel trees have creative properties and can dispel negative energy from a person without harming the tree. This is why sometimes just a walk through national forest or the local park can calm you. If you perform a spell near a special tree, take a moment and feel the energy from that particular tree. Thank the tree for the vibration that is giving you. Native Americans and other cultures believe that a tree embodies a living spirit. Don't be surprised, but hugging trees is not as uncommon as one would think. Sometimes a tree has a specific quality that we need ----- something that has been depleted within our own bodies. Hence, we have a need to put back that vital force. These are the trees we are usually drawn to, as they can rejuvenate us without taking it away from themselves. Example: If your interest in romance has been virtually zero due to conditions in your life like overworking, traveling, or just being without a partner, you may have the need to put yourself near or even hug an oak tree. The oak is said to increase sexuality! "Nothing ventured nothing gained." Following is a small list of trees expressing qualities and essences that are said to be of their nature. Ash: Peace, protection, prosperity, strength  Birch: New beginnings, healing of wounds and burns Ceder: Courage, longevity, wealth, self esteem, purification Coconut Palm: Purity, honor, relaxation  Cypress: Past life issues, comfort, protection; eases the loss of anything Elder: Transformation and change, peaceful sleep, self confidence Elm: Protection and meditation, stops slander Eucalyptus: Healing, protection, moon affinity  Lilac: Activate chakras ( energy centers ), healing of back pain  Lime: Divination, development, cleansing  Magnolia: Fidelity, changes, relaxation and calmness Maple: Longevity, love, money  Myrtle: Fertility, balance, youth, riches  Oak: Increasing sexuality, luck, strength Pear: Clarity, energy, confidence, reduction of stress  Pecan: Career issues and job seeking, money, discipline Pine: Prosperity, purification, health, exorcism  Plum: Love and healing, self-confidence Polar: Astral projection, wisdom, mental healing, starting over Walnut: Depression, healing, heals infertility  Willow: Wishes coming true, seductiveness, protection, energy to the sick The magick in trees does not have to be activated only when carrying out Moon spells, but can be accessed anytime as a natural wealth of refreshment to your body, mind, and spirit. Always thank the tree in silence with a nod of your head for allowing you to receive its special essential qualities and for absorbing your negativity. For the record, the tree is not harmed by this process ---- it shakes your energy away via the elements and is refreshed within seconds.
Which Direction to Face
Another gift of nature and an important factor to consider when initiating a Moon spell is the direction in which to face. Compass directions North, South, East, and West are very significant and casting the spell. By facing the proper direction, you are utilizing the vibration or energy that it offers. The powers of the four directions are a free gift of nature that is often overlooked. You can also think of the four directions as the Four Winds. You can “bring up the winds” from the north, south, east, and west. This means you will still stand facing a compass point, but will invoke the energy to blow toward you in the form of a gust. By not bringing up the winds, the flow of the vital forces are far more gentle, which is often necessary. It depends on the type of spell whether you only face a specific direction or you face that direction and also bring up the winds. One might compare it to an electrical fan with two speeds. The flow of air is coming from the same source, but you control how quickly or slowly it reaches you. Also, bare in mind that you most likely will not actually feel the wind that you have summoned. However, the invisible activity through the air will make its way to your spell area and serve you far beyond your realm of thought. There is magick in the air! For each individual spell in this book ( blog ), I provide you with the direction in which to face. I also suggest whether to bring up the winds or not and provide you the invocations on how to do so. In addition, for spells you create on your own, as well as for your own general information, I have included the following details about the vibration that emanates from each Compass Direction. NORTH corresponds to the element of earth. Face north for health issues, healing of the body, spirituality, increasing or developing your intuition, using some type of divination, for transcending the physical and trying to communicate with someone telepathically, and in asking for guidance from whomever or whatever you call your higher power. This is the most powerful direction. SOUTH corresponds to the element of Fire. Face south for love issues, relationships of any kind, creative and artistic pursuits, anything of a romantic or emotional nature. EAST corresponds to the element of air. Face east for career issues, strength, clarity, new business opportunities, financial matters and any endeavor requiring extra energy, healing of the mind, new beginnings. WEST corresponds to the element of water. Face for letting go and moving on, increasing self-esteem, forgiving yourself or someone else, cleansing, unconditional love. Special Note: When in doubt as to which direction to turn, face north, because it is the foundation of all things. If the compass direction you're using does not put you in the view of the Moon, do not be concerned. The energy of the Moon enters from all around you even if your back is to her. Try to face the other direction that I suggest in the spells as opposed to face in the Moon itself. The energy coming down from the Moon is all you need to acknowledge. For the best of both worlds, conduct your spell outside when the Moon is directly overhead or almost overhead. That way, you can see the Moon from any direction. Another suggestion is what I often do: Sometimes when I am casting a spell inside, I peak my head out the door for a few seconds to get a glimpse of the Moon to feel the connection but then come back inside and perform my ritual. Relax .... Moon vibrations can permeate through rooftops, mountains, clouds, rain, snow, and even the apartment of the people above you. 
Why and How to Preform Spells
To cast a spell is to conduct a ritual. Do we need spells and rituals to get what we want in life or to make things go more smoothly? The answer is no. If you have strong faith and a forceful mind, you can create what you want by merely thinking it is. There is no need of magick tools, incantations, and all the things that accompany casting a spell. So why do it? There are many reasons. Conducting a ritual is an appeal to our subconscious mind. The act in itself slowly puts us in an alerted state or trance that places us in a frame of mine to concentrate better on what we are seeking. It eventually builds up to a crescendo of intention and willpower.
A ritual spell begins by gathering our magickal tools, such as candles, incense, and whatever else is required. The tools or enchantments are symbolic ----- they work with your subconscious and tell you when to go from the physical world to a world of magick. The moment I pick up my knife I use for rituals ( Wiccans would call it and anthem ), I can feel myself moving into a mystical environment. As I place my candles, I feel the energy of the room changing. You must be aware of every feeling and emotion from start to finish. Everything you do in these rituals must have intention behind it, and you must realize that you are creating an enchanted area in which to work your spells. When you cast a formation, you enter deeper into the subconscious. Each step takes you deeper and deeper, away from the mundane. By the time you recite the incantations for the spells, you are "powered up" to a point of generating great energy and are entirely focused on what you want. For example, a spell to land a wanted job is a far powerful choice than someone sitting at home thinking, "Gee, it would be nice if I got that job tomorrow." You are actually sending out vibrations that soar through the cosmos to bring the reality back to you. You are raising energy. Also, rituals give you something to do that is constructive instead of worrying about things. The lady I knew from Asheville, North Carolina, proved this point. She applied for a loan at a bank that to say the least was a “long shot.” It was Friday, and she had to wait until Monday before she would have an answer. She called me on Friday night and said she was pacing, eating too much, and feeling like a nervous wreck. I recommended a spell for her. It took her all day Saturday to gather up the items she needed, and on Sunday afternoon, she performed her spell. Before she knew it, the weekend was over.
Instead of agonizing over her situation, she felt like she was doing something to give her loan a better chance of being approved. She was not sure she really believe it would work, but felt it was worth the effort since she could not concentrate on anything else. That in itself was a good reason to conduct the ritual.
Monday afternoon, the phone call came from the loan officer telling her she did get the loan, but only because they decided to give her a special exception. Was it the spell or would it have happened anyway? She commented that whatever it was, the spell certainly did not hurt. Also, if you were too much and assume failure, you will create it. She rerouted her nervous energy to create what she wanted.
Some people conduct spells just because they're fun. If you are performing spells with a group, it is a great reason to come together and a way of socializing and using creative talents. It is a way for people to bond. Personally, I take spell casting very seriously and do it for more than just fun, but I do not conduct spells often. When you decide you are going to cast a Moon spell, it should be out of true necessity.
Do not cast spells too often. It should be done for special occasions and for special reasons if you really take it seriously. Learning when to conduct a Moon spell is of the utmost importance, as discussed earlier. Plan well ahead and give yourself all the advantages.
How to Conduct a Spell: The Advance Work
Decide which spell you will be using. If you're writing your own, do it well before the day execution in case you decide to change it after thinking about it for a day or two.
Check to make sure you have all the tools or enchantments available. You do not want to run out to store an hour before you conduct these rituals. You should be as relaxed as possible the day of your ceremony.
Locate the area in which you will be casting your formation in advance.
Choose your clothing and make sure is clean and ready to wear.
Clear your schedule so you are not rushed.
If the spell is to be conducted at home, clean it so you won't be nervous or concerned about chores later.
Moon Spell Day: The Basic Order
Shut off all telephones, pagers, and anything that will distract you.
Put pets that will disrupt you in another room.
Take children to the babysitter's if you have made that previous arrangement, or ask household members not to disturb you for the amount of time you think it will take. Allow a minimum of half an hour.
Take a shower or bath.
Take your tools and enchantments and go to your spell area. Make sure you have your spell.
If you're using music, you may want to start playing it while you are getting things together.
Move furniture around to give yourself the space you require.
Place all your tools within the space you will be using.
Cast your formation according to above directions and place your candles and gemstones according to the diagrams.
Relax and visualize your body bringing protected by a bright white light. See it flowing from your toes up to the top of your head. Not only does the formation protect you, but the white light is also a shield of additional protection from negative influences.
Sit, and when you feel appropriate, recite your spell. You may want to listen to the music for a while before actually reciting the spell, or you may want to sit in silence to prepare.
The specific directions of the spell will direct you from here. It may be writing something on paper, drinking wine or juice from a chalice, etc.
Once you have completed your spell, sit for as long as you feel is comfortable. Extinguish all candles and open up your formation, release it, and leave immediately. ( Click here for how to open up and release a formation.)
Remove all enchantments and put things back in order.
How to Cast Different Formations
The reason we make formation of any kind is to center and ground the spell.
It protects and holds the energy in place. Most people choose to cast circles, as there is no beginning and no end, making it strong and effective. It is in and of itself, one.
However, I have found a casting a circle first and then a triangle or a square within its is also powerful and protective four different types of spells. Therefore, I suggest one of the three formations for each individual spell. If you are not at ease with using a triangle or square within a circle, stay with a circle only. Remember, never use a square or triangle alone. Always cast them within your circle.
As I have repeated, these are really your choices, and there is nothing you should force yourself to do if it does not feel right. If you are not sure of what formation is best suited to you, experiment. Let the higher self within guide you. Follow the direction that is given to you. In the spell section of this book, I suggest what formation to cast for each particular spell. However you can change this. Remember that it is your spell, so do what you will.
Material Items to Cast a Formation
Your objective is to create a circle, triangle, or square in which you alone or you and others can sit. Using material items is a visible way to cast a formation, some people like to physically define a space by the use of something one can see. Salt is an excellent choice as it represents preservation, purification, and enchantment. Nature's gifts like pebbles, seashells, stones, sticks, flowers, and sand make lovely items in which to figure a formation. I have also seen the use of tarot cards, crystals, and candles. If you are performing the ritual inside, you do not want anything that may stain a floor or carpet. When outside, it is helpful to use something that will not blow away. I have a permanent circle of bricks in my meditation garden that I use for ceremonies, and when I work magick, I just invoke the energy, which I will discuss later in this chapter.
Visualization to Cast a Formation
If you do not choose to use any visible materials, you can cast a formation by picturing it and drawing it with an invisible line.
To cast a formation in this manner, use something that extends from your body that you can point, such as a wand, Crystal, or knife. In essence you are using a type of mystical drawing pencil. If you use a knife, it must not be used to cut anything physical and may be used only for virtual reasons. If the thought of a knife, dagger, or sword of any kind is jarring, simply do not use one. Also remember the knife can be dull, as it is used to Direct Energy only.
I have a friend that uses a beautiful letter opener to cast formations for her spells. Some may laugh, but she does some great magickal work with that letter opener, and she wouldn't give it up for the sword of Sir Lancelot! Try a long crystal, or attach a crystal to the end of a stick or a piece of copper pipe ( copper is a conductor ) and make your own wand.
If you're not comfortable finding a tool ( such as a wand ) that can direct energy, then cast your formation with an extended arm. Point your first and second fingers to direct the energy and draw your imaginary formation.
You can also combine methods by casting your circle with visualization and your inside formation with a material elements like salt or stones. Or, cast your circle with a physical item and your inner formation with visualization.
There are many different kinds of tools available to help you cast your invisible boundaries. If you have decided to use a tool instead of an outstretched arm, that instrument should be kept in a safe place and a place of dignity. Before you use it, bless it with elements of water if you like, or let it sit under the light of a full Moon to absorb energy and to be cleanse.
How to Cast a Formation
When you decide what type of commodity you will use to create your formation, be it a circle, triangle, or square, you can begin. Have all of your tools and enchantments you'll need for your spell nearby. Be organized and think before you begin. Once you cast your formation, it is best not to have to leave because you forgot something. If you are sitting on a chair, it should be kept in place. If you are using tools or enchantments, they should be on the table or sitting on the floor in which the formation will eventually be cast. White Light Protection
Before casting your formation, apply “white light” protection by visualizing a white light of protection around you. The white light will protect you from negativity entering into your body. It may look like a cloud, a tower of light, an oval, or whatever you feel the image to be.
It should encompass your entire being for at least the size of the area that you will use to cast your formation. For example, if you are casting a square that will be approximately 6 feet x 6 feet, your white light shield of protection should be at least 6 feet around your entire body. If a circle is 9 feet and five people are included, your white light protection should emanate 9 feet from each person's body.
To bring forth a white light of protection, stand in your spell area, close your eyes, and visualize the white light coming from above you and flowing down and eventually encompassing you. It enters through the top of your head and streams slowly down to your toes and grows outward from there. It should come to the very edges of your formation. If with others, they should all protect themselves with the white light method.
Drawing the Formation
Next, stand in the direction in which you will be eventually facing to cast the spell. Turn in a clockwise manner, as you will always cast a circle first. Then, also in a clockwise direction, cast your triangle or square. Sprinkle your salt or place your stones or whatever item you have chosen until you have traced a complete formation and are back at the starting point. Do not be concerned if the formation is not perfect. It may have a wave or two, but that is of no concern. One person must be chosen as the castor ( person who casts the formation ), or facilitator, while the others take their places standing or sitting until the formation is complete. To indicate that the formation is cast and convey to everyone to bring up the energy in the space, an acknowledgement of the completion of the process is recited.
As you say the following words, remain standing and raise your arms with palms up as if lifting the energy up from the earth.
Say "This _______ ( fill in circle, triangle, or square ) cast with all-knowing eyes, bring forth the power, may the energy rise." If you prefer to shorten this, merely say “May the energy rise.”
At this point you can be seated and begin your spell as directed.
Opening and Closing Your Formation If You Need to Leave
If for some reason you must leave your formation before the spell is completed, you must create an invisible doorway in which to leave. Whether you used stones or a wand, you should not leave without the proper passage. If you are using a circle of seashells, for example, stand and take your right hand with your first and second fingers ( like a blessing ) and pass your hand over the shells at a height that is comfortable for you and large enough for you to fit through.
You have made an invisible door. Step over the shells and leave. Do not step on any item that has made up your formation ----- always step over it. Once on the other side, immediately close the circle in the same manner. When re-entering, open the circle in the same way and close it again when you are back inside.
This should only take seconds, as it is virtually done with the sweep of an arm.
Although it is not recommended that you leave, things do arise. Sometimes we forget a lighter to light candle or the spell itself. A doorbell can ring, and we have no choice but to answer it. If you are gone for more than ten minutes, however, your area will lose energy and you should start again. Remember that you are part of the energy within the formation, and without you there, it cannot breathe for long. No harm is done if this happens; it just dissipates naturally like wood in a fireplace. Just start a new fire.
Releasing Your Formation When Finished
Everything needs closure when something is completed, and that also applies to formations. When your spell is accomplished, you must release the energy of the formation. To do this, stand and hold your arms up with palms down angled above your shoulder ( as if ready to dive into the water ), and in a gentle pushing motion, lower your arms and visualize the energy going back down into the earth.
Say, "The energy is released," or other closing words, such as "Done," or "It is."
The Circle
The circle is the most important formation ----- this is why all other formations are cast within a circle. There is good reason for that ----- it works! It fulfills all the needs in any spell and achieves what is necessary in a beautiful and transcendent way. It shields and is a place to contact the God of your understanding, the gods / goddesses, the universal life force energy, spirit guides, angels, or any of the ascended masters. It can also be adapted solely for a place to balance and receive messages from spirits or your inner self, having no spells involved. Sometimes I cast a circle for no special reason. I simply sit and relax, not releasing any energy or take it in any energy. I do not give or receive ... I "just be." Note: When in doubt as to which formation to cast, cast a circle. The Circle is representative of: wholeness, universal life force, power, achievement, balance, and emotions. Solitary placement: Sit directly in the middle of the circle and face the direction suggested in the spell or the direction that is comfortable for you. Group Placement: All the ways face each other, inward. If only two, face each other. If three, form a triangle inside and decide amongst yourselves who will sit where. Four or more should have one person at each compass point and the rest fill in. Alternate males and females if the numbers allow. No one should sit in the center with his or her back to the others. The facilitator or the group leader should take his or her place with everyone else.
The Triangle
The pyramids are triangular; the body, mind, and spirits are a trinity. Christian religions recognized the “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” The three phases of the Moon in different belief systems are represented as the three faces of the goddess: “maiden, mother, crone.” The maiden is a waxing Moon, the mother a full Moon, and the Crone the waning Moon.
We see the power in threes through with symbology from ancient culture to Modern days. Three is a number of multiplication and abundance. The ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras spoke of three as the perfect number a beginning, middle, and end.
In mythology, a group of three associated gods were referred to as a triad.
In daily conversation, we employ our own form of verbal triads using groups of words such as: animal, vegetable, mineral ... land, air, and sea ... width, depth, and height ... and the list goes on and on and on. Three is truly a magickal number and is powerful when working spells.
The Triangle is representative of: self-expression of creative and artistic pursuits, spirituality, power and high energy, psychic abilities, astral projection and divination. Solitary placement: Sit at the base of the triangle facing the direction suggested in the spell or the direction that is comfortable for you Group Placement: Always face each other, inward. If two people are present, each should sit at the left and right base of the triangle, leaving the point open and free. If there are three, each person should take a point of the triangle. If more than three, take the three points and fill in wherever the others are comfortable.
The Square
Buildings have four sides, a table has four legs, and there are four compass points on a map. All fours represent stability. To cast a spell using a square is not as powerful as a circle or triangle. However, when casting for reasons such as work and career, it is the very best. This is a very specific formation. I think of it as the "no nonsense" formation.
If it is love you want, DO NOT use a square. Although stability of a relationship could possibly fit in, for the most part, a square is all business. A square is an excellent foundation to build upon. For spells that have to do with homebuying or building, the square is the perfect choice. If you wants an idea to be set into solid form, this is the formation that should be chosen.
People drawn to a square formation can sometimes tend to be workaholics: very practical, productive, and very organized. So if you tend not to be too successful in life or you are a little on the lazy side, the energy from the square may help to balance you. If you are ambitious, energetic, and hard-working but financially void and “luck” has not been with you, the square is also a good choice.
The Square is representative of: stability, work and career, all business matters, legal issues, money affairs, and organization. Solitary placement: Sit directly in the middle of the square and face the direction suggested in the spell or the direction that is comfortable for you. Group Placement: Always face each other, inward. If only two, you should face each other, one facing the direction north and the other south. For three, form a triangle within the square. Two sit at the base and the third at the point. For four, each take a compass point, not a corner. For more than four, take the compass points and then fill in, alternating males and females if the numbers allowed.
Whether you cast a circle, triangle, square, or some formation of your own, if you have done it was belief, true intention, and seriousness, you should feel a difference in energy within that area. You have created a mystical place of your own, a place that is unique to you ----- a place that no one else can ever claim or copy. If you are with others, your synergistic efforts have created a place that is unrivaled by any other group. It is perfect for you.
Moon Spell Checklist
This checklist is provided to help you stay organized as you prepare to prepare to preform any of the spells provided. It will make the process go more smoothly.
Print this checklist or use it as a guide to write down what you will require. If you are printing or making copies, I suggest you make extras and keep them in the front or back of your book of shadows for future use.
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Finding Time and Overcoming Problems
Busy work schedules, family commitments, and social activities can make it challenging to find the time to prepare for and perform spells. Sometimes a short amount of time to be alone is the most difficult. If you are single and have a living area to yourself, you should have no problem. However, for the mothers and fathers who have a house full of children and animals, it is quite a different story.
Nighttime is an excellent choice. Perhaps when family members have gone to sleep, you can make the extra effort to awake at a certain hour, so just two o’clock in the morning, to conduct your spell. In the very early morning hours, the energy of the planet is lower as a most people are sleeping and chaos is minimal. In fact, studies have shown that we are most psychic at approximately 4:00 a.m. for this very reason. If you tend to awaken from sleep with premonitions or intuitive thoughts in the middle of the night ... check your clock. There is a good chance it will be around 4:00 a.m.
If arising at an early hour of the morning is not a possibility, then you may have to sacrifice some appointment during the day or evening to perform you spell. For example, if every week you get together with special friend for lunch or go to your pottery class, you may have to sacrifice the meeting and use the time to spin your magick.
Instead of a half an hour it would take to prepare the family meal, order out or put a frozen dinner into the microwave. Your average spell takes thirty minutes to an hour, depending how elaborate you want to make it and the time you like to just sit and meditate or reflect after the spell is complete. Do not rush anything. Spinning a spell is not like rushing into a grocery store, buying groceries, and preparing the quickest meal possible just to put food in your stomach. It is a mystical, magickal, spiritual ceremony in which you may well receive a result far beyond what you ever thought possible. A blessing like this is nothing to rush.
I recently made arrangements to cast a spell with a friend of mine for the following week. Unexpectedly, he came over to my house to drop something off and ask, "While I'm here, can't we just take ten minutes and do that spell?" He did not understand the process at all. You must slowly build up to the day of the spell. The anticipation and the preparation are all part of the process of creating what you want and bring it to fruition.
Part of the power is the development of energy raising, what starts with the first decision about what type of spell you are going to work.
If you must, hire a baby-sitter or ask a friend to watch your pets or children for a pair of time ----- it is worth the effort. People have taken time off from work to cast a spell.
I am not promising if you miss work, the money lost will come back through the use of a spell; but if you are serious, you will find the time. I have seen people rent motel rooms just to get away by themselves and not be disturbed. Ask a friend if you could use his or her home for an hour or so while they are shopping if you have no other choice.
You will find a way to make the time.
You may not be in a position to shut off telephones and have total  silence. If this is the case, you must use the right side of the brain a  bit more and utilize your creativity. As mentioned earlier in the  chapter “Where to Conduct Your Spells,” if the bathroom of your house is  the only place in which to be alone, that is what you must do. It is not  an insult to the Universe if this is all you have to work with.  Sometimes a garage, basement, or attic may be used, unless someone  attempts to start looking for you, wondering what you were doing.
There are two types of problems that may arise while casting a spell ----- one is mental the other is physical. The mental can stem from concerns about your religious beliefs or fear of what other people may think of you. In all religious beliefs, there is some types of ceremony or ritual that is involved. No one is suggesting you leave your religion in order to execute these rites. This is an act to enhance your life. You are neither hurting, nor cheating, nor being blasphemous in my opinion. If a clergyperson tells you this is not the case and you are going against the God of your understanding, it is up to you to make the choice. I believe you are merely venturing down a road that may lead to a process that appeals to your subconscious mind and make things happen.
I have good friends and clients that practice everything from Judaism, to Catholicism, to Buddhism, and they all use spell magick to better their lives. However, they do not stand up on a soapbox in the middle of town and let the world know of their personal practices. They have come to an understanding and theirs minds and have no guilt or regrets.
That being said, the idea of discussing this with others is up to you, but I do not suggest it if you live among individuals who would scorn such ideas. This is not because these ideas are wrong, but just because some people are afraid of what they do not understand.
The subject of metaphysics is controversial. One of the biggest dilemmas I hear from individuals who conduct spells is being with a partner or family member would not approve of such activities. Sometimes these people expect you to have the same thoughts that they have and do not want you to experiment or try something different. This is not an easy situation, and I have seen two divorces over the practice a metaphysical beliefs. Use common sense, and as they say, "let your conscience be your guide."
Belief systems and approaches to life are personal. No two roads to a destination are found by the same map. Therefore, respect other people's point of view and do not try to convince someone to rethink their convictions and consider your philosophies instead. Be quiet in your soul searching and expiration of different methods that are available to you for creating a successful and fulfilling life. Why make a show of things?
We all have the right to delve into new avenues of Interest. If someone around you does not agree, you may want to consider conducting your rituals elsewhere or stay very private in what you do. The important thing is that you do nothing to harm anyone physically, mentally, emotionally, or on a spiritual level.
While I was renting a house in Sedona, Arizona, I met a woman in her seventies who lived down the block. She was a lovely lady, and we became friends in a short time. I told her I was a writer and she asked what I wrote about. At the time I was writing about the power of prayer and spirituality. I summed up the subject by saying I was writing on spirituality, which, in fact, was the truth. I did not disclose that I was a third-generation psychic and believe in the philosophy of metaphysics.
As we drove past some of the vortexes in Sedona, she began talking about what she described as "New Ages," by which definition I would best be described. I liked her so much, I did not comment or try to defend New Age thought.
I felt it was for the best. What would it have proven and what would it have accomplished? I did not lie; I just chose to not commit one way or the other. One of my better strength is knowing when to discuss things with certain people and when not to. I do not want someone to attempt to convince me their beliefs are the best, and I do not discuss my beliefs with others unless they asked me and show an interest.
In all cases, be discreet about such sensitive subjects. If you live in a home in which the idea of spinning a spell is looked down upon, show discernment and respect for others. Rise above the situation with class, and show others you are not as judgmental as they may be about you.
If you should start to feel uneasy about spell making, it is not worth sacrificing your piece of mine, and I would recommend stopping it immediately. If you love the idea, the rituals, and the results, continue doing it. Be true to yourself as long as you never hurt or intentionally cause anyone harm. If these spells the work well for you, you may want to share them with others of like mind.
The other kind of challenge you may need to overcome when using magick is the physical aspect of making things work. If you are in a very small place and think you cannot cast a circle because a dresser or a bed is in the way, it is not a problem. Cast the formation right over any obstacles. Naturally, you must use the visualization technique of casting a formation as opposed to using material items such as salt. In some areas you may not be able to use candles or other items, but work around it and you will be surprised but what you can achieve. The weather is always a factor when casting spells outside. One question was addressed to me during a lecture I gave in Kansas City. Can a spell be spawned outside in the rain?
My answer? Why not, if there is no lightning about? If you want to sit outside with the gentle rain falling, you may regard it as the element of water entering into soul with a little extra force. Some may see rain as purification or a cleansing.   For me, to be rained on as I sit in a chair or on the ground trying to concentrate is not conductive to tranquility, and I would rather go inside or reschedule the entire event. This is a personal preference. The rule of thumb you may want to remember is, if something is a distraction it takes away from your concentration, you are putting undo stress on yourself. So why do it?
Regarding pets: Not everyone has a separate room to put a pet into when doing a ritual. You may not feel it is right to lock your pet up while performing his actions. Sometimes the animal will protest with scratching or barking or whatever your pet does when upset. If you have a pet that is quiet and will sit calmly and you feel you want this peaceful creature to be a part of your ritual, then include her. For the most part, if it is easier to have the animal next to you than wandering back and forth, and in and out of your formation, have him in the formation.
Can you use your beloved animal to take the place of a person, hence having a group ritual? Not really, unless it understands what the ceremony is about and can also concentrate on the same intention. 
Creating and Walking a Moon Circle
A Moon circle is a place to receive messages about your future. You can build one for yourself or with others. It is a circle created by the use of shells, rocks, stones, bricks, pinecones, or anything else you choose. The reason a circle is used is that the energy comes up faster within a circle and continues to turn, creating a vibration that will allow you to tap into your future more readily. The circle is divided into four major compass directions, each one having a specific meaning and insights.
The Moon circle provides a place sincere people can resolve problems and come to a better understanding of situations, as well as foreseeing future events. With a Moon circle, you can draw from the universal life force energy to receive messages and to prevent disharmony from coming into your life. It is a magick mirror that looks into the future.
Native American traditions show the use of a medicine wheel, which have some basic similarities but is far different. I have great respect for the medicine wheel and feel it is a powerful tool for healing and balance. However, these two should not be confused ----- the medicine wheel is more complex and requires much more understanding of Native American beliefs.
How to Make a Moon Circle You can style a temporary circle or make a permanent one if you live on a piece of land that is spacious. If you have the capability to make your circle outside among nature, you will receive the extra earth connection. However, if you do not have the opportunity, you can create one in your living room or another appropriate indoor space.
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Choose the spot where you will create your circle. It can be an area that just “feels good” to you. You will mark off the four compass points ----- north, south, east, west ----- with some type of stone or indicator. Next, make a small circle in the center that will surround your crystal, stone, etc. The center circle is the highest point. You may opt to create a third, and largest, circle that encompasses the two inner circles. This provides a walkway around the inner circle, keeping the energy contained. As indicated in the illustration, remember to leave a gateway or opening from the east through which you enter and one in the west through which you exit. If forming the bare minimum temporary-style Moon circle, you will need five stones, crystals, shells, bricks, or whatever you have available to mark the designated spots.
First, place a stone at each compass point and one in the center. Although this may look kind of like a cross, you must visualize an etheric circle connecting the outer stones. Keep in mind the size of your circle. If you are working your magick alone, a small circle will do. If you intend to work with someone else or others, you will have to make the circle large enough to accommodate all those involved. Also consider how you will sit. Not all of us are able to bend or move freely. Be practical by placing chairs, stools, or pillows to sit on within the circle before you start your ceremony, if necessary. I use large logs on occasion when outdoors.
How to Walk the Moon Circle Once the circle is in place, enter the circle from the east, as this is where the Sun rises and is the direction that opens all passages. You will exit through the west, where the Sun sets. If using a three-circle layout, you have already created an entry point to pass through. Next you should cleanse yourself and the circle. You may want to use a smudge stick of white sage as a form of purification. You can buy a stick of white sage at most health food stores or New Age gift stores. Light the sage stick and then let it smother. When it starts to smoke, pass it back and forth in front of and around your own body as a form of purging. You are bathing yourself in the smoke. If others are involved, smudge them as well, passing the smoke around them.
Some people use loose sage and light it in a seashell, using a feather to spread the smoke. However, the sage stick is usually the easiest, as it requires no other tools. Next, smudge the circle in the same manner, spreading smoke throughout to release negativity.
If you do not have sage or prefer not to smudge, simply pass your hand in a sweeping motion over the circle and visualize any remaining negative energy leaving the circle. To cleanse yourself, shake your hands in front of yourself as if shooing the negativity away and out of your body. This is the quick and simple way. I do recommend the smudging if possible. Now you are ready to walk the circle. Start from the east and walk around clockwise at least three times. It will take a cycle of three to bring up the energy of the circle, as three is the number of multiplication. If, after three times around, you do not feel the energy in the circle shifting, continue to walk until you feel it is time to stop. If others are with you, they should follow. When you stop, stop in the direction you are led to and sit in that section of the circle.
When working with others, they may not choose the same direction to stop or they may want to continue to walk until they are led to their special place. Someone may choose to sit in the same direction with you, as this is where they are led and, others may sit in an opposite place. There is no right or wrong. Sharing a space with someone will not take away energy from you or deplete the messages you are receiving.   You may sit with your hands in a receiving position with palms up, or you may decide to cross your hands and concentrate in a contained manner. Some people feel when meditating or becoming in tune with universal forces, it is not good to cross hands or legs. I have done both and think that your comfort is the most important issue because you need to be relaxed and comfortable for this particular ritual.
Always sit facing inward, toward the center power point. In other words, you may be sitting in section that is considered north, but once in the north area, you are actually turned and facing south. The message you will pick up will be of a southern nature with crossovers of energy from the north. It is not necessary to know the direction you have ended up in, as you can determine this later. Once you are seated in your direction or message point, calm your mind and relax. Allow the messages to come to you. Ask silent questions if you like, and see what answers you intuit. Once you feel you have received your messages or answers from the collective consciousness, take your time and slowly rise.
Give thanks to the energy of the circle by saying something to yourself or out loud such as “I give thanks to the earth and to the life force for guidance.” Make up what you like.You may just say a simple thank-you with a bow of the head. Acknowledge the power from above that has visited to help you and guide you. Leave the circle from the west, where the Sun goes down, as this gives closure to the ceremony.
Meanings of the Four Directions North From the north springs forth wisdom and completion. It is a time of delivery and freedom from things that may have been a challenge in our lives. It is a call for balance in all things. Its message is to find answers here and now using practical solutions and common sense.
As we travel upward, moving in a northerly direction, our journey may become more difficult as we are nearing the end of a cycle. It is this direction that instructs us that this is not the time to give up when we are close to completion. This direction can have difficulties attached to it, but the trip will be well worth the result.
Here is where things are concluded and you may feel the most equalized. North represents power, organizing, insight and justice. Whenever in doubt, turn north. South Everything emotional comes from the south. Symbolically, south is a time for preparing for the future. It is a place of emotion and affairs of the heart. This point represents passion and fullness and reminds us to learn to control our bodies. Here we learn self-control of our emotional selves and how to express feelings without hurting others. It is the south that we learn to release feelings of hurt and anger.
Creativity stems from the south as well, and we can make the connection to artistic pursuits and issues dealing with the imagination and inventiveness. East The day begins in the east. It is renewal, birth, and rebirth. It is with this direction that we find spontaneity, innocence, hope and trust. The first light enters from the east, providing leadership and guidance. We learn many lessons from the messages from the east. We learn to believe in what we cannot see, feel, or touch. We learn to be more open-minded to things we do not understand. This is a place where a new venture or a different path through life may be awakened.
It is also from this direction we must recognize that in order to proceed to the future, we must accept and deal with the present. Once we have accomplished this, we can move in a different direction. This is the conception of all things, including love, career, health, spirituality, and balance. You may have already been through many of life’s tests. But when spirit moves you to try yet again or venture out to do something new, you will find yourself in the direction of the east. West The Sun sets in the west and brings the night, mystery, and dreams; it is the gateway to the unknown. The direction of west signifies completion of a situation or goal.
It can suggest to you that it is time to complete something you have been procrastinating about. Power and strength generate in the west. This compass point prescribes determination and development. The west tells us to go within ourselves for guidance where the energy is calmer and your level of tension sets like the Sun. We find acceptance of who we are; and if we don’t like what we find, we must change it.
If you are not looking for a specific message or answer within a Moon circle but feel you need the connection to a specific direction, walk your circle and intentionally sit in the direction from which you feel you need to draw guidance and absorb its energy through meditation. Example: If you do not know whether to interview for a new job, sit in the east and concentrate.
Be careful meditating too often in the northern compass point, because like the winter, you may lose your warmth. Use all directions in moderation.
[[ Part 2. Creating a Magickal Atmosphere ]]
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