#Predaking TFP
deceptigoons-attack · 5 months
He is SO pathetic 🥰 S03:E06
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dragoncarrion · 2 years
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Shockwave's iPad baby he gets 72 hours of screen time every day
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darkseesyou · 6 months
This edit is the most popular. Someone even downloaded it, cut off my signature and shoved it into someone else’s account, lol.
I think the next edit that I will post here will be with ♪~Waves~♪
they have such a beautiful synergy... and how they work as a team! Soundwave just.. showed up. protected his husband. stole the bone. AND WENT AWAY IN BEAUTY.
they are just beautiful.
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oatmealconsumer · 6 months
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Fetus predaking
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cozzzynook · 27 days
Predacon Bumblebee Anon here! I want to bring you part 2 :>
Shock and joy, that's all Optimus felt when Ratchet barged into his hab one afternoon with news about Bumblebee and how his sparkling was apparently alive. At first Optimus wasn't sure if he was dreaming not until he saw the beeping monitor himself, the Prime has never been more happy to be wrong. With no time to waste Optimus took Ratchet and Ultra Magnus with him to head towards Bee's location as well to be sure this wasn't some cruel trick by the Decepticons.
Once the ground bridge opened the Prime spread through the portal until he ended on the other side of a small forest cleaning. Transforming into his root mode Optimus slowly begins following the signal while keeping his guard up. After a short walk he ends up standing in front of a cave that has a faint light coming from deep inside, quietly and carefully he enters the cave quickly followed by Ratchet and Magnus. After following the light for a short while they suddenly come upon a small campsite.
Just as Optimus is about to investigate Predaking suddenly rushes towards the Prime with a snarl. The predacon stands on guard not allowing the others to pass, Optimus, Ratchet and Magnus all draw their weapons assuming Predaking is holding Bee captive. Suddenly a confused beep followed by the sound of footsteps catches everyone attention, there un-harmed but clearly in a different frame is Bumblebee who gentle brushes his clawed servo long Predaking's wing smoothing the larger mech. When Optimus sees Bee standing there alive he quickly returns his weapons away before rushing forwards pulling his bitty into a warm hug.
Sensing that the Auto-Bots are not here to harm his mate or bitties Predaking transforms into his root mode before quickly heading towards his nest to check on the eggs. After a quick check over by Ratchet, Bumblebee answers all their questions while explaining what has happened during all these months. Optimus is less than pleased to hear what the Decepticons have done to his bitty but he understands why Bumblebee had fallen for the predacon and when he hears that he is going to be a Grand Carrier, his processer nearly short-circuited. After speaking with Predaking and convincing the large mech to return back to base with Bee and the eggs they re-open the ground bridge and head through with good news to tell the rest of the team while also having a surprise or two.
A few weeks later Bee and Predaking are sharing their nest just happily purring away, that's until they hear a faint crack coming from the eggs. Suddenly jumping to their pedes they rush over to where their eggs are sitting only to see them starting to crack and wiggle with movement. It doesn't take long until the first egg cracks open and a sparkling pops their small helm out with a chirp, with careful servos Predaking picks up his bitty giving them a gentle nuzzling while Bee watches over the other two eggs. Couple seconds later and the other eggs finally hatch as one sparkling tumbles out falling on their back on the plush bedding with a confused squeak while their sibling sluggishly blinks their still sleepy optics before falling right back into recharge after crawling out of their egg. With wide proud smiles Bumblebee carefully scoups up the other bitties gently giving them his own nuzzling before rushing off to show Optimus and the rest of the team. It seems Team Prime are going to have their servos full with little troublemakers from now on.
{ Hope you enjoyed, its a little short but a sweet ending :> }
No its so beautiful & sweet & i love this 😭
Its so beautiful
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x0011001100x · 8 months
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(Русск. Можно их шипперить?)
Англ. Can I ship them?
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nevis-the-skeleton · 2 years
Shockwave and the names of his Creations (my AU, TPS)
In my AU, Shockwave is really lame for finding names for his creations, really lame.
*Shockwave is in his lab, and has summoned the Decepticons high command to come, to show them his now completed work. Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave soon arrive, and the scientist introduces a group of three Vehicons, before declaring*
Shockwave: I present to you our new army. The Vehicons, they are easy to produce, and have a minimum of intelligence to be autonomous.
Starscream: How did you build them?
Shockwave: Thanks to Soundwave's plan.
*Soundwave makes a startled move, and turns to Megatron with a slightly annoyed move*
Megatron: You created Cold Constructions?
Shockwave: No, my Vehicons are nowhere near as sophisticated as the Cold Constructions.
*Starscream looks unconvinced and a little angry, and Soundwave crosses his arms*
Shockwave, sighs: I assure you, these are not Cold Constructs.
Megatron, to Starscream and Soundwave: What Shockwave did is useful for our cause, think about it.
Starscream: Yeah…
Megatron: Well, they have names, so we can recognize them?
Shockwave: Of course. *points to the first Vehicon* it is called 3D0U4R, *points to the second* B45T13N, *points to the third* M4RCU5.
Starscream, indignant: Those aren't names!!
Shockwave: Of course it is.
Starscream: Those are registration number!
Shockwave: Perfect names for drones.
*Starscream glares at Shockwave, and Soundwave's screen turns red*
Starscream, angry: That's stupid! In addition these numbers have no logic!
Shockwave, indignant: Of course it is!
*Megatron motions for everyone to calm down*
Megatron, scold: Seriously, how old are you?
*Starscream pouts, and Shockwave turns to Megatron*
Shockwave: I assure you that these names-
Starscream, whisper: Registration number...
Shockwave, tilts his antennae back angrily: Those names are logical.
Megatron: Explain to us then.
Shockwave: Alright.
*Shockwave then began an explanation that no one understood. And no matter how much he explained in every possible way, the others did not see the logic which seemed obvious to the scientist.*
The Insecticons
*Shockwave had created a new army, for him more powerful than his Vehicons, now obsolete. Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave enter the lab, and the Seeker cringes upon seeing the Insecticons*
Shockwave: I present to you my new invention.
Megatron: Impressive.
Starscream, discreetly: But what are these monsters…?!
Shockwave: Insecticons, more powerful than Vehicons, but also dumber.
Soundwave: < They > < have > < names > < ? >
Shockwave: Of course, we have Insec-1, Insec-2, Ins-
Starscream, stop Shockwave: I stop you right now!
*Shockwave moves his antennae back, before turning to Starscream*
Starscream: Give them true names! Not stupid registration numbers!!
*Megatron raises optics, but Soundwave nods in great approval*
Shockwave, turns to Megatron for intervention: Lord Megatron…! It's absurd!
Megatron: I don't see what's wrong with giving them real names?
Shockwave, shakes his head: It's useless, they were created to fight and to die on the battlefield. They are drones, like Vehicons, they have no value! Not enough to have names!
*These words lead to the anger of the two Cold Constructions in front of him, who glare at him. Starscream lifts his wings high, as Soundwave clenches his fists*
Starscream, annoyed: Give them names right now!
*Shockwave sighs heavily, before looking one last time at Megatron, who nods. The scientist points to the first Insecticon*
Shockwave: Your name will be… hm… Bombshell! *points to the second one* you, Shrapnel! *points to the third* Deathduel, *the fourth* Bombduel, *the fifth* Deathshell, *points to the sixth* Due-
Starscream, angrily: I swear on Primus that if you give another "-ell" name to the next Insecticon I'll kick your aft!
Shockwave, stares coldly at Starscream, while pointing at the sixth Insecticon: Kick back.
Starscream: Grr, you-
Megatron, grab Starscream: Alright, time to go.
*Megatron ends up bringing out Soundwave and Starscream, even though the Seeker mostly wanted to gut Shockwave*
*In the end, it was Starscream and Soundwave who find names for the other Insecticons*
The Predacons
*Shockwave created his first Predacon, i.e. Predaking (who haven't his name yet). Shockwave hadn't necessarily been looking for a name for his creation, but end up thinking that saying "hey you" isn't really correct*
Shockwave: You know, I've been thinking about it, and I think it's time I got you a real name.
*Predaking shakes his head with interest, apparently very excited to have one*
Shockwave: So, I'll call you...
*Predaking shakes his tail impatiently*
Shockwave: Predacon!
*Predaking is suddenly a lot less excited*
Shockwave: What? You don't like ?
*Predaking walks away, disappointed, and grunts slightly upset*
Shockwave: But, it's a very good name! You are the only Predacon, it's logical that this is your name! Hey, wait! Come back! Predacon!
*Predaking doesn't turn around at the appellation, and flies away*
*Shockwave has created two new Predacons which are Darksteel and Skylynx. They had remained in the vats when Shockwave was on Earth, but upon his return to Cybertron, with Dreadwing, he had opened the vats. But then again, they don't have names. Darksteel walks closer, and says*
Darksteel: Hey, Mr. Shockwave, could we have names other than Predacon-2 and Predacon-3?
Skylynx: Yeah, where at least would one of us have to be Predacon-1! Why can't we be called Predacon-1?!
Shockwave: Because a Predacon before you was already called Predacon. And so, it was him, Predacon-1.
Skylynx: Lame…
Darksteel: But I want a real name! A cool one like yours, or Dreadwing's!
Skylynx: Oh yeah! That's a hundred times better!
Shockwave: *sighs*…
Darksteel and Skylynx: Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!
Shockwave: … Well, okay!
Darksteel and Skylynx, happy: Yeah!
Shockwave: Alright, you *points to Skylynx* I'll call you Preda, and you *points to Darksteel* King… *Antennas droop sadly* Like this, when I'll call you both it'll make Predaking *light sob*
*Darksteel and Skylynx look at Shockwave in confusion, and Dreadwing intervenes*
Dreadwing: Hm… so… uh… No… Come with me you two, let Shockwave work, we'll find names together.
*Finally, the two Predacons chose their names themselves, with the help of Dreadwing*
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Depends on how Predaking uses the cannon
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cosmicswritings · 1 year
Title: Indulgence
The Predacons get possessive when it comes to "taking turns" with Starscream. So to remedy that, Predaking makes his underlings an offer; why not interface with him at once? Just how much can their little jet take?
a/n: wrote this a while back decided to post it because i need some predastar smut. Putting the majority of it under a cut <3.
Starscream grunts at the forceful push upon the berth, though he is not in pain. His spark nearly burns out of control when he feels the sensation of Predaking’s claws dragging down the small of his back to the base of his pelvis.  Another one of the king’s claws pins his head down, yet still gently, and not enough to hurt him. Starscream’s optics remain closed as he hears the others approach, none able to contain their own arousal. 
“You plan to take him all for yourself?” Skylynx’s tone is that of betrayal, slightly. Starscream doesn’t like that- he doesn’t like when the predacons fight over him like this. 
“As if you didn’t have him locked in your chambers all night,” Darksteel spits back angrily at Skylynx. “He was a mess of transfluid when I checked on him this morning–”
“Silence!” Predaking’s grip on Starscream tightens yet, Starscream is too preoccupied to care. 
His panel has already slid open, perhaps due to the eagerness of the predacons, or the position he is in now. It was true, Predaking did think to take him now, privately. After all, the others were out scouting among the other predacon factions on the planet, delivering messages from their king. He had sent them away for many reasons, but he wanted Starscream for himself.
His thump has already caressed Starscream’s wet array, the sharpness of his claw pushing through the folds of Starscream’s valve. Starscream squirms beneath the king’s touch, biting his lip as he goes further, and further until he stops. A low chuckle emits from him as he pulls out, Starscream feels his own transfluid leaking between his legs.
“This once, I will allow you two to indulge in him, with me.”
There is silence, simply preceded by snickers of surprise. “You’d share him with us now?” This is sky lynx, and heavy footsteps are heard approaching. Nothing happens for a while, and Starscream’s eyes remain closed. He supposes that Skylnx and Darksteel are seeing if Predaking is allowing this. It is true he interfaces with them separately, but living with the predacons, it is somewhat known that interface together can cause emotions to run wild as they are possessive. Especially of Starscream.
Predaking does not show a display of anger. He keeps Stracream pinned down, but is clear he shifts out of the way.
Another claw is quick to enter Starscream, less gentle that his king’s. It is Skylynx, he thinks. Starscream moans uncontrollably at the touch, and this only enhances the back and forth movement of the claw. It is not too soon that another pushes through the mesh layers of skin like material, chuckling softly as he does so. This is Darksteel, he is not as hard as Skylynx, as he already fucked Starscream the night before. Still, Starscream’s legs seem to dangle lifelessly upon the berth table (too large for him to begin with). 
He hums lifelessly to the large claws making a complete mess of his valve, clenching quickly as another one enters. That is his king’s, gentle yet stern at the same time.  He pushes his finger in, moving it in a circular motion until Starscream overloads, more transfluid searching for a way out, drenching the fingers of the intruders. 
“I think our little bird is ready.” Predaking says, a growl following the end. 
He readjust Starsream for rougher interface. 
Starscream is not sure who enters him first, but the sensation of a spike tearing through creases causes him to dig his nails into the metallic berth, yet Predaking still has a grip on his back, pushing him down. The first spike drives itself in hard, with the strength of any invincible predacon and for moments, Starscream only sees static. 
The moment he believes that he can breathe; that he can readjust himself, another enters just as aggressively. This is Skylynx, he can tell; Skylynx has an eagerness to him that is unmatched. He thrusts, hard, hunched over Starscream with his large hand digging into the metal surface of the berth. He pushes so hard, Starscream wonders just how he is staying grounded. It is thanks to Predaking of course, pinning him down.
Starscream’s voice box seems to fail him now. He can’t scream, he can’t moan, only lay there helpless with his mouth open, and his optics flashing off and on in an effort to conserve energy. 
He feels his valve expanding in ways it never has before, the rim burning slightly yet not enough to cause him any pain. They are both deep inside of him now, overloading one by one, staining his insides with their seeds. Starscream knows he’ll have to flush out his systems sooner or later; lest he want any consequences of this. Not that he’d mind.
He begins to overload again, the arousal starting from his spark, down his chest chasm and into his valve. More liquid pours , dripping down his inner thighs and to the floor. 
“Darksteel–he’s as wet as he’s going to be, it’s now or never. Keep standing there like an idiot and I’ll frag him for you.” Skylynx sneers. Starscream hears a growl from him as well. 
Darksteel snarls. “I was waiting for the right moment.” He approaches after. 
Starscream can only brace himself as another large spike pushes through the others, stretching his already beaten valve to its limit. Like the others, he propels in deeply, shifting Starscream beneath him as he does so. In and out, in a circular motion. Starscream’s cooling fans are screaming now, but to no avail. The predacons do not listen; not that he wants them too.
They whisper sweet, kind and possessive things to him. He knows there is much love, but even just as much dominion. He is theirs, and he belongs to them, no one else.
Their transfluid fills him to his limits, yet each refuses to pull out quick enough for it be released.  
Starscream closes his optics, he is in pure ecstasy. His predacons do not stop, they push further and further, spread him as wide as they can, overloading as they please. 
It isn’t until he goes limp for a few moments, his body powering down temporarily, do they stop. They pull out, one by one, quick enough for Starscream to come back online. He ex-vents over and over again, his legs dangling from the edge of the berth. 
Predaking is quick to turn him around so that he is on his back, and he’s facing the three. His lovers gaze at him affectionately. These are the times he feels the safest. 
“We still have to clean you up, little dove.” Predaking takes a step forward, pushing Starscream further up the berth only to lift up one of his legs, getting a better view of his valve, still moist and stretched. The wet, mesh folds cling tightly, covered with predacon transfluid. It was much different from other cybertronian tranfluid; thicker, slicker. Mixed with his own, Starscream was a mess. 
“Lay back,” Predaking says, quietly. “Let us clean you for the mess we’ve caused.” He brings a thumb to Starscream’s lips, outlining them. Skylynx follows, planting a kiss upon Starscream’s mouth that travels to his neck wires. Darksteel has already started on his leg, gently kisses to his thigh.
Starscream closes his optics, a smile creeping upon his lips. His legs are spread again, revealing his array in full. Fluid still sits in his valve, and the predacons get to work
He tenses as he feels Predaking’s long, hot tongue begin to lap the entrance of his tingling valve until it is pushed into the loosened folds. It is no doubt that when he feels gentle teeth marks on his thighs and upper legs, that Skylynx and Darksteel have joined in.
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cosmics-beings · 1 year
predaking/ratchet hc -
tfp ratchet is truly the type of person that wouldn't expect anyone to love him because he is old, he doesn't think that he's attractive or desirable. he's never been the one who has been sought after or cherished. he's done so much for others, but he's either been a third wheel or just sidelined.
so when predaking starts to show genuine interest in him, after Ratchet leaves Cybertronian society to be a doctor for the new predacons, he just genuinely does not know how to react. Because who would love him? the old grumpy, annoying medic? he isn't strong, he isn't attractive, he's just Ratchet.
so he just ignores predaking, and goes back to working with the new protoforms and predacon sparklings. that is until predaking's advances become more clear.
"do you want to go out and eat" "i'm sorry for beating you to a pulp that one time" "do you need help walking back to your quarters?" it takes ratchet a very very long time to realize that someone actually loves him, and that to predaking - a literal king (because in my tfp aus he establishes his own territory/system completely divorced from cybertron and there are thousands of other predacons who become part of his kingdom), ratchet is the only thing that matters.
after some time, he accepts his advances
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devilart2199-aibi · 1 year
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Some blushy faces with the TFP Decepticons! (u v u)
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cometchasinglove · 2 months
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I’ll always be obsessed with the fact that Predaking would’ve 100% killed Megatron here if Starscream didn’t intervene using one of his missiles.
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Starscream saved his life. He literally saved Megatron (the person who physically abused him and psychologically broke him), even when he had nothing to truly gain from it.
Sure, you could make the argument that Starscream just didn’t want Predaking to turn on him after he killed Megatron.
But the thing is…
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This is a genuine look of concern. And he never showed any signs of betrayal or any ambition to usurp him in Season Three. Plus, he was genuinely distraught when Megatron was stabbed by Bumblebee during the show’s finale.
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And how does Megatron repay him for rescuing him? He doesn’t. He just shoves him to the side, even when Starscream moved out of his way beforehand.
If you look closely, you can even see the slight expression of fear on his face.
It’s such a subtle detail, but literally says so much.
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dragoncarrion · 2 years
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I'm never letting "ipad kid Predaking" go, ever. sorry
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darkseesyou · 6 months
god damn. I'll post another one of my edits. I'll show you the rest little by little. this one is the most recent one made. I personally really like it. but somehow in tiktok they didn’t like it so much. sad even..
there are so many mechs here.. and everyone needs a hashtag. wow
I didn't add the fucking spider simply because she didn't deserve it. She makes me angry.
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parallelpie · 3 months
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My piece for the @tf-bigbang this year !♥!♥
I had the opportunity this year to make some cool art for the bigbang while my partner made a fantastic fic to go along with it. Please go check it out
-Wide Wings, Vast Sorrows- By @thunderwetter Ratchet was not a hunter; Ratchet was a medic. He did not see prey; He saw patients
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cozzzynook · 28 days
Hurt/Comfort Involving Predacon Bumblebee and Predabee
Bumblebee sluggishly opens is optics finding himself in the same dark cell since his capture. He groans as he slowly shifts his aching plating that's riddled with surgery welds and fresh scars, letting out hiss he is finally able to stand on shaky peds before slowly walking up to the bars of his cell. Outside his cage he can see the see the many machines and tools of the mad scientist lab, the sickly buzzing of the lights made Bee's helm rattle with a ponding headache. He then turned his attention to look down at his now clawed servos, it seemed little by little Bee found his frame changing slightly and considering that he was constantly given energon rich with medical grade it seemed the mad scientist wasn't snuffing his spark any time soon.
Slowly Bee turns and with his new talons carefully carves a new tally mark on the wall. It has been 3 months since his capture and it seems his own team have either forgotten about him or assumed he was one with All Spark but it didn't stop the hurting in his spark. Feeling tears starting to well up in his optics Bee then sits on the cold floor and pulls his knees as tight to his chest as he can before burying his face in his servos before quietly sobbing to himself. Bee had long cried himself dry when he heard someone approach his cell, letting out a faint snarl the yellow mech turns to face the visitor only for his optics to grow wide. Predaking stood outside the cell holding what seemed to be a old blanket. Carefully he larger mech slipped the blanket through the bars before giving a little smile, Predaking has been the only company Bumblebee has had in these past months and ever day little by little the yellow mech finds himself growing closer to the predacon.
Quickly picking up the blanket and hiding it in the darkest corner of the cell Bee walked over back towards the bars and slipped his servos through the bars to hold Predaking's own servos. They hold each other closely as they can while Predaking softly whisperers promises that he will find a way out for Bee and make sure they will never have to deal with the Decepitcons again. Bumblebee gives a soft purr nuzzling his helm into the larger mechs chest enjoying the warmth and comforting scent, he knew escape would be risky especially when he is so weak from the constant changes to his frame. Just then the sound of heavy footsteps grew closer making Predaking pull away sharply and leave the lab but not before giving a soft longing gaze at the yellow mech. Bumblebee then sulks back deeper into his cell letting out a snarl as purple scientist returns to his lab ready to finish his latest "Project".
It was late into the night when Bumblebee awoke from his latest "surgery", his frame was sore and tired as he slowly pulled himself back onto his pedes. He quickly scanned over his frame looking for what has been changed this time only to discover strange weld markings around where his T-Cog was. Panicking he quickly transforms his Alt-Mode excepting his T-Cog to have been removed or tampered with but he soon finds himself easily shifting into his other mode only to find that his prison cell was suddenly too small. Confused Bee looks at his reflection in the energon left just outside his cell, letting out a startled yelp Bumblebee finds no longer as a muscle car but a large yellow and black predacon. Finally understanding the strange changes to his frame Bee allows himself to transform back into root-mode so he is longer cramped in his cell, he then begins pacing back and forth unsure if it was worth the risk trying to escape and return to his team in this new mode.
It was mid-afternoon when the alarms of the Nemesis began blaring alerting everyone on bored. Both Predaking and Bumblebee ran down the halls causing havoc in their wake as they headed for the ships dock. It didn't take long for the pair of predacons to barge their way through a barricade of unfortunate Cons before finally landing on the open dock. Predaking nudges Bee to open his new wings and take to the air while he holds off the others, being unsure and not wanting to leave Predaking behind Bumblebee begs for him to follow. Letting out a stream of fire to block the main doors to the dock Predaking joins Bee's side before leaping off the dock and taking flight, Bee closely follows behind struggling at first but quickly gets the hang of it, together they head into the mountains hoping to lose the Decepticons there before making their way into a near by forest.
A Couple of weeks on the run Bee and Predaking spend a rather cold morning cuddled with each in a small make-shift den in the changing forest. Fall has turned the once bright green leaves into shades of red, orange and yellow for Predaking he can't help but stare in awe and wonder as he carefully watches the leaves fall around them. Bumblebee smiles burying his helm into the larger mechs side letting out a flirty purr before flashing a smirk as he carefully flutters his wings in a teasing manner. Predaking looks at Bee a bit shocked at first but he let outs his own purr as he carefully pulls the smaller mech into his lap before giving a gentle nip on Bee's scared neck while slowly allowing his servos explore his partners frame. They spend the morning just wrapped in each others warmth and love and for Bee its the first time he truly has felt alive and loved.
Sometime later in a dark cave Bumblebee is lying in a nest tending to a clutch of eggs while Predaking keeps watch over his growing family. Meanwhile in the Auto-bot base Ratchet nearly spits out his energon cube he was eating when the main monitor beings beeping. There on the screen is Bumblebee's spark signature showing that the yellow scout was alive and well. The medic hardly believes it hoping it was just a glitch since they lost contact with Bee after he was ambushed all those months ago, they sent a search party only to come up with nothing and have been quietly grieving the lose of the yellow mech. Ratchet suddenly stands up and runs towards Optimus hab to let Prime know of the good news while hoping Bumblebee was alright.
(Hope you enjoyed this little idea :D)
Oh my gosh this is so cute and sweet!!!!
Poor bee getting changed into a predacon but the change brought him the love of his life and a family aahhhhh!!!!
I just know Optimus is going to bear hug Bee when he sees him, predacon form and all 😂
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