#Pre-Tribulation Rapture
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1whoconquers · 16 days ago
Caught Up Before Judgment: The Case for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture
The mutual exclusivity between the church’s purpose (ecclesiology) and the tribulation’s purpose (eschatology) aligns with the theological foundation of a pre-tribulation rapture. If the church and the tribulation serve distinct purposes, it is logical to conclude that they operate in separate dispensations, with the church being removed before the tribulation begins. Ecclesiology: The Church’s…
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biblenewsprophecy · 2 years ago
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diogenescynic2288 · 10 months ago
See, I had the benefit of growing up in one of those post-divorce blended family things and the two households I spent time in were different. My bio-dad, who I saw on weekends, is an atheist, but he knows his Bible: He pointed out that the Bible does not support a pre-tribulation rapture.
My mom and step-dad were believers and churchgoers at an unusual denomination. While this particular form of Christianity had some unusual takes on miracles and prophecy and holy books not canon to other forms of Christianity, it did not have a doctrine encouraging belief in a pre-tribulation rapture.
So, from both sides, nobody ever tried to make me think a rapture was going to happen around me.
Did anyone else’s families try to gaslight you into thinking that the rapture happened, and they went to heaven but you got left behind and abandoned by god?
How common is this?
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underdoug · 2 years ago
Rapture Timing Part 4: Is the rapture always Imminent?
In Rapture Timing Part 4, the subject of imminency is refuted. This is the third video in an ongoing series. In rapture timing part 4, Joel Richardson discusses another common point of view within rapture theology. Imminency: is it biblical? Or, was it created in order to fit nicely into the pre-tribulation doctrine? Joel addresses that directly in the following video. He is an excellent…
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anak1n · 8 months ago
head hurts so bad @God bring on the rapture
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superbdonutpoetry · 26 days ago
The Bible Corroborates and Defines itself
How anyone can deny the catching away of the Saints to meet the Lord in the air, particularly a future pre-tribulation “rapture” is beyond me, as the Bible makes it very clear – Romans 8:11But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. 👇 1 Corinthians…
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thesefinaldays · 5 months ago
Please remember to "Subscribe" to our channel and "Like" this video!   These Final Days Ministries: www.TheseFinalDays.org Bill, Terri, John, & Pastor Ryan continue their look at what is one of the most popular "proofs" of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture offered by those who promote this doctrine: the notion that John's depiction of being called up to Heaven in Revelation 4:1-2 is symbolic of the Body of Christ being Raptured before the start of the Great Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist.  In this episode:  Who are the 144,000 in Revelation 7 who are supernaturally "sealed" for protection from God's wrath just before the Great Tribulation begins?  What is this "sealing" exactly, and is this event entirely unprecedented?  Are there any clear depictions of this "sealing" protecting God's people on Earth in Revelation's narrative of the Great Tribulation period?  What does all of this mean for Christians, and does this shed any light on the timing of the Rapture?  Important stuff... Take a listen! This podcast regularly discusses these topics:  Bible Study, eschatological, end of the world, End Times, Last Days, Book of Revelation, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Post-Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Third Temple, Second Coming of Christ, the Antichrist, Abomination of Desolation, Two Witnesses, Four Horsemen, Apocalypse, Israel #rapture #eschatology #revelation #endtimes #secondcoming #raptureofbride #lastdays #bookofrevelation #tribulation #antichrist #thirdtemple #biblestudy #jews #oldcovenant #israel
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heartforchrist · 9 months ago
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coffeeman777 · 4 months ago
Have you heard of the Star of Jacob? People on tiktok are saying it’s in the sky and we only have a few weeks left before the rapture!
This kind of thing happens all the time. I haven't done any research into this Star of Jacob, it may or may not have something to do with Bible prophecy. But I guarantee you it doesn't mean the Rapture is about to happen.
I'm not a pre-tribber, but even if I were, the pre-Trib position on the Rapture is that it is a signless event that can happen at any time. I believe the Rapture happens simultaneously with the Second Coming at the end of the Tribulation.
Whatever the Star of Jacob is, it's definitely not a herald of the Rapture.
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transfemme-shelterdog · 10 months ago
Timothy Francis LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins have had an insurmountable impact on modern Christianity, and some of you aren't ready to have this conversation.
For those who aren't aware, these two men are the authors of the Left Behind series of books, which has 16 books, 5 movies, and a children's book series, that follows a group of people from the Rapture, onto the end of the Tribulation period, where Jesus comes back for a mighty war to wipe out the forces of Satan.
This book series was arguably the next most popular book, next to the Bible, and still is, for many Christians. Enter any thrift shop, and you're guaranteed to find at least a few of these books in the used books section.
These books are essentially AO3 fan-fiction where the authors took vague symbolism from AD 81–96, and applied it to modern geo-politics, and invented a whole storyline to fit the two author's views on things such as Judaism, Catholicism, the United Nations, Liberal Secularism, and other concepts that are either not in the Bible, or are completely different from our modern understanding of it (Judaism has evolved from the times of Jesus for example).
This book series took what was essentially a fringe view from the 1800s, that's not even held by a lot of denominations today, and made it mainstream and easy to market through average level prose.
So, how has one series that is really only known for shitty Nick Cage films, and books that aren't really seen outside of church libraries affected non-Christians globally?
Well, global warming for example. Many, many, people think that because "Jesus is coming back soon" that we don't need to do anything to prevent the destruction of the world we live in, because it's all going to be gone in a few years anyways, so why should I care?
They often cite the book of Genesis, where God pledges to never kill the world again with water, and by their logic, the ice caps can't be melting because God promised to never flood the world again.
Many policy decisions also center around this, such as global support for Israel by Conservative and Liberal (yes, even Liberals, who are often Christian too) parties, as there's this ongoing belief that one must support Israel, as they're a vital part in "End Time's Prophecy", and that any day now, the Anti-Christ will arise in the Middle East, preform miracles, and be declared the Messiah (falsely), which then starts the war of Gog and Magog, with Russia, Syria, and other countries around the globe partaking in it.
Name any modern shitty policy, and it can be traced back to the concept of the Rapture. Abortion? Anti-Trans/Gay laws? Gun control? All of these have links to Pre-Millennial Dispensationalism.
Some scholars have written on this, such as Bart Ehrman when he wrote the book Armageddon, but I have yet to see any scholar write about the more nitty gritty stuff that you see from pastors and random schmucks on YouTube, that I've seen growing up in a family that believes in this stuff.
Hard to believe that a letter written about a conspiracy theory back ~1950 years ago, is being used to backslide human rights and throw gas on the extinction of life on the planet.
Thanks John Nelson Darby!
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itsyourchoicedevotionals · 1 year ago
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Gross Darkness
“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1-2KJV
Are we rapture ready? Back in the 1980s churches were jumping during services, practicing to go up in the rapture. Well, I am a pan-tribulationist, not ‘pre’ nor ‘mid.’ In other words, I can see the interpretation for each of the theories, but reserve the right for God to allow the rapture and tribulation to ‘pan’ out according to His perfect plan and will.
We have a job to do amidst whatever “gross darkness” comes. This job does not allow us to sit on our ‘blessed assurances’ with bags packed or jump up and down in rapture practice children’s games. Time is upon us to grow up into the ‘Bride’ of Christ, John 14:12ESV “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.”
Being a disciple means— ‘an apprentice, adherent, a follower or student of a teacher, leader— (Jesus in this case). In other words, disciples are mimickers, imitators of the teacher. Upgrade the word ‘disciple’ to modern day thinking— Exa: a person becoming an electrician through the electrical union apprenticeship program, can’t fly by what looks good and might work. He must submit to do exactly each instruction as being taught to keep from being electrocuted or burning down a building.
How many disciples, imitators, mimickers of Jesus Christ do we see in our church world today? Occasionally, we might run into a church which expects people to be healed, when they pray for them. Oral Roberts, John G Lake, etc. healing evangelists of the past pioneered our present day healing services, showing even evangelical churches— healing is a vital part of the church today.
Since the Azuza Street’s revival, a hundred plus years ago, \ much of the church —Believers “…began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Acts 2:4NIV. Holy Spirit baptism— ‘tongues’ are totally rejected by some ‘evangelical streams’ of churches. Yet this is the fastest growing faction in Christ’s church today.
“The LORD shall arise upon” you and me, and His glory shall be seen upon” us. Those years of preparation in healing, in faith, speaking in tongues, loving one another will become infused with the glory of the Lord. Us weird people that have been ostracized as radicals, Jesus freaks will glow with the Light of God’s glory and purpose. We’ll be sought out as hope to the hopeless.
Preparation for what is coming inside the church has been initiated by Holy Spirit. We’ve been reluctantly getting ready for a mass influx of people who are totally done with “gross darkness.” They’re going to come into the church totally confused about whether they’re male, female, cat or dogs bringing their equally confused families. These people will be lost one day in their confusion and the next day suddenly aware there is God Who loves them completely.
Today, we can’t see a cohesiveness in what was, what is, and what’s coming. But— “…we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28ESV.
Everything is going to work out for our good, thus “…we can say with confidence, “The LORD is my Helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” Hebrews 13:6NLT. Do you understand where we are in the reference to the end times? Are you a disciple? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Holy God You have worked to orchestrate Your plans and timing for all You are bringing in. Please strengthen us to be Your church in these days of gross darkness, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2024 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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feedingtheflockministry · 2 years ago
The Digital Gossip
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The dictionary defines the word gossip as a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others. The word sensational is defined as the arousing or tending to arouse a quick, intense, and usually superficial interest, curiosity, or emotional reaction.
“Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down. As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome person for kindling strife. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts.” Proverbs 26:20-22
“A perverse man spreads strife, and a slanderer separates intimate friends.” Proverbs 16:28
“Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.” James 1:26
“But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness” 2 Timothy 2;16
“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.” Ephesus 4:31
Throughout the scriptures the words gossip and slander are often found together. For many times they have similar results. When we all get on social media what we find is mostly gossip and slander masquerading as patriotism, loyalty, and righteousness. Gossip about politicians, religious leaders, judges, bad police officers, and many others. This gossip often turns into slander, mockery, malicious and murderous thoughts, feelings of hatred and anger, and robbing anyone who even glances at a post of their peace of mind, love for others, and joy for life. The mass majority of those that become popular on social media only post such content and reshare that type of content from others like themselves
As I scroll through various social media sites I find Christian people giving themselves over to such behavior. They mention they are “conservative Christians” in their bios, and when you scroll their timelines they are bursting at the seams with political rhetoric and harsh rebukes of wicked people. When they do mention Christ it’s about a pre tribulation rapture, or the wrath of God being poured out on the earth. Their posts are full of anything but the good news of Jesus Christ that saves us from eternal fire, brimstone, and separation from God and life.
Living in this generation of social media is not easy. As followers of Christ we must refrain from participating in gossip and slander. We must only use these platforms to further the Lord’s message (which is the sowing of good seed), and not for our judgment and condemnation. For our time is limited in this life. So we must be good stewards of our time and the influence we have on others. Gossip is not a good thing, and we must learn to stop and turn our focus and efforts towards saving the souls of others by sharing Christ with them. For this is why He chose us as His people to proclaim the good news, not our viewpoints or opinions of worldly behaviors.
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jesuslivingwater · 2 years ago
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thelongstroll · 8 days ago
The Evangelical Commodity Problem.
I’ve not written for a while, not because I don’t like writing, not because I don’t have ideas, or even thoughts about what to write.  I haven’t written because, while the desire is there, and at times the compulsion there is also the realization that so much has already been said.  
The events of the past couple of months, starting in November and leading up to this last week have prompted me to re-evaluate that silence. 
I’m switching to Tumblr from now on.  Starting fresh as it were.  I’m not deleting al the other writings.  On the contrary they are going to remain where they are, but anything new will be posted here.  I may do a couple of cross posts, just so people who follow the old blog can find this one.  I’m not really sure, but enough of that.  Time to get on with it. 
It’s no secret who I voted for.  If you still don’t know it was not our current president.  The man terrifies me, he should terrify most people.  He is systematically dismantling our country and attempting to re-imagine it into and Angry White Man Utopia, where being white is no longer looked down on, where white men the country over can finally get a fair shake.  Where Cis White men can live their dream of misogyny, bigotry, and no accountability for their actions towards women, children, and anyone that has done them wrong.   He has not just taken control of the Republican Party, he has shaped it into his own image, or the image of Project 2025 that he disavowed just months before the election, but has somehow made it’s way into a large chunk of his executive actions, this fact just promises that more of that document is going to be implemented.  
I initially struggled to understand how an entire sect of christianity, a sect that I used to be a part of, just fell into lock step with a man who has shown more than an inkling of Fascist behavior.  I could’t believe that this entire movement would vote for a person that said the right buzz words when it came to abortion, prayer in schools (with of course a big BUT) and the appointment of conservative judges.  I couldn’t see how those three things were the end all be all of voting.  Until I realized that the standard bearers of the Evangelical movement are less concerned about those few issues and more concerned about power.  Power to make the government into what they want it to be.  Power to tug the strings of whomever is in office and have them jump.  These Evangelical leaders have for years seen the rank and file members of their sect as a commodity.  One that drives their own power, avarice, greed, and desire.
As I began thinking of that side of it, I realized something.  The evangelical church today has very little to do with what Evangelicalism used to be.  There was a time when the evangelical church would do more than hold crusades.  When people looked at the things that Jesus said to do and, well, did them.  A time when they filled the societal gap for the marginalized, the hungry, the sick and downtrodden.  There was a time when the church as a whole was part of the fabric of daily life simply because it was a place that was known to meet needs, listen, show empathy, understand or strive to understand, and even offer hard truths.  
All of that has shifted.  For me one of the more telling reminders of this is in the realm of Christian Fiction.  People in the church have always looked for people to support their particular idea of what it means to follow christ.  They want to be affirmed instead of challenged.  The problem is that in that affirmation they then tend to look at anyone that does not fit their mold of christianity as someone that should not be affirmed, on the contrary they should be re-programmed if possible, or shunned.  Where am I going with this?  Trust me I’ll get there.  198 years ago a man named John Nelson Darby building on the works of two other guys A baptist from Philadelphia named Morgan Edwards who talked about a pre-tribulation rapture in 1788, a Catholic Priest named Manuel Lacunza in 1812.  Took Dispensationalism and ran with it.  His particular brand of evangelism was more about scaring the hell out of people than the bulk of what Scripture tells us about how to live a life of faith that works itself out in our activities of daily living.   I’m not going to go down the rabbit hole of eschatology.  I am going to point out that Christian Fiction capitalized on this particular interpretation of scripture and almost 200 years later these three men’s interpretation of scripture have become gospel.  The Left Behind Series of Books has as of 2022 pulled in just over 4 million dollars.  The exact number given happens to be  $4,221,341.00.  Thats just book sales there are also movies, audio books and spin off series.  And here is where the Evangelical Commodity comes into play.  The vast number of these books were purchased by evangelicals to read, to give as gifts and to turn into a form of gospel.  Almost an addendum to scripture.   The Christian Fiction market learned that they could make money off of evangelicals, it viewed them as a commodity to be tapped into and some would say exploited.  
Now fast forward to 2016 and then 2024.  There are a group of leaders in the evangelical church world that have decided that their job is less about reaching people with the gospel and more about shaping the united states into a Theocratic State of their own design.  Project 2025 is launched and it ticks all the extreme right ideals that many in that world hold so tightly too.  The power grab is obvious, and in Donald Trump they found a companion that knew how to tap into anger and resentment and use it for political gain.  It feeds that evangelical persecution complex.   The one that constantly feels like they are being attacked, or persecuted, that their faith is somehow violated if people refuse to call the united states a christian nation.  
The problem that they are going to have is, the man they have chosen is the complete antithesis of the man that they claim to follow.  In place of loving enemies he despises them, when given the opportunity to turn the other cheek, he balls up a fist and starts punching,  when faced with a Christ follower asking him to have mercy he gets angry and pulls congress along with him to demand an apology because it hurt his feelings and likely shone a light on what so many of these leaders are trying to ignore or forget.  
I had an interaction the other day on Facebook.  A family member said that Trump had “produced good fruit for the church, you don’t have to see it but it’s there.  This very statement flies in the face of what the New Testament says about people bearing fruit in the first place.  
Matthew 17:20 says “By their fruits you will know them.”  Now just to be clear this 7 word sentence comes at the end of an entire illustration about fruit trees and what comes from them and what happens to good fruit trees and what happens to bad fruit trees.  It talks about good trees produce good fruit and bad trees produce bad fruit.  It’s that last seven words that were ignored.  
Trump has made three statements that I want to bring up before I close out this first of many blogs.  
At one of his “huge” rallies he asked where are my Christians At?  That should have caused every “Christian” in attendance to shudder.  
In a discussion at the Family Leadership Summit in 2015 Trump said 
"I'm not sure I have ever asked God's forgiveness. I don't bring God into that picture.  
He later clarified those comments to Anderson Cooper.  Seeking to downplay what he said only to explain that when he took communion that was a form of forgiveness. (according to everything I was taught both in the evangelical church I grew up in and the Christian university I graduated from communion is a way to remember what Jesus did for us, it’s not a magic sin eraser.  
When pressed Trump said.
"I try not make mistakes where I have to ask forgiveness," 
He went on to say that while he thinks repentance is “terrific” 
"Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes? I work hard, I'm an honorable person.”
All of this flies in the face of what evangelicals claim to be truth and yet, acting like the commodity that they are jumped at the chance for power.  
One of the most terrifying and telling things that our current president said to this particular group of christians came at a campaign rally recently.  Standing in front of his adoring fans he told this group that has hitched their wagon to MAGA that if they voted for him they wouldn’t ever have to vote again.  Just a few days ago a Republican senator introduced a bill to allow Trump to run for a third term.  
As we watch this man go on a spree of vengeance, as we watch him systematically dismantle rights, and advocate for zero regulation, lower taxes for people making over $333,000 a year, leading our country from a Constitutional Republic to an Oligarchy.  I wonder what the evangelical commodity will do when he has wrung everything he can get from them.  Because it’s just a matter of time before the rights that MAGA Christians are celebrating being stripped from others, will be then stripped from them.
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trueordeceive · 20 days ago
Pre tribulation Rapture Podcast
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thesefinaldays · 6 months ago
In this episode, Bill, Terri, John, & Pastor Ryan begin a look at what is one of the most popular "proofs" of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture offered by those who promote this doctrine: the notion that John's depiction of being called up to Heaven in Revelation 4:1-2 is symbolic of the Body of Christ being Raptured before the start of the Great Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist.  Central to this argument is the fact that the word "church" does not appear anywhere in the Book of Revelation's narrative of the Tribulation and Antichrist's reign--the period that we refer to as "the seven-year Great Tribulation"--beyond Revelation 4:1 when John is "called up", and the reason for this (the argument goes) is that the Church is entirely absent from Earth during this period; because we will be "Raptured" before it begins...  But is "Church" the only way that the Body of Christ might be referred to in Scripture?  In fact, where the word "church" does appear in Revelation (in chapters 1, 2, 3, and 22), is it even being used this way: to refer to the Church as a whole?  This is important stuff...  Take a listen! This podcast regularly discusses these topics:  Bible Study, eschatological, end of the world, End Times, Last Days, Book of Revelation, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Post-Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Third Temple, Second Coming of Christ, the Antichrist, Abomination of Desolation, Two Witnesses, Four Horsemen, Apocalypse, Israel #rapture #eschatology #revelation #endtimes #secondcoming #raptureofbride #lastdays #bookofrevelation #tribulation #antichrist #thirdtemple #biblestudy #jews #oldcovenant #israel
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