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Please remember to "Subscribe" to our channel and "Like" this video! These Final Days Ministries: Bill, Terri, John, & Pastor Ryan continue their look at what is one of the most popular "proofs" of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture offered by those who promote this doctrine: the notion that John's depiction of being called up to Heaven in Revelation 4:1-2 is symbolic of the Body of Christ being Raptured before the start of the Great Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist. In this episode: Who are the 144,000 in Revelation 7 who are supernaturally "sealed" for protection from God's wrath just before the Great Tribulation begins? Revelation chapter 7 seems to indicate that the 144,000 are "Jewish" -- all from the Twelve Tribes of Israel -- but is there more going on here than immediately meets the eye? Are there any other hints in the Book of Revelation about the identity of this very important group -- a group that is clearly depicted as being on Earth during the Great Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist? This podcast regularly discusses these topics: Bible Study, eschatological, end of the world, End Times, Last Days, Book of Revelation, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Post-Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Third Temple, Second Coming of Christ, the Antichrist, Abomination of Desolation, Two Witnesses, Four Horsemen, Apocalypse, Israel #rapture #eschatology #revelation #endtimes #secondcoming #raptureofbride #lastdays #bookofrevelation #tribulation #antichrist #thirdtemple #biblestudy #jews #oldcovenant #israel
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Please remember to "Subscribe" to our channel and "Like" this video! These Final Days Ministries: Bill, Terri, John, & Pastor Ryan continue their look at what is one of the most popular "proofs" of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture offered by those who promote this doctrine: the notion that John's depiction of being called up to Heaven in Revelation 4:1-2 is symbolic of the Body of Christ being Raptured before the start of the Great Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist. In this episode: Who are the 144,000 in Revelation 7 who are supernaturally "sealed" for protection from God's wrath just before the Great Tribulation begins? What is this "sealing" exactly, and is this event entirely unprecedented? Are there any clear depictions of this "sealing" protecting God's people on Earth in Revelation's narrative of the Great Tribulation period? What does all of this mean for Christians, and does this shed any light on the timing of the Rapture? Important stuff... Take a listen! This podcast regularly discusses these topics: Bible Study, eschatological, end of the world, End Times, Last Days, Book of Revelation, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Post-Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Third Temple, Second Coming of Christ, the Antichrist, Abomination of Desolation, Two Witnesses, Four Horsemen, Apocalypse, Israel #rapture #eschatology #revelation #endtimes #secondcoming #raptureofbride #lastdays #bookofrevelation #tribulation #antichrist #thirdtemple #biblestudy #jews #oldcovenant #israel
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In this episode, Bill, Terri, John, & Pastor Ryan begin a look at what is one of the most popular "proofs" of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture offered by those who promote this doctrine: the notion that John's depiction of being called up to Heaven in Revelation 4:1-2 is symbolic of the Body of Christ being Raptured before the start of the Great Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist. Central to this argument is the fact that the word "church" does not appear anywhere in the Book of Revelation's narrative of the Tribulation and Antichrist's reign--the period that we refer to as "the seven-year Great Tribulation"--beyond Revelation 4:1 when John is "called up", and the reason for this (the argument goes) is that the Church is entirely absent from Earth during this period; because we will be "Raptured" before it begins... But is "Church" the only way that the Body of Christ might be referred to in Scripture? In fact, where the word "church" does appear in Revelation (in chapters 1, 2, 3, and 22), is it even being used this way: to refer to the Church as a whole? This is important stuff... Take a listen! This podcast regularly discusses these topics: Bible Study, eschatological, end of the world, End Times, Last Days, Book of Revelation, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Post-Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Third Temple, Second Coming of Christ, the Antichrist, Abomination of Desolation, Two Witnesses, Four Horsemen, Apocalypse, Israel #rapture #eschatology #revelation #endtimes #secondcoming #raptureofbride #lastdays #bookofrevelation #tribulation #antichrist #thirdtemple #biblestudy #jews #oldcovenant #israel
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In this episode, Bill, Terri, John, & Pastor Ryan begin a look at what is one of the most popular "proofs" of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture offered by those who promote this doctrine: the notion that John's depiction of being called up to Heaven in Revelation 4:1-2 is symbolic of the Body of Christ being Raptured before the start of the Great Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist. Central to this argument is the fact that the word "church" does not appear anywhere in the Book of Revelation's narrative of the Tribulation and Antichrist's reign--the period that we refer to as "the seven-year Great Tribulation"--beyond Revelation 4:1 when John is "called up", and the reason for this (the argument goes) is that the Church is entirely absent from Earth during this period; because we will be "Raptured" before it begins... But is "Church" the only way that the Body of Christ might be referred to in Scripture? In fact, where the word "church" does appear in Revelation (in chapters 1, 2, 3, and 22), is it even being used this way: to refer to the Church as a whole? This is important stuff... Take a listen! This podcast regularly discusses these topics: Bible Study, eschatological, end of the world, End Times, Last Days, Book of Revelation, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Post-Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Third Temple, Second Coming of Christ, the Antichrist, Abomination of Desolation, Two Witnesses, Four Horsemen, Apocalypse, Israel #rapture #eschatology #revelation #endtimes #secondcoming #raptureofbride #lastdays #bookofrevelation #tribulation #antichrist #thirdtemple #biblestudy #jews #oldcovenant #israel
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In this episode, we hear from co-hosts John & Terri McElrath about their exciting mission trip to Zambia (Africa), where they spent two weeks working with a team from Calvary Church in Lake Havasu City to help establish the very important "Celebrate Recovery" ministry in this exotic African nation. We discuss their ministry efforts there... and hear some amazing stories about going on safari, Terri hanging out with some friendly-ish female lions, and an African river cruise, complete with hippos and crocodiles... Don't miss this exciting episode! 🦁🐘🦛 This podcast regularly discusses these topics: Bible Study, eschatological, end of the world, End Times, Last Days, Book of Revelation, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Post-Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Third Temple, Second Coming of Christ, the Antichrist, Abomination of Desolation, Two Witnesses, Four Horsemen, Apocalypse, Israel #rapture #eschatology #revelation #endtimes #secondcoming #raptureofbride #lastdays #bookofrevelation #tribulation #antichrist #thirdtemple #biblestudy #jews #oldcovenant #israel
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In this episode, Bill, Terri, John, & Pastor Ryan continue their look at one of the most controversial topics in eschatology (the End Times): the question of whether or not--as the Apostle Paul plainly states in Romans chapter 9, 10, and 11 regarding Old Covenant Jews--"in the end, all Jews will be saved." What did Paul mean by this? Can Jews be saved apart from Christ? And, if not, is Paul only referring to those Jews who happen to be lucky enough to make it alive to the moment of Christ's return to Earth at the conclusion of the Great Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist? It seems that it's going to take some effort even for our hosts to come to agreement on this one... Join us for this lively and intriguing discussion! This podcast regularly discusses these topics: Bible Study, eschatological, end of the world, End Times, Last Days, Book of Revelation, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Post-Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Third Temple, Second Coming of Christ, the Antichrist, Abomination of Desolation, Two Witnesses, Four Horsemen, Apocalypse, Israel #rapture #eschatology #revelation #endtimes #secondcoming #raptureofbride #lastdays #bookofrevelation #tribulation #antichrist #thirdtemple #biblestudy #jews #oldcovenant #israel
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In this episode, Bill, Terri, John, & Pastor Ryan begin to take a look at one of the most controversial topics in eschatology (the End Times): the question of whether or not--as the Apostle Paul plainly states in Romans chapter 9, 10, and 11 regarding Old Covenant Jews--"in the end, all Jews will be saved." What did Paul mean by this? Can Jews be saved apart from Christ? And, if not, is Paul only referring to those Jews who happen to be lucky enough to make it alive to the moment of Christ's return to Earth at the conclusion of the Great Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist? It seems that it's going to take some effort even for our hosts to come to agreement on this one... Join us for this lively and intriguing discussion! This podcast regularly discusses these topics: Bible Study, eschatological, end of the world, End Times, Last Days, Book of Revelation, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Post-Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Third Temple, Second Coming of Christ, the Antichrist, Abomination of Desolation, Two Witnesses, Four Horsemen, Apocalypse, Israel #rapture #eschatology #revelation #endtimes #secondcoming #raptureofbride #lastdays #bookofrevelation #tribulation #antichrist #thirdtemple #biblestudy #jews #oldcovenant #israel
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In this show, Bill, Terri, John, & Pastor Ryan discuss the purpose of what the Bible calls "Jacob's trouble" -- that is, what the Old Covenant Jews (who are still very much in covenant with God) are destined to experience during the last half of the so-called seven-year Great Tribulation, when the Antichrist will be ruling and reigning from the rebuilt Jewish Temple on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. The Jews will have, up to the point that the Antichrist commandeers the Third Temple at the Tribulation's halfway point (an event that the Bible calls the "Abomination of Desolation"), believed that the Antichrist is, in fact, their long-awaited Moshiach (Messiah), as Jesus Himself prophesied; and as Irenaeus later confirmed. It will be the most difficult time for the Jews in their entire history, but the end result will be that they at last -- en masse -- step into the New Covenant: As is propesied in Daniel 9:24, Romans chapter 9 through 11, the Books of Jeremiah and Zechariah, etc., when Jesus returns at the end of the Tribulation, the Jews will "look on Him whom they pierced" and will at last proclaim Yeshua (Jesus) their King and Messiah... This episode is a must-listen! This podcast regularly discusses these topics: bible study, eschatological, end of the world, end times, last days, book of revelation, pre-tribulation rapture, post-tribulation rapture, rapture, great tribulation, second coming, third temple, second coming of christ, the antichrist, abomination of desolation, two witnesses, four horsemen, apocalypse #rapture #eschatology #revelation #endtimes #secondcoming #raptureofbride #lastdays #bookofrevelation #tribulation #antichrist #thirdtemple #biblestudy
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✡️ What does the Apostle Paul - "Pharisee among Pharisees" - say about God's ultimate plan for the Jewish people? #rapture #eschatology #revelation #endtimes #secondcoming #raptureofbride #lastdays #bookofrevelation #tribulation #antichrist #thirdtemple #biblestudy #jews #israel #oldcovenant
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🔥 LIVE interview with our affiliate in Beirut, Lebanon ✡️ Plus, the salvation of all Jews at the end of the Great Tribulation
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✡️ The Tribulation, the Antichrist, the New Jerusalem… and the ultimate destiny of the Jews
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✡️ “Jacob’s Trouble”: The Jews, the Antichrist, and the Final Redemption
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Ezekiel and the New Jerusalem: God’s ultimate destiny for modern-day Israel and the Jews
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Ezekiel and the New Jerusalem: God’s ultimate destiny for modern-day Israel and the Jews
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Are the Jews still God's Chosen People? Are they still in covenant with God? What is the ultimate destiny of the Jewish people, and how does this fit into the End Times story?
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⚡ Jesus did not promise us "mansions in Heaven" while the Great Tribulation plays out on Earth... Don't believe us? Listen, please!
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🔥 What is the background of the Israel-Hamas War? 🔥 Who has a right to the land?
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