#Power Washing Scottsdale
Premier Power Washing Service
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Scottsdale's premier power washing service specializes in revitalizing residential and commercial properties. Our expert team uses state-of-the-art equipment to efficiently remove dirt, grime, and mildew, ensuring your property shines. We're committed to eco-friendly practices, offering safe cleaning solutions for your home, driveway, patio, and more. Experience the difference with our reliable, high-quality service, designed to enhance your property's curb appeal and longevity.
Roof Cleaning
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Premier Power Washing Service
Scottsdale's premier power washing service specializes in revitalizing residential and commercial properties. Our expert team uses state-of-the-art equipment to efficiently remove dirt, grime, and mildew, ensuring your property shines. We're committed to eco-friendly practices, offering safe cleaning solutions for your home, driveway, patio, and more. Experience the difference with our reliable, high-quality service, designed to enhance your property's curb appeal and longevity.
409 N Scottsdale Rd Unit 324, Scottsdale, AZ 85257
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Scottsdale Power Washing Company
Scottsdale Power Washing Company is not just a cleaning service – it's a promise of rejuvenation. Our professional team harnesses the potent force of high-pressure water to meticulously strip away years of accumulated grime, mold, and dirt from your property. With state-of-the-art equipment and a keen eye for detail, we offer unparalleled service quality that breathes life into tired spaces.
Address: 8220 E Vista Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85250
Phone: 602-755-9427
Power Washing Scottsdale
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timbarrus · 1 year
Washing Kree’s Hair
I used to give Kree baths in the kitchen sink. Hold still. I’m washing your hair.
Dirt Bike Town is bursting with kids.
They all want a bike. They all get one. All drugs are free. Yes. All of them.
I get to decide what happens to characters I invent. They would be my heros and my victims. The only power I have in life is the power to create characters you will remember, and the whole dog and pony shows comes with.  
It’s a novel. It’s a novel. It’s a novel.
That means it’s fiction.
I am making it up and any relationship in this book is conflicted. Because we are all conflicted. If not with one issue, then it’s another issue. It’s set in the not so distant future.
You can’t go back. In time. The physicists who are insinuating that time travel backwards is possible, are not being honest.
Most of them have blogs about theoretical physics. With tens of thousands of followers. They steadfastly consume this stuff In order to travel back in time, physics would have to become something it has not yet confronted with the enormously warped mass any wormhole worth the name will be imbued with all the miscalculation, the stereotypes, the cultural myths speaking in warning shots across the bow. All species are up for grabs. In the past, we lost a few. Now, we are losing everything because our respect for life is manifestly an illusion. We shit where we eat. We are unable to fundamentally change. The inability to deal with change will be the end of us.
How DO you get out of Dodge.
I know this. You won’t. Discover. How. We are in this struggle to survive, together. Even if I loathe you. Even if I know in my heart that you are evil.
Evil. Is. Us.
I used to give Kree baths in the kitchen sink. Water was a result of the handpump at the bottom of the hill. You ran down there with your empty pails, and you filled them up, lugging them, and losing half the water in the bucket, you were intent to bring the pails one at a time to the kitchen where the nerve center of the house pulsated with survival and stamina.
I will never forget this farm of sheep and goats and horses and cows and wildlife everywhere you looked. The river was thick with fish. There are none of those rivers left. The wild tamed out of them to what end.
Has anyone been to Lake Powell recently. I made a detour there on my bike. The extent to which we have turned Lake Powell into a sewer is a show stopper. I almost could not breathe. I have been here so many times, but today, Lake Powell and the Rio Grande are skeletons. The Rio Grande gave Scottsdale pools.
You have abused it. All of your toxicity dumped into it without a thought. In Ohio, a carmaker dumped its chemical waste down a water drain pipe. Please do not turn your faucets on. Fire could come out of them. You could roast some hot dogs.
They just do not care. Not about you. Not about me. Not about anyone. The Normals are focused on one thing that is the myth greed. Greed is not a fortress. You could hold out a bit.
But the Roman soldiers are scaling the rock. The same men who raped your women and boys, and how is it that they are always left out, boys expunged from the gender stories we live by as to who we are and what we are and what motivates us to be the top dog of anywhere, anywhere. Your water is at risk. You are not immune. It will all happen to you, too, in fact, it’s happening as we stand around going duh.
An ICBM is about more than a message. They rape us. We rape them. We know where it all begins -- war -- but we have no idea how it will end.
We are still blowing families up. We are still supporting genocide. We are raping entire Indian Nations -- such as Columbian Deep Jungle native tribes -- in our wide-spread insatiable greed for energy, and if they leave their culture’s sitting in the ruins of their lives, digging for gold in the toxic mud, we are the whip that draws their blood.  
The issue is always rape. You can rape Homo sapiens with impunity. But raping an entire planet is suicide. Why are you here.
I learned to drive at ten. Tractors were an obsession. I would drive down to the Grand River with my dog, and sit there and watch the river travel to eternity. We would sneak into the showers at the state park. It was not allowed because we were not camping there (how is it that you get to camp in a bus the size of France). I would towel Kree off. Bite toes. Laugh. What a vile species we are. I pray hard that we will never find aliens. Tomorrow, I will wash Krees hair again.
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newstfionline · 2 years
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Newfoundlanders identify with the ocean. Now some are moving inland. (Washington Post) Scott Strickland built his life by the water. The 51-year-old Newfoundland man descended from generations of lighthouse keepers who helped guide sailors safely to Port aux Basques, named for the Basque whalers who sought refuge there five centuries ago. When Strickland’s family moved to the community at the southwestern tip of Newfoundland and Labrador, he bought a house so close to the water that from his back window, it’s “two jumps and into the ocean.” But after post-tropical storm Fiona pounded Atlantic Canada in September with hurricane-force winds and a ruinous storm surge, Strickland’s view no longer brings comfort. The storm, one of the worst in Canadian history, leveled fishing stages, washed homes away and left many others, including Strickland’s, uninhabitable. He doesn’t yet know where he’ll relocate, but there’s one certainty: It won’t be anywhere near the water. In Newfoundland, where 90 percent of residents live within six miles of the rocky coastline, picturesque oceanside towns with brightly colored homes are not only the stuff of tourism campaigns but also are a way of life. But for some, the sea that has long powered their communities is now a cause of trepidation, and residents are debating whether to move farther inland.
Skipped Showers, Paper Plates: An Arizona Suburb’s Water Is Cut Off (NYT) Joe McCue thought he had found a desert paradise when he bought one of the new stucco houses sprouting in the granite foothills of Rio Verde, Ariz. There were good schools, mountain views and cactus-spangled hiking trails out the back door. Then the water got cut off. Earlier this month, the community’s longtime water supplier, the neighboring city of Scottsdale, turned off the tap for Rio Verde Foothills, blaming a grinding drought that is threatening the future of the West. Scottsdale said it had to focus on conserving water for its own residents, and could no longer sell water to roughly 500 to 700 homes—or around 1,000 people. That meant the unincorporated swath of $500,000 stucco houses, mansions and horse ranches outside Scottsdale’s borders would have to fend for itself and buy water from other suppliers—if homeowners could find them, and afford to pay much higher prices. Almost overnight, the Rio Verde Foothills turned into a worst-case scenario of a hotter, drier climate, showing what happens when unregulated growth collides with shrinking water supplies.
With 50 Dead in Peru, a Referendum on Democracy (NYT) Highways blocked with giant boulders and broken glass. Entire cities shuttered by mass protests. Fifty families mourning their dead. Calls for a new president, a new constitution, a new governing system altogether. Pledges to take the fight to Lima, the capital. Local officials warning that the country is headed toward anarchy. A protest anthem shouted in the streets: “This democracy is no longer a democracy.” Rather than fade, protests in rural Peru that began more than a month ago over the ouster of the former president have only grown in size and in the scope of demonstrators’ demands, paralyzing entire sections of the country and threatening efforts by the new president, Dina Boluarte, to gain control. The unrest is now far broader than anger over who is running the country. Instead, it represents a profound frustration with Peru’s young democracy, which protesters say has failed to address a yawning gap between the rich and the poor and between Lima and the country’s rural areas. Democracy, they say, has largely helped a small elite—the political class, the rich and corporate executives—accumulate power and wealth, while providing few benefits to many other Peruvians. More broadly, the crisis in Peru reflects an erosion of trust in democracies across Latin America, fueled by states that “violate citizens’ rights, fail to provide security and quality public services, and are captured by powerful interests,” according to a new essay in The Journal of Democracy.
Davos Confronts a New World Order (NYT) The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, finds itself navigating troubled waters. Long the affluent symbol of a globalizing world where the assumption was that more trade would bring more freedom, it now confronts international fracture, ascendant nationalism and growing protectionism under the shadow of war in Europe and sharp tensions between the United States and China. The post-Cold War era, dominated by the idea that Western liberal democracy and free-market capitalism held all the answers, is over. This was the very ethos of Davos. It must now pivot to the new reality provoked by the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the growth of extreme inequality and aggressive Russian and Chinese autocracies. If the old is gone, the new order is not yet born. Power is shifting away from the United States as China’s military and economic heft grows, but the shape of an alternative international system is unclear. The gathering in the Swiss mountains next week of politicians, business leaders, technology gurus, environmentalists and other Davos patrons, only the second in person after a two-year pandemic-induced hiatus, will wrestle with questions once unthinkable.
Renewed Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict Underlines Russia’s Waning Influence (NYT) In late 2020, when President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia brokered the end of a war in the Caucasus between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and placed 2,000 Russian peacekeeping troops between the two sides, it looked like a strategic masterstroke. The deal gave Russia a military presence in one post-Soviet country, Azerbaijan, while deepening the reliance of another, Armenia, on Russia as a guarantor of its security. It positioned Mr. Putin as a peacemaker and seemed to affirm his claim to Russia’s rightful influence, as the only power capable of keeping stability throughout the former Soviet sphere. Barely two years later, the conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan is heating up again, and Russia, distracted and weakened by the war in Ukraine, has not stepped in. Defying the Russian presence, Azerbaijanis are testing whether Moscow is still able and determined to impose its will on other, smaller neighbors amid its struggles in Ukraine. “It can be seen that Russia’s resources in the region are becoming limited,” said Farhad Mammadov, a pro-government analyst in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. “Russia is becoming weaker.”
China records 1st population fall in decades as births drop (AP) or the first time in decades, China has fewer people than it did at the start of last year, according to official figures released Tuesday. The world’s most populous country has worried for years about an aging population’s effect on the economy and society, but the population was not expected to go into decline for almost a decade. The National Bureau of Statistics reported that the country had 850,000 fewer people at the end of 2022 than the previous year. Over one million fewer babies were born than the previous year, amid a slowing economy and widespread lockdowns, according to official figures. The bureau reported 9.56 million births in 2022, compared to 10.62 million in 2021. Deaths rose from 10.14 million to 10.41 million. Since officially ending its one-child policy in 2016, China has sought to encourage families to have second or even third children, with little success, reflecting attitudes in much of east Asia where birth rates have fallen precipitously.
Floods devastate Philippines, fuel concerns over extreme weather (Washington Post) The Philippines has been welcomed into the new year by incessant rain, fatal flooding and landslides in many provinces. Nearly every day so far in January, heavy rains have caused a town or city to issue emergency warnings, order evacuations or respond with relief efforts. At least 28 people have died this month, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said Monday. More than 211,000 people have been displaced among 1.3 million affected as the rains have destroyed homes, infrastructure, crops and fishing boats. That follows the 50 killed and more than 50,000 displaced during the holiday season by torrential rains that began Dec. 25 and continued through New Year’s Day. The Philippines, an archipelago nation of more than 7,000 islands, has two seasons: the dry season, from December to May, and the rainy season, from June to November. Typhoons strike frequently. The floods this month have heightened concerns that climate change is fueling extreme weather that will make such events more common.
Turning Up In Tunisia (1440) Thousands of protestors gathered in the Tunisian capital of Tunis on Sunday, demanding that the country’s president Kais Saied step down from office after he seized almost total power from the country’s weakened democracy. The January 14 protests marked the 12-year anniversary of Tunisia’s 2011 revolution, the most lasting success of the Arab Spring. In 2021, Saied closed down Tunisia’s parliament, got rid of the prime minister, and rewrote the constitution as part of his efforts to twist the country’s political systems in his favor. The new constitution vests full executive control and military command in the hands of the president. December’s elections for the legislature saw little turnout, as the new system gives lawmakers a fraction of their previous power. Opposition efforts remain fractured, with unions, Islamist groups, and other parties all vying for power. The straw that broke the Tunisian camel’s back is the country’s economic situation. The government is saddled—like a camel—with debt, and has failed to secure the international bailout that Saied has been looking for in the face of national bankruptcy. Recently, the country has been unable to import even basic goods like coffee, milk, and sugar.
Army of pest-munching ducks keep South African vineyard blooming (Reuters) Flocks of white, black and brown ducks hunt for snails and bugs as they patrol the grapevines at a vineyard in South Africa’s winemaking town of Stellenbosch, helping the owners steer clear of pesticides and synthetic fertilisers. Around 500 Indian runner ducks work as a natural pest control at the Vergenoegd Löw Wine Estate, but also entertain wine-quaffing tourists. “We call them the soldiers of the vineyards,” the managing director of the estate, Corius Visser, told Reuters. Ducks are at the heart of the winery’s regenerative agriculture practices, and specifically Indian runner ducks, which have long legs and an upright posture, meaning they are able to reach for snails between the leaves. Following their leader, the ducks march in convoy through the vines. “It’s amazing how they behave themselves, walk in a row, and it’s like they’re in the army,” said Merle Holdsworth, a tourist.
What’s Old Is New Again (CNN) Gen Z is continuing its quest to dig up pieces of “vintage” culture. This time, the TikTok generation has moved on from low-rise jeans and disposable cameras and has turned its attention to flip phones. TikTokers and pop culture icons alike have begun powering off their modern pocket-sized computers, turning to utilitarian flip phones to disconnect from the world of social media. According to mental health experts, as the usage of smartphones and social media grew around 2012, the rate of depression in teens also grew. A study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration also showed that teen depression almost doubled from 2004 to 2019, also mirroring the rise of social media usage. “We attribute this shift to many smartphone users beginning to recognize they are spending too much time glued to their devices and having a strong desire to disconnect and ‘be fully present’ to improve their quality of social connections,” said Jackie Kates, head of marketing at HMD Global, the company behind Nokia.
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vibrance-skin · 2 years
Is your skin feeling dry and irritated? Cleanse away the oils and impurities that cause blemishes with our new SEACRET FACE WASH. This facial cleanser is designed with skin-enriching Dead Sea minerals and salicylic acid, one of the most powerful substance for clearing pores. Give your complexion a boost with their refreshing wash today! Visit at -
Seacret Direct, LLC.15160 N Hayden Rd STE 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85260-2585
+1.877.680.9622 (Toll Free from the US and Canada)
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Wash Patrol, Power Washing Franchise, Sells Scottsdale Squad
Wash Patrol, Power Washing Franchise, Sells Scottsdale Squad
Dylan Claybourn stands in front of his Wash Patrol truck & power washing trailer. Wash Patrolman, Dylan Claybourn, is the Patrol Chief of the Scottsdale Squad! Power washing residential homes in Scottsdale, Arizona. New owner and Patrol Chief Dylan Claybourn, a Scottsdale local, will be patrolling the town he was raised in, ensuring the community is protected from grime! I took a vow to…
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hellyeahomeland · 4 years
Things Carrie Wore This Week
Carrie put something new on this week! 
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This outfit is sort of starting to grow on me? Maybe I’m just wistful because it seems like this is the last time we’ll ever see this pseudo-Marine One jacket. 
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Am I going crazy or are these different earrings than what Carrie wore last week? Those were sort of gold open circle studs and these look more silvery... albeit also kind of the same. Carrie Mathison’s wardrobe: always just different enough to make you wonder... 
And now time for our favorite interlude...
Carrie and Yevgeny: A Height Difference Made in Heaven
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(i know they shot them from below to accentuate the height difference and the power imbalance. i know these things... and yet, he is towering over her, he looks like a goddamn giant. i hope carrie has a good chiropractor in scottsdale on account of all the neck craning she’ll be doing)
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(she has to walk at least ten feet away from him TOWARD THE CAMERA before their heights match in the frame... can you say legend)
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Oh, my favorite thing about this week was not that Carrie decided to put on a new outfit but that we learned that that overlong green-ish tunic she was wearing was actually a SLEEVELESS BLOUSE? I was honestly overjoyed when I found out. This is vintage Carrie, and I for one love to see it. I also realized that the thing really missing from this show is Carrie tying her jacket around her waist. 
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Anyway, here’s that new thing Carrie wore this week. These also look like jeans, though a darker wash. Plus a collared green/grey-ish blouse (could it be sleeveless?) and that suede coat we’ve seen a few other times this season. 
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And boots! What an odd little detail this shot is. Requisite comment that the jeans are a skosh too long and Carrie (and Claire??) continues to wear her pants over her boots, which I find bizarre. 
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I included this pic because I think Carrie looks stunningly beautiful and I can do whatever I want! 
Bonus ~Things Hugh Dancy Wore This Week~
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By george, not a knitted tie! It’s a boring tie, but at least that fits his character. Plus a $48,000 three-piece suit, etc. etc. This homie’s really getting on my last nerve. 
Bonus ~Crossbody Bag Discussion~
I realized today that I almost never talk about Carrie’s crossbody bag in these posts, despite the fact that almost whenever she leaves her bedroom she’s got it. 
I highly enjoyed this New York Times piece about Carrie’s crossbody bag and the author’s own fight with their existence. I feel legitimately seen. Some choice details/quotes:
One of my favorite bizarre running jokes on this show is that Carrie’s only friend is this damn bag: “Does Carrie take her bag from the car to wherever she was going, or whomever she was interrogating?” Ms. Danes said over email of her character’s bags. “The shorthand for this question was always, ‘Does she take her friend?’ Occasionally, it was a more explicit ‘best friend,’ but never necessary because the lack of competition was a given.” 
We knew Carrie’s black crossbody bag in season four was a Marc by Marc Jacobs bag (lmao, Carrie would never). This season it was a Le Donne bag (more believable). When she returns to America, she will switch to Rag & Bone (actually maybe this is why Carrie is in $30k of credit card debt). 
“Ms. Beebe promised me that in one of the last episodes, Carrie goes to an event carrying a Tissa Fontaneda evening — not cross-body — bag.” What the actual hell is Carrie doing at an “event”?
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halls57829059-blog · 6 years
Air Conditioning Repair Scottsdale Arizona
Air Conditioning Repair Scottsdale Arizona - Call +1 844-293-3806 http://www.hvacrepairservice.info/
Fantastic Suggestions That You Could Not Know Regarding HVAC in Scottsdale Arizona Equipment in Air Conditioning Repair Scottsdale Arizona
People that have HVAC in Scottsdale Arizona solutions understand how important it really is to get one which operates correctly. It could be very costly to possess a model that is not going to operate effectively. The subsequent lines are loaded with helpful ideas will make your residence warming, air flow and air conditioner employed in prime situation, so read through them all!
Keep in mind the kind of system that may be installed at home ahead of calling a professional to repair in Scottsdale Arizona it. Look for the maintenance background and logo and version. Your professional will enjoy this info.
Your outdoors condenser fan might be assisted to run far better by you washing the fan blades and coils ahead of summer establishing. Be safe and shut down the power supply well before working on your HVAC in Scottsdale Arizona model. Eliminate leaves and particles from the condenser outdoors.
Nice and clean the fan blades and coils ahead of summertime. Usually change the unit off before you decide to do just about anything into it, which includes leaning. Moreover, it's important to get rid of leaves and also other particles from the outside condenser model.
If you can, place your HVAC in Scottsdale Arizona in the shaded area if it is outdoors. It can reduce the temperatures of your air flow starting the unit, which means it will not ought to function as tough to amazing it.
In the course of winter weather , be sure to shut down outside condenser units. If it's below 60 degrees outdoors, change the unit off. This can make your HVAC in Scottsdale Arizona jogging and can help you save money maintenance.
It is possible to boost the performance of your HVAC in Scottsdale Arizona model by changing it with a new power efficient 1 or shifting your outdated a person to a questionable outdoors area. Mainly because it brings in amazing air flow to amazing, you can expect to preserve a lot of cash.
If you very own your own house or have approval from your landlord, swap your individual pane home windows with twice paned types. Through the summer, using twice-pane home windows can help retain the amazing air flow shut within the residence. This also assists retain heated up air flow throughout the colder months.
Installing twice paned home windows will save a lot of cash more than individual panes, so update if you can. Make an effort to insulate your home windows to avoid air flow from being misplaced. This also assists retain heated up air flow throughout the colder months.
If nobody is residence, shut down air conditioner to save cash. Once you turn it off, your house warms up, only to some a number of threshold. Clearly, should you keep your air conditioner set at a lower temperatures the whole day even if you're not residence, you'll be paying to keep that lower temperatures.
After looking at the aforementioned post devoted to HVAC in Scottsdale Arizona units, there has to be no reason reasons why you can't make your system running smoothly effectively into the potential. The last thing that anybody desires is surely an HVAC in Scottsdale Arizona system that doesn't job correct, since it fees a lot of cash to have that set. Start using these suggestions whenever you experience a difficulty.
Further information with regards to Air Conditioning Repair Scottsdale Arizona https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HVAC https://cates47752768.tumblr.com/post/173565067587/air-conditioning-repair-irving-texas
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powerwashscottsdale · 2 years
Pressure Power Pros
Pressure Power Pros is Scottsdale Arizona's top-rated pressure washing company. We provide a variety of exterior cleaning services including driveway cleaning, patio cleaning, window cleaning, and gutter cleaning.
Scottsdale power washing company
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