#Post pregnancy contouring
imarksimon · 1 year
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Post-Pregnancy Fat Removal: Your Ultimate Guide
Post-pregnancy fat removal is a personal journey, and it's essential to find the best option that works for you and your unique situation. Whether you choose a non-surgical fat removal option, like CoolSculpting or laser fat removal, or a surgical option, such as liposuction or a tummy tuck. For more details visit: https://biminibodycontouring.com.au/packages/post-pregnancy-baby-bouncy-back/
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pureaesthetics41 · 7 months
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alwaysmicado · 7 months
keep you warm
1.3k | Joel Miller x f!reader
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post-outbreak, established relationship, pregnancy Summary: You reveal to Joel that you are carrying his child. He vows to keep you both safe and warm, always. A/N: This fic is a bit different from the things I've posted so far and it was so much fun to write. I put my heart (and tears) in it and I hope it will bring you as much comfort as it did me. 🤍 masterlist
There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights. - Bram Stoker, Dracula
The car engine growls softly as it cruises down the winding road, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of autumnal hues.
Joel has his hands placed firmly on the wheel as he glances over at your sleeping form, your silhouette painted in the warm glow of the sunset. The air inside the car is filled with a comfortable silence, the weight of your continued journey hanging in the atmosphere.
As you navigate through the autumn landscape, daylight begins to fade, casting long shadows that sway with the curves of the road. Joel steals a glance in the rearview mirror, squinting against the diminishing light. The forest on either side of the road stands like a wall of rust and amber, a silent observer to your passage.
You stir in your sleep, a soft moan escaping your lips. Joel reaches, caressing your cheek gently, tracing a promise with tenderness he thought long gone. 
Until he met you.
A few miles ahead, Joel spots a fitting spot by the edge of the forest. He eases the car to a stop, gravel crunching beneath the tires. The engine hums into silence, leaving only the rustling of leaves and the fading whispers of the day.
“We’re here, darlin’.” 
Your eyes flutter open to Joel’s soft touch, his hand brushing away the remnants of sleep. You both step out, the cool evening air enveloping you like a gentle embrace.
Setting up camp unfolds as a familiar routine. Joel sparks a small fire, the flames dancing in the encroaching darkness. The scent of burning wood mixes with the crisp fall air, creating an ambiance that is both comforting and hauntingly beautiful. You arrange your sleeping bags near the fire, a makeshift sanctuary in the wilderness.
As you sit by the fire, the warmth casting a soft glow on your faces, Joel pulls out two cans of beans and some beef sticks. You eat in companionable silence, the crackling of the fire punctuating the stillness.
Yet, Joel can’t help but notice the subtle changes in you—grimaces and absent-minded belly rubs.
He sets his half-eaten bowl down, a subtle tension settling into the contours of his expression as he watches you closely. “You ain’t lookin’ too good, honey,” he notes, his voice laced with concern, slicing through the ambient crackling that reverberates in the air. “Somethin’ not sittin’ right?”
Gazing at Joel across the fire-lit expanse, his weathered face bathed in the flickering glow of the dancing flames, your heart swells with love—and dread.
You clutch your belly as you double over, a sudden, strong wave of nausea overcoming you. Startled, Joel’s eyes widen, but he reacts instinctively, abandoning all else to rush to your side.
With a tender urgency, he crouches beside you as you vomit, his hands moving intuitively to cradle your back. His voice, usually rugged and steady, softens into a soothing cadence. “Easy now, darlin’,” he murmurs, rubbing comforting circles on your back. “I’m right here.”
Your body tenses with each convulsion, tears mingling with the involuntary heaves, but Joel’s steady hands and reassuring words calm you.
As the waves of nausea subside, he eases you back, offering a makeshift cloth to wipe your mouth. His gaze holds a blend of worry and tenderness, the firelight flickering in the depths of his eyes.
“Thanks,” you manage, your voice still shaky.
“That’s alright, darlin’,” he replies, a crooked half-smile playing on his lips. “We look out for each other, remember?”
Nestling closer to the warmth of the fire, Joel wraps a comforting arm around you. The quiet forest listens, an unspoken witness to the vulnerability shared beneath the starlit sky.
“You gonna tell me what’s been goin’ on?” Joel asks, his voice a gentle yet firm prompt.
You swallow hard and nod weakly, lifting your head up from his shoulder to meet his gaze. His brow is furrowed as he searches your watery eyes for answers. “What happened, darlin’?” he asks, wiping away the lone tear that is tracing a delicate path down your cheek.
The unspoken secret sits heavy within you, a silent burden that has been shaping every whispered conversation and stolen glance over the past few weeks. Each passing day deepens the weight, a constant companion in your shared journey.
The fear of Joel’s reaction, the uncertainty of the world you are living in, and the vulnerability of bringing innocence into chaos weave a complex tapestry of emotions, a heavy cloak draped over the anticipation of a new life.
You have never been more terrified. 
“Joel, I–” your voice is shaky and you need to gather all your strength to not break down into a million pieces. “I think I might be pregnant.”
The revelation hangs in the air, momentarily freezing time. Joel’s eyes widen, a mosaic of emotions crossing his face—shock, concern, disbelief, and then a surprising warmth.
He reaches for your hand, squeezing it gently. “Pregnant?” he repeats, his voice softer now, tears glistening in his eyes.
“Mhm,” you sniffle, your vulnerability echoing in the quiet night. “I swear I wanted to tell you before, I just–” you hiccup and wipe away your tears with the sleeve of your jacket. “I’m so fucking scared, Joel.” You look into his warm eyes for reassurance, your lip quivering, your whole body trembling with anxiety.  
Joel’s expression softens further, a tender smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he puts his hands on your arms, his eyes boring into you. “It’s gonna be alright, darlin’.” He pulls you into a gentle embrace, the firelight casting a comforting glow around you.
“We’ll figure it out together.”
As Joel’s reassuring words wash over you, a tangible weight lifts from your shoulders, carried away by the currents of relief. You allow yourself to breathe out a heavy sigh and let your tears run freely as you cling to the man who has saved you in more ways than he will ever know.
In this moment, beneath the vast canvas of the starlit sky, you find solace in each other—a fragile yet resilient hope kindling in the midst of your endless journey. 
Later, as you settle into your sleeping bags, Joel’s arm draped protectively over you, you feel a surge of gratitude. The warmth of Joel’s body pressed against yours creates a safe haven, momentarily replacing your fears with the undeniable comfort you both find in each other’s arms. 
“Sarah always wanted a little brother or sister,” Joel breaks the silence with a murmur, his warm breath ghosting your neck. “I wish she could be here to experience it.”
“I’m sure she’s going to look after her little sibling,” you whisper with a soft smile on your lips, tears silently pooling in the fabric of your sleeping bag. “Just like she’s been looking after you all this time.”
“I’ll do everything to keep you and our child safe and warm, my love. I promise.”
In the quiet cradle of the night, you drift into sleep, the rustling leaves and the forest’s whispers weaving a lullaby for your dreams.
Joel tenderly places his hand on your small bump, whispering promises to the precious life growing within, his words a secret shared with the quietude of the night. 
He lifts his head to look at your face, a soft smile gracing his lips as he cherishes the serenity painted across your features.
“You are the light of my life.”
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imnotasuperhero · 1 year
Look into my eyes (search your soul)
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Your love for Wanda could make you go the distance and more, just to see her happy.
A/N: Here’s me with a brand new story. This is planned to be a multi chapter, and I know I should have everything written before posting but i need the validation, okay? Hope this is enough to hook you up and you enjoy this ride.
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX
Any and every word you were about to say flew your mind at the body at the other side of the door that just opened.Granted, your attraction to the redhead wasn't new. But just seeing her in that unique glow that pregnancy gives her was something that never failed to take your breath away.
"Hi," Wanda smiled something warm and your inside felt burning. "Didn't know you were coming."
"Neither did I." You smiled timidly. Truth is, you didn't even think about coming here when you left your client's house.
"Come on in," Wanda stepped aside as you entered the threshold. "How are you?"
Following her to the kitchen, you sat on the stool as Wanda umpromtedly filled the kettle with water, placing it on the stove. Eyes never looking away from her every little movement, as if a hypnotic spell was cast over you.
"I've been better," you smiled tiredly.
"At least tell me you got to sleep last night?" Wanda took your hand over the kitchen island.You felt your fingers burning as your thumb smoothed away the cute frown that formed between those green eyes.
"Don't worry, it's almost finished." You bit the inside of your cheek as your fingers ran the contour of her left side, caressing her warm cheek. "I did sleep," you sighed as your hand found its previous place.
"Good, I don't want you to get sick over work."
"Hey! I'm not that bad of a patient," you stuck your tongue out, earning a giggle from the woman in front of you.
"I never said you were," Wanda smiled as she turned around.
After both teas were ready, you moved to the couch in the living room, talking about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company.
But said calmness was cut short when a guttural scream filled the room. Wanda's mug shattered as it collided against the wooden floor. Your senses woke up all at once as your mind ran a mile an hour.
Scrutinizing her over, your breath stopped at the wetness on Wanda's lap. "Wands,"The redhead looked down just to meet your eyes, after. Panic was written all over her face.
"It's too soon,"
"Shh, it's gonna be okay," you kissed her forehead before picking her up in your arms, walking fast toward your car.
"Y/N, please." Wanda grabbed your hands after you placed her on the co-pilot seat.
"It's gonna be okay," you smiled confidently, squeezing her hands. "Imma get the babies bag, okay? Just keep breathing, baby. You three will be just fine," you promised before hurrying back inside, running to the nursery.
The whole ride to the hospital had you multitasking as one hand was placed on the steering wheels, your right hand was clutched in Wanda's as she squeezed it to no end and your focus was divided between cooing Wanda, paying attention to the road and trying multiple times to reach Vision -thanks to technology for inventing the free hands. But the last one was to no avail.
"Are you the mom?" The gentle nurse smiled at you, freezing your mind.
"N-No," you frowned, seeing how the doctors hurried Wanda deeper into the building.
"Y/N, don't leave me," Wanda looked over her shoulder with pleading eyes, and you swore your heart did a somersault.
"I'm right here," you hurried yourself to her side, taking her hand in yours.
You tried one last time to get a hold of Vision, but the call was sent straight to voicemail. Switching through apps, you sent a quick message to Natasha, letting her know of the birthing of the twins and to tell the others, before you prepared yourself to get into the operating room.
Walking timidly to Wanda's side, your heart broke at the look of utter panic in those beautiful green orbs.
"You will be okay," you smiled warmly as you leaned down to kiss her sweaty head.The pause that settled between you sent shivers down your spine.
"If anything happens to me-"
"Nothing will happen, honey." You promised the redhead, trying to convey in those words all the love and trust you held for her. "You're gonna get out of here with your babies."
"I love you," Wanda groaned as another contraction took over her.
"I love you too," 'more than what a friend should.' You smiled. "Now let's get those babies."
Nothing had prepared you for what you witnessed that day. And you felt honored Wanda trusted you enough to let you see her. From now on, you'd never doubt her -not that you ever did- for your admiration for her grew exponentially at the work she's performed.
The tears finally ran down your cheek as your eyes landed on the bundle of joy being placed in Wanda's arms. Rosy cheeks and swollen face taking your breath away.
"Thank you," you looked at Wanda, seeing her too immersed in her baby to even pay attention to you. "He's beautiful."
Before you could get a response out, another contraction took over her, signaling she should birth her second child.
And the result was nothing different than the previous one.The warm feeling that settled inside you got you clutching onto Wanda's hand, not knowing if the reassurance was for you or her.
Once Wanda and the babies were moved to a private room, you looked up at the knock on the door. Adjusting Billy in your arms, you walked towards the door, smiling when you saw the woman behind the huge teddy bear on the other side.
“Oh, my. Look at him,” Natasha coed as she caressed the baby’s forehead with her index.
“There you are,” the redhead walked towards a tired Wanda, a lazy smile displayed on her lips.
“Hi, Nat.”
“They’re beautiful,” she repeated, looking at the sleeping baby by Wanda’s bed. “What are their names?”
“This one’s Tommy,” Wanda smiled brightly at the sight of her son. “And that one is Billy,” she introduced calmly, looking at you two. You felt your body on fire at the look on Wanda’s face. Granted, you couldn’t put your finger on what it meant, but you surely knew it was something you’d never seen before.
Placing Billy on the hospital crib beside his brother, you then moved to sit beside Wanda, squeezing her hand in a silent gesture.
“We decided I’d be the one coming to not overwhelm you,” Natasha spoke quietly, afraid the twins would fuss at any sound. “The big teddy is from all of us,” she explained, looking at the plushy animal sitting atop Wanda’s bag.
“It’s beautiful, thank you.” Wanda nodded smiling.
After a few more minutes of you three chatting - mostly you and Natasha, as Wanda tried too hard not to snooze off, Nat said her goodbyes and you walked her outside the room.
“He’s on his way,” Natasha frowned with pitiness.
“About time he picked up,” you sighed leaning against the wall.
“That’s not your family, Y/N,”
“You think I don’t know that?” you retorted, angriness showing in your voice. “I just…”
“I know,” Nat hugged you tightly.
“I’ll stay till he comes.”
 “I’ll be home if you need anything. Yes?”
“Thank you,” you smiled her goodbye before taking a moment to just, breathe.The whole rollercoaster you endured drained you, even more so knowing Vision was on his way to his family, and you’d be sent to your lonely home. Daydreaming of Wanda and what it involved.
Once you calmed down, you entered the room just to find her with her heavy eyes, fighting the sleep she so much needed.
“You should rest,” you looked over the twins, smiling warmly before you sat in the chair.
“Lay with me?” Wanda pleaded. And you knew this was a dangerous game, but you couldn’t find it in you to deny her. So you complied, being careful not to hurt her.
“Better now?” You joked as you watched how she moved closer to you.
“Yes,” she looked up at your eyes. “Thank you,” she spoke truthfully.
“It’s nothing,” you kissed her forehead. “Now sleep. I’m here.” You just prayed Wanda couldn’t hear your erratic heartbeat, for every cell in your body vibrated at the close proximity of the body in your arms.
It was close to midnight when you heard someone enter the room, too busy to even be gentle with their movements.
“This is just great,” Vision growled as his eyes burned a hole in your head.
“Lower your volume,” you stirred awake, carefully getting up from the bed to not wake up a fast-asleep Wanda.
��Thanks for the help, but you can go now.” The blonde spit out venomously.And that just served to boil up your blood, waking up the courage inside you.
“I’ll go, but you should be more caring towards them,” you spoke quietly as you picked up your jacket. “Next time instead of getting drunk in a bar, pay attention to your phone.” You were stopped suddenly by a hard grip on your upper arm. Looking up, you sent daggers to the man holding you in place.
“Watch your words.”Freeing from his grip, you laughed something wicked.
“Watch your family,” you barked, trying your best not to cause a scene and wake up the sleeping redhead as you walked away.
As always, comments and reblogs are appreciated :)
Taglist: @summergeezburr @wandabear @xxxtwilightaxelxxx (if you want to be added, let me know!)
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armoricaroyalty · 6 months
reread this essay and I feel like it applies to simblr as well, although I don't know if I can articulate exactly how. there's not a ton of sex or sensuality out there, and a lot of it is curiously sexless. some of this is due to the limits of tumblr's titty algorithm—i know several people have recently had posts nuked b/c of cleavage—but I just feel like there's a general and pervasive prudishness that's floating around on simblr.
on simblr, people have sex when the plot demands it of them (at least on royal simblr, sex scenes are followed immediately by a positive pregnancy test at least 50% of time). sex with anyone but an end-game romantic partner is usually framed as having been a mistake in one way or another, and someone (usually the woman) is punished for it. no one is having sex simply because it's pleasurable, because they wanted to, because they were curious...it's always for something. sex isn't just an ordinary thing that is a part of people's ordinary lives, it has to be something more in order to justify the weird kid-gloves handling of it.
people are of course, all thin and beautiful. the men are inviolably masculine, the women feminine in the extreme. the men are all roided-out beefcakes with visible muscle definition, the women all are slender goddesses with permanent full-face contour thanks to their skin details. we never get to see their perfect bodies, though, because everyone is apparently fucking through their underwear. there's no pleasure, no sensuality, no comfort, no connection, no playfulness, no personality, nothing.
this isn't to say that everybody needs to have explicit sexual content on their blog (tumblr wouldn't let us, anyway) but I just feel like there's something really weird and puritanical and very detached about the way sexuality is often portrayed on simblr. I'm hedging here b/c I can think of plenty of people who do have healthier depictions of sexuality in their stories, people who've created sex scenes that are actually sexy, etc. etc. I've tried to do those things as well, ymmv on whether I've succeeded or not—but I just think it's worth at least acknowledging that this is a trend and asking ourselves why and what can be done differently.
p much all of the reactionary, puritanical stuff on simblr is downstream of larger cultural trends. it's not any one specific person's fault, but I do think that simblr, by virtue of being a smaller community, has the potential to push back against these. within this community, we all have the freedom to define our own views of sex and sexuality and reshape our thinking, and I think more people should.
maybe that should be the goal for 2024. everyone can be beautiful, everyone can be horny.
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xolovieysox · 5 months
M!Siren x Post Op Trans!Male reader
“The deep sea has wonders, but nothing as wonderful as you”
Word count: 1,010
Contents: Slight dub-con, Post Op male trans reader, Gay, siren, slight breeding (no pregnancy), second person narration
One day you were sitting on the beach. It was a calm day. The sun was setting. The squalls of the seagulls were finally coming to an end. You were just sat there listening to the waves. Your feet were buried in the sand at this point from the mindless shuffling you had been doing. Everything was calm in your mind until you heard a melody. A beautiful song. A harmonic angelic voice. Beside your better conscience you followed it. As the moonlight bathes the coastline, you find yourself drawn to the haunting melody echoing from the depths circling in your mind. Stepping into the shallows of the sea, your eyes meet his. the siren. You watch his eyes. The intensity. The fire. You wade closer to him slowly walking deeper and deeper into the water. As you sail through the misty waters, the siren’s melodic voice beckons you closer. The haunting allure of his song draws you into the depths, where his captivating eyes continue to meet yours. As you walk deeper you start to swim.
Swimming deeper into the dance of ocean waves, you find yourself entwined with the curious creature in front of you. the siren watched you swimming and when you got close enough brought you into his arms and caressed you. He slowly started bringing you back to shore, realizing as you started swimming over that it would be better to love you where you can survive. Once he made it to the shore he places you down and kisses you. Passionately. He pushed you down onto the soft sand and as his tail dissolved away into legs he wrapped your legs around him. He had full control. He liked it this way. He needed you, and he was going to get you. You stared at him in wonder, his passion, his fire, his love, its fascinating. And as you would be one hell of an opportunity for the siren to give up he’d be one hell of an opportunity for you to give up.
His hands, having a delicate strength, explored the landscape of your body with a reverence born of adoration. Fingers tracing the contours of your hips, mapping the curves and valleys of your body with a precision that borders on divine. Each touch sends waves of pleasure cascading through your being, eliciting a symphony of sighs and shivers that mingle with the sound of the ocean's gentle waves. the siren chuckled lightly as you moaned softly under his touch and spoke softly in between short kisses to your neck. “You’re practically leaning into my touch darling, are you truly that enchanted and entranced by me?” As he caressed and kissed you, your own hands roamed over the soft skin of the siren's body, tracing the curves and turns on his body with a tender gentleness. Your fingertips danced along his back, memorizing every dip and rise as if committing them to memory. As your lips met in another kiss, you lost yourself in the sensation of his mouth against yours, a fusion of heat and sweetness that set your soul on fire. The taste of him, salty and intoxicating, fills your senses, leaving you breathless and wanting more. With a gentle urgency, your bodies pressed together, aligning in a perfect fit. You started stripping yourself of your clothes, entranced by the moment. the siren, already naked, helped you as he continued to kiss you and after pulling away from your lips, kissing your neck. As soon as you’re fully stripped he started grinding against you. He softly traced your top surgery scars as he grinned against you, slowly leaning down and kissing across the lines of your scars. He looks at you, his green eyes piercing into your heart and mind, smiling softly. “You’re perfect, your whole body.. it’s just.. beautiful love” Before long the siren slowly started pushing himself into you as you moaned in ecstasy. To get you used to him he softly thrusted into you at a slow pace. As he thrusted he whispered small little words of praise. “You’re doing wonderful sugar” he quietly said into your ear as he thrusted into you, softly sweeping your hair out of your face, and gently caressing your face with his thumb. Over time he slowly started thrusting quicker and without warning started softly rubbing and jerking off your cock as he thrusted. You were lost in the bliss of the situation and just kept moaning. You were delirious. You could barely hear him. But you could make out some of the things he was whispering to you. “Such a good boy, perfect for me, so wonderful, so flawlessly sweet and stunning.” His sweet words could have put you into a coma. You couldn’t handle it. It was wonderful. As you shivered in pleasure the siren used his hand that wasn’t on your cock to hold one of your hips and softly squeezed your skin. It sent you over the edge and after a few whimpers and moans you cum all over his hand. He chuckled again like he did before. “You’re even more gorgeous when you’re on cloud nine sugar cube..” you just respond with a slight smile and moan quietly. After a couple more moments he slams himself deep into you, moaning loudly. Before cumming he pulls out and softly cums all over your back before sitting you down in his lap. “You’re incredible.. breathtaking truly” he kisses your cheek after speaking and smiled. You both sat there in happy quietness and embraced each other’s company
After sitting with him quietly for about thirty minutes he softly speaks up “That was fun darling, but I must go back to the water, I need it to survive.” He softly slinked away from you and kissed you on the head before going back into the water “I’ll visit again, don’t forget me” he threw a small pearl to you. You caught it and smiled. You won’t forget him. And maybe, you’ll just come to this beach more often.
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joanna-lannister · 6 months
FIC ASKS LET'S GOOOOO. How about...15 and 18. And 22. 😊
15. What are some of your favorite tropes to write?
Oh, I always use the same tropes such as Pregnancy, Childbirth, Fluff and Domestic Bliss (+Sibling Incest, obviously, because I write for JC 😂). I'm big sucker for all these tropes tbh, and that's lowkey what I want to find when I read a fic, especially Fluff and Domestic Bliss because why not giving them happiness after everything they are going through in canon? And so, if someone is looking for the same things, they can always give a shot to my fics.
18. Is there some headcanon you've included in more than one fic?
Hmmm, Cersei being very protective of Jaime? And the fact she tried to protect him when she went behind his back for the Golden Company. I used it mostly in "give you my wild, give you a child" tho, not that much in other fics, but yeah she is very protective of him overall.
Also, Joanna accepting more easily their relationship? I have that headcanon she would see how they could turn a wedding between Jaime and Cersei into their own advantages. She def comes to term with it in the Teen Pregnancy AU, and I briefly mentioned how she had schemed to get them married in the fic I posted yesterday.
22. Pick out a random line from a fic you're really proud of
Okay, I had a line from "grieving for the living" that I was really proud of, but I can't find it anymore 😭 so this one, from the same fic:
Sometimes, she presses her forehead against the window and sees the contours of his perfect face through the icy glass. Her head plays tricks and she allows herself to believe he is back for a brief moment, but it's only the ghost of her own reflection, a painful reminder she is still breathing and they didn't leave this world together as they were supposed to.
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rom-e-o · 1 year
ABCs (NSFW) - Scrooge (2022)
I’ve been inspired. Let’s just do it. Don’t look back.
Post under cut.
So I’m going to be doing my headcanons for Scrooge, as well as my OC Constance (my 38-year-old divorced New York socialite turned counting house clerk.) 
These HCs will be set off with the OC marker for those who prefer to skip them!
Alright, disclaimer done. Onward we go!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Ebenezer can be kind of a stickler for cleanliness, haha. Whether it’s with towels and water or actually taking a bath after intimacy, he simply can’t rest until BOTH of you are clean. Don’t get me wrong, he’ll enjoy the afterglow for a little bit, especially when he’s coiled so tightly against someone he loves, but right as he realizes he’s about to get a little too sleepy is when he forces himself to clean up. Once that’s done, he’s yours for the rest of the night. Cuddles, snuggles and all.
He's also pretty fastidious about grooming (his hair, sideburns and skin are always washed and trimmed). He’s not exactly vain, but he’d a firm believer in maintaining appearances. If his partner is too tired after intimacy to tend to their own needs, he’s happy to assist with washing, hair brushing, massages, and lotioning.
OC: Constance is out. Like a light. She has been so sleepy that she had even fallen asleep in the bath one before, which Ebenezer found adorable if not a bit concerning.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
This is niche but hear me out…hip dips.
He knows lots of women are self-conscious about them or even see hip dips as undesirable, and he has NO idea why. They’re perfect. His hands (or lips) fit so perfectly into the divots, the curves highlight the softness of his partner’s form so beautifully.
Also niche, but he also loves the slope of his partner’s cheekbone. Like, he adored the feel the contour when he presses his lips to their faces to decorate it with a loving smooch. Seeing the profile of his lover’s face silhouetted against the setting sun in golden hour…sigh. It makes his heart swell with eros.
OC: Constance loves Ebenezer’s chest! His strong sternum, the silver dusting of hair, his sculpted clavicle. Plus, he’s also pretty sensitive there. Once she finds this out, it is game over, so to speak. There are kisses, touches, and lovebites galore!
She also makes a habit of, when they are alone, giving his bum the occasional smack as she passes. At first, he would make the most surprised little squeaks. Then, she he grew to expect it, he’d catch her hands and playfully wrestle her back, or simply dart after her to get revenge. A win-win scenario, as far as she’s concerned.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
It takes some coaxing (heh) for Ebenezer to feel comfortable coming inside his partner if they are someone who can become pregnant. As is to be expected, pregnancy makes him…weary. Panicky, even.
For pleasure, he enjoys seeing his cum on his partner’s chest and near their mouth. However, as stated above, he can be a little finicky when it comes to cleanliness. If he comes on his partner, he’ll feel obligated to help you clean immediately (seriously, you’ll have to hold him down to stop him from abandoning his post, erm, so to speak).
OC: It’s Victorian England, after all, and sometimes men are not the most creative. She confides in Ebenezer that she’s always wanted to feel a man come against her clit right as she’s near orgasm. This takes a few tries to get right (the timing is quite precise) but once it happens…she is dripping and screaming and moaning in his arms like never before. Not only is she drenched in his cum, but she drenches him in her own ejaculate. He likes being covered in his partner’s fluids more than his own, and Constance’s reaction is so stunning that he vows to replicate it as often as he can for her.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
That cane isn’t just for show.
Okay, well, it is. Canes were a fashion statement at the time (and handy for those slippery cobblestones) but its an object of fantasy for him. He wouldn’t dream of beating his partner, but he sometimes has thoughts as he feels the polished wood against his gloved fingertips about what it would be like to ravish a lover with the handle of his cane, then use it on a stroll as if nothing ever happened. Even better if he can see the look on his lover’s face while he does so.
OC: As much as Ebenezer wants to keep his office a space only for his professional work, Constance can’t help but wonder what it would be like for him to throw her atop the polished wood and make passionate love to her there. It’s something she doesn’t think will ever happen (too risky), but hey, a girl can dream!
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
While abstinence was the norm at the time to avoid any premarital babies, I do think Ebenezer and Isabel were passionate enough about their love that they slept together at least once after their engagement. After she said yes, I think they would have been like giggly hooligans, rushing back to one of their flats for a loving yet inexperienced romp.
Ebenezer is a handsome man, and even if he hasn’t had other partner is the traditional sense, the man knows his stuff. He can kiss, knows where things are, what feels good, etc. That being said, his roster isn’t exactly jam-packed, but the experiences he has had have been meaningful.
OC: Constance was married for almost twenty years, and the marriage was consummated. She lost her virginity on her wedding night. Her ex-husband also made a habit of using his lovely wife’s body (a grope here, and kiss there) to seal deals, so she has had her fair share of partners, men and women.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Ahhh. Yes.
He says its missionary, but after a few trysts, he’s also quite partial to doggy style. He likes the accessibility of the pose, and the fact that his hands are free to roam and tease his partner’s body even as he’s pounding them into the mattress~
OC: Constance is down for anything, really. There aren’t many positions she won’t try. Cowgirl can be a little taxing because of her, um, top-heavy assets, but otherwise, it’s free real estate.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It’s Victorian England, so sex is seen as very serious. It’s a big deal. An occasion, and Ebenezer believes in treating it as such. He’s quite serious, especially at the start, constantly checking in on his partner, asking if they’re okay, if they like the pace, if he’s going too fast, if something is too hard, etc. Nevertheless, as sex becomes more frequent, he loosens up (heh). Meaning, he’s more willing to laugh off little mishaps or humorous moments. Like, perhaps it wasn’t a good idea to use the chandelier as an anchor of the hand-ties, and maybe adding some padding to the headboard would prevent further bumps and bruises.
OC: Constance is a goofball. She’s clumsy, and quick to laugh things off. The energy stays light around her, and if a mistake is made (she’s flipped off the bed more than a few times) she’s the first to burst out laughing at herself. This helps Ebenezer also loosen up a bit, seeing that she doesn’t hold him to stringent romantic standards.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Ebenezer is always trimmed, especially after getting into a relationship! Carpet and drapes match, though his pubic hair is darker and a little more dense than hair on other parts of his body. You can definitely tell he used to be a brunet.
OC: She used to shave her pubic area completely bare when she was with her ex-husband. After being with Ebenezer for the first time, he encourages her to do whatever she feels comfortable with. Sometimes she shaves herself clean, other times she plays it a little more loose. Depends on her mood!
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
He’s a classic romantic, through and through. Once he’s in love, he goes all in. He believes that courtship doesn’t end at marriage, let alone in the bedroom.
In bed, Ebenezer prefers lovemaking to quickies or most casual sex. Coupling is an event, and even if things get heated and passionate as the evening goes on, the coupling always starts slow and sweet. Sweet kisses, maybe some wine, slow-dancing, soft grouping through the clothes.
Once they get to the bedroom, he takes great pleasure in foreplay. He wants to shower his love in kisses, peel back their clothes article by article, and even tease a little bit to see what he can get away with before his partner begs him for more. Spoiler alert: he’s always willing to give more.
OC: Constance is a newbie when it comes to romance. After all, she was married to one man, and this man didn’t exactly view her well or treat her softly. As such, Ebenezer’s wooing makes her a little nervous at first. Things move slow, to give the paranoia time to ebb. However, once she trusts him, even romantic gesture almost brings tears to her eyes. She’s so touched and so easy to spoil that even something as simple as bringing her breakfast in bed would render her speechless, as if she’s just been given a priceless diamond.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He used to resist the urge as much as possible, mainly out of guilt for driving the one woman he loved away, but even he needs to rub one out eventually. A few times a month, he’ll dedicate some hours to some satiating fantasies. This rate only increases once he’s in a relationship, as he actually begins to feel desire again after so many years of any emotion other than anger being so stunted.
OC: Constance loves to masturbate, but is sooo bad at it. Her hands just don’t move as well as other people’s fingers, or their tongues. She tells this to Ebenezer and he has a good, teasing laugh. (“Looks like you may need lessons. Shall I pencil you in for a weekly appointment? Or, do you need daily lessons?”)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
For Ebenezer, he’s very much into praise, both giving and receiving. Tell him that he’s doing a good job in bed, or that he’s looking particularly fetching in a certain outfit, and a pleasant hum will start to escape him. If you applaud his techniques in bed, you’re sure to be rewarded vastly for your kind words.
OC: Constance likes vocal sex. Like, being silent is not her thing. It makes her uneasy. As such, she encourages Ebenezer to moan or whimper or speak whatever is on his mind. She won’t force him if he feels uncomfortable, but if he doesn’t feel confident enough to do that, she’ll want to sit and have that discussion before any further moments of intimacy. (“I need to know you’ll tell me to stop if something doesn’t feel good, okay?”)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do?)
For Ebenezer, it’s his bedroom! It doesn’t seem creative, but with so many visitors coming in and out of the house after his Christmas eve visitation, he isn’t exactly keen on risking anybody getting an eyeful of him and his lover in any stage of flagrante delico.
Outside office hours, he’s also somewhat open to having relations in his office. However, it’s risky, as there are many windows. Being caught in the act isn’t something that turns him on, so these type of trysts are rare. However, when a moment of opportunity comes, he can become invested in the idea preeeetty quick. Plus, if his partner entices him a bit by reciprocating the urge, you will not find him complaining (if you can even see him once he’s down between your thighs).
Constance: Bedroom, or in the bath! She likes the intimacy of both spaces. Regardless of where they are, she wants to be pressed to Ebenezer fully and enjoy the lovely expanse of his body that he keeps hidden under all those wool layers.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Ebenezer is a sucker for innuendo. He’ll be the first to admit that his lack of romantic experience means that he can be a little dense when it comes to flirting. So, innuendo is a still teasing way for his partner to openly share what is on their mind without having to be awkwardly honest, haha.
Once someone starts with the sneaky comments or lingering touches, you bet it will not let up until the need is satisfied (literally. Often multiple times over.)
OC: Kissing. Constance loves being kissed. On the hand, lips, cheeks, other places...once someone’s lips are on hers, she’s addicted. She doesn’t understand couples who go entire sexual sessions without kissing. Like, it is unfathomable to her. She wants them smooches, gosh darnit! 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Ebenezer will not physically or verbally abuse his partner. He can’t do it. Also anything non-con is absolutely off the table.
OC: Physical and verbal abuse. Also, anything non-con is off the table.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Ebenezer LOVES giving oral. Every aspect of it, from the taste of his lover to the way he can feel the ministrations of their writhing body against his, it all gets him so drunk with arousal. Unlike other men at the time, Ebenezer has little difficulty finding the clit, and his fingers are the perfect length for k-spot and g-spot stimulation. This, as expected, works wonders when paired with his skilled mouth. He also has great stamina when it comes to oral, and could go for hours.
OC: Constance enjoys oral the average amount, but prefers to give handjobs or use her tits to encase Ebenezer’s cock. She definitely has to teach Ebenezer how to properly 69, and what the appeal is. However, once she does, it’s probably the oral position she enjoys most. Also, Constance prefers the feeling of oral sex to penetrative sex.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Ebenezer starts slow and sensual, but picks up the pace FAST. It’s not uncommon for sex to begin with slow, hard thrust, but end with the headboard clapping against the wall and fingers clawing at the bedsheets in abandon.
OC: She tends to prefer rougher sex. Rougher, but not painful. She lights to buck her hips and feel her tits bounce, and even do some pegging once in a while. Fast and white-hot is her preference, especially if she’s turned on and ready to go. The most common pleas she’ll mutter in bed are “Faster, please!” or “Keep going!”
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Ebenezer does not like quickies, except in very specific situations. Like, if he and his lover have been apart for a while and they only have a moment of time together, that’s an exception. Otherwise, he doesn’t like to be rushed when it comes to these things. He wants to take his sweet time savoring his partner, and having a ticking clock leaning over his head kind of ruins that experience.
OC: Constance is neutral about them. Quickies get the job done, but as said before, she’s a talker and enjoys playful banter and teasing. Those tends to not be possible with quickies, where a lot of foreplay is disregarded. So, she’s very ‘meh’ about them. She’d rather just wait until they have time to actually have a quality experience together.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Ebenezer doesn’t see sex as the prime time for risk-taking, haha. He doesn’t even like to take gambles with his money, let alone people (especially post-Visitation.) That being said, he could be talked into an after-hours office romp, but anything else would rattle his nerves too much to be enjoyable. As far as kinks or toys, he’s willing to experiment with things his partner likes as long as it doesn’t involve pain or questionable consent.
OC: It depends! She’s okay with risks like trying a new position, or experimenting with different restraints or things like that. When it comes to kinks and toys, she’s faaaar more open than the average person at the time. However, she doesn’t need experimenting or risk-taking to get a thrill out of sex. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Ebenezer has above average stamina and, as mentioned before, is pretty virile. As we learned from his time with Jacob, he’s also eager to please, and that continues into the bedroom.
He can go daily for a few days in a row, or a couple nights a week. He’s also good for at least two orgasms before his refractory period gets a little longer or he gets sleepy and needs a power nap to rally himself. (“Easy, dear. I’m not exactly a teenager anymore.”)
OC: Connie loves multiple orgasms, and usually enjoys up to four before she starts to get a little too tingly and over-sensitive. When that happens, she usually switches to pleasing Ebenezer through oral or other means. She has great stamina, and will go until her partner is completely satisfied.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Ebenezer does not, haha. He’s a little intimidated by the prospect, or perhaps he views them as unnecessary? Either way, his curiosity definitely opens up once he’s in a relationship. It takes some coaxing to admit it, but once he does, he is great at staying open-minded.
OC: Constance has dabbled with toys, mainly dildos and anal plus. Also, she has a strop-on for pegging, which Ebenezer does learn that he…actually enjoys once he gives it a chance. (He may know about female anatomy, but prostate stimulation is a new one.) He finds the swapping of the traditional roles quite exciting, and while he’s not always up for using toys, he has a new appreciation for them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Ebenezer finds glee in teasing his partner, especially when they’re finally alone and he can cut loose. Being a proper London gentleman all the time can be downright stifling, and few things get hm more excited them being able to finally whisper those sweet seductive nothings in his lover’s ear after the end of a long day. Despite not having much experience, Ebenezer is fantastic at dirty talk, and loves to use the deep timbre of his voice to pleasure his partner and ply them with all the honeyed words they want to hear.
By the time he’s done, legs are usually open and trousers are unzipped.
OC: She has been known to go without a breastband, corset or smalls to tease Ebenezer, and she makes absolutely certain he’s aware of the lack of barrier. She gets an even bigger thrill out of it in public, enjoying it so much when she catches Ebenezer staring at her hardened nipples or the way her dress hugs the curve of her ass. It also activated his protective side a bit, causing him to pull her close or share his coat with her.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Ebenezer is not only very vocal, but he’s loud to boot. He’s embarrassed about it at first, but he seriously can’t help himself. He gets easily swept up in the moment and has a hard time controlling the platitudes that drop from his lips. Plus, if he’s being dominated or being ridden, he’s even more noisy about his…appreciation for the pleasure he’s receiving. Perhaps investing in a gag is a good option. It would look delightful on him, after all.
OC: Constance is also loud. Banter, dirty talk, moaning, give it all to her, haha! Unlike Ebenezer’s whimpers, she tends to giggle or, when very overwhelmed, can even cry. Keep tissues on hand, just in case.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Ebenezer really wants to try window sex, but it’s so risky and there is never a good opportunity. However, the thought of his love pushed against the glass, trapped between the icy surface and heat of his body…it gets him riled up. He’s definitely rubbed one out to those thoughts, especially on cold winter nights when the windows are frosty and opaque.
OC: It’s totally unrealistic, but she would love to see her ex-husband get cucked. Like, he’s forced to watch while Scrooge ravishes her in ways he never could. She realizes it’s impossible and so twisted to think such a thing, but it’s a secret fantasy she sometimes returns to entertain while everyone else in the house is asleep.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Ebenezer is a grower, so to speak. His length is about four inches flaccid, but once he’s inside his partner, it’s not uncommon for him to grow a noticeable few inches once he starts thrusting and finds a good rhythm. His girth is also average, and he’s uncircumcised.
OC: Her cheeks flush apricot when she blushes, so her nipples, vulva and other intimate areas are more brown than they are sugary, bubblegum pink. She has many scars from hears of past abuse, including at the apex of her legs and along her lower back. She’s extremely self-conscious of them, so when they’re in bed, Ebenezer takes care to always give those lovely area a few extra moment of worship from his hands and lips.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Ebenezer is quite virile for his age and has a lot of oats to sow to make up for lost time. As such, he’s usually pretty down for sex multiple times a week. Daily sex is probably too much (maybe at the start of the intimate part of the relationship during the exciting exploration phase), but as he falls into a more comfortable routine, it’s safe to say that while the couplings may lessen to a more normal pace, the quality of these sessions is magnified by the increased knowledge of what turn’s his partner on.
OC: Constance can go a couple times a week, but usually needs at least three to four orgasms before she’s completely satiated. If she’s had a stressful day, her sex drive will be absolutely non-existent, and she’ll just want lots of hugs.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
As soon as he and his partner are all cleaned up, he is out! It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, if he’s just had sex or even masturbated, he needs a power nap afterwards to recover his energy. He falls asleep so quickly that sometimes he’ll forget to put on (or remove) the necessary clothes for napping.
If he and his lover have a quickie that doesn’t allow them to undress, sometimes he’ll even nod off in his coat and shoes (resulting in his partner happily helping to remove them for comfort. Silly man.)
OC: Also out like a light. Woman loves her sleep and will not lose it. Also, lots of cuddles. She likes to snuggle something; blankets, pillows, her lover’s arm, you name it.
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e--mporium · 2 years
Thinking about sort of redefining what this blog is a about... I feel like Ive sorta fallen into a slot and would like to branch out with what I write and out in here.
I definitely have a weight gain kink, but I feel like it's closer to a transformation fetish like muscle growth or breast expansion than the umbrella of feedism, kinda? I would like to start exploring like transformation kinks, masculinization, feminization, bondage, domination and submission and inflation, pregnancy, etc here. And my vanilla sexuality. I am very attracted to fat men in a completely vanilla capacity and I feel by focusing my sort of main nsfw venue on weight gain it makes it kind of hard for me to feel good about expressing that desire here, because I have a sexuality separate from that I want to express as well, and by defining myself as centered on wg, it's hard to feel respectful or earnest expressing the large part of my sexuality that is attracted to fat men outside of like, having gained weight. Obviously, I'm always going to be interested in gaining and there's nothing wrong with that, but I'm almost seeing what new contours and crossovers I can discover by opening up this up to all the things I'm into, and also to maybe open the interaction I can have with other nsfw blogs and offering a wider range lol. I am inspired by all the blogs making their own micro kinks by putting it all out there when they have a mixed bag of fantasies. I might just do this and decide yeah, I can straightforwardly say I'm only interested in gaining and admiring and that's ok, but I guess I want to branch out and alow myself to post outside of one identity. I don't mean this at all to imply that other people in feedism don't have varied sexualities and I'm not like others, more just a switch in my own perspective where I am trying to remove labels and see what I learn. Anyhow. .
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imarksimon · 1 year
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Tips to lose baby weight after pregnancy
Every pregnancy is distinct, and every woman's experience with baby weight removal is also diverse. Most new mothers lose half of their pregnancy weight in the first six weeks, with the remaining weight coming off during the subsequent weeks and months. For more details visit us: https://biminibodycontouring.com.au/packages/post-pregnancy-baby-bouncy-back/
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pureaesthetics41 · 10 months
Pregnancy brings changes to a woman's body, but Pure Aesthetics offers tailored solutions. Our post-pregnancy procedures are highly customizable, addressing individual needs. We prioritize shorter recovery times, helping you return to your daily routine quickly. Common options include tummy tucks, breast procedures, liposuction, facial surgery, and non-surgical enhancements. Regain your confidence with our expert care.
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Tummy Tuck Surgery at NV Aesthetics And Dental Hub offers advanced cosmetic procedures to sculpt and refine abdominal contours. Located in Jaipur, this renowned clinic specializes in abdominoplasty, providing personalized treatments to achieve a slimmer, toned abdomen. Whether for post-pregnancy restoration or weight loss, their expert surgeons ensure safe and effective results tailored to individual needs, making NV Aesthetics And Dental Hub a trusted destination for transformative Tummy Tuck Surgery in Jaipur .
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mdsgrp · 6 days
Achieve Your Dream Body with a Tummy Tuck at Maryland Specialty Group
Are you struggling to achieve a flat and toned abdomen despite your best efforts with diet and exercise? At MDS, we offer the transformative Tummy Tuck procedure in Maryland to help you achieve the body you desire.
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A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a popular cosmetic surgery designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen while tightening the underlying muscles. This procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals who have experienced significant weight loss or for women post-pregnancy, as it addresses both aesthetic and functional concerns.
Our skilled surgeons at Maryland Specialty Group use the latest techniques to ensure minimal scarring and a faster recovery. During the procedure, an incision is made along the lower abdomen, allowing the surgeon to remove excess skin and fat. The abdominal muscles are then tightened, creating a firmer and flatter stomach. The result is a more contoured and youthful appearance.
Patients can expect a significant boost in confidence and comfort following a tummy tuck. Recovery times vary, but most individuals can return to normal activities within a few weeks. Our dedicated team provides comprehensive aftercare to support you throughout your healing journey.
Ready to transform your body and boost your confidence? Contact Maryland Specialty Group today to schedule your consultation and learn more about how a tummy tuck can help you achieve your dream body.
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markeduke · 7 days
Achieve Your Dream Abdominal Contour with Kansas Plastic Surgery
In the pursuit of a toned and flat abdomen, many individuals find themselves facing a frustrating roadblock despite their best efforts in diet and exercise. For those seeking a solution beyond the limitations of traditional methods, Kansas Plastic Surgery (KPS) presents a tailored approach through our specialized tummy tuck procedures. Led by the expertise of Dr. Schoonover, we offer two distinct options – the traditional tummy tuck wichita ks and if you looking for  revolutionary drainless tummy tuck near me – both designed to sculpt your desired abdominal appearance and enhance your confidence.
At KPS, we recognize that achieving the desired abdominal contour goes beyond mere weight loss. Factors such as genetics, pregnancy, and aging can contribute to excess skin and weakened abdominal muscles, making it challenging to attain a toned midsection. Our customized tummy tuck wichita procedures and tummy tuck cost wichita ks address these concerns by effectively removing surplus fat and skin, resulting in a smoother and more defined silhouette.
The traditional tummy tuck, a well-established surgical technique, involves making an incision along the lower abdomen to access underlying tissues. Excess fat and skin are meticulously removed, and weakened abdominal muscles may be tightened to restore core strength and stability. While highly effective, this method typically requires the placement of draining tubes post-operatively to prevent fluid accumulation.
For those seeking best tummy tuck surgeon near me, KPS offers the innovative drainless tummy tuck cost affordable. This advanced approach and affordable tummy tuck wichita, ks cost eliminates the need for post-operative draining tubes, allowing for a more comfortable and expedited recovery period. So, if you are in search of tummy tuck dr near me, check Dr. Schoonover, as he utilizes specialized surgical techniques and advanced technology to minimize trauma to the tissues, reducing the risk of fluid buildup and enhancing patient comfort.
During your consultation at KPS, Dr. Schoonover will conduct a thorough assessment of your individual needs and aesthetic goals with reasonable tummy tuck cost wichita, ks. Factors such as your medical history, body composition, and desired outcome will be carefully considered to determine the most suitable tummy tuck option for you in very resonable tummy tuck cost kansas city. Our goal is to provide personalized care and guidance every step of the way, ensuring that you are fully informed and confident in your decision.
If you are worried about how much is a tummy tuck in kansas? we have two opt for you the traditional tummy tuck or the drainless alternative, you can choose which ever suits your budget and you can trust that you are in expert hands at KPS. Dr. Schoonover is renowned for his surgical skill, attention to detail, and commitment to patient satisfaction. With his guidance, you can rest assured that your tummy tuck procedure will be performed with the utmost precision and care, yielding beautiful and natural-looking results.
Beyond the physical transformation, undergoing a tummy tuck at KPS can have a profound impact on your self-esteem and quality of life. Many of our patients report feeling more confident and comfortable in their own skin following surgery, allowing them to fully embrace life with renewed vitality and enthusiasm.
If you are ready to take the first step towards achieving your desired abdominal appearance, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Schoonover at Kansas Plastic Surgery. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process with compassion and expertise. Together, we can help you realize your dream of a toned and sculpted abdomen, enhancing both your physical appearance and overall well-being. Contact us today and embark on your journey to a more confident you.
[Related site1] [Related site2]
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drvinodvij · 10 days
Mastering Aesthetic Excellence: Dr. Vinod Vij's Expertise in Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, and Rhinoplasty 
 Dr. Vinod Vij, a renowned specialist in plastic and cosmetic surgery, understands that many individuals struggle to find time for the gym or to follow strict diets due to their busy schedules. Liposuction in Navi Mumbai For those looking for effective fat reduction options without the need for extensive exercise or dietary changes, Dr. Vij recommends several modern and minimally invasive procedures.
CoolSculpting: This is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat cells. It's ideal for targeting specific areas like the abdomen, flanks, and thighs without downtime.
Liposuction: For more significant fat reduction, Best Liposuction In Mumbai can be an effective option. This surgical procedure involves the removal of fat deposits through small incisions, resulting in a more contoured appearance.
Laser Lipolysis: A minimally invasive procedure that uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells before they are removed, promoting skin tightening and reducing recovery time.
Ultrasound Cavitation: This non-invasive treatment uses ultrasonic waves to break down fat cells, which are then naturally processed and eliminated by the body.
Radiofrequency Fat Reduction: This method utilizes radiofrequency energy to heat and destroy fat cells, stimulating collagen production for firmer skin.
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Dr. Vij emphasizes the importance of consulting with a qualified specialist to determine the most suitable option based on individual needs and medical history. These advanced treatments provide effective solutions for those seeking to reduce fat without the need for strenuous exercise or strict diets.
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Consider Liposuction Surgery with the experienced Dr. Vinod Vij. Liposuction can help sculpt your body and target those stubborn fat areas that just won’t budge, no matter how much you exercise or diet.
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With a comprehensive approach to aesthetic surgery, Dr. Vij ensures that each patient receives personalized treatment tailored to their specific needs and goals. The tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is one of his specialties, designed to remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen while tightening the underlying muscles. This procedure is ideal for individuals who have struggled with stubborn belly fat that doesn't respond to diet or exercise, or for those who have experienced significant weight loss or post-pregnancy changes.navi mumbai, Vashi, Nerul, Belapur 
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epcysblog · 11 days
Achieving Your Dream Body: Abdominoplasty Surgery Explained
Dreaming of a sculpted abdomen and a more confident you? Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, might be the solution you’ve been seeking. This transformative cosmetic surgery is designed to tighten and tone the abdominal area, helping individuals achieve their desired body shape. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the details of abdominoplasty Abdominoplasty surgery in Turkey, exploring its benefits, procedure, recovery process, and why it’s become a popular choice for those striving to attain their dream body.
Understanding Abdominoplasty:
Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance of the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat while tightening the abdominal muscles. It’s an ideal option for individuals who struggle with loose, sagging skin or weakened abdominal muscles, often due to factors like pregnancy, significant weight loss, or aging.
The Procedure:
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Benefits of Abdominoplasty:
The benefits of abdominoplasty extend beyond aesthetic improvements. By eliminating excess skin and fat, abdominoplasty can alleviate discomfort caused by chafing and irritation. It can also improve posture and core strength by restoring abdominal muscle integrity. Additionally, many individuals experience a boost in self-confidence and body image following abdominoplasty, leading to enhanced overall well-being.
Recovery Process:
Following abdominoplasty surgery, patients can expect some initial discomfort and swelling, which can be managed with pain medication and compression garments. It’s essential to follow post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon to promote proper healing and minimize complications. While recovery times vary, most patients can return to light activities within a few weeks and resume normal exercise routines after several weeks to months.
Why Choose Abdominoplasty Surgery:
Abdominoplasty offers a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking to address stubborn abdominal concerns that cannot be improved through diet and exercise alone. With its ability to sculpt and contour the abdomen, abdominoplasty empowers individuals to achieve their desired body shape and reclaim their confidence. Moreover, advancements in surgical techniques have made abdominoplasty safer and more effective than ever before, making it an appealing option for those considering cosmetic surgery.
Embarking on the journey to your dream body is a significant decision, and abdominoplasty surgery can be a transformative step towards achieving your goals. By understanding the procedure, benefits, and recovery process, you can make an informed decision about whether abdominoplasty is right for you. If you’re ready to sculpt your abdomen and enhance your confidence, consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to explore your options and take the first step towards achieving your dream body.
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