#Post Incorporation Reg.
mothwitch-arcanum · 7 months
Reverse 1999 x MLP AU Idea!
So! I said I had this in my drafts for a while but I just realized it was weirdly formatted so I'm redoing everything.
everything here was inspired by this post/fanart and the characters will be mostly based on them! with a few extra mixed in.
First off, Context! While this is more based on Gen 4 (Friendship is Magic), it does feel a bit of a Gen 5 derivative in that it's supposed to be future Equestria.
The Alicorn Princesses and the Element of Harmony are long gone, simply a distant memory in the minds of many of today's ponies. Equestria since then have not had any one or two princesses to rule, however remnants of the old kingdom still persist. The Twilight Foundation as well as The School for the Primary Defence of Ponykind (SPDP) were founded by old members of Princess Twilight's court and Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns respectively, and made as a response to a prophecy which was uncovered that said on the last day of the 2nd millennium since Princess Luna's banishment, a great calamity will befall upon Equestria which will turn the land of ponies back to how it once was. And so on the last day of the year 1999, time stood still and started reversing everything. Nopony was safe from it's effects... except for one. Her name was Invert Tempo. The Timekeeper, of the Twilight Foundation.
(characters and more under the cut)
Characters! (Ponified edition!)
(These are just names I personally came up with. If a better suggestion comes for any of them then I shall consider changing it)
Invert Tempo - Vertin (Earth pony) I saw a post once that said Vertin was just an anagram of Invert and I really wanted to incorporate that. Tempo was the suggestion of a friend, which relates to her musical inclination. or a shortened for of temporal which... y'know... fits very well
Sonnet "Sonetto" Moon - Sonetto (Unicorn) Honestly Sonetto is already a good pony name, but I wanted to give her a name akin to Twilight (There's a few parallels with those two not just in the post above), hence Sonnet Moon with Sonetto being a nickname.
"Captain R3G" Applecore - Regulus (Earth Pony) Applecore was actually the first name I came up with out of anything here because Regulus definately feels like she could be part of the Apple Family, maybe not directly Applejack's lineage though. I actually had a harder time with her nickname (Heavily inspired by Vinyl aka DJ Pon3)
Mistilteinn - Druvis III (Unicorn) She holds a bouquet of mistletoe, mistilteinn is literally just mistletoe... I could not NOT have her named after it. Also that can give her the nickname Mistil which sounds cute and cool!
Southern Breeze - Sotheby (Pegasus) Honestly I mostly picked this cause it was close sounding to Sotheby. Like you could also argue Sotheby could be a nickname because So(u)the(rn) B(r)ee(ze).
Morning Lillies - Lilya (Pegasus) This one also didn't have much thought put into it, just that Yellow = Sun = Morning and Lilya = Lillies and Morning Lillies sounded pony enough.
Bonus characters!
Dikke (who was featured in the post) is Silver Scale (unicorn)
Mr. APPLe is still the same as canon
Mr. Karson is Mr. Carton Box (earth pony) cause it sounds close
Schneider is Orange Blossom (Half Pony Half Changeling(I'll touch on this in a bit!))
Matilda (unicorn) I have no name for yet as well as Madam Z (kirin) and Constantine (maybe Pegasus) (suggestions welcome!)
Arcana is either a Draconequus or Changeling Queen and Forget-me-not is an Earth Pony
Because of magic shenaniganry after the alicorns disappeared, earth ponies and pegasi can now use magic much like unicorns, but only a few of them. Some unicorns also lost their magic because of this hence a divide in "Normal" ponies and Arcanist ponies.
Applecore is a part of the very large Apple Family and runs Radio APPLe on her ship much like in canon. She also doesn't like people calling her by her real name so she goes Captain, Reg, or Reggy most of the time.
Mr. APPLe is a result of one of Applecore's experimentation in alchemy.
Orange Blossom is the filly of someone from the Orange Family and a Changeling, making her a half pony half changeling hybrid which also gives her minor shape shifting abilities.
being part of the Orange family also means technically Orange Blossom is distantly related to Applecore.
perhaps later on I shall add more but for now this is basically the gist of my ideas. Their cutie marks especially cause I wanna brainstorm what those could be like.
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luninosity · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! Tagged by @estrellami-1 - thank you, my dear! <3 Let's see, fanfic specifically, not original works, I imagine...well, I've got a lot! The question is, which... Okay, these are just my personal favs, not even necessarily the ones I think might be the best-written, and I'm also excluding co-authored fic because that would be a very different list! (For one thing, Amateur Cartography, with Reg....) 1. straight from your heart (Stucky) - lots of people seem to like this one (thank you!) and I do too - I love recovering!Bucky stories, I loved the premise (it was written for a fest prompt), and I love the idea of Steve and Bucky working out what they want to incorporate, and play with, and reclaim, as far as identities (and, okay, some kink; it's me!). 2. Like Sugar (Evanstan; series) - okay, this is probably cheating because it's a whole series, but I can't separate them! This might be the thing people know me for most, maybe, and it was at the time the longest and most detailed story I'd ever written, and one of those that was (mostly) easy to write - words and scenes just turned up and flowed. I sometimes go back and reread my writing and am honestly impressed by myself. I do love this whole giant thing. 3. tempt me, tease me (leave me breathless) & (baby won't you please) run your fingers through my hair (both Evanstan, both sort of gentle kink) - okay, this is also kind of cheating, because they're two separate stories - except they're sort of linked, in my head? They have vaguely similar premises, about Chris discovering some things about Seb's preferences, and love confessions, and kink, and comfort, and...I don't know, they just have a similar 'feel' to my writer-brain. They both have specific lines that I've put on "top ten favorite sentences I've written" lists before, and I love my writing at this point. 4. never mind the why and wherefore (Johnny Storm/TJ Hammond Fantastic Four/Political Animals no-powers AU crossover) - this is an odd random one but I genuinely love it! In the category of "stories I never expected to write"...and then friends made me think about it...and then suddenly it practically wrote itself and I had 45k of story. One of the best and most unexpected and consequently wonderful writing experiences I've ever had, plus of course TJ deserves all the happiness! 5. Know That It's True (Cherik, X-Men: First Class era) - pulling out a real old-school one: this was my first-ever X-Men fic! Well, to be fair, that depends on how you count - it's the first one I started writing, but then I stopped and wrote and finished something else short, and then went back to this one! These days my writing style has evolved a bit, and there're some things I'd do differently - but the sheer sense of fun to it, the absolute joy, the "oh gosh YES" rush of feels while writing, posting, being so nervous about it as a new(ish) writer...oh, I love it. And I tumbled into so many communities and friendships and fan events and fests and, oh, the shared love - really, without this, I don't know where I'd be. So that's always got to be on a list of favorites. *hugs you all* Tagging people, oh, let's see... @musette22 @significantowl @ninemoons42 @thebestpersonherelovesbucky @rozf and anyone else who wants to! love you!
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zaunite-leo · 1 year
𝓦𝓱𝔂, 𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮!
Welcome to my first blog here on tumblr! Thank you for stumbling across my account. While you’re here, allow me to introduce myself.
『About the writer
My name is Sam, and I am the creator of this Semi-selective roleplay account. My pronouns are he / him. I ask that you use that when referring to me. I am 21 years old, and have been writing for over nine years now. I am very passionate about the multiple fandoms I am apart of and am eager to learn more about them to better portray my muses. This is a multi-muse account, you can expect to see a post regarding each muse’s information soon! (Please be patient as this account is under heavy construction)
I write in a 3rd person literate novella style. While my responses may vary from time to time, I will try to keep my replies at least 3 paragraphs long. Please Keep in mind that my replies will vary on how busy I am that day, and how much I am given. Just try your best and have fun!
I personally prefer to write either in discord or in private DM’s, though we could always figure something out if there is another platform you prefer.
You can find me on discord as @haashunter#6005
『Current muses and fandoms
1. I will not write with anyone under the age of 18! For my replies 𝘮𝘢𝘺 include;
The use of strong language, graphic violence, and in-depth descriptions of topics not suitable for children. (𝘐.𝘨. 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘦, 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘸𝘭, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘴𝘧𝘵 𝘵𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘴, 𝘦𝘵𝘤.) 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦. 𝘈𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴!
2. Absolutely no God-modding
I will not under any circumstances use my muse nor my writing to force upon a decision or action against your own. I only ask only for the same amount of respect. If there is something you wish to incorporate in the story I would prefer to be contacted outside of writing to figure out a way to interject it into the plot.
3. I will not tolerate any hate speech or bullying.
Out of respect for both of us, I would ask that we keep both politics and religion to ourselves. Especially so if wanting to use it to harm me or any other user of this platform. Unless explicitly left between muses or as a plot device. Which would’ve been given the ‘okay’ to do so beforehand. However, slurs of any kind will NOT be tolerated inside or outside of roleplay.
4. Please be respectful.
I ask that you return the same amount of respect I give you. If one of us feels uncomfortable with certain topics, we will respect boundaries such as these to keep writing fun for the both of us. After all, roleplay is meant as a fun pastime let’s try to keep it that way! :)
5. Please notify me if you will be unable to continue a roleplay, or If you will take longer than 2 weeks to reply.
This is rather self-explanatory. There is no need to notify me that you may be a bit late to reply, or if you are unable to reply within the next few days. We both have a life outside of writing after all! That being said, if at any point you loose muse for the roleplay or decide it is no longer fun please notify me! Maybe we could work something out to fix the issue.
6. I will not write SA or R*pe of any kind.
This is one heavy topic I will never write. Similarly I never want to see or involve it in any roleplay I am in. If at any time there is a mention of S*xual assault within the roleplay it will lead to a reminder.. If it happens more than once I will no longer be writing with you. This topic makes me incredibly uncomfortable, so please try to understand. I will show you the same respect when avoiding any triggers of your own. :)
7. Please no one sentence replies.
I understand everyone’s muse may fluctuate and similarly might the time you can devote to writing. However, I put effort into what I write and have taken time to better my understanding of the lore regarding the universe our characters are apart of. While I do not expect the length of my replies to be matched, I ask that you give me at least 2 paragraphs. So I can give you a reply I am proud of.
With all that in mind, please don’t hesitate to reach out and say hello! I cannot wait to meet you! :)
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Online trading scam broker called FSM Smart is part of an incredibly large scam group, rarely spoken of or systematically exposed, due to many illegal unconnected brands and quite complicated and fluid network of shells, off-shores, PSPs and BPOs worldwide. Indeed smartly put, the name serves them well. At the time, the Fintelegram did a good job in exposing some parts and initiating the public attention, that was previously restricted to warnings to particular brands and occasional info scattered across many different forums. Apparently, they had problems because of it. However, the full story is yet to be told. We hope to bring more clarity and tie the missing parts. For sure it will not be a complete report, but joint efforts bear fruits, eventually. The full story should be revealed by the Law, not us or others. So far, the representatives of the law have done very little, mainly due to scheme’s multi jurisdictional and transnational nature.
The beneficial owner(s) are well hidden and this vast group obviously has no intention to stop. We shall try to do our best to unmask this ‘giant’ as much as possible. For the purpose of clarity, we shall generically call them ‘’the FSM scheme’’ since its brand FSM Smart is probably the biggest and longest standing one. This thread will be quite long and posted in successive parts, due to the size on info we aim to display on FPA, so you are warned that it will take patience and attention to follow. No shortcuts here or easy solutions.
The named ‘FSM scheme’ is comprised of (up to now known) following scam brands/trading styles: 1. MTI Markets www.mtimarkets.com 2. TradingBanks www.grizzly-ltd.com also t/a www.tradingbanks.com (own trade platform+TradingBanks) 3. MX Trade www.mxtrade.com 4. Trade12 www.trade12.com 5. HQBroker www.hqbroker.com (up to this thread, probably never associated to FSM Smart brand before) 6. FSM Smart www.fsmsmart.com, www.fsmsmarts.com, www.it.fsmsmart.net, www.fsmsmart-ltd.com
We are positive that more brands are involved or were a part of this. This organization is truly like an Octopus. But as any other such group, made the same mistakes when registering various companies and using 3rd parties providers, leaving traces behind. Now days, scammers are much more cautious, in general, as there is more focus on scams, narrowing down their operating boundaries. First brand operator of MX Trade scam appeared to be a 2014 est.&CySEC regulated/FCA-passport company R Capital Solutions Ltd, FCA, CySEC, CY registrar. Owner was a Romanian citizen residing in Cyprus, Mr. Victor Florin Safta, who had another linked company in the UK, F Capital Solutions LtdCompanies House Reg. CySEC regulated R Capital Solutions claimed they never operated MX Trade by issuing a public statement:
Anyhow, whoever the scam operator was, once compromised, quickly switched to 2014 est.&Belize incorporated Lau Global Services Corpwww.lgs-corp.com (now defunct BZ reg.search) operating MX Trade as of April 2015 (per T&C archive) which is a standard next step that all scammers make, when the brand is exposed. Lau Global was a full scam from day one, FB page still online, ASIC warning, CySEC warningIFSC warning, FSMA warning revealing that deposits went to Taris Financial Corp, not present in offshore leaks, Cypriot, Vanuatu, Belize or Marshal Islands registers, but with bank account in Cyprus, meaning it had to be incorporated somewhere to obtain a bank account. Possible best match via google search would be a few companies named Taris from Riga, Latvia, or Sofia, Bulgaria, but it’s just a random speculation with no actual meaning, or any insinuation towards those companies. Whatever it is, it’s obvious that they continued a scam. Lau Global, thanks to ICIJ offshore leaks, can be de-masked fully: Offshoreleaks-LauGlobal. Lau Global was the sole shareholder of 2014 Malta-incorporated Grizzly Ltd. Looks like the entire structure from the start was prepared in 2014 and, once the time came, just relocated, implying a plan/intention, from the start. Grizzly Ltd has one owner, Mr. Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, an Israeli national, with Philippines address, per offshore leaks. This was very indicative to us, as we had the information some time ago to pursue some lawyers and Philippines call centers direction, to get to the bottom of this scheme setup. So we did. Others who looked into this information just continued with having a name from offshore leaks, but no more. Let’s have a look at this Mr Avshalom more, shall we?
In offshore leaks, Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, linked to Philippines and Israel residency addresses, is the director and legal/judicial representative of Malta based Quick Solutions Ltd (2014) and Grizzly Ltd (2015), with his registered address (another company): BSD Trading Service Corp, Office O5M, Berthaphil Compound, Jose Abad Santos Avenue, Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines. Quick Solutions is owned by Belize IBC called High Moon International Inc, while Grizzly Ltd is owned by Belize IBC Lau Global Service Corp. Both Grizzly and Quick solutions have the identical Malta address registered. Back to business. Following the trail of the lawyer and the Philippines address, we land at Pampanga, PH. A well-known place for numerous call-centers, as well as India for example, again industry-wide known facts. Truly a lot of customer care offices for hundreds of different businesses, an army of cheap multilingual workforce. Over the years, we all witnessed even some police raids to scam call centers, over there they even announce it on TV, with full press conference and detained agent’s close-ups on national frequencies. As for our story, the address in offshore leaks revealed Mr. Avshalom’s Pampanga address for BSD Trade Services Corp or rather, BSD Trading Services Corp. BSD Trading/Trade Serv. Corp is actually a Philippines BPO, a call-center, however incorporated in Singapore. Going back to already explained ties to BSD Trade Services Corp issue, a closer look at its nonfunctional website via domain-data tools, after checking this job add: call center job advertisement, one can learn quite a lot. Actually, too much… BSD Trade Services Corp domainbigdata check. The company registered a domain indicating a HK incorporation, domain is not privately registered but via the company (!), name and phone of the registrant also indicated, registrant’s name (2015) Mr. Richard Bula. Mr. Bula holds 31 registrations in his name, per same tool search: R-Bula-domain-registrations and the results are shocking, to say the least.
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growthandsuccesss · 4 years
Exposing The 'FSM SCHEME'
Online trading scam broker called FSM Smart is part of an incredibly large scam group, rarely spoken of or systematically exposed, due to many illegal unconnected brands and quite complicated and fluid network of shells, off-shores, PSPs and BPOs worldwide. Indeed smartly put, the name serves them well. At the time, the Fintelegram did a good job in exposing some parts and initiating the public attention, that was previously restricted to warnings to particular brands and occasional info scattered across many different forums. Apparently, they had problems because of it. However, the full story is yet to be told. We hope to bring more clarity and tie the missing parts. For sure it will not be a complete report, but joint efforts bear fruits, eventually. The full story should be revealed by the Law, not us or others. So far, the representatives of the law have done very little, mainly due to scheme’s multi jurisdictional and transnational nature.
The beneficial owner(s) are well hidden and this vast group obviously has no intention to stop. We shall try to do our best to unmask this ‘giant’ as much as possible. For the purpose of clarity, we shall generically call them ‘’the FSM scheme’’ since its brand FSM Smart is probably the biggest and longest standing one. This thread will be quite long and posted in successive parts, due to the size on info we aim to display on FPA, so you are warned that it will take patience and attention to follow. No shortcuts here or easy solutions.
The named ‘FSM scheme’ is comprised of (up to now known) following scam brands/trading styles: 1. MTI Markets www.mtimarkets.com 2. TradingBanks www.grizzly-ltd.com also t/a www.tradingbanks.com (own trade platform+TradingBanks) 3. MX Trade www.mxtrade.com 4. Trade12 www.trade12.com 5. HQBroker www.hqbroker.com (up to this thread, probably never associated to FSM Smart brand before) 6. FSM Smart www.fsmsmart.com, www.fsmsmarts.com, www.it.fsmsmart.net, www.fsmsmart-ltd.com
We are positive that more brands are involved or were a part of this. This organization is truly like an Octopus. But as any other such group, made the same mistakes when registering various companies and using 3rd parties providers, leaving traces behind. Now days, scammers are much more cautious, in general, as there is more focus on scams, narrowing down their operating boundaries. First brand operator of MX Trade scam appeared to be a 2014 est.&CySEC regulated/FCA-passport company R Capital Solutions Ltd, FCA, CySEC, CY registrar. Owner was a Romanian citizen residing in Cyprus, Mr. Victor Florin Safta, who had another linked company in the UK, F Capital Solutions LtdCompanies House Reg. CySEC regulated R Capital Solutions claimed they never operated MX Trade by issuing a public statement:
Anyhow, whoever the scam operator was, once compromised, quickly switched to 2014 est.&Belize incorporated Lau Global Services Corpwww.lgs-corp.com (now defunct BZ reg.search) operating MX Trade as of April 2015 (per T&C archive) which is a standard next step that all scammers make, when the brand is exposed. Lau Global was a full scam from day one, FB page still online, ASIC warning, CySEC warningIFSC warning, FSMA warning revealing that deposits went to Taris Financial Corp, not present in offshore leaks, Cypriot, Vanuatu, Belize or Marshal Islands registers, but with bank account in Cyprus, meaning it had to be incorporated somewhere to obtain a bank account. Possible best match via google search would be a few companies named Taris from Riga, Latvia, or Sofia, Bulgaria, but it’s just a random speculation with no actual meaning, or any insinuation towards those companies. Whatever it is, it’s obvious that they continued a scam. Lau Global, thanks to ICIJ offshore leaks, can be de-masked fully: Offshoreleaks-LauGlobal. Lau Global was the sole shareholder of 2014 Malta-incorporated Grizzly Ltd. Looks like the entire structure from the start was prepared in 2014 and, once the time came, just relocated, implying a plan/intention, from the start. Grizzly Ltd has one owner, Mr. Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, an Israeli national, with Philippines address, per offshore leaks. This was very indicative to us, as we had the information some time ago to pursue some lawyers and Philippines call centers direction, to get to the bottom of this scheme setup. So we did. Others who looked into this information just continued with having a name from offshore leaks, but no more. Let’s have a look at this Mr Avshalom more, shall we?
In offshore leaks, Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, linked to Philippines and Israel residency addresses, is the director and legal/judicial representative of Malta based Quick Solutions Ltd (2014) and Grizzly Ltd (2015), with his registered address (another company): BSD Trading Service Corp, Office O5M, Berthaphil Compound, Jose Abad Santos Avenue, Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines. Quick Solutions is owned by Belize IBC called High Moon International Inc, while Grizzly Ltd is owned by Belize IBC Lau Global Service Corp. Both Grizzly and Quick solutions have the identical Malta address registered. Back to business. Following the trail of the lawyer and the Philippines address, we land at Pampanga, PH. A well-known place for numerous call-centers, as well as India for example, again industry-wide known facts. Truly a lot of customer care offices for hundreds of different businesses, an army of cheap multilingual workforce. Over the years, we all witnessed even some police raids to scam call centers, over there they even announce it on TV, with full press conference and detained agent’s close-ups on national frequencies. As for our story, the address in offshore leaks revealed Mr. Avshalom’s Pampanga address for BSD Trade Services Corp or rather, BSD Trading Services Corp. BSD Trading/Trade Serv. Corp is actually a Philippines BPO, a call-center, however incorporated in Singapore. Going back to already explained ties to BSD Trade Services Corp issue, a closer look at its nonfunctional website via domain-data tools, after checking this job add: call center job advertisement, one can learn quite a lot. Actually, too much… BSD Trade Services Corp domainbigdata check. The company registered a domain indicating a HK incorporation, domain is not privately registered but via the company (!), name and phone of the registrant also indicated, registrant’s name (2015) Mr. Richard Bula. Mr. Bula holds 31 registrations in his name, per same tool search: R-Bula-domain-registrations and the results are shocking, to say the least.
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wealthnarratives · 3 years
Exposing The 'FSM SCHEME'
Online trading scam broker called FSM Smart is part of an incredibly large scam group, rarely spoken of or systematically exposed, due to many illegal unconnected brands and quite complicated and fluid network of shells, off-shores, PSPs and BPOs worldwide. Indeed smartly put, the name serves them well. At the time, the Fintelegram did a good job in exposing some parts and initiating the public attention, that was previously restricted to warnings to particular brands and occasional info scattered across many different forums. Apparently, they had problems because of it. However, the full story is yet to be told. We hope to bring more clarity and tie the missing parts. For sure it will not be a complete report, but joint efforts bear fruits, eventually. The full story should be revealed by the Law, not us or others. So far, the representatives of the law have done very little, mainly due to scheme’s multi jurisdictional and transnational nature.
The beneficial owner(s) are well hidden and this vast group obviously has no intention to stop. We shall try to do our best to unmask this ‘giant’ as much as possible. For the purpose of clarity, we shall generically call them ‘’the FSM scheme’’ since its brand FSM Smart is probably the biggest and longest standing one. This thread will be quite long and posted in successive parts, due to the size on info we aim to display on FPA, so you are warned that it will take patience and attention to follow. No shortcuts here or easy solutions.
The named ‘FSM scheme’ is comprised of (up to now known) following scam brands/trading styles: 1. MTI Markets www.mtimarkets.com 2. TradingBanks www.grizzly-ltd.com also t/a www.tradingbanks.com (own trade platform+TradingBanks) 3. MX Trade www.mxtrade.com 4. Trade12 www.trade12.com 5. HQBroker www.hqbroker.com (up to this thread, probably never associated to FSM Smart brand before) 6. FSM Smart www.fsmsmart.com, www.fsmsmarts.com, www.it.fsmsmart.net, www.fsmsmart-ltd.com
We are positive that more brands are involved or were a part of this. This organization is truly like an Octopus. But as any other such group, made the same mistakes when registering various companies and using 3rd parties providers, leaving traces behind. Now days, scammers are much more cautious, in general, as there is more focus on scams, narrowing down their operating boundaries. First brand operator of MX Trade scam appeared to be a 2014 est.&CySEC regulated/FCA-passport company R Capital Solutions Ltd, FCA, CySEC, CY registrar. Owner was a Romanian citizen residing in Cyprus, Mr. Victor Florin Safta, who had another linked company in the UK, F Capital Solutions LtdCompanies House Reg. CySEC regulated R Capital Solutions claimed they never operated MX Trade by issuing a public statement:
Anyhow, whoever the scam operator was, once compromised, quickly switched to 2014 est.&Belize incorporated Lau Global Services Corpwww.lgs-corp.com (now defunct BZ reg.search) operating MX Trade as of April 2015 (per T&C archive) which is a standard next step that all scammers make, when the brand is exposed. Lau Global was a full scam from day one, FB page still online, ASIC warning, CySEC warningIFSC warning, FSMA warning revealing that deposits went to Taris Financial Corp, not present in offshore leaks, Cypriot, Vanuatu, Belize or Marshal Islands registers, but with bank account in Cyprus, meaning it had to be incorporated somewhere to obtain a bank account. Possible best match via google search would be a few companies named Taris from Riga, Latvia, or Sofia, Bulgaria, but it’s just a random speculation with no actual meaning, or any insinuation towards those companies. Whatever it is, it’s obvious that they continued a scam. Lau Global, thanks to ICIJ offshore leaks, can be de-masked fully: Offshoreleaks-LauGlobal. Lau Global was the sole shareholder of 2014 Malta-incorporated Grizzly Ltd. Looks like the entire structure from the start was prepared in 2014 and, once the time came, just relocated, implying a plan/intention, from the start. Grizzly Ltd has one owner, Mr. Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, an Israeli national, with Philippines address, per offshore leaks. This was very indicative to us, as we had the information some time ago to pursue some lawyers and Philippines call centers direction, to get to the bottom of this scheme setup. So we did. Others who looked into this information just continued with having a name from offshore leaks, but no more. Let’s have a look at this Mr Avshalom more, shall we?
In offshore leaks, Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, linked to Philippines and Israel residency addresses, is the director and legal/judicial representative of Malta based Quick Solutions Ltd (2014) and Grizzly Ltd (2015), with his registered address (another company): BSD Trading Service Corp, Office O5M, Berthaphil Compound, Jose Abad Santos Avenue, Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines. Quick Solutions is owned by Belize IBC called High Moon International Inc, while Grizzly Ltd is owned by Belize IBC Lau Global Service Corp. Both Grizzly and Quick solutions have the identical Malta address registered. Back to business. Following the trail of the lawyer and the Philippines address, we land at Pampanga, PH. A well-known place for numerous call-centers, as well as India for example, again industry-wide known facts. Truly a lot of customer care offices for hundreds of different businesses, an army of cheap multilingual workforce. Over the years, we all witnessed even some police raids to scam call centers, over there they even announce it on TV, with full press conference and detained agent’s close-ups on national frequencies. As for our story, the address in offshore leaks revealed Mr. Avshalom’s Pampanga address for BSD Trade Services Corp or rather, BSD Trading Services Corp. BSD Trading/Trade Serv. Corp is actually a Philippines BPO, a call-center, however incorporated in Singapore. Going back to already explained ties to BSD Trade Services Corp issue, a closer look at its nonfunctional website via domain-data tools, after checking this job add: call center job advertisement, one can learn quite a lot. Actually, too much… BSD Trade Services Corp domainbigdata check. The company registered a domain indicating a HK incorporation, domain is not privately registered but via the company (!), name and phone of the registrant also indicated, registrant’s name (2015) Mr. Richard Bula. Mr. Bula holds 31 registrations in his name, per same tool search: R-Bula-domain-registrations and the results are shocking, to say the least.
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peakperformance7 · 1 month
Exposing The 'FSM SCHEME'
Online trading scam broker called FSM Smart is part of an incredibly large scam group, rarely spoken of or systematically exposed, due to many illegal unconnected brands and quite complicated and fluid network of shells, off-shores, PSPs and BPOs worldwide. Indeed smartly put, the name serves them well. At the time, the Fintelegram did a good job in exposing some parts and initiating the public attention, that was previously restricted to warnings to particular brands and occasional info scattered across many different forums. Apparently, they had problems because of it. However, the full story is yet to be told. We hope to bring more clarity and tie the missing parts. For sure it will not be a complete report, but joint efforts bear fruits, eventually. The full story should be revealed by the Law, not us or others. So far, the representatives of the law have done very little, mainly due to scheme’s multi jurisdictional and transnational nature.
The beneficial owner(s) are well hidden and this vast group obviously has no intention to stop. We shall try to do our best to unmask this ‘giant’ as much as possible. For the purpose of clarity, we shall generically call them ‘’the FSM scheme’’ since its brand FSM Smart is probably the biggest and longest standing one. This thread will be quite long and posted in successive parts, due to the size on info we aim to display on FPA, so you are warned that it will take patience and attention to follow. No shortcuts here or easy solutions.
The named ‘FSM scheme’ is comprised of (up to now known) following scam brands/trading styles: 1. MTI Markets www.mtimarkets.com 2. TradingBanks www.grizzly-ltd.com also t/a www.tradingbanks.com (own trade platform+TradingBanks) 3. MX Trade www.mxtrade.com 4. Trade12 www.trade12.com 5. HQBroker www.hqbroker.com (up to this thread, probably never associated to FSM Smart brand before) 6. FSM Smart www.fsmsmart.com, www.fsmsmarts.com, www.it.fsmsmart.net, www.fsmsmart-ltd.com
We are positive that more brands are involved or were a part of this. This organization is truly like an Octopus. But as any other such group, made the same mistakes when registering various companies and using 3rd parties providers, leaving traces behind. Now days, scammers are much more cautious, in general, as there is more focus on scams, narrowing down their operating boundaries. First brand operator of MX Trade scam appeared to be a 2014 est.&CySEC regulated/FCA-passport company R Capital Solutions Ltd, FCA, CySEC, CY registrar. Owner was a Romanian citizen residing in Cyprus, Mr. Victor Florin Safta, who had another linked company in the UK, F Capital Solutions LtdCompanies House Reg. CySEC regulated R Capital Solutions claimed they never operated MX Trade by issuing a public statement:
Anyhow, whoever the scam operator was, once compromised, quickly switched to 2014 est.&Belize incorporated Lau Global Services Corpwww.lgs-corp.com (now defunct BZ reg.search) operating MX Trade as of April 2015 (per T&C archive) which is a standard next step that all scammers make, when the brand is exposed. Lau Global was a full scam from day one, FB page still online, ASIC warning, CySEC warningIFSC warning, FSMA warning revealing that deposits went to Taris Financial Corp, not present in offshore leaks, Cypriot, Vanuatu, Belize or Marshal Islands registers, but with bank account in Cyprus, meaning it had to be incorporated somewhere to obtain a bank account. Possible best match via google search would be a few companies named Taris from Riga, Latvia, or Sofia, Bulgaria, but it’s just a random speculation with no actual meaning, or any insinuation towards those companies. Whatever it is, it’s obvious that they continued a scam. Lau Global, thanks to ICIJ offshore leaks, can be de-masked fully: Offshoreleaks-LauGlobal. Lau Global was the sole shareholder of 2014 Malta-incorporated Grizzly Ltd. Looks like the entire structure from the start was prepared in 2014 and, once the time came, just relocated, implying a plan/intention, from the start. Grizzly Ltd has one owner, Mr. Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, an Israeli national, with Philippines address, per offshore leaks. This was very indicative to us, as we had the information some time ago to pursue some lawyers and Philippines call centers direction, to get to the bottom of this scheme setup. So we did. Others who looked into this information just continued with having a name from offshore leaks, but no more. Let’s have a look at this Mr Avshalom more, shall we?
In offshore leaks, Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, linked to Philippines and Israel residency addresses, is the director and legal/judicial representative of Malta based Quick Solutions Ltd (2014) and Grizzly Ltd (2015), with his registered address (another company): BSD Trading Service Corp, Office O5M, Berthaphil Compound, Jose Abad Santos Avenue, Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines. Quick Solutions is owned by Belize IBC called High Moon International Inc, while Grizzly Ltd is owned by Belize IBC Lau Global Service Corp. Both Grizzly and Quick solutions have the identical Malta address registered. Back to business. Following the trail of the lawyer and the Philippines address, we land at Pampanga, PH. A well-known place for numerous call-centers, as well as India for example, again industry-wide known facts. Truly a lot of customer care offices for hundreds of different businesses, an army of cheap multilingual workforce. Over the years, we all witnessed even some police raids to scam call centers, over there they even announce it on TV, with full press conference and detained agent’s close-ups on national frequencies. As for our story, the address in offshore leaks revealed Mr. Avshalom’s Pampanga address for BSD Trade Services Corp or rather, BSD Trading Services Corp. BSD Trading/Trade Serv. Corp is actually a Philippines BPO, a call-center, however incorporated in Singapore. Going back to already explained ties to BSD Trade Services Corp issue, a closer look at its nonfunctional website via domain-data tools, after checking this job add: call center job advertisement, one can learn quite a lot. Actually, too much… BSD Trade Services Corp domainbigdata check. The company registered a domain indicating a HK incorporation, domain is not privately registered but via the company (!), name and phone of the registrant also indicated, registrant’s name (2015) Mr. Richard Bula. Mr. Bula holds 31 registrations in his name, per same tool search: R-Bula-domain-registrations and the results are shocking, to say the least.
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incrediblehorizons · 4 years
Exposing The 'FSM SCHEME'
Online trading scam broker called FSM Smart is part of an incredibly large scam group, rarely spoken of or systematically exposed, due to many illegal unconnected brands and quite complicated and fluid network of shells, off-shores, PSPs and BPOs worldwide. Indeed smartly put, the name serves them well. At the time, the Fintelegram did a good job in exposing some parts and initiating the public attention, that was previously restricted to warnings to particular brands and occasional info scattered across many different forums. Apparently, they had problems because of it. However, the full story is yet to be told. We hope to bring more clarity and tie the missing parts. For sure it will not be a complete report, but joint efforts bear fruits, eventually. The full story should be revealed by the Law, not us or others. So far, the representatives of the law have done very little, mainly due to scheme’s multi jurisdictional and transnational nature.
The beneficial owner(s) are well hidden and this vast group obviously has no intention to stop. We shall try to do our best to unmask this ‘giant’ as much as possible. For the purpose of clarity, we shall generically call them ‘’the FSM scheme’’ since its brand FSM Smart is probably the biggest and longest standing one. This thread will be quite long and posted in successive parts, due to the size on info we aim to display on FPA, so you are warned that it will take patience and attention to follow. No shortcuts here or easy solutions.
The named ‘FSM scheme’ is comprised of (up to now known) following scam brands/trading styles: 1. MTI Markets www.mtimarkets.com 2. TradingBanks www.grizzly-ltd.com also t/a www.tradingbanks.com (own trade platform+TradingBanks) 3. MX Trade www.mxtrade.com 4. Trade12 www.trade12.com 5. HQBroker www.hqbroker.com (up to this thread, probably never associated to FSM Smart brand before) 6. FSM Smart www.fsmsmart.com, www.fsmsmarts.com, www.it.fsmsmart.net, www.fsmsmart-ltd.com
We are positive that more brands are involved or were a part of this. This organization is truly like an Octopus. But as any other such group, made the same mistakes when registering various companies and using 3rd parties providers, leaving traces behind. Now days, scammers are much more cautious, in general, as there is more focus on scams, narrowing down their operating boundaries. First brand operator of MX Trade scam appeared to be a 2014 est.&CySEC regulated/FCA-passport company R Capital Solutions Ltd, FCA, CySEC, CY registrar. Owner was a Romanian citizen residing in Cyprus, Mr. Victor Florin Safta, who had another linked company in the UK, F Capital Solutions LtdCompanies House Reg. CySEC regulated R Capital Solutions claimed they never operated MX Trade by issuing a public statement:
Anyhow, whoever the scam operator was, once compromised, quickly switched to 2014 est.&Belize incorporated Lau Global Services Corpwww.lgs-corp.com (now defunct BZ reg.search) operating MX Trade as of April 2015 (per T&C archive) which is a standard next step that all scammers make, when the brand is exposed. Lau Global was a full scam from day one, FB page still online, ASIC warning, CySEC warningIFSC warning, FSMA warning revealing that deposits went to Taris Financial Corp, not present in offshore leaks, Cypriot, Vanuatu, Belize or Marshal Islands registers, but with bank account in Cyprus, meaning it had to be incorporated somewhere to obtain a bank account. Possible best match via google search would be a few companies named Taris from Riga, Latvia, or Sofia, Bulgaria, but it’s just a random speculation with no actual meaning, or any insinuation towards those companies. Whatever it is, it’s obvious that they continued a scam. Lau Global, thanks to ICIJ offshore leaks, can be de-masked fully: Offshoreleaks-LauGlobal. Lau Global was the sole shareholder of 2014 Malta-incorporated Grizzly Ltd. Looks like the entire structure from the start was prepared in 2014 and, once the time came, just relocated, implying a plan/intention, from the start. Grizzly Ltd has one owner, Mr. Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, an Israeli national, with Philippines address, per offshore leaks. This was very indicative to us, as we had the information some time ago to pursue some lawyers and Philippines call centers direction, to get to the bottom of this scheme setup. So we did. Others who looked into this information just continued with having a name from offshore leaks, but no more. Let’s have a look at this Mr Avshalom more, shall we?
In offshore leaks, Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, linked to Philippines and Israel residency addresses, is the director and legal/judicial representative of Malta based Quick Solutions Ltd (2014) and Grizzly Ltd (2015), with his registered address (another company): BSD Trading Service Corp, Office O5M, Berthaphil Compound, Jose Abad Santos Avenue, Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines. Quick Solutions is owned by Belize IBC called High Moon International Inc, while Grizzly Ltd is owned by Belize IBC Lau Global Service Corp. Both Grizzly and Quick solutions have the identical Malta address registered. Back to business. Following the trail of the lawyer and the Philippines address, we land at Pampanga, PH. A well-known place for numerous call-centers, as well as India for example, again industry-wide known facts. Truly a lot of customer care offices for hundreds of different businesses, an army of cheap multilingual workforce. Over the years, we all witnessed even some police raids to scam call centers, over there they even announce it on TV, with full press conference and detained agent’s close-ups on national frequencies. As for our story, the address in offshore leaks revealed Mr. Avshalom’s Pampanga address for BSD Trade Services Corp or rather, BSD Trading Services Corp. BSD Trading/Trade Serv. Corp is actually a Philippines BPO, a call-center, however incorporated in Singapore. Going back to already explained ties to BSD Trade Services Corp issue, a closer look at its nonfunctional website via domain-data tools, after checking this job add: call center job advertisement, one can learn quite a lot. Actually, too much… BSD Trade Services Corp domainbigdata check. The company registered a domain indicating a HK incorporation, domain is not privately registered but via the company (!), name and phone of the registrant also indicated, registrant’s name (2015) Mr. Richard Bula. Mr. Bula holds 31 registrations in his name, per same tool search: R-Bula-domain-registrations and the results are shocking, to say the least.
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cashchronicles · 3 years
Exposing The 'FSM SCHEME'
Online trading scam broker called FSM Smart is part of an incredibly large scam group, rarely spoken of or systematically exposed, due to many illegal unconnected brands and quite complicated and fluid network of shells, off-shores, PSPs and BPOs worldwide. Indeed smartly put, the name serves them well. At the time, the Fintelegram did a good job in exposing some parts and initiating the public attention, that was previously restricted to warnings to particular brands and occasional info scattered across many different forums. Apparently, they had problems because of it. However, the full story is yet to be told. We hope to bring more clarity and tie the missing parts. For sure it will not be a complete report, but joint efforts bear fruits, eventually. The full story should be revealed by the Law, not us or others. So far, the representatives of the law have done very little, mainly due to scheme’s multi jurisdictional and transnational nature.
The beneficial owner(s) are well hidden and this vast group obviously has no intention to stop. We shall try to do our best to unmask this ‘giant’ as much as possible. For the purpose of clarity, we shall generically call them ‘’the FSM scheme’’ since its brand FSM Smart is probably the biggest and longest standing one. This thread will be quite long and posted in successive parts, due to the size on info we aim to display on FPA, so you are warned that it will take patience and attention to follow. No shortcuts here or easy solutions.
The named ‘FSM scheme’ is comprised of (up to now known) following scam brands/trading styles: 1. MTI Markets www.mtimarkets.com 2. TradingBanks www.grizzly-ltd.com also t/a www.tradingbanks.com (own trade platform+TradingBanks) 3. MX Trade www.mxtrade.com 4. Trade12 www.trade12.com 5. HQBroker www.hqbroker.com (up to this thread, probably never associated to FSM Smart brand before) 6. FSM Smart www.fsmsmart.com, www.fsmsmarts.com, www.it.fsmsmart.net, www.fsmsmart-ltd.com
We are positive that more brands are involved or were a part of this. This organization is truly like an Octopus. But as any other such group, made the same mistakes when registering various companies and using 3rd parties providers, leaving traces behind. Now days, scammers are much more cautious, in general, as there is more focus on scams, narrowing down their operating boundaries. First brand operator of MX Trade scam appeared to be a 2014 est.&CySEC regulated/FCA-passport company R Capital Solutions Ltd, FCA, CySEC, CY registrar. Owner was a Romanian citizen residing in Cyprus, Mr. Victor Florin Safta, who had another linked company in the UK, F Capital Solutions LtdCompanies House Reg. CySEC regulated R Capital Solutions claimed they never operated MX Trade by issuing a public statement:
Anyhow, whoever the scam operator was, once compromised, quickly switched to 2014 est.&Belize incorporated Lau Global Services Corpwww.lgs-corp.com (now defunct BZ reg.search) operating MX Trade as of April 2015 (per T&C archive) which is a standard next step that all scammers make, when the brand is exposed. Lau Global was a full scam from day one, FB page still online, ASIC warning, CySEC warningIFSC warning, FSMA warning revealing that deposits went to Taris Financial Corp, not present in offshore leaks, Cypriot, Vanuatu, Belize or Marshal Islands registers, but with bank account in Cyprus, meaning it had to be incorporated somewhere to obtain a bank account. Possible best match via google search would be a few companies named Taris from Riga, Latvia, or Sofia, Bulgaria, but it’s just a random speculation with no actual meaning, or any insinuation towards those companies. Whatever it is, it’s obvious that they continued a scam. Lau Global, thanks to ICIJ offshore leaks, can be de-masked fully: Offshoreleaks-LauGlobal. Lau Global was the sole shareholder of 2014 Malta-incorporated Grizzly Ltd. Looks like the entire structure from the start was prepared in 2014 and, once the time came, just relocated, implying a plan/intention, from the start. Grizzly Ltd has one owner, Mr. Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, an Israeli national, with Philippines address, per offshore leaks. This was very indicative to us, as we had the information some time ago to pursue some lawyers and Philippines call centers direction, to get to the bottom of this scheme setup. So we did. Others who looked into this information just continued with having a name from offshore leaks, but no more. Let’s have a look at this Mr Avshalom more, shall we?
In offshore leaks, Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, linked to Philippines and Israel residency addresses, is the director and legal/judicial representative of Malta based Quick Solutions Ltd (2014) and Grizzly Ltd (2015), with his registered address (another company): BSD Trading Service Corp, Office O5M, Berthaphil Compound, Jose Abad Santos Avenue, Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines. Quick Solutions is owned by Belize IBC called High Moon International Inc, while Grizzly Ltd is owned by Belize IBC Lau Global Service Corp. Both Grizzly and Quick solutions have the identical Malta address registered. Back to business. Following the trail of the lawyer and the Philippines address, we land at Pampanga, PH. A well-known place for numerous call-centers, as well as India for example, again industry-wide known facts. Truly a lot of customer care offices for hundreds of different businesses, an army of cheap multilingual workforce. Over the years, we all witnessed even some police raids to scam call centers, over there they even announce it on TV, with full press conference and detained agent’s close-ups on national frequencies. As for our story, the address in offshore leaks revealed Mr. Avshalom’s Pampanga address for BSD Trade Services Corp or rather, BSD Trading Services Corp. BSD Trading/Trade Serv. Corp is actually a Philippines BPO, a call-center, however incorporated in Singapore. Going back to already explained ties to BSD Trade Services Corp issue, a closer look at its nonfunctional website via domain-data tools, after checking this job add: call center job advertisement, one can learn quite a lot. Actually, too much… BSD Trade Services Corp domainbigdata check. The company registered a domain indicating a HK incorporation, domain is not privately registered but via the company (!), name and phone of the registrant also indicated, registrant’s name (2015) Mr. Richard Bula. Mr. Bula holds 31 registrations in his name, per same tool search: R-Bula-domain-registrations and the results are shocking, to say the least.
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growthedge · 3 years
Exposing The 'FSM SCHEME'
Online trading scam broker called FSM Smart is part of an incredibly large scam group, rarely spoken of or systematically exposed, due to many illegal unconnected brands and quite complicated and fluid network of shells, off-shores, PSPs and BPOs worldwide. Indeed smartly put, the name serves them well. At the time, the Fintelegram did a good job in exposing some parts and initiating the public attention, that was previously restricted to warnings to particular brands and occasional info scattered across many different forums. Apparently, they had problems because of it. However, the full story is yet to be told. We hope to bring more clarity and tie the missing parts. For sure it will not be a complete report, but joint efforts bear fruits, eventually. The full story should be revealed by the Law, not us or others. So far, the representatives of the law have done very little, mainly due to scheme’s multi jurisdictional and transnational nature.
The beneficial owner(s) are well hidden and this vast group obviously has no intention to stop. We shall try to do our best to unmask this ‘giant’ as much as possible. For the purpose of clarity, we shall generically call them ‘’the FSM scheme’’ since its brand FSM Smart is probably the biggest and longest standing one. This thread will be quite long and posted in successive parts, due to the size on info we aim to display on FPA, so you are warned that it will take patience and attention to follow. No shortcuts here or easy solutions.
The named ‘FSM scheme’ is comprised of (up to now known) following scam brands/trading styles: 1. MTI Markets www.mtimarkets.com 2. TradingBanks www.grizzly-ltd.com also t/a www.tradingbanks.com (own trade platform+TradingBanks) 3. MX Trade www.mxtrade.com 4. Trade12 www.trade12.com 5. HQBroker www.hqbroker.com (up to this thread, probably never associated to FSM Smart brand before) 6. FSM Smart www.fsmsmart.com, www.fsmsmarts.com, www.it.fsmsmart.net, www.fsmsmart-ltd.com
We are positive that more brands are involved or were a part of this. This organization is truly like an Octopus. But as any other such group, made the same mistakes when registering various companies and using 3rd parties providers, leaving traces behind. Now days, scammers are much more cautious, in general, as there is more focus on scams, narrowing down their operating boundaries. First brand operator of MX Trade scam appeared to be a 2014 est.&CySEC regulated/FCA-passport company R Capital Solutions Ltd, FCA, CySEC, CY registrar. Owner was a Romanian citizen residing in Cyprus, Mr. Victor Florin Safta, who had another linked company in the UK, F Capital Solutions LtdCompanies House Reg. CySEC regulated R Capital Solutions claimed they never operated MX Trade by issuing a public statement:
Anyhow, whoever the scam operator was, once compromised, quickly switched to 2014 est.&Belize incorporated Lau Global Services Corpwww.lgs-corp.com (now defunct BZ reg.search) operating MX Trade as of April 2015 (per T&C archive) which is a standard next step that all scammers make, when the brand is exposed. Lau Global was a full scam from day one, FB page still online, ASIC warning, CySEC warningIFSC warning, FSMA warning revealing that deposits went to Taris Financial Corp, not present in offshore leaks, Cypriot, Vanuatu, Belize or Marshal Islands registers, but with bank account in Cyprus, meaning it had to be incorporated somewhere to obtain a bank account. Possible best match via google search would be a few companies named Taris from Riga, Latvia, or Sofia, Bulgaria, but it’s just a random speculation with no actual meaning, or any insinuation towards those companies. Whatever it is, it’s obvious that they continued a scam. Lau Global, thanks to ICIJ offshore leaks, can be de-masked fully: Offshoreleaks-LauGlobal. Lau Global was the sole shareholder of 2014 Malta-incorporated Grizzly Ltd. Looks like the entire structure from the start was prepared in 2014 and, once the time came, just relocated, implying a plan/intention, from the start. Grizzly Ltd has one owner, Mr. Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, an Israeli national, with Philippines address, per offshore leaks. This was very indicative to us, as we had the information some time ago to pursue some lawyers and Philippines call centers direction, to get to the bottom of this scheme setup. So we did. Others who looked into this information just continued with having a name from offshore leaks, but no more. Let’s have a look at this Mr Avshalom more, shall we?
In offshore leaks, Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, linked to Philippines and Israel residency addresses, is the director and legal/judicial representative of Malta based Quick Solutions Ltd (2014) and Grizzly Ltd (2015), with his registered address (another company): BSD Trading Service Corp, Office O5M, Berthaphil Compound, Jose Abad Santos Avenue, Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines. Quick Solutions is owned by Belize IBC called High Moon International Inc, while Grizzly Ltd is owned by Belize IBC Lau Global Service Corp. Both Grizzly and Quick solutions have the identical Malta address registered. Back to business. Following the trail of the lawyer and the Philippines address, we land at Pampanga, PH. A well-known place for numerous call-centers, as well as India for example, again industry-wide known facts. Truly a lot of customer care offices for hundreds of different businesses, an army of cheap multilingual workforce. Over the years, we all witnessed even some police raids to scam call centers, over there they even announce it on TV, with full press conference and detained agent’s close-ups on national frequencies. As for our story, the address in offshore leaks revealed Mr. Avshalom’s Pampanga address for BSD Trade Services Corp or rather, BSD Trading Services Corp. BSD Trading/Trade Serv. Corp is actually a Philippines BPO, a call-center, however incorporated in Singapore. Going back to already explained ties to BSD Trade Services Corp issue, a closer look at its nonfunctional website via domain-data tools, after checking this job add: call center job advertisement, one can learn quite a lot. Actually, too much… BSD Trade Services Corp domainbigdata check. The company registered a domain indicating a HK incorporation, domain is not privately registered but via the company (!), name and phone of the registrant also indicated, registrant’s name (2015) Mr. Richard Bula. Mr. Bula holds 31 registrations in his name, per same tool search: R-Bula-domain-registrations and the results are shocking, to say the least.
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prosperitypathway · 3 years
Exposing The 'FSM SCHEME'
Online trading scam broker called FSM Smart is part of an incredibly large scam group, rarely spoken of or systematically exposed, due to many illegal unconnected brands and quite complicated and fluid network of shells, off-shores, PSPs and BPOs worldwide. Indeed smartly put, the name serves them well. At the time, the Fintelegram did a good job in exposing some parts and initiating the public attention, that was previously restricted to warnings to particular brands and occasional info scattered across many different forums. Apparently, they had problems because of it. However, the full story is yet to be told. We hope to bring more clarity and tie the missing parts. For sure it will not be a complete report, but joint efforts bear fruits, eventually. The full story should be revealed by the Law, not us or others. So far, the representatives of the law have done very little, mainly due to scheme’s multi jurisdictional and transnational nature.
The beneficial owner(s) are well hidden and this vast group obviously has no intention to stop. We shall try to do our best to unmask this ‘giant’ as much as possible. For the purpose of clarity, we shall generically call them ‘’the FSM scheme’’ since its brand FSM Smart is probably the biggest and longest standing one. This thread will be quite long and posted in successive parts, due to the size on info we aim to display on FPA, so you are warned that it will take patience and attention to follow. No shortcuts here or easy solutions.
The named ‘FSM scheme’ is comprised of (up to now known) following scam brands/trading styles: 1. MTI Markets www.mtimarkets.com 2. TradingBanks www.grizzly-ltd.com also t/a www.tradingbanks.com (own trade platform+TradingBanks) 3. MX Trade www.mxtrade.com 4. Trade12 www.trade12.com 5. HQBroker www.hqbroker.com (up to this thread, probably never associated to FSM Smart brand before) 6. FSM Smart www.fsmsmart.com, www.fsmsmarts.com, www.it.fsmsmart.net, www.fsmsmart-ltd.com
We are positive that more brands are involved or were a part of this. This organization is truly like an Octopus. But as any other such group, made the same mistakes when registering various companies and using 3rd parties providers, leaving traces behind. Now days, scammers are much more cautious, in general, as there is more focus on scams, narrowing down their operating boundaries. First brand operator of MX Trade scam appeared to be a 2014 est.&CySEC regulated/FCA-passport company R Capital Solutions Ltd, FCA, CySEC, CY registrar. Owner was a Romanian citizen residing in Cyprus, Mr. Victor Florin Safta, who had another linked company in the UK, F Capital Solutions LtdCompanies House Reg. CySEC regulated R Capital Solutions claimed they never operated MX Trade by issuing a public statement:
Anyhow, whoever the scam operator was, once compromised, quickly switched to 2014 est.&Belize incorporated Lau Global Services Corpwww.lgs-corp.com (now defunct BZ reg.search) operating MX Trade as of April 2015 (per T&C archive) which is a standard next step that all scammers make, when the brand is exposed. Lau Global was a full scam from day one, FB page still online, ASIC warning, CySEC warningIFSC warning, FSMA warning revealing that deposits went to Taris Financial Corp, not present in offshore leaks, Cypriot, Vanuatu, Belize or Marshal Islands registers, but with bank account in Cyprus, meaning it had to be incorporated somewhere to obtain a bank account. Possible best match via google search would be a few companies named Taris from Riga, Latvia, or Sofia, Bulgaria, but it’s just a random speculation with no actual meaning, or any insinuation towards those companies. Whatever it is, it’s obvious that they continued a scam. Lau Global, thanks to ICIJ offshore leaks, can be de-masked fully: Offshoreleaks-LauGlobal. Lau Global was the sole shareholder of 2014 Malta-incorporated Grizzly Ltd. Looks like the entire structure from the start was prepared in 2014 and, once the time came, just relocated, implying a plan/intention, from the start. Grizzly Ltd has one owner, Mr. Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, an Israeli national, with Philippines address, per offshore leaks. This was very indicative to us, as we had the information some time ago to pursue some lawyers and Philippines call centers direction, to get to the bottom of this scheme setup. So we did. Others who looked into this information just continued with having a name from offshore leaks, but no more. Let’s have a look at this Mr Avshalom more, shall we?
In offshore leaks, Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, linked to Philippines and Israel residency addresses, is the director and legal/judicial representative of Malta based Quick Solutions Ltd (2014) and Grizzly Ltd (2015), with his registered address (another company): BSD Trading Service Corp, Office O5M, Berthaphil Compound, Jose Abad Santos Avenue, Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines. Quick Solutions is owned by Belize IBC called High Moon International Inc, while Grizzly Ltd is owned by Belize IBC Lau Global Service Corp. Both Grizzly and Quick solutions have the identical Malta address registered.
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Exposing The 'FSM SCHEME'
Online trading scam broker called FSM Smart is part of an incredibly large scam group, rarely spoken of or systematically exposed, due to many illegal unconnected brands and quite complicated and fluid network of shells, off-shores, PSPs and BPOs worldwide. Indeed smartly put, the name serves them well. At the time, the Fintelegram did a good job in exposing some parts and initiating the public attention, that was previously restricted to warnings to particular brands and occasional info scattered across many different forums. Apparently, they had problems because of it. However, the full story is yet to be told. We hope to bring more clarity and tie the missing parts. For sure it will not be a complete report, but joint efforts bear fruits, eventually. The full story should be revealed by the Law, not us or others. So far, the representatives of the law have done very little, mainly due to scheme’s multi jurisdictional and transnational nature.
The beneficial owner(s) are well hidden and this vast group obviously has no intention to stop. We shall try to do our best to unmask this ‘giant’ as much as possible. For the purpose of clarity, we shall generically call them ‘’the FSM scheme’’ since its brand FSM Smart is probably the biggest and longest standing one. This thread will be quite long and posted in successive parts, due to the size on info we aim to display on FPA, so you are warned that it will take patience and attention to follow. No shortcuts here or easy solutions.
The named ‘FSM scheme’ is comprised of (up to now known) following scam brands/trading styles: 1. MTI Markets www.mtimarkets.com 2. TradingBanks www.grizzly-ltd.com also t/a www.tradingbanks.com (own trade platform+TradingBanks) 3. MX Trade www.mxtrade.com 4. Trade12 www.trade12.com 5. HQBroker www.hqbroker.com (up to this thread, probably never associated to FSM Smart brand before) 6. FSM Smart www.fsmsmart.com, www.fsmsmarts.com, www.it.fsmsmart.net, www.fsmsmart-ltd.com
We are positive that more brands are involved or were a part of this. This organization is truly like an Octopus. But as any other such group, made the same mistakes when registering various companies and using 3rd parties providers, leaving traces behind. Now days, scammers are much more cautious, in general, as there is more focus on scams, narrowing down their operating boundaries. First brand operator of MX Trade scam appeared to be a 2014 est.&CySEC regulated/FCA-passport company R Capital Solutions Ltd, FCA, CySEC, CY registrar. Owner was a Romanian citizen residing in Cyprus, Mr. Victor Florin Safta, who had another linked company in the UK, F Capital Solutions LtdCompanies House Reg. CySEC regulated R Capital Solutions claimed they never operated MX Trade by issuing a public statement:
Anyhow, whoever the scam operator was, once compromised, quickly switched to 2014 est.&Belize incorporated Lau Global Services Corpwww.lgs-corp.com (now defunct BZ reg.search) operating MX Trade as of April 2015 (per T&C archive) which is a standard next step that all scammers make, when the brand is exposed. Lau Global was a full scam from day one, FB page still online, ASIC warning, CySEC warningIFSC warning, FSMA warning revealing that deposits went to Taris Financial Corp, not present in offshore leaks, Cypriot, Vanuatu, Belize or Marshal Islands registers, but with bank account in Cyprus, meaning it had to be incorporated somewhere to obtain a bank account. Possible best match via google search would be a few companies named Taris from Riga, Latvia, or Sofia, Bulgaria, but it’s just a random speculation with no actual meaning, or any insinuation towards those companies. Whatever it is, it’s obvious that they continued a scam. Lau Global, thanks to ICIJ offshore leaks, can be de-masked fully: Offshoreleaks-LauGlobal. Lau Global was the sole shareholder of 2014 Malta-incorporated Grizzly Ltd. Looks like the entire structure from the start was prepared in 2014 and, once the time came, just relocated, implying a plan/intention, from the start. Grizzly Ltd has one owner, Mr. Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, an Israeli national, with Philippines address, per offshore leaks. This was very indicative to us, as we had the information some time ago to pursue some lawyers and Philippines call centers direction, to get to the bottom of this scheme setup. So we did. Others who looked into this information just continued with having a name from offshore leaks, but no more. Let’s have a look at this Mr Avshalom more, shall we?
In offshore leaks, Shlomo Matan Shalom Avshalom, linked to Philippines and Israel residency addresses, is the director and legal/judicial representative of Malta based Quick Solutions Ltd (2014) and Grizzly Ltd (2015), with his registered address (another company): BSD Trading Service Corp, Office O5M, Berthaphil Compound, Jose Abad Santos Avenue, Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines. Quick Solutions is owned by Belize IBC called High Moon International Inc, while Grizzly Ltd is owned by Belize IBC Lau Global Service Corp. Both Grizzly and Quick solutions have the identical Malta address registered.
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boyheros · 2 months
in an oc lore posting mood apparently. I've been wanting to make drawings/infographics or something for this lore for SOO LONG but obviously. I have not yet. so I'm just gonna write it out for nowwww.
humans (regular style) don't have "real" souls. they're basically just like Us IRL where we have the concept of that, but no actual proof. most humans pre-extinction live their whole lives this way, dying without ever having their souls "realized".
Mizrieta have souls. the souls exist, and they exist forever unless you go through the trouble of destroying them. along with their soul is their Base Black, which you can think of like "spirit glue". while souls are nearly 100% incorporeal, base black is "semi-corporeal" which allows it to do it's job of attaching the soul to corporeal physical matter, like a body. this is how Mizrieta shapeshift, they're able to control their base black, which in turn moves around their physical matter.
As I said before, reg. humans don't have souls OR base black, but they do "theoretically"? it's sorta non-existent until it is. humans can have their souls "realized" (which makes their base black "realized" as well). once this happens there is NO going back, ever. it's there until you go through the trouble of destroying it 👍 and human souls only ever become realized through contact with an already realized soul. which means most the time, contact with a Mizrieta. so humans who have souls pre-extinction are described as having "Mizrieta sickness". Humans won't know how to shapeshift, though.
Post-extinction, all reincarnated humans have realized souls. bc that's the only reason they COULD be reincarnated, their forever-existing soul is floating around, ready to be stuck in a new body. Reincarnated humans/humans with Mizrieta sickness are technically more similar to Mizrieta than they are with normal humans, (made of the same parts, body+baseblack+soul) but their perception/identity as humans sorta prevents them from realizing this.
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regalokitchen991 · 4 months
460+ Modular Kitchen Design
Original Posted on: https://www.regalokitchens.com/460+modular-kitchen-design.php
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Our range of 460+ modular kitchen designs offers to transform your cooking area with a seamless combination of form and function. Crafted with precision and an eye for contemporary elegance, each design is a testament to the artistry of modern living. The kitchen has grown beyond its conventional purpose as a mere cooking space in the modern period to become the heart of a home—a place where culinary inventiveness meets aesthetic design. The demand for modular kitchens has surged, and with over 460 designs to choose from, Regalo Kitchens emerges as the unparalleled leader in the industry. In this article, we will explore the diverse world of modular kitchens and delve into why Regalo Kitchens stands out as the ultimate choice for modern homeowners.
Inline Grey Modular Kitchen Design
I. Understanding Modular Kitchens: Modular kitchen designs are an innovative concept that provides a systematic and organized approach to kitchen design. These kitchens are made up of pre-fabricated modules or components that are put together to provide a practical and visually pleasing room. The modular approach allows for customization, ensuring that each kitchen is tailored to the unique needs and preferences of the homeowner.
II. The Versatility of Regalo Kitchens: Regalo Kitchens takes the concept of modular kitchens to new heights with its extensive range of designs. Regalo Kitchens caters to a varied clientele, ensuring that every customer finds the perfect match for their house, from contemporary and sleek to classic and timeless. The brand's commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction sets it apart in the competitive market.
Island Trendy Modular Kitchen Design
III. Types of Modular Kitchens Offered by Regalo: Contemporary Elegance: Regalo's modern designs feature clean lines, minimalist aesthetics, and novel storage options. These kitchens are ideal for those who appreciate a sleek and modern look, with emphasis on functionality and efficiency.
Classic Charm: For homeowners who prefer a timeless and elegant kitchen, Regalo offers classic designs that incorporate rich textures, ornate details, and a warm color palette. These kitchens seamlessly blend tradition with modern convenience.
Industrial Chic: Regalo Kitchens also caters to the urban and trendy crowd with its industrial chic designs. These kitchens are distinguished by exposed brick, metal accents, and open shelves, which create a stylish and edgy ambiance.
Rustic Retreats: Regalo's rustic kitchens are nature-inspired and warm, bringing the charm of the countryside into modern households. Wooden finishes, earthy tones, and thoughtful detailing define these kitchens, creating a welcoming and comforting space.
High-Tech Haven: Regalo Kitchens understands the importance of technology in modern living. To fulfill the expectations of tech-savvy homeowners, its high-tech kitchens include smart appliances, integrated lighting systems, and cutting-edge design.
L Shaped Aesthetic Modular Kitchen Design
IV. Regalo Kitchens' Commitment to Quality Regalo Kitchens places a strong emphasis on quality materials, precision engineering, and durability. Premium materials, such as high-grade stainless steel, long-lasting laminates, and high-quality hardware, are used to ensure that each kitchen not only looks beautiful but also stands the test of time. The meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail contribute to the brand's reputation for excellence.
V. Customization Options One of the key strengths of Regalo Kitchens is its commitment to customization. Each kitchen is designed with the customer's unique preferences and lifestyle in mind. From selecting the color scheme to choosing the layout and accessories, homeowners have the freedom to create a kitchen that reflects their personality and meets their functional requirements.
VI. Seamless Integration of Appliances Regalo Kitchens understands the importance of seamlessly integrating appliances into the kitchen design. The firm works with leading appliance manufacturers to guarantee that its kitchens not only look fashionable but also incorporate cutting-edge technology, making cooking more fun and efficient.
VII. Customer Satisfaction and Reviews Regalo Kitchens has garnered praise for its exceptional customer service and satisfaction. Positive feedback emphasizes the brand's dependability, prompt delivery, and capacity to exceed consumer expectations. Homeowners appreciate the smooth transition from design consultation to installation, which makes Regalo Kitchens a reliable choice in the business.
Polished Culinay L Shaped Modular Kitchen Design
Conclusion In the ever-evolving world of kitchen design, Regalo Kitchens stands tall as the epitome of innovation, quality, and customer-centricity. The brand caters to a varied audience, with over 460 modular kitchen designs to pick from, guaranteeing that every homeowner finds their dream kitchen. Regalo Kitchens offers a design that can transform your kitchen into a functional and beautiful masterpiece, whether you are drawn to contemporary elegance, traditional charm, industrial flair, rustic retreats, or high-tech havens. Choose Regalo Kitchens for a culinary space that not only meets your practical needs but also reflects your style and personality.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q: How do I choose the right modular kitchen design for my home? Selecting the right modular kitchen design depends on your personal preferences, lifestyle, and the overall theme of your home. Regalo Kitchens offers a diverse range of designs, from contemporary to classic and everything in between.
Q: Are Regalo Kitchens' designs customizable? Yes, one of the key strengths of Regalo Kitchens is its commitment to customization. Homeowners can choose from a variety of color schemes, layouts, and accessories to tailor their kitchen to their unique preferences.
Q: How does Regalo Kitchens prioritize quality in its designs? Regalo Kitchens places a strong emphasis on quality materials, precision engineering, and durability. The brand uses premium materials such as high-grade stainless steel, durable laminates, and top-notch hardware.
Q: Can Regalo Kitchens accommodate the latest kitchen appliances and technology? Yes, Regalo Kitchens recognizes the significance of incorporating modern technologies into Modular kitchen designs. To ensure that its kitchens smoothly incorporate the latest innovations, the brand collaborates with top appliance manufacturers.
Q: What sets Regalo Kitchens apart from other brands in the market? Regalo Kitchens stands out for its extensive range of designs, commitment to quality, and dedication to customer satisfaction. The brand's different kitchen styles appeal to a wide range of customers, guaranteeing that there is a perfect fit for every homeowner.
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wovetherapy · 5 months
Body Image and Mental Health
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Body image is a complex topic that is often simplified into the vantage point of: you are either happy or unhappy with the way your body looks. In reality, it is not a black and white topic, although historically race has been and continues to be inseparable from the topic of body image… amongst other intersecting identities.
What is body image?
“Body image” is somewhat of an umbrella term, encompassing any part or whole of one’s body, from weight to face to skin, etc. There are four aspects to body image:
Perceptual - how you perceive yourself… what you see can be different from reality or how others see you.
Affective - how you feel about your body image… this can differ regarding various parts of your body.
Cognitive - how you think about your body… this includes how you incorporate your body image with the rest of your life (e.g. “If I was thinner or more muscular, I would be more popular or have a better dating life.”)
Behavioral - how you act in regard to your body image… this encompasses more or less healthy behaviors (i.e. due to their body image, people may choose to exercise more, socialize less, change their diet, etc.)
Body image movements: distinguishing between body positivity, neutrality, and liberation
Body Positivity encourages unconditional love and positive regard for one’s body, no matter how one looks or feels. The body positivity movement originated from the fat acceptance movement of the 1960s, led by a group of fat, queer, Black women. They were integral in the recognition of the intersectionality of race, class, gender, sexuality, and weight stigma. Body positivity looks much different than its original roots. Critics contend that the movement has been “gentrified by white-centered politics” (Griffin et al., 2022), with efforts centering thin and relatively thin white women.
Body neutrality is about acceptance, focusing on the capabilities of one’s body rather than looks. It approaches body image through a neutral lens, acknowledging that people may not love their bodies all the time. Body neutrality promotes non-judgment of one’s body, accepting and respecting however one’s body exists.
Body liberationis “the freedom from social and political systems of oppression that designate certain bodies as more worthy, healthy, and desirable than others”. It provides space to move past a body truce and explore what it means to give oneself permission to live life unapologetically as oneself. Body liberation encourages people to feel all of the emotions that may emerge due to societal biases and discrimination, and it does not urge acceptance of what may not feel acceptable. It also creates space for a multicultural lens, expanding the suffocating ideals of Western beauty standards.
Body Image and Mental Health
Body image and mental health are often closely intertwined and cyclical in nature, such that they can be difficult to individuate. One’s body image may impact their mental health, and vice versa. Body image can show up in one’s self esteem, personality, interpersonal relationships, and overall physical and emotional wellbeing. Examples of mental health concerns related to body image may include: anxiety, depression, body dysmorphia, eating disorders/disordered eating (see previous blog post on Eating Disorders from an intersectional lens), feelings of shame or guilt, financial strain, negative self talk, poor self esteem, preoccupation with weight/body type, interpersonal issues, etc.
Body dissatisfaction, or negative body image, can be described as negative thoughts and feelings associated with one’s body image. Research has found that higher body dissatisfaction is positively associated with poor quality of life, psychological distress, and the risk of unhealthy eating behaviors and eating disorders (Mental Health Foundation). Body image does not always impact one’s mental health in a negative manner, although, especially for minoritized individuals, body dissatisfaction regularly begins at a young age. Half of elementary school aged girls have weight concerns or are worried about becoming fat, according to the National Eating Disorders Association. Being bullied at school for their appearance or growing up in a household where weight is an issue are known risk factors for body image issues in children, and common experiences for BIPOC individuals amongst those with other marginalized identities and bodies. Although body dissatisfaction often begins at a young age, it can continue throughout adulthood, especially if left unaddressed. However, there are absolutely ways to approach improving one’s body image as an adult.
Improving body image as an adult
Identify and challenge negative thoughts - Recognize internal and external dialogue regarding your body image. Think critically about what comes up automatically or what is being said. Where are these thoughts coming from? Are they realistic? What are they rooted in? How are these thoughts serving you? By tuning into these thoughts, you can develop agency and choice in the direction you want to move in.
Find community -In all the complex layers, struggling with one’s body image can feel isolating due to various internal and external factors. Body image satisfaction, like most topics, is not a dichotomous subject. Additionally, satisfaction with one’s body is not a requirement for positive mental health. Discourse has shifted to include the concepts of body positivity, body neutrality/body acceptance, and body liberation, which have been associated with higher levels of overall wellbeing. By gaining understanding of each of these movements, one may identify what they resonate with and find community and better relationship with one’s body image and mental health.
Pay attention to your social media consumption - Recognize your agency in who you follow and what comes up on your social media feed(s). Be cognizant of comparison culture and try not to compare yourself to others. Be intentional in removing content which no longer serves you, and be active in expanding and curating a diverse online space that feels more aligned with your own values or the values you would like to embrace or incorporate into your life.
Observe nature - Nature provides countless examples of beauty in diversity and spectrums of existence. Spend time noticing the myriad shapes, colors, sizes, functions, sexualities, abilities, existences, and relationships in the natural world. Perhaps you would be open to allowing yourself to be imaginative and playful in this space, and perhaps you could see ways to translate this or incorporate these observations into other spaces in your life.
Work with a therapist - If you are struggling with body image, it may be helpful to speak with a mental health professional. The collaborative space could be helpful to process your thoughts, experiences, and relationship with self and others and to elucidate how you would like to relate to your body image and what it would look like for you to achieve this.
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please contact us.
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understandingfertility · 10 months
The Impact of Exercise on Fertility: Finding the Right Balance
Exercise is a fundamental aspect of a healthy lifestyle, but its influence on fertility is a subject of interest, particularly for those undergoing fertility treatments. This guide explores the impact of exercise on fertility and the importance of finding the right balance, considering factors such as IVF treatment cost in Indore.
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**1. Understanding the Relationship Between Exercise and Fertility:
Positive Effects: Regular, moderate exercise contributes to overall health and may positively impact fertility.
Potential Risks: Intense or excessive exercise may have potential risks, affecting hormonal balance and reproductive function.
**2. Benefits of Exercise for Fertility:
Hormonal Regulation: Regular exercise can help regulate hormones, such as insulin and cortisol, which play a role in reproductive health.
Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight through exercise supports fertility, as both underweight and overweight conditions can impact reproductive function.
**3. Exercise and Ovulatory Function:
Regular Menstrual Cycles: Moderate exercise is associated with regular menstrual cycles, a key indicator of ovulatory health.
Potential Improvements: Some studies suggest that exercise may improve ovulatory function and increase the chances of conception.
**4. Impact of Intense Exercise on Fertility:
Disruption of Menstrual Cycles: Intense or excessive exercise may lead to irregular menstrual cycles or amenorrhea, affecting ovulation.
Hormonal Imbalances: Intense exercise can disrupt hormonal balance, impacting reproductive hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.
**5. Finding the Right Balance:
Moderation is Key: Engaging in moderate, regular exercise supports overall health without negatively impacting fertility.
Individual Considerations: The right balance varies for each individual, considering factors such as fertility goals, overall health, and IVF treatment cost in Indore.
**6. Exercise and Stress Management:
Stress Impact on Fertility: Chronic stress may negatively affect fertility.
Exercise as a Stress Reliever: Regular exercise is a valuable tool for managing stress, potentially benefiting fertility outcomes.
**7. Preconception Exercise Considerations:
Consulting Healthcare Providers: Individuals planning pregnancy, especially those undergoing fertility treatments, should consult healthcare providers to determine appropriate exercise levels.
Tailored Recommendations: Fertility specialists can provide personalized exercise recommendations based on individual health and fertility goals.
**8. IVF Treatment Cost in Indore and Exercise:
Financial Considerations: Exercise, as a part of a healthy lifestyle, contributes to overall well-being, potentially impacting fertility outcomes.
Balancing Priorities: Balancing the benefits of exercise with considerations such as IVF treatment cost in Indore ensures a holistic approach to fertility.
**9. Types of Exercise for Fertility:
Aerobic Exercise: Moderate aerobic activities like walking or cycling may positively influence fertility.
Strength Training: Incorporating strength training can contribute to overall fitness and support weight management.
**10. Post-IVF Exercise Recommendations:
Post-Retrieval and Transfer: After IVF procedures, individuals may be advised to modify exercise intensity temporarily.
Post-Pregnancy Exercise Planning: For those who achieve pregnancy through IVF, exercise planning post-pregnancy should be discussed with healthcare providers.
**11. Partner Involvement in Exercise:
Couples' Fitness Goals: Encouraging a healthy, active lifestyle together supports overall well-being and may positively impact fertility.
Open Communication: Couples should communicate openly about their exercise goals and routines to ensure mutual support.
**12. Monitoring and Adjusting Exercise Regimens:
Regular Health Check-ups: Periodic health check-ups allow for monitoring overall health and adjusting exercise regimens based on individual needs.
Listening to the Body: Paying attention to the body's signals and adjusting exercise intensity when needed ensures a balanced approach.
Finding the right balance between exercise and fertility is a personalized journey that involves understanding individual health, goals, and considerations such as IVF treatment cost in Indore. At the best IVF center in Indore, our experienced team of fertility specialists emphasizes a holistic approach to fertility, considering lifestyle factors, including exercise, in the context of personalized care. By navigating this balance thoughtfully, individuals and couples can optimize their chances of successful fertility outcomes while promoting overall health and well-being.
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