rotten-sarcophagus · 5 months
Shooting at protesters with plastic bullets... byu/kveskneli inSakartvelo
i'm scared of what the future holds. but it won't stop me from fighting byu/Professional_N0ob inSakartvelo
3 million Georgians are doing what 146 million Russians did not do. #NoToRussianLaw #Tbilisi pic.twitter.com/SyXFLOy0SD
— Nodar Rukhadze (@xonoda) May 1, 2024
What do Georgians do when their government uses tear gas? We sing! Video by: @Tamartolordavat #Tbilisi #TbilisiProtest #TbilisiSpring pic.twitter.com/NLu1Y898nS
— Nana Sajaia (@NanaSajaia) May 1, 2024
Police without identification tags are seen beating peaceful demonstrators. ©️ MtavariTV pic.twitter.com/IimRRwC8H4
— Formula NEWS | English (@FormulaGe) April 30, 2024
🚨Anonymous has taken down the websites of Georgia’s ruling party (https://t.co/x308tB4f5U) and its affiliated propaganda media outlet POSTV (https://t.co/agcw4dEyOf) - To the puppet government of Georgia, controlled by Russia: Despite our warning, you have decided to disregard… pic.twitter.com/6mnCeim9Zn
— Anonymous TV 🇺🇦 (@YourAnonTV) May 1, 2024
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bapydemonprincess · 8 months
Grelle helping Sebastian stuff his bra ❤️
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...(suddenly it all makes sense 👀 grehtjytkuyli)
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flunkett · 19 days
ok goodnight. will postv three objectives tmmr or smth
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notasapleasure · 11 months
A tale of two Georgias
Note: I wouldn't normally share subscriber-exclusive content from this news site, but I think Shota Kincha's opinions are too important to hide away in an exclusive email this time. If you're so minded, please consider supporting open journalism in the Caucasus anyway and sending some money OCMedia's way.
Highlighting is my own. Of course I support Georgia joining the EU, but absolutely not under conditions that ignore the recent rolling back of democratic freedoms.
By Shota Kincha, for OC Media.
On Wednesday, Georgians celebrated a long-awaited recommendation from the European Commission for their nation’s candidacy for EU membership, leaving the country’s candidacy pending just final approval from the heads of EU member states in mid-December. But the Commission’s assessment of the government’s ‘progress’ seemed to be based on wishful thinking, rather than its actions. 
On denying Georgia the status last year, the European Commission outlined 12 ‘priorities’ Georgia would need to address for the decision to be reconsidered — preconditions that largely reflected the spirit of the April 2021 agreement brokered by European Council President Charles Michel between the government and opposition groups.
When the unforeseen possibility for Georgia to formally apply for membership presented itself in early 2022, Georgia’s leadership had already failed on some of the key components of the previous year’s accord. 
Instead of addressing the ‘perception of politicised justice,’ an apparent euphemism for the imprisonment of opposition leaders, most notably Nika Melia in early 2021, the Georgian court imprisoned another prominent government critic, Nika Gvaramia, only five weeks before the European Commission was due to assess Georgia’s readiness for EU membership candidacy.
Instead of the ambitious judicial reform promised in the 2021 Michel deal and mentioned in the EU’s ‘12 priorities’ last year, the ruling Georgian Dream party has continued to shield corrupt judicial officials with a stranglehold on Georgian courts, resulting in more politicised administrative fines and criminal cases against civil activists, political leaders, media managers, or youth with ‘confused orientation’ who risked their freedom to defend Georgia’s pro-Western choice on the streets.
In the run-up to the European Commission’s latest decision on Georgia, the government and security services run by oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili’s goons artificially created an anti-Western parliamentary group, gifted them private channel PosTV, and made violent extremist pro-Russian Alt Info immune to obstruction or challenge. 
If the last five years under Georgian Dream rule had been a steady decline in democratic freedoms, the government’s actions in the months since it applied to join the European Union — including their recent initiatives to clamp down on Georgia’s civil society and constrain protest — far surpassed any and all negative predictions.
But listening to President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, one could have assumed she was discussing an entirely different country. 
Despite Georgia’s government persecuting free media, parroting Russian propaganda against the West, refusing to undertake institutional reforms in a way that included other groups and stakeholders, and satisfying only three of the twelve conditions set last year, the European Commission complimented them with no substantial criticism.
I do not believe the EU should approve Georgian membership candidacy later this year, as the move looks set to validate and entrench the government’s precipitous lurch towards authoritarianism. 
The European Commission’s approach may be based on the belief that denying Georgia candidate status could lead to Georgians becoming disillusioned with the EU and the West. But Georgians have been staunchly pro-Western for decades, perhaps even centuries. 
The real danger to Georgians’ trust in the West comes from the West’s indifference to anti-democratic moves by Georgia’s government, which, if left unchecked, will continue to use state institutions to slowly but steadily shift popular mood and policies towards Russia. 
Even were we to allow that recommending EU candidacy status was a justified decision in Georgia’s best interests, doing so did not obligate the institution’s leaders to legitimise the country’s government in the way they did.
Listening to the widely televised announcement by the European Commission on Wednesday, Georgians could reasonably have concluded that democratic backsliding, state capture by big capital, and a politicised judiciary are consistent with Georgia’s pro-Western aspirations, or that related warnings from local activists and media have been baseless or overblown. 
The announcement could also have created the impression that the ruling party has been delivering on reforms demanded by the EU, a powerful notion less than a year before the country’s next general elections. 
The truth is, however, that in inviting Georgia to join the club while neglecting to call out the government’s shortcomings, the EU is playing a dangerous game, and one it has played before. The EU does not want another Orban, and the South Caucasus definitely does not need another Aliyev.
I may be wrong: perhaps granting Georgia candidate status will still be a wise choice on the EU’s part. But even in its recommendation, the European Commission could have sent a clear message that business as usual would no longer be tolerated. 
What Georgia’s leadership heard instead will become abundantly clear in the coming months. 
#ქართველები მიყვარხართ - ძალიან ძალიან მიყვარხართ. მაგრამ ეს არ არის დრო.#ამ მეთოდში ევროპული კავშირი ვერ გეხმარება ქართულ ოცნებსთან.#ეს იქნებოდეს ჯილდო უსამართლობისთვის#i'm seeing so many celebrations and it fucking breaks my heart#membership. will. not. fix. you.#you have to start that yourselves!#and the eu isn't perfect it needs to take a stricter line with hungary and orban.#they got lucky with poland voting their way out of a hole but that won't happen in hungary so easily -#and if they act like georgian dream have done enough when they have done worse than nothing they will be in a very good position next ge#and don't @ me for saying you need to start the work yourselves.#i have a friend who used to work in politics there and tried to change the election culture#he couldn't even get people to agree to a covenant saying they would refrain from using misgynistic language in campaign season#because people thought it was meaningless and unimportant#well sometimes you have to fucking start somewhere or you get scenes like the misogynistic language used in georgian parliament recently#i know i'm just ranting from very far away and can't possibly understand it all#i'd hoped to visit for the first time last month. but the university called off the planned research trip#because of concerns about the government's repressive legislation and actions#and if the eu grants candidate status for you without demanding actual concrete change then that's just going to carry on worse than ever.#i'm sorry i want to see you join. i believe the eu needs change from the inside too.#but they aren't your saviours riding in to fix things if they don't hold GD accountable#georgia#it's been a depressing few years to be a student of georgian i can't fucking imagine how much more depressing it's been to be there#but you have campaigners who give me hope still.#it's just that this decision by the eu would not give me hope for your future sorry#საქართველო#caucasus#oc media#shota kincha#eu politics
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With every reblog, i can just feel myself getting closer to the postv limit
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sheniekimi · 2 months
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matiere-vive · 1 year
Sommes-nous �l'�ge de�la�postv�rit�?
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postverechiel · 2 years
Ognozja nowacyjnie zachowany proces poznawczy ](które próbuje dojść do pełni postv]])
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qq3w · 2 years
Baby wombats in lockdown and sea lion meets seadragon: 2022’s best w..
Baby wombats in lockdown and sea lion meets seadragon: 2022’s best w.. Baby wombats in lockdown and sea lion meets seadragon: 2022’s best wildlife shots  Sydney Morning HeraldWildlife Photographer of the Year 2022: The big buzz wins top prize  ABC NewsNatural History Museum’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year revealed  The Washington PostV..
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angiemaq · 4 years
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The Wilds (2020)
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torchwood-official · 5 years
Iantso made me slep on thve chouch :(((((( i jsut eanna snuggel
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vacuousfool · 6 years
Yu had been sleeping; restlessly, tossing, turning, his breathing quickening, laboured. He was sweating through his clothes, shivering, and finally his eyes opened. His eyes opened because he felt like he couldn’t breathe: memories of Rise’s death, his own subsequent death, that DISAPPOINTMENT AND DISGUST--!!
Stumbling out of bed, Yu swayed, barely able to keep his footing. His hands slid against the nearby wall, where was he going? He felt a deep quaking in his very being, his very soul, that chill along his body was getting worse. He was nearly hyperventilating now, pupils dilated and shrunken, then, his eyes went blank.
His body seemed to tense up unnaturally, as though his muscles had all locked up, and Yu dropped to the floor. He dropped to the floor, a high pitched, shrill inhaling of breath before his body began to spasm, legs twitching. His arms jolting up to grip at his own head, mouth widening in a silent scream.
Yu’s hair seemed to shimmer, visibly changing from that dyed black colour to a platinum blonde shade, and his eyes seemed to roll briefly before his irises and sclera changed. sclera, from white to a dark black, and his irises from their normal grey to that bright, bright yellow of a ‘Shadow’.
As this happened, Yu’s body began to, loosen, to calm; he was no longer breathing quickly, heavily, unnaturally. He blinked, and slowly sat up, sluggish, as though he had not moved muscles or bones in decades. Yu was sat on the floor, not at all looking terrified or worried about having just been violently shaking only moments earlier.
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dat-baldi-tho-uwu · 6 years
That post was supposed to be for my main blog but whatever Imma leave it here
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ogeeitsme · 3 years
Hi! I wanted to ask if yall try to divide up your time to give each of yall a chance to do what you want during the day. Does that make sense?? Im trying to manage our time so the others can front, too.
in shrt yea we try 2 do tht! somtms it gts rlly hrd n its no1's flt, somtms 1 prsn wnts 2 frnt wy mor thn the othrs <_> or somtms smth hppns n u cnt contrl the switches evn if its from postv r ngtv trggrs
b we try do it! bc it mkes us feel bttr SKSJD 2 shre :,^0 b like wht i sd whn its 1 of thos dys/weeks/mnths, thn the secnd nxt bst thng 2 do wht ur othr sysm8s wnna do evn if its unintrstng 2 u,,, SDKJSK
u SHLDNT do it by forc bc thtd succ b lke whn we're nt doin anyth lke we litrlly r doin nothng we go thru a littol checklst in our hd lke "ok sinc im nt doin anyth do the othrs hav anyth thy wntd 2 do? so i cn do tht"
somtms u SHLD leav stuff 4 thm 2 do bc of limitd resrcs like 4 exmpl do not drink their eggnog bc thts not exctly somth u cn do ovr n ovr w/o finishng the bottl KDJSK
b if its stff lke "do their dailies" "finish thise drwng 4 thm" "organze thise thng for thm" "water these flowrs evn tho thy usually frnt 4 it" thn do it! bc ummm bsd on my experienc the rsn y thers tension btween sys membrs is uslly bc of nt bein abl 2 do or finsh stff thy strtd or wnna do sdhskf so if u esp find ur front stck thn it rlly hlps 2 listn i g <_>
oops ik u ddnt ask 4 advce b weve jst been havng lowky issues w tht stff L8ly so i strtd thnkng abt it!! :^0
o yea n also FULLY switchng is EXHSTNG 4 us if we do it mor thn 3x a dy SDKFDJS so we like stickng 2 naturl swtches (the kinds wher its 'naturl' ex. wakng up in the bdy evn if u ddnt sleep in it, neutral/positiv triggrd by smth, smooth switches u dnt notic, etc. its just easier n less painfl sdkfsjd) so i g whn it coms 2 'dividing time' we do it per dy not per withn hrs of the dy. so like 4 exmpl mayb Susie frnts 2dy n we'll b lke "ok Sal hsnt frntd in a whle he cn frnt on Friday so Susie cn rest n thn Sal cn do whtvr"
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summercamp2007 · 3 years
does anyone have the bungle tungle fungle mungle postv
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legobl · 7 years
being in a state of constant (moderate) fear is fucking. tiring.
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