#hllo!!! sdkjfhsk
ogeeitsme · 3 years
Hi! I wanted to ask if yall try to divide up your time to give each of yall a chance to do what you want during the day. Does that make sense?? Im trying to manage our time so the others can front, too.
in shrt yea we try 2 do tht! somtms it gts rlly hrd n its no1's flt, somtms 1 prsn wnts 2 frnt wy mor thn the othrs <_> or somtms smth hppns n u cnt contrl the switches evn if its from postv r ngtv trggrs
b we try do it! bc it mkes us feel bttr SKSJD 2 shre :,^0 b like wht i sd whn its 1 of thos dys/weeks/mnths, thn the secnd nxt bst thng 2 do wht ur othr sysm8s wnna do evn if its unintrstng 2 u,,, SDKJSK
u SHLDNT do it by forc bc thtd succ b lke whn we're nt doin anyth lke we litrlly r doin nothng we go thru a littol checklst in our hd lke "ok sinc im nt doin anyth do the othrs hav anyth thy wntd 2 do? so i cn do tht"
somtms u SHLD leav stuff 4 thm 2 do bc of limitd resrcs like 4 exmpl do not drink their eggnog bc thts not exctly somth u cn do ovr n ovr w/o finishng the bottl KDJSK
b if its stff lke "do their dailies" "finish thise drwng 4 thm" "organze thise thng for thm" "water these flowrs evn tho thy usually frnt 4 it" thn do it! bc ummm bsd on my experienc the rsn y thers tension btween sys membrs is uslly bc of nt bein abl 2 do or finsh stff thy strtd or wnna do sdhskf so if u esp find ur front stck thn it rlly hlps 2 listn i g <_>
oops ik u ddnt ask 4 advce b weve jst been havng lowky issues w tht stff L8ly so i strtd thnkng abt it!! :^0
o yea n also FULLY switchng is EXHSTNG 4 us if we do it mor thn 3x a dy SDKFDJS so we like stickng 2 naturl swtches (the kinds wher its 'naturl' ex. wakng up in the bdy evn if u ddnt sleep in it, neutral/positiv triggrd by smth, smooth switches u dnt notic, etc. its just easier n less painfl sdkfsjd) so i g whn it coms 2 'dividing time' we do it per dy not per withn hrs of the dy. so like 4 exmpl mayb Susie frnts 2dy n we'll b lke "ok Sal hsnt frntd in a whle he cn frnt on Friday so Susie cn rest n thn Sal cn do whtvr"
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