#Poppy is trying EVERYTHING she can to influence these weasels towards the lighter side
marinerainbow · 1 year
*If Poppy got to be close friends with the Toon Patrol, and she takes on the responsibility of trying to make them better people*
Smartass: "... You’re giving me... A sticker?"
Poppy: *being all cheerful* "Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying 'me-wow!'"
Smartass: "I am not a preschooler."
Poppy: *starting to get discouraged* "I-I know... I just thought-"
Psycho: *popping up out of nowhere and reaching for the sticker* "Fine, I’ll take it-"
Smartass: *shoves Psycho back* "I earned this, back off!"
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