#Poolverine smut
wickedscribbles · 1 day
So I have a lot of ideas... 😅 I just wanted to put some feelers out to see if anyone had an opinion on what they wanted to see next.
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murrpa · 8 days
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good boys are always rewarded🫶🏻
man i missed drawing smut😵
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panties-on-boys · 7 days
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Domesticated Wolverine
“I s– secretly love it that you talk so much, I think you’re… funny and your laugh is sexy.” Wade glances over his shoulder. “Did I read that right?” He asks, starting to flush pink.
“Yes,” Logan purrs, tracking kisses down the side of his neck.
Wade’s heart starts to pound out of his fucking chest.
“And you look hot in your… Hello Kitty… pajamas.” Wade turns to show his grin. “Really?”
Logan huffs a soft laugh back. “You look hot in everything. And nothing.”
Wade flushes a little pinker. “Are you drunk right now?”
Logan rolls his eyes. “Nope, you just broke me down, as you are so very good at.”
Through pursed lips, Wade mumbles, “I am pretty good at that, actually.”
Logan hums back a little mhm, and Wade can feel his fingers skirting over the mottled skin of his chest and stomach, like he’s admiring it. Butterflies gather behind his ribs and underneath Logan’s strong and capable hands. “Keep reading,” gets whispered into Wade’s ear.
Shivering, he obliges. “Your thighs look so good in the Deadpool suit, swear– swear to God I can– Logan, my gosh. Take a girl to dinner.”
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pastorpresent · 28 days
When the dust settled of what Wade dubbed their 'super awesome Madonna world saving sacrifice', (don't fucking ask, god knows Logan doesn't) the TVA had offered to hire their services to round up variants that incorrectly stumbled into their universe. With a fucking paycheck.
Logan had been trying (and failing) to find work for a few weeks by that point. It was sort of difficult when he had no tangible work history in this universe, with no references that could actually be called. Or a social security number. Or a bank account. Or any form of ID, really.
Wade had already quickly agreed on both their behalfs, and Logan got the feeling he just needed a valid excuse to put the suit on now and again between his monotonous shifts at the dealership.
The only catch was that they had to undergo a physical and mental health assessment before hand.
He'd passes the physical with flying colours. The mental one... not so much. They'd still 'hired' him, but when he was given a folder with information regarding each fucking problem he had mentally, they'd heavy implied he needed to work on it to keep his job.
His plan had been to chuck it in the trash, or burn the fucker, but it'd slipped his mind to do either by the time they'd gotten home because Wade started trying to cook pasta for dinner and almost set the entire place on fire, somehow.
He left it on the side and Wade, being the nosy fucker he was, had of course read it.
There was a lot of shit Logan expected to find in there - depression, ptsd, alcoholism... stuff he didn't exactly need some fancy fucking doctor to tell him he had. A six year old could probably glance his way and identify that he needed antidepressants.
The one that he'd thought was odd, and the one Wade seemed to latch onto, was 'touch deprivation'.
The thing was, Wade was a shithead. He practically made it his goal whenever he walked into a room to be the most annoying person in that room. Usually successfully.
But he was also... good. He was a good person, despite what people might say to him. He wanted to help him, which was... sweet, he supposed.
A lot of the stuff in there was a bit tricky to 'fix', probably requiring some sort of medication or therapy (Logan point blank refused both) but a couple of things, Wade seemed hellbent on helping him with.
There was never any liquor in their apartment, for starters. Whenever Logan would buy any, it would go mysteriously missing the following day. Al didn't even know it had been there, and Wade was a shit liar with his innocent little shrug when Logan would ask.
Ar first it pissed him off but, well, Wade was just trying to help, and he was - helping, that is. Logan was actually sober more than he was drunk these days - which hasn't happened in at least a decade.
The 'touch deprivation' was another Wade seemed hell bent on helping with.
The merc was already tactile with his friends. Logan had seen him drape an arm over their shoulder, side hug them as they walked somewhere, hug them goodbye.
It seemed he dialled it up to a thousand with him, though.
If they both happened to be in the kitchen, Wade was brushing up against him every few seconds, murmuring apologies as he all but pressed against him under the guise of trying to move somewhere or reach something.
When they were out, Wade would let their arms and hands brush up against each other. If Logan was pushing the cart in the store, Wade would 'accidently' rest his hand over his on the handle bar.
It was little stuff, things that somebody on the outside of them would probably not even notice, until one night on the couch.
They'd been running around for the TVA all day, and Logan was irritable and exhausted. He felt about ready to claw his own skin off out of general frustration, built up from a day of shitty, all over the place missions.
They'd both showered and were sat watching gossip girl, but he just couldn't settle. He was switching position every few seconds, growling under his breath every time his discomfort returned, and he must've been annoying the fuck out of Wade, he thought.
After maybe an hour - and Logan wasn't going to cry, but he damn sure felt like it, Wade sighed next to him.
Logan immediately found himself growing defensive, ready to argue that it wasn't his fucking fault his skin felt all tingly and wrong, and that the couch was too soft, or that there was a dumb ache in his chest that he didn't understand.
Wade didn't start arguing though. Instead, he lifted an arm in invitation.
Logan stared at him like he'd lost his fucking mind. How many hits to the head had he taken today? Could his regenerative abilities repair concussion or should Logan be taking him to a fucking hospital?
"Come on, peanut. Let me help," Wade said, which only confused Logan more. He didn't even know what was wrong- so how did Wade reckon he could fix it?
"I'm fine," he gritted out with a glare, trying to keep still to prove his point but fuck, his skin felt painful and tight.
"Alright," Wade held his hands up in surrender before letting them drop, turning back to the TV.
Logan watched him for a few seconds, then scoffed loudly, moving to lay a bit more on the arm rest.
It felt like it was digging into his ribs. He scratched his arm, barely resisting the urge to unsheathe his claws. He adjusted to lie back into the cushions. He sunk in too much, and the soft cushions felt like sandpaper against his on-fire skin.
Something dangerously close to a whimper escaped his lips, and he had to blink back a dampness building in his vision. Fuck, what the hell was wrong with him?
"Lo," he thought Wade had went back to focusing on the show, but apparently he'd been wrong, because the merc was staring at him with soft, concerned eyes, and Logan wanted to scream.
"What?" Logan snipped, but it was missing any of the intended edge.
"Let me try and help. No one else is here, it's just us - and if you don't like it, you can just sit back up," Wade lifted an arm again, an invitation for Logan to curl up against him and... it pissed him off how nice that sounded.
He hesitated for a few moments longer. Too long, really, and he expected Wade to rescind the offer entirely out of impatience.
He didn't. He just adjusted himself to be more sprawled back against the couch cushions, parting his legs a little and keeping his arm raised.
Logan made a defeated noise in the back of his throat, crawling closer. He hovered awkwardly between Wade's legs, unsure how to proceed, and Wade just gently pushed on his shoulders to get him to lie down, his head and upper torso covering Wade's chest and lower body.
He worried he'd be too heavy for Wade, but the younger man didn't seem bothered whatsoever. Perks of him being built pretty indestructible, probably.
"Good boy," he praised quietly, running his hand through Logan's hair. Essentially petting him, really, and Logan couldn't explain it but it's like everything in his head and everything with his body quietened down. He could breathe again, and he found himself going boneless against the younger man.
He wrapped his arms around Wade's torso, nuzzling into his stomach with a content sound, his eyes slipping shut as Wade continued to play with his hair, stroke over his back, brush fingers over his neck, calming the burn of his skin wherever they went.
It became a regular occurrence after that. Every night when they settled down to watch TV, Wade would wordlessly lift an arm, and Logan would wordlessly crawl over to lie against him. Sometimes they reversed it, because Logan discovered that having Wade lying atop of him felt incredibly grounding. Usually though, he'd be the one pressed up against the merc, tangled around him like some sort of extra clingy and extra heavy octopus. Wade would always 'pet' him, mumbling occasional praise as he ran gentle fingers over his body, scratching his scalp or dragging blunt nails over his back and arms.
Logan didn't realise how desperately he needed the touch until it was gone.
They'd been arguing all day. It was all stupid shit, really - moreso driven by the fact they hadn't had a mission in a while. Wade grew antsy if he'd been out of commission too long, and if he had to work so many back to back shifts at the dealership. And Logan grew irritable being stuck in the tiny apartment with no real purpose all day.
He'd went to the store and bought himself a bottle of whiskey to occupy his mind, to stop the thoughts of his old found family dead on the ground from a fight he could've aided in leaking into his brain.
Wade, as usual, had poured it down the drain. Something that, ordinarily, Logan would've been pissed about but let drop fairly quickly- because despite what others may think of him, his sort of almost sobriety did matter to him. It mattered to Wade too, which is why Logan never usually got all that mad at him for pouring perfectly good alcohol down the drain.
Maybe it was because of the irritation already brewing within them both, or maybe it was because Logan had really been relying on loosing himself in that bottle, but the argument quickly spiralled out of hand.
"You can't just pour out my shit, Wade!" Logan yelled, gesturing to the now empty bottle.
"Yeah, I'm being totally unreasonable. Next time I'll let you drink yourself into a stupor, pinky fucking promise!" Wade yelled back.
"You had no fucking right!"
"Do you think I want to, huh?! You think I just love having to control your alcohol intake like your some sixteen year old girl who discovered fucking smirnoff for the first time?!"
"Then fucking don't! I don't need you to do anything for me! I managed by myself for two hundred fucking years, I don't fucking need you, and I certainly don't fucking want you!" Logan shouted, probably loud enough that they'd get complaints from the neighbours later.
The ensuing silence felt even louder.
He regretted it immediately. He didn't mean it, and he knew that as soon as he'd said it. Because yeah, he might be able to survive by himself- but that's all it ever was. Fucking survival.
Wade showed him how to live.
He was still too angry to take any of it back, though. To admit he'd crossed a line.
"Fine. Do whatever the fuck you want, Logan," and Wade left, their bedroom door slamming echoing throughout the whole apartment.
They avoided each other for days. Even when they were together, there was silence. Wade didn't crack any of his usual jokes. They ate in silence. They stopped waking up tangled up in one another, and Wade no longer opened an arm in invitation when they were sharing the couch alone. No hand over hand on the cart, or arms brushing in the street, none of it.
Logan didn't give a shit, obviously. He bought ridiculous amounts of alcohol and drank until he passed out on their kitchen floor, waking up a few hours later cover in his own vomit and Mary Puppins peering at him curiously. Even the fucking dog was judging him.
It was the week mark, and Logan actually hadn't had a drink that day. Only because he had ran dry on money to buy any, and he'd considered stealing some but thought it wouldn't be worth losing his job with the TVA. He did maybe try drinking some of Al's nail polish remover, but he was halfway into the bottle when he realised she used the type that was fucking alcohol free.
Not his proudest moment.
His body already felt weary from the slight pulls of withdrawal when he sat on his end of the couch, purposefully not glancing Wade's way. It was very much like how he'd felt when he stopped drinking so much in this universe. The tiredness that ate down to his bones, the cravings niggling his brain constantly.
He already didn't feel great - but then the itching started, and it got intense fast.
His efforts to keep still were futile. It was so much worse than the first time around, and worse still because he knew what was missing, and it was his own fault he didn't have it anymore.
What the fuck was he supposed to say? 'Hey I know I said I didn't need you and to stop treating me like a child, but if you don't cuddle me right now I might fucking explode'.
No. He couldn't do that.
Everything hurt. He couldn't draw a breath in properly, and even the feeling of his clothes against his skin felt fucking wrong. Like it was too... light.
The final straw was when one of those tears welling in his eyes actually escaped, rolling down his cheek. He wiped at it harshly, and got up without another word, heading straight for their bedroom.
He couldn't let Wade see him like this. He was fucking pathetic.
He stripped down to his boxers, needing the stupid fabric to stop touching him, and got onto their bed. The covers felt scratchy, and he kicked them away with a growl. In the process of his aggressive attempts to find a comfortable position, he got a whiff of a familiar scent.
Wades. Wade's pillow smelt exactly like him.
It was the first time since the itching feeling started that he felt some sembelence of calm. His skin still burnt, but he could sort of zone it out for a moment.
He tried to turn away. To ignore it, because it was fucking stupid, but he didn't last long before he was grabbing the pillow and pulling it towards him, pressing his face into it and inhaling deeply.
He didn't remember when he started crying, but the pillow was soon wet with tears. He was so fucking stupid. Utterly fucking ridiculous - a grown ass man crying into a pillow because, what? He didn't have someone playing with his fucking hair?
He was so, so beyond furious at himself. At how ridiculous he was, and at how massively he'd managed to mess everything up.
Wade was good. He was bad. He should've known from the get go that he'd fuck it all up.
"Jesus, Logan," the soft gasp startled him from his thoughts abruptly, and he panicked. He sat up, shoving the pillow aside despite the fact Wade had seen exactly what he was doing.
Maybe he'd get lucky and one of those stupid ring portals would appear beneath him and send him elsewhere. Anywhere, really- he didn't care, it would be better than this.
The biting tone wasn't all that effective when he had to scrub at his eyes to get rid of the tears.
It didn't even work anyway. They wouldn't fucking stop now that he'd let them start, and the fact Wade had caught him sitting there breathing in dredges of his scent while fucking crying - maybe part of it was just the utter humiliation of it all.
"Oh, Lo. It's alright," Wade murmured, and then he was shutting the door and crossing the room, climbing onto the bed.
He reached out, but seemed to hesitate, his arm dropping, "can I touch you?"
Logan only cried harder, his body practically vibrating, as if it was attempting to force him to move closer even unconsciously. He gave a jerky nod, "please."
Wade was on him in an instant, pulling him in so tight that to anyone without super strength and regenerating abilities, it would probably hurt.
Logan didn't care. He needed more. The fire was tamed, but it was still there, the embers tickling his body and threatening to overtake him again.
His hands tugged at the hem of Wade's shirt, seeking permission. He needed the stupid itchy fabric gone. The press of it was too soft and gentle. He needed skin. Needed something solid. Needed Wade, now.
"Shirt off?" Wade clarified, and Logan nodded where his head was tucked into the crook of his neck.
He hadn't accounted for the fact that they'd have to break their embrace to do it.
Wade tried to pull back, but Logan gasped, digging his nails in and keeping himself plastered to Wade's front.
"I'm not going anywhere, peanut. I'm just taking my clothes off, alright? I'm not leaving you, I swear," Wade put both hands on the side of his face, lifting it so he could look into his eyes as he spoke, the pad of his thumb wiping away his tears.
Logan reluctantly let go, shivering violently when everything hit him again.
Wade made quick work of stripping off his shirt and sweatpants, leaving him in his briefs. He lay down, and opened his arm.
Logan could've started crying again in relief. He all but dove at the younger man, burying his face away in his chest, wrapping his arms tight around him. Wade held him tightly, pulling him in enough so their bodies were pressed together solidly.
He lifted a hand and started stroking his hair, shushing him softly and rocking their bodies a little.
"I'm sorry. 'M so sorry, I didn't mean any of it," and ordinarily he might very been reluctant to say it, never being all that good at swallowing down his perceived pride, but it felt too important not to say.
Because despite everything, Wade had came in here to check on him. He could've just continued to watch TV. He could've so easily made fun of him for what he'd walked into, mocking how fucking stupid he was, and walked straight back out. He could've and should've done all of that, but he didn't. Because he was Wade, and he was good, and Logan would never fully understand what positivity he put out into the world to earn him.
"I know, me neither. Just calm down, Lo. It's all good now, I've got you," Wade assured, squeezing tighter, and Logan made a small satisfied sound, nosing at Wade's chest and then his neck, breathing in the familiar scent of his shampoo and body wash.
The itching had ceased, but he still felt like he needed more, like it wasn't enough until he sliced Wade open and crawled inside of him, curled up contently next to his beating heart, burrowed beneathe his ribs.
He didn't verbalise it, but Wade seemed to understand, as usual.
"On your back, baby," he directed, and Logan did so without complaint.
Wade moved with him, lying on top of him completely, tangling their legs together, a solid weight pressing him into the mattress, and ironically enough he finally felt like he could breathe again.
"Good boy. You're so good, peanut," Wade hummed, running fingers over his shoulders. Logan disagreed, but he was too out of it to really argue. He felt like he was floating on a cloud, hovering out of his body.
He didn't realise he was biting until Wade let out a soft sound above him, and the metallic taste filled his mouth.
"Fuck, sorry I... I didn't realise," he tried to move away, eyes wide, but Wade shushed him again, his expression something fond.
"Does it help?" Wade asked simply, and Logan swallowed. It did. It was... it was like Wade felt closer to him, somehow.
"Mhm, but don't wanna hurt you," he felt almost drunk, his words slurring a little as he watched the small wound on Wade's shoulder close up.
"I'll heal, angel. Have at it," Wade tilted his head in invitation, and Logan nosed at his neck for a moment, still not entirely sure, before sticking out the tip of his tongue and licking experimentally. He moaned softly at the taste of Wade on his taste buds, pressing his nose against his adams apple simultaneously to breathe him in. He let his teeth sink in lightly, nibbling at the sensitive area.
Wade groaned atop of him, and Logan went to pull away, but the merc held him there by the back of his head, "keep going. Please, Lo," and he sounded breathless and needy, and it made Logan growl with animalistic possessiveness, biting down a bit harder, blood running to the surface, which he quickly lapped up.
He couldn't really tell who connected lips first, he was fairly certain it was him, but it didn't really matter ultimately. They were high off one another, Wade grinding down while Logan rutted up, both of them rock solid against each other.
Logan bit at his lip, drawing blood before licking it away filthily, dragging his nails all over every surface of Wade he could reach. He needed him. He needed him so fucking badly. He wanted to worship every square inch of him then crawl beneathe his skin and make a home there.
He reached between them, wrapping a hand around Wade's length, but the merc caught his wrist, using the other hand to grip Logan's jaw and direct their eyes to meet.
"Logan," he knew vaguely that Wade wanted him to listen, but he was too busy whining beneathe him, pushing his hips up trying to chase the friction that every cell in his body was fucking screaming for. He didn't want to stop, and he didn't get why Wade was making him.
"Logan. Hey, eyes on me, peanut," Wade ordered firmly, and Logan finally reluctantly ceased his movements, blinking Wade's face into his focus.
"How are you feeling?"
And Logan huffed, glaring a little, because did Wade really stop what they were doing just to ask him that? Seriously?
"I'm fine," he replied shortly, trying to go for Wade's mouth again, but found himself held down by a hand against his bare chest.
"I'm going to need a bit more than that before we go any further, peanut. Especially with how upset you were just twenty minutes ago," Wade was stroking a hand through his hair again, and the calmness that filled his body from the touch was enough to get him to settle down just a little, sinking into the bed and giving up his valiant mission of jerking off against Wade's solid form.
"I just need to know you're okay, and I need to know you're doing this because you want it, not just because you feel like you need it."
"I want it. I want it a lot," he said after a few seconds, looking up at Wade. It was the most vulnerable he'd felt in forever, and all he could do was hope that Wade took that and handled it carefully.
Wade smiled, kissing Logan firmly. Logan gasped into it, letting his mouth open wider, inviting Wade in to explore as he pleased.
Wade pulled away suddenly, and Logan very almost ripped his head off of his shoulders in order to keep him close.
"Easy, boy. I'm just trying to sort you out," Wade explained with fingers teasing the waistband of his boxers.
It was ridiculous, but he wasn't certain he could handle the younger man's body weight leaving him. That press, being able to feel every inch of Wade against him, it was the only thing keeping him tethered in reality. He couldn't handle his skin setting alight again. Especially not when he had went a whole week without Wade's touch.
"Baby," and something about Wade calling him that made him want to crumble. Want to get onto his knees and suck him off and worship him like he deserved, because he must be a God- that's the only explanation as to how he can breathe a single word and make Logan unravel. Because he'd never been that. He'd never been anyone's 'baby', because no one ever bothered to be tender with him before. He was The Wolverine. He was supposed to be rough, and rugged, and maybe 'handsome', but never 'pretty'. Never 'baby'.
And yet everytime it rolled off of Wade's tongue it was so genuine, so sweet and caring, and it was almost like a permission slip for Logan to let the gruff exterior drop just for a minute, and be somebody's 'baby'. Be Wade's 'baby'.
"You don't want me to leave, peanut? You want me to stay on top of you?" Wade asked, because he was genuinely bothered by the idea of Logan not being one million percent happy with this experience.
Logan found his mouth and kissed him again. This one was gentle. So, so gentle. No blood or biting or back and forth - just a barely there press of lips. A thank you, sealed away in a kiss.
"Please," he answered quietly, speaking it into Wade's parted mouth, "I just... I need to know you're here, I think. I need to..." he trailed off, unsure how to finish.
How could he verbalise that he needed to feel him so completely, that he needed Wade everywhere all over him, all at once? How could he say that without scaring him away entirely?
Maybe that would be for the best, in all honesty. He couldn't be so damn reliant - not when Wade had a fucking life to live. A future to build. Why should he put that on hold just because Logan crash landed into his reality?
He should be going on dates with Vanessa right now, trying to fix things. Or hanging out with his actual friends. He should be doing a lot of things- but trying to fix something in Logan that had been irreparably smashed to pieces years ago was not one of them.
"I need- we need to stop," he spoke, even as every cell in his body was screaming no, fuck no.
Wade frowned, the hand that had been tracing over his arms pausing.
"I can't. I can't do it. I can't."
He couldn't drag Wade down into the fucking abyss. He couldn't force him to live out his eternity like this.
"Okay, that's okay peanut. You want me to get off of you?" Wade offered, and Logan nodded.
It killed him, but he nodded.
Wade lifted up, manoeuvring onto the edge of the bed.
Logan wanted to throw up, that cold and empty feeling returning to his gut, spreading through all of his limbs like poison. 'This is good, Wade is good, you are bad' was like a mantra in his head, growing louder and louder until all Logan could hear was the rapid thumping of his own heart and those words, screamed, being etched across his organs like a warning.
Maybe the repeated frying of his brain was finally catching up to him.
"Logan, what's wrong?"
Logan wanted to tear his own fucking skin off.
"Did- was it too much? Did I go too far? I'm sorry, I just thought it's what you wanted," Wade was apologising, he was fucking apologising, and Logan was barely holding it the fuck together, his chest tightening.
"No. No, it's... I need to be alone," he choked on the last word, as if his body was physically fighting him from saying it.
Wade was looking at him with a small frown, reaching out for his hand resting on the mattress which Logan quickly moved away.
He'd never forget the look of hurt etched onto the others face. He might very well of tried to hide it, but he caught the flash of upset that filled Wade's features so intensely for just a moment.
"Of course. Yeah, sorry. I'll just," Wade gestured vaguely to the bedroom door before all but racing out of the room, the door clicking shut behind him.
Logan sighed shakily, curling up on himself and trying in vain to stop the tears coming.
Part 2 up now
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fallenneziah · 1 month
Not sure if you're requesting for Poolverine but if you are...
"What's the wingspan on those blow job handles??"
Oh hell am I ever, babygirl.
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CW: Blowjobs, old men bickering, there is the Wolverine Cowl, admittedly softer Wade and Logan, pls tell me how I did, and send me stuff to write for ya so I can get better with these dudes.
2K words.
Cowl on, Hood off.
“Put the cowl on.”
It was the first thing Wade said before Logan could fully make it to his knees. The older man sank, his heels pressed into the floor and ankles supporting his butt.
“I’m not wearing the hood.”
Wade would have whined, but kept his composure this time around, long enough to bicker while his suit was uncomfortably tight.
“Come on, put it on.”
Logan’s brows pinched together, his lips pursing, “Just pull my hair like a man, Wade.”
Wade crossed his arms over his chest, staring down at Logan before mumbling, “Vanessa would have done it…”
Silence befell them for a few seconds before Logan growled and rolled his shoulders, cracking his neck.
“I hate you so much…” He reached over for the bedside table and grabbed the cowl. He slid it over his head, hearing the excited gasp from Wade.
Logan rolled his tongue inside his mouth, a poisonous tang of possessiveness there.
“Oh fuck yes, we’re in business now, babygirl.” He reached for his belt, Logan having to slap his hands away. “Stay.”
Wade stopped, pouting his lip, his breath caught in his throat as Logan proceeded to unclip his belt and toss it aside. His hands were rough but they got the job done, tugging the suit down, forcing Wade to shimmy a little.
“God, this sweaty body condom is going to be the death of me-“ Wade’s breath left his lungs when Logan’s claws extended, and wordlessly tore down the sides of the suit.
The fabric peeled away from Wade’s body, his underwear going with it, leaving his welted, scarred body in full view.
Logan huffed in amusement. “This is it??” He smirked,
“Wah- No, this is not it.” He huffed and turned his head away. “You better shut your mouth before I shove-“
Logan’s smirk didn’t fade as his massive hand wrapped around the base of Wade’s cock, making another breathless, excited gasp fall from the Merc’s lips.
“Shove what where Wade?” He leaned in, warm air wafting over Wade’s cock, and he gave it an experimental lick. His hand squeezed the base and gently stroked back up, his rough callouses and harsh palms were like little pricks to Wade’s otherwise numb exterior.
Wade’s eyes were glued to the scene, rough knuckles clasped around his decent shaft, the lack of hair making the glide smooth and silky. The small sounds of Logan’s hand on the taut skin of his cock drove Wade just a little bit madder each time.
“Oh, Honey Badger…” Wade leaned his head back, the excitement getting him off more than Logan was at this point. But neither man was complaining – for once.
Logan’s hand stroked the length of Wade’s cock, twisting occasionally. He leaned up on his heels and collected some spit in his mouth, dripping it down onto Wade’s shaft, working it in with his hand.
“Wade. You made me wear this damn thing, so take goddamn advantage.” Logan growled. It was an exasperated need for Wade to grab him by the horns and wrangle him.
“Right- right- impatient little peanut.“ Wade’s hands reached down to grasp the ears of the cowl, gripping them tightly and tugging Logan’s head forward, lips kissing Wade’s cockhead. Logan let out a low growl when he was tugged.
A bead of pre-cum rolled down the slit of his tip, Logan’s tongue flicking out to drink it up and swirl around the tip.
Logan groaned softly and pushed his cock to the side, kissing up the shaft. His warm air brushed over the hardening, twitching length, curving up and drooling more.
“God, Wade.” Logan’s hand was slick with spit and pre-cum, watching how fast it leaked down the length of Wade’s excited cock. Logan’s fingers were coated with it, thumb rubbing It into the tip and kissing along the salty, pre-cum covered length.
His nostrils flared against Wade’s body, smelling the sweat that began, it was faint, the musky smell of worn suit prevailing. His free hand came up, nudging Wade back and opening his legs a bit more, squeezing the man’s balls.
Wade’s breathing became ragged as Logan’s mouth moved over his cock, and his hands shook slightly while gripping the cowl. He thrust his hips forward, but Logan’s strong arms held him in place, a possessive grin on his face.
“You better not bite,” Wade warned, his voice shaking with lust and trepidation.
Logan chuckled low in his throat, his eyes never leaving Wade’s hardened length. “If you think I’m going to let that precious little cock go to waste,” he said, his voice husky with desire.
“You’ve got another thing coming, bub.”
Wade swallowed hard, his body trembling as Logan’s mouth enveloped his cock, sucking and licking with an expertise that left Wade breathless. His hands clutched the cowl tighter, his knuckles turning white as he fought to maintain control.
Logan was starting to pant, his breath warm on the other’s cock. His own was aching, leaking. The fabric of his suit was tight and constricting, the pressure building as he worked the other.
The heat radiating off Wade’s skin made breathing feel harder, desperate to get Logan’s mouth fully around his cock. His hands tightened on the cowl, giving Logan another tug.
Wade’s moans grew more intense as Logan teased him, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. His fingers tightened around the cowl’s ears, grasping them with an almost desperate need.
Wade was the only person Logan was willing to choke himself on, his hands moving down to the Merc’s hips. He squeezed the skin in a bruising grip and kissed the tip before sinking over it. His rough lips took Wade’s length in one inch at a time, taking his time to flick and suck on it, saliva building in his throat.
Wade tugged on the cowl, the mask holding up and shaping Logan’s face, the angle of his nose showing the drool pooling from Logan’s mouth and down into his messy stubble.
It wasn't so much a romantic thing as it was the visceral need to have the man’s body anywhere near his. Logan didn’t care if he was on the bottom or the top, he needed to smell Wade’s sweat, to taste his tears, to feel him squirm.
His tongue pressed up under the other’s cock, tracing along the shaft as he slowly, finally sank to the hilt. He took his time, his hand releasing Wade’s hip and returning to squeeze his balls.
Wade’s grip never lessened on the cowl, holding Logan’s head in place.
Logan’s hands slipped down Wade’s thighs and behind his knees, grabbing the backs and yanking the Merc down.
“Fuck!” Wade gasped and grabbed the back of Logan’s head, the sudden movement causing the head of his cock to push past the tight warmth of Logan’s throat, feeling his throat constrict and convulse around his dick.
Logan pulled Wade’s thighs up and let them rest on his shoulders. His head pulled back slowly, sucking the entire length from his mouth, and licked along the bottom of the shaft.
“Shut up, bub…” He panted softly, spitting the drool and pre-cum in his mouth into Wade’s twitching cock.
Wade’s mouth fell open, his hands reached down again to quickly grab hold of the cowl’s ear fins. He moaned, bucking his hips up into Logan’s mouth, saliva leaking from Logan’s mouth down over Wade’s balls.
The cowl was hot, sweaty, and damp against Logan’s face. He was sure his hair was stuck to his forehead, but that didn’t stop him from wrapping his arms around the Merc’s thighs and pulling him in closer.
His face pressed flush to Wade’s baby-smooth groin and his throat tensed and pulsed around Wade’s cock, causing him to choke and drip saliva down his chin and neck.
Wade’s legs spread wide, his head rolling back and his eyes squeezed shut.
“F-fuck, Honey Badger- Logan.”
Logan couldn’t help but attempt to chuckle (which came out more as a wet gag) at Wade’s pleading, the sound vibrating on his tongue as he licked along the length of the Merc's cock. The strain in the other’s voice, the way his body trembled with need, only fueled Logan’s desire to bring him to the edge.
He wrapped his lips tightly around Wade’s cock, pulling him in deeper, his tongue dancing along the sensitive underside.
Wade’s toes curled, his breath hitched in his throat as Logan’s mouth enveloped him, the sensation overwhelming him. He thrust his hips forward, pushing deeper down Logan’s throat. The world seemed to spin as a wave of pleasure crashed over him, his vision dimming at the edges.
Logan’s nose was buried in the soft skin of Wade’s groin, his tongue pushing and rolling over the underside of the other’s dick, feeling the way it throbbed and pulsed.
Logan drew back, gasping for air, Wade’s cock still between his teeth. The taste of salty sweat mixed with the bitter tang of precum filled his senses as his free hand rubbed at his throbbing erection through the tight confines of his costume.
As Logan stared into Wade’s blissful eyes, his desire seemed to match the other’s. The need to taste, to touch, to possess drove him forward.
Wade whimpered softly as Logan took his cock into his mouth again, this time swallowing the head deep into his throat, his throat muscles flexing in rhythm with the pumping of his tongue.
Wade arched his back, his hands grabbing at the cowl’s ear fins again, tugging at them in time with the thrusts of his hips as Logan continued to suckle at him.
Fuck, Logan was going to tear him apart for this later…
His blunt fingers dragged over the head of the cowl, scraping at the fabric and tugging the corners, arching up his hips and squeezing the cowls ears.
Logan’s eyes locked with Wade’s, holding onto each other through the haze of bliss and desire. The cowl was now a twisted mess of fabric and sweat, sticking to their faces as they struggled for air.
Wade’s breaths grew ragged, his grip on the cowl tightening until his knuckles turned white, but there was no denying the lusty expression etched across his features.
As the room spiraled into a whirlwind of passions and flavors, Logan’s throat convulsed around the Merc’s cock, his lips wrapped around the base, sucking and swallowing with a feral hunger.
Wade’s hips bucked, his body trembling as Logan’s warm, slick tongue danced around the veins on the shaft and swirled around the sensitive head, eliciting a choked-off moan from the Merc.
“Hnnn- god, I’m gonna cum-“
“Mmff- Nh- nhh-“ Logan’s nails dug into Wade’s thighs, his body jerking as the Merc came, thighs flexing.
The white-hot rush of pleasure drowned out everything else, leaving only pure, raw ecstasy. Wade’s eyes rolled back, his hands releasing the cowl’s ear fins for a moment as he gripped Logan’s shoulders instead, desperately seeking contact with the man.
Logan felt the jolt of Wade’s release, the hot spurts coating his throat and filling his mouth. He swallowed convulsively, the salty taste of the other man’s climax flooding his senses. It was a mix of relief and exhilaration, the culmination of the sensual build-up and the raw power between them.
Wade’s breathing gradually slowed, his fingers releasing Logan’s shoulders and his eyes slowly opening. He stroked the tips of the cowl, smiling like a lovesick idiot, having gotten to hang on like he was riding a bull. His gaze met Logan’s, filled with both relief and vulnerability as he tried to catch his breath.
“Fuck,” Wade panted softly.
Logan slowly pulled back, shuddering a little, the pungent smell of sweat and cum becoming a more powerful presence than before. His brows stayed pinched together, canines aching with a lustful hunger. "Now who’s the slut?”
I apologize if this was lacking in any way, it's my first smut piece for them so I'm dipping into uncertain waters again haha.
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chronometerin · 24 days
down on my knees (wanna take you there)
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rating: E
relationship: Wade Wilson/Logan (Worst Wolverine)
“I’ve been thinking about what you said.”
Wade and Logan’s freelance mission hadn’t been as bloody as expected and Blind Al was at her Tuesday night bridge sessions, so they’d decided to skip straight to watching a 90s teen romcom on the couch instead of stripping out of their superhero suits and showering.
“I say a lot of things, Peanut. You’re gonna have to be more specific.”
(or, Logan wants to try something new with Wade.)
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cuntylogan · 19 days
Logan only has one rule when he moves into the extra bedroom in Wade's apartment: don't get comfortable.
The only thing standing between Logan and a boring, blissful, murder-free life in Canada is Wade.
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wickedscribbles · 10 hours
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Trying not to give too much away, but he's getting absolutely wrecked 😌😌😌
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Deadpool (Movieverse) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Logan | Worst Wolverine (Deadpool Movies)/Wade Wilson, Logan | Worst Wolverine (Deadpool Movies) & Wade Wilson Characters: Logan | Worst Wolverine (Deadpool Movies), Wade Wilson, Blind Al (Deadpool) Additional Tags: Angst and Fluff and Smut, Nightmares, Psychic Bond, the time ripper made things wonky for them ok, sort of out of body experiences?, Gratuitous Smut, Hand Jobs, Submissive Wolverine, Sort Of, Praise Kink, Logan | Worst Wolverine Has a Praise Kink (Deadpool Movies), Blood and Injury, I mean, obviously, the claws come out folks, but in a hot way, Logan | Worst Wolverine Needs a Hug (Deadpool Movies), Purring Summary:
It’s getting harder to tell where he ends and Wade begins, Logan thinks. Since the Time Ripper incident, it’s all sort of — mushed together.
There’s trauma bonding. And then there’s whatever the fuck they have going on.
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rab1tz · 1 month
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Wade finally got his payback for the honda scene
Im going insane....
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obihoebikenobi · 10 days
Poolverine Series: to gain true love, one must first lose their wolvirginity, i don't make the rules
By: obihoebikenobi, 23.6K as of September 13th, 2024
It's a love story baby just get fucked. Logan and Wade's love story, written in somewhat disconnected parts.
I descended into Poolverine hell and wrote a 20K and counting series about these two fuckers. Featuring: softness, migraines, love confessions, domesticity, and fucking. All that good shit.
See summaries, relevant tags, ratings, and links to all fics on ao3 below.
PART 1: i wanna hold your hand (and colossal dick, eventually), 3.5K
Rating: M
Tags: alcohol withdrawl, vomiting, literally sharing a bed, bathing/washing
“Fuck you, Wade.” “If only,” Wade said, trailing a finger over a seam on the quilt with feigned yearning, “I long for the day you allow me the pleasure of ravishing your raw skin-saber, maybe with a side of penetration–” “The only thing I’ll be penetrating is your eye sockets with these,” Logan flashed his claws, “If you so much as speak to me while we are still in this bed tomorrow morning.” “Joke's on you, I will gladly and enthusiastically take any form of penetration, in existing or fresh new holes, as long as it’s from you, Peanut.” Logan’s head pounded, but he wasn’t sure if it was from Wade’s persistent blabbering, or the fact that the last of the alcohol was wearing off. “Go the fuck to sleep.” Logan downed the last sip of vodka and willed his body to cooperate. Withdrawal was a bitch. (one pull-out couch, two bitches, vomiting, and the works, now with fucking in part two!)
PART 2: a little bit more than hand holding, 2.7K
Rating: E
Tags: wade is obsessed with dicks, bottom wade, little bit of praise kink, logan just wants a kissi
“Oh so that’s your horny face then? Watery eyes, clenched teeth? Nothing hotter than a tortured poet with a heart of gold who cries during sex.” “Wade–” “If that’s horny I’d love to see your O-face–” Wade threw an arm over his forehead, gasping. “Can you just shut the fuck up for one goddamn second, asshole?” Logan dared a sharp glance in Wade’s direction, finding him sitting perfectly still with a pleasant smile painted across his face. The smug piece of shit knew Logan wanted him. Logan cleared his throat, “Now that I have your attention,” he started, earning a snort from Wade, “So we’re clear, the more words that come out of your mouth, the more likely I’m going to sleep early and no one's getting fucked.”   (wade loses his wolvirginity)
PART 3: lesser of two evils, right?, 7.5K
Rating: E
Tags: sub logan (kinda), crying during sex, soft, rimming, angst, praise kink
“When you’re done being a bitter little bitch, I’m offering you a massage, of the non-dick variety. Because I am a nice person.” It was, indeed, surprisingly nice. Logan stared at him, hating himself for actually wanting the fucking massage, because he sure as shit shouldn’t have wanted it. “I’m going to take that blank, lifeless stare as a hell yeah. So take off your shirt and come with daddy,” Wade pointed toward the bedroom expectantly, lips drawn into a wide smile. “Don’t call yourself that again. Ever.” What a little shit. (logan gets migraines, but also gets a massage, and an orgasm. it's a lot.)
PART 4: holding hands (gone sexual), 5.3K
Rating: E
Tags: discussion of consent and logan's past issues, insecure logan, bottom logan, domestic fluff, love confessions, praise kink
“Oh my god. Oh my god.” Oh for fuck’s sake. Logan probably shouldn’t have stopped considering throwing himself in a meat grinder– “Have I died in my sleep? Is this yet another whimsical dream where I have a house husband to take care of my every need and whim whilst I labor away every fucking single day, with so little appreciation, just to feed our child–” “Shut the fuck up,” Logan muttered, feeling the stain of red warmth over his cheeks. “I don’t know what I have done to deserve this, Peanut, but I am so fucking turned on right now. I might come in my pants. That happens when people are nice to me.” “Wade, it’s waffles–” “Don’t be a kink-shamer, baby girl. Benevolence and breakfast foods get me going. Don’t even get me started on sausages.” (logan explores his feelings with wade, makes waffles for wade, gets fucked by wade, falls in love...with wade)
PART 5: and they were boyfriends (and roomates), 4.4K
Rating: E
Tags: love confessions, insecure logan, drinking to cope, angst and hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort
“I’m good.” For whatever reason, Wade apparently took that as an invitation to sit down next to him, and Logan growled, moving over so they weren’t touching. Wade shivered, scoffing at him, and kicking Logan’s foot. “Clearly not, Peanut. You’ve smoked a week’s wage of cigs in three hours and I’m fairly certain you’re still not unfucked up from all that cheap-ass donkey piss you call whiskey.” Logan was seconds, maybe milliseconds, from punching him in the fucking face–with claws–but he held back, knowing Wade only thrived on retaliation. “What’s it matter to you?” The words felt sour on his tongue and he practically spat them in Wade’s direction. “Well,” Wade took a deep breath, “I’m probably the reason–scratch that–I’m definitely the reason you’re clearly not good.” (wade takes a mid love-confession job, logan drinks about it. cue angst. subsequently, boyfriendship.)
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murrpa · 19 days
Y’all I dropped a fic, devour it hehehe❤️‍🔥
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lunasblunt · 1 month
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70s logan moodboard
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cuntylogan · 8 days
Logan only has one rule when he moves into the extra bedroom in Wade's apartment: don't get comfortable.
The only thing standing between Logan and a boring, blissful, murder-free life in Canada is Wade.
Part two is up!! Thank you so much to everybody who loved on part one, it made my life.
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wickedscribbles · 1 month
if i get too loud you can shut my mouth ch. 2
Ch. 1
Pairing: Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Logan Howlett/Wolverine
Rating: Explicit
Tags: handjobs, dry humping, oral sex, violent sex, violence (but they're into it), tenderness, dirty talk, choking
Word Count: 2.7K
If you like what I write and can afford to do so, please consider buying me a coffee! It would be much appreciated.
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There are precious few moments where Logan's brain will shut the fuck up and give him some peace.
You'd think after two hundred years, there would be pockets of quiet. Tranquility, even. That does not seem to be the case. If he believed in karma, he'd venture to say that he's still paying for what he did so many years back – or failed to do.
Alcohol helps. Makes everything go so numb and blurry that he can't bring himself to care about all the things his brain normally can't stop ruminating over.
But lately, Logan's been trying to cut back. Ever since he was yanked out of his timeline and brought into Wade's, he's found things that are worth keeping a clear head for.
Daytime work that he likes; putting things together instead of ripping them apart. A studio apartment that suits him just fine. Wade's friends, who feel achingly familiar as they slowly become his own companions.
Laura – the girl from the Void who had eyed him with such fascination and misplaced grief – had followed them here as well. And though Logan knows that he doesn't technically owe her anything, a part of him still feels a responsibility to check in on the kid. So there's that, too.
So strange, to try and have some sort of a life again after endless years thinking he deserved nothing. All that time in an alcoholic haze, only to be pulled out by the man he now has pinned to the wall, his mouth so soft against Logan's own.
But he's done thinking. He did enough of that on the way here. He's been doing that, worrying about what the fuck Wade even wants. Knowing that it won't end well for so many reasons.
As he has so many times in the past, he's saying fuck it to logic and falling in headfirst. Logan kisses the fool in front of him, despite the fact that the man annoys the shit out of him, despite the ridiculous pajamas, despite everything in his brain screaming bad idea.
Why does he have to be attracted to Wade Wilson, of all people? Logan doesn't know. He just is. Left burning and hard after every fucking interaction, milling over the lighting fast quips and the little flirtations. Hating that Wade can make him laugh, furious that he misses the man when they're not together.
This is more dangerous than the dozens of threats he's been up against in his prolonged lifetime.
Fuck it, he thinks again, drunk on the feeling of Wade's cock pressing into his thigh. He wants this too much. And when was the last time he truly let himself have something he wanted?
The way they touch is hesitant for all of two seconds before it becomes hot and deep and messy and needy.
Logan's definitely not running from Wade now. Instead he's pushing him deeper into the wall, hips rutting against his cock, chasing that friction. The other man's heartbeat is thunder in his ears, and he smells like lust and Irish Spring and the chicken tacos he had for dinner.
For once, Wade is quiet, his mouth busy with the frantic pace Logan's giving him to work with. He makes the softest little sounds every time their lips collide, his scarred hands buried in fistfuls of Logan's flannel where it hangs open at his sides.
God. Fuck.
It would be all too easy to become overwhelmed, to just rut against him until he couldn't bear it anymore, spilling in his jeans like a horny teenager.
But Logan wants more.
He slides one palm down from where he's supporting himself against the wall and slowly, pointedly traces it over the other man's throat. Logan feels as much as hears him breathe faster before he gives one deep, full squeeze. Wade's hips ram into his, faster, harder, and Logan has to bite back his own sound of pleasure.
Vibrations purr against the palm of his hand as Wade tries to say something.
“We gonna stand here all night or are you gonna –hhh–do something?”
Good question.
“No,” Logan replies, after remembering that he's got the mental capacity to dry-fuck this man and talk at the same time. “I think… I think I'm gonna make you come, then you're gonna show me where the bedroom is.”
“Fuuuuuuck,” Wade groans. Every breath comes out in a short burst, and Logan can tell he's close. “I haven't been this wet s-since I got the big call from Feige, Jesus Christ this feels good, I –”
Logan cuts him off by cupping his other hand to Wade's cock between their bodies, and it's a special kind of delight to see his eyes roll back as he forgets whatever he was trying to say.
“That's it,” he murmurs. “Almost there.”
A frantic hand travels to Logan's ass, urging him forward, begging for more pressure, and he provides it on instinct. Wade’s cock is hot and a little damp around the shape of his palm, and Christ if that doesn’t make his own jerk in answer, some tandem reaction that leaves his whole body tense with want. It’s been decades since he’s touched someone, and even longer since that someone had this sort of equipment.
Up until this second, Logan hadn’t let himself think about this except in fleeting, guilty bursts. Hadn’t let himself want it quite like this. Now, he knows he can’t stop until both of them have had their fill.
He doesn't have to wait long for Wade to finish. A few more thrusts and a string of swears has him coming into Logan's palm, the thin material of his boxers soaking through. Logan can smell how he would taste in the close proximity, all salty-sweet and musk.
They need to get to that bedroom fast.
Wade is blinking at him, come-drunk and dazed.
“Fuck, gorgeous,” he breathes. “If I had a clue we'd be doing this dance tonight I definitely would have taken Puppins to Al's place.” A moment of thought. “And maybe lit a candle. Set the mood. I don't know.”
Does he like to talk just for the sake of feeling his mouth move?
They both turn a little to look at the scraggly, ugly little dog nestled in her bed behind the couch. She's only moved to go belly-up, tongue dangling limply out of her toothless mouth.
“I think she'll be fine,” Logan says, withdrawing his hand and wiping it lightly on his jeans. He hopes that Wade can't see what color his face has turned at being called gorgeous, even though the man says that nonsensical shit all the time. Ridiculous.
He clears his throat, arching a brow down the hall.
Lucky for him, Wade's not as dumb as he likes to seem.
“Shit, yeah, okay, bedroom’s on the left.”
They waste no time getting there. Logan is the one to turn the doorknob, with Wade so close behind him that he feels the other man step on the back of his shoe. The door closes behind them with a snap, and in the moonlight coming through the blinds, there's enough light for a mutant to see the room.
It's not much, but it's tidier than he was expecting. Weapons stacked all neat in the far corner. A few pictures hanging up. A tangle of sheets on the bed that smell so strongly of Wade that Logan can't fucking think anymore; he turns around to him and hurls him to the mattress, where Wade bounces with an enthusiastic yelp.
Climbing on top of Wade feels so natural, easy, right. Hands come up to dig at his shoulders and again they're kissing, something brutal and needy until Logan tastes blood and he isn't sure whose mouth it's coming from. All he knows is that he's gasping out a low sound against Wade's lips, pressing his body into the slimmer shape, hungry.
He can't remember undoing the button of his pants, but one of them must have. They're looser now at his waist, Wade's fingers trailing down, down.
Guy looks like he's having the time of his life, and that's doing everything to keep Logan hard enough to hurt. His bright, brown eyes are lit up as if this is something he's been looking forward to just as much as Logan has. They're almost too intense to make contact with, watching his every move as Wade purposefully squeezes the outline of Logan's bulge through his own underwear.
Logan grabs a fistful of the star-patterned sheets beneath them, leaning into the touch. So good.
“Yeah, big guy?” Wade purrs beneath him. “Tell me all about it.”
The tender way he's being gazed up at stirs something in Logan that he's not willing to feel. On top of it all – the heat of arousal, the way they're going so fast, the smell of sweat and grease on his own body – it's too much.
“Shut it,” he bites out.
Fingers close around his cock through his own boxer briefs. It takes everything Logan has not to jolt into the sensation, fuck Wade's hand like he's desperate for it.
He is, but he's trying not to let Wade know that.
“You sure you want that?”
Wade's voice slips just a little lower, confident, and suddenly Logan isn't sure who holds the power anymore. The last time they'd fought, it was clear that they were damn close to an even match. The only reason Logan's on top right now is because Wade wants him to be.
A part of Logan craves that again. The kind of violence where neither knew what could happen next. He couldn't remember the last time he was so thrilled – all while knowing he couldn't actually harm Wade in the long term.
He feels himself drooling pre-come in his underwear, and Wade seems to be aware of it, too.
“Hmm.” Wade hums, satisfied with himself, and squeezes the length of Logan's cock. “You're just full of surprises, aren't ya, babygirl?”
Logan can feel himself blush, again, and Wade takes the opportunity to take his dick out of his boxers and make some flippant remark about the size not being comic accurate, and how that's a relief, and he doesn't really know what the fuck that's about. Once he starts that teasing, sloppy rhythm with his hand, though, Logan can't think of any clever retort.
Fuck, it's good.
It's so fucking good.
He'd never paid much attention to Wade's hands before this specific moment, but now he's more than aware that they're large and long-fingered, handling him with skill. Doing some tricky wrist thing that makes him jolt and gasp and fight not to take more like an animal.
“If you're gonna say something stupid, you might as well not talk at all,” Logan says, jaw clenched so tight that they both hear it pop.
“If that's code for stick this thing in your mouth, then I'm 10-4, good buddy.”
At this point, Logan's not going to complain about whatever the fuck he's saying. He can't find the words to do it over how much he wants what's coming next to happen.
Wade slides down the mattress, a bit of an awkward shuffle, until he's level with Logan's stiff and aching cock. Hot breath ghosts over the skin for all of three seconds before it's replaced with lips, making themselves familiar with the tip of him.
Logan can't stand it. He has to get out of his jeans, and if he stays in this position he's half sure he's going to crush the other man’s skull with his thighs if he places him fully in his mouth.
“Should move,” he mutters, and Wade takes the hint. He lets up, and in a blink, Logan’s on his feet and tearing out of his jeans and underwear. Wade takes the time to shed his own, too, and when Logan turns his attention back to the bed, it’s to find Wade sitting crosslegged at the end of it, all pretty and pert and hard again in the fucking fuzzy bathrobe. Posing like he knows how badly he’s turning Logan on right now.
He deposits himself on the mattress as fast as possible, and it squeaks in protest underneath him. Wade’s quick to move into place again, each hand slow and warm and purposeful as they slide up his knees, his thighs, his stomach…
“Fuck,” Logan whispers, swallowing hard. He didn’t even mean to say anything, but Wade is making it so easy to fall apart.
Tender kisses land their way along where Wade’s hands had just been, but they pause as he laughs a little.
“Mm, correct, my friend. That’s what we’re doing.”
Logan watches as Wade’s lips travels back to where it had been before they’d rearranged themselves, back to his straining dick, where he needs him, and the prick opens his mouth –
“Is this thing on?”
A quirked eyebrow, grasping him at the hilt just to get that extra effect.
Something must have gotten rattled one too many times over the years in his head. A screw loose somewhere, something that didn’t heal right – because he fucking laughs at that, just a little, a snort that melts into a quiet moan as Wade takes as much of him down his throat as he can.
Fucking idiot, Logan thinks somewhere in the haze, and he’s not sure if he’s referring to Wade or himself.
The consistent, hot suction feels too amazing for him to really care. Distantly, he can hear himself panting, watches his hips thrust into Wade’s mouth. He’s trying to be gentle, trying to hold back – but it isn’t long before Wade’s nails dig into the flesh of his sides, urging him to go ahead with it. Telling Logan to fuck his mouth the way he wants to.
It’s clear that he won’t last the second Logan does just that. The first brutal thrust makes Wade gag, but after a second of hesitation – eye contact and a grin around his cock that nearly has him spilling right then – they keep at it. Vaguely, he can feel Wade’s nails digging deep into his skin, leaving red trails that heal not long after they’re made. That’s not what he cares about.
“M’close,” Logan manages, feeling his stomach muscles clench in that familiar, delicious way. So so so fucking close, any second, holy shit– “F-fuck, Red, I’m right there–”
That’s all the warning he can give before he’s spilling hot and fast down Wade’s throat, mouth hanging open in a silent gasp of pleasure. He tilts his head back, back to the ceiling, overwhelmed at how Wade only sucks harder with every pulse. He can’t remember the last time it felt this good to come. Not for his own hand, that’s for fucking sure.
When it finally ebbs – when Logan can finally remember his own name – he blinks back down to Wade.
He’s sunk his claws deep into his shoulder. Right up to the knuckle.
Logan hurries to pull them back, sitting up in a flash as his heart jackhammers in his chest. Wade just watches him, blood spurting in deep pulses down his robe, onto his sheets. Staining everything it touches, no doubt seeping into the mattress. After a moment, he only looks up at Logan with a whoops kind of expression, shrugging a bit.
It takes Logan a beat too long to realize that everything is fine. Wade is…safe. It’s safe to be like this with him.
Relief isn’t a big enough word.
“Aww, were you worried for a second? You think you got me?” Wade all but beams at him, the skin of his shoulder already knitting itself back into place through the material of his shredded robe. “I’m good as new – and the sheets, eh. A little biohazard never hurt anybody.”
Logan nods, his heart still racing. “Yeah.”
Wade nods a little to himself, licking a stray bit of come off of the corner of his mouth. He traces hearts in the blood puddle soaking the bottom corner of his sheets, looking almost shy.
“Sooo…are you gonna fuck me now, or…?”
Telling him no isn’t even a thought in Logan’s mind. He already wants Wade again, wants to feel him clenching tight around his dick – curious to see what he can take. Ready to give him everything and then some.
“How about we change the sheets first?”
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jakegyllenbaalz · 2 months
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this movie is making me insane
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