#Ponniyan Selvan
Viraha(a feeling of longing one has when seperated from one's lover)
Kundavai was sitting all alone in the veranda of anthapuram.Night has descended upon Pazhayari , the residents of the city had retired after a day full of celebration. Only the darling Illavarasi of Chola Kingdom is awake with the serene moon as her companion. Moonlight shines brightly on Kundavai's sharp features and doe shaped eyes. The always alert and sophisticated Kundavai seems a bit lost in her own world as she humms a soft melody...
Aganaga aganaga muganagaiyae..ho
Muganaga muganaga murunagaiyae..ho
Murunaga murunaga tharunagaiyae..ho hoo
Tharunaga tharunaga varunanaiyae..
Yaaradhu yaaradhu
Punnagai korppadhu
Yaavilum yaavilum
En manam serppadhu
'Vandiyathevan '...
Illavarasi first heard this name three years back in a letter from her Anna. She remembered it vividly, as it was the first letter where there was no mention of Nandini.But rather it was filled with tales of a certain Vanar prince who had impressed her Anna with his quick wit and charm. Since then Vallavaryan had became a regular member in Anna's letters . Those tales of bravery and charm had obviously impressed Kundavai, and made her keen to meet this paragon of manhood. In some of his letters Anna had even joked about how the witty prince would be a perfect match to her scheming mind and how he would swept her of her feet. Kundavai , having been raised as a perfect princess never believed in those abstract concepts of love, she always knew that if she ever married it will be a political alliance , and what is marriage? but an arrangement between two people. Kundavai was too mature to believe in any romantic nonsense, but today after meeting the Veer from Vanar Kulam , her heart wants to believe in this madness.
"Uyir Ungaludaiyadhu devi ..."
He had told her but did he really meant it or was it an empty promise? For the first time in her life Kundavai doesn't have any answer to a question, an uncertain fear of losing something she never had has grappled her heart, for the first time in her life Kundavai felt restless and lost, she felt as if something has shifted, something has changed. Till now everything in her life has revolved around her family and her beloved Chola Desam but now something has changed. Someone else has entered her heart without her knowledge...when did this happen? She felt as if this was the moment she was waiting for since the day she was born. She was an young girl till yesterday but now she has transformed into a woman . An woman eager to meet her beloved, to embrace him , to tell him how much he means to her .Is this what the poets talks about? Is this how one feels when in love? Is it what her Anna had felt when he had met Nandini? Or is it what her dear Vanathi had felt when she first saw her brother? Kundavai murmured to herself as she played with her long wavy hair -
Vandiyathevan what black magic have you done ? What games are you playing with this innocent maiden's heart? Why are you tormenting me like this? Why did you make those promises to me? Why? Why?
I was perfectly fine , living in my small happy bubble untill you arrived like a West wind in my life ... You have transformed this practical, hard hearted illavarasi into a swooning maiden . You have stolen my heart and carried it away with you to Eezham ... Leaving me here all alone yearning for a touch or a glance . How can I sleep peacefully in night when my heart is out there , away from me in a boat towards Eezham... Oh how I wish to leave all this scheming and plotting behind and run away with you to the sunset!! - Kundavai sighed
" I know that I could never be yours as you are a comman man and i am a princess bound by her duty to the crown but today with the ever-present moon as my witness I promise to you that you will be the only one i will ever love!
Unknown to Kundavai another soul faraway from her in a boat towards Eezham was promising her the same
Alaikadal aazham nilavu ariyaadhoo
Yeloo yel yeloo
Adi mana dhaagam vizhil theriyaadhoo
Yeloo yel yeloo
Vandiyathevan muttered sleepily.
Poonguzhali is going on for hours now but there is no use of telling her that as she will once again threaten to stab him with her knife . Vandiyathevan tries to sleep ,but alas! Poonguzhali's haunting melody was not going to make it easy for him.
"Poonghuzhali , what a beautiful name !"- Vandiyathevan thought.
Senthan Amudan was not wrong she is a beautiful girl but not as beautiful as Kundavai.
Where did this came from? When did Vandiyathevan started comparing every other girl he met with the Illiya Piratti?
Vandiyathevan like every other comman folk of the Chola Desam has heard several glorious tales about Kundavai since he was a teenager. He had heard about her unusual beauty which had made the greatest of the kings mad, he had heard about her intelligence which can rival the learned sages. But every single praises dims in comparison to the real women . She was much more than that , she is a goddess in disguise , her twinkling eyes are much more addictive than opium , one wishes to get lost in them. She really is the most precious jewel of the Chola kulam. Vandiyathevan remembered how fondly Aditha karikalan and his grandfather used to recount Kundavai's several anecdotes to them , and how each one them used to wait eagerly for this tales , especially him and Parthibendan.
Drat! How could he forget about Parthibendan?
Isn't Illavarasi already promised to Parthibendan? Yes! Parthibendan told him that he and Kundavai are going to get married.
Haye! What was he thinking? How can he forget this important detail? And how can he,The Vallavaryan Vandiyathevan lost his heart to an already engaged women!
"Lost his heart? When did this happened?" - Vandiyathevan wondered aloud
Women had always enchanted Vandiyathevan. They are so pretty, yet so dangerous. His elders had always warned him about the evils of the women. Thus Vandiyathevan had always managed to guard his heart. But this time he was not so lucky , the cupid's arrow had finally pierced him. Love has come in his life in form of the Illiya Piratti. But what is so special about this particular woman? She definitely isn't the most beautiful one... Vandiyathevan had met women far more beautiful than her. For god's sake he had met the Pazhavoor Ilayarani , whose beauty rivals the heavenly Apsaras. But here he is lamenting over the unattainable Kundavai .Did he really had to fall for the one woman in the whole Chola Desam who he can't have? How stupid of him. Also what was he thinking ? Promising the Illavarasi that his heart belongs to her...she must have thought that he is an uncultured warrior who flirts with everything that resembles a woman. He does but still!! .Vandiyathevan ran a hand through his already messy locks , Poonguzhali has finally stopped her repetitive song. But Vandiyathevan is no more in mood to sleep , his heart has been set ablaze by the new found realisation .
"Kundavai " sighed Vandiyathevan
"I know that you are unattainable and engaged to someone else but I have given you my heart and from today onwards it will always belong to you. I promise to you with the ever present moon as my witness that you are the only one I will ever love."
Here you go!. This my attempt to write a fic about my favourite ship Kundavai and Vandiyathevan... please give me your honest opinions. Thank you @shaonsim ,@vijayasena for encouraging me to post this. Thank you @ambidextrousarcher for helping me with the typos
@thelekhikawrites @vibishalakshman @rang-lo @kovaipaavai ( your fic influenced me to write this)@thatacademic @dumdaradumdaradum @nspwriteups @thegleamingmoon @ragalata @rapunzels-stuff @hollogramhallucination give me your honest opinions
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justice for vaanathi! mani ratnam owes us a director's cut with these scenes. free the deleted scenes and music!
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kundavai · 1 year
Chilling besides the ponni river with my dear Vanathi 💕 @yaanaipaagankaadhali
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brokensky · 2 years
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Princess Kundavai & Princess Vanathi
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The emergence of ponniyan Selvan fanfics on this site is scratching a very specific itch of mine and it’s just what I need rn while also simultaneously making the itch worse cuz I consume that material like a starving dog eating treats thank you
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amnmich · 2 years
and some of y’all still don’t think they lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship smh.
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shuknopadma · 1 year
Karikalan showing up to kadambur and literally saying whatever with no filter lmao
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tamlindudley · 1 year
The Aditha Karikalan and Vandiyadevan pairing does not get nearly enough love. They're the epitome of loyalty and I can't even.
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tamilakam · 1 year
"In the year of the Rabbit, the second year of the reign of King Suryavarman, he sent an embassy to the king of the country of Chola, Rajendra Chola, requesting his help to put down a rebellion in the country. The king of Chola sent his son with an army to help the king of Cambodia, and the rebellion was put down."
Cambodian Chronicles
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tulunadu1909 · 1 year
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voidsteffy · 1 year
ok I just watched PS1 (ik IK i'm LATE AF) and i have only one question: wh is Oomai Rani (did i get that right?) look like Nandini?
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Bhognohridoy (broken hearted)
Collab with @harinishivaa
Poonkuzhali was exhausted, she was tired of waiting and peeping around to get a glimpse of her Ponniyin Selvan. Since the day the Kodambalur illavarasi had arrived, Poonkuzhali hasn't dared to go near him. She was afraid of witnessing something that could break her heart into a million pieces. Although she had seen the aforementioned women roaming around the Vihara, taking care of Arulmozhi ,tending to his wounds.She was curious about this woman who apparently is going to marry her, Ponniyin Selvan.
Vanathi was exactly like she imagined, beautiful, graceful and petite. Just like a so- called perfect princess should be. Jealousy filled Poonkuzhali's heart even with the very mention of her name. What was so special about her? Why does everyone think that she is his perfect match? Will she ever be able to understand him or protect him from the dangers of the world like she did? Does she even care?
No, she does. As much as Poonkuzhali wants to ignore it, she knows in her subconscious mind that Vanathi cares about Arulmolzhi. She had seen her sitting beside his side looking at him like he was the only thing in this universe. Vanathi's love for him was pure and beautiful, maybe much stronger than hers?
"No!" Poonkuzhali stabbed her knife into the wooden pillar as the very thought entered her mind.
" No no it can't be , her love can never be stronger than mine!"
Since Poonkuzhali was a young child she has been known for her beauty. Everyone who sees her compares her to the divine goddess of heaven. Men fall at her feet yearning for her love , but Poonkuzhali never spared them a glance. In her heart she always believed that she was destined for greatness. Only the greatest of all men is worthy of her beauty and her love. She was meant for a divine entity, not some mere human being. So she guarded her heart with care and saved herself for her god , until she met him: Her Ponniyin Selvare.
Poonkuzhali still remembers the first time she saw him. He emerged like a divine being, a golden light surrounding him like a halo. He was the sun among mortals , his presence had the power to turn hell into heaven. He won her heart with a few words , he gave her a new identity, a new birth: Samudra Kumari , The queen of the seas. From that day onwards, Poonkuzhali decided that Arulmolzhi is the one meant for her, he is the king to her queen. She nurtured that dream in her heart for those painful months of separation , her dream transformed into a reality when she met him again in Eezham. He nurtured that small dream , and gave her hope . But all of those dreams disappeared as soon as that princess arrived! She came out of nowhere and took away Ponniyin Selvan, her Ponniyin Selvan. The one who talked about his dreams with her. Arulmozhi didn't even care to inquire about her once? He didn't even search for her? How can he do this?
" Of Course he can,” Poonkuzhali muttered as she used her knife to destroy the wooden pillar of the vihara.
"He is too busy with his princess to care about this boat girl!"
"Ayoo!" Poonkuzhali turned around to find Vandiyathevan standing behind her with a mischievous smile on his face.
"Is the Samudra Kumari planning to destroy the vihara or what?"
" Go away!" Poonkuzhali answered.
" I don't need you!"
" Of course you don't, but I do. The crown prince has called you.”
" What? Why?" Poonkuzhali turned around to face him.
" How can I know?" Vandiyathevan shrugged his shoulders
" Why don't you come and find out?"
Vanathi didn't want to be in this family meeting, she didn't want to be near Ponniyin Selvan when he is reunited with Poonkuzhali. Because she knew she couldn't bear to see him glancing at another woman with love in his eyes. It was Kundavai who forced her to come here.
" Why are you hiding from her, Vanathi? There's nothing to be afraid of! Be a brave girl and face your fear. Be the Vanathi I know, calm and quiet but an enigma in her heart,” she said.
Right now, Vanathi didn't feel so brave , she felt like the walls of the room were closing , choking her and making her breathless.She had an urge to disappear inside the Earth like Sita , as she sat there half-listening to the banter between the three siblings.
"Illavarasi, Poonkuzhali is here."
Vanathi's head jerked up to finally face the woman she had heard so much about. The woman who was able to win the heart of the unattainable Ponniyin Selvan, the heart of the man whom she loved.
Poonkuzhali was the very epitome of beauty. She reminded Vanathi of the stories of the divine Apsaras she heard from her grandmother when she was young. Vanathi was not a man, but she could understand why any man would fall in love with her. Poonkuzhali was ethereal, she was like a burning flame , her beautiful eyes reminded Vanathi of the sea : the sea during the storm . She stands tall among all the royals , as if daring them to challenge her. Her haughty gait and proud posture reminded Vanathi so much of Illayi Piratti. No wonder Arulmolzhi fell in love with her .
Kundavai on the other hand was taken aback by Poonkuzhali. She expected a timid and shy girl, who would crumble under her glare, but this girl was something else. She didn't care about what the people in the room thought about her , she didn't care that they were royal, she only had eyes for one person, her brother. Maybe Vandiyathevan was right, Poonkuzhali was special. Her presence reminded Kundavai of a certain friend from her past…
The very thought made her shiver,
She was right. Poonkuzhali is unsuitable for her brother. Not because she is a boat woman, but because she is a fire that can burn him.
"So you are the one who saved my brother?" Aditha enquired
" Yes , Ilavarase," Poonkuzhali bowed down as Aditha addressed her.
" I couldn't have done that without my aunt's help."
" Your aunt?"
" I will tell you about her later, Anna," Arulmolzhi whispered to his brother.
" Thank you, kanna,” Aditha turned around to the girl standing in front of him.
" You don't know what favor you did to our family. We will always be grateful to you."
" It was nothing Ilavarase, I have to do this for myself,” Poonkuzhali replied, making Kundavai scorn, in anger.
Aditha simply smiled at her reply.
" Ah, you are a smart girl, I see. So tell me, Samudra Kumari , what do you want as a reward for saving my brother?"
" Re…reward?" Poonkuzhali mumbled
" Yes reward , Penne, you saved my brother's life. I have to reward you for your brave deed."
Poonkuzhali looked towards Vandiyathevan in confusion.
" Go on. Tell,” Vandiyathevan encouraged her
" I don't need anything, Ilavarase."
" You must need something. Go on, tell us."
"I really don't…"
Aditha smiled seeing her hesitate.
"Tell me Kanna , I promise you I will try my best to give you what you want."
"Ayoo Ilavarase, don't promise me anything too rashly, you will regret it later,” Poonkuzhali laughed bitterly.
Aditha scorned at her , this girl was now getting on his nerves . What is the deal with her?
"Why don't you just tell him?” Kundavai interrupted , wanting to end this conversation.
Poonkuzhali stood up, fixing her gaze at the princess. She had heard about her, she knew how much influence she had on her brother's life. Poonkuzhali also knew that Kundavai was the one arranging the marriage between Vanathi and Arulmolzhi. She was the one taking him away from her.
" You can't give me what I want, Illavarasi , rather you don't want to!" Poonkuzhali replied, rendering everyone in the room speechless. Anger rose in Kundavai's face as she realized what she meant.
" I think I should leave. I am sorry if I have upset you with my words. Please forgive me if you can,” Poonkuzhali replied as she ran out of the room and clashed with Sendhan
"Kuzhali wait!"-
He called out her name but Poonkuzhali didn't stop to listen, tears threatened to come out of her eyes not because she regretted her words but because she remembered how Arulmolzhi hadn't bothered to glance at her once while she was there, rather he was busy staring at the beautiful face of a certain princess .
"Oh, you are not wrong Arul , that girl is a Spitfire,” Aditha tried to joke to lighten the intense atmosphere Poonkuzhali has caused with her unexpected declaration.
" Hmm " Arulmozhi replied as he glanced towards Vanathi, who refused to even look at him. Why? Was she okay? What was Akka thinking about bringing her here in front of Samudrakumari? Didn't she know it could affect her heart? What if she once again faints? Who is going to take care of her then?
" Arul, are you even listening?" Kundavai snapped at her daydreaming brother, though she had noticed his looks, and had to control her smile.
" Anna is saying something!"
" I am, I am!"- Arulmolzhi replied as he tried his best to compose himself
What am I doing? Why am I worrying so much about Kodambalur Ilavarasi? When akka is there to take care of her.
" Vallavaryan, why don't you come and sit down? We need to discuss our plan of action,” Aditha gestured to his friend.
“Of course, llavarase,” smiled Vanthiyathevan, taking a seat next to Aditha, who noticed the tense yet easy air between his brother and the Kodumbalur Princess.
He sighed. Looked like his brother needed to hear about love from him.
Kuzhali is here!! Let us know your opinions on this chapter! please!!!
@vijayasena @vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight @jukti-torko-golpo @kovaipaavai @rang-lo @dr-scribbler @ragkee @ @ @arachneofthoughts @sakhiiii @harinishivaa @freeunknownwasteland @nspwriteups @willkatfanfromasia @gemsmusings @celestesinsight
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The connection between Nandini and Aditha, even when warped by grief and rage, is constant. They cannot be with each other, but they cannot be without each other. For Aditha, the connection predates and defies any other. The connection is such that they have belonged to each other since childhood.
“To the world, you may be the Pazhuvur Queen. But to me, you’ll always be my Nandini.”
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kundavai · 1 year
With my new friend @pazhavoorilayarani 😘. We are coming for the throne @the-deceased-tiger
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brokensky · 2 years
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Vikram as Aditha Karikalan alias Adithya Chola II, the crown prince and the commander of Northern troops in Sundara Chola's Reign. Eldest son of Sundara Chola. Arulmozhivarman and Kundavai's elder brother
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The absolute chokehold the Ponniyan selvan series has on me is ridiculous. Like I’m pissed at myself for taking so long to find this amazing piece of literature so late in my life when it literally originates from my neighbouring state. It also totally managed to send me into a spiral of omgwhatotherindianfolkorefictionhisoricalficitonspecificallymasterpiecesamimissing!!!!!!! Bottom line it’s been a few months since I last read the books and I’m still removing very very slowly and I need to rant
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