#Poly GioMis
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megan-is-mia · 5 years ago
One Night Only Chapter 1 (Poly! Giomis w/ Artist! Reader)
(more reposting, reader’s nickname is ember)
((the gangbangers names are a reference to the three stooges))
“This is nice” (Y/n) said to herself laying on the floor with her sketchbook open and a pencil in her hand. Her phone was unlocked and was displaying a picture she’d taken that morning. There was a light knock on her apartment door that was then followed by the handle being turned as her boyfriends let themselves in.
“Shit it’s been a long day” Mista groaned kicking off his shoes and tossing his hat and coat on the couch before sinking into the floor next to (Y/n).
“Hang your coat up Guido, at least be a courteous guest,” Giorno said clicking his tongue, he hung his coat up and put his shoes away before joining his lovers on the rug in front of the couch.
“Nope, too tired” Mista replied slumping back and using the couch as a back pillow as he stared up at the ceiling. (Y/n) let out a chuckle as she blew a kiss at her boys before returning her attention to the sketchbook.
“Whatcha drawing?” Giorno said leaning down to squint at the few lines of graphite already on the paper before glancing at (Y/n)’s phone for context.
“Don’t look! It’s not ready yet!” (Y/n) protested trying to swat him away. “It’s supposed to be a sketch of the Veiled Christ, but I’m having some trouble with drawing the fabric,” she said glumly. Giorno let out a soft hum before pressing a kiss to the top of (Y/n)’s ear.
“I think it looks nice,” he said with an affectionate purr that was answered with a light punch from the girl who’s face had turned pink with a blush.
“Oh shush, how would you know? You say that about everything I draw, you know flattery will only get you so far” (Y/n) mumbled with a serious expression despite her flushed cheeks.
“Oh? How far will flattery get him, Ember?” Mista chimed in his eyes dropping down as the pet name left his lips and he grinned at (Y/n). She rolled her eyes and sat up closing the sketchbook with a sigh.
“Maybe a kiss or two. Anyways it doesn’t look like I’m not gonna get any work done until you idiots go home” (Y/n) said getting to her feet and putting her sketchbook away in her bedroom. When she returned, Mista was still sitting on the floor but Giorno had moved into the kitchen and started preparing dinner in her brief absence.
“Since I told you what I did today, mind filling me in on what shenanigans my gangstars got up to since I last saw you?” (Y/n) said sitting down next to Guido and leaning against his shoulder. (Y/n) had learned that Giorno and Mista were in the mob very early into their relationship.
To be honest, it kinda bothered her, but she understood why they did what they did. Between the choice of having them in the mob and having them behind bars for their crimes... she’d always chose the former without a second thought. (Y/n)’s only rule was that they were as honest as possible with her about what they did as mobsters.
“Nothing much ran from the cops, shot some drug dealers. You know the usual” Giorno provided nonchalantly as he mixed something in a pot as a pleasant aroma began to permeate the apartment. When he was finished cooking he called (Y/n) and Mista to the table so they could eat.
Halfway through the meal (Y/n)’s phone began ringing loudly. With a bemused expression, she rose from her seat to answer it, walking to her bedroom so she could have some privacy.
Giorno and Mista exchanged looks, shrugged before continuing eating. They stopped eating upon hearing a mournful cry from the bedroom. Rushing to the door and peeking in to watch (Y/n) pacing back and forth with the phone pressed to her ear.
“Summer’s in the emergency room? She was shot ten times? In the head and spine?! The surgery’s been going on for two hours? Is she gonna be okay?! Yes, I want to see her! Yes, I’ll be over soon!” (Y/n) said before hanging up and shoving her phone in her pocket.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, lock the door when you leave. I love you!” she said throwing a passing glance at the boys as she went. Running as fast as she could down the street before hailing a taxi to speed her the rest of the way to the hospital.
Bursting out of the cab and sprinting to the front desk, (Y/n) slammed her hands down on the counter in front of the receptionist. The woman to her credit did not jump and instead looked calmly up at the frantic girl.
“Hello, how can I help you?” The woman said smoothly in a tone meant to put others at ease. But (Y/n) was not at ease as she panted furiously trying to catch her breath so she could speak.
“Which room is Summer O’Reilly in?! I’m her sister (Y/n), O’Reilly! I want to see her as soon as possible!” She babbled out still a bit out of breath. The receptionist, with a smile still on her face, looked down at her computer screen and typed something in. A few moments later she looked back up to address (Y/n).
“Officer O’Reilly is still in surgery but I can direct you to which room she will be taken too once the operation is complete,” the lady said helpfully and wrote down on a sticky note the location of Summer’s room before handing it to (Y/n) who uttered a quick thank you as she rushed towards the elevator.
Waiting for and then riding the elevator felt like an eternity to the girl who spun around impatiently. Once on the correct floor, she dashed to the room to find it mostly empty. The only person present was Summer’s patrol partner Officer Arabella Aramina who was slumped in a chair by the window.
“Well, it’s about time you showed up kiddo” Arabella said barely gracing (Y/n) with a glance. She kept her face neutral even though on the inside she was seething with rage and sorrow.
“The hospital just called me but they didn’t tell me much. Only they Summer had been admitted to the emergency room with multiple gunshot wounds” (Y/n) said dragging a chair over to Arabella and sitting beside her.
“Yeah gunshot wounds that’s putting it lightly,” Arabella said with a derisive snort. “It was more like those motherfuckers were trying to turn her into human Swiss cheese” she added with a growl. (Y/n) gave her an inquisitive look and she sighed deeply.
“Let me give you the facts before anybody tries to feed you shit. It wasn't supposed to get nasty yah hear. Me and Summer were scoping out a drug deal undercover. We were gonna find the perps and arrest them no pain no foul. But then a third party decided to show up. Turns out the deal was just a set up by Passione to clear out the bottom feeder drug dealers on their turf” Arabella explained her eyes darting around the room trying to avoid making eye contact with (Y/n).
“It turned into a firefight and Passione’s men slaughtered the dealers in a matter of minutes. I managed to get to cover but Summer didn’t and took the worst of it. Weird thing is they quit shooting after her sunglasses came off. And one of the thugs said something about them getting killed for injuring the Don’s member or whatever” Arabella said finishing her story and leaning back in her chair.
“What do you mean the Don’s member? And were they talking about Summer?” (Y/n) said more questions forming in her mind as she proceeded the details of Arabella’s story.
“I don’t fucking know, I couldn’t tell what they were saying! I was hiding in an alleyway. Though if I had to make a guess, I think they mistook Summer for a member of their Don’s inner circle” Arabella said with a sigh. (Y/n) felt her stomach twist into knots as she slumped down into the chair.
About half-an-hour later Summer was rolled in on a gurney and transferred into the hospital bed. Leaping out of her chair (Y/n) was by her sister’s side in an instant hugging the older girl lightly and crying.
“Sumi! You’re okay!” (Y/n) babbled using her sister’s childhood nickname as she pressed her head against the other’s chest. Summer raised a gauze-covered head to weakly ruffle the younger girl’s hair.
“Yup I’m okay, sorry for worrying you Emby” Summer said using her childhood nickname for her little sister in an effort to calm her. It didn’t help much as (Y/n) continued to sob against Summer’s hospital gown. The sisters remained embraced for a long time neither speaking until Summer began drifting off from all the drugs still in her system.
(Y/n) didn’t want to leave her sister’s side but the night-nurse kicked her out after about an hour. She began walking home to jittery to call a cab, her eyes darted mistrustfully down every alleyway she passed as she balled her hands in her pockets.
“Well, well, well what do have here? A little lamb wandering out in the night all by her lonesome” a creepy man’s voice said as he sidled up to (Y/n). His grin was rotten and half the teeth were missing from his mouth.
“She’s a real cutie ain’t she? What’s a fine young thing like you doing with a frown on your face?” Another man had snuck up on (Y/n)’s other side also grin unpleasantly. He had more teeth than his friend but his face covered in scars and bumps from brawls.
(Y/n) kept her head down trying to ignore the men, she even tried to walk faster to shake them off but they easily kept pace. The men (Scars and Smiles is what she decided to call them in her mind) were soon joined by a third man who walked directly behind the girl.
“Did your boyfriend dump you, sweetheart? I could be your new boyfriend sweet cheeks” this third man said, (Y/n) glanced over her shoulder and shivered at the sight of the man’s heavily tattooed skin.
“S-s-sorry, I’m not interested. I already have boyfriends, but thank you for the gracious offer” (Y/n) said her stomach flipping like a fish. She quickly dubbed the third man Tattoos as she tried to get away.
“Aww the little lamb is so flustered she can’t even think straight” Smiles groping (Y/n)’s ass and chuckling cruelly when she let out a squeak.
“I bet that pretty mouth of hers can make lots of other cute noises when it’s wrapped around my cock” Scars growled and smacked his lips loudly before grabbing at (Y/n)’s ass as well. Unlike Smiles though, he didn’t let go and continually squeezed the girl’s rump like a stress ball. Without thinking (Y/n) swung her fist and slugged him in the jaw. Scars released her ass to grab his face while Smiles and Tattoos stared dumbly.
Not wasting a moment (Y/n) began running as fast as she could. If she could make to her street she’d probably be safe but that was eight blocks away and the men chasing her were closing distance fast.
One of them took the lead and threw himself on top of her slamming her to the cement. Her hands were torn up by the friction of the concrete against her flesh and her nose was broken on impact.
“Gotta now you little bitch” Tattoos hissed and leaned down to lick (Y/n)’s neck having been the one to tackle her as Smiles and Scars finally caught up.
(Y/n)’s head had hit the ground pretty hard so it was understandable that her ears might be ringing a bit and her vision might be cloudy as a black limo pulled up to the curb beside her.
“Well, what do we have here? If I’m not mistaken it’s Liario, Elmo and Ricci~” A familiar voice said as the limo window was rolled down. “Weren’t you three already warned that the Don won’t tolerate this behavior anymore” the man in the limo went on in a bored tone.
“Help me! Please!” (Y/n) croaked spitting out blood that had trickled down from her nose into her mouth.
“Shut up bitch the men are talking!” Tattoos snarled slamming (Y/n)’s head back down against the ground. She let out a howl of pain which was answered by the sound of a gun being cocked.
“Please don’t shoot me! I don’t wanna die! Please, my sister’s in the hospital!” (Y/n) blathered the blood running into her eyes now as the limo door was opened and the man inside stepped out before slamming the door shut behind him.
“I told you to be quiet!” Tattoos roared bringing his hand back to strike (Y/n). She squeezed her eyes shut in anticipation of the hit but when it didn’t come her eyes popped open in curiosity. The man from the limo had grabbed Tattoo’s wrist mid-swing before pressing a pistol against his temple with a grim expression.
“I wouldn’t hit her again if I was you Ricci” the man from the limo said coldly. “I really wouldn’t, do you know how many times you just insulted the Don just now?” the man said in a low tone his eyes dropping down to look tenderly at (Y/n) before returning to gazing at Tattoo with an icy gaze.
“What the fuck is going on?” Scars muttered massaging his still sore jaw as the man from the limo clicked his tongue.
“By my count that was two acts of physical assault and two acts of verbal abuse against the Don’s property,” the limo man said his brow furrowing in annoyance. “Of course it had to be four, absolutely unforgivable” he added which rung a faint bell of recognition in (Y/n)’s pain-addled mind.
“I don’t think you even deserve a second warning for this heinous crime. No one disrespects the Don of Passione or his prized Ember” the limo man said firing a bullet through Tattoo’s brain killing him instantly. Scars and Smiles received similar punishment even as Smiles tried to run yelling “Please Capo forgive us! Have mercy Capo Mi—“ but he was dead before he could finish the plea.
With all three thugs dead, the limo man pulled (Y/n) up from under Tattoo’s corpse and off the pavement into his arms. He opened the limo door and gently placed the girl inside before sliding in himself. Blinking weakly (Y/n) felt her heart skip a beat as she realized there was a second man in the limo.
“Well, I didn’t expect you to get out to scold them Guido, or kill them for that matter. They must have really ticked you off and—” the second man whose voice had been causally bored came to an abrupt stop when he looked down at (Y/n). The girl felt herself blushing under the blood on her face and tried to sit up but the first male put a hand on her chest to keep her laying flat. The second male gently cupped her face in his hands with an expression of concentration.
“Stay still Ember, this is going to hurt but please bear with it” the second male said his golden curls of hair resembling an angelic halo to the bewildered girl’s unfocused gaze. A moment later sharp pain shot through (Y/n) and she began moaning out in pain. The first male had taken up petting her sides and mumbling encouraging words while his partner fixed up her wounds.
The shock of the fix-up was too much for (Y/n) to handle and she passed out before it was over. When she next woke up somebody was dabbing a wet towel against her face. Her eyes flickered open to see an unfamiliar girl with a determined expression dipping the towel back into a bowl of warm water and continuing to clean up her face.
“I’m Shelia E” the girl provided before (Y/n) could even open her mouth to ask. “The Don and his right-hand man brought you in about an hour or so ago” she added answering the second question (Y/n) had planned on asking as she looked at the room around her: it was a very ritzy looking bathroom.
“You were covered in blood and your clothes were filthy so they were throw out” Shelia E went on moving the towel to clean behind (Y/n)’s ears. At the mention of clothes the girl’s eyes darted down and she blushed when she saw all she had on was a silk bathrobe. Even her bra and panties had been removed making her shift uneasily as she became aware of the sensation of the air on her nethers.
“Hold still, I’m almost done. I had to cut part of your hair off because of all the blood and dirt. Hope you weren’t too attached to it” Shelia E said sternly as she finished cleaning (Y/n)’s face and surveyed her work with a satisfied nod.
“Let’s get you dressed,” Shelia E said pulling (Y/n) to her feet and herding her out of the bathroom into the small sitting room attached. (Y/n) sank into a large comfy looking loveseat that took up a quarter of the room trying to process what was going on.
“Wait what? Why do I have to get dressed?” (Y/n) said confusedly as Shelia E dropped a large box with a bow on it in her lap.
“Well I don’t want to judge but I think you need a little more clothes than just a robe. I don’t think the Don would like want your first introduction to his underlings to be so racy... but hey that’s your decision, not mine” Shelia E said with a shrug. Blushing vividly (Y/n) opened the box to find a beautiful red dress made of crushed velvet. Lifting out it out of the box, the bottom of the dress fell to the floor and the shoulder straps tied behind the neck.
“Where are the undergarments?” (Y/n) said turning the box upside down with a perplexed expression, a throng dropped on her lap but there was no matching bra. Shelia E shrugged and gave (Y/n) a nonchalant look.
“Great he’s a pervert just my fucking luck. I hope my boyfriends never find out about this, they’d never let me hear the end of it” (Y/n) grumbled and untied the robe dropping it on the floor. She slid the panties up before letting Shelia E help her into the dress which zipped up the back and fortunately had a build-in bra so her boobs were under control.
She refused Shelia E’s efforts to style her hair or put makeup on her face. Tying her hair back into simple braids that wrapped around her head like a circlet before joining into one braid that ended at the nape of her neck. Then applying some light make-up before turning back to Shelia E with a nervous smile.
“Okay, I’m ready to meet the Don... I guess” (Y/n) said allowing Shelia E to lead her out of the sitting room and down a set of carpeted stairs into the bustling club below. (Y/n)’s heart pounded and she kept her eyes down as she was led through the crowds of people talking, drinking, and laughing.
Until a familiar laugh caught her ears and made her head shot up to look for the source: Giorno. Once her eyes locked on him it was like everyone else in the room faded away as she sprinted towards him. She bumped into people and almost tripped in the stupid shoes she’d been forced to wear but it didn’t matter.
“GIORNO!” (Y/n) squealed and threw herself at the blonde. Giorno barely has time to react to his girlfriend launching herself into his lap but he managed to wrap his arms around her even as his chair tipped and toppled under the sudden movement.
The Don’s guards hadn’t been able to react in time to the girl throwing herself into the Don’s lap and knocking him over but they quickly swarmed in ready to remove the intruder. Giorno put up a hand to signal there was no need to act even as his face was covered in kisses by (Y/n).
“Hey don’t I get some sugar too?” Mista said squatting next to (Y/n) and Giorno. Without a single word (Y/n) eases her waist off of the blonde so she can tackle-hug the brunette and shower him with the same intensity of affection.
“God I’m so happy to see you! I was hoping I’d have a chance to... before I had to go see the Don and his lieutenant and thank them for saving me from some thugs” she said half-laughing and half-crying from the stress. Her head dropped to press against Mista’s chest as the laughing devolved into just crying.
“I’m a fucking mess aren’t I?” (Y/n) said between sobs. “Summer got shot by mobsters and I think she might have accidentally gotten involved with Passione’s Don because.... because” she was too distraught to speak as Mista scooped her up and carried her into a quiet drawing room with a couch at the back of it. He sat down on the couch with (Y/n) curled up in his arms like a puppy.
Giorno followed after his boyfriend and girlfriend into the drawing-room shutting the door behind them. He placed a hand on (Y/n)’s back petting lightly as he sank onto the couch beside Mista.
“Start from the beginning, all we know so far is that you left your apartment in a hurry and ended up on the bad side of town,” Giorno said in a soothing tone as he continued to pet the girl’s back.
“You’ve met my sister Summer right?” (Y/n) began and received affirmative nods. “And you know she’s a cop...” again she paused and again she was given the go-ahead to continue speaking. “Well while she was on a stakeout for a drug deal there was a firefight lead by Passione. And they stopped after hitting her cause they didn’t want to get in trouble for killing the Don’s member. She’s at the hospital now and in critical condition” (Y/n) managed to say without falling back into sobs.
“And then on my way home from the hospital I got jumped by gangbangers but a limo stopped and I guess the man erm men inside were the Don of Passione and his right-hand man. So now I owe a debt to the Don for saving me and I need to make sure my sister won’t be attacked by anyone while she’s in the hospital” this time she fell into sobs and Giorno and Mista let her cry until she regained control of herself.
“You look nice” Mista offered trying to lighten the mood. He hated seeing his girlfriend cry and he hated seeing her stress over things even more. He was hopeful that the flattery would trigger the normal response of brushing-off the words yet secretly accepting them as well.
“Don’t you even start Guido! I didn’t pick this monstrosity! Apparently, the Don had my old clothes thrown out and left this red eyesore as my only choice of attire” (Y/n) irritable said before Giorno’s nose pressed against the nape of her neck under where the dress was tied.
“So you don’t like the dress?” The blonde commented nuzzling absentmindedly at her neck. (Y/n)’s cheeks turned almost red as the dress as she let out a nervous giggle.
“Well okay, I guess calling it an eyesore is a little strong. It’s just... this dress must have cost thousands of lires. It’s too expensive for me and I’ve got practically nothing on underneath this thing” (Y/n) admitted quietly, noticing with some secret satisfaction that both boys looked hot and bothered now. Giorno has started kissing down the expanse of her bare back and Mista’s face had burrowed into her bosom to motorboat.
“Stop it! I still need to look presentable for the Don! I’ll come find you after my appeal and—“ (Y/n) was cut off by Mista’s head popping up from her boobs to crush his mouth against her lips playfully.
“—Nope, your appeal is happening right now” Mista said pulling back briefly then sticking his tongue in (Y/n)’s mouth and reaching around to untie the straps of her dress. Giorno has taken hold of the dress zipper in his mouth and began pulling it down. The drawing room’s door opened as Shelia E poked her head in. Both boys paused while (Y/n) scrambled to make herself presentable again.
“The car is ready and waiting out front Don Giovanna,” Shelia E said neutrally before shutting the door. (Y/n) stared blankly at the door before beginning to laugh nervously.
“Funny, that’s funny I could have sworn she called you Don just now” (Y/n) said still laughing uneasily when Giorno and Mista stared at her calmly her laughter began to fade into silence.
“Y-y-you’re the Don of Passione?” the girl said incredulously. When she received only cool nods, she felt her stomach twisting and her limbs became wobbly. If Mista hadn’t been keeping her on his lap with one arm around her waist, (Y/n) was sure she would have fallen onto the floor.
“I think I’m gonna faint” she mumbled as Giorno and Mista led her to the limo the blonde sliding in first before (Y/n) was set in his lap and the brunette sat beside them slamming the car door shut as he did. (Y/n)’s brain struggled to put all the pieces together but when it all came together her face fell into a grimace.
“Summer’s going to be targeted for being my sister isn’t she?” she said numbly. “I’m entwined with the mob now and that means I’ve put her in danger just for sharing blood” (Y/n) tearfully melting against Giorno’s chest desperate for the stability he usually brought.
“Don’t worry about your sister, I’ll have some of my men sent over to the hospital to watch over her. Nobody will lay a finger on her except for the doctors until she’s at full health again” Giorno soothed running his fingers up and down (Y/n)’s sides in a calming matter.
“Really? You’d do that for me? Th— How much will I owe you Don Giovanna?” (Y/n)’s tone warped halfway through her response going from cheerful relief to cold resignation. Giorno felt a painful pang in his chest at hearing his title leave her lips.
“There’s no need to call me that Ember. Giorno or GioGio will be fine” he said nuzzling her forehead and kissing her. “Nothing’s changed, I’m the same person I was a few hours ago” he added pressing a kiss to (Y/n)’s chin.
“But I’m not! A few hours ago I was just (Y/n) O’Reilly. Now I’m Don Giovanna’s hussy!” (Y/n) said as a troublesome thought started worming its way into her mind. What would happen when Giorno and Mista grew tired of her? Surely they wouldn’t have her killed right? But the memory of how Mista had coldly executed the gangbangers was still fresh in her mind and she shivered in silent terror.
“Don’t worry so much, everything will be fine. Believe me” Mista murmured into her ear reminding (Y/n) that he was present and slipped his hands under her dress, pulling at her panties so they slid to her ankles. “We’ll be home soon so we can resolve some unfinished business” he added with a purr and kissed her bare shoulder.
Despite these words sounding like there’d be a brief respite for the girl, the dress was already on the floor of the limo before the three reached their destination. (Y/n)’s shoes had also been lost somewhere in the car amidst the passionate chaos.
Mista took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around (Y/n) making her decent enough as he lifted her up into his arms to carry inside the mansion and upstairs to the bedroom he shared with Giorno. The girl hid her face against his chest which made his heart skip a beat excitedly. Once in the seclusion of the bedroom he set (Y/n) on the bed and began smooching up her neck before making hickies. However, he didn’t get much further before the sound of light snoring ruined the mood. Somehow, someway, (Y/n) had fallen asleep despite the romantic attention.
“Heh guess somebody’s too tired to get freaky” Giorno commented yawning and stretching as he began to undress. Mista threw him an evil look but also began changing out of his suit. (Y/n) continued to sleep sprawled out naked as a babe until one of the boys’ finally manned up enough to grab an old tee shirt for her to wear.
“Well, I guess we’ll have to talk business tomorrow then, maybe she’ll finally agree to move in with us” Mista mused as he tucked (Y/n) under the covers before sliding in beside her and pressing his face against her chest. Giorno made himself cozy against the girl’s back kissing her shoulders lazily a few times before resting his head on a pillow. Tomorrow would be a new day, and a new dawn would rise on the story of the Don, his Lieutenant, and their Artist Ember...
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jjbaconsumedmysoul · 6 years ago
I will love you forever and ever if you make a Giorno x Reader x Mista of them having a really cute date night like karaoke together?? I just??? Love my bois so much!!?! ❤️❤️
OOF. My heart can’t take this. It took a loooong time but it has arrived!!!
Giorno X Reader X Mista ! Karaoke
Of course it had been Mista’s idea to take you two out on a surprise date: Giorno had been so preoccupied with running the gang and you had been so preoccupied with your other work. On the days leading up to the planned night out, Mista has been constantly whining over your shoulder as you scribbled down notes and pored over your textbooks. Apparently he had been just as much of an annoyance to Giorno while he was trying to file his paperwork and get all of Passione’s future plans in order. But you didn’t exactly mind the clingyness, even if it was a bit distracting…
He nuzzled into your neck as you scanned your eye over tonight’s homework. Giorno had been adamant that you still continue your education despite being a lethal member of the most powerful gang in Italy. You bit your lip as you thought: carry the one, subtract both sides by x, then were you supposed to derive—
You sighed as you felt soft kisses on your neck.
“M-Mista,” You practically shuddered, your squeamish reaction only fuelling his desire as his hands slid down around your waist.
“Amore…” he moaned into your neck as you wriggled in his grasp.
“Mistaaa,” You whined, “Dammit, you know I love you, but I have to do my work!” He kissed your warm cheek before chuckling.
“Don’t mind me then,” his fingers played with the hem of your shirt. You gasped, catching them before they could start drawing soft circles on your skin; as soon as he touched you like that you wouldn’t be able to resist.
“God, babe, you know you drive me crazy,” he sighed and pouted at your refusal to entertain his advances, “just let me finish this first,” you intertwined your fingers in his as you brought the back of his hand to your lips. “Then we can cuddle all you want.” He perked up at the thought of holding adorable little you in his arms night, suddenly grabbing you by the cheeks and turning your head to place a quick kiss on your lips as he smiled.
“Well then, you’d better keep that promise!” He was about skip out of the room gleefully when he paused. He turned to face you again, a conflicted expression painted on his usually cheery face. “Do you think Giorno’s still gonna come out tomorrow night? I mean, he’s been so consumed with his work…” you sighed as you closed the textbook; it was true you three hadn’t had a fun night out together in a while, but he seemed so serious lately, so focused on Passione. It was really taking a toll on him…
You finally cracked a smile.
“He can’t say no to the both of us,” Mista grinned as he winked at you.
“You’re right, he can’t resist that cute little face of yours,” you blushed and looked away, dammit he was such a flirt.
“You’re pretty cute too, you know…” your voice was soft as you bashfully returned the compliment. He rubbed his neck shyly, biting his lip as his eyelashes fluttered. You noticed his face growing red.
“You know, I bet I’d look a lot cuter without—”
“Mista! Later!”
Mista held your hand tight as you knocked shyly on the office door.
His voice was muffled, but still silken and seductive as always:
“Come in,”
The heavy wooden door creaked open as you peered into the room. He was hunched over his desk as usual, not even looking up at you as he muttered a small “Ciao, amore mio.” Flipping a page and inspecting the writing on the back. Mista immediately stepped past you through the door frame, making a beeline towards Giorno’s desk.
“Amori miei, you mean!” Mista lunged for the stack of papers, but just in time, Giorno’s cat like reflexes kicked in and he pulled them out of his grasp. Mista practically climbed on top of him as he reached for the documents held just out of range by Giorno’s long arm.You giggled as you closed the door behind you, walking up to sit on the front of the antique mahogany desk as the two continued bickering.
“You need a break!”
“Mista, we’re very busy right now,”
You should probably interrupt before this turned into a full on argument…
“It’s Saturday night!”
“Well I don’t have time for weekends–”
“Gio?” you cut in hesitantly. Both men turned to look at you. “I mean,” you ran your fingers through your hair as you smiled softly, “You did promise,” Giorno sighed as he stood up from his chair, and Mista seized the opportunity to grab the papers from him, but it didn’t seem to matter Gio anymore. He circled the desk to grab both your hands in his, kissing your fingers softly; he loved you and Mista both, but in different ways. He was much more gentle with you.
“Tesoro, I know i promised you yesterday but things came up, and–”
Mista butted in.
“You said that last week,” surprisingly, Giorno chuckled in reply:
“I suppose I did.”
“Giorno” You cupped his soft cheek as you gazed into those beautiful aquamarine eyes that had captured your heart so long ago “It’ll be one night, okay?” Your voice was soft, and his stern expression began to melt. “You need to relax a bit. It’ll be fun.” You smiled cheerfully as Giorno rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb. Finally, he sighed and rolled his eyes.
“I can’t say no to the both of you.”
Mista had grunted in appreciation as you stepped out of your room in that night’s outfit. You blushed furiously, a bit embarrassed about the designer set Giorno had bought you several weeks ago. It might have shown a bit too much skin, and you weren’t exactly sure if it was flattering (you weren’t sure if anything was flattering on you) but nonetheless…
“You look gorgeous, mia carina,” you giggled as you walked up to Giorno, slipping your hands up his broad chest and around his neck as you gazed into his eyes bashfully.
“Not as gorgeous as you,” He smiled slyly, suddenly snaking his arms around your waist and giving you a quick, chaste kiss. His lips were always so soft and his touches so tender, compared to how Mista could be so rough and passionate with you. You heard the latter man whining from behind; in addition to passionate, he could get a bit jealous as well…
. Mista took the initiative, pulling him into a hug from behind. You felt his warm chest press against your back as he placed his hands on Giorno’s hips, both men now circling you in a tight embrace. Mista planted a quick kiss on the corner of Giorno’s mouth before shifting his focus to you, trailing his lips down your jaw. You leaned your head onto his as he nuzzled into your neck, hugging you and Gio even tighter as he whispered against your blushing skin:
“God, I’m so lucky to have you two…”
You couldn’t help but giggle as you removed one hand from Giorno’s firm chest, instead running your fingers underneath Mista’s cap and through his short curly hair. Giorno looked at you lovingly as he whispered.
“I feel exactly the same way,” Giorno smiled down at you, his cheeks slightly pink. “It’ll be nice to get out and have fun together, although” he looked over your shoulder at Mista “It probably won’t be exactly my idea of a romantic night out–”
“Aww, come on, you don’t even know where we’re going” Mista chuckled. “You guys are gonna love it!”
“Seriously, Mista,” You chimed in. “Where are you even taking us?”
The bar was fairly loud, and colourful lasers and strobe light flashed in the dark. As soon as you three (well, as soon as Don Giovanna entered) the small crowd of patrons grew hushed, knowing of the golden haired man’s reputation. But he shrugged it off as he  confidently led three you to the bar: one arm resting around your waist, the other holding Mista’s hand in his.
“Drinks are on me, tesori miei, what would you like?”
“Aww, babe, you don’t have to!” Mista laughed bashfully, though his forced laughter was obvious; he was by no means denying the offer. Giorno smirked knowingly, letting go of Mista’s hand and instead placing his gentle fingers on your cheek. His face was much too close to yours, considering you were in a public space, as he spoke in that seductive, silken voice.
“Well then, (y/n), cara mia, would you like—”
“No fair! No take backs Giorno!” your blond boyfriend laughed softly as Mista stole back the hand he had been holding moments earlier and began to order drinks. You, however, were taking in the scenery:
You weren’t opposed to dancing as long as it was with the two of them. Mista had swept you off of your feet and onto the dance floor on your third date together, and it had honestly been one of the best nights of your life with that stupid sexy idiot trying his hardest to impress you with his limited skill set. Then you saw the stage, the spinning disco ball and the microphone. Giorno handed you a drink, and you and he took a slow sip while mista practically downed his cocktail in a single gulp.
“Are you sure about this Mista?” He flashed a grin at you.
“’Course I am! I just wanna show my sweet babes how much I love them!” He kissed your cheek as he set down his now empty glass. This was going to be a wild night…
They three of you chatted and flirted for a while as you finished your drinks. Giorno and you were a bit apprehensive about the whole thing, but your loveable idiot assured you that it was no big deal, he’d been there many times before (You really wanted to ask how he’d found his way into a flashy underground karaoke bar like this, but you saved that question for later).
The the crowd had seemed to calm down, and there was a lull in the music as several groups left the bar. Mista stood from where he was perched at the bar, cracking his knuckles as a smirk spread across his face.
“Now, let’s get the real party started.” He grabbed both of you hands as he led you to the front of the stage. Although this was a sweet idea on Mista’s part, you were still a bit nervous about umm… singing in front of dozens of people. Or, even worse: your beautiful boyfriends serenading you in front of dozens of people. Giorno chuckled nervously.
“Mista, what exactly do you expect us to do?” He received a wink in reply as your brunette boyfriend squeezed both your hands reassuringly.
“Watch and learn, bello mio.” He leapt up to the stage in two quick steps, almost knocking himself off balance, before he began perusing the catalog of songs. You smiled, your heart warming, as his cute nose squished up and his brow furrowed in concentration. Finally his face lit up, but before he pressed play, he grabbed your waist firmly.
“Mista, what are you—”
You gasped, your heart fluttering and your hands instinctively gripping his large biceps for support, as he effortlessly lifted you off the ground, setting you in the stage and placing a soft kiss on your lips. You could feel the heat radiating from your reddened face as he gave you a wink.
“This one’s for you, gorgeous!” You blushed, feeling all eyes in the room upon you and Mista as he grasped the microphone. You looked down at Giorno pleadingly, but he only raised his arms in defeat, clearly glad not to be the one on the stage right now.
“Ladies first!” You bit your lip nervously as your eyes flashed to that stupidly charming man in the blue in orange. Right as he pressed play.
You hid your face as you heard the first few chords on electric guitar, a steady drumbeat reverberating through the room as Mista began dancing to the rhythm. He looked at you and laughed, bringing the microphone with him as he grabbed your hand and twirled you round. You couldn’t help but giggle and comply, as he grabbed your waist and helped you move to the beat alongside him, trying your hardest to ignore the large crowds. Finally, he lifted the mic to his lips.
“Mista!” you squeaked “Not so loud!” He only smirked as he continued jamming to the music.
“I feel the way you were going”
It was still a bit pitchy, but not too terrible. Your heart clenched in your chest, and you suddenly looked away embarrassedly as he inched closer to you, his hand still on your waist.  
“I pictured you up on my TV screenI feel your undercurrent flowing”
You caught Giorno’s eye, noticing the bright grin on his face. He laughed heartily when you looked down at him, and if it was even possible, you blushed an even deeper shade of red.
“Submission going down downDragging me down”
Mista spun you once more, pulling you back by the waist as you giggled. He used the break in the music to place a soft kiss on your cheek you bit your lip bashfully.
“Mista, they can all see us,”
“Good,” he whispered into your ear before suddenly spinning you into someone else’s arms.
“Giorno, when did you get–”
“You’ve got me pretty deep babyI can’t figure out your watery love”
Giorno danced with you (surprisingly well considering the style and the song) as you did the best you could with two beautiful boys and a whole crowdful of eyes watching you.
“I gotta solve your mysteryYou’re setting it out in heaven above”
But it was pretty damn fun…
You had collapsed into Mista’s arms in giggles at the end of the first song.
“So I guess you enjoyed it, dolcezza?” You slapped his arm playfully.
“You idiot, that was so bad!” You hesitantly placed a kiss on his lips as you smiled. “This was a terrible idea.” However, he knew how to speak your language. Translation: ‘I love you, you idiot, this was a great idea!’
He grinned cheekily as you pulled you into a deep passionate kiss. You fingers grabbed at the fabric of the soft sweater, enjoying the kiss despite the fact that everyone in the room could see. Thankfully, they knew better than to heckle anyone associated with the Don.
And speaking of Giorno, he waltzed up to place a kiss on Mista’s cheek (once your lips had parted, of course). 
“That was lovely, cuore mio.” Mista blushed and rubbed his neck bashfully. “However,” Giorno grabbed the microphone from his hand. “It’s my turn now.”
He walked to the selection screen as you and Mista eyed him, holding hands on the sidelines. You had heard Giorno humming to himself sometimes, but wondered what his voice actually sounded like… 
A soft beat began. Giorno didn’t dance like Mista had, or even sway, as he approached the two of you with an almost devilish grin on his face, if anything Giorno Giovanna did could be described as devilish. He finally grabbed your hand in his as he began to sing.
“Shhh - break it downI don’t want nobody else to hear the sounds”
He rolled his eyes at Mista on the second phrase, hinting at the irony of the situation. Giorno certainly was a more private man compared to Mista, but thankfully much of the crowd had been scared away by Mista’s singing.
“This love is a private affairInterrupt the flow, they better not dareShhh - we gotta break it on down”
You didn’t recognize the song, but his voice was just as silken and seductive as you had expected it to be. He winked at you before he continued.
“In the daytime, I think not,I’d rather do you after school like some homework”
“Giorno!” Your knees went weak as you finally processed the subtle undertones of the song. Mista was practically sweating bullets, and you felt his palm heat in yours as Giorno smiled that handsome smile at the two of you. He laughed, realising you had fallen right into his trap.
“Ah, am I getting you hot?In my bedroom cuz then we’d have to stop,”
Mista facepalmed in an attempt to hide his fierce blush.
“I’d rather wait until everyone’s fast asleepThen do it in the kitchen on the table t–”
You’d had many good laughs after several rounds of karaoke. You had only gone once, but the boys assured you that you’d done an amazing job, and Mista made you promise that you’d sing for him again when you were alone together. It seemed the bar would soon close for the night, so you had time for one last song. Then, an idea popped into your head…
It was a bit silly, but you skipped up to Giorno and whispered in his ear (you certainly didn’t want to have to sing again). He grinned in agreement as he ran over to pick out the song. Mista stood up straight as he noticed the two of you giggling.
“Hey, what’s so funny?”
“Nothing, babe.” You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, and he gladly placed his arms around your waist, holding you close as he pressed his forehead to yours. “We just want one last dance…”
“Well in that case, I–” he cut off his words, and you could feel his forehead heat up as he recognized the soft piano chords emanating through the speakers.  “You… You guys…” He suddenly removed his arms from your waist, pulling his cap over his face to hide his blush. Giorno approached him, holding out his hand.
“Why do birds suddenly appearEvery time you are near?Just like me, they long to beClose to you.”
“Idioti,” Mista muttered as you placed his hands on your hips. His face was still red, but a small smile tugged at his lips as he looked down at you. He began to sway gently with the music.
“Why do stars fall down from the skyEvery time you walk by?”
Mista pulled your head to his chest, nuzzling his face in your neck as he hummed along with Giorno’s soothing voice.
“Just like me, they long to beClose to you.”
You felt arms encircling you from behind. He had set the microphone down in favor of embracing the two people he loved most in the world, slowly rocking back and forth in time. Mista joined him in song this time (albeit not singing as smoothly Giorno)
“On the day that you were born the angels got togetherAnd decided to create a dream come trueSo they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue”
You giggled, sandwiched between them as you danced. You loved them both so much, your knight in obnoxiously bright orange zebra striped armor, and your prince of crime.
“Thank you, amori miei. I’m so lucky to have you two.”
The songs used in this fic are:“Submission” by Sex Pistols, “Shhh” from Prince’s album The Gold Experience, and “Close to You” by Mista’s favorite band The Carpenters ;)
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terminaxshowtime · 2 years ago
I have no fucking clue what jojo is about. gay men??? queers?????
I mean you're not wrong??? there's a REALLY heavy amount of homoeroticism and the author is on Something (see: a bunch of implied very gay scenes. Basically every character acts a lil gay and tbh there are NO good straight ships apart from Yasuho and Gappy)
Plus there are a few confirmed gay couples for some minor antagonists???
like the main antagonist (dio) is confirmed bi and some bi girl got seduced by a girl once (in what was supposed to have taken place in like 1899 so like good for her 👍)
anyways. you're right
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noaltbruh · 3 years ago
Hi !! how are you?? I wanted to say that I loved what you wrote about poly!bruabba and I wanted to ask if you could do something similar for poly!fugonara or poly!giomis (what you prefer) if it's not a bother. I really like your posts. Thank you !!! <3
Writing Giomis 'cause I hate Fugonara 😎
And thank youuuu (´,,•ω•,,) I'm glad you enjoy my posts! ♡
Poly!Giomis Headcanons! 🐞💗🔫
You got yourself into...Quite a mess buddy, I gotta tell you. Now, Abbacchio and Bruno are undoubtedly very different from one another, but they're both mature people, whom when faced with adversity, clearly act as the points of reference and mature ones of the group.
Giorno and Mista...Not so much. Don't get the wrong idea, Giorno IS scarily extremely mature for his age, but gun boy...Is a bit more chaotic, I think we can all tell and agree on this.
But that just makes your relationship one complex, yet intriguing and beautiful mess! The three of you might give off complete different auras from one another, but it's your diversities that make your love unique and endearing.
you would live together in every possible scenario, make that canon post part 5, everyone lives au, or in the future. In one way or another, you will always end up sharing the same roof, which is great, right? Seeing each other is so much easier now!
...Yeah uh, don't count too much on that. Of course, living in the same villa does spare you some problems, but there are still others that need to be faced. After all, remember that Giorno is the Don, he's the one in the team with the least free time of all.
Mista would also be a very crucial figure in the organization, but thankfully, he gets more free time than Giorno does! He knows when to take breaks unlike some other members of the squad, so you can count on him to be around quite often.
There is a chance, however, that Giorno will try to work at home instead of his office as much as he can. He knows he can't give the two of you his full attention, but regardless, it's better than nothing. Seeing how hard he's always working, and much effort he puts into the organisation of Passione, Mista and you will probably step in to help him out as much as you can.
Considering that Golden boy is already probably exhausted, it won't take much to convince him. He will still guide the two of you as you take care of paperwork and such, he trusts you, but he just wants to make sure that important documents don't get screwed up. Mista isn't very good with that sort of thing, as for yourself...Well, only you can know.
This does sometimes lead to some cute shenanigans where you trick the Don into resting, claiming that you'll take care of what's left, only to surprise him instead, telling him that you've cooked one of his favorite meals together as a sign of appreciation for how much he does for everyone.
He may be a bit annoyed at first, since this means that there's still work that needs to be done, although a bite of octopus salad and some cuddles should definitely be enough to take his mind off his duties for a while.
If you decide to become part of the gang, Giorno does not approve in the slightest, but he ultimately knows that it's your decision, and he cannot stop you from joining. Mista also knows that it's dangerous, but in reality, the idea of working with you hypes him up a lot. He might actually train you without Giorno knowing about it, so that you can prove yourself to be trust-worthy and strong enough to help with running Passione.
If you do eventually not listen to the Don's warnings, he will try his best to always keep you and the other close to himself. You'll probably work as a secretary for him while stinky boy is his bodyguard, it is only in very extreme situations that Giorno will allow you to step on the battlefield.
You and the blonde are the only ones who can convince the other to take a goddamn shower, saying that you'll stay away from him until he doesn't listen to you. At first, he'd probably be like "Yeah right, like you'd ever do that" but five minutes later he's starting to sweat at the though of you actually maintaining your word lol.
I like to think that Giorno taught the two of you something about gardening, since he's really passionate about it and you can genuinely see how happy he is while describing a type of flower or plant.
Also, for special occasions, he gifts flowers to the two of you. There is always some deep meaning behind the ones he chose, perhaps they reminded him of you for a specific reason, who knows? :)
When the blonde is forced to be away for long, Mista might take some days off to take your mind off things and will start looking for a way to distract you while you wait for your other lover to return.
If he runs out of ideas (which rarely happens to be honest), he might just show you some cool tricks with his gun as to impress you.
Needless to say that GER and the Pistols love you too! While Gold experience requiem will create small animals or flowers for you, and act as someone mature you can rely on, much like its user, the Pistols are basically just a bunch of children whining for your attention, which you find adorable.
When it comes to dates, I think picnics would be perfect! After all, it is a quiet and calm outdoor activity, much to Giorno's happiness, and you get to eat a lot of delicious food, perfect for Mista. The two of you will probably also lightly tease the blonde for his excessive love for sweets, but you secretly think it's adorable.
When it comes to kids...I think it's mostly up to you. The two boys wouldn't mind having a kid with you (or adopting them, for all that matters) although they are not extremely enthusiastic about the matter either. You can guess that Giorno would be a bit more reluctant, since he'd be worried about not being able to be in the child's life enough, and he definitely doesn't want to make the same mistakes his mother did. The other, instead, simply never really thought himself as some who would make an amazing parent.
At the end of the day, however, if a little boy or a little girl becomes part of your lives, the three of you will give then everything you have to make sure that they'll grow in a happy environment, despite the uniqueness of your situation. Giorno will not repeat his parents' errors and will be willing to put any responsibility as a Don for his kid's well-being, while Mista realizes that he's always been a good father even since he's had the pistols.
Let's talk about the gang's reactions now!
Bruno would hug the three of you with a proud expression on his face, stating how much he's happy for you choice and that he will always support you through your relationship. If you ever feel doubtful about your love for one another, or don't how to make up after an argument, he will always have a word of comfort ready and will encourage you to work though your issues, while understanding that it may not be easy.
If you ever leave your child with him, he'll treat them with the same kindness you'd expect from a grandparent.
Abbacchio might not show much of a reaction at first, he will tell you guys that it's your life and it's not up to him to judge who you decide to spend it with, he might even roll his eyes to the sky if you get corny in public, but at the end of the day, he's secretly happy for the three of you and wishes you the best.
Now, Fugo might be a bit more reluctant when it comes to understand or approve the relationship as a whole, since he's used to Mista being a bit of a playboy and not the type to take this kind of thing seriously.
However, since he also deeply respects Giorno and believes he's responsible enough to know what he wants and what he's doing, his doubts will quickly be put aside and he will gladly express his support for your decision.
As I mentioned before, Narancia doesn't really get it at first, but unlike Bruno and Abbacchio, who make an effort to give him more of a concrete explanation, what he gets in this case is "So yeah, surprise, relationships between three people exist, cool right?"
He doesn't ask any further questions and is excited for this discovery. He's also the one that teases the three of you the most at any given chance, but you know he'd willingly stab anyone who dares questioning your love.
Trish would look at Mista, turn in your and Giorno's direction, and simply go "You could have done better"
No but seriously, after some light hearted bickering between them, she actually congratulates the three of you and genuinely believes that you perfectly balance each other's energy out. She is firmly convinced that with one another by your side, you'll manage to bring out the best in all of you.
She's also up for gossiping about them
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puccis-disappointment · 5 years ago
Can I please get some poly giomis with a fem s/o who gets super drunk and cuddly?
Reader and their mafia boyfriends 
—  Please... stop moving.  — You whined, tugging lightly at Mista’s shirt.
— Amore, please... at least let me get comfy. You two are forcing me to go to the end of the bed!  —  He complained, gently wrapping one of his arms around your body to move you a bit.
— They probably don’t even have a good perception of space and object right now, Mista.  —  Giorno says from the other side of the bed, an amused tone following his words.
— Giorno, you stubborn boy!  — You spoke louder, catching his attention. You have so little time to spend with usss... I need some cuddling! — You gave him a sly look, head bobbing down whenever you tried to lift it to look straight into his eyes.
— Well, that’s true. They may be drunk, but that’s undeniable. What? I mean, did the sudden responsibility as the Mafia leader took over all of your emotional thinking too?  —  Mista takes your side, crossing arms in front of his body and making an annoyed face.
Giorno stood silent, a bit shocked. Looking back, maybe it really was true - the thought that he had slouched on their relationship made him feel really guilty.
With a sigh, the blond walked over, lying gently beside their s/o and hugging them, pressing a kiss on their forehead.
— I didn’t imagine that you missed that much. Sorry, darling. I promise tonight I’m all yours.  —  He says with a purr, caressing the tip of his nose against yours, lightly. — Or, if you would rather, I will take care of you all night long.
— What about me? Do I need to get myself drunk to have a piece of attention from Don Juan boy and mi amore?  —  Mista whines, sitting straight abruptly and gazing over the scene, clearly a bit jealous from the attention.
— There’s always a place for you, my dear...  — with a charming smile, Giorno took Mista’s hand and gently dragged him over. Letting his arm over your body, Giorno pecked on his lips, which made Mista sigh, as if melting.
— Good, then. You better do it more times...  —  With a last complain, Mista snuggled onto you, hugging your waist and resting his head next to your face, leaving some sweet little kisses on your hot skin - thankfully, they didn’t care about the alcohol smell impregnated on you.
— God, I indeed need to spend more time with you two... I missed looking over you being all cute together...  —  He took a long breath, sliding one arm under your neck, the other one hovering over both you and Mista.
The three of you started to talk about anything and everything, letting all the seriousness and the responsibilities fade away, all while you snuggled with your boyfriends: they were all very attentive, giving you all the kisses you wanted, hugging you and each other. It all just made you feel really hot and happy.
You were fully drunk, and it didn’t last long until you started feeling dizzier and your eyes burning from tiredness. You then hugged both boys tightly, holding them next to you and not letting them get away, while being blessed with hair stroking, light touches and kisses.
— Sleep tight now, our dearest...  —  You heard them say in unison, before completely falling asleep.
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znzn06 · 5 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
2010 ⇒ 2019 Art summary!! Descriptions under the cut.
2010: 14 years old drawing with mouse on sai, mostly tumblr & inazuma 11
2011: terrible year in school but ygo and pkmn bw kept me going!! got my tablet from kata as a birthday present
2012: final year in middle school. tried to background...
2013: ANIMATION!!! POLY!! BEST TIME OF MY LIFE!!!! also jojo/giomis!!!!
2014: tried all kinds of things also bc of school assignments. nintama and rockman here and there.
2015: tourabu!!! like to look at western cartoons for background refs... gf and otgw 
2016: graduated. stress from working ft. more lineless art during this time but they were all very stiff... not a very good year for growth
2017: made my first doujinshi/fanbook!!!! very very fun to draw with both styles lineless and anime... tourabu made me very happy. made 2 books this year and participated in genji only in osaka!
2018: made another book, stopped working ft and went to look for pt jobs while trying to improve drawing, hoping to get freelance jobs, but it was not easy. struggled a lot but i started sitting in lack-sensei’s livestream classes and i think my art improved a lot for this year.
2019: pkmn made me enjoy drawing sooooo much more!!!!! bad times during the early part of the year but i got back on my feet. health wasn’t the best too so i hope i can take care of myself more in 2020.
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jjbararepairweek2k19-blog · 6 years ago
Hi! sorry to keep bothering, I'm not sure if you guys already answered something similar but I was wondering if OT+'s with a popular ship in them could also count as a rareship? For example, bruabba with risotto and/or prosciutto?
No need to apologize! 
We decided that OT+’s with popular ships in them would be allowed for the event, given that the other characters involved would add to the rarity of the pair. Your example works perfectly since Risotto and/or Prosciutto do their part to shake up things with the popular pair, as well as manage to bring attention to the lesser known dynamics that include all three (or more!) of them. Another good example would be Poly Buccelatti’s Gang... BruAbba is the thriving popular ship alongside GioMis+FugoNara, but having them all together leads to a surplus of different pairings and arrangements between the characters depicted. You’d be surprised how little polyships get a chance to thrive in this fandom, and we’d like to use this week long event as a means of contributing more and more to what’s lacking in that category! I hope this answers your question!
- Mod Yukako
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megan-is-mia · 4 years ago
JJBA Masterpost
(Feel free to yell at me if i forgot something)
Dio Brando
Dio x Fem S/o (SFW)
Dio x Fem S/o with D12, S12, M12 (SFW)
Dio x Fem S/o with S12 (SFW)
Joseph Joestar
Joseph x Fem S/o with M15 (SFW)
Joseph x Fem S/o with M8 (SFW)
Joseph x Fem S/o with D1, S1, S6, S14, S22, S23 (SFW)
Joseph x Fem S/o with M6 (SFW)
Joseph x Fem S/o with M3, M6 (SFW)
Joseph x Fem S/o with S23 (SFW)
Kars x Fem S/o with M10, M23 (NSFW)
Jotaro Kujo
Jotaro x Fem S/o with M13 (SFW)
Jotaro x Fem S/o with M11 (NSFW)
Fem Jotaro x Fem S/o with S7, S8, S14, S16 (NSFW)   
Jotaro x Yandere Fem S/o with D13, D15, D17 (SFW)
Noriaki Kakyoin
Noriaki x Fem S/o with M13 (SFW)
Fem Noriaki x Male S/o with D1, D2, D3, D4 (SFW)
Jean-Pierre Polnareff
Jean-Pierre x Male S/o with D8, D21, D23, M2, M8, M14 (SFW)
Josuke Higashikata
Josuke x Fem S/o with M21 (SFW)
Josuke x Fem S/o with M7 (SFW)
Josuke x Fem S/o (SFW)
Josuke x Fem S/o with S11  (SFW)
Josuke x Male S/o with M12  (SFW)
Josuke x Fem S/o with D3, S25, M13 (NSFW)
Fem Josuke x Fem S/o with S5, S11, S18 (SFW)
Okuyasu Nijimura
Okuyasu x Fem S/o with M11 (SFW) Keicho Nijimura
Keicho x Fem S/o with S5 (SFW)
Keicho x Fem S/o with M24 (NSFW)
Hazamada x Fem S/o with M13 (NSFW)
Yoshikage Kira
Yoshikage x Fem S/o with D19, M11 (SFW)
Yoshikage x Fem S/o (SFW)
Fem Yoshikage x Male S/o with D5, S1 (SFW)
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno x Fem S/o with M2 (SFW)
Giorno x Fem S/o with D17 (SFW) 
Giorno x Fem S/o with M6, M17 (SFW)
Giorno x Fem S/o with S11, S18 (SFW)
Giorno x Fem S/o with D5, D16, D19 (NSFW)
Narancia Ghirga
Narancia x Fem S/o with D13 (SFW)
Narancia x Fem S/o with S3, S13 (SFW)
Narancia x Fem S/o with S8 (SFW)
Pannacotta Fugo
Pannacotta x Fem S/o with M11, M13, M15 (SFW)
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno x Fem S/o with M23 (SFW)
Bruno x Fem S/o with D20, S20, M20 (SFW)
Bruno x Fem S/o with S24 (SFW)
Leone Abbacchio
Leone x Fem S/o with D12. S12, M12 (SFW)
Leone x Fem S/o with D6 (SFW)
Leone x Fem S/o with M11, M20 (NSFW)
Risotto Nero
Fem Risotto x Male S/o with D3 (SFW)
Melone x Fem S/o with D8 (SFW)
Melone x Fem S/o with S8 (SFW) 
Cioccolata x Fem S/o with M10 (SFW)
Cioccolata x Male S/o with M6, M18 (NSFW)
Funny Valentine
Funny x Fem S/o with D7, S7, M7 (SFW)
Yoshikage Kira
Yoshikage x Fem S/o with S10 (SFW)
Yoshikage x Fem S/o with S2 (SFW)
Josuke Higashikata
Josuke x Fem S/o with S2, S8, M23 (NSFW)
Fem Josuke x Male S/o with D10, D18, D24 (SFW)
Josuke x Male S/o with D1, S1, S14, S19, S23 (SFW)
Casejoe x Fem S/o (SFW)
Squtiz x Fem S/o with D3 (SFW)
Bruabba x Fem S/o with S1 (SFW)
Bruabba x Fem S/o with D3, D20, S11 (NSFW)
Fem Brugio x Male S/o with S3, S6, S7 (NSFW) + Fem Abbamis x Male S/o with S1, S2, S8 (NSFW)
Josuzy x Fem S/o (SFW)
Noriaki x Fem S/o with D7, S7, M7 (SFW) + Josuke x Fem S/o with D6, S6, M6 (SFW)
Hop and A Skip Into My Heart - Giorno x Fem S/o (SFW)
Killing Me Softly - Bruabba x Fem S/o
Chapter 1(SFW)
Chapter 2(NSFW)
Chapter 3(NSFW)
One Night Only - Giomis x Fem S/o
Chapter 1(SFW)
Chapter 2(NSFW)
Chapter 3(NSFW)
Cupid’s Chokehold - Fugonara x Fem S/o
Chapter 1(SFW)
Chapter 2(SFW)
Chapter 3(SFW)
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foolsimagines · 8 years ago
How about some poly giomis with a sometimes shy girlfriend? Sfw/nsfw if thats ok!!! Your writing is fantastic btw
Aaa bless you anon you’re so sweet! I love giomis so much so this was fun af (though I might’ve gone a little too wild on the length) 
Since both you and Giorno are more quiet than the louder and more open Mista, a lot of people tend to assume that it’s just you and Giorno in the relationship and Mista’s just a mutual friend. Whenever it’s clear that someone’s made that mistake, while Giorno will just calmly correct them, Mista will set out to prove to them he’s just as a part of the relationship as you and Giorno. He’ll get way more clingy, keeping one hand firmly on your waist and the other in Giorno’s hand as he calls you both the most sugary sweet pet names in the book, all the while staring down whoever dared insinuate he was just a “friend”.
While Giorno does find your shyness to be adorable at times, he usually won’t push it once you’re already blushing. Mista on the other hand can’t get enough of how cute you get while embarrassed. If it was a kiss that made your face go all red, you can bet you’ll be getting twelve more as he tells you exactly how precious you are. 
Giorno’s the best boyfriend when it comes to planning for special occasions. Mista tends to forget dates often, so it’s usually up to Giorno to get everything perfect for any birthday or anniversary celebration. If there’s a special day anywhere within the week, you can bet Giorno’s already gotten you both gifts and booked the perfect restaurant for you three a month in advance.
While Giorno’s best for planned dates, Mista’s definitely the best for the more spur of the moment ones. If there’s a fair in town, or a good movie playing, Mista’s the first to know and will drag you and Giorno over, insisting you all go on a date there. 
Movie nights are always fun between you three, but there’s always a 50% chance that Mista’s going to fall asleep during it and spend the rest of the night sprawled out across you and Giorno’s laps snoring over the dialog. It’s usually up to you to put on the subtitles so you can still understand the movie while Giorno’s just sort of at a loss for how he managed to scarf down half a bowl of popcorn and pass out all within 5 minutes.
Once you all moved in together, Giorno made sure to get the biggest bed he could find, and thankfully it’s just big enough for you all to sleep in comfortably. Usually you’ll be the one sleeping between the two boys, with Mista clinging around you and Giorno with just a simple arm around you as you sleep. While the arrangement is great for the cool nights of winter, once summer hits the AC will have to be cranked up to high or the cuddle pile will just turn into a sweaty mess of you all trying to kick each other away so you won’t touch.
Since both Mista and Giorno still have to go on missions for the gang, it can get pretty lonely at home when they’re both out. Whenever they both have to be away for a while, Giorno will make sure to send text updates telling you how much he misses you and how long it should be, while Mista just sends occasional “love you’s” with blurry selfies and pics of Giorno being caught off guard.
Since you’re so shy, both Mista and Giorno can be fiercely protective of you. If someone ever dares lay a finger on you, they won’t even know what’s coming. Mista will already be coming at them with Sex Pistols out as Giorno hangs back to make sure you’re alright. As soon as you’re okay and Mista’s done beating the other person senseless, Giorno will make sure that they know that if they ever show their face around there again they’ll be receiving a much rougher treatment. 
Giorno’s the only one allowed to cook in your house ever since Mista tried making you both breakfast in bed and ended up burning it to the point that the pan had to be thrown out. Giorno’s actually really good at cooking and finds it fun to make new recipes to see how you both like them. If Giorno’s not feeling like cooking though, you can bet Mista knows the perfect place for takeout and has the best dishes from there memorized.
Giorno’s a bit of a romantic and his constant flirting never fails to fluster both you, and surprisingly Mista. While Mista tries to deny that it even works on him, it’s pretty hard to hide the fact that his face is suddenly a bright crimson.
After a while of living with you both, Mista will start to notice more and more of his sweaters disappearing around the house. He’ll assume that he somehow managed to misplace them, that is until he comes home early while both you and Giorno are home and finds you both lounging around in a couple of his “missing” sweaters. Thankfully Mista adores the sight of both his boyfriend and girlfriend curled up in his clothes happily donates a few more for you two to relax in around the house.
Both Giorno and Mista don’t really have a preference on whether they’re top or bottom, so the dynamic of the bedroom is always just up to what they’re feeling that night. Sometimes Mista’s in the middle while Giorno tops, or sometimes they’re both topping and taking turns fucking you senseless. The possibilities are endless.
Giorno’s very fond of being able to tie you and Mista up, usually using either a few leather straps or sometimes using his stand to wrap you both in a few vines to fully restrict your movement. Usually it ends up with only you or Mista tied up and teased by him, but on the rare occasions he get’s to tie both of you up at the same time, nothing makes him happier than being able to hear both of your ragged voices begging him for release. 
Mista has the highest libido out of you three, so not only is he almost always down to fuck, but he also gets turned on way too easily. Sometimes both you and Giorno like to play a game of trying to see who can rile him up the most without actually touching him, and it almost always ends with Mista pinning one of you to the wall, fucking you at a harsh and punishing pace.
Mista’s also the most aggressive one in the bedroom. While Giorno may like to tease, he prefers to take things more slow and sensual, but Mista’s more the type to take it hard and fast right out of the gate. Mista’s the type to want to make you scream in pleasure, while Giorno’s more the type to make you beg for more.
While Giorno prefers giving oral, Mista is definitely all about receiving it. Whenever you and Giorno want to treat him, having both of you suck his dick at the same time is the perfect way to get him immediately moaning.
Since all three of you have a personal group chat between you, it’s not hard for the conversations to get very nsfw very quickly. Giorno’s the king of sexting, knowing just the right words to rile you both up, while Mista’s more the type to send over pictures of his hard dick with a simple “thinking of you ;)” whenever he’s feeling horny (which is often) 
Giorno is very fond of toys and has just the right ones for any occasion. Some of his favorites are the high powered vibrators so he can strap one to both you and Mista and watch as you’re both are reduced to moaning and shaking messes, begging to cum (but of course he always turns the toy off just as you reach the brink) 
If you ever get a bit shy in the bedroom and try and cover your face, Giorno will always reach over to have you uncover it. If you refuse you can bet no matter how close he is, he’s going to immediately stop all movement until you finally bring your hands back down. One of his favorite sights is being able to watch your face as you cum, so why would you ever want to cover that?
After sex, Giorno’s always the one to actually get up and go grab a towel so you three can clean up. By time he’s back, Mista’s already just curled up around you and sleeping, so it’ll take you helping out to actually make sure everything’s all clean so there won’t be any uncomfortable stickiness in the morning.
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depravitymoon · 3 years ago
More Recommendations for Yan Mista Posts/Stories
I'm in no mood to continue Flesh, so why not show off better written Mista posts/stories?! :D All but one of them are AO3 links. They're mostly 18+, btw. MINORS DNI. Heed the warnings in the fics too!
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Breaking You Down by @witchofcustom
My favorite one! I love it because it's what I attempted to write, but better and more concise. lol
A Yan Mista headcanon by Collective Imaginations.
Mista Gunplay + Dacryphilia - Kinktober 2020
baby bang it up inside
Mista x Maid!Reader x Sex Pistols
One Night Only - Yandere Poly GioMis,
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megan-is-mia · 5 years ago
One Night Only Chapter 3 (Poly! Giomis w/ Artist! Reader)
(Happy News Year)
“This party is so boring Giorno, I think I’ve yawned so much my jaw might fall out. You sure we can’t just leave already?” Mista said with a tired expression. His boyfriend, the Don of Passione, and his boss shook his head with a sigh. 
“We have to stay to foster good business relations with our allies. We don’t need to make any new enemies if we can help it. Speaking of leaving... you’re positive (Y/n)’s still out on the balcony?” Giorno said with a serious expression.
“Positive, I placed number 5 in her hair earlier before she wandered off to socialize. If she does anything out of the ordinary or tries to escape we’ll know, trust me” Mista said with a grin. They’d had to be more careful since (Y/n) had cut her finger on the stand arrow and gained the ability to see stands. Her own stand hadn’t manifested yet but that was only a matter of time. 
“I trust you... but it wouldn’t hurt to be certain right?” Giorno replied smoothly. Mista was just about to protest when the double meaning behind the blonde’s words clicked: he was being given an out for socializing with stuffy businessmen and the opportunity to get some fresh air.
“You know, you do make an excellent point Boss. I should go make sure there nothing to worry about” Mista said with a grin and a half-bow as he turned on his heel to make a break for the balcony. Outside the fancy glass doors was the woman of the night, at least in Mista’s opinion. (Y/n) was gazing out over the railing of the balcony down at the valley below. Guido almost didn’t want to disturb her concentration, almost. 
He couldn’t resist this golden opportunity to make her jump, so he kept his footsteps quiet and his arms extended so that when he got closer to her he could scare her with ease. Wrapping his arms around her waist and whispering boo in her ear just to hear her shriek and drop the glass she was holding off the balcony was more than worth the elbowing he got in retribution.
“Goddamn it Guido! You made me drop my drink!” (Y/n) scolded trying to wriggle free of the black-haired male’s hold as he let out a raucous laugh at her reprimanding words.
“Oh don’t be so dramatic Ember, it wasn’t like you were drinking anything fancy like wine or champagne” Mista said with a smirk resting his chin on (Y/n)’s shoulder as she let out a heavy breath. The scent of what she’d been consuming ruminated in the slightly chilled air and hitting Mista’s nose making him cringe lightly.
“Cranberry juice? Really? There’s shit like sparklingly water and sprite for your lightweight ass and you still choose cranberry juice?” Guido said unable to resist playfully railing on his girlfriend as she tried to scoot away from him. 
“If you don’t like it then you can leave” (Y/n) said irritably, sorely tempted to try and stamp on Guido’s foot to make him back off. (Y/n) was not in the mood for his teasing tonight. Being dragged out and flaunted to gawking strangers like an exotic pet had almost been enough to make her have a breakdown. Afterall, she was still working through the revelation about the existence of stands and how it changed her relationship with Giorno and Mista.
Guido had intended to let go (Y/n) after teasing her a little more but found that he didn’t want to. He turned his head so he could press his nose against his girlfriend’s neck, the subtle scent of orange blossoms invading his nostrils as he inhaled.
“Don’t you have important shit to do inside?” (Y/n) said wiggling again. Guido’s warm breath was making the hairs on the back of her neck stand straight up. Her skin also began heating up as his arms squeezed her back flush against his chest.
“Mmmn nah, the only important shit for me to do is you” Mista said nipping (Y/n)’s neck before kissing over the spot he’d nipped at previously. The young woman felt her flesh crawl at his implication and she tried to step on his toes in an effort to get space. However Guido simply side-stepped her foot to shove his knee between her legs and pressed her flat against the balcony railing. (Y/n) had to grip onto the top handrail in order to not topple over the edge. 
Her heart was still pounding from the near tumble when Mista’s knee jerked up to grind against her crotch. (Y/n) tried to squirm away even as Guido’s fingers hooked under the bottom hem of her dress and hiked it up so her panties were the only thing separating her bottom half from the elements and his gaze.
“Cute” Mista commented palming (Y/n)’s ass appreciatively and beginning to pull her underwear out of the way. The young women wanted so badly to give him a good shove so he’d go back inside but her fear of falling was more pressing.
“Q-q-quit it Gu-gu-guido! What if s-suh-something comes out on the balcony!” (Y/n) pleaded, trying to get away from the hand that had slipped between her thighs to toy with her clit. Mista didn’t waste much time with simple teasing now, a finger was inside her almost too quickly. The young woman let a gasp of pain at the dry entrance before it was soothed by Guido’s continued ministrations on her clit.
“Nobody will catch us if we’re quiet~” Mista commented as he pulled his hand away from (Y/n)’s cunt. He’d loosened her up with an additional three fingers that he then licked clean before fumbling with his belt and pant zipper. Once his pants were down enough for him to pull his cock free he pulled (Y/n)’s hips back to began sinking into her pussy nice and slowly. 
(Y/n) covered her mouth with one hand while the other remained gripped tight around the railing. The vine and snake pattern of the railing had started to leave an imprint on the young woman’s palm. However she hardly felt the pain of her hand as her cunt was slowly stretched and stuffed with Guido’s cock. 
Once he was all the way inside her, the black-haired male’s hands shifted to hold his girlfriend’s hips and tits as he began to thrust in and out. It took a little while for him to find a suitable rhythm that both satisfied him and didn’t hurt (Y/n)’s hips in the process. 
Gradually (Y/n) began to grind her hips back to meet Guido’s thrusts and was barely able to muffle her moans with her hand. As Mista’s movements sped up, so did (Y/n) until both were spiraling towards climax before tumbling over the edge almost at the same time. The young woman’s hand had grown sweaty and she could barely hold onto the railing before her. Mista slowly pulled out of her but continued holding her close as he peppered her neck in kisses.
“You two look like you’re having fun” Giorno said stepping out onto the balcony. Mista turned to look at the blonde and in that moment let go of (Y/n) and she went over the edge plummeting towards the ground. Except suddenly there was vines and snakes wrapped around her legs. She felt herself being slowly pulled up as a white light glowed up on the balcony. As she was set on the balcony she looked up at the source of the white glow: a strange masked stand with set of deer horns upon its head. 
“I oughta knock the shit outta you! You almost killed my user before I could be awakened” the stand said irritably turning towards Mista and Giorno with its fists curled. (Y/n) blinked slowly, the stand’s voice was strangely familiar.
“Summer?” (Y/n) questioned softly trying to stand but finding it difficult as her body was very sore from being fucked. The horned stand quickly turned its attention back to her and helped her stand before answering her question.
“In a way, I am Midsommar Stag and I am your stand” the horned stand supplied even as (Y/n)’s eyes rolled back and she passed out. 
“Well this isn’t how I would have wanted to debut in this world”
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wri0thesley · 7 years ago
Halloween requests open??? Can I get a uhhhhhhhhhhhh vampire!Giorno with a female Vampire Hunter s/o who realizes Giorno is not as terrible like his father was? (Bonus points for poly GioMis, I just love those two so much)
- Dio made a lot of enemies in his time as a vampire. Not just the ones he made in Egypt - though he tore families apart there too - but almost the entire population of Windknight’s Lot, everyone else who was on that boat. He has blood on his hands that, if he were alive, he would not care one whit about. She is hardly the first person who has spent her life trying to right wrongs that happened far before her time - she is the first, though, who has managed to piece together the clues and the whispers and tracked down Giorno Giovanna, son of Dio. - Giorno is impressed, despite the fact that this girl has breached his security. He’s impressed by the will in her eyes and the fact that she found him despite all of this; and he lets it be known. If the girl is surprised to find that the man who meets her is cordial and handsome and calm and not some raging, spitting monster, she doesn’t show it. Still, it’s hard to imagine someone so mild-mannered could be responsible for the devastation that Dio Brando’s son must have surely called--- “I have never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it,” he says, keeping his eyes on her. “I’m in the Mafia, you understand. I am not a patient man and I am not averse to using what my . . .” He sneers as he says the word, “father gave me. Still. I am not cruel.”- She lowers the crude wooden stake. The way that he enunciated the word gave her pause. She always thought that his spawn would be the kind of person who revelled in the misery and disaster that  Dio caused - and yet. Yet Giorno seems as disgusted as she feels. Perhaps lowering down her guard isn’t the smartest decision she’s ever made, but her anger - still - at the man who has plagued her life is so potent that she can’t help herself. - “He was no father to me,” Giorno says, and his voice is plain and his eyes are honest. He holds out his hand. “Come with me.”- She takes it. Giorno, outside of the fears she has about her father, is courteous and kind. He cares about animals - he tells her that he drinks donated blood and he’s got a good relationship with the blood bank that his boyfriend goes to for him. She doesn’t pause at boyfriend - that’s a good sign, for him. He’s a vampire, yes, but he’s nothing like the ones that she’s been raised to fear and hunt and kill. - A day turns into two, turns into a week, turns into two, turns into a month and Giorno Giovanna presses a kiss on her mouth and she discovers that the taste of blood on his lips is not so horrifying as she would have thought. She meets Mista, who is not a vampire, and laughs at her jokes and is good-natured and handsome too, sharp wit masked by a laidback personality. When Mista kisses her, too, she accepts both of their advances. - Giorno has use for a vampire hunter on his team, after all - like an assassin, she’s been trained to kill, and unlike an assassin she’s well-acquainted with things that might not seem so ordinary. 
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wri0thesley · 7 years ago
hey friends! halloween requests are now CLOSED! below is the list of the halloween prompts i’ll be working on (a SPOOKY PENDING LIST) and if you sent a non-halloween request, if i got it it will be on my generic pending list!
- tomoko and her s/o getting ready for a halloween party / face-sitting (NO SWEAT ANON I GOT YOUR REQUEST FOR THIS I LOVE U) - sdc boys younger selves trick or treating - josuke with a monster girl reader! - merman jotaro - josuke with a mischievous ghost!reader - s/o finding  out rohan is scared of spooky things - narancia and a male s/o getting lost in a corn maze - sdc boys and their s/o watching horror movies - vampire doppio and diavolo - mudad and little giorno trick or treating - poly giomis with vampire giorno and werewolf mista - diego turning his s/o part dinosaur - kakyoin going to a halloween party being hot and bothered by s/o as a maid - werewolf speedwagon with kindhearted vampire s/o - la squadra convincing their s/o to stay in a haunted house with them - la squadra with an s/o spooked by a scary movie they watch together - jotaro and reader trick or treating with jolyne - polnareff and  young joseph being SPOOKED by their s/o’s grudge costume - werewolf anasui - halloween headcanons for the presidential assassination squad - vampire giorno and a goth boyfriend - giorno with an android boyfriend - half-transformed VERY ANIMALISTIC diego - incubus jonathan - passione and horror films - smol succubus reader with jotaro - la squadra and a Virgin Sacrifice - naga!dio continuation for a SECOND CHILD - vampire!giorno with a hunter s/o - jojos with an s/o whose birthday is on halloween - dio comforting s/o on halloween after accidentally scaring them - dio taking a child trick or treating and getting competitive - light yandere kakyoin - sea monster jotaro with a transman s/o - vampire dio/werewolf jonathan claiming an s/o  - couple halloween costumes with the crusaders - josuke reacting to s/o’s provocative halloween costume with fishnets - passione boy with an s/o who loves halloween - incubus kars - vampire don giorno feeding on s/o for the first time - werewolf formaggio knotting and breeding kink - vampire POLY BRUABBA  - mikitaka afab werewolf reader - jotaro and scaredy cat s/o watching horror movies - sorcerer reader/apprentice gio - clingy werewolf boyfriends okuyasu and josuke - werewolf caesar - archaeologist jonathan and s/o vs the mummy’s curse - reader getting picked up by vampire abba at a bar - poly jotaro and kakyoin with an s/o very spooked by j-horror - rohan/witch reader (FOR REAL THIS TIME) - hermes watching spooky movies with her s/o - jolyne with a cuddly werewolf s/o - jotaro, kakyoin and hot pants with a TEENY FAIRY s/o - dhampyr giogio - fem-reader being possessed by scarlet’s ghost - oldseph forcing the sdc into halloween costumes - part 4 stands halloween fluff - devil diavolo - dio’s s/o dressing as a vampire for halloween without knowing his secret - gyro and reader exploring haunted ruins - vampire risotto and prosciutto - nsfw werewolf jotaro - kak and jolyne with an s/o who goes HARD for halloween - avdol and s/o’s halloween - demon bruno - kakyoin, jolyne, lisa lisa and hot pants with a fem s/o in a sexy costume - monster au hcs for the pillarmen - bruabba incubus - joseph teaching caesar and s/o about halloween - rohan and male s/o hooking up at a costume party - dio and kars go out for halloween and people think they are wearing a costume but they are NOT - poly caesar/joseph halloween hcs - jolyne, hermes, trish and yukako with an s/o wearing a CUTE BUT ALSO LAZY costume - witch reader, werewolf jotaro -  poly pillar men with a neko s/o - josuke and okuyasu with spooky ghost s/o - josuke as a life size voodoo doll (HEY REQUESTER OF THIS ARE U AWARE OF MONSTER HIGH HOODUDE BC....) - rohan and kakyoin halloween hcs - incubus/demon diavolo
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