mymangamemes · 11 days
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Me watching Pollyanna (1960)
From The Siren: Becoming the Villain’s Family by Poya, Saeng Yam, and Sol Leesu
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venom-bitez · 6 months
art collab idea: drawing the mv for this
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For @pony-central: If Pollyana found out what Purity Senpai did
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Sick Boyfriend told Pollyana about Purity Senpai and she was pissed off, she decided to confront him
Pollyana punched Purity Senpai in the nose and Purity Senpai fell to the ground.
Purity Senpai: What the Hell?!
Pollyana: What's wrong, your nose hurts? aww that's too bad
Purity Senpai: The hell did you do that for?
Pollyana: One of my former classmates told me that you keep bullying people and you called someone Sickly Kayleigh, is that true?
Purity Senpai:(nervously) W-what, no that's not true!
Pollyana: Don't try to lie to me prick!
Purity Senpai: Ok Ok, fine I did, so what?!, She deserves it!
Pollyana then punches Purity Senpai in the eye and grabs him by the collar.
Purity Senpai: H-Hey let go of me!!!
Pollyana then gave Purity Senpai a death glare that scarred him for lie, she then said to him,
Pollyana: Listen buddy, I may have been a school bully myself in the past but at least I stopped unlike you, so here's what's gonna happen here, I don't want to see you bullying Sick PonyCentral anymore. If I find out you didn't stop. I'm going to come to your house at night and beat the crap out of you, you hear me?!
Purity Senpai couldn't fight back, he was shakened by the fact the Pollyana threatened to beat the crap out of him if he keeps bullying Sick PonyCentral, so he nodded and flew away in fear.
@pony-central so what do you think, Can you remake it in your style
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pygartheangel · 2 years
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honey-bri-books · 6 months
I'm listening to the Pollyana audiobook, through Melsa library.
This girl is exhausting. I love her. ❤
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jemwolf · 1 year
About Sev! How smart are they? Like person smart or clever animal smart
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Sev is person smart! She is part person, after all.
It's hard to determine her age, though; her mind was combined with a number of animals, so it kind of scrambled up her memories. She's been (re)learning how to read and seems to pick it up relatively quickly, and her vocabulary when talking has been getting better the more she converses.
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wuwubean · 7 months
All of my childhood hopes and dreams have been reawakened with the Epic Mickey remake… only to be swiftly and thoroughly crushed by Mother 3.
With SMTV and Elden Ring DLC today has been a net positive… but I’m gonna need some time.
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dozydawn · 1 year
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“Performance of Giselle at the Wang Center. Pollyana Ribeiro plays Giselle. Count Albrecht is played by Patrick Armand.”
Photographed by Mark Wilson, 1998.
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lostonesconfessions · 4 months
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rcderick · 4 months
‘˖ starter para @zunidory — livraria dusty books
— Espera, então você está me dizendo que a madrasta da Branca de Neve e da Cinderella são pessoas diferentes? Sempre achei que fosse a mesma rainha má ou sei lá o que. — Confessou. Roderick nunca foi o maior fã de contos de fada e como o filho homem entre muitas irmãs, não era para ele que sua mãe dedicava o momento das histórias de dormir. — Outra coisa que eu nunca entendi. Aquela maluquice toda do País das Maravilhas realmente existe ou é uma invenção da cabeça da Alice? — Perguntou, tentando ligar os pontos em um confuso mapa mental na sua cabeça. — E para te falar a verdade, eu não faço ideia de que história Merlin vem. 
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askvenusstarbynding · 7 months
To Pollyana before she was shot: What were you thinking while on the run?
Pollyana: Well... all I knew was I wanted to get out. Tess and I just wanted to live our lives together outside of the... experiment we were raised in. And, really, I don't think Dr. Mars meant to be cruel when... he shot me. ... I don't hold it against him anymore.
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obstinaterixatrix · 11 months
my memory’s pretty spotty but surprisingly I remember a fair amount of lyrics from a song I haven’t listened to since… at minimum 7 years
#my ramblings#old man sunshine listen you/never tell me dreams come true/just try it/and I’ll start a riot#beatrice fairfax don’t you dare/ever tell me he will care/I’m certain/it’s the final curtain#I never want to hear a cheerful pollyanna… something something#who tells you fate/provides a mate/it’s all bananas#WAIT#I NEVER WANT TO HEAR FROM ANY CHEERFUL POLLYANAS#they’re writing songs of love but not for me~ a lucky star’s above but not for me~#with love to lead the way I’ve found more clouds of grey than any russian play could guarantee~#I was a fool to fall and get that way~ high ho alas and also lackaday~#and I forget how it ends in this verse but the last last one is ‘although I can’t dismiss the feeling of his kiss I guess he’s not for me’#but I forget the entire other verse#or… chorus?#anyway there was a… well I suppose you could call it a jukebox musical but for gershwin songs#‘but not for me’ was one of my favorites#did they also have ‘how long has this been going on’?#actually so like#sondheim was very picky about lyrics and had super high standards#and one of the things he considered cheating was when stress was messed with for the sake of meter/rhyme#and in how long has this been going on#‘dantes’ is completely mangled into ‘dahn-tees’#‘sad to tell it was hell an inferno worse than dantes’#so every time I think abt those lyrics I think abt sondheim shaking his head in disapproval#well now this is basically#talking abt musicals#I need to look up who beatrice fairfax was
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The special medicine is "Love"
-Sir Paul
-The love his life
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sabanmoon · 2 months
I know I come off as a doomer here and while I do feel like I can be fatalistic I am constantly told about how upbeat/enthusiastic I am and it surprises me.
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I swear to god Clorinde better have an exquisite story quest that gives her an amazing personality and backstory because if it's just another Navia story quest I'm gonna lose it
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adllafoam · 5 months
singing to @zunidory that said ' are you sure you'll be okay? '
while swimming with the mermaids
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               a mulher a sua frente era, provavelmente, uma das pessoas mais doces com quem estava agindo hoje até o momento; principalmente considerando que o último perdido basicamente a usava como boia o tempo todo e nem havia pedido autorização.         ❛ não se preocupe, pollyana, não é problema algum se apoiar um pouco em mim .. sendo sincera, a água me dá forças que não tenho em terra firme ❜         sorriu de maneira doce para a outra, oferecendo a ela sua mão de sua posição na beira da água, esperando que a mesma leva-se o tempo que precisasse, afinal cada pessoa tinha seu momento e não era fácil para humanos acreditar que as sereias estavam ali para ajuda-los em sua viagem ao invés de afoga-los como acontece em algumas histórias.
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