#Polerarm! Diluc
aidendh · 3 years
Genshin! RAU! Diluc Ragnvindr
This is an updated version, feel free to ask questions, though I'm not far into the game
Diluc Ragnvindr
30th April
Age, 22
Has a rouge cloak
CW Barrier
(Orange energy barriers made of soul magic)
Past life: me
'Choking smoke'
Often forcefully ruffels his brother's hair
Kaeya has to be careful with who makes his food in Diluc's Tavern, because Diluc always ruins it
Often takes his coat off when working at the tavern
Adopted Aether after his brother threatened to do it first
When he has his nightmares, he'll stay with his brother
Because of Kaeya's eye, he can't bring himself to hold a sword
His Vision is on the belt over his chest
(More secure than cannon)
Diluc is nicer to Kaeya than cannon but still iffy with him
(Would trust him with his life though)
Diluc Ragnvindr
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An Incarnate that is close with his brother
Vision: Pyro / Barriers
Weapon: Spear
Darknight Hero
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An Incarnate and Mondstadt's Darknight Hero
Vision: Unknown, knocks out others with smoke
Weapon: Spear
Sandboy Nightmare
Kaeya's dead body, blind eye visible and Diluc finds a bloodied sword in his own hands
This also manifests the creature that killed his father
Fire element as he'll have the most trouble with it
He would own a medieval style restaurant/tavern
He is infamous for kicking out Akumas if they mess with The Tavern/Dawn Winery
He singlehandedly took out Frozer using his Spear and Pyro magic
He kept melting the Ice around The Tavern
As a Temp he would fit the Dragon but the weapon would form more spear-like as he can't do swords
He calls himself Daybreak
He is the only dragon to weild fire
The weather symbols surround his Pyro Gem
(On his upper left chest)
The choker would disguise with a Red Bulb Gem
The blade of the weapon is black
He has a glider
With the mix of the Miraculous/Longg and his Vision, he can do multiple types of elemental bursts
Pyro, Hydro, Anemo, Electro
Same ↑ with an added Fire Dragon
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A Temporary Hero with Elemental powers
Power: _ Dragon* Turns into Air, Water or Lightning
Miraculous: Choker (under scarf)
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withloveajaxx · 3 years
No! I don't use any of my 5 star characters exept Mona (And Jean on exception). I'm Luckily unlucky. Oh wanna know something else that really funny. Alt acc got Dilluc and Zhongli in one 10 pull [Standard banner first 10 pull in game]
I don't like Polerarm Characters.
literally take every single one of my monas and just give me 1/4 of ur luck please HAGAGDJWKKDKSD
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helen-high-water · 4 years
So uh I was on my way back from uni and I entered this mad haze of ideas and when the bus stopped I got out and I had written all of this so I'm gonna share it with y'all(this is actually the first time I've written an OC for any piece of media)
Weapon: Catalyst.
Skill:the little dipper.
Summons a small turret-like thing that attacks enemies.
Holding the skill:he aims the turret(like Amber's doll)
Ultimate:The big dipper:
Summons a big turret that attacks the enemies instantly (think like the way ruin guards attack with missiles but ice)
Constilation: Ursus maritimus.
The way he attacks is close to how Ningguang attacks.
His passive: Whenever Bennett is in the party he gains a 50% buff to his attack.(I know how unbalanced this sounds ,Idk about game balancing lol)
He has brown hair,blue eyes,and he's a bit tall,he got swole from working on his turrets and adventuring a lot.
Outfit :Idk, whenever I think of him I just imagine him wearing something similar to Xianling's outfit,but like the colors are grey and light blue,but the top half is like a crop top and he wears shorts(I'M STILL WORKING ON DESCRIBING THINGS WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING I'M SORRY THIS IS SO CONFUSING)also he wears a hat that's like Scaramouche's except it's not ridiculously big.
Random stuff about him:
Most people expect him to use a sword or a claymore,or even a polerarm because of his physic ,but nope,He never was interested in learning how to fight,but he learned how to use a catalyst Because it seemed fun and he thought he could hook up his turrets and control them using the catalyst,which he did ,kind of ,he's still working on that.
His punches still hit hard tho,Which is another suprising thing about him,He loves confusing people and finds it amusing.
Would wear a whole mask if he didn't think it would make him look silly in front of Bennett.
He's a bit lazy when it comes to basically anything that isn't his inventions or Bennett,or the abyss,he's super interested in what the abyss hides,in fact he got inspiration from the ruin guards and hunters when it comes to his turrets,He basically uses thier parts to build them,He summons the turrets by using magic,most of them are stored in his place for whenever he needs them.
Suprisingly he runs hot,even tho he has ice powers,Which is why he wears shorts and a crop top,he hates sweat ,and hates summer because that's when he sweats the most,He uses his Cyro magic a lot to cool himself.
He's from Liyue,His father (who is some rich merchant in Liyue)wants to marry him off to some other rich merchant's heir to combine thier wealth or something.
He has a crush on Bennett,But he'd rather die than confess,He cares a lot for bennett ,and they often go on adventures together, whenever he can of course.
He makes sure to visit bennett regularly ,When they meet ,he shares what advancements he made in his inventions, Bennett doesn't understand most of it admittedly but he makes sure to listen anyway,Same for Aibing , Whenever Bennett starts talking about something,Aibing drops everything to listen to him.
He likes Barbara's songs,Even tho he's a bit jealous of her because of the time she spends with Bennett (even tho most of that time is her healing his injuries iirc),He first listened to her songs through Bennett and found them catchy.
He dislikes Diluc for some reason,even he doesn't know,He just saw him one day when he was in monstad and just was like"Hmmmm I do not vibe with him".
If anyone who knew him saw how he acted around Bennett,they'd be very surprised,He's a completely different person when he's with him,He talks more,makes more expressions and such, whenever he's at home he always has an apathetic expression almost all the time.
He had to deal with Fatui when he was forced asked to talk to them by his father.
He doesn't like his parents cuz his mother married his father for money,and the only thing his father ever cared about is business.
He makes a special sweet madame dish, mainly because it's one of Bennett's favorites lol.
His favorite color is dark blue,and he prefers sweets.
He only ever calls Bennett "Benny" ,and rarely ever uses his name, Bennett doesn't mind and has gotten pretty used to it.
He often goes out to look for parts and stuff(mainly around where ruin guards can be found),which is why he decided to join the adventurer's guild,he thought it would help him locate things better.
Other than Bennett,he doesn't have that many friends, everyone he ever talks to in social gatherings was carefully selected by his father to gain something or another.
He does talk to Xingqui tho,Both of them being heirs to great fortunes makes him feel sympathetic,He finds Xingqui's resolve to revive his clan kind of admirable.
As for other characters ,he remains neutral, Except for Hu tao, everyone in Liyue hates her.
One of the things he likes the most about anyone is thier determination and resolve,he finds that it's the most important thing someone can have(in his opinion at least) mainly because he sorts of lacks that, He only ever does something because he feels like it,he doesn't have any big goals or anything like some others do.
Hates crabs with a burning passion.
Has a pet frog named Benny jr(yes).
How he got his vision:
When he was little ,he was traveling around all over the world with his merchant dad, mainly because his dad thought that it would be a good experience for him,Aibing, of course couldn't care less about all of that,One time his dad had to stay in monstad for a while,Bored he went out and walked around the city, that's when he met Bennett!
They grew closer with time and became best friends.
One day Bennett's bad luck struck and he was in the middle of lake cider(Don't ask me how he got there he just did)he was drowning,Aibing was Terrified of what might happen so he just ran towards him without even noticing the ice that started forming under his feet,he froze the water (Kaeya style) and managed to get bennett out,It was only until bennett pointed it out that he realized that he had gotten a vision.
He doesn't care much for it tho,All that stuff about being chosen by the gods? Ascending to celestia and whatnot?Yeah he just wants to invent stuff and hang out with Bennett, Although he's conflicted about his vision, Because every time he looks at it he remembers the day he almost lost one of the most important People in his life,but it also helped him save Bennett so he's grateful for that at least.
(please note that I wrote this in like 30 minutes or so and I legit have no idea what to do with it other than this,also I am not entirely good at picking names for anything so yeah,also I would've really liked to draw this but I'm still learning how to draw so I guess I'll have to leave it for a while)
Edit: I made him voice lines! Here is the post
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