#Pokemon Ampharos
pokemonlolitaproject · 5 months
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As requested by ok-uyasu a coord inspired by Pokemon #181 Ampharos
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wolfusimagius · 5 days
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It seems I forgot to post this beauty here!
This one is an Ampharos x Arboliva fusion! I gave it the name, Olive Branches, they are already claimed ♥
I reworked the original concept for them and I'm so happy I did ;v;
Additional infos:
Technically they have four arms, the branches and the two tiny arms below those!
They like to sing in the early morning along with the other bird Pokémon. They are also very protective of nature around them, usually being the ones nurturing new forests in the area they live.
If you like my art, consider supporting me on Ko-fi
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hikikozap · 6 months
1, clover is an AWESOME artist!!!! totally cool and awesome. her art is also so cute and you should totally want your fav characters or ocs to be drawn in her style!!
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totally awesome and cool!!!!!!
2, Her prices are totally reasonable and good!
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if you don't think so then uhh. . Maybe you're weird!!!
3, idk . . maybe you should totally support your local gay artists.
JUST DO IT! COMMISSION CLOVER!! DO IT! DO IT NOW!!! (not forcing) (But like. . if you think her art is cool you should DEFINITELY do that!)
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peachypede · 1 year
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(based on this)
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Doing another play through of Scarlet and wanted to doodle one of my team members so have a doodle of my silly gal named Mustard!
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predninja · 1 year
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Amp Ball
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pokemonlunarregion · 1 year
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Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos, top normal bottom shiny.
How to evolve: Mareep to Flaaffy level fifteen. Flaaffy to Ampharos level thirty..
Region: A region of eternal night as scientists created plants that could grow in moonlight, though there is some places that try to create artificial lights for the plants that couldn't grow in the moonlight. The moon still changing to different fullness percents with times there is no moon visible.
Region name: Lunar region.
Type: Steel.
Ability: Mareep: Heavy Metal. Flaaffy: Iron Barbs. Ampharos: Light Metal.
Description: These pokemon used to be mainly seen on farms with different roles depending on the evolution stage. However the first stage was the most popular with farmers for the money that can be made by their steel wool. These pokemon expanded into trainers using them to battle after a trainer who was born into a farmer family evolved his to use in battles, almost making it through all the gyms though couldn't make it through the final gym before giving up. These pokemon inspired a lot of people with their story of starting out as farm pokemon only to be seen in battles like other pokemon. Some have even made movies inspired by this though the movies tend to be about humans instead of the pokemon; usually depicting some humans as slaves despite that it is not historically accurate that any humans were ever slaves in this land. Despite this some movies have won awards for the stories told in the movies as if it is historical. These pokemon on the farms are always treated well by the humans who own the farm and no matter if they evolve farmers are known to still care for these pokemon. These pokemon were even featured in a magazine praising how well they tend to be taken care of, however managing to not become spoiled by the humans that care for them.
Mareep is often used in herds by farmers due to its wool always growing thus can be cut to sell. It's wool is mainly used to create steel dish scrubbers that are well known for getting hard to scrub off food parts. It does have an ability to shed its own wool if it gets too long, by rusting parts of it so it will fall off almost like it is shedding that part of its wool. Despite this if the wool is cut off before the pokemon rusts it then it doesn't rust until after many uses especially with water, to which it will fall apart. This pokemon is often seen in herds when owned by farmers. They were once featured in a magazine that praised how well they were taken care of, not to the point of being spoiled, as there has been no cases of farmers mistreating these pokemon in any way. In fact farmers would still care for one that evolves as much as they'd care for it previously. This pokemon is usually attributed to the start of its rise into the battle scene, despite that in stronger battles it is more often to see its evolutions. This started when a boy born to farmer parents grew a close bond with one of these pokemon, that boy then took it with him on his journey as his main fighting pokemon. It managed to fight with the boy and his team through the gyms, its winning streak only ending at the final gym that the boy couldn't beat before he gave up. It sparked other trainers into seeing the potential for this pokemon and its evolution line in battle scenes. Thus some farmers even began to start some breeding programs to help make dreams of trainers come true in using it on their team. Now even wild ones have been located in certain countryside areas for trainers to even track down to catch to use, so they don't just have to get one from someone else.
Flaaffy had a different role on farms. It tends to have a calming sense on herds of its previous evolution. So it would be able to hang out with the herds to remain relax especially when outside. Some farmers even had one nearby if one of its previous evolutions would get nervous about being trimmed. It likes to lounge and its steel wool doesn't grow as much as its previous evolution; though it can still rust parts of it off to shed if needed. Its wool however can do something that its previous evolution couldn't, it is able to make the steel wool sharp if it feels it needs to usually to a threat or in a battle. It's sharpened wool cannot be seen different to its softer normal wool by the naked eye, and thus unless a trainer knows this pokemon trusts them then they get hesitant touching the wool. Yet some how its previous evolution seems to be able to tell if this pokemon has sharpened its wool or not, often seeming spooked if one sharpens its wool which also tends to alert a farmer of potential danger nearby. It is a good fighter despite its tendency to like to be more relaxed and chill. Thus some trainers even use it in battle in order to surprise the other trainer if that trainer is unaware of the sharp wool. When its wool is trimmed it actually automatically changes to being sharp, thus is not ideal for metal dish scrubbers unless someone wants to cut their hands or slice up their gloves. Its sheds are brittle so if it is rusted off then it is safe to touch usually falling apart by simple touches. Farmers usually will have heavy duty gloves if they ever want to trim this pokemon to keep it from having to rust it off itself, some just let the pokemon rust it off itself so as to not have to worry about the sharp trimmings.
Ampharos on the farms would be the ones who would be sent out by farmers to check out potential danger to the herd. It is seen as more intimidating and powerful to warn off threats to the herd if one is spotted. Farmers are divided about its duties when the farmer is asleep. Half say that this pokemon should be left in the barn to patrol to keep the herd safe, while the other half says that the pokemon should sleep inside the farmers home to be ready to follow the farmer into potential danger if needed. The argument was never settled so each farmer just decide where this pokemon will be during the farmers sleep time. It is seen as a pokemon to be used in some stronger battles compared to its previous evolutions. It tends to have a fierce determination to win against an opponent, with it being believed that the opponent is a threat to its trainer in the eyes of this pokemon. Due to it being used to help warn off threats to the herd on farmland this pokemon will fiercely protect any that it sees as its herd including its trainers other pokemon. Some retired trainers even give this pokemon tasks to walk with their kids or grandkids if they are unable to accompany them. Since it is known that this pokemon won't let anything bad happen, however it is still preferred for an adult to be with a child when out and about. It is still seen walking with children for its trainer despite this, and some trainers if known well by the school are even invited on school trips to allow this pokemon to help protect the school children. It is mostly used in battles more than it is to protect children though.
Mareep used to be seen as pokemon that just followed its herd in whatever was going on, this changed after the pokemon entered the battle scene as it became more respected by trainers thus wanted for battles. Some trainers at the start of it popping up in the battle scene thought that trainers only had one to get free unlimited dish scrubbers... Only to be proven wrong when the pokemon shows its battle capability. No one actually knows the true origin of the reason behind it having been started to be used by farmers, the true tale has been twisted and told with different details over the years with some families believing their own version over others. The main parts that remain the same was that it was a poor farmer who had trouble with pokemon eating his crops before meeting this pokemon. The story is different for how this pokemon was met by this poor farmer, some saying that it wandered onto the property through a broken fence then was caught eating the farmers crops before being taken pity on, others say that the poor farmer made up some traps with any materials he had then caught it in a trap to which its cuteness made him adopt it, and other versions of the story are out there.
Flaaffy when it first evolved, after some fought others in its herd mainly to show off to females, left the farmers who got one unsure what to do with it so it was left with the herd. Since its wool was discovered the hard way to be too sharp, and slow growing, to be able to use like its previous evolution. It was one day observed being watched by a spooked herd and the farmer found that it was looking at a wild pokemon. After the farmer praised it for saving his herd other farmers began to start using it to hang with herds to warn of danger. Its use on keeping the herd or individuals of the herd at ease tends to vary, some say that it started when one wandered into where a nervous member of the herd was getting trimmed which put that member more at ease, some say that it started when a farmer decided to let one stay in the trimming room to make sure no danger sneaks up then it being there helped a nervous member of the herd, and others like to say that a nervous member of the herd managed to flee to this pokemon then was a little more at ease for the trimming it escaped. The true story of how it came to be used to ease the herd by being nearby seems to have been lost to time.
Ampharos earned its place on farms very quickly and its story managed to remain the same over the years. One which was at its second stage evolution got brave in defending the herd from danger, only to evolve from its battles against threats to the herd to which it instantly found its place as the herd defender. After the boy gave up on his battling the gyms one of the gym leaders actually went to the boys family farm to get one of its base forms; to which the gym leader fully evolved it after even learning more about its final evolution job on a farm. This gym leader used this pokemon until the gym leaders passing and her pokemon was left to her grandchildren, thus a new gym leader took over the gym after that.
Design inspiration: Metal dish scrubbers, sheep in general especially when seen on farms, Helluva boss stripped horns for male imps (Please note that the Helluva Boss series contains adult themes and swearing), Hoopa rings, and bells on livestock like cows for the bell on Mareep.
Lunar region is a region that I have thought about making. I will be making more Pokémon and variants for this region.
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swirls-fanart · 2 years
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Whipped up a silly little guy for Pokemon Day yesterday!
Ampharos is a Pokemon that’s been really growing on me lately for some reason. Idk, I just feel like I connect with this funny creature! They’re so cute and underrated!! If I were a Pokemon, I think being an Ampharos would suit me… don’t ask me why, I just have a feeling alright? 😭
I like giving the Pokemon I draw unique markings and colors to set them apart from each other, so this Ampharos has wavy stripes and blue light-up orb-thingies instead of red ones! :)
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jinkroll · 1 year
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Based on a screenshot that I can't find ;-;
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otiksimr · 23 days
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Poorly drawn Mareep line
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momopatchi · 3 months
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recent batch of Pokemon Commissions
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melimelotus · 7 months
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peloriq · 3 months
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Some time in mareep’s evolutionary history
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daily-haunted-tv · 6 months
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Eepy gang
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retrogamingblog2 · 6 months
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Some more Mustard doodles yippie!
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