#Pokémon Hassel x reader
ourvanishingghosts · 2 years
I really enjoyed your Brassius as your boyfriend post! Can I request for Hassel, and Larry (Separate) as your boyfriend headcanons pretty please?
Yes!! I’ve actually been obsessed with reading other people’s takes on Hassel and Larry.
🧡Hassel as your boyfriend🧡
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While you two were just friends everyone thought you two were dating. Despite the Hassel being oblivious to your flirting. The other teachers and faculty made bets on whether or not you would be the one to ask Hassel out before he asked you out.
To everyone’s surprise, Hassel was the one who asked you out with an Applin
Hassel is a very emotional man, but that doesn't mean he neglects your emotions
In fact, he will check in with you if he sees you in the academy's hallways or will even send you a text before or during class
If you are a teacher at the academy he will make sure that both of your lunch breaks are scheduled at the same time. If you aren't a teacher at the academy you always make him lunch and take it to him if he forgets it at home
But he will give you space and time to be by yourself if you let him know because he doesn't want to be overstepping any boundaries
You usually use that time to play with your Pokémon and sometimes his Pokémon
You are his muse and he will draw any chance he gets. From you volunteering to be a model in one of his classes all the way to drawing you while you are doing something else. He draws you, your Pokémon, and sometimes you and your Pokémon.
His favorite place to kiss you is on one of your cheeks or on your knuckles if you two are out in public. In the privacy of your own home, his favorite place to kiss you is basically just your entire face
Your favorite place to kiss him while out in public is one of his cheeks because if you kiss him on the lips while in public he will become a bumbling mess. In private your favorite place to kiss him is his lips because he will literally melt and do anything for you
You two are almost always seen holding hands. Whether it be at the academy, at the Elite 4, or even just relaxing at home
Mainly because it's your way of reassuring Hassel that you will not leave him for any reason
🖤Larry as your boyfriend🖤
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The funny thing about Larry is that almost everyone assumes that he has never been in a romantic relationship and that he is confident with himself despite how tired he looks
But when everyone at the Elite 4 saw you ending your conversation with him with a quick peck on his lips and his entire face reddens
Rika, Poppy, and Hassel actually ran after you to ask you why you are dating Larry and you told them that it is because he is self-sufficient, funny, loving, a good listener, and that he has a beautiful smile. They all had to go back to work, but they just ended up bothering Larry about his relationship.
Larry is always smiling when he is around you because when he is with you he feels calm and relaxed
He doesn't mind a little PDA-like hand-holding, an arm around your waist, a quick hug, or even a quick peck on the lips
His Pokémon adore you and they actually nudge you in order to get pets or a treat
Larry loves cuddling with you
He kisses you on your cheek before he leaves for work and then once he is home and it doesn't matter if you are on the couch or the bed he will lay down next to you or on you because you make him feel safe
His favorite place to kiss you is your forehead in public and your neck in private
Your favorite place to kiss him is his cheeks in public and his forehead in private
Despite Larry looking like he is a mean guy he is a total sweetheart
He will buy you flowers and make dinner on every anniversary, on your birthday, and any chance he gets
He does end up using his vacation days to take you to meet his family and eventually to meet your family
You both are protective of the other. If someone harasses you then Larry will immediately step up and set the harasser straight. If you hear someone saying something rude about Larry you will let them have a piece of your mind
Larry almost always has to hold you back because you will fight the person yourself
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moonlight-phobia · 2 years
Headcanons for Hassel, Brassius, and Larry with touch starved gn s/o?
↭︎ Hassel ↭︎
- As the very emotional art teacher of the academy it’s not a surprise he’s quite affectionate towards his lover.
- Hassel understands the feeling of how it can be to not receive forms of affection with running away from his own family and taking over his own path instead of being guided by others.
- Though that doesn’t really stop him though from being a tad bit more on the touchy side. Be it for his dear love it starts out with gently little headpats.
- The second you even hold his hand or brush against him even if it’s a piece of clothing he’s full on sobbing. I mean this man doesn’t cry pretty - what could be a real mess. Tissues are a need.
- Very gentle forms of affection and it starts with flower crown making! He holds your hands in his own showing you how to entwine them together.
- First Anniversary Gift: a Applin!
- The art teacher took forever to find one that was very special. This Applin does have a sweet apple so if one day when or if it wants to evolve it’ll be there.
- As a busy man unfortunately time with you can be a bit short. Though he’s always shown his affection in different ways. Be it wrapping an arm around his dear lover’s waist or hooking your arms and hands together.
- He may be a bit way to forward at first along with the way he kisses- it’s heavy and deep with little sense of shyness.
“Know this for the rest of your life my dear Hypericum when we hold hands or when I kiss you it’s an action of my love for you. You alone. The past- oh my beaudiful..no need to worry for I will give you all the attention and love. Those who shye away can face me in a battle!”
↭︎ Brassius ↭︎
- Despite his sharp looks and well clothing that one might be afraid they’ll prick themselves on this isn’t true to who he really is.
- Another passionate artist but one that really specializes in the art of sculpturing
- The gym leader couldn’t help it the first time you brought up evening getting into a relationship, his hugs are rather strong and yet all the same warm.
- Seeing his new love get shocked though and almost on the verge of tears from the sudden show of affection he’s quite on the edge.
- “My sweet Rose what’s wrong? Oh- you want to keep hugging me. Heh. That’s fine with me..how about we sit down and I can show you how to spin clay tonight..”
- Brassius knows how it is to feel not recognized in the sea of people that exist so he’ll be your new dark knight.
- Taking care of the surrounding area of the gym and the garden is one of those. The surrounding Pokémon are very loving but his Sudowoodo also seems to have the same touch starved problem it took years before it even evolved from a Bonsly!
First Anniversary Gift: a Deerling!
- The gym leader knows this Pokémon looks quite sweet and adorable but it’s strong on its own or in a herd.
- Knows how to take time and won’t push you, his kisses mostly start with butterfly kisses only but a tad surprised when you’re the one to start the display of affection.
- Absolutely loves this though means you’re taking your own steps forward.
- Will take off his jacket and he’s done some research with his lover’s condition. If you ask why? He’s just going to say that he’s working with clay.
“Sweet Rose, shall we head to the gardens? Ah my change of clothes- it’s not much I know you’re used to seeing me in my work clothes but the sun is quite warm today. How about a picnic Arboliva and Lilligant already have a basket ready for us. So shall we hold hands..I don’t want you getting lost..”
↭︎ Larry ↭︎
- This man also has quite the problem when it comes to being touch starved but rather that he considers himself to be either to busy with little down time to be spending it with another person.
- Meeting him had to happen at Treasure Eatery or you were introduced too him by Hassel. Hassel knows to many people for his own good.
- Conversations and Food seem to be the surrounding light- but the second you even mention something about normal types seems to be his passion.
- Going on for hours over the kinds of Pokémon and how strong they really are even if they aren’t to popular amongst more elite trainers.
- Pinkie Finger holding. Holds your finger in his own and it’s a very brave step coming from him of all people.
- Encourages though for the both of you to take those steps forward and will get tickets for events. Dances but much more relaxed ones.
- Man looks like he could be a really good ballroom dancer very much by the book.
- “Yes um oh..well how about this we will hold each other’s shoulders. Your..outfit looks really nice” if you wear something with clouds on it means a lot too him since it matches his tie.
First Anniversary Gift: a Tandemaus!
- “I found these little ones and they remind me of us. So here- for you..I love you Gerbera. How about we go out and eat I’m sure we can find something new tonight”
- Going to a different restaurant is his way of showing how comfortable he is with you! So that’s a really good thing.
- Larry is a taller man but doesn’t matter if you’re taller or shorter then him. His kisses down the road are him bringing his lover closer holding at your ribs gently it’s where his hands are comfortable. Yes his hand and no gloves in sight.
- “I have a battle today would you like to join me and then we could get some curry after- yes a Galarian dish but it’s quite comforting? My boss..Mm today..I don’t really care. I’d rather take my time off with you consider it into my mental health I had to sign up for.”
The sweet flower of dreams blooms in the night when least expect its presence…
Hope you enjoyed this Anon! Least hope it’s what you were looking for (メ﹏メ).
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gogo-gogurtman · 5 months
Definitely not coping bc I have several papers due next week but
What if I made another Pokémon oc and she’s a director of a successful animation studio while also being the champion of her region.
Yes, she’s inspired by Studio Ghibli bc words cannot describe how much their films mean to me
Yes, she’s like 40 and I plan on shipping her with both Hassel and Brassius because Old Men
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coannaa-bee · 2 years
Relationship headcanons for Ginter, Hassel, Brassius, and Larry with gender neutral s/o?
I apologize for not answering sooner as I was fairly busy and was offline, but of course you can have relationship Headcannon’s for them!! Once again, I’m sorry for the late response, I hope you understand. I also don’t write for Ginter, I apologize!
(I’m struggling to write for SV cause I don’t know much about the characters, I have played the games but never got to really know the characters so if it’s OOC please understand I’m not the best in SV.)
Relationship Headcanon’s with Hassel, Brassius, and Larry w/ GN Reader
Hassel is an interesting one but not in a bad way! Hassel’s way of affection is supporting you and checking up on you. Before he leaves, he’ll always leave a note that tells you to make sure to eat and drink water with a little smiley face beside it. You love how sweet he is with you, it always makes your day.
Small things he’ll also do is when he’s finally back to your shared home, he’ll walk up to you and hug you from behind in a exhausted manner or if he can, he’ll kiss your cheek.
I personally don’t know a lot about Hassel but he’ll make sure that with what he’s doing, that you’re comfortable. Like, when you two are in bed for the night, he’ll make sure it’s okay that he brings you closer to him just so you don’t get startled by the sudden movement in your sleep.
He’ll make sure that you’re both warm and sleep well for the upcoming days. In the mornings, he’ll wake up to you making breakfast for him and his heart can’t help but quicken.
He’s just sweet over all, I don’t have that much to say for him sadly.
Now, I don’t know a lot about Brassius (at the moment) yet I know 100% he has a garden that he’ll like to play with the Pokémon for time to time.
I headcanon that Brassius doesn’t know what to really do in relationships so you’ll have to guide him so he understands.
Brassius is not THAT big on PDA but he’ll always hold your hand when you two are out and he’ll kiss your forehead and cheeks while he’s at it.
Because you and Brassius have a shared home, when you’re at home and he’s challenging trainers at his gym, when he’s done he’d head back home with many little sunkerns on him and it’s absolutely adorable.
You’ll turn to him and giggle seeing all the little Pokémon latching onto him and have to lightly pry them off of him. Brassius is a sweet yet he’s always up to things.
You like it when he talks about the grass type Pokémon that are everywhere and you love the fact he’s so happy to talk about his love for them.
I don’t have much to say other than a sweet relationship with adorable little headcanon’s <3
Larry is a very busy man. He’s always tired due to him over working himself too much. You always feel bad when he does over work himself. When he comes home to see you sitting on the couch, he’d place his briefcase down and walked over to you before kissing your cheek.
You will kiss him back as he’ll walk away. He’s a lay low-like person but if he ever wants to, he’ll communicate time from time instead of sounding all grouchy.
PDA isn’t big for him at all but if you went to his gym to eat lunch with him. He’d probably have on hand on your leg as the other using his chopsticks and same goes for you but you’ll hold his hand while it’s settled there.
Waking up in the morning isn’t the best for Larry so doing small things for him like iron his clothes and make him coffee. Look, it’s the little things you do that you really don’t have to do that makes his heart beat fast. No wonder he fell in love with you so quickly!
>>💎💎Please do not steal/copy or Translate on ANY PAGE. Thank you for your time 🌹🌹<<
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Can I please have 46 with Hassel from Pokémon SV?
A kiss…out of jealousy.
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The logical part of his brain was screaming at him that he had no reason to be jealous. He had the utter most faith in you. But him, how could he when the guy was all over you half the time but it’s not like it meant he was jealous.
Clearing out his throat he stepped closer to you, a smile on his face as he grasped your hand gently. His thumb gliding over your hand once you face him with a bright smile on your face. The man you were talking to was waiting, waiting for something but Hassel was not about to let you go before he made sure the man knew that you were with him.
Arms wrapping around in your waist he then nuzzled your neck for a moment, a giggle escaping your lips until he placed his own lips against yours. Holding your close you pressed closer to his chest, your fingers gripping his shirt tightly.
Breaking the kiss felt your cheeks grew warm once your realized you had an audience, glancing over your shoulder you muttered a quick apology as your grasped Hassel’s hand tugging him away.
Holding his head up high, Hessel could help but smile as he walked with you. He might have been jealous of him for getting you attention every now and then but he always knew by the end of the day you would return to him.
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amphibiahawks321 · 4 months
Can I ask for Rika (Pokémon) x M! Reader, please?
Hassel : Come on Larry, Just one smile! a quick one at that!
Larry : Sighs the more you beg the more I'm questioning why you're one of the elites...
[Geeta walks up to them]
Geeta : Hassel let's just be honest... Telling Larry to smile is like telling Rika to stop flirting with Y/N for just a day...
[Larry stares at something behind them]
Larry : You mean the one that's happening right now....
[Geeta and Hassel turn their head around, Rika pining Y/N against the wall with her hand pinned beside his head and the other hand on Y/N's waist]
Rika : You know walking while looking that good is illegal because only I get to stare at your figure~
M!Reader blushing : ......
Geeta : .....
Geeta : When they both finally got together I thought maybe Rika would lower down the flirting... But it just made it way worse...
[Hassel starts tearing up]
Hassel : They are so perfect for each other!
[Hassel wipes his tear away]
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Masterlist: Pokémon x Reader
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Reader comforting Hop after Bede insults him
HCs: Hop being mentored by a Trainer!Reader who specializes in electric types
Cuddling w/ Piers
HCs: Piers falling in love with Pokepasta!Reader
Raihan reacting to Reader's intimidating Pokémon being soft
HCs: Raihan reacting to Reader, who owns a Zekrom and is sweet to dragon types
Leon encountering Bisharp!Reader in the Galar Championship
Legends of Arceus
HCs: Reader comforting Volo after his defeat
HCs: Warden Ingo w/ a Wanderer!Reader
HCs: Porygon!Reader in Hisui
Reader showing Ingo a Shiny Sneasel (drabble)
Reviving Lady Sneasler (Post-Hisui AU)
Paldea Trio
Jokingly proposing to Arven
HCs: Arven meeting Reader's Iron Hands
HCs: Meeting Chien-Pao
HCs: Meeting Chi-Yu
HCs: Meeting Ogerpon
Meeting the "Loyal" Three
Meeting Reader's Type: Null (who evolves into Silvally)
HCs: Reacting to Reader's Scolipede
Reacting to Pokepasta!Reader's team
Meeting and helping Mewtwo!Reader who escaped Team Rocket
HCs: Reacting to Reader's Elderly Garchomp (who use to be their grandpa's back in Alola)
HCs: Reacting to Kalosian!Reader who is of royal descent & owns a Furfrou
HCs: The trio (+ Hassel) reacting to Reader who lost their Mightyena
HCs: Reacting to Reader's birthday falling on Halloween
HCs: Reacting to Reader (who is the grandchild of a celebrity model/singer) and their Espathra
HCs: The trio (+ Carmine & Kieran) w/ a Dancer!Reader who is a descendant of sirens and owns Hoopa, Toxtricity, Oricorio, Alpha Primarinna, Meloetta, and Scream Tail
Team Star
HCs: Eri dating Reader, who is also a Shiny Hunter
HCs: Eri w/ Fem!Reader who acts like Team Star's Nurse Joy
HCs: Ortega meeting Fashion Designer!Reader
Gym Leaders + Professors
HCs: Hassel reacting to Reader's Elderly Garchomp
Jacq & Reader reacting to twin Shiny Growlithes hatching from their Arcanines' egg
Reader being cautious of Raifort
Reader convincing Professor Turo to make amends with Arven
Taming Aggressive!Miraidon (Turo Lives AU)
HCs: Cuddling with Turo (angst)
HCs: Larry reacting to Shy!Champion!Reader confessing to him
HCs: Larry meeting Mermaid!Tatsugiri!Reader
Reader w/ Missingno!Larry
Grusha falling in love with a Challenger!Reader who specializes in fire types and easily gets cold
Teal Mask/Indigo Disk/Mochi Mayhem
HCs: Carmine, Kieran, & Perrin meeting Pokepasta!Reader
Reader giving Ogerpon to Kieran (post-DLC)
Kieran reuniting w/ Reader, who was his shy childhood best friend
HCs: Drayton reacting to a reckless Reader
HCs: Kieran (+ Arven) meeting Shy!Reader with a Tapu Koko, Bloodmoon Ursaluna, Salazzle, and Iron Valiant
HCs: BB Elite Four (+ Kieran) dating Reader whose Miraidon get extremely jealous
HCs: Kieran, Carmine, & Drayton reacting to Reader falling into a coma after Terapagos' attack.
HCs: Kieran & Carmine reacting to Reader's new team (BM Ursaluna, Armarouge, Ogerpon, Shiny Slither Wing, Koraidon, & Chien-Pao) in the Indigo Disk
Reader w/ Pokemon
HCs: Paleontologist!Reader meeting Ancient Paradox Pokémon
Iron Valiant rescuing a Child!Reader from Iron Jugalis
HCs: Trainer!Reader comforting Koraidon, Iron Valiant, Mimikyuu, and Maushold after accidentally harming them
Garchomp protecting Fidough!Reader
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Hi! Can I request romantic relationship headcanons for Pokémon Clavell, Hassel, Brassius, and Larry with gender neutral s/o?
Dating Clavell, Hassel, Brassius and Larry headcannons
Pairing: Clavell, Hassel, Brassius and Larry x gn!reader (separated)
Warnings: none
A/N: this one took a lot of time! Sorry for that, hope you enjoy!
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His role as the principal at Naranja/Uva Academy in the Paldea region would mean that he approaches relationships with a sense of responsibility.
At the core of your relationship with him would be a sense of understanding and respect. He values your company and appreciates the moments of affection you share, even though his reserved nature might not always allow him to express his emotions openly. While he may not readily show his feelings, his actions speak volumes – whether it's through a thoughtful gesture or a genuine concern for your well-being.
His strict demeanor, shaped by his professional role, would occasionally surface, but it would be tempered by his underlying kindness. You'd come to appreciate his ability to handle even the most challenging situations with a level-headed approach, providing a sense of stability and security in your relationship.
As a couple, you'd find yourselves embarking on quiet yet meaningful moments together. Perhaps you'd share walks through the academy's picturesque gardens, engaging in deep conversations about your dreams and aspirations. Clavell's support for your endeavors would be unwavering, and he'd encourage you to pursue your passions with a quiet determination.
His dedication to his students and their well-being would extend to his role as a partner. He'd pay close attention to your needs, offering guidance and advice when sought. While he may not be one to overtly shower you with affection, his gestures would be meaningful and sincere – a cup of your favorite tea waiting for you after a long day, a shared glance that conveys understanding, or a comforting hand on your shoulder when you need it most.
Occasionally, you'd catch glimpses of his softer side, moments when he allows himself to let his guard down. Perhaps it's a smile that lingers a little longer than usual or a tender touch that reveals the depth of his feelings. These fleeting moments would serve as a reminder of the genuine connection you share and the affection that exists beneath his composed exterior.
While Clavell might not readily express his emotions, the love and care he holds for you would be a constant presence in your relationship. With him, you'd experience a love that is steady, enduring, and grounded in a shared understanding of each other's ambitions and aspirations.
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Dating Hassel would offer you a unique blend of intelligence, deep emotional connections, and a passion for creativity that transcends the ordinary. His ability to immerse himself in the world of art and his sincere dedication to his craft would shape the dynamics of your relationship in profound ways.
Hassel's tendency to take things seriously and emotionally, regardless of how small they may seem, would reveal a side of him that is authentic and deeply connected to his feelings. This emotional depth would lead to moments of vulnerability, where he might shed tears in response to significant events or when he's moved by something that strikes a chord within him.
When it comes to art, Hassel's enthusiasm is palpable. Conversations about artistic expression would lead him to delve into lengthy discussions about the various forms that art takes, the pursuit of perfection, and the beauty of symmetry – a reflection of his own deep appreciation for the subject. You'd find yourself captivated by his insights, his passion contagious as he shares his thoughts and experiences.
In your relationship, Hassel's emotional nature would manifest in ways that are both heartwarming and endearing. He might surprise you with heartfelt gestures – a handpicked bouquet of wildflowers that perfectly embodies the beauty of imperfection, or a handwritten note that expresses his emotions with eloquence.
While he's known for his serious demeanor, Hassel's emotional side would also extend to moments of shared joy and laughter. Together, you'd experience the elation of discovering a hidden gem in an art gallery or the delight of creating something beautiful with your own hands. These moments of shared happiness would forge a bond that is rich with emotion and understanding.
As your relationship deepens, you'd become a source of inspiration for Hassel. He'd find solace in your presence and a safe space to express his feelings openly. The times when he lets his guard down and sheds a tear in your company would be a testament to the trust and intimacy you've cultivated together.
In the intricate tapestry of your love story with Hassel, you'd discover a man who is not only intellectually stimulating but also emotionally profound. His commitment to art, his deep emotional connections, and his penchant for seeing the world through a unique lens would create a relationship that is rich, meaningful, and filled with moments of artistic and emotional resonance.
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It would be a journey of self-discovery, shared passions, and a deep connection that blooms like the most exquisite flower. His dedication to his craft and his enigmatic approach to art would shape a relationship that is both inspiring and full of intrigue.
Brassius' determination to create art would resonate with your own drive for self-improvement. Your shared desire to become the best versions of yourselves would create a strong foundation for your relationship. Together, you'd encourage each other to push boundaries, explore new horizons, and continuously evolve. Just as Brassius approaches his art with unwavering commitment, you'd embark on a journey of personal growth side by side, motivated by the mutual aspiration to reach new heights.
The sense of mystery that Brassius feels when working on his art projects would align with your own inclination to explore the depths of your inner self. Your communication would be marked by a shared fascination with uncovering the layers that make you who you are. Deep conversations about your dreams, fears, and aspirations would become a cornerstone of your relationship.
In Brassius' presence, you'd find a kindred spirit who not only appreciates your artistic passions but also shares them. The two of you would spend hours immersed in creative pursuits, whether it's painting, sculpting, or simply appreciating the beauty of nature. Brassius' artistic insight and your own unique perspective would combine to create a dynamic partnership that fuels your shared creative endeavors.
As your bond deepens, you'd discover the artistry that exists in the small moments of life. A sunrise over a tranquil meadow, the rustling of leaves in the wind, or the interplay of colors in a vibrant bouquet – these everyday experiences would take on a new dimension of beauty and significance as you and Brassius share them together.
Brassius' commitment to his gym duties and his artistic endeavors would be mirrored by your dedication to supporting his goals and aspirations. Just as he pours his heart into shaping the gym's environment and challenges, you'd stand by his side, providing unwavering encouragement and cheering him on every step of the way.
In return, Brassius' presence in your life would be a source of inspiration and wonder. His ability to find beauty in the ordinary, coupled with his mysterious charm, would keep your connection fresh and exciting. The moments when he unveils a new artistic creation or shares a personal insight would be met with genuine admiration and a shared sense of awe.
In the canvas of your relationship with Brassius, you'd paint a portrait of shared passions, mutual growth, and a love that thrives on the mystery and beauty of life itself. Together, you'd create an artistic masterpiece that captures the essence of your unique connection, a bond that grows stronger with each passing day.
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Dating Larry would lead you on a journey of quiet companionship, gentle understanding, and a love that thrives in simplicity. His calm and relaxed demeanor would provide a tranquil backdrop to your relationship, while his genuine care and thoughtfulness would create a bond that runs deep.
Larry's love for all things "normal" would align with your own appreciation for life's simple pleasures. Together, you'd find joy in everyday moments – a leisurely stroll in the park, savoring a home-cooked meal, or sharing stories by a cozy fire. His relaxed nature would encourage you to embrace the present and find contentment in the little things.
While Larry's initial shyness and reserved demeanor might create a quiet atmosphere, his warmth and friendliness would shine through once you break through his shell. As you spend more time together, you'd discover his endearing quirks and the charming way he opens up to you. His soft-spoken nature would create a space for heartfelt conversations and genuine connection.
Larry's inclination for organization and tidiness would blend seamlessly with your own desire for a well-structured life. Together, you'd find comfort in creating an environment that reflects your shared values – a cozy home where everything has its place, a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos of the outside world.
His dedication to work would be a proof of his unwavering commitment to his passions. You'd come to admire his diligence and determination, and you'd be there to offer your support as he invests time in his pursuits. Whether it's tending to his Pokémon or working on personal projects, your presence would be a source of encouragement and comfort.
Larry's caring and supportive nature would shine through in the thoughtful gestures he showers upon you. From surprise notes expressing his affection to small acts of kindness that show he's thinking of you, his love language would speak volumes. His commitment to making you feel loved and appreciated would be unwavering, and you'd come to cherish the quiet moments of tenderness he shares.
While Larry may prefer the tranquility of home, you'd find comfort in your shared space, knowing that you have a partner who understands and respects your need for solitude. His willingness to make an effort to ensure your happiness would be a testament to the depth of his affection.
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hoshikarasu · 8 months
Hi! Can I request Jacq from Pokémon SV x male reader? If you accept this request, thank you!! (^ o ^)
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❛ ⠀♡ . ˑ⠀featuring   :    jacq
❛ ⠀♡ . ˑ⠀synopsis   :    a budding love is blossoming between you and your fellow colleague ! 
❛ ⠀♡ . ˑ⠀notes   :    male reader. fluff. teacher/teacher trope. plus general thoughts. brief reference to hassel/brassius. headcanons. not proofread. hope you enjoy anon ♡ !!
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When you decided to seek out a career in being an instructor, not once did you think that you would wind up with a job to teach at Mesagoza’s well-known academy. 
Clavell was more than pleased to welcome you to the faculty. You were invited to come to the academy and get familiar with the place before the new school year commenced. 
During that visit, you came across some of your new colleagues, who all happily introduced themselves and offered to show you around the academy. All of them were incredibly kind, but you found your gaze continuously gravitating towards one in particular.
The slightly disheveled, easy-going man who looked like he’d appreciate a quick nap.
 From the moment that his eyes landed on you, he smiled softly and greeted you with a cute, “Hello, hello!”
After that visit, you two started to become closer to one another. It was far too easy to fall into long conversations with him. Which only started to become a bit of a problem when you would both realize that you’re running late to your own classes. 
Speaking of your class, you teach Pokemon Handling. The ways to care for various types of Pokemon and what’s necessary to ensure they live healthy lives.
There are times where your lessons branch off to the biology aspects of these Pokemon types, which leads to you and Jacq planning lessons to do joint classes. 
It doesn’t take long for the students to pick up on how you stare at Jacq, most likely the most interested in his rambling, when he starts to get into specifics and the way that Jacq looks more energized and at peace when you’re stepping in to share your own knowledge.
This has led to these students coming up with theories about you two. A lot of speculations arise, questions going on whether you two were even interested in men. Regardless, there are those that compare the way you two are to Hassel and Brassius, which only spawns in more discussions on your guys’ relationship.
Of course, students being students, they attempt to ask in what they believe are subtle ways. Anytime Jacq asks if anyone has any questions, he’s surprised to see the amount of hands going on when he’s been accustomed to them being more prepared to leave over anything else.
There are no words to describe the shock that washed over him when the question pertained to you and whether he likes you. Of course, he’s chuckling lightly while he runs his fingers through his already messy hair as he struggles to come up with a response. 
No, he’s not surprised that his students managed to pick up on his growing feelings. They’re a smart bunch and very observant. Maybe a bit too observant for their own good.
He’ll try to direct the conversation back to the topic on hand though he does mention that he likes you very much, in a platonic sense (not that any of his students believe that part) and considers you to be a brilliant instructor.
The rumors only grow faster once that happened.
If you thought it was only your students attempting to meddle however they can then you’d be very mistaken. The other faculty start to get involved as well in their own ways.
Salvatore offers cute phrases in other languages to say, and Saguaro talks a lot about how you and Jacq should go out on a picnic and the many sandwiches you could make together. 
Once you both start dating, it’s as if everyone in the academy can tell. Many of the students are happy to see two of their favorite instructors with each other, especially when they caught on that they were crushing beforehand. The other faculty members tease you both for doing the slightest bit of affection in the lounge room.
Every time you head into the lounge room, you always have a second drink just for Jacq. And each time, he will thank you by pressing a gentle kiss to your temple.
There are moments where he feels so tired but one glance at you gives him the motivation to get through the rest of the day. He greatly appreciates that you’re able to sense when his internal battery is dwindling down and welcomes the cuddles that you initiate with him. Expect to have plenty of dates that involve napping together.
You’re the one to make sure that he doesn’t drown himself in his research. Jacq has the tendency to lose track of time, unless he has something scheduled with you, so you’re often the one that your other colleagues ask to go find him to pull him out of his work.
Anytime he discovers something new, you’re the first person he turns to. You always listen to him attentively. He does the same in return whenever you get in a rambling mood, especially when you’re caring for your or his Pokemon and talk about some fun facts about little quirks or things that the Pokemon like. 
Whenever he catches you battling for any reason, whether you’re helping him with his research or you’re both simply out and about, he’s always in awe at your strength. 
The second that you turn around to return back to him, he’s staring at you with such a tender look on his face. “That’s my boyfriend!” He praises, eyes closing as he smiles at you. Your strength and Pokemon is a wonder and he will never get tired of watching you.
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rokishimizu4 · 2 months
A Artist’s Masterpiece
A Yandere Brassius (Pokemon SV Grass Gym Leader) x GN! Reader (18+, you creeps 😂)
‘The beauty, the grace, the way they so easily wield the power of fire to overthrow me for my gym badge. I MUST capture their beauty on my canvas, carve them into the finest marble.’ The thoughts spiral in my head as my Sudowoodo comes back to me, defeated so beautifully.
“Phew, that was a really good battle. I thought you were gonna win for a moment there.” You laugh as you cuddle your Fuecoco, who was low on HP but still so strong for you.
A heat fills my body as I praise you and your Pokémon, even helping them heal so you wouldn’t have to leave so soon.
“Avant-garde! My inspiration overflows with the beauty of our battle!” I speak in a rush, hardly stopping to take a single breath, to let you say anything else.
Only the confused look at you give me, stops me from saying any more, as if you weren’t use to it or that you don’t understand how your beauty, your strength, your EVERYTHING has became my new muse, my ONLY muse.
Handing over my gym badge, taking a picture, asking, demanding, that you stop by again for another battle, for another chance to see you fills my head until I can only think of you.
I allow no one else the privilege to defeat me so easily after you left, some might have a problem with it but I don’t care. Nothing else fills me with such intensity, the raw motivation to continue my work.
And it only became deeper, more wild, more lovely after seeing you in Mr. Hassel’s class, to have your eyes on me and only me.
It was a disappointment to have you answer wrong about how I was feeling when creating my Surrendering Sunflora, but you have just came to Paldea not long ago.
I have so much to teach you, my precious muse. So much to create for you.
In time you will learn to understand art, to understand me.
To learn to love me as I will love you.
Even if I have to destroy your hopes and dreams, to bury those in my way. You will learn.
Until then, become the strongest. Let everyone learn to fear you and look up to you.
Let them learn that they will never be good enough to touch you, to battle you, to talk to you.
Only I will, my precious innocent muse.
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
Headcanons of how would Hassel, Brassius, and Larry react to having to share a bed with gender neutral crush?
Hassel, Brassius, and Larry Sharing A Bed
(Hope I did well! First time writing for Hassel and Larry)
Various x Reader
Genre: Headcanons, Fluff, Romantic
You both were attending a festival in Artazon, and by the time it was over it was too late to call a taxi, so you both booked a hotel
One problem
One bed
“I can go down and ask for a different room.” Hassel offered
“N-No that’s okay! I don’t mind sharing a bed for one night, as long as you’re okay with it too..”
And that’s how it led to you both curled up in this one bed
In the dark, he didn’t need to worry about how pink his cheeks had gotten
Of course it didn’t help he was so tense
Fell asleep staring at the ceiling and did not move during the night
Woke up before you to see you facing him, curled into a ball all peaceful
He enjoyed the view for a bit before getting up to start the day
You and Brassius had traveled out into the wilderness for some artistic inspiration
When you went to set up your tents for the night, a wild Pokémon had attacked, protecting its territory
You escaped unharmed, but your tent didn’t
So Brassius kindly offered to let you sleep in his for the night
So that’s how you both ended up shoulder to shoulder in his tent
Brassius decided to distract you (and him) from the awkward situation by talking to you about his latest ideas
You both fell asleep soon enough, and you woke up to Brassius carefully detaching your hands from his shirt and tuck you back in before slipping out of the tent where you heard him greet a few Deerling and Skiddo that had wandered by
You both were summoned by Geeta for some elite four thing, and since it ended late in the night, you both had to share a room
He’s too tired for this
One room, one bed
Thanks Geeta
He’ll sleep on the couch, if to avoid any awkward situations
But your sweet nature simply won’t allow it, and you somehow convince him to join you in the bed
Both in comfy pajamas, you curl up in bed, backs to each other
He was a bit tense, yet it took you no time at all to fall asleep
He eventually fell asleep as well, and to his surprise woke up with you snuggled against him
Maybe sharing a bed isn’t so bad after all
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ourvanishingghosts · 2 years
I'm really loving your stuff, thank you for the food! Can we get a Brassius and Hassel who share a s/o? Whether it's fluff of nsfw I'll leave to you
Sure. I did SFW and if you would like me to do an NSFW version let me know.
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Artsy Boyfriends
You are both their muse and they will make art of you in their own art style(s)
Brassius creates sculptures of you while Hassel paints and draws you
You and Brassius love to spend time with Hassel during his lunch break at the academy and at the Elite 4
You and Hassel try to see Brassius battle at his gym
Hassel does get emotional whenever you or Brassius visit him at the academy or when he is at the Elite 4
The students at the academy are curious about why you and Brassius visit Hassel a lot and you three try to explain your relationship to them that is appropriate
Jacq was the first professor to figure out that the three of you were together while Rika, Poppy, and Larry have known about your three since the start because Hassel is always talking about you or Brassius or both of you
It took about a year for the rest of the professors to figure out your relationship which is surprising because of how emotional Hassel is
Brassius ends up making a thorn whip for you and Hassel to match his
Hassel's whip looks like the spines of certain dragons
Your whip looks like your favorite Pokémon or Pokémon type
Both of them let you play with their hair
Hassel ends up proposing to you with a ring that has the pattern of the crystalization of your favorite Pokémon type
Hassel proposes to Brassius with a ring that has the pattern of the crystalization of grass type Pokémon
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soft-for-them · 2 years
Godmothers - Rika x plus size reader
Summary: Both Rika and you are Poppy's godmothers and Rika is developing a small crush on you.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated and help more people read my works.
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A/N: Rika is a butch lesbian, that's how I'm writing her. I've not specified if she's mtf, trans masc or nonbinary so go wild with your headcanons.
“Come on kiddo-“ you say tiredly as you stand at the entrance of the Elite Four, a small blue kid’s backpack slung around your shoulder and a book bag in your hand, “- Poppy come on! Your dinner will be cold at this rate.”
Poppy, your god-daughter and little terror, takes her time saying goodbye to the Elite Four members, her cheery little face bringing out a small smile on your face. First she high fives Hassle, followed by hugging the legs of Larry (who, despite looking put off, actually pats her head back) and finally she bounds up to Rika, her other godmother, and begging to be picked up to be hugged which Rika does.
You look up to your Dragonite, who unlike other Dragonites towers above you, the bandana around his neck actually a giant picnic blanket. You pat the orange dragon on his leg, reassuring him that it’s almost home time.
“Poppy-“ you begin before the bright face of your god-daughter pops up in front of you, startling you and your dear Pokémon, a muttered expletive falling out your mouth.
“-I’m ready (y/n)!” she cheers, her small hand wrapping around two of your fingers, ready to hop on Dragonite to fly back home to Montenevera.
“Have you got everything?” you automatically ask.
“Yes!” she cheers.
“You sure?”
“One hundred percent positive.” she beams.
“Ok, we have to go home quick, Greavard and Klefki are watching the soup on the stove-“
“-SOUP!” she cheers as you lift her up onto Dragonite, her small little arms hugging the dragon ‘hello’.
“Yes, soup and some cheese on toast.”
Before you hop on to Dragonite you look back to see Rika standing there. Larry and Hassel have already gone back in and like usual Geeta is nowhere to be found.
You give a small wave to Rika.
For a moment you think you see a flush of red take over Rika’s face but you put it up to being outside in the cold weather with the sleeves of her shirt rolled up.
You jump onto Dragonite and wave some more to Rika, Poppy following suit with both of her small hand franticly waving back to her other godmother. You hold on to Poppy so she does not fall and command Dragonite to take you both home.
Dinner has long been eaten, the whole of your little house shrouded in the dying light of day, the frost on the windows melting for it’s so warm inside. You quickly get dressed in a baggy t-shirt with a flaking print of the Pokecentre logo on it along with a pair of flannel pyjama bottoms. You help Poppy into the thick and warm nightdress the colour of steel, her blue hair already sticking up from taking off her bonnet.
“Ok, time to brush teeth.” you say as you brush her cowlicks down with a licked thumb, her little rosy face contorting into a look of disgust.
“Stop! I don’t want you germs!” she squeals as she runs out your grasp up to the cupboard under the bathroom sink that houses a little green step stool underneath.
You stand back up with a smile on your face. You never thought that you’d ever become a mother figure to someone, let alone did you ever think your best friend would leave her daughter in your care but you’ve been raising Poppy for two years now and you really can’t see a life without her.
“(Y/n)!” she calls. You look over to her to see she’s dragged the stool over to the sink herself and is now standing on top of it, a blue light up toothbrush in hand ready for you to put some toothpaste on it for Poppy still cannot squeeze the toothpaste tube without it exploding.
“Yes, yes, coming.” you jog over and grab you own brush, squeezing pea size blobs of bubble gum flavoured toothpaste on each of your brushes, “Remember, circular motions.”
Standing in front of the same mirror the two of you brush your teeth, Poppy focusing all her might into bushing circular on each tooth.
Surrounded by all Poppy’s pokémon you tuck her in, the thick duvet right up to her chin as she nods away almost asleep.
“(Y/n).” she mutters as Copperajah lays their trunk on the bed for her to grab, Bronzong and Magnezone humming quietly, Corviknight being chased by Tinkaton. You call out Tinkaton who stops chasing Corviknight and huffs over to Poppy’s double bed, both steel type pokémon cuddling into either side of the little girl.
“Can you tell me a story?” Poppy asks as you sit on the side of the plush bed, your hand patting Copperajah’s trunk.
“Sure, what do you want me to read?”
“No reading, from head.” she mutters as she sinks down in the covers, her eyes fighting to stay open.
“I don’t have any good stories.” you mutter whilst trying to think up a child friendly story to tell her.
You could just recite a children’s fairy tale to her from the top of your head but you quickly scrap that idea for you know she’ll catch on to it pretty quickly and tell you to read something else. Maybe you could make up a story, mash two Aesop stories together and hope she doesn’t realise that you have no clue what you’re on about.
“Um…” you pause, “…do you know about Giratina?”
Crossing you fingers she doesn’t know the legend of the Giratina.
“No-“ she yawns a big over the top yawn, “-tell me!”
So you do and before you can even get to the parts where Dialga and Palkia appear she is fast asleep.
You hitch up the little girl cuddling into your back, her arms wrapped around your neck like a padlock, a thick blanket covering her from the night’s cold wind.
Your pokémon Dragonite, Klefki and Greavard are out their pokeballs for they were tucked up in bed with you before Poppy woke up crying. They crowd around you making sure that Poppy doesn’t burst out crying again. Klefki, ever the sweetheart bobs up and down near Poppy’s face making little clinking noises that makes the small child giggle between sniffs whilst Greavard lights the small walk from where Dragonite landed to the elite four.
Not caring that it’s too late at night to be doing this, you buzz the doorbell of the elite four followed by knocking on the door with your spare hand.
You wait there for over ten minutes consoling the devastated Poppy whilst trying to lock pick the door with Klefki only for a side door to open, well an emergency exit opens, and a tired looking Rika to pokes her head out.
Before she can even begin reprimanding whoever has woken her up (for she certainly was not asleep at her desk, no she was not) she sees you lot and pauses.
Poppy clings to your raggedy t-shirt, her little fists clenching so hard that the t-shirt rides up showing the soft curved but goose bumped skin of your belly, a knitted blanket hanging down like a cape, only Poppy’s hands and head poking out from underneath.
“Do you have her teddy bear?” you yell out as Poppy clutches at you more.
Rika blinks, her eyes blurry from just waking up (oh, and the lack of glasses).
“What?” she says as she leans out the exit, trying to keep the door open with her foot so it doesn’t close on her.
“Teddiursa-“ you hike Poppy back up before walking over to Rika, “-her teddy Teddiursa, the one that used to be a keyring.”
Rika moves her eyes off your round pretty face towards her god-daughter only to be met with little sniffles and watery eyes.
“Ok, ok, I’ll go and find it.” she turns to look at you once more, pausing too long for it not to be weird, “One moment.”
The exit door slams shut as you stand there, your slippers getting a bit soggy and Poppy still sniffling on your back.
“Hey Pops, it’s ok. Rika knows where Teddy is.” you coo to the small child who grips onto you harder.
“But *sniff* what if-if she can’t *sniff*-“
You tilt you head back to see big fat tears begin to reform in her wide eyes, her small hands covered by long sleeves rubbing at her face.
“Hey, hey,hey-“ you say as you meticulously bring the little girl around so she’s now clinging to your front and not your back, “-you’re ok Poppy, Rika is just coming back right now.”
And like you have predictive powers Rika, still sans tie but now with her glasses on, rushes out the exit door with a certain Teddy in hand.
“Poppy look what Rika found!” you smile and point to the bear as Rika stops close to you.
Poppy turns a teary face to Rika, her eyes going wide like dinner plates, her hands grabbing thin air for the bear. The stuffed Teddiursa is small and raggedy, a safety eye missing and the hole where it once was sewn up by you, the fuzzy fur matted and old, despite all this it’s Poppy’s favourite toy.
Poppy cuddles the small bear with all her strength, your arms wrapping around her tightly so she doesn’t fall backwards from the forceful hug.
You mouth a ‘thank you’ to Rika as Poppy begins to nod off asleep in your arms.
Rika watches you carefully hold her daughter- wait, god-daughter – tightly. You and your pokémon hop onto Dragonite and fly away.
Her face is flushed red and the exit to the elite for is firmly closed.
“Geeta!” Rika looks at her ex-girlfriend with wide eyes, “I can’t have these feelings.”
Geeta rigidly pats Rika on the back trying to comfort the elite four member resumes banging her head on the desk.
“You can have whatever feelings you like… as long as it doesn’t mess with you work.”
A distorted kind of ‘ahhhh’ sound escapes Rika.
This big crush of hers is going to get her fired.
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stwababy · 2 years
This post is for no one in particular and is completely self-indulgent, so feel free to read of your own accord :P
Academy Art Teacher specializing in Fairy Types Fem!reader x Larry HCs
• Fem!reader is younger, in her early 20s
•while she’s never particularly had a thing for older men, she does find it oddly attractive about Larry
• She is the second art teacher at Uva Academy and is close friends with Hassel
• Although teaching is her main job, she does enjoy battling and specializes in fairy type Pokémon. Her partner Pokémon is a Sylveon.
• she also has a soft spot for normal types since her Sylveon was an Eevee
• reader is overly affectionate and cutesy, opposite of Larry’s stoicism
• Hassel is the one to introduce them, reader is immediately smitten with Larry as soon as she meets him
• Larry thinks she’s cute, but is otherwise oblivious
• reader finds Larry’s dry humor silly and cute
• immediately tells Hassel her crush and he tries to help her
• reader’s shyness + Larry’s obliviousness = EXTREMELY SLOW BURN RELATIONSHIP
• when they finally do get together, reader realizes they might have a daddy kink
• reader loves his salt and pepper hair
• Larry is actually a bit self-conscious about their age gap. He debates dyeing his hair which sends reader into a FRENZY
• although Larry is easily embarrassed about PDA and finds it inappropriate, he secretly loves reader’s doting affection
• if reader cooks for him he is incredibly happy
• reader 100% makes those silly bento boxes for kids for him which he takes to his office job and eats straight faced
• Larry is a very busy man, so reader enjoys any attention from him
• It may not seem like it, but Larry actually really enjoys teasing reader, it’s just how he flirts
And that’s about it for now lol
If you actually read this than thank you and I would appreciate any prompts for fic writing!! Honestly this man just has me hyper fixating rn so this was just to have some fun :)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
Hi there! Can i request platonic hcs of Poppy x best friend reader. So lets say Poppy finally joined Naranja/Uva academy and was sadly proven true where many kids were intimadated by her status as an Elite Four, causing her to be isolated by the other kids. But after a few days since she joined the school, a new kid from another region came. The new kid had become the most talked subject around school which cause Poppy to get curious herself. So then she met the reader and quickly become fast friends with them as they didnt know of her Elite Four status
Idk if you notice but i kinda frame this up to be similar to Nemona’s and the Protag’s friendship, so can i also have the rest of the elite four + Nemona and Geeta reacting to Poppy now having a best friend?
(Btw the reader is from Alola and you can choose whatever pokemon you want them to have as their partner as long their from Alola)
Hope you have a good day/night!
- 🪷 Anon
Thank you! Hope you have a good day/night too!
For a split second I thought this was about Poppy Playtime until I read the academy names lmao
For a while, Poppy wanted to pursue her studies at Naranja/Uva Academy, seeing as she was at the age where she could attend school.
But her worries about being seen as "different" held her back, although her fellow Elite Four members convinced her and she finally made the choice to enroll.
As she feared, however, students and staff instantly recognized her and were shocked.
They kept wondering if she was here for some inspection, never fully believing she was just trying to be a normal student and forget about her E4 responsibilities.
Unfortunately everywhere she went, kids were intimidated by her status, not wanting to be paired-up with her in battle studies (to the point where Ms. Dendra made them, lest she lowered their grades).
Honestly it made Poppy feel sad, knowing she's getting special treatment from teachers AND frightened looks from kids her age.
She just wanted to make friends, but these past few days have made her feel lonelier than ever...
Or at least, until she overhears chatter about you, the newest exchange student from Alola.
She only picked up a few things, among them being your unique Pokémon nobody has ever seen before...and this gets her curious little mind wondering who you are.
Turns out, you're in most of her classes and always willing to become her partner for assignments!
You didn't know she was an E4 member (heck, you didn't even know Hassel was either), so you struck up a friendship with her rather quickly.
The "unique Pokémon" in question is a very tame Kartana, who looked like an origami project you made in art class--but was really a grass/steel type, which absolutely thrilled Poppy.
If a steel type is your partner, you're automatically upgraded to best friend.
Every now and then, you and her would have battles in and outside the academy (although ofc she holds back a LOT as she's afraid you'll be scared off if you knew her status).
You do wonder why your classmates keep ostracizing her. She was a sweet kid.
When one teen mentions her status, you find that hard to believe and tell them to stop joking around......until you see the look on Poppy's face, meaning they aren't.
You stop her after class, asking if the rumors were true, and she starts crying despite her best efforts to hold back the tears.
"Woah hey! What's wrong?"
"What's wrong??? I-I...I kept such a..a-a big secret from you!! That's what's wrong!!" She sniffles, afraid she's going to lose your friendship over this.
Why did that meanie have to go and do that?
Long story short, your Kartana finds and drags that kid back to you and Poppy, and you make them apologize to her. They definitely learned their lesson after the UB threateningly sharpens its blades while you're scolding them.
That day, Poppy discovers you are a true best friend who doesn't treat her any differently and gives you tons of exp candies as a token of her gratitude.
She becomes more confident in herself, excitedly telling the other Pokémon League members and Nemona (who recently battled her during class) about her new bff.
Hassel, who has seen your friendship grow from the start, is like a proud grandad (and totally didn't sob over it).
Larry appears indifferent, but he does smile a little, glad to hear she's adjusting to the Academy life well.
Rika and Geeta, who were the ones that pushed her to pursue school, couldn't be prouder to see Poppy doing better and finding a great friend such as yourself who didn't judge her.
They had their initial concerns, but realized she was going to be okay after all.
Nemona can 100% relate when she learns how other kids were scared of Poppy bc of her battling skills, and she's thrilled she found a friend who wasn't like that and enjoyed battling her even after learning the truth.
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requests are open!! if you want to make one, you can check the rules !!
Angst: ☁️ | Fluff: 🌸 | Smut: 🔥 | Suggestive: ❤️
How would dating Jungwoo be like? 🌸
Melodies of the stars (Jeno x idol!male!reader) 🌸
Enchanted Encounter (Jaemin x male!reader) 🌸
A Whole New World (Aladdin!Lucas x Jasmine!male!reader feat. Genie!Jackson) 🌸
Sweet Redemption (Jaemin x m!reader) ☁️🌸
Only You and Me (Jaehyun x m!reader, non!idol au) 🌸
Shadows Of The Heart (Haechan x m!reader) ☁️🌸
Whisper in the Shadows (Chenle x m!reader) 🌸
Shared Love (mark x johnny x m!reader) (poly) 🌸
How would dating Mingi be like? 🌸
Guiding Light (Hongjoong) ☁️🌸
How would dating Jongho be like? 🌸
Echoes of Regret (Gyuvin x f!reader, non!idol au) ☁️
Shattered Dreams (Jiwoong x m!reader) ☁️
A chance encounter in Mossdeep City pt. 1 (Steven Stone) 🌸
Recording a Sextape (Raihan x m!reader) 🔥
Dating Clavell, Hassel, Brassius and Larry headcannons (separated, gn!reader) 🌸
Enchanted Reunion (N x gn!reader) 🌸
Stitches of Love (Gladion x m!reader) 🌸
How would they react to you thinking they’re too big (Kuroo, Daichi) ❤️
Unlikely Bond (Tsukishima x m!reader) 🌸
Bokuto’s Subtle Conffesion (Bokuto x m!reader) 🌸
Clumsy Confession (Lev x gn!reader) 🌸
Obey Me!
How would the brothers flirt with MC (pt. 1) 🌸
How would they flirt with MC (pt. 2) (Simeon, Solomon, Barbatos, Diavolo) 🌸
Beel, Mammon and Lucifer with a transmasc reader 🌸
Starlit Night (Diavolo) 🌸
Ink and Despair (Lucifer) 🌸
Jujutsu Kaisen
How would they react to (unintentional) suggestive actions (Gojo, Toji) ❤️
You’re safe, that’s all that matters (Gojo) ☁️🌸
My Hero Academia
Dating Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki headcannons 🌸
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Bruno and Giorno with hijabi friend headcannons (platonic) 🌸
Shadows of the Past (Giorno x gn!reader) 🌸
Morning routine with Giorno and Abbacchio (poly x gn!reader) 🌸
Arcana Twilight
Cozy Moments: Alpheratz and Sirius 🌸
Love & Deepspace
Birthday Celebration for his S/O (Wayne, Xavier and Rafayel x gn!reader) 🌸
Pillow Fight with Rafayel (x gn!reader) 🌸
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Prince Soma x reader headcannons (gn!reader) 🌸
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