#Plymouth Uni
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almanach-international · 2 months ago
22 décembre : la célébration des premiers colons nord-américains
La ville américaine de Plymouth, dans le Massachusetts, commémore chaque 22 novembre le débarquement, en 1620, des premiers colons qui, bien plus tard, seront appelés les Pères pèlerins (Pilgrim fathers). Cette fête, célébrée pour la première fois en 1769, est connue comme la fête des ancêtres (Forefathers' Day). Cette commémoration annuelle a un retentissement dans tout le pays car, par tradition, ces premiers colons européens considérés comme les premiers « Américains ».
Comment s’étonner du poids de la religion aux États-Unis, quand on sait que des fondamentalistes protestants sont considérés comme à l’origine de la future fédération. Ce groupe de puritains anglais s’était d’abord réfugié aux Provinces-Unies (Pays-Bas), avant de se lancer dans une traversée de l’Atlantique dans le seul but de conserver son intégrité religieuse sur une terre que l’on disait vierge. Ils étaient guidés par une stricte observance de la foi et du culte calviniste, la vie communautaire basée sur la discipline et une morale des plus austère. M��me s’ils ont été précédés par les Français, des Espagnols et même des Anglais, plus au nord, ou plus au sud, ils sont sans doute à l’origine de la première colonie européenne d’Amérique du Nord, du moins celle dont on a gardé la mémoire car ils ont su affronter le terrible hiver nord-américain.
Le folklore états-unien a popularisé le nom de leur vaisseau, le Mayflower. Après un voyage de deux mois, le navire jeta l'ancre à Cape Cod, dans ce qui est aujourd'hui le port de Provincetown. Comme ils n'avaient pas d’autorisation pour s'installer dans cette zone, les colons explorèrent la région et décidèrent de s'installer dans ce qui est aujourd’hui le port de Plymouth. Un premier groupe a débarqué sur le site de Plymouth le 21 décembre 1620. Après une erreur de conversion de calendrier, la commémoration annuelle avait été fixée au 22 décembre. Cette date, ancrée dans la tradition, a été conservée après la découverte de l’erreur historique.
La célébration, organisée par le Old Colony Club, commence tôt le matin. Les membres du club marchent jusqu'au sommet de Cole's Hill (un monument situé en face de Plymouth Rock), lisent une proclamation en l'honneur des Pères pèlerins et tirent le canon du club. La veille ou le lendemain, la Société du Mayflower qui regroupe les descendant du Mayflower, Organise un dîner où l’on sert le succotash est un plat composé de maïs sucré et de haricots que l’on pense avoir été consommé par les Aïeux que l’on célèbre ce jour.
C’est l’un des mythes fondateurs de l’Amérique qui est rejoué chaque 22 décembre à Plymouth. Cette fête est en lien direct avec Thanksgiving qui, avant de devenir une fête commerciale, était une célébration de la première récolte, synonyme de survie, et donc juste le fait que l’on va passer l’hiver. Dans ce récit, il n’y a guère de place faite aux autochtones qui évoluaient hors du monde chrétien, ce qui ne leur donnaient aucune existence réelle aux yeux des colons.
Un article de l'Almanach international des éditions BiblioMonde, 22 décembre 2024
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thedissociatives · 2 months ago
already preparing myself to get rejected
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elodieunderglass · 6 months ago
I don't suppose you know of any universities offering a distance learning masters programme in mathematics education? I know its a bit if a weird ask but my partner was excited to start his masters I'm a few weeks at Plymouth uni and they've just cancelled the course. It was a part time course and was going to fit along side his teaching job perfectly. He's gutted and we're trying to find an alternative but it's not looking good. Do you have any advice?
I’m very sorry this happened! I’m afraid that this is pretty far outside of my personal/professional expertise, so this is likely to be kinda rubbish. If it were me (and math education ain’t me) and this was my situation I’d go for an Open University part-time remote master’s degree in mathematics, it’d take three years part-time. Then depending on where he actually is in his teaching journey - presuming he wants the masters to support a full switch over to full time qualified teaching - I’d apply for a PGCE on full bursary which for maths ought to cover tuition fees plus pay you a salary. At the end he would have the master’s in a subject that pivots very well, the teaching qualifications on the strength of that, plus have gotten paid for at least some of The Horrors. It’s an entirely different subject and approach. But if it were me, that’s what I’d do.
You can also contact Plymouth to find out if they’re bringing the offering back, as it may have been cancelled due to low uptake and will be coming back next year.
This is such an unhinged and unhelpful answer! Wow! It’s also possible that someone will reply with brilliant local knowledge of a great programme. Best of luck, sorry this happened, hope you find a way forward.
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constantlyquestioningg · 2 years ago
on the next trainnnnnn very full
on the train!!!!
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roastie · 6 months ago
not in a horrible way about my family but some times i wished i could explain to my tutors at oxford that my dad had never heard ov europe before brexit or that his parents have never been further north than cheltenham or further south than plymouth or that i had to explain to my dad's mother what university was because she literally did not know what it was... they want to start accepting scum like me for their diversity statistics and like i dont need to be condescended to but a little bit ov patience would be nice. most ov my issues didn't come from the difficulty ov the material we were studying but like. i was there for 3 years and i never once went into the bodleian library because i had this weird mental thing about not knowing how to use it properly... it felt like i was already behind from day one when i had to skip freshers week cuz my student loan didn't come in until the friday and i started uni with £3.90 . the same day for everyone but suddenly it was like shit ive missed it and i seem to be the only one who has. i literally didn't learn how to cite my sources properly for ages because i made up some bullshit way ov doing it with the first essay and since we write 2 essays a week for them they don't really look at the citations and just assume you know how to do it.. we would be set reading lists with half the articles only available in german and then they'd have a go at me for leaving out important scholarship when it was literally in fucking german. i felt like screaming at them that we don't fucking have german on council estates in somerset.
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archandshri · 1 year ago
8th March ‘24 - [arch] colour!!!! community!!!
Hey Shri! <3 
Wow!!!! I’ve seen the finished Brothers Lionheart cover already, but those thumbnails are just incredible. I know you plan to move away from the dark/horror vibes of those images but they’re so impactful!! For sure save those compositions for something else. You’ve put so so much thought into those compositions, it’s inspiring me to put that level of thought into my images too. It's nuts!!!
So y’know how the plan for this blog was to take it easy and do a little at a time? Maybe just pop in and update each other on what we’ve been working on, or even what’s been inspiring us? Well, we haven’t exactly been taking it easy have we :// At the beginning of writing this I thought it was gonna be a chill one but,,, it turned out not to be.
I was lucky enough to be back in Cardiff for a bit the other week, so I hit up the Riso studio. It was super lovely seeing everyone - really made me realise the value of having an artistic community. (for context, I have been travelling recently and it’s been weird, after uni, to not be surrounded by other illustrators)
About once a month, my shared print studio has an event called Open Haus, where we’re open to the public but also loads of members will come in, have a cuppa and a biscuit and talk about art stuff. I happened to be doing some riso printing and Gavin, who’s a right babe and an excellent riso artist, was once again giving me a hand. I love working with other people in the studio, bouncing ideas off them. It sometimes helps me get out of my head (though with practice, I’m also learning to do that by myself!)
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Here’s a bit of development work for the print I did a few days before printing. It was actually a bit of development for my comfort characters’ home - but as you know i love building my skills through fun things like that! Trick yourself in to improving xD
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This is the print I made!! It’s titled ‘Space Fyn’, named after a place I associate with home <3 
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I ran into a bit of an issue with the blue, which I originally planned to use. Once I printed it, I hated it (blehhhhhh), so! We tried a mint out instead. I still didn’t like it. But thankfully, Gavin did this thing where he made me step back and view it from afar and then I liked it again (this has happened twice now I think I need to learn to step back without his help ://) Also, there were about 10 people in the studio, and they all voted on the mint, so I printed a run of 15! (ps. you can order them by dming me on Instagram)
Later, I was showing a friend the progress and she made some great points. The dark blue gives more of an evening vibe, while the mint gives more of a sunrise vibe, a bit brighter. But also, it totally changes the tone! This has led me to think more about how different colours can be used for particular vibes :0 and how can we bend that and make it more interesting than ‘red danger’ and ‘blue sad’. 
Some notes I took from our conversation
Looking at colours in particular genres (they are used differently in specific ways in different contexts) 
for example in Westerns, good guys wearing a white hat and bad guys wearing black hats - misc characters wearing brown.
Light sabres in Star Wars very clearly symbolising ideology
Characters attached to colour - she uses blue and red to symbolise characters that oppose each other in some way, for example.
Character designs, using colours that match well for more grounded characters, and colours that clash for more unstable characters
Power rangers!!
What colour is your ‘normal’ for the world? And how will specific characters break that or blend in?
All of these are just prompts and thinking points of course, it’ll take a lot of exploring to know how i want to apply these to my work.
I was lucky enough to attend Plymouth Comic and Zine fair!!!!! (this is me :0 !!)
It was very lovely, I really enjoyed seeing people from uni, the general Plymouth illustration scene, and those few illustrators you know but only really see at fairs. I also got the opportunity to have some awesome chats about illustration (shoutout to that one hermitcraft fan who let me ramble about Minecraft builds and setting design for a bit <3). I had a chat with the wonderful Ben Wright and Jess Holloway about colours, especially in narrative, and here are some ideas I took away from that!
They didn’t have any specific suggestions for books about colour and narrivite,  but again, film came up! Colours in film are discussed a lot, and vary a lot in genre, so i’ll have to do some looking into that.
In particular wes anderson might be good to look at 
Hero by Jet Li - haven’t looked at this yet
How to take colour that we may associate with a particular feeling and instead make it do something else. (eg. how to make blue happy)
Colour in context with shape and composition
I was very excited after PCZF and got hyperfixated on a little drawing. You and I were chatting about folds in clothes at the fair, so this image was to play with that a bit.
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Yes this is an image of my favorite block lady. I love her. [Illustration of GeminiTay, along with her season 10 skin]
I decided to use the colour pick tool from my reference for accurate colours, which I don’t normally do. I do have a habit of going too light with my values, and a bit swampy and desaturated with my colours. When I started with her trousers, I thought it was wayyyy too dark, but I decided to stick with it till the end anyway. Even though it clearly worked in the reference image, I was still surprised it worked on mine. This has proved to me that it’s okay to push and use some darker colours - which is a bit scary but I’m going to give it a go.
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'messing around with colors with imp and skizz' by @applestruda
I also saw this incredible image by @applestruda using wonderful colours! This led me to play around with some high-saturation images. I wanted to draw one of GeminiTay’s builds with the spooky vibes she’s been trying to capture. I downloaded applestruda’s image, colour shifted the hue to one that fits the energy I wanted to capture, and used it to create a high saturation colour pallet. This is a great starting point since I’ve never worked with this kind of colour palette before - it gives me a starting point rather than drowning in indecision and cluelessness XD
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Here’s a timelapse of the study!
Once I’d finished, I hue-shifted them for some alt colours. I find this a helpful process for figuring out colour stuff that I would never consider normally. I think I like these more, actually. The one with the reddish wood and green accents feels like it has the vibes of the original image, but is exaggerated a bit. I think it pops. And the pink is cool. I think I could have pushed the values further again, but I'm pretty happy with the final images.
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So those are my colour thoughts over for now - I’m hoping to keep playing but use of colour is for sure a lifelong skill. 
The past few weeks have been so awesome. I’ve just been so so moulded by conversations with my artistic community and it’s been so lovely!!! I’m really enjoying running around the country and visiting all my pals. It was so nice to see you at PCZF and I’m looking forward to more of it!!! :D
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Ps. Here are some sketches I did at the fair
Can’t wait to see more lionheart lil guys :0
Archie <3 :)))))))))
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hedghost · 1 year ago
BABE I have a very important question about buses in Plymouth. Do they have first bus or is it a different company? 😭 -💚🤍
nope first went out of business down here, we have stagecoach and citybus
stagecoach is better and cheaper but there’s always more citybuses
i think for you to get to uni if you’re near mutley you can get the 1 (stagecoach) to derriford? but there might be a better one idk
you can get the 1 or any of the 42s (citybus) or like a bunch of others into town, but you won’t need to from mutley it’s like a ten minute walk
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photos-car · 1 year ago
Plymouth constructeur automobiles Américain fondée en 1928
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Plymouth a écoulé près de neuf millions d'unités de sa série « standard » baptisée Plaza, Savoy, Belvedere puis Fury et Gran Fury.
Plymouth était une marque de voitures fabriquée par Chrysler Corporation aux États-Unis. Ils ont cessé de fabriquer des voitures Plymouth le 29 juin 2001. La première voiture Plymouth a été fabriquée le 7 juillet 1928. Chrysler voulait une voiture moins chère pour concurrencer Chevrolet et Ford. Les Plymouth coûtent un peu plus cher que leurs concurrents, mais incluaient plus de fonctionnalités comme les freins hydrauliques. Au début, seuls les concessionnaires Chrysler vendaient des Plymouth.
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Le constructeur a commencé avec l'auto Maxwell. Chrysler a pris Maxwell-Chalmers dans les années 20 et a créé la voiture Chrysler en utilisant leurs installations. Ensuite, ils ont créé une voiture compagnon moins chère, le "52" rebaptisé "Chrysler-Plymouth Model Q" en 1928. Lorsque le Model U a été introduit en 1929, le nom "Chrysler" a été abandonné. Les modèles des années 80 Les modèles des années soixante ont des moteurs allant jusqu'à 6 276 cm3 et un nouveau style de carrosserie moins massif. En 1960 la Valiant est une compacte plus proche des conceptions européennes.
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1989 Plymouth Voyager 3 Concept L'influence des voiture GT en Amérique amène à la présentation du coupé rapide Barracuda en 1965; Doté d'un V8 de 4,5 litres. La gamme de 1966 comprend encore la moyenne Belvedère, la grande Fury et la luxueuse V-8 "V.I.P." à toit ouvrant. La Barracuda redessinée en 1967 et dotée du moteur Six Slamt. La Road Runner atteint la vitesse de 257 km/h en 1968. En 1975, il ne reste plus des trente-huit modèles précédents que les Fury, Valiant et Duster a cause de la crise pétrolière. En 1976, paraît la compacte Volare qui remplace bientôt la Fury. C'est la plus grosse Plymouth en 1979 alors que les Sapporo et Arrow sont des importations Mitsubishi. La mauvaise santé du groupe Dès le début des années 80, la plupart des voitures sont des dérivées de Dodge comme l'Horizon de 1972, la 'Turismo de 1978', la Reliant de 1980, la Gran Fuxy de 1981, la Caravelle de 1984 ou la Sundance de 1986. Dans les années quatre-vingt-dix, Plymouth reste la gamme premier prix de Chrysler. Avec des voitures empruntées à Dodge ou Mitsubishi comme la Colt, la Neon, l'Acclaim ou le monospace Voyager.
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1984 Plymouth Voyager Plymouth est donc victime, à partir du milieu des années 1970, de la mauvaise santé du groupe Chrysler en général ! mais les décisions prises au sein de la direction ont encore aggravé plus particulièrement les difficultés de la marque Plymouth. Car si Dodge peut jouer sur la carte jeune et sportive, et Chrysler sur celle du confort et du luxe, l'image de la marque reste floue. Le créneau de la voiture populaire ne ce voit plus approprié car l'embourgeoisement de la clientèle américaine est une évolution constante depuis des années. Les marges sont par ailleurs plus faibles sur les voitures populaires que sur les modèles de moyenne et haute gamme. La nouvelle direction du groupe, qui a évité de peu la catastrophe ! ce voit davantage intéressée par les bénéfices plutôt que par les volumes de production. Dès lors, la survie de Plymouth s'avère délicate. La décision de fusionner les réseaux Plymouth et Chrysler dans les années 1980 va lui donner le coup de grâce. Le groupe Daimler Galerie Photos - Plymouth
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whencyclopedfr · 2 days ago
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Thomas Morton
Thomas Morton (c. 1579-1647) était un avocat, poète, écrivain anglais et l'un des premiers colons d'Amérique du Nord. Il établit la communauté utopique de Merrymount, déclenchant un conflit avec ses voisins séparatistes de la colonie de Plymouth et les puritains de la colonie de la baie du Massachusetts entre les années 1626 et 1645. Il est surtout connu pour son ouvrage en trois volumes New English Canaan, publié en 1637, qui critique la colonisation puritaine de l'Amérique du Nord, fait l'éloge de la culture autochtone et satirise certains des personnages les plus connus de la colonie de Plymouth, notamment le capitaine Myles Standish (c. 1584-1656) qu'il appelle "capitaine Crevette" tout au long de l'ouvrage. L'ouvrage de Morton, controversé à l'époque, est considéré comme le premier livre interdit dans ce qui allait devenir les États-Unis d'Amérique.
Lire la suite...
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deirdreisme · 6 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Plymouth State Custom Ruffled Cropped Girly Tee M Green Upcycled Rebuilt Uni.
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almanach-international · 3 months ago
25 novembre : Thanksgiving contre Unthanksgiving, quatre siècles de mémoires antagonistes
Depuis quatre siècles, Thanksgiving (action de grâce) est un jour de rassemblement familial pour lequel on a parfois traversé tout le pays, on se retrouve autour d’un repas traditionnellement composé d’une dinde à la sauce aux airelles, accompagnée de pommes de terre et de l’inévitable tarte au potiron (pumpkin pie). Depuis une tradition lancée par Harry Truman en 1947, le Président des États-Unis et son épouse vont eux-mêmes découper la dinde en public et en distribuer aux pauvres de Washington. Beaucoup de villes organisent aujourd’hui un grand défilé qui aura du mal à rivaliser avec celui de New-York et ses ballons géants, sponsorisé par la chaine de magasins Macy’s, suivi par plus de 2,5 millions de spectateurs et 45 millions de téléspectateurs. 
Cette fête trouve son origine dans l’histoire des premiers pèlerins anglais, débarqués du Mayflower dans la baie de Plymouth, au Massachusetts en 1621. Malades et sans ressources, ils survivent grâce au soutien des populations amérindiennes qui les initient à la culture du maïs. La première récolte donne lieu à une grande fête des moissons et une journée d’action de grâce pour remercier Dieu des bienfaits reçus et de la bonne entente avec les autochtones. 
Les mauvaises langues font remarquer que depuis quatre siècles, les Américains ont surtout rendu grâce à Dieu, beaucoup plus qu’aux Indiens, les grands oubliés de l’histoire officielle américaine. Si le sort des Indiens n’a jamais mobilisé les foules, le sort des dindes si ! Thanksgiving est aussi un jour mobilisation de la part des associations de défense des animaux, au point que le Président américain a coutume depuis G. Bush, très officiellement, d’en gracier au moins une ce jour-là. Joe Biden en a sauvé deux vendredi dernier.
Ce même jour, une cérémonie du lever du soleil des peuples autochtones se déroule sur l'île d'Alcatraz le quatrième jeudi de novembre, coïncidant avec Thanksgiving.  Ce Unthanksgiving, tel qu’il a été baptisé, a pour but d’honorer les Amérindiens et promouvoir leurs droits.
Le 20 novembre 1969, un groupe d'Amérindiens, pour la plupart des étudiants, occupait l'île d'Alcatraz. Ils revendiquaient  l'île en appuyant sur le traité de Fort Laramie, également connu sous le nom de traité des Sioux de 1868. L'occupation a duré dix-neuf mois. Pendant l'occupation, de nombreux Amérindiens ont rejoint ce mouvement des droits civiques. Le gouvernement des États-Unis a mis fin de force à l'occupation le 11 juin 1971.
Le premier Unthanksgiving Day a eu lieu le 27 novembre 1975. Il a été créé pour célébrer la survie des peuples autochtones des Amériques malgré la colonisation européenne. C’est intentionnellement que les organisateurs ont choisi  le quatrième jeudi de novembre, jour où la plupart des États-uniens célèbrent Thanksgiving, pourt rappeler les pertes que les Indiens ont dû subir à cause de l'arrivée des Européens.
La cérémonie est organisée par le Conseil international des traités indiens et American Indian Contemporary Arts. La célébration a lieu avant le lever du soleil et est ouverte au public. Le même jour, une manifestation annuelle connue sous le nom de Journée nationale de deuil (National Day of mourning) est organisée dans le Massachusetts.
Un article de l'Almanach international des éditions BiblioMonde
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thedissociatives · 2 months ago
kind of annoyed at myself for not applying to cardiff uni but also if what i've heard/seen about student housing there is true. i'm glad i didn't
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newsandmediarepublic · 1 year ago
Creating VFX for Apple, Disney and Warner Bros | Meet Arts Uni Plymouth alumni Oliver Hughes
Arts University Plymouth alumni 23-year-old Oliver Hughes, from Dorset, graduated from BA (Hons) Animation (now BA (Hons) Animation & Games) at Arts University Plymouth in 2021 and landed a role as a 3D Animator at global VFX and animation studio the Moving Picture Company (MPC). Continue reading Creating VFX for Apple, Disney and Warner Bros | Meet Arts Uni Plymouth alumni Oliver Hughes
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swooptaxi · 1 year ago
How to Travel Into Bath City Centre (Without Paying for Parking)
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Whether you live or work in Bath, or regularly travel to the city centre, you’ll know that our beautiful city isn’t the best for public transport.
With the arrival of the Clean Air Zone, it’s become a little trickier for travellers (particularly businesses) who need to get to Bath but aren’t keen on paying inflated parking charges or emission zone penalties.
Now, we’re clearly going to favour our innovative, budget-friendly Swoop ride-hailing service, but to give you an informed view of the options, we’ll cover here all the ways to travel to Bath!
Why Is Bath Parking and Public Transport So Bad?
There are two big questions here (which we hope to have answered!), but the reality is that Bath, as great a city as it is to live in, simply isn’t large enough to warrant a comprehensive public transport system or any real expansion on the city centre roads.
Even though Bath is the second most visited city tourist destination nationwide, there are only around 100,000 residents when the summer has passed.
That’s about a fifth of neighbouring Bristol, which makes it very hard to attract big-name ride-hailing apps or taxi firms to the city, with such a lucrative, higher populated cousin right around the corner!
However, if you need to get to college, uni, work, or one of our world-famous attractions, there are several options.
Parking in Bath City Centre
If you look hard enough, you might be lucky to snag a free parking space, although they’re only available between 8 pm and 8 am (you’ll be very fortunate to find any free daytime parking!).
 Visitors and workers can use Broad Street, Avon Street, Charlotte Street or Manvers Street car parks for free, but that’s only applicable if you work a night shift.
Street parking is even more unusual, but you might be able to locate a space on Cleveland Walk (about 0.8 miles from the centre) or Milton Avenue (0.9 miles) – that’s around a 20-minute walk, so fine if you have comfy shoes, but not so suitable for many.
The issue with street parking is that it’s equally only free during unsociable hours – mostly from 7 pm to 8 am or only on Sundays; not quite so handy if you have a meeting to get to!
Spending a day sightseeing gets pretty expensive if you’re paying £15 or above for parking (plus fuel), and some of the short-stay car parks don’t permit you to keep your car there for over four or six hours, so choose wisely!
You can review all the up-to-date parking charges via the Bath & North East Somerset Council website.
Travelling to Bath by Train
Our next option is to take the train – almost certainly your go-to if you are visiting from further afield!
The downside is that you have one choice and one only – Bath Spa.
Only one railway travels here (Great Western) although you can travel from London Paddington, Portsmouth Harbour and Cardiff Central.
There are also tons of connections with Bristol, so Bath acts as a stop-gap because you can be in Bristol in about ten minutes, delays and cancellations notwithstanding.
Unfortunately, train travel is only possible if you’re coming from elsewhere outside the city; there are no intra-city trains or metros, connection routes or tubes, so it’s impossible to get into Bath by train without needing an onward solution.
If you’re interested in walking, it’s only about half a mile into the centre, which takes around ten minutes depending on the weather and where you’re heading.
Coach Travel Into Bath
The other potential option is to use the National Express coach system, with the bus station relatively close to the train station, but the same limitations apply.
You can take a coach from Bristol, Reading, Exeter, Plymouth or London Victoria, but it’ll take several hours longer than a train, and you’ll still need to take a walk or taxi to get to the city centre.
Booking a Cab Into Bath City Centre
Our most convenient option is to order a taxi, but there is a huge demand for a small number of cab companies (you won’t find the likes of Uber or Lyft in such a small city!).
The Fare Car service is a great choice for budget-conscious travellers.
Still, it is massively limited, with bookings required by a cut-off and only one route and drop-off and pick-up point, which makes it suitable only for people who happen to live or work in the immediate vicinity and along the route.
Over the last two years, a shortage of experienced local drivers, closure of cab firms and ever-inflating prices have made it difficult to take a taxi in Bath.
If you’re a regular visitor, you’ll be familiar with the lengthy taxi rank queues that don’t bode well if you’re on a time limit!
Swoop – the New Bath Ride-Hailing System
We live in Bath and love everything about our historic, laid-back city – but the transport situation needed something fresh!
Welcome Swoop Bath Taxi Services, a forward-thinking taxi app that works just like those super-convenient services you’ll find elsewhere but specific to Bath and the local Somerset area.
Why is Swoop better than another taxi company in bath also public transport option?
You get a verified, vetted driver, door to door.
Book your cab line – no phone calls or queues to speak of.
Convenient payments; pay with a card, PayPal or Apple Pay as suits you best.
Although Bath has long been a brilliant destination, it’s also been a nightmare for travellers, and we’re proud to have developed a solution suited to the needs of our small but mighty city.
Next time you’re comparing train fares, scouting around for a pricey parking space or deciding whether to take the long walk from the bus station, why not Swoop instead – we’re confident it’ll be the best option going.
Resource URL: - https://swoopbathtaxis.blogspot.com/2023/10/how-to-travel-into-bath-city-centre.html
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swldx · 1 year ago
BBC 0420 5 Oct 2023
12095Khz 0357 5 OCT 2023 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55434. English, dead carrier s/on @0357z then ID@0359z pips and newsday preview. @0401z World News anchored by Gareth Barlow. Typhoon Koinu began brushing past the rural far southern tip of Taiwan on Thursday, injuring 190 but causing no deaths, as lashing rains and strong winds cancelled work and classes for millions in a swathe of cities across the island. Taiwan's two main domestic airlines, UNI Air and Mandarin Airlines, cancelled most of their flights for Thursday, while ferries to outlying islands were also stopped. A total of 42 international flights were also cancelled, the transport ministry, said, but the high speed rail connecting northern and southern Taiwan was unaffected. The Biden administration announced it waived 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow border wall construction. At least ten people were killed in India's state of Sikkim and 82 others, including 23 army personnel, were missing after heavy rainfall caused the glacial Lhonak lake to overflow, spurring catastrophic flooding in the region. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese may be forced to use an alternative option when he travels to China this year after security concerns were raised about the RAAF plane he normally uses for international trips. "Multiple high-level sources" had confirmed experts warned the KC-30A aircraft was at risk of being hacked by Chinese spies. The collapse in the Old Havana tourist district gutted the insides of the decrepit building that was home to 13 families and 54 people. It wrenched terraces off its facade and trapped many people beneath piles of rubble and rebar. Five people have been arrested after Just Stop Oil protesters halted a West End performance of Les Miserables. A video shared by the group showed its members storming the stage and asking the audience to "join the rebellion". Just Stop Oil, an environmental activist group, is known for staging demonstrations at public events, more recently tennis matches at Wimbledon. Sports. @0406z "Newsday" begins. 250ft unterminated BoG antenna pointed E/W, Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2257.
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archandshri · 10 months ago
12 April ‘24 - [arch] Making a Comic in a Week, Disability and Burnout (all unrelated, of course!)
Hey Shri and folks!! LOVED seeing part three of the Lionheart Brothers cover. Stunning!! And awesome to see your process. Also cool to see what you’ve been looking at lately - I’ve just finished a rewatch of Firefly and the characters are still living in my brain a bit. 
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Life is a bit relentless, huh. I’ve spent a lot of time and energy working on disability stuff - meal prepping, sorting silly government forms, all that sort of thing. Exhausting and super easy to burn out on - but also sets me up for the future in my personal life and for illustration! I want to discuss the balance of pushing and burnout this week with an excellent example - I tried foreshadowing to make a comic in a week. 
When I was in uni, it was easy to create cool stuff regularly - you’re constantly receiving prompts, doing activities, getting feedback etc. I still have access to these things, especially through my shared studio community, but it’s not as easy as it used to be. I miss creating finished books, in particular, so frequently. So! I challenged myself to make a comic in time for Something’s Fishy Zine Fair in Plymouth tomorrow, which was just over a week from when I started.
I had come up with the concept for the comic while travelling, written the script and done a couple of sketches. I often come up with concepts while travelling - I just don’t often follow through :P Here’s a couple of sketches I did on the journey.
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I’ve been chatting to lots of people about what they enjoy about art - I’ve noticed that I tend to crave the end of the project and having the physical thing with high expectations of myself, which doesn’t lead to a very enjoyable process. Many people I’ve spoken to enjoy the ‘zone’, the focus of the project where you’re just figuring stuff out and not thinking about anything else. Bearing this in mind, I wanted to make the process as fun as possible - this comic is for fun and not for the purpose of having the thing at the end. 
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I started with a few development sketches of the characters and the vibe. I used ink and my funky kakimori dip pen, plus some brushes. These mediums are hard to control, which makes them good for development for me - they don’t have to be good, this time is for gestural drawings and ideas generation. Some continued doodles in my sketchbook from some downtime :) Fish wouldn't leave my brain.
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After a bit of character development, I began by adapting my script into pages - I read the script and try to feel the vibes on how I want to pace the comic, considering:
How much dialogue and plot do I want to put on one page?
Do I want it to be more text or image-heavy?
Do I want it to feel fast and snappy, or slow and dreamy?
Which parts of dialogue feel like a page-turner?
Are there any twists that should be separated from the rest of the scene by a page-turn?
Are there any moments that should sit next to each other on spreads?
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You can see me changing some dialogue around, writing as I draw a bit. Also playing around with some weird looking fish?? With noses???
I got a bit stuck at this stage. I was scared my script wasn’t good enough. And worried about if I could even draw fish. After a couple of chats with art friends, and some rambling in my slides, I reminded myself that the lesson this time is fun!! Have fun goddamn it!! No point doing it if you’re not having fun. (it’s not like we make any money from riso printed zines anyway)
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Screenshots from my slides - these things are wonderful for gathering inspiration and venting when you run into a problem with the project.
So I decided to just go for it. Not even thumbnail, but just take a scene and draw it. I asked a studio friend to choose a number, and I drew that scene.
Because of the chatty style of the comic, and how much dialogue there was gonna be, I knew there would have to be a LOT of panels. I decided to make it A4, and use a 8x6 grid. I’ll draw the images at A3, and than scale them down to A4 when it comes to printing.
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left: A3 grid on the lightbox, for tracing over || Right: A4 grid with boxes of different sizes for me to reference while choosing the layout - this way I can see the final print size
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First drafts of a couple of random pages from Moon Noodles.
The first day I drew several pages that I was really happy with! It gave me a lot more confidence in my script - seeing it come to life with the characters on the page - some pages even got some laughs which was nice. I would look at the page plan, script, and spend a few minutes thinking about the pacing and how I wanted the dialogue on the page, and the go straight in with the dip pen - with the awareness that it might be wrong. This process taught me an important lesson - you have to just do it. The thing is, if you do it and it’s bad, you just do it again but different. Repeat. Staring at that script thinking it wasn’t good enough wasn’t actually going to get anything done, be fun OR make nice stuff. You have to do the thing. Then you make it better.
The other thing I learnt from this process was to give it space. There was a day where I did one page, hated it and thought the pacing was off, and spent the next day trying to translate it into two pages. It didn’t work. I came back the next day and realised the first page I’d done was fine and just needed a couple of tweaks. Do the thing. Let it be.
Here’s a little picture of my setup.
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(Sorry all of Printhaus for hoarding the light box and getting ink all over it :( love u)
Useful stuff!!!!
Finished pages to refer to, plus more A3 paper underneath for future pages
Laptop with script
Dip pen, ink and water for keeping that little guy clean!
development sketches for relevant scenes
Page plan (you can see I have shortened it considerably since last time - now it's 20-24 pages and noted on scraps of paper so I can move them around if there's any changes of plan)
A4 sheet with boxes to show the sizes of the final print
also scissors??? i don't remember why they're here
But then monday morning came. I realised that if I wanted to get it all printed by friday, I needed to:
Plan and 12 pages on Monday, and 12 on tuesday
Get the final files for every one of the 24 pages by Thursday 
Print friday morning
Travel down to devon Friday afternoon
Fair Saturday
Not only is that basically impossible, but it would be very bad for my health, make for a rushed comic, and most importantly, not be fun. The thing is, I’ve made whole comics in a couple days before. I figured I could still do it. But that’s not actually a good thing - my skills and taste have increased, I'm aiming for bigger, more ambitious projects and yet I expect the timelines to stay the same? It doesn’t exactly work like that now, does it?
But I kept going anyway. 
Tuesday morning, I decide to get the cover put together so I can get the preorder post-out. I get pulled into an unexpected meeting, and then spend the rest of the day inking this thing and getting the files sorted. At this point, I know for sure It’s not possible to get this done. Thankfully my two Printhaus besties were in. They helped me drop it. I love this comic, it feels fun and joyous and I’ve enjoyed working on it - lets not rush it and end up with a bad product that will bother me. Let’s take time, explore it and really enjoy the process!!!
All is not lost for Something’s Fishy Zine Fair, though! Originally, I had planned to do a print of the Moon Noodles Cover for preorders only, but why not print that for Something’s Fishy?? Anyone who buys the print will also get a discount code for the pre-order :D (also here’s the pre-order link)
So here’s a few images of the Moon Noodles cover print and the process!! I hope to see some of you at Something’s Fishy. It’s a joy to visit Plym again :D
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Sketch printed out at A3, and 2 of the layers. I scanned these in and edited them on photoshop to get the files ready to print.
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Coming to terms with the fact that 1) I don’t have illustration superpowers even if my expectations are that high and 2) I’m disabled (yes it’s been years and it’s still hard to face) is really hard!! I need to spend most of my time when I’m well preparing for when I’m not AND fight the urge to work until I burn out, which I always lean towards because it’s nice escapism. 
The thing is that living, and not being too exhausted to move is much more important than a comic. And if I am gonna spend my functioning time making comics, they’re gonna have to be enjoyable to make. Otherwise your life slips away from you and you haven’t been really living it.
Hope that hasn’t got too deep for you. I think that stuff is important to face, especially since the creative life is so incredibly busy.
Thank you for reading this goddamn essay, I hope that it helped in some way! As usual, feel free to drop an ask if you have any questions. 
Chat soon :D Archie <3
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